Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

I love skol

who doesn't?

I love it too!!! :jest:

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-05 18:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

Sheesh.. touchy people.. I complain about the mail system and a delay because of carnival and all of a sudden I hate Brazil.

Let me set the record strait. I love Brazil, I lived there for 3 years. I own property and a house there. I spent 6 months trying to find a decent paying job so I wouldn't have to leave. Eu estudei tanto para aprender a língua. I could have stayed if I took an 80% pay cut. That's the only reason I left. I hate the same things in Brazil that the Brazilians hate. The mail system, the police and the politicians.

Is there anything you like??? :blink:

Carol B)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-05 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

flipside...i think carol was referring to your signature as talk about carnival and the mail system...

anyway good luck in your interview next week.....let us know how it goes.

Right on the point Steph!!! ;)

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-02 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

Yeah.. everyone has an option, but come on.. Porcão is like the McDonalds of Churrascos.

I dont have problems with McDonalds... :no:

Im really amazed you're marrying a brazilian... Seems you hate everything about Brasil! :yes:

Carol :blink:

Edited by Carol&Marc, 01 May 2006 - 02:55 AM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-01 02:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

I am in complete shock that a brazilian just said Porcão was the best churrasaria in Rio...

Was that a joke? I only lived in Rio 3 years and know it isn't even in the top 10.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-30 01:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc
Just found out the price from Fogo de chao!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

"Drinks, dessert and coffee are not included in the comprehensive price ($24.50 at lunch and $44.50 for dinner)." :angry:

Carol :wacko:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-28 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc
Oh my!!! Churrasco will be veeeeeeeeeeeeeery expensive!!! :yes: IF you can find the "picanha" cut somewhere... Impossible!!! :crying:

BUT!!! We have 'Fogo de Chao' here!!! Even more than in Brasil (6 restaurants here against 4 in Brasil!!!)... Maybe we can arrange someday to make an VJ Brazilian meeting in a central location at it...

What you guys think???

I miss churrasco!!!!!!!!!!!! Picanhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! :crying: :crying: :( :( :crying: :crying:

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-28 11:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc

I'm going to live in Kansas, not many brazilians there, that's why i was so worried about finding the type of food i'm used to eat in Brazil, like leite condensado to make brigadeiro for example :P

Dont worry about Leite condensado... Every grocery has it... Most with the Latin/Mexican stuff...

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-26 22:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFeijoada, etc
You can easily find any kind of beans (including Black beans) dried (just like in Brasil) at any grocery store.
I ordered some stuff online (Guarana is not expensive at all) and the prices are very good...
But, I had problems to find the right sausages for the feijoada: paio, carne seca e linguica... But theres a brazilian factory in NJ (I guess) that makes it and send to all the 50 states in the US... I didnt order yet and the prices are not that bad (of course we are not going to have feijoada every sunday) and Im looking to order soon...
Here are some links: (this is the link for the sausages...)

http://www.sendexnet...ent/v1/body.php (I ordered the stuff from this one) (Bring alot of pinga, because here is very expensive!!!)

You can also find fresh kale (couve-manteiga) at any grocery!

If you are going to live in the East coast, you will find easily lots of Brazilians stores...

Good luck!

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-26 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's

Tem tanto brasileiro assim ilegal lá? Eles falam tanto dos mexicanos, mas não muito de brasileiros.

Alguem me falou outro dia que os brasileiros estao em segundo lugar, depois dos mexicanos, em ilegais aki!!! :o
Pudera tanta gente sendo negada nos consulados!!! Eu mesma fui negada twice!!! :(

Carol :blink:

PS (Afinal, alguem tem noticias do q foi votado???????????)

Edited by Carol&Marc, 28 April 2006 - 11:56 AM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-04-28 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's
Im curious to know if it was voted already or not... Anyone knows???

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-22 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's

Because we don't need one for just about anywhere else. Just that fact that we need a visa makes it a pain in the ###.

And I think you better get used to it, ;) because if the US consulates around the world keeps denying 50% or more of the visas, more and more countries will start to ask visas for americans... :yes:

Carol :thumbs:

Well.. the same goes for us... we don't need a visa for just about anywhere else also... I went to Europe a ton of times... with just my tickets and money to spend there.. no harrasment

Now... when I tried to go to the US... of course I got a BIG NO

Just on the point Lisz!!!

