CanadaMissed Interview Date
That's great! Congratulations! Looks like they are starting to book October up. The rest of us should start seeing letters arriving shortly. Thank God we are getting to the end of this part of the process - at least we will be with our SOs for the rest of it!
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-11 17:48:00
CanadaMissed Interview Date
QUOTE (Syphyre @ Sep 2 2008, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you all for your responses so quickly! This is the first time I've posted here (though my fiance and I have used this website extensively, a big hearty thank you to everyone!)

We're going to go ahead and call them and/or fax them tomorrow I think that the passive approach is not that way to go here. I don't want to bug and annoy them but I don't think calls or emails weekly until we get some sensible response would probably be alright?

Go for it. We are in the queue with you and the communications that we've had with Montreal have been horrible. One line responses, basically telling us to go away and inquire again in 6 months. Its such a black hole. I feel for you guys and hope that you can get an interview date ASAP. Its possible that there are a number of us in the same boat with you. When did you send in your packet 3, if you don't mind me asking.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-03 12:33:00
Canadainterview in MTL tomorrow (Sept 8)?
CONGRATULATIONS! good.gif Understand its totally anecdotal but it sounds like there weren't a lot of others there for any interview. I'll need to go over other peoples accounts on other months to see if there is anything to my theory. Thanks for the update!
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-12 17:40:00
Canadainterview in MTL tomorrow (Sept 8)?
So cat: I understand that vj does not represent everyone - however its the only statistical sample I can use. I am trying to set expectations for myself, and hopefully for other VJers. You know that it all has to do with perception. If you think an interview is going to come through in August and it doesn't come through until October, then you are annoyed and agitated. If you thought it was coming in December and it comes in October, then you are elated. Unfortunately for us, we have to deal with the black hole which is this process - its like trying to predict the future by killing an animal and reading its entrails. I pore over stats and calculate things in order to attempt to get a better picture of when our process will end. If they just came out and told us - say had some kind of online status - or were a bit more forthcoming with information then maybe we wouldn't be doing this. This is actually helping me determine when to expect the appointment letter. It looks like they reduce the number of interviews in September, and then ramp back up in October and November. August should have been busy month, as you noticed. So now I now that I can expect my packet 4 between now and the end of this month, instead of expecting it late last month and getting irritated that its not here yet. So I can think about other things - secure in the knowledge that its not supposed to be here yet, so its not time to worry. Yet.

Oh ya...ditto for hijacking your thread. Sorry about that .... wink.gif

Edited by WaitForever, 08 September 2008 - 01:29 PM.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-08 13:26:00
Canadainterview in MTL tomorrow (Sept 8)?
I wish we were there with you! I think we missed the cutoff for a September interview. Congrats and good luck. I'd be curious to know if there are any K1 folks there with you - please let us know how it goes and I'd also like to know if there were a lot of people there waiting or not. I have this theory that they don't schedule a lot of interviews in September. Good Luck!
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-08 00:52:00
Canadagot interview
Congrats! A number of us are waiting for Montreal interviews - may I ask what date yours is and when you got the appointment letter, and maybe when the letter was dated?
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-16 15:10:00
CanadaK1 visa interview Montreal
Hi Chululu: I've done an analysis of all of the K1 MTL time lines and have found that as of the middle of July, there have been no interviews booked, except for one in which that letter was lost. Based on the fact that over the last two years, there seem to be a lot fewer interviews in September than usual, I've come to the conclusion that any P3s returned after the middle of July will probably have an October interview date. It looks like what usually happens is that letters are sent out mid month for interviews in the next month. So normally, if you sent your p3 back early August you should have gotten an interview in September, but like a number of us, you probably missed the cutoff for August interviews.

BTW, if you fill out your time line, it might help us get a better handle on when you might see the letter.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-12 16:25:00
Canada5 "Identical" Pictures
So, Mary got 4 passport pictures done and sent 3 of them in with the medical.

She reads the instructions now and it says 5 identical photos, not 4. She is freaking out and wondering what to do now...

I thought you guys could enlighten us on what you thought would work better. Those of you who have been through the interview and can let know what they are looking for.

What should she do:

1: Get 5 new identical photos done and bring those to the interview
2: Scan and print a 5th copy of that last photo and bring that and the 4th photo to the interview

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-10-09 11:33:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Oct 13 2008, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cool! I'm planning to be there around 7 a.m. as well so we'll probably get the chance to chat while waiting smile.gif

Happy to report that Mary got approved. She said it was pretty fast and easy. She's driving back home now and I should have a review from her to post in the embassy reviews later tonight.

