Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Sorry to interrupt your thread again, just wanted to clarify one thing:

because of the "childish" attitude from you guys => dont even know how the forum works and start all the 'mexican soap opera' for us to read.


I need to reply this because I need to say sorry about what I just did. This comment above is an answer to the PM I received from one of you guys. And I should have answered by PM too. So, Im sorry again.


Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-30 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Despite all the bad posts you guys made about us, I really was just trying to have some fun and I did, because of the "childish" attitude from you guys => dont even know how the forum works and start all the 'mexican soap opera' for us to read.
I have nothing to do with this thread, but always liked Venezuelans... And really was joking.

So, Im here just to hang the white flag cuz you guys misunderstood the comment.

Sorry for anything,

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-30 14:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Posted Image

[quote name='Carola' post='403948' date='Aug 27 2006, 02:21 PM']Estoy súper molesta para no decir arreeeeeecha :angry: , se dieron cuenta que el forum de los brasileros esta pinned!? yo mande un e-mail a Captain Ewok ese pidiendo que nos pineara el este de los venezolanos y ni me respondió... ya le mandare otro preguntándole que cual es la discriminación que tiene con nosotros los venezolanos.[/quote]

[quote name='Carola' post='404055' date='Aug 27 2006, 03:57 PM'][quote name='camaleon' post='404024' date='Aug 27 2006, 03:27 PM']
Que te dije yo... ese tipo/tipa es medio cara de papa :angry: Ojala que saquen una nueva version de guerra de las galaxias y los despeluquen y luego los quemen jejejejejej :dance:[/quote]
:lol: :lol:

[quote name='Carola' post='404473' date='Aug 27 2006, 09:37 PM'][quote name='Chris and Mariana' post='404461' date='Aug 27 2006, 09:21 PM']

Panas, que eso del Topic de los brasileros esta PINNED??? me di cuenta que ahora estan primeritos... eso es lo que significa PINNED?

de hecho, no hablo portugues, pero es super similar al español, me puse a leer el foro de ellos y estan alardeando de que ahora son mas importantes.... triste.... la gente deberia ser mas humilde a mi parecer, pero cada loco con su tema verdad? ;)[/quote]

De verdad? :help: ayyy ya me voy a leer el forum ese en portugués! ahora si estoy picada nosotros tenemos mas de un año aquí (CarolaN lo fundo hace mas de un año ya) y ese de ellos solo tiene como pocos días... PATACON por donde andas??? tu eres fina pa'peliar este tipo de cosas!
Vamos a protestar :protest:

Mariana si vale Jon vale oro para mi y ya te darás cuenta que todas y todos aquí tuvimos la fortuna de tener de conseguir nuestra almita gemela :luv: o como Ana Numberguan dice nuestros pechuguitos y pechuguitas así como tu, leí tu historia bien bonita de como tu y Chris se conocieron bien romántica (L)

[quote name='rob&ana' post='405547' date='Aug 28 2006, 12:33 PM']Vamos a tener que boicotear los otros topicos para que nos pineen este... ademas... vamos a ver si nos despertamos mijitos!!! Nada de dejarnos quitar el puesto!!!

Yo digo que tambien le mandemos un email a Aussiewench... yo creo que ella esta tambien en la junta directiva de este asunto...

Alguien que me confirme please??!![/quote]

[quote name='cami&josh' post='405802' date='Aug 28 2006, 02:11 PM']Ana, te llegó el mensaje "forwardeado" que me mandó el Ewok? Ahí dice que lo que hay que hacer es pedírselo y si él considera que hay "movimiento" suficiente, pues que lo "pinnea". Habrá que caerle en cayapa...

Pero ahora, hablando como los locos... qué importancia tiene el estar "pinneado"?

Firma: La maestra Cami.[/quote]

[quote name='rob&ana' post='405864' date='Aug 28 2006, 02:44 PM']No creo que tenga mucha importancia estar pinneado, solo que no tienes que ir a buscar donde carajo esta nuestro forum porque hay muchos posts nuevos (es una cosa de comodidad). Yo le mande un email a Capt Ewok hace dias y nanai...

Me sorprendio que te contestara, pideselo tu a ver si te para!!!

