IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestotal cost of CR1 Visa from beginning to end
You are going to have a $70.00 fee (for Affidavit of Support Processing fee). Then a $404.00 Immigrant Visa Processing Fee. As far as the NVC fees go, I think this is it. Then you have to count in the medical (in my country it's close to $150), the DHL fee to have your visa mailed to you after the interview, and of course the visa fee itself (check the embassy site). Also, don't forget the travel/hotel expenses for when you go for your medical/interview. I think that's all. If not, somebody correct me, please.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-10-18 06:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR 1 Vias Denied In Addis Ababa - Need Help Urgently
Do you use Skype? If you both have a computer, that's something to look into. Using that service you can accumulate not only proof of when you talked and for how long, but also the contents of your conversations. The service is free and you have access to these records from your computer. You can print them out and show as proof. Good luck!
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-16 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescost & timing of med. exam in Moscow
I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but does anybody have any idea about the cost of the medical exam in Moscow. Also, when is the best time to go through it? Is it possible to do one right before the interview? Or would it be better to do these on separate trips? It's a long wait for me to see this happen, but I'd like to have some info. now to plan better (finances and days off from the job). Thanks in advance to all who respond :)
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-16 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFormer J-1er, help with DS 230- fraud?

What does your lawyer say as an answer about completing DS-230 in advance of completing your 2 year HRR?

Why do you think that checking 'yes' makes you ineligible to complete your IV interview?
(normally the NVC/Consulate holds the interview until the date you are eligible, or interviews you and holds visa issuance until you are eligible)

We don't have a lawyer now. Altogether, we had 2 consultations with different lawyers prior to filing. Right now there's not a lawyer on our case, we're filing on our own. From my experience, the lawyers have their own agenda when it comes to these cases. They don't explain a lot, I guess, trying to up their worth is this process.

I am not entirely convinced that checking "yes" would make me ineligible. I'm just concerned that the form leaves no room for explanation that I do intend on fulfilling the 2-year requirement. I'm just afraid they'll look at it and automatically throw it in the 'denied' pile, or burn it, or whatever it is they do when it comes to this :) I realized, I'm a bit paranoid here, and frankly, your remark about the consulate holding the interview until the date I'm eligible (or holds visa issuance) gives me some hope. So, what should I do? Complete DS230 when the process comes to it, check the "yes" box, and attach a letter with explanation of when the 2-year requirement will be fulfilled? Thank you soooo much. I'm losing the last bits of sanity I had left.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-27 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFormer J-1er, help with DS 230- fraud?

Hey Jeanie, I am sorry, I can imagine how hard this has to be for you and Blake.
Could he move to Russia for a while?
To me it just does not make sense that the 2yr rule now affects your life - after 10 years, that is just ridiculous!
Have you contacted the embassy/uscis to confirm that you really will have to wait?

No, it didn't even get to that. We talked to a lawyer, who said that to get an 'advisory opinion' we would have to provide a document (form IAP-66, that's the old name for it; basically a form stating the terms for the visa, i think), which we could not locate. To apply for a waiver, we would also need that same stupid form. Although on the visa in my passport it did say 'the bearer is a subject to a 212(E) requirement'(which in itself confirms the fact that the 2-year rule applies to me)
Blake doesn't speak a word of Russian, and he is not going to feel comfortable here. If he leaves everything in US to come here, than we'll have nothing to come back to later on. I'm just happy we don't have any children who would be affected by this separation.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-27 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFormer J-1er, help with DS 230- fraud?

I am a little confused...
you went to the us in 1999 on a J1 and in 2000 on a F1?
So you never did fulfill the 2 yr. requirement when you should have - why would you have to fulfill it now?
The J1-times are over, and there is no F1-timelimit.
Or does that 2 yr rule only apply to immigrant visas?

