CanadaXpress post envelope
i remember reading somewhere on a sheet from the embassy about the dimentions of the Xpress post package to bring but I can't find it anywhere now!! can someone help me out here?


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-26 12:13:00
CanadaReady for interview
all the best. :star:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-27 07:26:00
CanadaI'm here!!!

Scott!!! i am so happy that you are finally where you belong! :D

i'm starting to get very nervous about next week. i do hope i don't get the crabby lady you got. LOL

have fun planning the wedding. it sure sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy for a while.

btw...with respect to mellie, did you just have the vaccination informtion from your vet for her? someone recently told me that dogs need to be licensed as well. i've not ever licenced my hounds as they have return to sender chips.

take care


I've only ever been asked about Melly once during crossing, and that was a long time ago. I had her vaccination information, and that's all they need - no requirement for licensing. I know where I lived in Ontario you had to have your dogs licensed every year, or face a fine if found without one. You also had the option of paying extra for a "lifetime" license. Melly (and Nero, when he was alive) is chipped as well.

This time they never even asked about dogs, and I didn't bother telling them that I had her in the truck. They didn't seem interested in anything else I had in the truck. I could have been hauling half a ton of cocaine and they couldn't have cared less. :)

What really made me aware that the border guard didn't have a clue was that at the end, he asked ME: "so, what do I do with this now? Do I send it to Cleveland, I guess?"

Not confidence-inspiring.

well at least they didn't hassle you the contents of the truck or the dog as well. i think most border agents stationed in buffalo are cranks. but wouldn't you be if you had to live in buffalo? ;) which bridge did you cross at, peace, rainbow or lewiston? by the sounds of things, i'd rather cross at another. mind you, i think detroit is the more direct route for me.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-28 20:12:00
CanadaI'm here!!!
Scott!!! i am so happy that you are finally where you belong! :D

i'm starting to get very nervous about next week. i do hope i don't get the crabby lady you got. LOL

have fun planning the wedding. it sure sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy for a while.

btw...with respect to mellie, did you just have the vaccination informtion from your vet for her? someone recently told me that dogs need to be licensed as well. i've not ever licenced my hounds as they have return to sender chips.

take care

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-28 12:47:00
CanadaPOE fun - get ready to wait
thanks for the info Shauna! I'm not quite sure which POE to use, but yours sounded painless in that they weren't hassling you - just they were confused. scott had issues not related to confusion - just crankiness!

so now i'm torn whether to brave the detroit crossings or to go out of the way and cross at Lewiston where they kinda know us there already.

and have fun re-connecting with the fiance and have a great wedding!
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-30 11:39:00
CanadaHAPPY CANADA DAY, all you CANUCKS out there!!
happy canada day everyone. (L)

i spent today spending some time in my favourite bits of my little part of the country as it'll be my last canada day in canada for some time. i did my favourite loop on the bike. even a flat didn't bother me as if i hadn't had it i'd not have seen the cows decide to go for a run. i must say, i'm starting to get a bit weepy when i think of leaving (which will be in early August). i've warned my friends and co-workers to just ignore me when the waterworks start.

enjoy the day folks and try to make your little part of the world a better place.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-01 16:23:00
Canadadriving to Montreal

Ok, so I took a little walk on my lunch hour.
(I work a couple of blocks away.)

The St. Patrick's Bassilica which Cygnet mentioned is indeed right across the street, but I forgot to check how much they charge.
I had always been under the impression that parking there was reserved for tourists coming to see the beautiful woodwork of the ancient church, so it's good to know as a viable alternative.

But, there is a public outdoor parking lot right next to the embassy, on St. Alexandre street.
(I do NOT think this is the same parking lot of Freda's bad Montreal Experience infamy.)
To get there, you should come from Ste. Catherine street, which only goes East.
(From the embassy, take Rene-Levesque west to Union, which you take north to Ste. Catherine.)
If coming from the west, you will pass a "The Bay" store building on the left, then a "Burger King", "Future Shop" and "Pharmaprix" all on the right, in quick succession.
Turn right onto St. Alexandre, immediately after the "Pharmaprix", which is on the corner.

