CanadaEZ way for husband to transfer cash to me?
does BMO have the interac email money transfer? not sure how the receiving end works, but i've sent money to my sister (same as tossing out the window on the 401 i'm afraid) and it's immediate.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-03-21 08:19:00
CanadaTimeline woes

just received packet 3 today (it will be sent out tomorrow and i'll update the timeline again :P ) it came about 1 week sooner than i expected from reading others timelines as a FYI.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-10 18:16:00
CanadaMoving Advice Needed

check out

They will deliver a container to Dave's for him to load and lock, and then they will deliver it to your place for you to unload. You can get a section of a large container, or a smaller 6x8x9 box, I believe. They can do a quick online quote if you know how many linear feet you need.

For me, the quote was just a bit cheaper than a u-haul drop-off rental rate was. Perhaps it will be more for a Vancouver-Boston trip, but it never hurts to call and ask!

thanks for that link! :thumbs:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-18 13:15:00
CanadaCanada post - is the tracking up to date?
i probably has to do with the fact that canada post gets both good friday & easter monday off. so they'll probably update it today.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-18 12:28:00
CanadaPackage Three
just over 3 weeks for me

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-21 08:53:00
CanadaCanadians getting Driver Licence
oh fer cryin' out loud. checking the Louisina DMV site, the only countries they have agreements with are Germany & Switzerland! whats up with that?! we are supposed to be the US's best friends. ;)

oh well, i guess the time between the wedding and waiting for my EAD will be spent brushing up on state driving laws.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-24 11:01:00
CanadaAnother question about Packet 3

Now that I've seen online, that we've got our NOA2, I'm assuming that my fiance will be getting packet 3 in the next few weeks. I've read several times on here that Montreal is very particular and that they want him to fill out the forms that they mail directly to him, and not any downloaded from the government website. This may be a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway. So, I assume they want the forms completed in his own handwriting and we just hope that he doesn't mess them up and that they're legible? Is this correct? Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.

the forms from the consulate were slightly different. i think a couple had some bar codes on them, a big K in spots and they were printed on both sides. i have horrible penmanship so i took my time and printed in block letters. i'd also did the forms online beforehand to ensure i had all the information correct so i just copied it all from them.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-26 08:58:00
CanadaRevCan finally got its a$$ together!
that is good news. don't you love how the onus is on you to prove that the CCRA f*&k'd up? :no:
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-27 10:37:00
CanadaMontreal Experience
:thumbs: wonderful news.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-21 08:54:00
CanadaLicense Plates?
that sounds like it was an old style dealer plate. i think they are white w/ red lettering now w/ 'dealer' on the side.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-28 21:11:00
CanadaToronto translators (Portuguese to English)
i use All Languages Ltd. for work stuff. 416 975 5000 800 567 8100

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-03 14:14:00
CanadaQuick question about medicals

Hmm so even though he has the goverment card showing that he's had all immunizations needed by immigration and it's signed by a doctor that may not be enough? And does he HAVE to have the titre test regardless? Sorry for all the questions. Just confused. I want to make sure he has everything he needs when he goes there so he only has to make the one trip and be done with it.

I didn't have a government card. I had my doctor write down which vaccinations he had given me, and on which dates, and he signed that. I then had a copy of the results of the titres he ran for the vaccinations he did not give me because I had previous immunity.

i had my medical this morning. went pretty much just like gsmacleans (thanks! :thumbs: ) did in his wonderful post from his experience. i also only had a letter from my doctor for vaccinations that they accepted. longest part of the medical was the doctor trying to find my heart murmur (no luck) but the blood drawing wasn't fun.

now we wait. :whistle:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-08 10:05:00
CanadaEmailing Montreal
i received a reply within 10mins...but it wasn't a helpful one. just the are on a waiting list blah blah blah.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-11 09:01:00
CanadaInterview Montreal
they're alive! wonderful news. just wonderful. i was getting worried about those folks in montreal ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-10 07:15:00
CanadaMontreal consulate

my fiance got a letter yesterday saing that the letter form Montreal(with the interview date) should be coming in mail to me(Toronto) next week....... whatever that means...... the letter that he got comes somewhere from the US......... he can't check it because he's not even in Chicago........ anyways, I thought it's gonna come to me and that's it..... weird.........

Elunia28 :luv:

this is usual? the petitioner getting notification first? does seem weird. and not very efficient. i mean heck, they look at the file, know they are going to schedule an interview and 1st send a letter to the petitioner one week, then leave it for another week or so before scheduling the interview and notifying the beneficiary? <sigh> governments. they'd never make it in the corporate world.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-01 09:37:00
CanadaMontreal consulate

I know exactly how you feel. The consulate received my packet 3 on March 2nd and I am still waiting. I called again yesterday and I was told I am on the list and will receive and interview soon and that they are scheduling them for July now.I don't think there is any rhyme or reason to any of this. And all we poor saps can do is sit back and wait. Hang in there guys. ( ha ha ha isn't that rich coming from me the constant complainer). Just keep in mind you aren't alone there are a few of us in the same boat.

yikes Freda! that's a really long time. anyone know if they do anthing else on the application besides toss it in a pile to dole out interview dates? like any further security checks or something?