Yes, you're right. J-1 2 year requirement only comes into play when someone is applying to change your status to that of a lawful permanent resident. They didn't care back in 2000 when they gave me an F-1, since you can't do adjustment of status from F-1 to an immigrant status. I still can't believe I have to do this :(
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-27 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFormer J-1er, help with DS 230- fraud?
I did look into the waiver, back when I was still in US. We consulted a lawyer and were told that we would need to provide an original form (IAP-66) that served a basis for issuance of the J-1 visa. We tried to locate that form but couldn't. So, I decided to just come back home and fulfill the requirement. Waiting for another year to send in the DS-230 sounds like a death sentence to me. If there's a way to show that the 2 years will be over before I get the visa, I'd rather do that. Although, waiting would be the fool-proof way of going about it :(
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-27 04:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFormer J-1er, help with DS 230- fraud?
I am not to this part yet, but would really like to know what to do about a certain item on DS230 form.
First, here's the situation:
In 1999 I was in US on a J-1 visa with a 2 year home residence requirement. In 2000 I came back to US already on an F-1 visa. When Blake and I met, I was still on F-1, knowing that I had to return home to fulfill the requirement. Well, I've been home since March 2009, waiting out the 2 years. We filed our I-130 and received NOA1 on March 1st, so things are starting to happen somewhat. When we talked to a lawyer, she said that if we stick to this timeline, the visa process should be near completion by the time my 2 years are over.
Well, now I'm looking at the DS230 form, and in part II (item j) it asks the beneficiary (aka me) to certify that I am 'not a former exchange visitor who has not fulfilled the 2-year foreign residence requirement' (it asks you to check a yes or no box). So, by the time it gets to me filling this out, I'm still not going to be done with my 2 years, so I would have to check "yes", which would make me ineligible for an immigrant visa at that time. If I check "no", that would be fraud. What do I do? Do I check "yes" and attach a letter explaining what is going on? Will I have problems at the interview as well, if it happens before the 2 year mark? Has anybody been in a situation like this? :unsure:
Any help (fact and opinion alike) is appreciated!
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-27 02:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestion for couples...

I just want to know,how long has everyone of you been separated now at this point and how do you cope???
We are goding to be married for 1 yr now in august(in fact my hubby has interview on our wedding annivers.)and from that time,we've been only 5 mos's painful,it's stressful,it's bad...but you cannot do anything but wait.Is anyone here as us-24/7 online??? Just wanna share this difficult situation...

Last time I've seen my husband in person was on March 5th 2009. I think we are coping pretty well considering how long we've been away from each other. We use Skype whenever we can, but the time difference (I am 9 hours ahead of him) is making things even more difficult. Since I've waiting out my 2 year home stay requirement I still have a lot of time left to be here. Honestly, when I think about the time that has already passed, I am surprised I haven't gone completely crazy. I always think of my husbands grandparents who were also separated for years while grandpa was in the service during WWII- now, that HAD to be a nerve wreck for grandma. I think about that, and my situation doesn't seem too bad at all :)
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-06-30 14:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThoughts on this whole process
Is there not an organization that could propose the kind of immigration reform that would take care of this. I was under the impression US had an organization for every single cause, why not this one? I absolutely agree with those who point to the narrow focus of the current immigration policy-makers. There should be some knowledgeable people, who can help to effectively develop a campaign for the kind of immigration laws we're talking about here. Maybe I am naive in my thinking, but those of us who've gone through this and are already with their families may have a good chance of raising the government's awareness of this problem. The reason we hear so much about the US Southern border is because that's what's in the public eye- the Latinos speak up. So should the rest of us, and maybe we can change something for those people who are yet to go through this.
I have not seen my husband since March of last year, and I absolutely hate the fact how this process turns all things I treasure into some artifacts of proof that our marriage is not a fraud. I agree that the burden of proof when it comes to the legitimacy of marriage should be on the officials. And honestly, the interview step should be eliminated. The human factor with all its subjectivity should be down to the minimum. Whether or not I can be with my family should not depend on personality/disposition/mood of the person who interviews me. If all documents are fine, medical should be the last step (and even that is debatable). Ok, I'm done...have to get to bed, so I can work on Sunday, you know... to afford all this amazing hassle :angry:
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-07-17 15:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate
Hello everyone,