Besis, ya me voy, mi marido debe estar ladrando del hambre... achito!!![/quote]

[quote name='Carola' post='406002' date='Aug 28 2006, 03:59 PM']No es solo cosa de importancia Cami, aparte de estar pinneado para que futuros parejas venezolanas / americanas nos encuentren mas rápido en busca de ayuda por ejemplo ya que estaremos en el top del forum, también es que nos merecemos un poquito de reconocimiento por el tiempo y la mucha información sobre inmigración que manejamos nosotros aquí.. no solo aquí hablamos pajita (jejeje que me encanta) la información que manejamos en español es única en toda VJ si te vas a forum ese de los vecinos de nosotros en Venezuela (ese del país grandote) ellos no tienen ni el 10 por ciento de información en su lengua que nosotros tenemos aquí... y ellos estén pinneados!! también entiendo que algunos de ustedes pensaran "pero quien le importa eso?"
Creo que Patacón mando un email también hace unos meses para pedir que nos pinneara pero creo que ni le prestaron atención tampoco... bueno ya veremos.[/quote]
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-30 03:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

Uma pergunta besta, este atestado deste tópico era da polícia estadual certo? Ou da federal? Porque da federal já liguei e vou tirar em Curitiba, sai em 7 dias. Mas da Estadual estou com dúvidas, porque eles dão uma lista de lugares para tirar, mas dizem que você tem que tirar em todos os estados que já morou, eu estou morando em Santa Catarina e na lista não tem o endereço de Santa Catarina. Liguei para o de Curitiba, o cara disse que pra tirar atestado eu vou em qualquer delegacia e que aquele endereço da lista não tem nada a ver com nada (fala sério o site está totalmente desatualizado) Site do Rio. É só isso mesmo? Se eu ligar pro Rio eu consigo essa informação certinha?

Acho muito estranho que você consiga tirar atestado de um estado em delegacia de outro, porque elas têm jurisdições diferentes.

A lista no site do consulado não tem Santa Catarina, mas tinha o link para o Ministério da Justiça, onde eu achei:

Secretaria de Segurança Pública:
Polícia Militar:


Tenta ir na delegacia mais proxima de onde vc estah morando e pergunta... As vezes nem o Consulado tem as info ou qdo tem as vezes eh desatualizada...
Boa sorte!!!

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-01 20:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

Saco !!! :cry:

Não adianta, migoca... nada acontece..sniff sniff

Nao tem nenhum outro computer q vc possa acassar pra fazer isso??? Tenta em outro e me fala o q acontece...

Boa sorte Liszoca!!!

Carola :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-26 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

putz grila viu....

Tem alguma coisa errada... porque eu preencho o form online e ponho para pesquisar e nada acontece. Não aparece número nenhum... nada..naaaaadaaaaa :cry: Mandei um e-mail pra eles perguntando o que que está rolando... sigh....

PS. As coisas estão indo, miguita :) só esperando a interview... e agora tenho que descobrir logo what's going on para pegar a única coisa que falta - esse atestado.

Vi que tua interview é em Setembro :) que bom.. fico feliz em saber que vc ja esta quase done com isso :)

Bjunda !!

Jah sei qual o seu problem miga!!!

Aconteceu o mesmo comigo ateh o momento q eu 'realizei' q tinha um aviso de pop-up bloqueado!!! Desbloqueie o pop-up e aparecera uma outra pagina com o atestado pra imprimir!!! Facil facil!!!
Me avisa se vc nao conseguir mesmo assim, ok???

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-25 22:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes
Acabei de testar o site pra ver como pega o antecedente e eh muuuuuuuito mais facil pela internet!!!

Aparece na hora na tela e eh soh imprimir!!! E ainda vem com um codigo pra poder conferir on-line!!!

Faca on-line, nao va ateh o "poupatempo" pra "perdertempo"!!! LOL

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-25 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

A SSP do Rio está mesmo exigindo o pedido assinado e pessoal, já chequei isso. Falei com o consulado e eles estão aceitando a certidão de vida privada do IFP (Félix Pacheco, que emite identidade). É de graça, e fica pronto em 10 dias. Bem melhor no fim das contas. O consulado me informou que essa mudança foi recente (trocou o secretário da polícia) e eles estão criando um novo formulário pra cumprir com essa mania nova. Eles não permitem o pedido simplesmente por pedir, sem requisição. Só no Rio mesmo!