Next milestone: I fly up there and we drive to California. In November! Hope the weather holds out...
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-10-14 14:46:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (suzukiwookie @ Sep 19 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are looking at several hotels nearby:

- Sheraton Hotel - only 1.3 K walk. Very nice rooms.
- Square Phillips - Has kitchens in all the rooms and is 4.5 stars. VERY close to the embassy.
- Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel - also nearby, but the website is down so I can't get a good description of it.

We're making sort of a nice mini vacation out of this. So if any of you have any recommendations on where to stay and what to do and see please let me know. It's been quite a while since I've been to Montreal, so I am not really familiar with it.

Mary's just booked at the La Tour.

Looks like its right there. Well, really close at least. Now to get the paperwork all lined up.

I need to get her a new letter of intent. Do I need to mail an original or do you think they will accept a scan and email and print?
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-19 13:58:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Sep 18 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So what do y'all think? Interview is October 14th...should I solidify the wedding date according to the interview date or wait till after the interview and I have the K1 in my hand to solidify the wedding date? We are aiming for Dec 27th but have family coming from Canada down to Texas for the wedding. It's tricky timing.

I am at home sick today but haven't felt this good in a looong time. That letter is so simple and yet made me smile so much. Hands were shaking while opening it. lol

CONGRATS! Mary and her son will see you there.

I say go for it. You still have time to change plans if anything does happen. We are looking to come down 11/5 and get married 11/18, but we are having a civil ceremony to start with and then a "realer" wedding in Vegas later. If you can call getting married by Elvis "real". Its the Blue Hawaii package, BTW wink.gif
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-18 22:03:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date


Mary just checked the mail and the letter was there:

Postmarked: Sept 16th, 2008
Received: Sept 18th, 2008
Interview Date: Oct 14, 2008

I guess the prediction that they book and send mid month is accurate. And that Sept is a light month for interviews.

OK: So everyone who filed P3 after mid-July should start getting their letters around now. Please report your good news as it comes in!

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-18 13:21:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Sep 17 2008, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone. I'm now in the group waiting on the elusive interview letter from Montreal, lol. Glad to be on to this phase...but it seems from what I'm reading I'm in for almost a NOA2-like waiting period =(

I have a question for those of you that have already done your medicals...I thought that you had to have the interview letter with you when you go, but since some of you that are still waiting for one have already done your medicals, can I ask what they accepted in lieu of it?.

Thanks in advance =)

Welcome to the Club! Sorry to say that it looks like it might be a while. Better get comfy.

Just FYI, I did a quick sort of the average wait to interview dates of every consulate in the world (there are 132 of them which track interviews according to VJ) and guess what, Montreal comes in near dead last - around 121. We surely lucked out. And not in a good way. sad.gif

Maybe we can talk about what you guys do in order to try and make the wait more bearable. This is driving us crazy and maybe sharing tips might help. We used to visit each other every other month or so but with this looming over us we dare not travel in case it comes through and we have to jet.

Planning is becoming impossible. Mary doesn't even have the will to pack in earnest until we know more. How can you plan when you have no idea when things will start happening?
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-18 12:13:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (cattattude @ Sep 17 2008, 04:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just and FYI, I had my interview the same day as The Whites. They had 3 days notice because they had an expedited interview. The consulate called them to discuss this. This was by no means standard operating procedure - Montreal was kind enough to get their interview scheduled at the earliest convenience for this couple - for which they seemed most grateful.

Wow. Some people get personal phone calls from the consulate and expedited interviews. The rest of us get brusque one line emails saying that we would have to wait at least another 6 months for an interview date, or none at all. Either you've got a bi-polar workforce over there or the rest of us are dealing with the wrong operators wink.gif
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-18 12:06:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (suzukiwookie @ Sep 17 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope that when the letters finally do come, the interview won't be set to, like, next week. Cause then that will make it difficult to get everything (including fiancee's plane ticket, hotel booking, etc.) together. So I'm hoping that they still give atleast a month between letter and appointment.