I can't find an answer to my question, which leads me to think it's obvious, so brace yourself for something that might have a bit of a 'duh' to it :unsure:
I was reading about police certificates. What is clear to me is that I have to have one from every single place I lived in for more than 6 month after the age of 16. The two places that fit this description are: Russia and US. In fact post-16, I spent 10 years in US, and a little more than a year in Russia. Ok, here comes the stupid ... Do I need a police certificate from US? My thinking is that they (the immigration forces :) ) should have access to that kind of information without me submitting one. But I can't find a clear answer anywhere. The Moscow embassy interview guide says that "If an applicant has lived abroad for more than a year a police certificate must be submitted", so does this include US too? http://travel.state....L-0001-0911.pdf

That's the link to the interview guide, if anyone wants to see.

Hoping to get some clarity...
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-08-01 11:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864a ??
Thank you all for your help :) I don't know what we would've done if not for this forum.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-10-01 08:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864a ??

Since your mother lives at a different address, she will file I-1864 with your I-864.

Did she or you claim the other as dependent in the last year tax return?


Thank you! That was what we were thinking, but the instructions on the checklist page really seemed so confusing.

No, I claimed no dependents and my mom did not claim me as one either.

Thank you for the responses, guys!
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-09-29 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864a ??
I have a quick question. I am currently in the process of filing the Affidavit of Support (I-864) for my wife. Unfortunately, last year I did not meet the yearly earnings requirement, so my mother is going to co-sponsor for her. My question is, does she fill out the I-864, or the I-864a?

I initially thought the I-864a, as my mother is NOT a household member. The checklist here confirms this:

However, on the actual I-864a form, it specifically states: "Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, is an attachment to Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Immigration and Nationality Act. It is an optional form, completed and signed by two individuals: a sponsor who is completing Form I-864, and a household member who is promising to make his or her income and/or assets available to the sponsor to help support the sponsored immigrant(s). The combined signing of this form constitutes an agreement that the household member is responsible along with the sponsor for the support of the individual(s) named in this form."

So, I'm hoping someone else here has gone through this and could shed some light on these contradictory statements for me...My mom is a Joint Sponsor, NOT a household member. Any idea?
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-09-29 21:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to replace an IAP-66/DS-2019 (J1 - 2 yr. restriction Question)
Still waiting for some helpful response...

or any response at all.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-05-27 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to replace an IAP-66/DS-2019 (J1 - 2 yr. restriction Question)
I would really appreciate some kind of feedback, surely we're not the first couple on this website to go through this?
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-05-26 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to replace an IAP-66/DS-2019 (J1 - 2 yr. restriction Question)
So...nobody has been in this situation?
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-05-24 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to replace an IAP-66/DS-2019 (J1 - 2 yr. restriction Question)
My wife, the beneficiary, originally came to the US under a J1 Visa with the FLEX program, which requires her to reside in her country of origin (Russia) for 2 years when she leaves. She is currently in Russia now, and we are trying to get a "NO OBJECTION" waiver for this 2 year restriction. I was under the impression that we would need the IAP-66 in order to apply for this waiver.

It has taken us many attempts, but we finally got a response from the Dept. of State which seems promising:

We have verified your wife’s participation in the 1999-2000 FLEX program.

We will be able to provide a replacement letter for your IAP-66. Please be aware that the U.S. Department of State no longer keeps hard or electronic copies of IAP-66, instead our office (the Youth Programs Division) provides a signed official letter that carries all the same information as it was presented on your IAP-66. Please be aware that this letter only acts as a replacement document for the DS-2019 document, nothing beyond.

I will be contacting you once we send out the letter to the address that you provided us earlier.

Has anyone else applied for this waiver with a letter replacement? I'm a bit confused about what the next step is once we receive this letter, and I'm concerned about the acceptability of this letter as a replacement for the actual IAP-66.

Please, any help or advice is welcome!

