K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
I am quite sure we won't get any answer... I just wonder what could be wrong with our petition. Sorry to be so anxious, but I am sure everyone here will understand. We already lost two months at the beginning, and I really hoped to have that approval before Michael comes here next week.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-17 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Still nothing.. And getting close to the four-month mark. I wonder whether it would be any use if Michael called VSC and asked why people who filed later than us are being approved... What do you think?
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-17 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Still nothing, and getting more and more depressed.... Congratulations to everyone though - at least they have made someone happy! As I wrote in the March thread, I am thinking of asking Michael to cancel our petition and move here if that approval doesn't come soon. I don't want to sound superstitious, but I am so afraid this is not meant to be..... First we lost two months, then we ended up at the bottom of the pile. He's coming here next week anyway, so we'll have the time to think about a Plan B if this K-1 thing is not going to happen.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-15 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Let's hope it's true... At first I hoped to be able to make it to the US by the end of the summer, but now it seems the date will be pushed forward indefinitely. I would love to be married to Michael on October 20, the second anniversary of our first meeting in person - the day that changed both our lives. Who knows, it may be possible yet... Though I am not religious, at least not in any conventional sense, I hope someone or something will help us to be finally together. There are so many bad things in the world already to keep people who really love each other apart - and I am referring to all of us here.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-11 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Ours is EAC08126... Seems as we have been left by the wayside. No new touches since 6/17 either. I am afraid they are doing checks on me, since my gov't job might make them suspicious in their eyes. I really don't understand that... A person like me, in her late forties, with a steady income and all, should be a guarantee of very real intentions, and not someone in for a GC scam. However, from Igor's list it seems there are other late March filers left behind. I just hope to be able to make it to the US before Xmas.. And a whole year of my life will be gone, thanks to them.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-11 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Congrats to those who were approved! I think it's not going to happen at this point for us, though... Probably we'll be forgotten and perhaps get that approval just before Xmas, if ever. I really feel like quitting now..... I'm starting to think it was not meant to be.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-07 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
I am another of those people who sometimes feels they'll never get there. Though I've tried to be positive, the long wait, coupled with the mishap that led us to waste almost two months, is really getting me down big time. I'll be 48 in December, and therefore I know more than half of my life is behind me... Sorry to be so negative, but sometimes it's not easy to be otherwise.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-29 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
I hope someone listens to you... We filed two days after you, and are anxiously waiting for NOA2! Hopefully we won't get any nasty surprises, like an RFE. We're so tired of waiting!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-24 03:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Michael and I meet on MSN every day when he gets up in the morning (6 EST, 12 my time), and we spend the weekend together like that. Every evening I write him an email and tell him about my day, and he responds when he gets home from work. A warm, fuzzy feature of our everyday interaction is telling each other about any cats we may have seen, or sometimes sending each other links to videos or sites featuring kitties. We are both big cat (and animal) lovers, and are planning to get at least two kitties when we finally have our life together. Sometimes, when we have the weekend for ourselves, we look at furniture online, and discuss what we'd like to get for our new home.

He's coming to see me in one month's time, in order to spend his birthday (July 25) with me... We won't have a long time to spend together, but it will be enough.. And hopefully NOA2 will have already happened by then!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-23 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
# 53 here... last touched on 6/17! Let's hope for the best!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-20 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Good morning, April filers! It seems that our petition has been touched again after nearly 2 months... I had decided not to check the USCIS website for at least a week because not seeing any changes brought me down - but earlier this morning Michael did, and he saw the update! Perhaps it's a good sign, who knows... Even though in Italy 17 is the unlucky number by definition!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-17 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Still no touches since April 22.... I know there are other people in the same situation, but I still can't help feeling a bit put out. However, even though I have never seen myself as a very patient person before, I think I've been surprising myself at how well I'm dealing with this. Pity that I can't say the same about Michael... I know he's in pain, all alone there in the US, with all his bad memories to keep him company, and feeling so very lonely for me. Hopefully it won't be too long now...
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-12 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
My last touch was on April 22... I wonder if someone is keeping our file on their desk, or if the box where it was has just been moved, and is gathering dust somewhere else. I know touches don't really mean a lot, but I'm getting just a little bit anxious. Well, there's nothing to be done about it but wait.. It's only been two months so far, and many people have been waiting much longer after all.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-03 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
I don't know about you, but I've felt deeply saddened by those two threads in the Spousal Visa sections that bore the subtitle "K1s kicked to the curb". I never realised there was a war going on between 'merely' engaged couples and 'real' married ones... This is supposed to be a support site, where we all come to give each other encouragement, as well as finding extremely useful information. What I have seen today amounts to what in Italy we call a 'war between poor people', one that has no point at all and no one is likely to win. I've seen very hard words exchanged, and I wonder how some people manage not to get banned altogether... Celebrating other people's misfortunes is one of the most disgusting things I can think of, but it seems so common nowadays.

