Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Je ne parle pas d'un carton entier, mais genre deux trois livres, 4 fringes, etc. Des petits trucs transfere petit a petit.

oui, j'ai bien compris ce que tu disais ^_^ , mais mes parents m'avaient déjà suggérer ça, mais c'était carrément m'emmener le gros carton et la grande valise lol. Je leur ai dit "Vous avez envie de venir au mariage ou juste faire un aller retour Paris - Douane en amérique - Paris? lol

A mon avis, a vue de nez comme çà, j'dirais qu'il faut que tu fasses encore du tri.
Oublie pas que les fringues et plein de choses, c'est beaucoup moins cher aux USA.
Au pire, on retrouve beaucoup d'ustensiles de cuisine de marques francaises là bas au même prix qu'ici.

Tu fais deux gros cartons, une couche de zhabits, une couche de bidules, t'envoies par Colissimo, t'en as pour une centaine d'euros et basta.
Le reste en attente chez moman.

Par frêt, tu vas te prendre la tête un max, faut remplir des déclarations de douanes, gnagnagna, et ca te coutera bien plus que 100€...

J'ai déjà fait un tri, et me suis débarassée de la moitié de mes fringues :( blah. Suis nostalgique, mais je pense que je referais un tri quand je reviendrais sur Paris.

Je vais suivre tes conseils, et on verra comment ça va se passer

Merci :)
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-10 06:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Quand j'étais venue aux USA en décembre 2005, alors que je ne savais pas encore si on allait vivre ensemble ou pas (et encore moins se marier), j'ai amenee un cocotte minute dans ma valise. :whistle: Oui oui celle qui est allée avec moi dans l'avion.
Y'a des trucs difficiles a trouver ici et a ce moment la je ne trouvais pas de cocottes dans la region.

Moi cote déménagement ben je suis arrivée pour 6 mois avec deux valises. Du coup 98% de mes affaires sont restees en France: livres, bibelots et le reste. J'ai appris a vivre sans, et finalement quand je suis rentrée en France c'etait plus des souvenirs qu'autre chose.
Ce qui n'est pas urgent peut aussi être rapatrié 1)lors des visites de la famille aux USA, et lors de visites en France.

Je vois mal mes parents se pointer à la douane avec mes gros cartons disant "Oh, on vient juste pour le mariage de notre fille" lol

Je me renseigne auprès des companies aériennes pour le service "cargo", et j'envisage de faire comme EasternDE, et envoyer mes habits par la poste :)

j'ai déjà vendu à prix cassés plein de chose, et je file à la famile et amis le reste. C'est vraiment dur, mais ça vaut la peine :wub:
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-09 11:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

40 kilos la valise t'es sure ? Ca fait beaucoup ca tout de même ! En général une valise c'est 20 kilos max...

Le tout c'est d'envoyer des cartons bien fait et bien equilibrés, ou tout est protégé à l'intérieur, c'est maltraité pendant le voyage.
Tu ne peux pas envoyer tes trucs en vrac comme çà.

Oui, moi j'ai envoyé l'essentiel de mes habits, si ca se perde tant pis, c'est pas un drame, vu le prix des fringues aux US.
Mes paquets ne se sont pas perdus, y a toujours un risque c'est tout. Le plus gros risque reste la casse... Mais ca t'auras le même problème si tu les embarques dans l'avion.

Vers l'étranger, c'est toujours du suivi.

Ben, c'est une valise de 30kg, mais je l'ai vraiment entassé ><

je vais peut etre opter pour des cartons de 25kg pour mes habits et quelques bricoles, et garder les boites en plastiques pour emmener en surpoids an avion. Elles sont bien rigides, elles tiendront le choc.

Merci pour le tuyau :)
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-09 08:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Ouiiii ! Je suis en train d'ailleurs ! Enfin je pack le dernier là.

Moi j'ai opté pour une solution toute bête ! Colissimo ! J'ai fait des cartons, je me les suis envoyés la bas et voila !
Et c'est pas trop trop cher. Tu peux faire des cartons jusqu'à 30 kilos, mais je te conseille genre 20 kg grand maxi.