Blake (Jeanie and I both post under this acct., sorry for any confusion!)
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-05-23 19:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate: send or take along to the interview

We are about ready to mail in the I-864 and the IV packet. My police certificate won't be ready till last week of February. So, I'm wondering if it would be alright to send everything but the certificate, and then just bring the certificate along for the interview. Or does NVC have to see the police certificate before it can pass the case to embassy? Thank you in advance for your responses!
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2011-01-25 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I delay timing between I-130 and interview?
Hey, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I'm in the same boat right now, waiting for my 2 years to lapse. We are currently holding off sending the I-864 and the IV packet. Another thing got you to keep in mind is that you can't go more than 1 year with no communication with NVC, so you just need to space it out a bit. Hang in there :)
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2011-01-24 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm New...Have various questions?????
Hey! We're from Austin, TX. Where are you from?

Have you heard of Skype? I use it to talk to my husband (I'm back in my home country now), and it's great for keeping records. Plus, it's free, you just download the program and can use it as an instant messenger, or as a phone (or video phone, for that matter, if you have a camera).
Don't sweat the ring price. I doubt the USCIS cares much about your honey's bling, or how much it costs. Mine is rather modest, and we did send the receipt without even thinking twice about it. Also, you can use affidavits from friends and family as proof of bona fide marriage. Have you seen a guide for filing I-130 on this website yet? Check it out, it's really helpful. Good luck!


First off, thank you for clicking on my topic and taking some time to help me along with this process.

I have looked over the forum, but feel starting an new topic will get me more precise information.

I am an American, born and raised in Texas. Met my fiancee in London on a Univ Study abroad program in July 2007, from which we had kept in contact. I then moved to London in Dec 2008 on a 6 month work visa for the UK, and it was then that we started to develop an more in depth relationship. I then traveled back to London in Dec 2009 until Jan 2010, to visit again during the holidays. I had thought about marriage to her but had no clue how much of an process it would be to get married and have her come to the USA to live and marry me.

About Her:
She is originally from Ukraine, but has lived in London, England on an student visa for 9 years. But her visa for the UK was recently denied its re-issue due to lack of funds in her bank account, and is currently in an appeal process, from which if she loses, she will have to move back to Ukraine.

About Me:
I am from America, more defined Texas. I am currently going through the process to go into the military as an officer for either the US Navy or US Marine Corps, i am still in the paper work/security clearance stage for those two things. I meet the income requirements, and all other factors related to the elgibility to apply for the K1 visa.

So my first main question is:
On the K1 visa I 129f, when i list my address information and where my finacee' intends to live, changes due to me being in the US military officer school, am i am able to update or am i penalized/pettition rejected to my change in residence and the intended residence of my fiancee changes?
Additionally, if my petition does go through and i am scheduled or contacted for an interview, and i am currently in the military, will that postpone the interview due to my unavailability due to going through military training or will it speed up the process being that i will be in the military?

So my second main question is:
If my fiancee' does not win her appeal and is told she has to move back to the Ukraine to live, and her address abroad and the embassy or consulate from which she intends to apply at changes, is that something that can be updated after the 'I 129f' is filed, or do we need to wait until she recieves the new of her visa appeal hearing for the UK?

More General Questions

I had no clue that we should have been keeping record of IM chat logs, phone logs, not using phone cards since there's no record, we never really took pictures together and the one's i did have was lost due to losing an 'flash' drive with my pics on it.

I have though visited with stamps in my passport the UK multiple times in the last 3 yrs, i lived in London during one period with an apartment lease, have kept in contact through suttle messages on facebook, and have 1 or 2 pictures of us together with the date it was uploaded on facebook

The question, i have is what would i/we need to proof we are in a 'bona-fide' relationship? it just more pictures of us being together, start saving facebook and email messages, etc??

Also, i've read to keep the reciept of the engagement ring, does the price of the ring matter? ... i am not an rich person, and my funds are limited so i was planning on buying an Cubic Zirconia engagement ring until i have more funds available to me. She is fine with it, and said she can care less if its CZ or actual diamond....but will the "UCIS" look down upon someone having an reciept for an ring thats $50 compared to one that's $1000?