You will see the parking lot on the left, about halfway down the block.
Just pull in and park, then go pay at the terminal. (There is no parking lot attendant.)
You can pay with Canadian change or a major Credit Card.
(Remember to go back to your car and put the stub on your dashboard.)
The lot officially opens at 7 in the morning, but it's not like there are any barriers preventing entry.
I assume they would tow anyone parking overnight, though.
It should be relatively empty before 8 in the morning, I imagine. (But by 9, it could be full.)
I believe the sign said that it cost $2.25 an hour for an $11 daily maximum.
I would put in at least enough for 4 hours, or even the whole $11, to be safe.

After that, well, the embassy is the building right there at the south side of the parking lot.
You could even wait in your car if it is cold or rainy, since you can see the front doors from there.

(P.S. Today, when I passed by, the bulletproof glass next to the doors looked like someone had punched it or thrown something at it, because it was cracked and will have to be replaced. I wonder what happened there.)

i was there this morning and saw the broken glass. i think not everyone likes americans.

i left my car in the 'infamous freda bad experience lot' as it was only a 10min walk from there and i didn't want to bother with it. no problems & the hotel (days inn) let me keep their parking pass until 1pm. didn't need it though as i was back at my car at 9:18 am!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-06 16:01:00
Canadagot the visa!!!
posted over on the k1 forum as well, but good news folks - got the visa! :dance: i was in and out in no time. the guy hardly asked me any questions, didn't ask for any evidence of relationship at all! in fact he asked me more about triathlons than anything else! :jest: i was number c2 and i was the first one done. :D

i'll post a more detailed description on the conuslate forum later. although, with the information i'd saved from another member it was a breeze.


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-06 16:12:00
ok. firstly...take a deep breath....let it out. repeat 4x. ;)

for your long form birth certificate, go here
i ordered mine on a sunday afternoon and it was delivered to my house on the tuesday morning, so they've learned how to be efficient there.

for your police certificate, if you have a local RCMP office that will process one for you, go there. otherwise you can use a commissaires office. there is one in Barrie
it's $25 (if i remember correctly) and takes approx. 1 week. these are good for 1yr according to the Montreal embassy.

hope this helps. i know how stressful this process is. my current stress is the packing-moving-movingmom-POE etc. etc.

take care

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-18 07:14:00
CanadaPacket 4
packet 4 is a letter with your interview date and a reminder of what you need to bring with you and a brief outline of where to go, what do do etc.

you'll need that letter & passport to enter the building.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-19 06:56:00
CanadaMoving Question
well, i'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see how you make out Buttons as i had the same plan for my stuff that i'm storing at my sisters place. also i've been told by the moving companies i'd contacted that it may be cheaper to ship in the winter as they are not as busy and often will lower the minimums.


5 days and counting until i hit the road :hehe:
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-08-17 14:58:00
CanadaBlue Water Bridge
Bluewater connects Sarnia & Port Huron. It's a smaller crossing which usually means less traffic. It's my understanding that every POE is able to process visas, although, it seems some are more familiar with them than others. (read - less confused) I was thinking of using this POE when I go down, but the fact that it's smaller is making me re-think things.

If you do go thru there, please post a report!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-07-26 18:38:00
CanadaBluewater POE
firstly - I am finally here! (maybe I should change my screen name to KiminLouisiana ;)) we headed out Tuesday afternoon and hit the border around 5pm. Not ideal I thought but there was little traffic and we got a close spot to the office with our own guard for the car to keep an eye on the dogs. :)

After a short wait to see an officer we gave him all of our stuff. We were a little apprehensive at first as he didn't seem to know quite what to do, but he asked his supervisor a question & he came out and and asked where we would be doing the AOS. Not having a clue, he got our guy to look up on line where the closest office is so that they could direct our paperwork there. $6 dollars and about 25 mins later, we were back on the road. They never asked about the dogs, car or what I was bringing in at all! :thumbs:

The trip only had 2 bumps - AC deciding not to work for a while in KY and almost losing a bike in TN, but I'm here and starting to poke about the site for what I do next.

long short - Bluewater is a great POE.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-08-25 08:37:00
CanadaInterview Date!! Montreal
congrats! the interview is a piece of cake. I hope you get everything sorted in time. Dr. Sedein's couriers them out for next day delivery so if you can get the apt. that week, you should have it all in fine time.


