Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)atto di nascita
Ciao Rosie,

mi sembra molto strano che al Comune non ti abbiano dato l'estratto. Qui a Roma rilasciano il certificato a vista, e l'estratto dopo un po' di tempo (a me avevano detto 60 giorni, ma in realtà ci hanno messo molto di meno). Io ho appena ricevuto il visto K1, e per averlo ho presentato l'estratto (ne avevo fatto fare due copie, e al consoloato hanno voluto sia un originale che una copia). In ogni caso, al comune non hanno NESSUN diritto di rifiutarti l'estratto, e quello che hanno detto a tuo padre non sta nè in cielo nè in terra. Dove avete fatto la richiesta? Fammi sapere!

HighwayStarNot Telling02008-10-19 07:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)atto di nascita
Ciao Patrizia, e in bocca al lupo per il vostro 'viaggio'! smile.gif

Allora, io dovrò richiedere i certificati nei prossimi giorni, visto che la nostra petizione è già stata approvata. Per quanto ne so, devi richiedere l'estratto di nascita con i nomi dei genitori (sull'atto di nascita normale non ci sono), e credo che tu possa richiederlo anche in versione plurilingue. Se non mi sbaglio, trovi tutte queste informazioni sul sito del Department of State. Quanto al certificato del Casellario Giudiziale, è quello che comprende tutto (civile e penale). Io ancora non li ho richiesti perchè ho avuto l'approvazione solo mercoledì scorso, e so che hanno entrambi una validità limitata. In ogni caso, rimaniamo in contatto per qualsiasi informazione!

Ciao, Raffaella.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-08-08 11:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Visiting Italy -help!
For hotels (in Venice and elsewhere), I'd like to suggest an excellent website with very good prices: Hotels in Venice are notoriously expensive, and this is why many people choose to sleep in Mestre. However, though cheaper, the town (which is part of the Venice municipality) is quite ugly and depressing, and before making a decision it's worth having a look at cheaper options. BTW, another good travel site to check is TripAdvisor (, which offers hotel reviews written by travellers.

As regards the skiing resorts, I would highly recommend the Dolomites region, in north-eastern Italy. Have a look at the TripAdvisor website for further details. I am quite familiar with a number of resorts in the area, though I used to visit them in summer rather than in winter.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-12-09 19:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Thanks a lot! My fiancé lives in Alexandria, VA, though he was born in Portland, Oregon. We are planning to move there some time in the future, once I get there and settle in. By the way, tomorrow I'll be sending him my letter of intent, filled G-325A form, picture and evidence... When he gets that, he'll send the petition to the VSC. I really can't wait!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-01-27 05:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Thank you very much for the information! There is a photographer's shop in the street where I live, and the pics are usually ready after a few minutes. I'll have them done ASAP, and then send everything to my fiancé in the US.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-01-22 11:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Hello everybody! I'm new to the VJ forum, and about to start my own journey. I am an Italian citizen and live in Rome - my fiancé is the USC, and lives in the DC area. Today he got official notification of his divorce, so we're free to pursue the K-1 visa, which seems to be the quickest option.

Hopefully I'll be able to rely on people's advice in this thread. For the time being, I have a very simple question, regarding the photos my fiancé has to send with the petition. Where would you recommend me to go to have them taken, and what should I ask the photographer to do (if anything)? Thank you in advice for your help!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-01-21 13:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians
Hello everybody! I've just joined the forums after having lurked for a long, long time. I am not Scandinavian, but I have my reasons for posting here, and hopefully some of you will be able to help me with my query.

I am an Italian citizien who lived in Finland from February 1996 to July 2001. There I worked at a local university, where I had been appointed as as a lecturer of Italian by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (my current employer). This means I had a regular residence permit, but other than that I had no official status (the only identity number I have is the one I used for tax purposes), since I was paid by the Italian government.

Now I am engaged to an USC, who is waiting for his divorce to become final. When this happens, we'll file for a K-1. I know I still have a lot of time, but I would like to know if I can apply to the Finnish Oikeusrekisteri for a police clearance certificate, seen as I lived in the country for over five years, and the USCIS requires me to produce such a document for all the countries where I have resided (only Italy and Finland so far). I have already gathered some information via Google, but the doubt still remains. Would any of you resident Finns be able to help me?
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-01-17 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Processing
QUOTE (charisma1 @ Jul 12 2008, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are easy to get offended! whistling.gif

May I know why you would tak offence if someone said that in another country a church plays a part in civil society?
I don't think he suggested the Catholic Church should do anything in the US (or anywhere else), nor did he try to make you join any specific confession.

QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 11 2008, 11:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Highway Star - Your comment about it being 'useful' for the Catholic Church to interject itself into constitutional matters is what elicited my response. I have a distinct aversion to these things. A constitution is just "le lettre de loi"; "l'esprit de loi" can be civil society, and in some countries, local communities and congregations/churches are actively part of civil society.

If you were offended by my reply, I apologize for that. But I was equally offended by your post.

OK, first of all I am not a he, I am a she. I don't want to get into a fight with RJ, because I know better than to waste my time with people who think they are always right. However, there is a simple thing I'd like to say to her... Since she has researched the subject of immigration so extensively, I wonder why she didn't respond to the thread I started in the General K1 section, whose title was "A question for the experts". I could've benefited of her expertise in the matter, instead of having to listen to uncalled-for lectures about the American constitution or the separation between Church and State.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-12 00:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Processing
I am quite well-versed in the current affairs of my country, thank you - and I absolutely LOATHE our current government and what they are doing, not just to immigrants.

That said, since one of the posts in this thread mentioned the EU, I mentioned my own country, which is still the one I know best (in spite of having lived in another EU country for almost six years). Whether you like it or not, no EU country behaves as the USA do to the spouses of their own citizens. This is a fact, as is the norm in our Constitution that protecs the family. If it is a crime to notice the discrepancies between those different ways to dealing with family-based immigration, then I'm guilty. However, I'd appreciate if I was never again told to stay where I am, because it is needlessly hurtful - especially since I know the reasons why I am trying to get to the US, instead of having my SO come here. I didn't attack you personally, and I don't see why you should do such a thing to me.

As regards the EU not having the same amount of requests for family-based visas as the US, well, there might be a reason for that - if I had married a man from France or Germany, he would've needed nothing even remotely resembling a visa, and the same would have applied to me in the reverse. Seen as the EU numbers over 400 million inhabitants nowadays, this probably cuts down quite a lot the number of visa requests.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-11 06:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Processing
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 11 2008, 12:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HighwayStar @ Jul 10 2008, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dr. Nick @ Jul 10 2008, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, the family based petitions are at the bottom of USCIS priorities, especially so at the VSC, and we can see (and feel) the results. Our government doesn't think our families are important, and doesn't care about our plight either. I don't think any government in the EU would be able to get away with it....but for some reason they do get away with it here in the US. Waiting 9-10 months for something that EU countries complete within 30 days is unacceptable. Our voices are not being heard, everybody talks about naturalization delays, 10+ millions illegal immigrants, but nobody mentions families of USC's. Even USCIS director said that our delays are due to the visa caps, which is not applicable in case of spouses of USC's, that's how much they know and care. Even when I'm out of this mess, I will never think these terribly long processing times are acceptable, THEY ARE NOT if we live (and want to live) in a civilized country.

Though I am waiting for a K1 Visa, when I saw the thread title I thought I'd bring in my experience as a citizen of a EU country. In Italy, keeping a legally married couple separated for months would be against the Constitution, which mentions families as the basic unit of society. Anything of the sort would also bring the wrath of the Catholic Church over any government - I am not a fan of the CC by any means, but I have to admit that sometimes its presence on our territory can be useful. Of course, it has happened time and again that immigrant couples have been separated, but nowadays it cannot happen if one of the parties involved is an Italian citizen.

Sounds like it might be better for you to live in Italy then.

As an American citizen, it gives me more than a little heartburn when any church involves itself in legislation.