I am currently planning on visiting her again in 2 weeks for an week, that way i can formally propose to her, and that way we can go over the paperwork together, take pictures (since we severly lack any that arent in a club or sexual) and just spend time together. if there is anything that you thing i should do or look into doing that relates to helping with the 'petition' k1 process, let me know, any and all information is appreciated

Kind Regards


Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-29 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Filling Out I-129F and G-325A
Have you two thought of just doing all the legal work to change her name back to maiden? I'm not sure what goes into that process, how much it costs, or how long it takes, but maybe it's worth looking into. I was concerned with the name thing too. I didn't even take my husbands name when we got married. I'm waiting till visa processing is over to do that. The way I'm thinking the less things you give USCIS/NVC to digest the better (and quicker) it's for you.

Okay, great I appreciate everyone's help! So for the middle the votes are unanimous, but we have a few different opinions on what the Family Name should be.

Using her legal name as shown on passports and such (in this case her ex-husband's last name) for Family Name makes good sense to me (after all they were a family at one time right?), but perhaps others can chime in to confirm this for me since I sure don't want to make a mistake and delay the process or even ruin our chances. It's a very important matter!

Thanks again!

Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-30 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Filling Out I-129F and G-325A
Whenever a form asks to provide a middle name, I put down my patronymic (dad's name), which in your case would be Sergeevna. The main name should be the legal name, as it shows in the passport. All other names are just that :) I would also advise to make sure you write the names the same on all forms. My name has been spelled differently on passports and visas in the past. You don't want another headache trying to prove that you really are who you say you are :)

I'm a little confused on how to fill out the names in the I-129F and G-325A because Russian and Ukrainian names are different than what I'm used to.

My fiancee is Ukrainian and the way she says her name is Morozova Kseniya Sergeevna. That is Family Name, First Name, Dad's Name

So my questions:

What do I put for the Middle Name?

On the G-325A, it first asks for her Family Name, then directly underneath that, it asks for All Other Names Used (including names from previous marriage). She is divorced and still retains her last name from that marriage. So which names should I put as her Family Name and which for All Other Names Used?

Lastly, what do I put for File Number at the top right of the G-325A form?

Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2010-03-29 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp with DS-230
I went to different schools as well, although on the DS230 I mentioned only the one I have my high school diploma from. I doubt they care about anything that happened prior to that. That's just my opinion though.
Blake and JeanieFemaleRussia2011-04-02 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady
There is no internet access in Russian libraries!
PinenutFemaleRussia2011-12-15 01:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married in Russia
Everything on the embassy site worked for us. If you are in doubt, go to the ZAGS where you want to get married and ask them, they will be the ones accepting your documents. You might want to check with them sooner rather than later as some places can have weird scheduling policies (we had to wait about a month between submitting the documents and our wedding date).
PinenutFemaleRussia2012-03-12 11:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Interview Experience

I disagree, based on solely my experience, of course. Perhaps someone has priorly had a different experience at IOM, but my medical exam went really well.

I have a write-up of how things were on here somewhere, but in a nutshell - it was great. Everyone was rather polite and cordial and there wasn't even a hint of envy or rudeness in the air.

The doctor noticed my piercings and asked a few questions about those, as well as some of the scars and scoliosis that I've got, I never felt like I was being interrogated and she was very polite.

I don't know how you can disagree when all I did was describe our experience specifically about *men* going through the medical, because it is a completely different situation.

The point is, most people have a really easy time with the medical. Most people also have a fine time submitting documents, but you were stuck with some crazy woman. Submitting our documents before the interview was probably the easiest thing--they asked for the documents in the order on the website and just checked off each one without any questions at all. The woman who took out documents was very polite and rational. However, in the whole process I would rather err on the side of being prepared for one of the workers to be having a bad day. These people deal with hundreds of cases, and they don't have to be nice to everyone all the time.
PinenutFemaleRussia2012-03-14 00:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Interview Experience

At the embassy or at the medical exam itself? The embassy only wants to know that you have passed the medical and have the sealed envelope! At the medical exam they will want all your vaccination records. Everything else will be just questions and the usual cold things, lights, turn and cough, whatever! They WILL be interested to know about all of your mental illnesses and psychiatric hospitalizations! JK :lol:
You really need not stress about this, it is actually difficult to fail this exam unless you have an active communicable disease like tuberculosis!