Le tout, c'est de trouver le carton adapté, 2 grosses cannelures. Faut du carton costaud, et que tu abuses du papier bulle.
Moi ce que j'ai fait, c'est pas des cartons habits et des cartons autres, j'ai fait une couche habits, et puis une couche bidules, etc.
Les habits, ca amortit les chocs ! ;)

Bon mais moi je triche, j'ai un service expédition au boulot, donc j'ai tout ce qui faut.
Si t'es en région parisienne, et que tu as une voiture, envoie moi un MP, je peux t'aider.

Je me suis deja envoyée pas mal de choses, sans encombre, et c'est arrivé en moins d'une semaine la-bas !
Bon sauf une cocotte en fonte, elle est arrivée cassée, hum. Me demander pas pourquoi j'ai envoyé une cocotte...

Je pense que c'est la meilleure solution rapporte qualité/prix.
Garde avec toi les trucs auxquels tu tiens vraiment. Il y a quand même une chance que le colis se perde...

Merci pour ta réponse.

Ben en fait, j'habite Dinard, mais j'ai déjà stocké chez ma tante à Villejuif une valise pleine d'habits d'été (genre 40 kgs), et 2 grosses boites en plastique rigide 30L chacune, mais je n'ai pas encore pesé.

Je ne sais pas si la poste pourra prendre les boites en plastiques. Mais oui, par rapport au prix, La poste n'est pas très chere.

Par contre, les colissimo sont suivis non? s'il y a possibilté de perdre le colis, je préfère envoyer mes habits par la poste, je tiens vraiment à mon bordel lol
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-09 08:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Salut tout le monde,

Ca fait un petit moment que je suis sur VJ, et je ne savais pas qu'il y avait un Forum pour les frenchy :)

J'ai une NOA1 datant de 09/11/2009. Après avoir souffert 2 mois de "temps mort" à VSC entre mi-Decembre et mi-Février (ils avaient complètement zappé pendant 2 mois tout ce qui était daté fin octobre-tout novembre, pour travailler sur Décembre-Janvier)

Après plusieurs complaintes auprès de différents congressmen, depuis le 19 février, ils ont tout remis au placard, et ont ressorti les applications par ordre de date (Alleluia)

Donc, j'ai eu mon NOA2 le 26 février (après 109 jours), et là, je suis en attente du P3.

Voici ma petite aventure dans le monde du K1.

En faite, je voudrais avoir vos conseils sur le déménagement.
Je suis vraiment confuse, et ne sais pas quoi faire.

Je n'ai pas de mobilier, car comme je bouge trop à cause du boulot, je ne loue que des apparts complètements meublés.
Par contre, j'ai 2 grandes valises pleine d'habits, et 3 cartons bourrés de livres de cuisines, ustensiles de cuisine (que je ne m'en séparerais pour rien au monde), et quelques bricoles. Je pense que c'est trop pour tout emmener en avion, et pas assez pour envoyer par la mer. J'ai pensé par la poste, mais je ne sais pas ça peut se faire.

Est-ce que vous auriez quelques conseils à me donner?

Merci d'avance, et bonne journée :)

Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-09 07:34:00
Embassy button is your friend


When I called for my medical appointment, they told me what I needed to bring. Maybe ask them?
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-05-18 17:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally Visa In Hand
wow, was about time. gratz :thumbs:
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-19 10:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrance: requirements for I-134/financial info


When I received the Packet 3, they have crossed the "I-894" and wrote I-134 instead.

As for the documents, you have to take with you everything that would justify the sum you filled in #7 (bank statement if you filled the "deposit in savings banks", and so on)

Paycheck stubs is a must.

Hope I helped :P
Drue & NaddyFemaleFrance2010-03-23 15:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
QUOTE (Laura_Z @ Nov 14 2007, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CherryBlossoms @ Nov 13 2007, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pedsgirl77 @ Nov 13 2007, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Daniel had his interview this morning and we got a YES!!! I am still in shock! He said that it was a tough interview. He had to answer a lot of personal questions, such as listing all my siblings names & ages (there are 7!!), telling the lady what we talk about on the phone, how we met, even why we were introduced by my friend, just lots of questions. He had a lot of explaining to do about his time in and out of Spain over the past 2 years, and why he didn't have a police certificate for that. But, in the end, he got his visa, and now we're trying to plan his flight here! I am SO thrilled and most of all, THANKING GOD.

It took us 193 days, but WE HAVE IT!!!!