If we have chosen this route, we have very serious reasons, which I don't have to explain to you. As for the influence of the Catholic Church, I do agree with you that it should NOT be involved in any kind of legislation (I think I made it clear in my post). I don't want to start a flame war, but I don't like it when people offer arguments such as, 'if you don't like it, stay where you are'. You don't know me, or my particular situation, so that doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do. I commented on a remark in my capacity as a EU citizen, and didn't deserve to be rebuked in that way.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-11 01:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Processing
QUOTE (Dr. Nick @ Jul 10 2008, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, the family based petitions are at the bottom of USCIS priorities, especially so at the VSC, and we can see (and feel) the results. Our government doesn't think our families are important, and doesn't care about our plight either. I don't think any government in the EU would be able to get away with it....but for some reason they do get away with it here in the US. Waiting 9-10 months for something that EU countries complete within 30 days is unacceptable. Our voices are not being heard, everybody talks about naturalization delays, 10+ millions illegal immigrants, but nobody mentions families of USC's. Even USCIS director said that our delays are due to the visa caps, which is not applicable in case of spouses of USC's, that's how much they know and care. Even when I'm out of this mess, I will never think these terribly long processing times are acceptable, THEY ARE NOT if we live (and want to live) in a civilized country.

Though I am waiting for a K1 Visa, when I saw the thread title I thought I'd bring in my experience as a citizen of a EU country. In Italy, keeping a legally married couple separated for months would be against the Constitution, which mentions families as the basic unit of society. Anything of the sort would also bring the wrath of the Catholic Church over any government - I am not a fan of the CC by any means, but I have to admit that sometimes its presence on our territory can be useful. Of course, it has happened time and again that immigrant couples have been separated, but nowadays it cannot happen if one of the parties involved is an Italian citizen.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-10 11:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresg325 question on family name
If his official papers only show Benito as his name, I don't think there should be any problems with putting just that on the form. I am officially called Maria Raffaella, and put both names as my first name - and NO middle name, as in Italy middle names are not commonly used. Anyway, for your peace of mind, you could try putting Alessandro in as his middle name, since this is what it shows on his birth certificate. Even if the information was redundant, it's always better to have more of it than less.
HighwayStarNot Telling02009-01-23 08:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate in NAPLES
QUOTE (crs @ Nov 12 2008, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone,
apparently I read somewhere that most people who went through the Naples Consulate have never received their Packet 3 and just went on sending out the fax after a few weeks.
Can anyone tell me their experience?
Thank you!

True! Just download Packet 3 from their website (I think you were the one who gave me the link back in September), fill in DS-230 pt. 1, sign and date it, and fax it to them. Be sure to write your email address somewhere, because they will contact you by email to send you Packet 4 (they did so after only one week). For me it was only three weeks between sending the fax and my interview.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-11-12 05:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTranslate an Italian document
That kind of language puts me off big time too. I translated my birth certificate myself (I'm about to apply for AOS), and it was a real pain to say the least.

Anyway, from what I've read around this board, other people have requested the police certificate by mail and obtained it in a reasonable amount of time. I'd avoid contacting the consulate altogether. I am an Italian citizen, and a former gov't employee, but in spite of that I will avoid having too much to do with them. I know their workings from the inside, and know they can be anything but a help in many cases.
HighwayStarNot Telling02009-01-18 18:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTranslate an Italian document
You did a sterling job on the translation smile.gif ! I am a native speaker of Italian, and very fluent in English (almost bilingual), but I know it would have taken me some time to get things right.

Anyway, some more details that might be of use to the original poster:

- the office in question is open from 9 to 13, regardless of what they say on their website. I am from Rome, and went there personally to request my police certificate, and had to wait half an hour for the doors to open (I got there slightly before 8.30). However, once inside I got my number (I had already filled out the request form, which I found on the Internet, and had purchased the official stamp beforehand), deposited my request, and left to go to work. I picked up the certificate a couple of days later;

- I am quite sure Italian consulates in the US don't release police certificates, which are the prerogative of another branch of the Public Administration (Ministry of Justice). At any rate, here is a link to the consular services pages of the Miami Consulate:
HighwayStarNot Telling02009-01-18 16:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionItalian Police Records HELP!
QUOTE (bar1kenoby @ Feb 17 2009, 03:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
overhere the burocracy is very slow...try to call them up if u dont want to waste your time but....still i think that u could ask that in an italian ambassy there in the usa....they will be able to help u

As far as I know, Italian embassies in the USA don't deal with police certificates (in other countries they do instead). One word of advice: if you send a request to the Casellario Giudiziale or any other such office, do so with a Return Receipt, so you have proof of both having sent the item, and of them having received it. The actual fee for the certificate is under € 20 (14,62 + 3,10 in official stamps, or 'marche da bollo'). Of course, if you know someone in Italy that can help you by going to the office and requesting the certificate on your behalf, it would be much better - certificates are generally released very quickly, even on the same day (you have to pay an extra € 3,10 euros for that). I got mine in three days from the Casellario in Rome (where I used to live).