BTW; thank you, April filers, for being so nice! I wish you all the very best!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-02 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
How do I feel? I can't wait... I've been trying to get away from Italy for years, but when I had the opportunity I was lured back here, only to rue the day I ever gave my country a second chance. Too long to explain here, and I'm aware that many people would disagree with me. Unfortunately, good food, art and a good climate can't compensate for things such as being stuck in a dead-end job without any chance of getting another, or having to deal with far too many bad memories, related to both my personal and professional life.

As I wrote in another thread, I have practically no family here (my parents are dead, and I'm estranged from my brother), almost no friends, and no hope of seeing things get better. I am aware that no place in the world is perfect, but I'm quite willing to give the US a shot, and do my best to make my home there. Michael and I talked long and hard about that in the two years since we met, and we came to the conclusion that the best thing for us was for me to move to the US, where I would have many more chances to rebuild my life. I know I will miss my hometown of Rome, but I think this will be just about the only thing.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-01 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Thanks for the invitation.. I tend to be a bit shy around forums, unless I've been there a long time (which doesn't happen often). Still no changes in our situation.. Last touch (probably the only one) was on April 22, and tomorrow it will be two months since our petition was received by VSC. I try not to think about it too often, and avoid checking the USCIS site every day.... However, waiting is not easy, especially when one is closer to 50 than 40 as in my case, and feels the waste of every day very keenly.

These days Michael, my fiancé, is moving into our new home, which was bought on Wednesday (he represented me, since I don't want to visit the US when the visa is being processed). I should've been there with him, but the paranoia of our fellow human beings has prevented me from doing so. I won't say anything else about the issue, because when I once did here on VJ I got a couple of unpleasant responses... The only thing I will venture to say is that I can't help feeling we are being treated with unnecessary cruelty, especially those of us who, like me, have already left more than half of their lives behind them.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-05-31 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Still no changes after 4/22.... I wonder if they're looking at our file, just keeping it on someone's desk, or just forgotten about it! The good thing is that no one else (but for that one case) from April has been approved yet... Let's just hope the wait won't be too long now.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-05-23 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Anyone who was touched on April 22? This is the last update that shows on the USCIS website... one month ago. I know touches don't really mean anything, but it would be nice to know about others who are in our same box.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-05-21 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
As some of you may remember, we originally were February filers, but lost almost two months due to my fiancé check being rejected because it had a different address (I wonder why it took them that long to realize it, but I also know we shouldn't be surprised about anything at this point). Our petition was sent for the second time on March 28, but as our NOA1 was sent on April 1, I suppose we can consider ourselves April filers as well!

I've been checking the USCIS website almost every day, and we haven't had any touches so far - though I know it's not really that important. Let's just hope VSC starts churning out approvals by early May, since it seems to have somewhat slowed down in the past few weeks.

A smooth, safe journey to everyone! smile.gif
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-04-19 03:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2008 filers
Well, I know it's not that big a deal, but my fiancé hasn't got his NOA1 yet, though he sent the petition on Feb 7... He knows the check was cashed OK, but without the NOA1 we can't register to the USCIS site and check the progress of our case. I don't know where the problem may lie.. He'll probably call them in the next few days to ask what's wrong. I think it may have got lost in the mail, and if there are any such problems in the area where he lives, we'd better find out as soon as possible.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-29 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2008 filers
QUOTE (Saffyre @ Feb 18 2008, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Still no NOA1 yet........

My fiancé sent the packet on Feb 7, and as far as I know he's not received his NOA1 either. However, he knows the check was cashed on Friday, Feb 15 - so everything is OK.

Edited by HighwayStar, 19 February 2008 - 02:16 PM.

HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-19 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2008 filers
WOW! Earlier today my fiancé told me his check was cashed yesterday by USCIS.... This means we can expect our NOA1 soon. Now the wait really begins...
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-16 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2008 filers
Here's another Feb filer! My fiancé sent the petition to VSC this morning. All the best to all of us! smile.gif
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-07 12:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
I was utterly shocked by Allousa's story, and also by Alexandra's. Unfortunately, it seems many of those individuals go on power trips as soon as they are given a badge and a gun, and what should be protection of one's country quickly turns into gratuitous harassment of people who, in many cases, are just going on vacation (which means they are ready to spend their money in the US - I know I have spent quite a lot of it on my visits).

A couple of months ago I read about what had happened to a fellow Italian, a guy from my same home town of Rome - ten days in jail for having done absolutely nothing. This is the main reason why I have avoided visiting the US while waiting for the K-1.. I don't need to spend a 12-hour flight worrying about what is going to happen to me at the POE.

In any case, I hope Allousa takes action against those responsible of this horrible abuse of power. Her in-laws didn't deserve to be treated like that - no one does, and least of all two senior citizens who are unable to defend themselves.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-12 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers Needed
HighwayStarNot Telling02009-03-11 19:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAgain about translations...
I went through Naples for my K-1 Visa, and they didn't need any translation. On the other hand, I'll be applying for AoS soon, and I translated my birth certificate myself.
HighwayStarNot Telling02009-01-15 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about G-325A
Hello everybody! I joined VJ last week, when I didn't yet know that my USC fiancé's divorce was final. He was noticed yesterday, and we are about to begin our journey. I have been lurking for some months now, so I have already gathered a lot of information on the whole process. However, you always see things in a different light when you have to do them yourself, instead of just reading about others doing them.

My question is very simple, and I apologise if it has already been asked thousands of times on these boards. On the G-325A form there is a section asking for the applicant's residence in the last five years, and another asking about the applicant's employment in the same period of time. Should I put down only my residence and jobs in the past five years, or rather everywhere I've lived, and everything I've done since I started working full-time (20 years ago)? I have lived and worked in the same place since July 2001, when I moved back to Rome after a period of five and a half years spent in Finland. What should I do? I want everything to be as clear and complete as possible, in order to avoid any possible delays.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-01-22 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce and proof of relationship
OK, thank you very much for your feedback! smile.gif Yes, I was indeed referring to the case of Kim and Jen, though yesterday evening I saw that everything had ended well (congrats! I'm really very happy for both of you).

Anyway, just to get a few facts straight, my fiancé is the USC - I am Italian and live in Rome. As to having a hand in the demise of his marriage, this couldn't be farther from the truth. His marriage had been on the rocks for years, and by the time we met it had to all intents and purposes disintegrated beyond repair. I never encouraged him to separate, nor did he promise me anything at all - as a matter of fact, I only learned much later how bad things really were. His wife was as unhappy as he was, and she immediately agreed to the separation. We met three months later - I would have NEVER accepted to enter into a real-life relationship with a man who wasn't at least legally separated.

Sorry about the rant, but I'd rather avoid being judged on the basis of some superficial impression.

That said, as I've been lurking around VJ for months before I finally decided to become a member, I know everything about chat logs. I have all our MSN logs saved on my HD, and I'll bring as many as I can to the interview - which is still quite a few months away! Same applies to emails and everything. Luckily, as I said, my fiancé will probably come to visit me in March, and I am sure this will count towards proving our ongoing relationship (I'll tell him to save his boarding passes). As to the site where we met, it was neither a dating nor a gaming site, but rather a music forum. As some of you will have gathered from my screen name, I'm very much into Seventies rock music. The site is quite a big one, and we are registered with most of our personal data, so it should be dead easy for them to verify.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-02 03:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce and proof of relationship
No, I haven't filed yet - I sent my own part of the paperwork (plus quite a bit of evidence I had been keeping at home) to my fiancé a few days ago, and he'll send the petition when he gets all that. It should be a question of days now.

I've never been married, so the problem is not on my side of things. However, we shouldn't have any problems in proving either that we have met in the past two years (I even have boarding cards in both our names, showing that we took the same flight from Europe to DC in July), or that we have a bonafide relationship. In the coming months he should come to see me at least once, and then we have plenty of emails and MSN chat logs to prove we keep in touch regularly.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-01 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce and proof of relationship
Yesterday I was reading the thread about an interview gone very wrong, and a doubt came suddenly to me. My fiancé got his official divorce decree about three weeks ago, which means we started our relationship when he was still not free in a strictly legal sense. We met online in the spring of 2006, and met in person for the first time in October of the same year, when he had been legally separated for about three months. He was married in North Carolina, and is now a resident of Virginia - both states in which a full year of separation is mandatory before one can file divorce papers.