Next step: Thanksgiving together, and Christmas, and then: Marriage January 12, 2008 heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

p.s. Thank you for your kind words and prayers and encouragement. I will be waiting to rejoice with you all as you get your fiance's here. Congrats Laurel on Florin's interview date!!!

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you. If you get a chance could you post some of the questions that they asked at the interview, maybe just some of the trickier ones? That's so great that you will get to spend all of the Holidays together!

yeah, that would be great! what was the consul's attitude? were they nice? what's the biggest stress factor? congratulations again! good.gif

He said that they were not unkind; they just had many questions for him. You can read our embassy review under the "Embassy Info" tab; for Romania. I tried to list all the questions he could remember there.

Maybe tricky isn't the right word; but he just wasn't expecting the abstract kind of questions he got--he was expecting more factual based ones (like regarding finances, police certs., etc). Instead, he was asked questions like:
What do you like about her?
What do you talk about on the phone?
What will your wedding be like? How many guests? Where will you go on honeymoon?
Why were you introduced to begin with?
What are her siblings names and ages?
How often do you talk with her parents?
How do they feel about you?
How do your parents feel about her?
etc etc

I think the main thing is for them to see that there is a valid relationship there; and that there is supporting evidence. He did get some technical questions too, like why he didn't have a police cert. from Spain (he was there on and off for some time) that he had to explain in detail; but it went well and he wasn't too stressed.

Good wishes for everyone's progress on their journey!! Am thinking of MusicGirl especially this weekend as her fiance's interview is MONDAY!!
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-16 10:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
kicking.gif kicking.gif VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Daniel had his interview this morning and we got a YES!!! I am still in shock! He said that it was a tough interview. He had to answer a lot of personal questions, such as listing all my siblings names & ages (there are 7!!), telling the lady what we talk about on the phone, how we met, even why we were introduced by my friend, just lots of questions. He had a lot of explaining to do about his time in and out of Spain over the past 2 years, and why he didn't have a police certificate for that. But, in the end, he got his visa, and now we're trying to plan his flight here! I am SO thrilled and most of all, THANKING GOD.

It took us 193 days, but WE HAVE IT!!!!

Next step: Thanksgiving together, and Christmas, and then: Marriage January 12, 2008 heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

p.s. Thank you for your kind words and prayers and encouragement. I will be waiting to rejoice with you all as you get your fiance's here. Congrats Laurel on Florin's interview date!!!
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-13 12:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Just writing to ask ya'll to keep us in your prayers tomorrow for my fiance's interview in Bucharest!! I am so nervous and excited and scared. I'm having SUCH the hard time trying to focus at work today wacko.gif huh.gif

The medical went fine today and my fiance even got to meet MusicGirl's fiance while they were both there for their medicals! laughing.gif

His interview is at 1 pm his time/6 AM my time; so at least I won't be in agony all day tomorrow. I am going to stay home from work tomorrow until I hear some GOOD NEWS!!!! yes.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-12 11:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
QUOTE (Musicgirl0912 @ Nov 8 2007, 02:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called the embassy and they have our petition! WooHoo! They hadn't mailed Packet 3 to Florin yet, so he will be able to pick it up today at 1pm. I hope they will schedule his interview today. I'm so excited I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight!
I'll let you know what happens....


Congrats Laurel!! We are almost there! I have to say I am SO impressed and pleased with how fast things have progressed since our papers escaped American shores yes.gif Daniel received his packet 3 this AM and is enroute to Bucharest now to deliver them back. The very helpful lady at the embassy went ahead and offered to schedule his interview since he was coming today with all the required papers. His medical is on Monday (Nov 12) and his interview is this TUESDAY (Nov 13) at 1 pm. I have not slept a wink since he called to tell me!!!

I never imagined it would go this fast! I was just hoping for something by the end of November! Thank you God!!! heart.gif rose.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-08 08:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
QUOTE (Laura_Z @ Nov 7 2007, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pedsgirl77 @ Nov 7 2007, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance' called the Embassy today---they mailed out Packet 3 last Friday Nov 2, but he hasn't gotten it yet. We are so hoping he will get it tomorrow. I am dying to find out his interview date so I can have something new to obsess about! blink.gif blink.gif

i heard about many people who have picked package 3 up from the embassy themselves.. is it possible to do that?