It's been like that - but the last folks on VJ having a K1 interview (The Whites) got notified via email 3 days(!) before the interview. While we can scramble and make it in 3 days, others can't. I have no idea whats going on over there and its getting pretty frustrating. Its almost like they have just decided to stop having interviews, period. I hope not. I hope they haven't decided to stop doing them in Montreal and are in the process of moving them to some other consulate. Be just our luck. sad.gif

If they don't get here this week, I'm losing hope that it will be October after all sad.gif sad.gif

Edited by WaitForever, 17 September 2008 - 05:58 PM.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-17 17:56:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Burnsis (IR/CR-1) got an interview letter for an end of October interview date. ####### is up with Montreal? Where are OUR letters!?! GRRRRRRRRRR. This is driving us crazy over here.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-16 15:12:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Sep 15 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How does one plan a wedding for December when they don't even know if they will have access to the country before then? This is stressing us out. Family can't book time off work or schedule flights with only a couple weeks notice. Crazy.

Glad you liked it! Have to try and keep our spirits up somehow! Seems like they are stuck in concrete now, whereas in the summer there was a oil spill and appointment letters were flying outta there in 20-35 days! So, we wait. And Wait. We are trying to hit 11/18 for our wedding date, so cross fingers. I mean someone said on some other forum there is a backlog for interviews? What, in typical government style, they were being TOO efficient and making others look bad so they had to ratchet it back? Who knows?!

I know the flight feeling. Mary is in Toronto, and will probably drive or train to Montreal. But there's others who have to fly. And the Whites only had 3 days notice via email. Syphyre's letter got lost in the mail. Us Montrealers don't seem to be having much luck lately. Mary and I joke that the only reason they are in concrete now is because WE are on the list. Its our luck. Once we get on a list, it slows down. I'm planning to fly to Buffalo and she's going to pick me up in Ft. Erie before we drive down. It would be nice to have some notice so we can plan movers, flights etc.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-16 12:11:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date

Special To The Montreal Gazette: (Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Sep 15th, 2008) - A concrete truck crashed into the US consulate here in Montreal at 1155 rue St-Alexandré, spilling its contents. The amount of concrete, which was substantial, flooded all three floors of the consulate, but hardest hit was the Visa Processing Center, where hard working processors were actually frozen in place by the fast flowing and fast setting concrete. Operator 5, one of the hardest working processors, was actually walking towards the mail room with a huge stack of interview letters when she was literally frozen in place by the concrete. "It happened so quickly, we barely had time to react" she said, still clutching the stack of letters for visa applicants interviews in her hand. Workers will be toiling day and night to free the trapped consulate workers. "This is almost as bad as the molasses spill last year, and the Super Glue spill the year before" recounted Operator 4. While another consulate worker who was on a smoke break offered to take the letters out of Operator 5's hand and mail them, she demurred "Once I'm free, I'll mail them" she said. Such dedication! The Montreal Search and Rescue Team hopes to have the workers freed by the end of this week. And possibly have those letters in the mail by then.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-15 15:46:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Bump. Just making sure that if you do have an interview letter from Montreal for Sept/October that you a. report it here as soon as you get it and b. update your time line. Our sanity depends on it! wink.gif

Edited by WaitForever, 15 September 2008 - 02:01 PM.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-15 14:00:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Oops...sorry but my sheet is only accurate for K1s. You should probably be on Liz Legends sheet....
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-12 11:10:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
New theory: the medical folks say that they do things in batches. So this is my theory:They book interviews mid month for the next month. Therefore we missed the mid July cut off for interviews in August, and since they don't do many interviews in September, there was no mid-August cut off for September interviews. Therefore, this tells me that they are preparing - or have already prepared to send a batch of letters out this week for interviews starting in October. Cross fingers, but if I'm right, we all should be seeing a flood of letters next week for October interviews.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-11 12:37:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Cool. Hope you get your letter soon. BTW, in case anyone is interested, here is my spreadsheet with the analysis of timelines.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-11 12:28:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Bump. Still no appointment letter. Also, no one on VJ reports any interviews in October yet. Still only 3 interviews at MTL this month listed. 2 interviews in VAN as well. Maybe September is a quiet month all around.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-10 12:40:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Alright everyone. I confirmed that MTL is at least not ignoring our emails. I sent them an email asking about the validity period expiring before the interview and we got the standard one line response:

"Please wait & we will revalidate the visa the day of the interview "

So this is good and bad: they will revalidate, which is good, but bad in that it sounds like they are looking to extend the wait times out again. So now I'm thinking October for all of us sad.gif

I replied again and asked if they have certain months where they do more than others, they responded with a "thank you" but did not let on either way.