Laura, que bom q vc conseguiu essa info... Eu aki, soh com info na internet nunca conseguiria isso!!! Ainda bem q soh demora 10 dias!!!

ai dangit viu...
é a única coisa que tá faltando para eu pegar...
Carol migoca.. vc pediu o seu pelo site ou você foi la no poupa tempo ?

Lis miguita, fui no poupatempo mesmo e sai rapidinho (a primeira vez demorou 30 min, a segunda foi 1 hora!) Vai no poupatempo de Santo Amaro no Sabado q eh mais tranquilo (1a vez). Eu fui na Praca da Se na 2a vez, durante a semana, e tava lotadinho, mas mesmo assim nao demorou tanto (tem um monte de cadeiras pra sentar nos 2 lugares).
Aki estah o link pra quem quiser pegar o antecedente de Sao Paulo:
Bjitos proce,
PS (Como andam as coisas???)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-25 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes
--> Achei este servico pago... Veja se pode te ajudar:

Como faço para tirar o antecedente criminal? De Preferência online, Alguém conhece algum site que tire?
Sou de Pernambuco e preciso tirar o meu antecedente criminal.

Se o seu RG for de São Paulo no site da SSP/SP você consegue ( caso contrário, você pode procurar os correios que possuem um serviço de certidões e outros documentos, talvez você consiga.
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-25 11:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

Eu sugiro q vc entre em contato com a delegacia de novo, ou tente outra delegacia... Nao pode ser possivel... Antecedente criminal nao precisa de 'pedido'!!! Em SP, geralmente todos os empregos q vc tenta/consegue, vc precisa apresentar (ateh mesmo antes de ser contratado) o antecedente e vc pode inclusive pegar varias copias de uma soh vez!!! Fora q o governo de SP fez um site e vc pode pedir on-line...
Meus 2 antecedentes (Federal e Estadual) eu consegui sem 'pedido' nenhum!!!
Tenta dar uma de "Joao sem braco" e ver o q vc consegue de info. Se eles continuarem pedindo esse absurdo, coloque eles na parede e fale q vc nao tem como apresentar nenhum pedido!!! Eu acho q se vc nao apresentar nada, eh ateh melhor, esqueca essa carta do consulado (eu nao apresentei tb).


Estou aki 'googling' pra ver o q acho, mas tah dificil... Se eu achar algo, eu posto aki... Vou tentar no 'old forum' tb...

Boa sorte,

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-07-25 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil

Upgrade on my cat Nietzsche's travel. We're taking a TAM to São Paulo, R$ 130.00 + Continental SP - Kansas US$ 689.00. I have to get a health certificate with a vet (another R$ 40.00) and go to the Ministério da Agricultura to get the international transportation thingy. The broker also asked my plane tickets and the vaccines card photocopies. Oh, and the health certificate is worth for 5 days so we're getting it tomorrow to travel monday and arrive tuesday.
Hugs to all!!
Nessa (F)

Thanks God everything worked out for your cat, Nessa!

I wonder if there's any other brazilian going through this experience and would like to share it.

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-10-06 01:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil

Que vagaranha hein !!!

Eu já assisti vários e não me conformo q os caras estão casando com akelas biatches!!! :o :dead: :bonk: :wacko:

Carol :unsure:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-29 20:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil

sim sim sim :yes: Discovery Home & Health... tem "Noivas Neuróticas" e também outro que você faria parte "Noivas em Forma" :lol:

Aki o nome de show é "BRIDEZILLAS"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Carol :lol:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 08:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
Now, it's my turn to do a "CPR" in this thread!!! LOL!!! :lol:

Just me didn't post a pic of my beloved ones... So, there it goes...

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E afinal Nessa, como ficou a sua história com o gatôncio???

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-26 22:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
I'll help you later if Laura doesnt translate for you b4... Im at my lunch break...

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-20 14:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
Watch out Charles theres nothing worse than a pissed off tomato with a rolling pin! :yes: B)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-07 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
oh my...