I think there is a big difference between how women go through the medical and how men do... Keep in mind that, like the OP's experience with the Russian woman taking her documents, a Russian clinic does the medical exam. Just like OP dealt with some woman's jealousy/ bad day issues, this can happen at the exam too.

Men are asked for their ??????? ????? (military service record card). If he served in the army and was dismissed for any reason, or he didn't serve, this will be written as a code, A, B, etc. Some people got out of military service for having minor physical problems, others real or invented mental instability. My husband was asked in detail about why he didn't serve in the army (excused for university studies) but if there is a code written there, I would try to deal with it before the exam. He was also asked about every scar, with leading questions like, "oh you had surgery on your knee, didn't you?". I agree that it is hard to fail the exam though... just be ready.
PinenutFemaleRussia2012-03-12 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man
My Russian husband does almost everything. He washes the dishes by hand, washes all our clothes by hand, and washes the floor on his hands and knees. I just clean the kitchen and bathroom. Once we get to America, I think it will even out since I have no problem throwing clothes in a washer, vacuuming, or putting away dishes. Growing up with machines to do everything and coming somewhere without them is a lot harder than the other way around as far as I can tell.
PinenutFemaleRussia2011-11-23 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Spouse Visa Process.
Except for the extra cost to mail things, I think you are very lucky to be with your wife while you get through all of this together. After the initial petition, a lot of the forms and payment can be submitted online. Good luck!
PinenutFemaleRussia2011-10-26 04:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy case was reviwed
You can hate me but I'm sure its the wrong place for your topic. Its the place for IR-1/CR-1 visa discussion.
Sorry. offtopic45vn.gif

Edited by AnastasiaN, 22 July 2008 - 07:24 AM.

AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-22 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEarly March filer still not approved
Dear March/2008 filers in CSC i really hope that your cases will approve very very soon!!!!!
I thought when i will recieve approval i will cry, but now i dont know why but i am not crying , i am thinking about the next steps of this journey.
Dear jedinite,crazysamurai, CHD - i cross my fingers for your approvals. We sure that you will get it very soon - now we know that ours cases are in some hands...
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-29 01:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEarly March filer still not approved
here the march/2008 filers spreadsheet. CSC early March filers how are you???
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-22 07:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEarly March filer still not approved
Hi, here is the spreadsheet of March -2008 filers.
Almost all of us in CSC already have recieved approvals but some os us not. Please if you have new information (have touches, approvals or called USCIS) write about it here.

Edited by AnastasiaN, 15 July 2008 - 05:54 AM.

AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-15 05:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
the spreadsteet with magpius
We all hope for the best..... blush.gif
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-25 01:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
The new spdreadsheet is here
Fedup, we will see but i dont believe..... tongue_ss.gif
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-23 00:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
Here the last update of the March -2008 filers spreadsheet. I should say i am losing any hope... i am tired... crying.gif
Thank you USCIS.......

Edited by AnastasiaN, 22 July 2008 - 07:12 AM.

AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-22 07:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
I am very sad that we have no new approvals these days.
And jimcat as i understand your infomation about dates in my spreadsheet is allready there under the nick jimriz.
Please those of us who have approvals change your timeline or write about it in topics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck to all of us.... tongue_ss.gif

Edited by AnastasiaN, 10 July 2008 - 07:17 AM.

AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-10 07:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
here it is.....
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-03 04:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2008 I-130 Filers?
here is the new spreadsheet with updates (approvals!!!!!!!!!!)
AnastasiaNFemaleRussia2008-07-03 02:37:00