ChinaP4 received today
Thanks guys, couple more questions. Leishi, did that cost extra? I read one post saying they paid and extra fee to get same day docs. How early does the place open and are they open on Fridays? And I almost forgot, this is strictly walk in apointments?
A&B we have the same days as you guys and mentioned doing the same as you but my fience is thinking she wants to do the medical on Friday, not sure the exta days are worth the waiting in between.
This helps making the plans for sure. :)

Edited by Russell T, 23 October 2012 - 08:52 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-23 20:47:00
ChinaP4 received today
Well the P3 package arrived at the White Swan on 10-10 and today both myself and my fiance received emails from the embassy with the interview date. The email states they no longer mail the P4 papers and sent the link to the embassy site for the P4 forms. The date for the interview is Nov.28th. :dance:
I figure this is why they no longer list the EMS label on the embassy site form 169, now they need to stop mailing out the form asking for it! :whistle:
The turn in day is Wed. so I'm hoping we can she can do it the same as A&b and do the medical on Monday. Question, do you stll need to go back the following day at 3pm the get the medical records?

Edited by Russell T, 22 October 2012 - 07:19 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-22 19:18:00
ChinaNOA2 recieved

We are just ahead of you and the process has been going so fast we did not even have time to do the shortcut. It seems they are trying to do everything via the computer now. My fiance did get the P3 in the mail but they sent the P4 and interview via an email. You print it off and download the P4 forms off the Embassy website. Hope this helps a bit.

Otherwise the steps you have listed are the same as what I think is how it works! :yes:

Edited by Russell T, 24 October 2012 - 10:52 AM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-24 10:50:00
ChinaWife is here..
Congratulations to all of you, now the real journey begins :thumbs:
Russell TMaleChina2012-10-08 10:55:00
ChinaMedical Exam
Why coudn't she get a second copy? Or are the sealed papers the same as the yellow book?

And this is the first time I heard they want you back in 6 weeks for more shots?

Can someone help clear this up, we are almost at this point.

Russell TMaleChina2012-10-26 19:11:00
ChinaEmbassy document turn in questions.
Thanks guys.
Unlockingsky, when you say "all the papers you submitted to the NVC" I take your refering to the 1-129F papers we submited to start the K-i Visa process. I did send her that stuff and she will have it.
I'm glad to hear they will go thru the papers and take what they need.Will they take stuff like the proof of ongoing relationship papers, email copies and Skype time papers I sent or does she take it to the interview incase they want to see it?
Thanks this kind of info really helps.
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-19 23:48:00
ChinaEmbassy document turn in questions.
So no one can offer any help with these questions?
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-17 08:43:00
ChinaEmbassy document turn in questions.
Our consulate interview day is quickly coming up on the 28th and I have a few questions. We have all the P4 papers ready and I'd like to get some feedback from you recent folks.
They request 2 copies each of the DS-156 and DS-157, do you actually turn in both or keep one for your copy, seems I read this somewhere in the consulate instructions but would like to confirm this. Next on the on going relationship stuff I sent samplings of our emails over the last months, print outs of our weekly Spype times and Skype video pictures, new letters of intent and since I won't be there I was adding my evolution of relationship letter, cards I sent, ring receipt ect. My fiance is also taking more photos I sent of us together and some I sent of our home and some of just me, pictures a couple would exchange in my opinion. When you turn this paperwork in do they just take it all in or do they pick what they want at least picture wise? This is what I'm un clear of. Then one last question, what else do you take the next day when she go for the interview? I was thinking she could take the original 129F packet I sent over and a photo book I had printed show our travels around China when we were together.
Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks for all of your continued help, we are getting very close :thumbs:
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-14 23:56:00
ChinaWe got it!
A&B, I will, I've just been waiting until I can actually talk with her about it, right now she's in Shenzhen with her sister and won't be back so we can Skype for another week or so.
Russell TMaleChina2012-12-01 18:34:00
ChinaWe got it!
I got a text today from my fiance about the interview. They asked a few questions like how we met,where our house is, if I told her how much I make each month, how many times we met how long I stayed, she said they asked to see nothing and it took about 5 min.
She was able to give them my yearly income, I was there once for three weeks. They inetrviewed her in Chinese and then asked about her English which is pretty good and asked about my Chinese which is almost nill. :wacko:
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-29 22:08:00
ChinaWe got it!
Just got a text from my fiance, we got her Visa approval!!!
What a relief to finaly feel like you have control of your life again! :yes:
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-28 23:31:00
ChinaIs this possible? Pickup Visa in GZO
We got ours through EMS in about a week but a girl that got approved the same day, Nov. 29th is still waiting for her's and here it is Dec.21st. I have no knowledge why, I'm getting this via texts.
Russell TMaleChina2012-12-21 18:32:00
ChinaInterview review
Thanks for all the input folks.
If she gets the shots over in China does she have to get them at a specfic place? Or can she go to a local clinic?
She lives 30 min from Chengdu.
Russell TMaleChina2013-01-03 19:46:00
ChinaInterview review
Hawkeyes, yes, I understand that fee and I'm a bit luckier then you and it's just my fiance! :whistle:
Should I try and get her to go get the shots there? We have a month and a half.
If we wait until she comes what is the cheapest way to get it done. I can start checking prices but I'm not sure where to start. My comapany pays my health ins. I guess I should check and see what I would have to pay to get her added.
V&T, what is CS you refer too?