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-27 10:36:00
CanadaMontreal consulate

hey all!

I think I'm just about to shoot myself!!!!!!! :angry: :protest: :ranting:

check out my timeline, then maybe you're gonna understand... I HAVE BEEN WAITING THE LONGEST!!!!!! it's over 400 days now, and since Montreal is experiencing backlogs it seems like the interview is gonna be in COUPLE of MONTHS not even WEEKS!!!!

dammit, this is the longest, frustrating process I've ever gone(still going) through.... this totally sucks...... on top of everything I just lost my job YESTERDAY, and looking for a new one for the TIME BEEING... by the way, I worked for T-Mobile tech support.... it was fun while it lasted..... all the ppl that called for help were ppl from the US since there's no T-Mobile in Canada hehehe

back to the topic of waiting... it seems like we're all in the same boat, and that this should be the fastest stage now, but it doesn't seem so........

take care
don't worry, it HAS TO COME dammit!!! ;o)
Elunia28 :luv:

Oh Elunia, do I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!

I just got off the phone with Montreal for my bi-weekly status update call. I was quite persistent in asking questions, and they told me that based on the date of receipt of my packet 3 (March 16), and the dates they are currently processing, that I should have an interview date in the first week of June.

Hope that gives you some hope!

1st week of june? well that's a better time frame than what you were told last week, no? so that could put me in the 1st week of july. hmm....i'm thinking that entering that race in early august wasn't a good idea. or it was since i'd rather be moving than racing. even though this one does have cake for afters :yes:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-25 16:10:00
CanadaMontreal consulate
I talked to Montreal today. They are unable to tell me anything about when I might see an interview date. They did tell me however that:

- They are experiencing huge backlogs
- They are currently booking appointments for late June and early July

dang...if they are already into july and you are still waiting, i'm looking at august at best! guess i best hold off on the lease termination. :huh:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-22 07:46:00
CanadaMontreal consulate

:crying: Were in the same boat guys, and if it helps I know exactly what you mean about being past crazy already. They got our Ds230 and checklist on March 2nd and still nothing. And if it helps my emails went unanswered too. I quit counting weeks and days at this point. Guess it'll happen if and when it does. :crying:

holy cow! you have been waiting ages eh? at this rate i'll be lucky to get my date by August. :(

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-21 10:47:00
CanadaMontreal consulate
hmmm...maybe they work the same schedule as parliment. they are on their easter break still aren't they? ;)

still nothing eh? anyone have an idea how long after you actually get packet 4 the interview is?

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-04-20 18:46:00
CanadaPacket 3 received!

:dance: Congrats. Hope your waiting isn't to long. Looks like someone woke up in Montreal. So hang in there.

Our petition (cdngirl is my fiancee) has just been returned to USCIS. So god only knows how long this will take now. :crying:

oh no! how did you find this out?! is it this another IMBRA (or whateverthefuckitis) issue?

fingers crossed that it'll be fixed up right quick

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-12 12:49:00
CanadaPacket 3 received!
congrats and welcome to the montreal wait list club :P

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-10 19:17:00
Canadapacket 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great! wonderful news! :thumbs: :thumbs:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-12 12:47:00
CanadaI got arrested
:lol: that is way too funny.

when i went in to my local to pick up my certificate, no less than three people were taken away! one idiot was using someone elses id to get his records check - only the person's he used had a warrant. how is that for brilliance?!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-16 18:07:00
Canadapassport pics for medical
my packet stated i only needed one, with a 1 page explanation as to the size. and then at the bottom it said 'standard canadian passport size'.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-16 18:00:00
CanadaThirteen LONG days and.........
sorry to hear it's taking ages. i never did find out when my petition arrived or left nvc for this reason - less stress wondering what the holdup was.

fingers crossed that it's actually left, only they haven't updated your file.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-25 08:55:00
Canada5 weeks left to interview, time to sell my car!
:dance: you must be getting so excited!

good luck selling the car - by the look of it i don't think you will have any trouble at all. i'm driving my car down. in fact out of my car, my dogs and me - i'm the only one waiting on the paperwork to go down. :whistle:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-19 09:28:00
CanadaPoint of Entry

I imported my car from Ontario at Niagara Falls. You have to complete a customs declaration, as well as having all the documents you mentioned. They weren't used to handling this sort of thing at the Rainbow Bridge, which is mainly a tourist destination. There was a little confusion about forms. Luckilly, they didn't send me to the Lewiston crossing, which is more commercial. I had to go inside, and it added an hour to my trip. The officials were friendly and it was a formality, not an interview. Where are you crossing?

you really needed the original bill of sale? i have no clue where mine is. actually, i leased it for 2yrs and bought it at the end of the lease. is this something i should be tracking down?