Yes--we tried to catch the papers but the embassy had already mailed them out when we called!!!! The NVC sent them on a Monday and by Friday they were already in and out of the embassy. If we'd only known........we'd have saved a few days. But, hopefully he will get them tomorrow. Otherwise, he plans to go to Bucharest and pick up a duplicate package. The lady said he needed to give it one week for the mail to arrive before he came in to get a duplicate package. After almost 8 months, what's one week, I guess!!! wacko.gif wacko.gif But I have to say that things are going SO much more quickly and yes, have to agree with Laurel that the embassy has been SO helpful and polite when we contacted them.

rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-07 16:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
My fiance' called the Embassy today---they mailed out Packet 3 last Friday Nov 2, but he hasn't gotten it yet. We are so hoping he will get it tomorrow. I am dying to find out his interview date so I can have something new to obsess about! blink.gif blink.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-11-07 15:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shouldn't my case be complete by now?
Okay, hopefully no one will throw something at me for asking a few ?'s about NVC. We just got approved with our NOA 2 (yay! finally!!) and now I understand it must go to NVC. How does one know when it has been sent? Just by calling the automated voice system until I hear that it's been received? Or does CRIS put some kind of notice or update on their website when it's sent out? I'm just not sure how to track it now. Sorry if these questions are "duh" ones but I couldn't find the answer by searching or on the guides.

Also, it seems like an inordinate amount of time you guys are stuck at NVC. Does filing an I-130 make the difference, instead of the I-129? I'm trying to follow the I-129 flowcharts and looks like it doesn't typically take that long...but maybe I'm not understanding it all yet.

Anyway, hoping this phase quickly comes to an end for you!! good.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-09-24 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa
QUOTE (queball @ Sep 26 2007, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone. Good news ! My fiancee Yulia got the visa approved in kiev today kicking.gif She told me it went so fast. We had folders on top of folders of so much paperwork. They looked at only half of it. She tried to give them more but the lady there said , no no no! LOL I think she saw that we have 100% real relationship and did not need any more proof of that. I would tell everyone to make sure you have all your paperwork in order and half lots of it. That might help you like it did Yulia and I. Also, VJ help us so much. This forum answered so many questions for us. Most of all I want to thank everyone for all your help and support. Thank you so much my VJ friends. Talk to you all soon! Jeff biggrin.gif

Congratulations!! I know you guys must be SO happy and ecstatic!!!! NOW the real journey begins---life together!! I'm happy for you. kicking.gif
pedsgirl77FemaleRomania2007-09-26 09:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to apply

Hi Ann,
We're in the same boat,my husband just passed away a month ago. I came in the US last April 2008 and I got my Conditonal Green Card in May of 2009. I was supposed to take the citizenship this coming July 2012 but the attorney that i saw told me that I cant qualify to do that this year. The reason was I have to be married NOT WIDOW at the time I am taking the citizenship. So in this case I have to wait for the 5year period before I can take my citizenship whic is on November 2013...I hope this helps and that others will help.

ManikaFemalePhilippines2012-03-21 22:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to apply


I have a question about my US citizenship. My journey to become a US citizen is still not over.
Immigrated to US in 2009 (Conditional residency)
Applied to remove conditions in December 2010 (jointly)
My husband passes away in April 4 and I get approval on 10 year card in April 11 (the day of his burial )

Someone was telling me that I can apply for citizenship right after 3 years of residency. However, I thought I needed to be married for 3 years and residing in US to be eligible.
To my understanding now I need to wait till 5 years elapse to apply...
Please, help
Thanks in advance

Hi Ann,
We're in the same boat,my husband just passed away a month ago. I came in the US last April 2008 and I got my Conditonal Green Card in May of 2009. I was supposed to take the citizenship this coming July 2012 but the attorney that i saw told me that I cant qualify to do that this year. The reason was I have to be married at the time I am taking the citizenship. So in this case I have to wait for the 5year period before I can take my citizenship whic is on November 2013...I hope this helps and that others will help.
ManikaFemalePhilippines2012-03-21 22:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Interview with no Biometric scheduled??
Hello, You might need to call USCIS regarding her application case just to be n the safe side. So u both will know wot to do before her interview schedule.
MaureenPinastoSCFemalePhilippines2012-05-22 17:28:00