As always, THANKS!
Russell TMaleChina2013-01-01 20:29:00
ChinaInterview review
Sorry this took so long, I was finally able to Skype with my fiance and get more details.
The interview date was Nov. 28 so she and her sister traveled there a few days early so she could do the medical. They stayed at the small place in the same building as the consulate, the owner of the place was very helpful and got them a taxi for getting to the medical.She said the place was VERY simple. She went early,7am,so she could get the papers back later the same day. The wait was about one hour and the exam was 30 min. The only problem was she has a slight cold so they would not give any shots and gave her what looks like a CD to give to the doctor here when she gets to the US.
Turn in day was also a easy day other then the waiting. She had to wait outside about 1 hour before getting in and the weather was very cold. She said the man was very nice and told her which papers they wanted her to pull out of her stack. It was basicly just the ones listed on the P4, nothing else was looked at. He asked her some simple questions one of wich was if she belonged to the party. They also asked if she would like to do the interview in Manderin, her english is fairly good but it helped her to relax by being able to speak Manderin so that is what she chose.
The interview day was raining and she again had to wait outside for about 1 hour, after getting inside the wait was about 3 hours. The interviewer was American and spoke very good Manderin. The interview lasted only about 5 min. and she was asked how we meet, internet, how much a month I made to which she answered that she did not know, that is the mans business. :-) She did tell him what I make for the year because I told her that.He asked if I lived in Richmond, Virginia, she replyed, no, I lived in Richmond, across the bay from San Francisco. He asked about her English and asked if I spoke Chinese,no. He asked how many times I had been to visit,once, how long I was there, 3 weeks.
He did not need to see any of the other things she had with her, she was a little disapointed because she wanted to show the book I had printed of my trip with her around China.That was it, very easy and the Visa arrived at her sisters home about 10 days later.
She did meet another girl whose bf lives in my area and they have been keeping in touch, she also passed the same day but is still waiting for her visa a month later, I think it might be the same thing that happened to A&B, some kind of review.

Now I am geting my visa and making plans to go back to get her right after the Sping Festival ends in Feb.
Thanks guys for all your help. now I need to start reading about all the next steps once we get back! :blink:

Edited by Russell T, 01 January 2013 - 01:51 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2013-01-01 13:44:00
ChinaBuying Domestic Flight Tickets for traveling in China around Spring Festival time?
I'm making plans to go get my fiance right AFTER the holiday! :yes: I'm flying from SF and since she wants to spend two days in HK on the way back I'm thinking about going to Chengdu via HK. I'm gessing it will be easier booking the flight if the round trip is through the same places but really don't know.
I am having her check on getting the return tickets from Chengdu to HK over there because she did what A&B suggested and got all our flights when I was there last Feb. I'll keep you poated on what I find out.
Russell TMaleChina2012-12-24 12:36:00
ChinaHow much are the tickets to China?
I flew Cathay Pacific last Feb. The food was the worst airline food I have ever had. When arriving in HK I couldn't even make it to the bathroom intime, if you know what I mean. :-( It was just as bad on the return flight.
I'm going Singapor Airlines this time.
Russell TMaleChina2013-01-19 19:12:00
ChinaHow much are the tickets to China?
I just got tickets this week. I'm flying over to Chengdu to pick up my fiance. I'm flying from SF to HK then on to Chengdu. This trip is in the middle of Feb and my round trip was just over $1700. Booked it through a friends travel agent.
Russell TMaleChina2013-01-12 19:19:00
ChinaInterview passed, Holla if you hear me
I'm leaving in two weeks for Chengdu to get my future wife, I haven't posted much lately , been pretty busy getting things ready here! :-)
Russell TMaleChina2013-02-06 11:42:00
ChinaK1 Visa P3 Shortcut
My fiance got her P3 so fast we didn't have time to use the shortcut! :yes:
Russell TMaleChina2012-11-24 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in Hand
That's great news, you must be STOKED! :-)
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-17 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGetting faster. got our NOA 2
Thanks everyone. I glad it was quicker then expected but did catch me a bit off guard so now I have to get back and finish gathering the rest of the next docs I'll need.