HighwayStarNot Telling02009-02-17 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat do you do....
In my case, the question should be, "How can you stop being busy?" biggrin.gif As a matter of fact, I had to draw up a 'to-do' list in preparation of my departure (I am a Feb filer too, and all I know at this time is that our file hasn't been processed yet). I go to work every day at 7 a.m., get home at about 5-6 p.m., then email my darling and collapse into bed rather early. On weekends, we spend the afternoon and part of the evening on MSN together, and during the week we exchange TMs with our cellphones, in addition to the nightly emails.

In the meantime, I'm trying to arrange my affairs here. I'm going to leave quite a few things in Italy, because it's easier for me to do so, and nowadays with e-banking, email and such it's quite easy to manage your affairs from abroad. As half of the flat where I live belongs to my brother, I am going to take with me only a small amount of what I have at home, and leave the rest to him to deal with (we are sort of estranged at the moment). I'll actually call the movers this week, and see if they can give me an estimate of how much it is going to cost me to have my stuff shipped over to the US. The paperwork required for the interview is not hard to get here, thank heavens - I should be able to get both police clearance and BC in one or two days tops.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-24 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsworried...
QUOTE (shawndoc @ Mar 29 2008, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also used a check that had an ancient address. I normally only use checks for paying my rent, so didn't feel any need to throw out my old ones and pay for new ones with updated address. Had no problems being processed by the CSC.

Well, this is what happened to my fiancé... He was still using those checks without any problems, but VSC had a different opinion. Perhaps CSC is different, but that won't help us now. The file was resent anyway, and at this point I hope it will be processed quickly.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-29 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsworried...
Sorry for the double post, but unfortunately we got very soon to know what was wrong, as my timeline shows all too clearly. My fiancé used a check that showed his old address in North Carolina (he's been living in Northern Virginia for over one and a half years now), and as a result the application was sent back to him yesterday. Needless to say, I got mad at him for the almost two months wasted. He resent it immediately with a new check, and told me everything had been looked at and stamped. I don't know if this is a good thing or not... Can anyone advise me, especially if something similar has happened to any of you? I'd really appreciate it so very much.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-29 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsworried...
Thank you very much for your concern and advice. Unfortunately, I can't call them, because I am in Italy, and my fiancé is now patiently waiting for them to send that NOA1. If it doesn't get there by the end of the week, I think he should call them and make his displeasure be known. When he managed to get hold of them, he was told the file was there, but they hadn't start processing it yet. I just hope we won't be singled out by bad luck and have to wait heaven knows how long... Our case should be otherwise rather clear-cut, or at least we think so. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-28 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsworried...
My fiancé sent our K-1 petition on February 7. Now, almost two months later, we haven't yet got NOA1, therefore we don't know our case number, and haven't been able to check if there is any progress on our case. He called VSC and was told the petition had been received OK, and that they would send the number ASAP (the cheque had been cashed on Feb 13, so we already knew the petition had got there). The thing is, that damned number hasn't arrived yet, and I'm beginning to wonder whether there might be something odd going on.

This is the reason why I haven't been able to update our timeline... Even though we know the petition is there at VSC, we never got an official NOA1. Since I've been a member here, and even before that, I've seen that everything under the sun can happen to us poor filers... If there is anyone who has experienced a similar situation, I'd be immensely grateful for any feedback and/or advice. Thanks in advance!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-28 06:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Mar 31 2008, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Highwaystar... VSC seems to be picky about the address on the check. It is very strange that they cashed it first and then sent the petition back. Did they state that is why they sent it back or was their another reason?

Also, I realize this isn't the place for relationship advice but if what happened is causing you to reconsider your relationship perhaps you should be taking the time to be certain it's truly what you want. Marriage is going to come with a lot bigger bumps than this. wink.gif

Thank you so much for your understanding! The thing is, my fiancé is a wonderful man in so many respects, but this time he made a big mistake. I hate being pushy, so I didn't insist on his becoming a VJ member... However, I had to tell him that he left everything in my hands, when there was very little I could do, being the beneficiary and living about 4,000 miles away from him. As for the problem with the check, it seems it was the only thing they had found lacking... As I said, they had stamped everything, which means that probably our NOA2 would have come very soon.

