US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez payments, and VISA same day?
QUOTE (Isi @ Sep 23 2009, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 23 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Isi @ Sep 23 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Exacto, mi prometido es el Ciudadano Americano ... hicimos la peticion cuando yo fui de vacaiones a verlo y me pidio me casara con el, esto fue a finales de Octubre del anio pasado ... regrese de vaciones a Mexico y a esperar toooodo el proceso!

El 25 de febrero tuvimos la carta del approval notice, el 6 de marzo la carta del NVC indicando que habian mandado en caso a Juarez, la carta de la cita abierta fue fechada el 27 de marzo pero recibida hasta mayo en EU y yo viaje a Juarez a finales de Junio .. de todo esto que te menciono yo no recibi nada en Mexico, todo le llego a el en EU lo pasaba por scanner y me lo mandaba por mail.

Eso de DHL es un negocio porque no hay otra forma de que te la den, alguna vez lei en algun foro que alguien al momento de pagar en DHL pidio la enviaran a su domicilio para no quedarse mas tiempo en Juarez pero resulto peor porque al recibir el paquete no era su pasaporte y finalmente tuvo que regresar.

Es por eso que documente un dia mas, tomando en cuenta que me entregaran la visa al dia despues de la entrevista ... esto ya es desicion de cada quien ... yo preferi pagar 50 usd mas a que despues tuviera que gastar mas en los dias extras y en el cambio de vuelo.

Parece complicado pero en realidad no lo es tanto!!


Claro que si, y pues que bueno que todo les salio bien......FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! good.gif

Pero porque hasta Mayo les llego el paquete? y porque en EU? que no supuestamente lo mandan al Beneficiary (osea a ti)?

Entonces se recomienda que el hotel y los vuelos sean reservados un dia/noche adicional?

Supuestamente creo que ya tienen nuestra aprobacion de peticion en Ciudad Juarez y se que van a mandar pero pues no sabemos a donde....estamos pensando que a mi prometida en se en e querido llamar a Juarez todavia.....ya que esta fresco de NVC y pues tambien creo que cobran por llamar.


Muchas Gracias !

No tengo idea porque llego en mayo, desafortunadamente el sistema de correos aqui no es nada bueno ... no quiero generalizar pero asi es, muchas cosas se pierden, son robadas o simplemente no llegan a donde deberian.

Me gusta planear las cosas y mas aun cuando no dependen de mi es por eso que yo si recomendaria una noche extra ... a fin de cuentas no hubo necesidad (en mi caso) pero si escuche de gente que por ejemplo, mandaban a consulta psicologica o que su tramite en DHL no avanzaba y tenian que buscar hotel en el momento ... para algunos facil para otros no y con los problemas en Juarez yo no queria andar buscando y arriesgarme y ni hablar de los costos ... nada barato.

Es buena opcion esperar mas o menos tarda un mes en lo que te llegaria alguna notificacion, pasando eso seria bueno que llames.



Gracias por toda esta informacion y tu tiempo......

Y de donde son ustedes? en donde viven? como se conocieron?

Entonces ya estamos como amigos....suerte smile.gif

Y que Dios los bendiga good.gif
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-23 14:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez payments, and VISA same day?
QUOTE (Isi @ Sep 23 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Exacto, mi prometido es el Ciudadano Americano ... hicimos la peticion cuando yo fui de vacaiones a verlo y me pidio me casara con el, esto fue a finales de Octubre del anio pasado ... regrese de vaciones a Mexico y a esperar toooodo el proceso!

El 25 de febrero tuvimos la carta del approval notice, el 6 de marzo la carta del NVC indicando que habian mandado en caso a Juarez, la carta de la cita abierta fue fechada el 27 de marzo pero recibida hasta mayo en EU y yo viaje a Juarez a finales de Junio .. de todo esto que te menciono yo no recibi nada en Mexico, todo le llego a el en EU lo pasaba por scanner y me lo mandaba por mail.

Eso de DHL es un negocio porque no hay otra forma de que te la den, alguna vez lei en algun foro que alguien al momento de pagar en DHL pidio la enviaran a su domicilio para no quedarse mas tiempo en Juarez pero resulto peor porque al recibir el paquete no era su pasaporte y finalmente tuvo que regresar.