I called NVC today to get the case number and the customer service rep was very pleasent and helpful, and told me I had already be issued a case number, again quick service.

I am sorry others are not getting theirs as quickly out of Vermont but hang in there, it will feel just as sweet when it does come.
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-22 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGetting faster. got our NOA 2
Well it seems things are getting a bit quicker. They received my 1-129F on April 30 and I received the NOA 2 this Saturday, Aug, 16th, that's just 3 1/2 months! Wow, much faster then we expacted.
Now I have to scramble to get a few more things done since I figured I had several more weeks to do it. We have filled out practice forms my fiancee will submit but I still need to get the bank statment for the support papers. My fiance has her needed docs they just need to be translated.
I hope this encourages to keep working on the papers so they are all done when you get you approval.
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-20 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMorequick service
Well I just posted about getting our NOA2 a couple of days ago after just just 3 1/2 months and started going over past posts about calling the NVC so I could do the address change since my fiancee moved to her sisters. I figured I'd be calling everyday until they could give me a case number. A very nice lady told me they had already assigned me one and told me to e mail the new address to the NVC and also took my fiancee's email and said they would send here an email with the consulate info. WOW, total surprise.

Then I went to my bank for the suport info and was told 2-3 days and I would have that!
The ball seems to have found a hill!! :thumbs: I hope everyones news starts gettig as good as mine!
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-21 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved
Congratulations!! :dance:
Russell TMaleChina2012-08-29 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother noobie with simple questions.
Thanks for the quick replies, my passport is new so time is not a problem. I have stamps from my China trip on one page , Chinese Vias on another but the rest are blank, just wanted to see if there was a reason to copy the blank ones, your answeres explain it for me
The packaging info is very helplful also, thank you.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-01 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother noobie with simple questions.
First off let me say thanks to everyone here on this forum, it's been a great help.
I am very close to starting the K-1 process and I have a couple of simple questions.

#1 My birth certiicate is old and tattered (1948), when I used it getting my passport there was a bit of a momentary problem because it was issued 2 years after my birth so I figured I's also send my passport info. The instructions say copy ALL pages of the passport, do they want the ones that are blank pages also? In my case that's 10 blank pages????

Second question is just what are people doing to "package" the information? Paper clips, spring clips? I did find a clear plastic folder with a zipper I can slide everything into but woder about binding the stuff I put in the folder.

Thanks for any input.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-01 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation Required ?
I plan on getting them translated here in Calif., anyone do it here in the US and can suggest a service?

Does the1-129F require my fiance's birth certificate? I do not see that anywhere.

I do thank everyone here for helping, I have more questions and know this is the place to get the answers.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-04 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation Required ?
How about my fiance's divorce papers, she is sending me copies in Chinese. Shewas divorced 19 years ago.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-03 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.
OK, after reading about this earlier we stopped using husband or wife in our e amils but we do sometimes use "future husband or future wife"

Thoughts on this anyone?

I have proof of our visit but when it comes to proving an on going relationship all we have are our e mails, my fiancee is in China.

I will have some mail stuff because I have used Fed Ex to send and get some of this paperwork.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-07 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about tax transcript
A&B, I just checked it out and it is not good for me, the amounts are the same on both lines which is adjusted income, I'm now bummed. I will have to do more research. The frustating thing is a big chunk goes to my home and that is not effected by the number of people in it :-(

Edited by Russell T, 09 April 2012 - 01:59 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-04-09 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about tax transcript
A&B I was looking at another post and it says they base it on the adjusted income if your self employed, line 22 on the 1040.
If this is true I fall well short so now I'm confussed and worried.