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-08-30 12:01:00
CanadaCar to the US- Duty??
question...if you car isn't duty exempt, would they only collect duty at the border? or is it when you change over the registration? only asking as they didn't ask for anything relating to the car or my dogs when i crossed. (i keep telling the dogs to stay low as they are illegal ;) )

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-08-28 14:18:00
CanadaAnother vehicle import question
Here are a couple of sites that will be helpful.

that one outlines what you need to do and this one

has contact information for the manufacturers so you can contact them directly for the import eligibility letter which they will provide free (well, Subaru did at any rate). They are very helpful in advising you if your car is easily imported or what modifications will need to be made in order to allow you to register it in your new state.

this being said, I didn't need any of it at my POE crossing so I didn't have to pay any duty, but as far as taxes etc., upon registering i'm not sure yet as i've not switched it over.

take care

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-09-12 07:53:00
i know a few folk here use this site for transferring funds and i went to sign up this morning and got stumped by one required field. they ask for a reference (i believe that's what it was called) company and phone number. what are they looking for? i've not got a job hence no company and no investment company except for my pension plan & rrsp people.

Any ideas as to what to put?

thanks loads

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-09-15 11:00:00
CanadaCrossing the border
it's no problem at all. i crossed at Sarnia/Port Huron (i highly recommend it - very nice officers when i went thru and it only took 25 mins or so). I wasn't asked about what I had but had a list prepared. (it was a small list) I wasn't even asked to show vaccination information on the hounds. all i was asked about them is what were their names and where i got their seatbelts from.

good luck.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-09-20 17:56:00
CanadaVehicle Compliance Letter
they did not ask for anything pertaining to my vehicle when i crossed. i imagine i will need it when i go to register my vehicle here (have to do that soon...still waiting for doc's!)

i obtained mine from Subaru (american office) and they mailed it directly to me. i would call the USA office of Chrysler to obtain yours as when i called Subaru Canada they directed me there saying that the US office has to provide this as they have the state to state regulations.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-09-22 17:27:00
CanadaWedding Plans?
another here that did a small civil ceremony in the local university gardens on friday with a family wedding planned later. i was way too stressed with everything i had to do just to move here (including moving my mom to a new place to be on her own for the first time since dad passed) that i couldn't even think of trying to plan anything bigger to happen so soon. plus the hubby is in the midst of training for ironman so our 'honeymoon' involved 9hrs of cycling for him and 5hrs for me (my ironman isn't until next year). all my friends can't get over how romantic we are! :lol:

we are planning a nice beach wedding for our parents and siblings to attend early next year and that is when we will do a mini honeymoon. or, we could wait until My and do it just before or after my race in PBC ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-09-18 17:27:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal!
cool beans! :thumbs:
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-05 15:58:00
CanadaYes baby, NHL is on!!!
you guys that are close to an NHL team, or even a hockey market for that matter are lucky! i'm in the northern part of Louisiana with the closest NHL team being Dallas and the closest any team being the CHL Shreverport Mudbugs. :hehe:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-07 08:12:00
CanadaYes baby, NHL is on!!!

I'm to ocheap to pay for NHL cnetre ice. Wish one could watch them via the internet. One can do that with major league ball.

if i didn't get it (my early christmas/bday present) i'd only get the odd dallas game on FSN and 2 games a week on versus and no world junior tourney! that would be a deal breaker. ;)


When you subscribe to NHL Centre Ice do you get more than one channel with games ?? or is there just one channel and you have to watch what they are televising ??

you get more than1 channel at a time and a choice of which broadcast you prefer to watch (for instance, the bos/fla game, i could watch it from bos. or fla). right now there are 4 games on 8 different channels. the late games are on different channels too. plus you get the world junior tourney at christmas and playoffs all for $149 and the dish service is $10/ month cheaper than the cable we had too.

i've been humming 'it's hockey night in canada the game has just begun!' for 2 days now :thumbs:

game on!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-06 20:15:00
CanadaYes baby, NHL is on!!!