From what I have been reading here, it seems to be rather common for people to start relationships during the period leading to a divorce, and to have to wait until the divorce is final before they can file for a K-1. However, I wonder if the fact he was not free when we started our relationship may jeopardise our chances of getting a visa. Another thing is, I am almost 9 years older than him, though it should be quite evident to the adjudicators that I'm not out for a Green Card scam. (they just have to look at my current employer). Do you think either of these factors could cause problems? I would be especially grateful for contributions by 'older' members (I am 47), or those who are or were in a similar situation.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-01 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUs Old Folks
After searching for some time, I managed to find this thread again.... I had seen it before I became a member, then I forgot to post about my own experience, as I often do. wink.gif

Though I don't feel old at all, my ID says I'm 47, which I suppose would make me middle-aged. My fiancé, the USC, will be 39 in July - younger than me, but not significantly so - and he is the one who was married with kids. Sometimes I jokingly refer to myself as a 'professional old maid', who had chosen to remain single rather than face disappointment in love once again. Well, a couple of years ago, life gave me a wonderful gift in the shape of Michael's love, and now we are ready to send in our petition for the K-1 visa.

As other people who have posted in this thread, I have a home, assets and a steady job (I'm a government official) here in Italy. As happens in many European countries (and possibly even worse), it is all but impossible to find another job at my age, and for this reason people are ready to sacrifice everything to that. Since I started telling people about my engagement and my intentions to marry Michael, I've had people try to convince me to cling to my job in every possible way, and have him move here. Now, especially in the current situation, and not speaking any Italian at all, my fiancé would probably find nothing at all, or (even worse) find something 'under the table' which would put his life at risk (he's an electrician). He must pay about $ 1,000 a month in child support, and without a job I would have to pay it, unless he decided never to set foot in the US again. Then, as you very well know, without having a steady income he would be prevented to file for a spousal visa, and we would have to stay here indefinitely.

I am very fluent in English, as well as in other three languages besides Italian, and am about to get my PhD. I have already seen I would have quite a few opportunities in the US if I decided to find work (which my future husband wants me to do only if I really want to). Besides, I have assets here in Italy, which would constitute a sort of safety net for me when I resign from my job. I realise such a move at my age is a risk, but in Italian we say that those who never run risks, never reap any rewards either.

Then, I have to admit that I need a change of scene very badly. I spent almost six years in Finland working as a lecturer of Italian, and I was very happy there, but when I came back here in 2001, everything started going badly wrong, both professionally and personally (I lost my beloved mother when I least expected it). Unfortunately, my few close relatives don't seem to understand it, and probably think it is a whim - which saddens me a lot, but of course doesn't deter me from pursuing my dreams. I am going into this with my eyes wide open, though I trust my fiancé completely. Your posts were very helpful to me, as I realised I am not the only person faced with such a dramatic change at a somewhat 'mature' age.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-03 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow In The World Did It Come To This?
I am sorry if someone was confused by my second post. I thought some of you were offended by my criticism of the US. If you knew me, you would know I am much more critical of my own home country.

Which brings me to the question of why my fiancé doesn't move to Italy. There is a very simple reason, and it is called work. The job market in Italy is not very favourable to foreigners who don't speak Italian, and even Italians have trouble in finding decent-paying jobs. My fiancé has a very good trade in the US, and he has lots of other possibilities - and, until his ex wife remarries, has to pay a substantial part of his income as child support. In Italy, I would probably have to support him for months, if not forever. I could support him, but not his children. There are other Italian-American couples on VJ who have made the same decision, and exactly for the same reasons.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-05 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow In The World Did It Come To This?
I apologise if someone took offence to the directness of my post. However, I have my reasons for saying the things I did. I am 47, and have spent most of my life alone. Every minute I waste weighs heavily on me, because it brings me closer to the end of my life. I already know I won't be able to have a family, and the idea of spending another six or seven months apart from the man I love can weigh very heavily on me. I am not a young girl who still has to learn the meaning of patience. Believe, me, I have had lots of opportunities to do so, and in much worse situations.