I'll keep you posted the moment we get any word.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-05 12:02:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (wingsforever @ Sep 5 2008, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Flames9,Waitforever,Pandora01

Waitforever: Where are u getting these stats from?..Is it from the timelines posted here or some other Montreal Consulate Link ?

If it from stats here on VJ then they may not be accurate ...

My case will leave NVC only end of this month i think , As my australian police clearance is going to take about 15 days more ..etc etc...

So I am looking to get a case complete early October ...

Being extremely positive, I am going to say that I will get an early Nov Date for the Interview yes.gif


Thanks again


Hi there: Since I'm such a geek, I exported all of the K1 MTL timelines over the last year into a Google Docs sheet. I then calculated the time between NOA2 and the interview, and between Packet 3 and the interview, then between Packet 3 and Packet 4, then between Packet 4 and the interview. I then took an average of those days since Januaru 2008. Here are the average times:

Between NOA2 and Interview: 104.55 days
Between Packet 3 and Packet 4: 39.3
Between Packet 3 and Interview: 71.3 days
Between Packet 4 and Interview: 25 days

Right now we sit here:
Days From NOA2: 91
Days From Packet 3: 57

So we are way over average for Packet 4 delivery, but still in line with NOA2 delivery. It doesn't help that the last set of folks who got their interview got their packet 4 in less than a month. Of course, looking at the stats from last year also tells us that 14 interviews for any visa type were held in August, 3 in September, and 16 in October. So that tells me that September is either a month where they are short staffed due to vacations and don't schedule many interviews, or there is some other reason why they don't do a lot of interviews in September. So its possible that we missed the cutoff for August and are now in this dead period until they gear up for October interviews. Maybe the staff that does the interviews is all lounging on a beach in Greece this month.

Of course it would be nice if we could get some real answers from the consulate, then maybe a. people wouldn't keep bugging them for a status if they just set our expectations and communicated properly b. we wouldn't feel like we were staring into a black hole c. we could actually try and get on with our lives and plan our moves, wedding etc. I've sent repeated emails to the consulate, they replied to one and now seem to be ignoring me. Considering email is the only way they seem to want to communicate with us - I think all of their paperwork says don't call us just email us - I think the customer "service" is exceptionally poor.

And yeah, I know these stats just reflect VJers, but its probably proportional to the real number.

Edited by WaitForever, 05 September 2008 - 10:17 AM.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-05 10:16:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Sep 4 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guess we're looking at an interview date in October at the soonest then. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

I got a reply to the email I sent to the Consulate. The answer: "Your on a 2-4 month waiting list for a date" (yes, they made a typo). Much better than what is stated in Packet 3 where they say the wait is four to six months.

I guess we DID piss them off. Our response was 6 months about a month ago. And we haven't gotten any email responses since.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-04 18:39:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (wingsforever @ Sep 4 2008, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks cattattude, Just read about ur interview experience, Great review

According to the stats, there are only 3 interviews in Sept booked so far. All IR-1/CR-1s

Maybe they take most of September off, since we should be getting appointment letters by now if the interviews are this month

I looked at last years numbers - there were 14 interviews in August, 3 in September, and 16 in October.

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-04 16:39:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Sep 2 2008, 07:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Sep 2 2008, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No date here either. I'm trying to be as calm as possible about this since it hasn't been a month yet that I sent my stuff back but it's getting harder to do so.

Let's make a promise here to let each other know as soon as we get a date. As far as I can tell, it looks like it's only the three of us waiting for a K-1 interview in Montreal.

Looks like she's right...but not only did the other couple already get an interview date...they also already went to the interview and got approved http://www.visajourn...le.php?id=47274 They were expedited.

So not kewl

I know. and now apparently the appointment letters are getting lost in the mail. http://www.visajourn...howtopic=148604
Apparently the Whites got expedited due to someone being deployed. sad.gif
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-03 12:29:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Well, I just emailed NVC and MTL again since I tried to call NVC but was not able to get through. Maybe I will try again after 6pm ET as they suggest. Sigh.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-02 13:35:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
I see other visa types but no K1s yet. I think I'll be calling NVC soon. All we need is a date. One stinking date! And the world will be alright. wink.gif
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-02 12:39:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
I don't see ANY September or October K1 MTL bookings yet. Could this be true?
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-02 12:34:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Sep 2 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Aug 28 2008, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WaitForever @ Aug 27 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK - So I came to a realization today which makes me feel dumb. I bet everyone else knew this but me.