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-07 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
What the heck my husband is posting about butts and bikes in a pets thread??? LOL


PS (Hon, your baby is ME not your bike...)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-06 21:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
My Baby!
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-06 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil

but but but.... :o :whistle:

Lisz, not butts! pussies!

coudnt resist! :yes: :yes: :whistle:

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-06 14:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
This would be the perfect kennel: the wheels have breaks (just like the babies strollers), top loading storage pockets (for food and leash), 4 sides with openings, the water bottle that I mentioned b4 and a convenient front pull out handle. The brand is Marchioro and is made in Italy.
Posted Image
And here there's more information from IATA:
Container Requirements
Recommendations for shipping your pet - dog or cat

Carol ;)

Edited by Carol&Marc, 01 September 2006 - 03:53 PM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-01 15:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
Ok Nessa, I'm here to help you...

The Gulliver and other brands who comes with wheels, can easily take it off. They make with wheels to help you transporting the kennel in the airport. By the 'check-in' time, you take the wheels off.
The 4 side openings is BS... 2 of my kennels just had 3 side openings and nobody said anything... My cat kennel was this one and had just 3 sides with openings.
Posted Image

The water/food dish is not a problem, you can buy it separately. I really reccomend something like the picture below, because the dish will not keep the water inside. This water bottles are very unexpensive (US$2-3). I also have a tip: freeze the bottle (or dish) with water, this way the animals will have fresh water longer.

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image Bowls

Really, this prices are totally insane and I wish there was someone to bring the cages from USA for me. If Charles comes with just one suitcase, the kennel would be for free when he checks in. He can bring 2 big suitcases (or boxes) with 32kg!!! So, of course the kennel would not be more than 32kg!!! And he woudn't pay anything to bring it!!! Don't you think its a good idea??? Instead paying US$200 for a kennel, US$20 would be alot better, right???

I understand how you feel and Marc was awesome, by the time, with me. He helped me to pay all this BS and never (ever) said tome to leave them behind... My family in Brasil said a lot for me to leave them, but I could not... It was expensive, but now they are here and I'm very happy!!!
Another thing: because he will not go in your flight anyway, I suggest you to check with other airlines to see if theres anyone cheaper then this... Maybe ask flipside how was his process...

Good luck!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-09-01 15:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil

ok this is BULLSHIT!!!! I'm really pissed.
I called TAM, my flight on oct 14 (sat) to São Paulo and they said for national flights, cwb - sp, nietzsche won't have to be sedated. All i have to do is call them when I have the dimensions of the kennel, the max allowed is 94cm x 64 cm x 61 cm. Then they'll make the reservation. The day of the flight I have to get in Curitiba 2 hours prior to the flight, with the health certificate and the rabie shot record. I have to pay R$ 90,00 plus R$ 4,00 per kg (of the animal and the kennel together).
Then I called Continental and this guy said it's complicated and I have to call a despachante (dunno the word in english), so he gave me 2 numbers. I talked to this one, the company is called Giant Cargo, and the guy I spoke said I can't fly pets on weekends because they wont ''passar na alfândega'' when they arrive in the States.
Now I've already bought my tickets and I'll get in the States on a sunday and I can't fly with my cat. I'll have to send him later. And if it's expensive already as it is to fly him with me, can you imagine how will it be to fly him alone? I'm going crazy here, I'm so mad.
This guy said he'll send me an e-mail informing everything that's necessary to fly him. He also said I should change my ticket to arrive in the states on a monday, but then again I'll have to pay a ''multa'' for doing that, plus I'd have to change all mine and Charles tickets from Curitiba to Kansas, which I can't even imagine how much that would cost.
Anyway I needed to vent, I'll find more info about this and come back and ###### more about it later.

Ah, thank you Carol for posting this. Did you fly on a weekend? Because I know you flew through Continental too.

Isn't a nightmare??? I was pissed like you too Nessa...
Sorry but I totally skiped the weekends problems... Yes, they are right, theres no customs (alfandega) for the pets on the weekends. Its all true. I suggest you to do what they said: send him the day after. At least you will pay just the R$30 more than all the cancelation fees for your flights and Charles also.
I flew on a wednesday, so I didnt have this problem, but I was advised about it before I bought the flight.

ok, Continental gave me 2 despachantes phone for me to call. Both said the same, I can't fly him on a weekend. :protest:
The second one gave me the option to fly him through TAM from Curitiba to São Paulo, and she'll meet me there, I'll pay R$ 30,00 for him to stay in their pet hotel and they'll fly him the next day, so he can arrive in Kansas on a monday.
Here's the instructions she sent me:

Esclarecimentos importantes:
- Os embarques de animais vivos desacompanhados, somente são efetivados de segunda-feira à quinta-feira ou aos domingos, já que as alfândegas americanas não liberam animais vivos nos finais de semana.
- A idade mínima para embarque é de 90 dias.
- A reserva deverá ser feita com 05 úteis dias de antecedência
- Pedimos que a caixa seja maior que o tamanho do animal,que possua bebedouro fixado na grade da porta, furos em todos os lados e não possua rodas em sua base.
- O animal deverá ter espaço para deitar, girar e ao sentar não bater a cabeça no teto.
- A Documentação poderá vir junto com a caixa(colada em um envelope),mas solicitamos que nos envie dois dias antes,via fax(11- 5032-1162), uma cópia da Declaração e do Certificado Internacional de Trânsito,para que possamos emitir aqui em São Paulo toda a documentação pertinente a este processo.
- Para a reserva necessitaremos de todos os dados do animal com as dimensões da caixa,do exportador e importador com número de telefone.
- O pagamento poderá ser feito via transferência bancária dois dias antes do embarque aéreo.
- O Acepromazina(calmante palatável) somente é ministrado com a orientação do dono do animal ou veterinário por escrito.
As informações contídas neste e-mail, deverão ser checadas na data do embarque, já que poderão haver mudanças documentais e de custos.

Embarque Aéreo até 4,0 kgs U$ 159.00
até 22,5kgs U$ 229.00
Despesas Adicionais:
Agente de cargas R$ 398,00
Infraero R$ 29,00
AWB U$ 28.00
Fuel Charge U$ 0.30 p/kg bruto
Hospedagem em São Paulo R$ 30,00

Documentos necessários para a liberação aeroportuária :
Cópias autenticadas - CPF, RG/RNE ( 01 de cada )
Cópias simples - E-Ticket e Passaporte ( 01 de cada )
Reconhecida Firma - Procuração ( 01 via ) e Declaração ( 01via )

Para o embarque de Animal Vivo

Certificado Internacional de trânsito ( CZI )
Carteira de vacinações em dia
Atestado de saúde emitido por um veterinário(deverá constar que o animal não é portador de MIIASE)
* O CZI emitido na origem da saída do animal deverá ser o modelo aceito pela alfândega de Guarulhos e dos Estados Unidos da América.
Neste CZI deverão deverão estar mencionados na primeira folha as informações do animal , exportador e importador, na segunda folha as vacinas e na terceira folha a MIIASE.
** Importante :
Para a emissão do Certificado Internacional de Trânsito o Atestado de Saúde Animal não poderá exceder a 72 horas após a sua emissão.

Ainda estou aguardando o segundo despachante me dar as instruções, pois ambos me disseram que se eu quisesse que ele voasse comigo eu teria que mudar a data do voô para desembarcar no Estados Unidos na segunda, isso nos custaria mais dinheiro e seri bem complicado.
Ninguém merece! :( :cry:

That's it... Anything that I didn't post about what they are mentioning above is true too.
The only thing different that I can see from your post, Nessa, is: the 'broker' would be paid to do all the paper work (of course you will need to fill out some forms), and this includes the CZI. Seems on their instructions, that YOU will need to do it by yourself (not sure, tho). But, because you are paying them, make them do it for you.
The broker I used made the things alot easier for me (eg: sending e-mails with all the info and forms, option to pay by deposit or in cash at the pet check in, etc...). I also forgot that you need to 'autenticar' all your documents copies... What a pain in the a$$...
I forgot also about the MIIASE part. It should be included in the health certificate by the vet.

after reading all that.... :( I have a funny feeling that I will have to leave my baby behind :cry:

I know how complicated and expensive this sounds, but would you leave them without problems and with someone you trust??? If thats the case, go ahead... And maybe you can bring him here in the future when you go visit Brasil...
Unfortunately they make a hell for us to fly the pets, and its totally outrageous...

Bjinhos pra minhas amiguinhas,

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to bring your pets from Brasil
Well, lets start with the health of the pets and veterinarians.