Es por eso que documente un dia mas, tomando en cuenta que me entregaran la visa al dia despues de la entrevista ... esto ya es desicion de cada quien ... yo preferi pagar 50 usd mas a que despues tuviera que gastar mas en los dias extras y en el cambio de vuelo.

Parece complicado pero en realidad no lo es tanto!!


Claro que si, y pues que bueno que todo les salio bien......FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! good.gif

Pero porque hasta Mayo les llego el paquete? y porque en EU? que no supuestamente lo mandan al Beneficiary (osea a ti)?

Entonces se recomienda que el hotel y los vuelos sean reservados un dia/noche adicional?

Supuestamente creo que ya tienen nuestra aprobacion de peticion en Ciudad Juarez y se que van a mandar pero pues no sabemos a donde....estamos pensando que a mi prometida en se en e querido llamar a Juarez todavia.....ya que esta fresco de NVC y pues tambien creo que cobran por llamar.


Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-23 13:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez payments, and VISA same day?
QUOTE (Isi @ Sep 23 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi again!

Well, my boyfriend got the open apointment letter on May but the date on it was March so was a little delayed. I've never got the letter here in Mexico.

I found a very good package on the website I gave you including flight, hotel, food and transportation. Arrived to Juarez a sunday and leave the next thursday ... decided stay one more day in case I needed, booking in one more day was just 50 usd at the web site then I heard that staying one more night was about 150 usd paying at the moment!!! I stayed at Holiday Inn las Misiones which is very close to the consulate.

Monday morning went to the Medical Examination and took me about 4 hours, the examinations include blood test, vision test and then a Dr. (woman) called you to take your clothes off in a room and ask some questions ... sometimes they ask you to get an extra test like urine or something if not, the Dr. will let her know where does she have to pay and the hour she needs to get back for the results. She will get an black envelope, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm not sure if she is allowed to use your credit card but she can ask when she gets to the clinic, I would recommend to bring cash just in case. After that I went to pay the 131 usd at Banamex and get something to eat because I was starving!

On tuesday went to the consulate, check the specific hour your open apointment letter says because you can't get in before. The interview is very fast, few questions about your relationship, might ask for some evidence. If your visa is approved (will be!) they keep your gf's passport and in the same room is a DHL place, she has to pay 8 usd (or pesos) and they will give her a tracking number (so you can check the process online) and 2 possible addresses to pick her passport with the visa stick on it ... mine was the same day at 6:00 pm but saw the upgrade when DHL was already closed so got it the wednestay morning. Make sure everything on her passport is with the right information just be carefull because there is another DO NOT OPEN YELLOW PACKAGE, she needs to deliver that on POE you choose to cross.

As you can see with luck ... could be a 2 days trip, had somethings to do before so I did not leave to Juarez right away ... took me like a month.

Hope this answer to your questions.

Let me know if you have more doubts ... star_smile.gif

Sorry ... yes, that was all I paid

Muchas gracias por la informacion wink.gif Speaking Spanish now..... smile.gif

Entonces tu novio/prometido es el Ciudadano de EU y tu estabas en Mexico? El hizo la peticion? Quieres decir que no te mandaron el paquete a Mexico....que en vez se lo mandaron a tu prometido en EU ?

So, siempre te dan la visa por medio de DHL y posiblemente te tienes que esperar un dia extra en Juarez?

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-23 12:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez payments, and VISA same day?
QUOTE (Isi @ Sep 23 2009, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Ernesto and Yadira,

I went to Juarez last July to my K-1 interview, hope this help ...

Medical Examination: $2,019.60 pesos, you can also pay using usd or with credit and debit card (no american express).
K-1 visa payment: $131 usd, there is a Banamex at the mall across the street from Consulate.

After your visa is approved you need to pay 8 usd for DHL service, in my case my visa was delivered the same day.

Here are 2 links might help, one is very good site for traveling packages and the other is a map so you guys have a better idea.

If you have more questions about my experience just ask!! star_smile.gif

Thank you so much for that information.....

Let me ask you, when/where did you pay 8 usd for DHL? what do you mean delivered the same day? where?