I'm sorry, flipside, but we are going to have the same situation ('pulling teeth') or probably worse when we go to get our families and friends here... Most of people are being denied to the B-2 visa and I wont probably see any of my relatives or friends coming to visit me one day... So, if we dont get visas, at least we MUST charge it for the americans... AND I cannot blame it... I understand the situation here... But, americans needs to understand our situation too...

Carol ;)

Edited by Carol&Marc, 12 March 2006 - 03:01 AM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-12 03:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's
Claro que eles nao vao parar de pedir vistos pros brasileiros... Eu sei, tem muitos ilegais... E a gente acaba pagando por isso...
E por causa disso, eu acho que o Brasil deve continuar pedindo tambem... Really, nao acho q o turismo vai aumentar por causa disso, at all!!! O que ajudaria, seria SE o Real perdesse seu valor, o que nao estah acontecendo agora... E espero que o Real continue melhorando...(ganhando valor)
US100 nao eh nada para um americano, mesmo tendo q preencher os formularios... O Marc recebeu o visto dele em casa em 10 dias... Nao tem nem entrevista... Bem diferente da papelada interminavel que vc tem q apresentar e ainda sair da sua cidade pra atender a uma entrevista.
Acho que nao temos privilegio pro visto americano, e nao acho q americanos devam ter algum privilegio...

Uma mao lava a outra... Got it???

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-04 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil to vote on eliminating tourist visas for USC's


Brazil Congress Votes this Month on Eliminating Visas for US Tourists
Written by Roberta Lopes
Thursday, 02 March 2006

Brazil's Minister of Tourism, Walfrido dos Mares Guia, speaking at the São Paulo Industrial Federation (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo) (Fiesp), said he was in favor of eliminating the visa requirement for US tourists.

Mares Guia said the visa and a mandatory payment of US$ 100 was holding back the development of tourism in Brazil.

The Minister suggested that the visa could be issued when the US tourist arrives in Brazil, rather than beforehand (which would reduce red tape), and that the US$ 100 tax could be eliminated.

Spokespersons at the ministry said the proposed changes had gotten a favorable reception in Congress where a bill dealing with the subject is expected to be voted on by the end of March.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Relations says it is against eliminating the visa requirement based on the principle of reciprocity. In South America, only Brazil and Paraguay require US tourists to have visas, and only Brazil charges the US$100 tax.

I don't think dropping the fee will increase the US tourists in Brasil... :no: And if it does, I agree with it, just because of the fact of US tourists will bring money to my country. But seems the Real is not helping to invite US tourists.
However, Brasil just ask visas from countries that asks visas for Brazilians... What about US NOT ask visas for Brazilians??? :angry: That would be great!!!

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-03 14:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPassport Questions

Well just got off the phone with my fiance, the Consulate did indeed call her house. The man indentified himself, and that he was calling from the American Consulate in Rio.

He asked her mother to verify the house address, Ananda's full name, and weather or not she indeed lived there.

I have no idea... I'm gonna post something in the K1 forum about this, and see if anyone has any clue.

Does her mother wrote down his name??? If, yes, just call back the consulate and ask to talk to the man...
This is very weird and I was wondering about that dangerous calls they have been doing in Brasil (they get your name and adress in the yellow pages, or somewhere online eg orkut and say such scary things... it happened to my half-brother and his mother: they called her saying he got in a serious accident and was almost dying, trying to get as much info they could because she was just freakin out when she heard that. you just not think, you start to say all the info without knowing... but everythign turned out without problems...). BUT, it still can be the consulate checking the info. Who knows... I never heard about them calling anyone from Brasil.

Try calling the consulate to clarify. YOU, not Ananda. They treat us brazilians like $hit...

Good luck!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-07 03:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCell Phone Keepers at Rio Consulate
I saw him there!!! But I had the info earlier and (of course) didnt bring my cell phone with me... R$5 to take care of a phone??? :o Give me a break!!!