The animal SHOULD have the rabie shot exactly 30 days or more, before the departure date. If this doesnt happen, quarantine will occur (and you will be the one paying for it). The only shot they need is this one. And dont try to do like I did: I went to the 'Centro de Zoonoses' in Sao Paulo to try to save some money and get the rabies shots for free, and for my 'almost' surprise: The Airlines companies doesnt accept, neither the Export department from the Federal Police. Which means that you SHOULD pay (unless you have a vet friend) a vet to get the shots on the animals. The vaccination sheet has to have the stamp from the vet with his/her "CRMV" number and the seal from the shot, everything signed and dated by the vet. The "Centro de Zoonoses" only gives you a paper with a stamp on it. And of course its not a vet who applies the vaccine on the animal.
Another thing you need to do with the vet is the health certifificate. Signed and dated (with the CRMV) within 7 days prior to departure date. This is when you will get the CZI (Certificado Zoossanitario Internacional), and to do that you will need the broker. Yes, lets pay a little more money!!! LOL :lol: :( :angry: If the animal is 7 years or older, a detailed health certificate will be required to make sure he/she can fly. Lots of airlines are not accepting Pit Bulls and agressive breeds anymore. They are trying to make sure that the animals (and the staff at the airports) are safe, which means: they dont want anyone to sue them again.
I paid R$60 for each pet of mine, to get the rabie shot and the certificate.


You guys probably heard a lot about it alredy but just to remind: preferable a kennel with with all the 4 sides with holes for the air flow. If just the 3 sides, its fine too. Because its an international flight, they ask for a cage bigger than the domestic flights. This means: the animal should be able to stand up and have a 2-3 inches space between the head and the top of the cage; should be able to lay down in the normal position (dont consider that circle/ball position) and should be able to turn around inside the cage. By now, you will see that the kennel will be bigger than you imagine. The animal CANNOT be able put any part of the body out of the holes of the kennel (eg: fingers, nose...), so the holes cannot be too big.
Unfortunately, I didnt find ANY brazilian manufactured cage who met the requirements from the airlines, and because of that I got the imported ones (from USA, of course!!!) because I didnt want to take the risk and they not let my dogs fly because of a fu..... cage!!! :angry:
I searched like crazy with manufacturer and importer companies to get a discount for the 3 cages and ended up finding out was cheaper to buy at Cobasi. The brand was VariKennel (Petmate) and I paid for the #300 R$270 and in USA is so much cheaper (around US$50-70). The #100 (for my cat) was R$120 (US$20 in USA). Nessa: ask Charles to bring the cage with him when he comes to Brasil!!! Will save you alot of money! I wanted to cry when I saw the prices... :cry:
The best brands I found was Gulliver and VariKennel, being the last one the cheapest. Here theres some links that sells kennels online for everywhere in Brasil (the prices are high):
Virtual Pet
Meu Amigo Pet
Pet Super Market
Please, never try to buy this one. I saw it at Cobasi and the quality is really awful: thin plastic, the door has big holes and barely stay closed.
I also reccomend to buy that "diapers" pads to use as the absorbent instead newspaper. I used that and you will be able to put in a blanket or a towel also to make it more comfy for the animal. Also, use that ferrets water bottles (just like the hamsters ones) to them have water all the way. You will need to enclose a pack of dried food too.
Dont forget to put ALL the information about you and the animal, including phones # from Brasil and USA destination on the animals collar tag. The airline will provide all the stickers to the cage (just check if the info on the stickers are correct b4 putting them on the cage). They didnt let me leave their toys inside the kennel except for the 'leather bones'.
Also, I searched about renting the cages but just to send them back would be lots of money and is not worth it.