Is this all you pay for the whole thing? besides travel,food, bank, medical, dhl?

Does my fiance need to borrow my Credit Card to pay inside when Im not with her?

Yeah, I would love to hear more about your experience. How long did it take Juarez to send you the Package? and did you leave for Juarez right away? It is an open appointment right? when did you filled out the form online?

Thanks and God Bless!!!
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-23 10:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez payments, and VISA same day?
Do you guys know what exactly we will pay (before and after visa approval) at the Ciudad Juarez consulate?

And are they giving out the visa on the same day?

Thanks and God Bless!
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-23 09:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa packet 3
QUOTE (junari888 @ May 26 2006, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Wait a minute,

My fiancee is waiting for packet 3 from Ciudad are saying that we can just print the forms off and not wait for anything to arrive in the mail? (btw. mail in Mexico is slooooow)

We just need to show up with the case number?

Where did you read about this? did you call Juarez and asked them about this?

Thanks and God Bless!!!
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-29 15:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrom NVC to Ciudad Juarez
QUOTE (tglea @ Sep 25 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 22 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 22 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 22 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our approved petition has been sent to Ciudad Juarez on Sept 16th......

Now, what do we we call Juarez to confirm? or do we just wait for my fiancee to get her Package.

Btw, do any of you know if there can be some sort of travel permit/document....when you are not able to get the passport? Or can we try to get her passport in Ciudad Juarez the same day?


Passport? She needs a Mexican passport... I assume one can be applied for if not already.

Yeah, but we are still having problems since there is a error in her birth certificate and her mother's (She needs to get permission from her parents) in order to get a passport.

I found this information:
What is a Travel Document and Who Needs One?
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you may need permission to return to the United States after traveling abroad. This permission is granted through a travel document. Travel documents are also given to people who want to travel, but cannot get a passport from their country of nationality.
Your situation sounds a little strange. Why would an adult need to get a parents permission to get a passport? Are you the US citizen? I can tell you that if you show up to Juarez without a valid Mexican passport for the visa applicant, you will be denied. Don't take this personally since I'm only trying to help you, but you sound grossly under prepared for your trip to Juarez. It worries me that you entertained the idea that you(or your fiance) could go to a visa interview without a passport. There are a lot of forms to fill out and documents to bring as well. You don't need to wait for the package to arrive. If you wait for it to arrive in Mexico, you'll probably be waiting forever. It is no package either. It's just a letter that tells you to go to the consulate website for the requirements for your interview. You can have the letter printed out at the consulate when you go for your interview. I would seriously suggest that you start reading through the Juarez thread on this forum and start learning about what it is that you and your fiance need to do before going to Juarez. http://www.visajourn...h...&start=3465

Don't rely soley on the information on the Juarez consulate's website because it is very vague and really not accurate. If you simply follow what they tell you on there, you will be denied because you won't have all the required things. It is possible to get a Mexican passport in a day in some cases but I wouldn't count on it. If the Mexican's birth certificate is from the same city where you are trying to get a passport then it's possible. If the BC is from Mexico City, it takes up to 2 weeks to get one in another location.

Yes, I am the U.S. Citizen.

You obviously did not know that she is 17 (this info posted in a previous forum/thread). Btw, thank you for telling me that I sound "grossly under prepared".....very nice way to put it....but FALSE!!!!

Now, she will be getting her passport after all (For those of you who have the same situation with a passport, etc, Mexico, by law passed by President Felipe Calderon, SRE is able to expedite 1 year passports under the evaluation by the local office).

We have everything ready ("over prepared"), we are just waiting for Packet 3 from Ciudad Juarez. What do you mean we don't have to wait for the packet to arrive? Who told you this? I called Ciudad Juarez and they informed me that they are processing our case. I remember asking if we could go after they send the package and we don't receive it (or it takes too long), and they said that we always have to check with them by calling. I was also informed that the packet would also be sent to me.

Did you guys go to Juarez without a packet 3 and an official letter?

I would seriously suggest that you start reading through member postings before trying to answer questions from them. I am just trying to help you too.

Thanks for the info, every little bit helps. But btw, I already knew everything you said.