Since I'm such a geek, I took all of the VJ dates and threw them in a spreadsheet and munched all the numbers up. What I found is that when you get and receive packet 3 makes no difference to the speed with which you get your interview date. Your interview date is tied to your NOA2 date, not your packet 3 response.

How did I find this? I threw all the K1 VJ Montreal time lines into a spreadsheet and found that the interview date is consistently 3-4 months (between 83-124 days) after the noa2 date, while the differences between the packet 3 date and the interview date fluctuated widely. I came to the conclusion that sending packet 3 in sooner or later makes no difference to the eventual interview date.

So - packet 4 for us should be here within the next 4 weeks, for an interview date within the next 6 weeks. Our noa2 was 6/6.

So the short answer is - add 3-4 months to your noa2 date for an estimate of your interview date. This is what I use : http://timeanddate.c...te/dateadd.html


Interesting. If this is the way it works, it means I could have my interview anywhere between September 25 and October 25. I sure am hoping for September or early October though. Anything later will make it hard for my sweetheart to come pick me up with the trailer. Not sure we'll want to risk it with the snow in November. We'll see.

Amy just shared a rumor with me that someone just got an interview date for Montreal. Who was it??

Not us. Did you get yours?
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-09-02 12:23:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Aug 25 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WaitForever @ Aug 25 2008, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Monday. Anyone checked their mail yet? wink.gif Here's hoping we ALL get our letters this week, and interviews mid-September - fingers crossed...

Only mail I got today was from the Canadian Government wanting their taxes paid. Greedy peoples.

OK - So I came to a realization today which makes me feel dumb. I bet everyone else knew this but me.

Since I'm such a geek, I took all of the VJ dates and threw them in a spreadsheet and munched all the numbers up. What I found is that when you get and receive packet 3 makes no difference to the speed with which you get your interview date. Your interview date is tied to your NOA2 date, not your packet 3 response.

How did I find this? I threw all the K1 VJ Montreal time lines into a spreadsheet and found that the interview date is consistently 3-4 months (between 83-124 days) after the noa2 date, while the differences between the packet 3 date and the interview date fluctuated widely. I came to the conclusion that sending packet 3 in sooner or later makes no difference to the eventual interview date.

So - packet 4 for us should be here within the next 4 weeks, for an interview date within the next 6 weeks. Our noa2 was 6/6.

So the short answer is - add 3-4 months to your noa2 date for an estimate of your interview date. This is what I use : http://timeanddate.c...te/dateadd.html

WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-27 12:34:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Happy Monday. Anyone checked their mail yet? wink.gif Here's hoping we ALL get our letters this week, and interviews mid-September - fingers crossed...
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-25 12:25:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Aug 22 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just checked the mail....and I got an interview date!! !!!


Sorry...had to do that tongue.gif

I am already going crazy over here. headbonk.gif

This is where I start praying for the favor of the Lord. (and forgivness for the lame joke)

Thanks a bunch wink.gif mad.gif crying.gif wacko.gif

I've never been through so much pain and suffering at the hands of a government agency before. And all this time people are going up to Mary and asking "why haven't you moved yet" since shes been talking about it since we filed waaaaaaay back in February. Honestly sometimes I think those people who had to wait in jail up to a year in order to reunite with their families back during the Angel/Ellis Island days are a cakewalk compared to the psychological torture we seem to be going through wink.gif This is the future of immigration? Those of us who want to do things legally since we want to honor the laws of the country we are moving to are treated like this, while illegals stream across the border and are able to be with their families right away - and get free stuff to boot. its almost like the law abiding get punished. All we want is to be with our loved ones, in a reasonable amount of time.

Anyways, thanks for the SHOCK! wink.gif Hope this week gets us our dates crossing fingers...!
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-23 17:42:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Aug 21 2008, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's safe to assume it'll be about a 3 month wait for an interview.

In terms of assigning dates once a month, if yours was delivered on the Thursday the 7th, you may have gone into a pile of applications in the next batch, they maybe have let's just say decided the interviews on the Monday and you may have just missed the cut off. This is all just speculation.

I noticed from the chart last year that there weren't very many interviews in December/January. A lot of people waiting until February for an interview.

I'm hoping for an interview in March, but I don't plan on moving until earliest April so I'm trying to be patient, lol.