I'm to ocheap to pay for NHL cnetre ice. Wish one could watch them via the internet. One can do that with major league ball.

if i didn't get it (my early christmas/bday present) i'd only get the odd dallas game on FSN and 2 games a week on versus and no world junior tourney! that would be a deal breaker. ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-06 17:57:00
CanadaYes baby, NHL is on!!!
heck yeah it is! :dance:

i'm beside myself...i think there were 8 games on last night - didn't know which to watch! :lol: thank gawd for PIP. i mostly watched the leaves/ottowa (FSN spelling :lol: ) and det/van. got rather homesick seeing the CBC feed though. timmy's commericals got me the worst. :crying:

didn't watch the late games as i thought i'd sleep. not so much tho.

told the hubby he may want to invest in another telly for the bedroom so he can watch something besides hockey with 40 or so games a week for me to choose from. ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-06 13:38:00
CanadaOne year anniversary coming !!!!!!!!
happy anniversary!!

i'm sure it's nice to be settled into married life at last

have a great time on your honeymoon. :thumbs:

all the best

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-04 12:10:00

i'll be watching hockey games (got my NHL centre ice package today! :dance: ) and eating pumpkin pie.

i'll miss seeing my family, although i've not been away all that long, but i'll not miss the turkey roll and stove top stuffing. it was my sister's turn to have dinner & that's what we got the last time! LOL

happy turkey weekend everyone


I was looking into NHL Center Ice ... I am a major Vancouver Canucks fan and I heard that they have alot of their games on it ... Only problem is living in Illinois I would be 2 hours ahead on home games so might be some late nights :)

i'm just a plain old fan of hockey, with no favourite team. i'll watch anything. during lockout i was at a junior game and or the marlies every week and if i wasn't there, i was watching it on tv. i used to work in the industry so depending who i like more on one team is the one i'll root for on a particular night. it's hard some games so then i just hope the guys i like get points.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-05 15:56:00
i'll be watching hockey games (got my NHL centre ice package today! :dance: ) and eating pumpkin pie.

i'll miss seeing my family, although i've not been away all that long, but i'll not miss the turkey roll and stove top stuffing. it was my sister's turn to have dinner & that's what we got the last time! LOL

happy turkey weekend everyone

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-05 11:09:00
CanadaA little Canadian humour
:lol: no. 13 applied to me the other day when i was at the wal-mart (blech, yeah, i know - no choice) and was the only one in shorts and t-shirt. everyone else was in sweaters and jeans and i even spotted one toque! heck, it was almost 40f out :blink:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-10-24 17:19:00
CanadaImporting vehicle...
thanks everyone again for the help. i just got back from the customs office (1.5hr drive away) and have HS7 form that I need. i have to say i never thought having a vehicle with good resale value would be a bad thing! darned thing is worth the same in US funds that it was when i bought it 1 year ago. thankfully only 2.5% tax for duty.

thanks again. fingers crossed it's all i need!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-14 18:14:00
CanadaImporting vehicle...

A couple of months later when I decided it was time to insure it here in the US, I called to find out what they needed. I had my vehicle inspected at the closest customs office (which was quite happily right here in town) and received the forms I needed.

This is exactly what we did about a month ago. The DMV told us where the nearest customs office was. We called and were told we needed the import letter from the car's manufacturer (which we got for a fee of $75!!) and when we had that in hand, the customs officer filled out and gave us what we needed for the DMV and off we went to get the title and registration.

Also here are two sites that will be of some help...

thanks loads for the information guys. i'm going to go back to the DMV and look into all of this. i'll probably have to transfer it to the the hubby so i'll be an out of status person with no worldy possessions. this was the first car i bought outright and i liked that feeling. :(

Sorry, you can't transfer it to your hubby because you can't title it in Canada because you live here and it isn't titled in the US yet... Take the car to the closest CBP office and do what needs to be done. Otherwise, you'll just have a big hunk of metal in your driveway.