God Bless

Edited by Ernesto y Yadira, 30 September 2009 - 02:33 PM.

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-30 14:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrom NVC to Ciudad Juarez
I see. You are right
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-22 12:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrom NVC to Ciudad Juarez
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 22 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 22 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our approved petition has been sent to Ciudad Juarez on Sept 16th......

Now, what do we we call Juarez to confirm? or do we just wait for my fiancee to get her Package.

Btw, do any of you know if there can be some sort of travel permit/document....when you are not able to get the passport? Or can we try to get her passport in Ciudad Juarez the same day?


Passport? She needs a Mexican passport... I assume one can be applied for if not already.

Yeah, but we are still having problems since there is a error in her birth certificate and her mother's (She needs to get permission from her parents) in order to get a passport.

I found this information:
What is a Travel Document and Who Needs One?
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you may need permission to return to the United States after traveling abroad. This permission is granted through a travel document. Travel documents are also given to people who want to travel, but cannot get a passport from their country of nationality.
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-22 12:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrom NVC to Ciudad Juarez
Our approved petition has been sent to Ciudad Juarez on Sept 16th......

Now, what do we we call Juarez to confirm? or do we just wait for my fiancee to get her Package.

Btw, do any of you know if there can be some sort of travel permit/document....when you are not able to get the passport? Or can we try to get her passport in Ciudad Juarez the same day?

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-22 12:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
QUOTE (Isi @ Oct 13 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chinman @ Oct 13 2009, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, just a few more days! How is everything going for you? Where in the US are you?

I'm doing fine, thanks for asking ... just getting used to the weather that is very cold here at Missouri and according to my bf this is nothing, worse is comming blink.gif
When are you going to Juarez?



I am here in Northwest Arkansas and it is cold too!!!! but I've been here 10 years...I guess I'm used to it.

What city in Missouri?

Take care,

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-13 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
QUOTE (msacano @ Oct 1 2009, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have not had a chance to read you comments regarding this matter, but I will later. I have only heard of one case that a guy went with his family before they gave him the green light. I know he had a thread it was something like Weird way to get a Visa. He was VERY lucky!!! I would not risk it, but that is me personally because there is so much money involved in the whole process and my SO lives in Queretaro so it isn't very close to Juarez. I just want to make one trip there. I would advise you to wait for the Consulate to give you the green light. I know it is hard waiting, but we are almost there. I am confident that I will hear something by the end of the month. Maybe we will end up at Juarez at the same time since our time lines are so close.


Si gracias Andrea,

Espero que sigamos en contacto.

I will let you know when I get something. Please keep me posted too. I added you as friend.

Take care and God Bless!!
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-01 10:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
Ok, thank you so much for your advice.

I will call them and we go from there.
Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-01 09:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
QUOTE (Isi @ Oct 1 2009, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Oct 1 2009, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Isi @ Oct 1 2009, 09:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Oct 1 2009, 08:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (msacano @ Sep 30 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 30 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey VJ Community,

For those who had their interviews in Ciudad Juarez and did not wait for Packet 3 to arrive.

In other words, you just printed off the forms from the website and requested the official letter once you were there?

I would like to know if I can do the least that is what I have been this true? When can we do this?

I called Ciudad Juarez and they informed me that only when they sent the packet 3 and when still not received.....then we can do that.

They also informed me that they received the petition on the 16th of Sept, 2009 and that it would take 3 MONTHS FOR THEM TO SEND THE PACKET 3 OUT?????? IS THIS TRUE???!!!!!

Thank you for your support,


You can print off the forms from the website and then go up there once and ONLY once they have sent off your invitation letter (packet 3). They told Genny 2 months and she received it in about a month. I think they tell us the longest possible time just to cover their butts.... Also on the juarez thread you will find several past VJers that went to Juarez and had them print out the invitation letter. Hope this helps!!


Thanks for the response,

What do you mean they had them print out the invitation letter.

Yeah, they told me 3 MONTHS smile.gif


As Andrea said and as I explain to you before, ONLY when they have sent the open appointment letter. If you call the Consulate and they give you green light when you arrive to Juarez first thing to do is ask at the Consulate to print your open appointment letter with your case number so you can follow next step which is medical examination.