Actually, if Dec/Jan had no interviews, or at least no VJ interviews, they may be on a lighter staff load due to vacations etc. Might be the same for August. With luck they will start ramping up between now and November.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-22 15:02:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Aug 21 2008, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WaitForever @ Aug 21 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Aug 21 2008, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Aug 20 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you, SapphireDreams. Now that you mention it, I remember reading that too. If they assign dates in the middle of the month though, since I sent it at the beginning of August (on the 6th and it was delivered on the 7th), shouldn't I have received it yet?

Anyway, we'll see. Like I said, I won't worry about it for now. However, if they assign a date in mid-September only, I hope it won't delay my interview too much. My darling and I have planned on him coming to pick me up and my stuff with his truck and trailer. Won't be able to do that if the snow starts and then it'll mean more expenses 'cause I'll have to hire movers sad.gif

So if that is the case then it looks like I won't be receiving an interview date till Mid September and my interview will probably be scheduled for mid October? I really really don't want to get stuck driving to Texas in the snow. I'm having to hold off as long as possible though in order to make money to pay off bills I'm leaving behind. Aiming for a December 27th wedding. I know that's not very convenient for people but I can't stand not being with Amy and the kids anymore.

HOLY #######!

We just got a response from our last email. This is it in its entirety:

You are on the waiting list for at least 6 months to book you a date

Everyone else is getting their dates in 2-4 months! What do you think this means?! Did we piss them off or is it just a stock answer!?!

I can't imagine waiting ANOTHER 6 MONTHS!!!!! ranting33va.gif

I checked the papers I got from the Consulate and it says "Processing time for the K-1 visa at this office is estimated at four to six months from receipt of this checklist at our office to interview date." So yeah, I guess it's safe to assume it's a stock answer. Six months is probably the longest it has taken them to process everything and they're just playing it safe. The date on the form says it was updated in December 2007 and back then, according to the waiting list here on VJ, it took about five months to get the interview (June to November, for instance). A few months later it went down to three months. It goes on for a while between one to three months and the latest ones only had a one month wait. I'm thinking we should get something in September.

Thanks. We are hoping that its just that and we haven't been singled out. We'll report it ASAP if we get it.
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-22 15:00:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (ChasingAmy @ Aug 21 2008, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Aug 20 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you, SapphireDreams. Now that you mention it, I remember reading that too. If they assign dates in the middle of the month though, since I sent it at the beginning of August (on the 6th and it was delivered on the 7th), shouldn't I have received it yet?

Anyway, we'll see. Like I said, I won't worry about it for now. However, if they assign a date in mid-September only, I hope it won't delay my interview too much. My darling and I have planned on him coming to pick me up and my stuff with his truck and trailer. Won't be able to do that if the snow starts and then it'll mean more expenses 'cause I'll have to hire movers sad.gif

So if that is the case then it looks like I won't be receiving an interview date till Mid September and my interview will probably be scheduled for mid October? I really really don't want to get stuck driving to Texas in the snow. I'm having to hold off as long as possible though in order to make money to pay off bills I'm leaving behind. Aiming for a December 27th wedding. I know that's not very convenient for people but I can't stand not being with Amy and the kids anymore.

HOLY #######!

We just got a response from our last email. This is it in its entirety:

You are on the waiting list for at least 6 months to book you a date

Everyone else is getting their dates in 2-4 months! What do you think this means?! Did we piss them off or is it just a stock answer!?!

I can't imagine waiting ANOTHER 6 MONTHS!!!!! ranting33va.gif
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-21 12:29:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Anyone else here got an interview date yet? We just emailed the embassy again....
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-20 15:36:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Aug 18 2008, 06:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of medicals, I'm going for mine today. A medical is much less stressful than the upcoming interview but yet, I'm nervous. Geez, in what state am I going to be for my interview! laughing.gif

Don't worry you'll be fine - Mary was nervous before she went it but it went really smoothly.

I'm reminded of the medical I went through when I applied for my naturalization - it was more of a formality than a real serious medical. Mostly taking history, some blood, x-ray etc. Unless you have something really bad I doubt it will be an issue. I think that they are looking for any conditions which are serious enough to either be infectious or eventually a drain on medicare. Although I cant imagine why since we pay of all our own health insurance.

This waiting for a interview date is driving us crazy! According to all the other time lines posted here - it should he here this week. Fingers crossed!!!
WaitForeverMaleCanada2008-08-18 11:58:00