But Edson is making money, for sure!!! :yes:

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-05 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil - Greve da Polícia Federal...
Que pena Pri... :(
Espero q eles voltem logo a trabalhar... Ridiculo isso!!! :angry:
E fica sossegada q depois q vc mandar o atestado por correio, o seu visto sai rapidinho... Soh vai depender da PF...

Boa sorte,

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-24 04:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil - Greve da Polícia Federal...

POUTZ!!! Eles estão trabalhando hoje?? Caramba, eu liguei lá e ninguém atendeu ao telefone! :S

E o pior é que agora, por causa do jogo, nem dá mais tempo de eu ir... Eu espero que amanhã esteja funcionando, mas como é que eu vou saber, se ligando lá ninguém atende? É muito longe e não dá para eu ficar indo lá só para ver se eles estão funcionando... :(

Ah, Carol! Obrigada pelas dicas, amiga!!

Mas eu ainda estou perdida... Como vou saber se eles estão ou não trabalhando? No site deles não diz nada, as notícias não são específicas e o telefone eles não atendem... Aiiiiiiiii!

Pri, liga no tel do dept q estah no meu post... Fica tentando pois eles trabalham poucas horas por dia, tipo: das 10 da manha ateh meio-dia e voltam as 2pm e param as 4pm... Que raios eles ainda querem aumento pra essa carga horaria??? IT PISSES ME OFF!!! :angry: :protest: :ranting: :diablo:

Boa sorte Pri,

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-22 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil - Greve da Polícia Federal...

Pode ser pego em qualquer lugar, até onde sei, porque afinal, se é federal é o mesmo resultado pra qualquer lugar, né?

Exatamente... Por isso q coloquei um monte de interrogacoes no meu post... Eu penso q nem a Laura, por questoes obvias... :) Mas eh soh dar uma checada no website deles, acho q nao tem problema nao, Nessa.

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-22 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil - Greve da Polícia Federal...
Ok, fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally after figuring how to find old posts/topics, Ive found the topics... Hope it helps!!!

Good luck everybrazilians!!! LOL :P

Carol :luv:

EDIT: forgot to post the links... :wacko:



Edited by Carol&Marc, 21 June 2006 - 09:24 PM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-21 21:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil - Greve da Polícia Federal...
Ei meninas!!!

Nao acho q role esse negocio de "ir no Rio pegar o antecedente"... Lembrem-se: Policia Federal eh FEDERAL, ou seja, no pais todo... Pode ser q tudo esteja parado. E outra: acho q vc soh pode ir no q eh mais proximo da sua casa (?????)
Independente se estiver funcionando normalmente em outros lugares, e a Pri puder 'buscar' o maldito antecedente; acho q vc pode tentar o seguinte:
Vai pra entrevista sem o maldito e fala q eles entraram em greve e q eles nao te deram em tempo. Eles podem fazer a entrevista com vc e tudo mais, mas seu visto vai ficar pendente ateh vc mandar o antecedente por correio pra eles... Acho q isso possa ajudar, mas sempre de uma perguntada no consulado pra nao ter confusao ok? Mesmo pq soh to especulando...

A Policia federal entra em greve toda hora, eh uma vergonha... Eles ganham uma fortuna e ainda querem mais... Para neh??? Como a Pri disse: Ninguem merece!!! (Quem diria q a tal menina do Big brother faria um jargao tao famoso??? LOL!) Qdo fui renovar meu passaporte em 2004 foi akela confusao qdo eles voltaram a "trabalhar"... Filas enormes... Qdo fui no ano passado pegar o antecedente na central (Lapa) estavam falando na fila q eles iam entrar de novo... Nao sei se rolou, mas peguei o meu em 15 dias, na verdade liguei depois de 10 dias e eles falaram q estava pronto. Eu tinha o tel direto do departamento no predio da PF, inclusive postei aki ano passado... Vou tentar achar o post no forum velho...

Bjim pra todas,

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-21 20:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPacket 3 at Rio
Yes, you can... :yes: Now, the best news are: the ppl who have tried this, got the interview date right away at the consulate, with the packet 4 also!!!