Yeah, the thing is that other members are saying that they have gone when it was still processing and they just showed up with their NOA2. They didn't wait for docs to be sent. At least, that is what I have been told. Read other member comments on my profile pls.


Remember that every single case is different and we provide an average according to our experiences ... my understanding is that you are able to travel to Juarez once they have your case ... how come people travel when Consulate is not "aware" you even exist?

Be patient and keep in touch with Consulate people, I know this is a stressful situation and not being with the person you love makes this harder.

This is the last part ... be patient, you will have news soon!!

Thanks so much for the info,

So, what do you recommend that we do?


Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-01 09:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
QUOTE (Isi @ Oct 1 2009, 09:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Oct 1 2009, 08:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (msacano @ Sep 30 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 30 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey VJ Community,

For those who had their interviews in Ciudad Juarez and did not wait for Packet 3 to arrive.

In other words, you just printed off the forms from the website and requested the official letter once you were there?

I would like to know if I can do the least that is what I have been this true? When can we do this?

I called Ciudad Juarez and they informed me that only when they sent the packet 3 and when still not received.....then we can do that.

They also informed me that they received the petition on the 16th of Sept, 2009 and that it would take 3 MONTHS FOR THEM TO SEND THE PACKET 3 OUT?????? IS THIS TRUE???!!!!!

Thank you for your support,


You can print off the forms from the website and then go up there once and ONLY once they have sent off your invitation letter (packet 3). They told Genny 2 months and she received it in about a month. I think they tell us the longest possible time just to cover their butts.... Also on the juarez thread you will find several past VJers that went to Juarez and had them print out the invitation letter. Hope this helps!!


Thanks for the response,

What do you mean they had them print out the invitation letter.

Yeah, they told me 3 MONTHS smile.gif


As Andrea said and as I explain to you before, ONLY when they have sent the open appointment letter. If you call the Consulate and they give you green light when you arrive to Juarez first thing to do is ask at the Consulate to print your open appointment letter with your case number so you can follow next step which is medical examination.


Yeah, the thing is that other members are saying that they have gone when it was still processing and they just showed up with their NOA2. They didn't wait for docs to be sent. At least, that is what I have been told. Read other member comments on my profile pls.

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-01 09:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
QUOTE (msacano @ Sep 30 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ernesto y Yadira @ Sep 30 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey VJ Community,

For those who had their interviews in Ciudad Juarez and did not wait for Packet 3 to arrive.

In other words, you just printed off the forms from the website and requested the official letter once you were there?

I would like to know if I can do the least that is what I have been this true? When can we do this?

I called Ciudad Juarez and they informed me that only when they sent the packet 3 and when still not received.....then we can do that.

They also informed me that they received the petition on the 16th of Sept, 2009 and that it would take 3 MONTHS FOR THEM TO SEND THE PACKET 3 OUT?????? IS THIS TRUE???!!!!!

Thank you for your support,


You can print off the forms from the website and then go up there once and ONLY once they have sent off your invitation letter (packet 3). They told Genny 2 months and she received it in about a month. I think they tell us the longest possible time just to cover their butts.... Also on the juarez thread you will find several past VJers that went to Juarez and had them print out the invitation letter. Hope this helps!!


Thanks for the response,

What do you mean they had them print out the invitation letter.

Yeah, they told me 3 MONTHS smile.gif

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-10-01 08:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Did Not Wait for Packet 3 From Ciudad Juarez?
Hey VJ Community,

For those who had their interviews in Ciudad Juarez and did not wait for Packet 3 to arrive.

In other words, you just printed off the forms from the website and requested the official letter once you were there?

I would like to know if I can do the least that is what I have been this true? When can we do this?

I called Ciudad Juarez and they informed me that only when they sent the packet 3 and when still not received.....then we can do that.

They also informed me that they received the petition on the 16th of Sept, 2009 and that it would take 3 MONTHS FOR THEM TO SEND THE PACKET 3 OUT?????? IS THIS TRUE???!!!!!

Thank you for your support,

Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-09-30 09:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIR-1 / CR-1 in Ciudad Juarez

Dont forget the cash money.


Ernesto y YadiraMaleMexico2009-11-02 09:31:00