My gross is well above but after I deduct my expences and all the interest and taxes on my home and incme average I fall short by about 12K

Edited by Russell T, 09 April 2012 - 01:31 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-04-09 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about tax transcript
Thanks for your input A&B.

There should be time to get the IRS copy like you suggest.

I know this has been discussed before but I am still a bit worried so bare with me .

I make my main living self employed, I am single and own a home, or I should say the bank does!:-) My home takes a fair part of my income so after deductions I don't show much of an income. I do have savings but I'm still concerned.

Do they really look at just your gross income or? I should add my gross income is well above the poverty level I believe.

Please help ease my fears.

Thanks , this place is great.

Edited by Russell T, 09 April 2012 - 12:35 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-04-09 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about tax transcript
I just did my 2011 taxes using Tubo tax and will be printting two cpoies of my return to use, this will work, correct?

I mean it is a copy of my income tax return.

I'm self employed and that's what they ask for.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-08 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support
I am self employed as well and if this is true I am in trouble, my adjusted income is very low, under 7k. I make 48k gross but my house payments, taxes ect take a big chunk. I do have 50k in savings will this get me by?

Please help, I am know very worried since I do not know if I can find a co sponcer.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-09 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRoller coaster day over 1-134 Please read
Thanks for the information everyone.

L&T, sorry I am using line 22.

The problem with using me house is the equity, I'm like many in that the value of my house is probably less then the laon at this point. :-(

I do have enough in savings to more then cover the 3X problem, do you think this will be sufficient?
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-10 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRoller coaster day over 1-134 Please read
Well today was a real roller coaster day for me. I got up and e filed my 2011 taxes, roller coaster going up! Then I again read the posts about being self enployed and discovered that it is NOT your gross income but your adjusted income that is what matters and mine was well below the poverty level, coaster going down! I mean I freaked! I'm older and have no parents alive to co sign, should I ask my sister? Am I going to have to tell the love of my life it's over! OK, lets check my assets, I have money in the bank, I own a home hand in hand with the bank, can I swing this, how does it all work if you have to rely on your assets, my head is swimming! I searched this site for hours, asked for help, got some answers that pointed me to other information, none good for me! (thanks for the help A&B)I found the post about needing 5 times the differance in assets and thought I might still be able to do this on my own, roller coaster levels out! Then I realized the adjusted tax amount seems low so I spent all afternoon doing my taxes again on Turbo tax. Turns out they doubled my morgage interest. Funny but coaster is starting to climb, lets see how high. Well I have to pay a big increase in my tax bill and I am still about 6k below the minimun but the coaster did not fly off the tracks and crash and burn!

Now I need to learn how to proceeed. I have enoung in savings to cover the differance 5 times over for the 5 years and I asked my sister if she would co sign and she will if she can but questions came up I have not seen answers to so now I need the forums help

1.Without using a cosponser I don't meet the income menimum but have more he enough in savings and other assets worth over 100k, do I just fill out the 1-134 form with that info and submit it with the bank papers.

2.The form asks about personal assets but I don't see anything about proof.

3.One last question for now, sorry for the overload! If I go the cosponcer route, how long are they held responcible?

Thanks for taking the coaster ride with me everyone, I appreciate any help and suggestions you may have. It's amazing how matters of the heart blow every thing to a new proportion!

Man this is a bumpy ride!
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-09 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Guidelines Birth Certificate
OK, my birth certificate has nothing on the back, am I supposed to send a copy of nothing! :-) Then again it is old! 1951
I ask bcause I was told they wanted even the blank pasport pages.
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-10 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Questions
I sent that page to China for my fiance to sign, just got it back today.

We did it when I went to visit her but decided to re do the form by typing the information
Russell TMaleChina2012-04-11 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1question I've not seen.
I watched some videos linked on another post on the visa process and they mentioned proof of being single certs, possibly needed for both parties. I had not seen anything required from the petioners. This made me wonder, I have never been married, I'm 63, does anyone ask me to prove that? :-)

PS, my 1-129F package should be on the way next week! :-)

Edited by Russell T, 14 April 2012 - 06:51 PM.

Russell TMaleChina2012-04-14 18:48:00