Good luck Laura,

Carol ;)

Edited by Carol&Marc, 21 June 2006 - 12:40 AM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-21 00:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilians: I Need Info on Singer Kenia
Hey Elizabeth,

I've found some info for you: HER ADDRESS!!! LOL

Actually, looks like her website, and theres the CD, you mentioned, to buy... AND, she is here in US and performing some shows in the Pittsburg, PA area.

132 Old English Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237 U.S.A.
Telephone: (412) 366-1442

I have never heard about her b4... I just googled and it showed up this website. Hope you can enjoy now!!!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-22 12:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Interview

I´m more worried about not forgetting any forms.

Right on!!! ;)

Carol :thumbs:

PS (Laura, check my interview thread and you will see the list of forms and documents you should bring to the interview, plus, all the evidence you have to prove your relationship)

PS2 (Just to remember, now you just need the last year tax return, not the past 3)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-26 09:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Interview
Dont worry too much about the version... The newer, the best... They wouldnt mind...
I got all my forms from USCIS website and didnt check if it matches with the packet 3... The info is almost about the same, so, the newer version should be the best...

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-25 15:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Interview
Its exactly the same as the website, except for the 'sworn statement' that comes on the packet 4, and they dont have it to download on the website.

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-06-24 04:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJust a simple question...

Santos Dumont

Hmmm... Mas é muito grande a diferença de distância, Carol? Como faço para ir do Galeão para o Consulado? rs

Ou vc pega um taxi ou entao nao sei o q vc pode fazer... O Galeao eh bem longinho da cidade, assim como eh Cumbica de SP.

Busón é meió :lol:

Opa!!! Viu, Pri? Faz q nem nois: economiza!!!

Soh sei q eh muito mais facil pegar um buzao e pagar um hotel do q gastar R$500 pra ir de aviao.

Paguei $65 num hotelzinho com ar-condicionado (isso eh essencial, do contrario, vc vai derreter) e R$160 pro onibus leito de 1a classe... (ida e volta). Muuuuuuuuito mais em conta.

Good luck,

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 21:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJust a simple question...
Santos Dumont
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 13:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTicket to Rio


Nao vamos complicar!!!

O medico do Rio, proximo ao consulado faz tudo em 2 dias (Really!!!), mas o preco nao eh muito agradavel! Eh soh ligar lah (se eu nao me engano eh o tal Dr Joaquim) e se informar em relacao ao q pode ser feito.
Meu medico de Sao Paulo poderia ter me mandado as prescricoes pros exames e vacinas pelo CORREIO e assim soh teria q ir lah uma vez... Acabei indo pois era perto de casa.
Liguem pros medicos e pecam as prescricoes pelo correio!!! Usem o seu convenio medico pra fazer os exames e va ao Posto de Saude tomar as vacinas de GRACA!!!
Soh paguei o medico mesmo e o resto foi de graca (com excecao da vacina de pneumonia q eu paguei pois esqueci de tomar e tive q ir correndo enquanto o medico preenchia os forms).

Boa sorte pessu!!! Eu sei q as vezes eh complicado, mas eh soh ligar e pedir as informacoes e aih vc pode escolher a melhor maneira.

Carol :thumbs:

:lol: ok ok , eu não tenho plano de saúde, estou pensando se eu vendo um rim ou minha alma pra pagar as despesas do médico :lol: brincadeira.
Mas valeu, vou ligar pra Deus e todo mundo quando pra ver o que pode ser feito.
Nessa (F)

Hey Charles!
I think Nessa needs your help on this one... LOL :P
Nessa, sorry, but we really need to call to get info. I feel sometimes that Im giving advice abt how the process is, and Im feeling already NOT updated abt it. Thats why Im saying to you to call.
Boa sorte!

... lot of fun :) ... lots of presents.....:)

This is the best part, isn't???

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-14 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTicket to Rio

Nao vamos complicar!!!