I won't comment on other posts, because I have very peculiar ideas on the way the world works, which would be pointless to discuss here. However, I would like to remind you that not everyone is able to visit their partner often during the enforced separation, and that I don't think that forcing people to marry just in order to be together is not always a good idea. As to moving to other countries instead of the US, there may be serious reasons behind a couple's choice.

Just a final remark.... I am way better off financially than my fiancé, and also well-educated and qualified enough not to be likely to become a public charge. I am very sorry if what I have said was offensive to anyone, but I can't help feeling negatively about the hoops we are made to jump.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-05 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow In The World Did It Come To This?
Personally, I think the US government should be so honest as to tell their citizens clearly that they are not allowed to marry foreigners. Keeping married couples separated goes against every human right - European countries don't sanction anything like that (perhaps the UK, but certainly not the others), and we are certainly not overrun by criminals who marry European citizens. Moreover, being treated like that doesn't foster a healthy relationship between the foreign spouses and their new country. This is what I've noticed when reading many of the sections in this forum.

Hopefully I haven't offended anyone with my bluntness, but this is what I think. I have nothing to hide, therefore am not afraid of the process or anything, and I don't resent the invasion of my privacy as much as the fact of having to wait months and shell out loads of money, which makes me feel positively unwelcome.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-05 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion of Evidence
QUOTE (Don E @ Feb 7 2008, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In regard to your question about copying your passport for proof of meeting, I suggest making a copy of the page with the actual photo ID and a copy of the page(s) with the stamps which serve as evidence of arriving in the country on a particular date. There is no need to copy any other pages. That's what I did, and there were no problems with approval.

Thank you for sharing this info, because this is what I did too (I'm the beneficiary). Unfortunately, the boarding passes I had kept (some showing that my fiancé and I were on the same flight to DC) don't show the year - but the dates on my passport stamps coincide with those on the passes, so there should be no problems. On any account, if we get an RFE, we'll try to dig up some more evidence - namely some bank statements of mine showing withdrawals from ATMs in the area where my fiancé lives, and a receipt for the purchase of a cellphone in my name.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-07 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoiding RFEs'
As regards notarizing signatures in Italy, it is something any public records office will do for very little money (if I remember well, you just need an official stamp, or 'marca da bollo'). Since I am a government employee, I can even have it done by a colleague in the office where I work - we have a dedicated stamp for that. Anyway, those public records offices ('municipi') have been doing that for years... No need to go to a lawyer at all!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-09 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEveryone loves silly questions =)
Not being American, I don't know about crossing the old address out and writing the new one in, but I am sure about one thing: do NOT use checks with your old address, because my fiancé did, and got the petition sent back to him after nearly two months (see my timeline). If I were you, I'd wait for the new ones... Better to be on the safe side! If that hadn't happened to us, we probably would've been approved by now.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-05-19 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelping with Money for Foreign Significant Other
Well, in our case the positions are reversed, because even though I'm the foreign national, I am better off than my fiancé, and I've been helping him quite a bit. He has a good, steady job and works very hard, but as many of you know it can be hard to cope financially after a separation, especially when having to pay child support. He's never asked me though - I have done so of my own free will, and I know he'll take good care of me when I move there. He would've done the same for me had our positions been reversed.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-02-09 04:30:00
The same thing happened to me... Michael had been legally separated for three months when we met in person the first time, and got his final divorce on January 14 this year. This is why we didn't file before!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-06-13 01:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA question for the experts
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 12 2008, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Highway Star -

There are no checks occuring right now about the legitimacy of your relationship.

There are checks being performed on your American fiance insofar as the questions on the I129F regarding past prior applications with the Service or prior criminal convictions. There will be a rudimentary check on you when the petition gets to NVC.

There is anecdotal evidence in the forums that frequent air travel by the beneficiary and/or government clearances can cause hangups. But these instances are rare.

Your case is not outside of processing times and there is likely nothing wrong. The others in the thread have mostly responded well.

Thank you very much for your response. As I suspected, my colleague let his imagination run away with him, in spite of being a man of knowledge and experience. Though I work for the Italian Foreign Office, however, I have been working at the Ministry's Rome headquarters for the past seven years, and all my travelling has been for short vacations. Basically, in spite of any lofty title I may have, I am just a paper pusher laughing.gif .
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-12 09:56:00