:blink: huh? it is titled in Canada. i just got back from the DMV and she said I need that form from Customs. small town (1 woman office) so she wasn't able to help me out finding them, but with links provided here i should be able to find one within a 5hr drive (i hope).

now i'm confuzzled more :(

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-14 13:51:00
CanadaImporting vehicle...

A couple of months later when I decided it was time to insure it here in the US, I called to find out what they needed. I had my vehicle inspected at the closest customs office (which was quite happily right here in town) and received the forms I needed.

This is exactly what we did about a month ago. The DMV told us where the nearest customs office was. We called and were told we needed the import letter from the car's manufacturer (which we got for a fee of $75!!) and when we had that in hand, the customs officer filled out and gave us what we needed for the DMV and off we went to get the title and registration.

Also here are two sites that will be of some help...

thanks loads for the information guys. i'm going to go back to the DMV and look into all of this. i'll probably have to transfer it to the the hubby so i'll be an out of status person with no worldy possessions. this was the first car i bought outright and i liked that feeling. :(
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-14 11:12:00
CanadaImporting vehicle...
just wondering if anyone didn't have US customs properly address the importing of your vehicle and provide the proper paperwork involved that is required at the time of registration. i've been screwed over with miss-information which has now left me uninsured (i was told by miss.information at the DMV that i had the proper paperwork and all i needed was insurance so i switched it to a US carrier, cancelled my CDN insurance and have now found out i don't in fact have what i need and can't register it).

i can't even remember if they asked me about the car at the border - i guess i figured they would put 2 and 2 together and since i was moving there with my car, that my car was moving too. my bad. :wacko: my bad. i'm an idiot. now that i farked up so bad, i can't even drive it to a customs office to get what i need or get it back to canada to sell it. :crying:

thanks for any advice.
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-14 08:30:00
CanadaHow long after approval did you move?
it was 6 or 7 weeks before i crossed. the usual, finishing up at work, packing, purging, moving mom, purging, getting hounds vaccinated, purging, good bye parties and some more purging (lets just say I had an express lane at the Goodwill! :lol: )

then he flew up and we spent 3 days visiting family & friends before we hit the road.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-10 08:50:00
CanadaGetting drivers license and car insurance in US
i would suggest Statefarm as well (at least to start). the local office said they would not accept my driving record from home but I knew differently and had him send it in with the application to head office. he had quoted me $1,500 (same as home and this is small town!) but when i got my policy, the premium was only $1,020.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-19 11:07:00
CanadaWatching Canadian TV in USA
so far i only miss corner gas and will get this season on dvd as soon as i can. i get HNIC on the NHL package which reminds me of other things i miss including timmy's and the Mercer report.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-08 19:18:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
cool beans leafgal. time to take a quick breath and relax before the move :)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-18 09:00:00
CanadaMy Canadian Car registered in US

We have two cars from Canada here right now :devil:

I guess what I read is that once you 'declare' the vehicle
for your first official crossing after getting AOS, we need to
pay tax on it?

Bah, bastards... we already paid the rediculous double taxes in Quebec!


THat would depend. If your car was made in Naorth America, your duty is 0

If it was made elsewhere, it's usually 2 to 3% of the Fair Market Value.

subaru's are 2.5% and i think all Japanese imported cars are that. and be warned, your car may be worth more in the US than it was in Canada. Mine was worth $500 more than what I paid for it 1yr ago.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-21 08:51:00
CanadaCrossing the Border
woohoo on finally being where you belong. :thumbs:

i hope that if 'the truck' is yours and you are importing it that you got the proper paperwork done (HS7 if i recall correctly) else you will have troubles registering it here.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-26 19:33:00
CanadaJersey meets Montreal.
cool beans Jersey!! :dance:

i hope the weather is fine for your trip. but the train may just be a good option.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-26 08:37:00