I was told that I need the original invoice. If you don't have it, you could request a copy from your dealer. Hopefully, that will be o.k., but I would double check with customs.

i hope a copy is ok too as that's all i can get. i didn't even get anything from them when i bought it in december except the ownership in my name!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-25 10:36:00
CanadaPoint of Entry

I imported my car from Ontario at Niagara Falls. You have to complete a customs declaration, as well as having all the documents you mentioned. They weren't used to handling this sort of thing at the Rainbow Bridge, which is mainly a tourist destination. There was a little confusion about forms. Luckilly, they didn't send me to the Lewiston crossing, which is more commercial. I had to go inside, and it added an hour to my trip. The officials were friendly and it was a formality, not an interview. Where are you crossing?

you really needed the original bill of sale? i have no clue where mine is. actually, i leased it for 2yrs and bought it at the end of the lease. is this something i should be tracking down?


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-25 09:55:00
CanadaCar Lien Release

I thought the bank (or financial institution) holds on to the lien. When we paid off our Scion, the credit union mailed us the title. Back in Canada (2004)when I paid off my Spec V I do not recall getting anything, they just lifted the lien, so when the buyers bank did a lien check they would would have seen that there were none. When calling to see how much I owed to pay off the loan, they also gave me a date qand if I paid by that date I owed that number, if it was past that date, would be so and so a number. You should be able to call them, expalin the situation and they should be able to give u assistance. maybe you just got a incompetent operator. Can you do phone banking? Leave the $$ in there and then just do it via phone on Tuesday?

yes, i thought the ownership being transferred into your name by the financial institution proves there is no lien. when i bought mine, the dealership gave me the new ownership in my name. and i pick up the bill of sale tomorrow ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-25 12:34:00
Canadafinally! the end is near

He hAWWW!! Best of luck, from my reading on VJ over the past yrs, no one has ever had a successfull interview on June 6th before!!!

Kidding!! Best of luck (seriously)

well it's a good thing it's july 6th then eh! :P

thanks everyone. i'm excited, happy, scared & stressed at all i have to do before the move!

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-24 07:06:00
Canadafinally! the end is near
july 6th at 0830 :dance:

sooner than i figured based on others timelines.

for everyone else waiting - i hope your wait ends soon too :D

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-23 15:21:00
CanadaTodays the day
:dance: i'm sure everything will go incredibly smootly and it won't be long until you are together again.


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-01 07:40:00
CanadaCanucks Advice
good luck to you as you start your journey. you can get an idea of how long it takes from the timelines to give you a bit of an idea. things have recently seemed to slow down some with this new IMBRA law that is in effect.

as proof of having met we sent pictures and passport stamps (we'd not thought of saving boarding passes when we travelled) so next time you cross the border maybe get yours stamped. we also sent pictures and of all things race results showing we did the same race! that was sent with our RFE so it must have been ok. LOL and as the previous poster said, keep everything and anything as proof of your ongoing relationship for when you have the interview. and as for the intervew, yes, you will be required to go to Montreal as Toronto does not process this type of visa.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-22 16:20:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal! My interview experience & tips!
congratulations! it must have been nice to have that all finished with before your exams. i do hope they went well too.

and thank you very much for sharing and the pictures were a great idea and will surely be a help in the future to the current members of the 'montreal waitlist club' :thumbs:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-05-11 17:55:00
CanadaGOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
swing!!! :dance:

congratulations! all the best in the next step of your journey.

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-05 14:43:00
CanadaPeace Bridge, Buffalo Crossing 6/11
congratulations! all the best for a wonderful wedding, weekend and the rest of time. :star:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-15 18:29:00
CanadaOff to Montreal
all the best guys. have fun in montreal.

i'm waiting for another excellent report on your experience in montreal.

take care

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-19 09:29:00
CanadaXpress post envelope

With the interview letter, they had instructions for the Xpresspost. The size they require is 305 mm x 394 mm (12 inches by 15 inches). :)

Edit: Just wanted to add the following:
For return addresses in Quebec and Ontario, you may use a "Regional" Xpresspost mailer. All other addresses require "National".
Mark the mailing label "signature required".

thanks for the info. wigging out. i knew i saw it somewhere but can't find that at the moment. i'm hoping i forgot it on my desk at home. i'd brought everything into the office to copy and such and can't find it. :huh: not panicking. until then
KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-26 14:19:00
CanadaXpress post envelope
i remember reading somewhere on a sheet from the embassy about the dimentions of the Xpress post package to bring but I can't find it anywhere now!! can someone help me out here?


KiminONFemaleCanada2006-06-26 12:13:00