O medico do Rio, proximo ao consulado faz tudo em 2 dias (Really!!!), mas o preco nao eh muito agradavel! Eh soh ligar lah (se eu nao me engano eh o tal Dr Joaquim) e se informar em relacao ao q pode ser feito.
Meu medico de Sao Paulo poderia ter me mandado as prescricoes pros exames e vacinas pelo CORREIO e assim soh teria q ir lah uma vez... Acabei indo pois era perto de casa.
Liguem pros medicos e pecam as prescricoes pelo correio!!! Usem o seu convenio medico pra fazer os exames e va ao Posto de Saude tomar as vacinas de GRACA!!!
Soh paguei o medico mesmo e o resto foi de graca (com excecao da vacina de pneumonia q eu paguei pois esqueci de tomar e tive q ir correndo enquanto o medico preenchia os forms).

Boa sorte pessu!!! Eu sei q as vezes eh complicado, mas eh soh ligar e pedir as informacoes e aih vc pode escolher a melhor maneira.

Carol :thumbs:

we paid $600 for renato's one way ticket to the us. I searche don expedia everyday until I found it.

Right on Steph!!! This is what I do also and always find a good deal.
BTW, Congratulations!!! I know your wedding party was last weekend.

Carol :luv:

Edited by Carol&Marc, 13 July 2006 - 01:25 PM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-13 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTicket to Rio
We always used and had great prices... For example, I came here for $700. Just to remind: Im in WA state, Pacific side and border to Canada... Im not in FL or NY...

But I think it has to do with the vacation season now... Wait until september, october, and you'll have cheaper tickets for sure!!!

Good luck!

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-01 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPOE Miami
The lady at Newark airport said that I could have used the US citizens line... Too late...

Just go over there!

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-13 03:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-3 and K-4 and puppy
Either one-way or roundtrip is fine, just pick the cheapest one!!!
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-17 15:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States


Thanks Carol! I knew I remembered seeing it here somewhere. Maybe now Ananda and I would be able to go for a get together since I'll be in Chicago soon :D


My mouth is watering just thinking about that sliced Picanha... Yummy!!! Enjoy!

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-19 01:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-18 14:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDish Network or Directv
My brazilian channels are just on Dish Network... Directv doesn't have them!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-27 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Brazil - Phone rates

I see the lowest rate on Skype at 3 cents and 24.5 for mobile. Can you use your land line phone, or do you have to use pc and mic.?

The cheapest for me is Skype: $0.2 per minute to regular phones, and $0.17 per min to cell phones.

Rates from Skype

Brazil $ 0.054
Brazil - Mobile $ 0.213
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro $ 0.033
Brazil - Sao Paulo $ 0.026

PS (Prices b4 taxes)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-10 13:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Brazil - Phone rates
The cheapest for me is Skype: $0.2 per minute to regular phones, and $0.17 per min to cell phones.
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 21:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaÉ isso aí...
Aki esta... Um bouquet de fro pra vc, pra te animar um pouquinho... Espero q qdo vc acorde hj, os bad spirits estejam bem longe e q muita paz e alegria se espalhe pelo ar around you...

(F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)

Bjokas da sua migoca,

Krol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-02 02:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaÉ isso aí...

Vamos parar jah com esse negocio de Tarot e q aas coisas nao vao dar certo...

Respira fundo e conta 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... Tah se sentindo melhor??? Aposto q sim...

Esse processo ridiculo realmente tira a gente do prumo, mas isso a gente jah tah careca de saber... Minha querida, lembra das minhas pendencias? Ninguem perguntou... Lembra dos meus vistos negados??? 3 no total!!! Ninguem falou nada tb...

Entao vamos parar com esse medinho de nada e pensar na big mudanca q estah pra acontecer!!! Vc jah tah mais careca ainda de saber q nao vai rolar nada pois vc leu e releu este bendito website e q nao tem como negar... VAI CONFIANTE Q A TACA EH SUA LISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! E VC SABE DISSO!!! NAO ENTRA EM PANICO Q NEM EU ENTREI NA HORA H DA ENTREVISTA SOH PQ NAO TINHA Q RESPONDER PERGUNTAS E SIM, TER Q CONTAR OS FATOS CORRIDOS...


Eh isso ai migoca, respira fundo and GO FOR IT!!! VC JAH EH CAMPEA!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Carol :thumbs:

(Perdi seu #, sera q dah pra vc me mandar de novo???)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-01 13:08:00