The idea of being stuck in limbo for god knows how long after having almost reached our goal is extremely depressing, especially since I am dealing with a situation at home that is far from ideal. He knew all this, yet he took his own sweet time to contact VSC when NOA1 wasn't showing up, and only did so about two weeks ago. This is what I find it hard to forgive. I am 47 years old, and if something goes wrong in the US I won't have anything to go back to. In Italy it is practically impossible to find a job at my age (and difficult at any other), and even if I have assets, they won't last forever. I do love him, and I know he loves me, but at my age I am also aware that very often love is not enough. I know it was an honest mistake and all that, but the idea of always having to tell him what to do, and repeat it often to boot, is not really very appealing.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-31 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Well, if you look at my timeline you will know what happened.... My fiancé sent them a check that showed his old address in NC (he moved to VA over one and a half years ago), since he'd been using those checks to pay for just about everything else without any problems. Of course, our friends at VSC didn't accept it and sent him back the petition on Friday, March 28. He'd been in touch with them for some time now, because he'd never got the NOA1 even though he knew the check had been cashed.... I just wonder, why did it take them almost two months to realise that? He told me our petition had been looked at, stamped and so on.

I have to admit, I just don't understand what happened. I don't know how long this is going to hold things up, but I know he didn't take action sooner, because he trusted the system. I still don't know if I should have told him it was over between us... He disregarded my advice, and caused me to waste two months, even knowing my situation is not very easy here. I don't really know... Perhaps I should forget all about it, and stay where I am.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-03-31 01:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow long were you together?
I think that my timeline shows more or less everything... Met online about two years ago, and we've been together ever since. He's coming to visit me in Rome on July 23, so he can spend his birthday (July 25) with me.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-05 07:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSuccessful Interview! K1 in London
All the very best to you both!!!!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-30 04:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdate
Congratulations from a fellow Italian! smile.gif My fiancé and I got our NOA2 on Aug 6, and we've been on cloud nine ever since. Hopefully things will move quickly from now on, even if I have quite a few things to do before I leave the Eternal City for good.

All the best for the interview, and a big 'in bocca al lupo' to both of you!

Edited by HighwayStar, 09 August 2008 - 01:30 AM.

HighwayStarNot Telling02008-08-09 01:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved
Already posted in the April thread, but I want to repeat here how happy I am for both of you... Having experienced a lot of what you felt (including the long wait for Michael's divorce to be final), I really share your happiness, even if I don't know either of you personally. Thank you again for the support you gave us during our own wait, and my very best wishes for a future of happiness!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-08-14 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
I am so happy for you, Alina! smile.gif Michael and I spent our first two weeks together, in the fall of 2006, just in the Blue Ridge Mountains area, near Asheville, NC... It was utterly glorious, and I really hope we'll be able to go back there for our honeymoon. Unfortunately, I am still stuck here until heaven knows how long for matters related to my late aunt's inheritance... and because of a totally unsupportive brother. Well, I just hope my departure won't be delayed by more than one or two weeks.. Michael left Rome this morning, and at the moment I'm feeling understandably sad. I would've liked more than anything to be able to tell him, I'll be coming on Day X...
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-10-15 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
A very happy wedding day to Nich and Nick! I wish you all the happiness in the world!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-10-06 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Sorry for double post.... Happy dance required here kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif !!!! I have an interview date - and it's NEXT WEEK!!!!!!! kicking.gif
Oct 8 to be precise.... Hopefully Michael will make it here, even if it will cost him a bit to get a ticket at such short notice. I'm so happy that I almost can't believe it... Now let me update my timeline!!!!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-29 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
My call didn't happen yet... I tried three times from my cellphone, all unsuccessfully. I'll try from home later, provided I can find someone after 6 p.m. I can't access toll numbers from my office phones, and I've tried to find a payphone around here for most of the day - frustrating as hell! To add insult to injury, I will have to stay here at work until at least 5, though I've been here since 8 a.m. - of course, I was told this morning! Well, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get hold of them, unless I can later tonight.