So, by the time, I "thought" that I was going to spend just US$100 more per pet. WRONG!
Continental just informed me all the procedure AFTER I gave them my flight confirmation # (And I called them many times before booking the flight). They gave me 3-4 phone numbers with THEIR approved brokers. You call them and THEN you will understand what you should do. I tried to find information about it because I wanted to do the papers by myself and found that our brazilian government requires the broker to import/export transactions. Soooooooooooooo, now I had to pay the flight for the airline, the fee for the broker and of course a good amount for the Federal police department. Like always, a little more stealing will not hurt anyone, right??? :dead: :protest: :ranting:
As you can see in my picture below, US$627 was for Continental. They charge per kilos/pounds (You need to weight each animal with their cage. Now imagine me in the drugstore with 3 cages!) and my total was 31,5 kilos which means US$19,90 per kilo. This is the REAL price for the pet's flight.
The US$134,45 went to the Continental because of a connection in my flight. They explain that this money will be used for immigration customers fee, vets (if needed), cleaning the cage and walking and feeding the animal. BULL $HIT!!! My pets never got outside the cage (I went to the room where they were in Newark) and were not even checked by a vet!!! At least I was able to see them and give some water (which the staff was doing), and of course they didnt eat nothing. The cat didnt even touched the water.
The US$85 was for the broker/agent who made a US$5 discount for me (=US$30 per animal), due to the papers arrangement.
So, I reccomend this agency Seair World. Call and talk to Shirlei. She was very patient with me (Dang, I was very pissed and asking all kinds of questions). And of course, they were the cheapest broker.
The total was US$846! I could not believe I was going to pay more than my own flight (US$730)!!!
Besides that, Continental is one of the airlines who you (Actually your pet) will not have restrictions about weather (too cold or too hot): they have their own little climatized trucks to transport the animals around the airport, plus climatized cabins in the plane (No, they dont go with the luggage).


After all the frustration and madness, plus all papers and documentation, the agent will tell you how to do the things.
Because of the lazy Federal Police, who checks the animals b4 getting out of the country, you need to check in the animals at the Continental cargo department in the SP Int Airport at 3PM!!! Yes, 3 PM!!! They work until 5PM but you need to be there at 3 to process the documentation. I was mad when I got this info. My flight was almost midnight and of course, a long flight with connection and I wanted to minimize the pets time inside the cage and this was not possible. After you give them to Continental, they cannot get out anymore until the connection in Newark (What??? Connection in Newark willl let them walk outside the cage??? NO!!!). So, the time my pets spent inside the cage was 26 hours!!! Plus, they ask you not to feed them 6 hours b4 the flight. Dont worry about feeding them b4 checking them in, because they will wait long time inside the cage b4 the flight.
You can pay the agency (who you will pay the total amount) by deposit (1 day b4 the flight) or in cash by the pet's check in time.
Make sure they are going in the same plane as you. Continental tried to put them in a flight to Houston and another to Seattle and I said NO! For the amount I was paying I wanted them in my plane. They did change the schedule right away.
The immigration customs check will be at the final destination (which for me was Seattle). At a cargo buildind in the airport. For my 'not surprised' expectation, I needed to pay the customs in Seattle also!!! There it goes more US$30!!!
But at the end all of them were fine and now loving to live in here!!! :D :luv: (L)

Im sure I have more details that I can add but cannot remember right now, so plz ask your questions and I will probably remember more things that might help you.

And sorry for any english mispellings.

Another thing: this was my experience with my 2 Bichon Frise dogs and my Siamese cat in January 2006. Rates changes may apply, so as the procedures.

Hope it helped,

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 01:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (Nessa @ Apr 10 2009, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
nao vejo a hora

Vim aqui soh pra desejar tudo de bom pra vc, o Ben e o Charles.
Vc marcou cesarea ou o avatar tinha q colocar horas e tals?


Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2009-04-10 20:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (Nessa @ Oct 30 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
alguem aqui ja tentou fazer maionese sem a gema crua, so com a cozida? eu tentei e nao deu certo. tipo, o gosto ficou bem bom, mas a aparencia que perdeu o ponto, ficou estranho.

Vc jah tentou o ovo em po ou akeles ovos frescos pasteurizados q tem no supermercado?
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2008-10-30 23:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (aleramsey @ Sep 22 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dizem que e bom que o bebe saia do hospital com sapatinho vermelho ou vestido de amarelinho...Pra trazer saude ,essas coisas.O Gavin saiu todo de amarelinho .Geralmente a mae ganha ou o sapato ou a roupinha de presente.E isso o que vc sabe Carol?