Kim, I am so very happy for you! I hope it's going to end soon for us too.. These last few weeks are really stressful, and that's an understatement.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-29 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Hello March filers! Best wishes to all of you - Ana, Bex, Nich, and everybody else! smile.gif

Please keep your fingers crossed for me.. Tomorrow I'm going to call the Naples Consulate to schedule my interview - hopefully soon! I've heard it's not always easy to get them on the phone (which is a toll number as well, notoriously expensive), but I mean to try and try until I can get a living person on the line. I can't believe that it will soon be over.... It seems like a lifetime!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-28 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
CONGRATS!!!! smile.gif
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-21 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
I am afraid I won't be able to join an October AOS thread, since I will still be stuck here... I lost a lot of time because of those idiots in Naples, and now I'm afraid I won't be able to leave before November - unless I'm lucky and land an interview spot in mid-October. Well, I've waited so long already that a few weeks more won't make a big difference anyway... I just hope I'll be able to be there by Thanksgiving, so we can trim the Xmas tree together as we did last year, five days before Xmas Day.

In the meantime, all the best to those who are getting married in the next few days.. Nich (glad you survived the hurricane! I saw some pics on the web, and they were SCARY!!!!), Kim, and everyone else. As for myself, at this point, I just want to get that visa and move there, whenever it is... I would've liked not to waste the whole year like that, but it seems this is the way things were supposed to go.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-18 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Just read the news on an Italian newspaper website... I hadn't realised the situation was so critical! Thinking of you here, Nich... Please stay safe, and hope this will be over soon without any consequences for you and your family!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-12 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
All the best to all of you, from the bottom of my heart! Still waiting for Packet 3 from the Naples consulate... Started a thread in the Europe forum in order to get some more detailed info. I don't know if it is a good idea to email them again, since the two weeks were over today... Hopefully I'll get some answers soon!

I absolutely ADORE fall, or autumn as we would say here in Europe, and the first time I ever travelled to the US I spent most of those two weeks in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, near Asheville, in a wonderful log cabin. I'll never forget that time as long as I live... Michael said he'd love to go back there for our honeymoon. He was born in Portland, OR, and loves the mountains, just as I do. Hopefully soon!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-10 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Oh, Kim, that's WONDERFUL news!!!!! From the bottom of my heart, I really wish you the very best... And hopefully we'll get to meet you some time in the US. I've always wanted to visit Boston.

As for us, I'm still waiting for the people from Naples to send me Packet 3. When I emailed them, I got an autoreply that put me in a sort of 'holding pen' for two weeks - which are over tomorrow. Since I know they got my email, I don't think it's productive to email them again. In any case, I have to wait for my birth cert to be ready, so there's no hurry.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-09 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Congrats to all those who are about to get married! smile.gif Michael and I were just discussing choices for witnesses, though I think they are not needed in VA. I am not going to have anyone from my side there, and he is estranged from his family, nor does he have any close friends where he lives.... I don't really care, though, because in my view a wedding is for the couple involved, and not for their guests. For us it will be the end of a very difficult time in or lives, and the beginning of a new life together, which hopefully will last as long as possible.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-09-06 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Good luck, Ana! smile.gif Hope everything goes well, and that you can join Jeff in the US soon!

Tomorrow I'll try to sort out that problem with the birth cert... If I can't, I suppose I'll have to schedule the interview after Oct 18. In a way, having it (or rather the medical) on Oct 20 would be nice, because it will be the second anniversary of our first meeting in person... At any rate, I'll need the extra time if all else fails, since I have a lot of affairs to take care of - and now, as if everything else wasn't enough, I have my aunt's inheritance matters to take care of. I'll have to travel down south again on Sunday - not bad per se, as the place is beautiful, but I am a bit tired these days, and the journey is some 5 hours long!
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-08-21 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
I want to chime in with what S&D said, and thank Kim for her support from the bottom of my heart. I know thinking they will deny us is totally irrational, seen as we are both free to marry, free from any problems with the law, and our relationship is for real. However, as someone else pointed out in the past, the lack of any transparency in the process, being left totally in the dark as to what is happening, is utterly nerve-wracking... And also the notion of the wasted time, especially for those of us who are not spring chickens any longer.

Anyway, it seems the slow down was due to the HB1 petitions, as a thread in the K3 section illustrates. They have to clear those up by July 31, and then perhaps things will get back to normal - probably too late for us, but at least good news for those who filed after us.
HighwayStarNot Telling02008-07-19 09:30:00