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2008-09-22 19:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (LiszyandKenny @ Sep 20 2008, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
to aqui tambem.....esperando alguem ressuscitar....rsrs
E ai Carolitcha... ja to vendo que tu ta no removing... .ta tudo bele ? facim ? que que tu mandou ? ta no mesmo job?
afe... tanta pergunta.. laughing.gif bjunda a todas

Ps. Alguem sabe da Lauritcha ? unsure.gif

Oi Lisz!
Por aki tudo bem... Na vidinha boa de Wenatchee... Continuo no mesmo trampo, o primeiro desde q cheguei.
Mandei pro removal: contrato de aluguel, imposto de renda de 06 e 07, meu seguro de vida com o Marc de beneficiario, o 401k dele com o meu nome de beneficiaria, loan dos nossos carros, extrato da conta do banco, imprimi 3 fotos numa folha de sulfite, 1 affidavit de uma amiga e a cover letter q o Marc assinou. Botei tudo bonitinho no acco fastener com tabs on the bottom e o chequinho de 545 pilas. Vamos ver qto tempo vai demorar esta meleca... kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Ah! O legal eh q o NOA1 do removal eh uma carta de extensao da nossa estadia por 1 ano, enquanto o caso esta sendo processado. Ou seja, assim q vc receber o noa1 vc pode continuar trabalhando e viajar. Eu nao sabia disso... duh...
Meu, q aconteceu com a Laura???
Nessa, vc jah ganhou o sapatinho vermelho pro baby?

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2008-09-21 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (Nessa @ Sep 20 2008, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bump, where's everybody?

Im here!!!

Hows it going with your pregnancy? Are you having morning sickness?
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2008-09-20 12:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Left Notice

How do you get a DHL tracking number? I asked for DHL tracking number, NVC employee told me that they don't provide tracking number.

Search on the NVC forum:


Good luck!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-13 19:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Called NVC--- Mailed to Brasil today!

Did you called consulate? I have my approval at the same day you had and I called Rio on Friday and they said that they got my pettition there on friday and they already send my packet 3. Now I'm afraid, because I want to sent my packet 3 before I get it...

Just go ahead Barros, I did that and didnt have any problems...

Good luck!

Carol ;)
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-08-13 18:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married on a tourist Visa

Thank you everyone for your great replies. I think what I will do is Get married in May in Brasil and then apply for naturalization. I found out today I can stay longer if i apply for this while we wait on the K-3 petition. I also found out today that Yes i must send my k-3 petition the I-130 to texas. I can just have someone from my family it mail it for me. Lord willing all will work out.

Be careful! USA doesnt accept dual-citizen... So, Im afraid if you naturalize brazilian citizen, you may loose your US citizen... Im not sure... Someone could clarify if Im right???

Carol :unsure:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-05-04 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Experience in Rio de Janeiro

Congratulations!!! Thanks for all the info you provided.
I've a question. Do you need 2 copies of the 3 federal income taxes? And should these copies be certified or just normal copies?


Hi Simonne!

You just need 1 simple copy from your originals documents... The only document you need to notarize is the I-134.

Good luck!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-02-01 12:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Experience in Rio de Janeiro
Glad we helped you buddie!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You knew what was coming...

Congrats for both!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Carol & Marc :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-02-01 00:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio interview - wednesday
I think she is approved... Just got an e-mail from my yahoo group saying Thanks abt the help but Im not sure if its the same couple as here...

Carol :huh:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-02-15 12:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio interview - wednesday
Hey Simonne!!!

Have a wonderful interview!!!
We are here waiting for the good news ok??? :yes:

Carol :luv:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-02-13 21:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCarlos and Simonne's Interview?
YAHOOOOOOOO :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs:

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-02-18 10:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in Brasil
Hi Laura!!!

Its me, from orkut!!! I have posted my interview here but I cant find it anymore... Anyways, I pasted on orkut my interview experience as well...
Try to use the search in here to find posts from Brasil...
Good luck!!!

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-27 00:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio Experience Part I....before the interview
Pam & Andy!

Good luck for you both! Im sure you'll be approved on Monday!!! PLZ Keep us updated!!!
Good to know you liked the hotel. Its not a luxury place, but is clean, nice and CHEAP!!! :yes:

Waiting to hear the good news,

Carol :thumbs:
Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-04 12:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterviews?
Mine was in English... The CO just asked me if I speak English and I said yes. After that he just spoke in English.

Carol ;)

Edited by Carol&Marc, 20 March 2006 - 09:54 PM.

Carol&MarcFemaleBrazil2006-03-20 21:53:00