VietnamInterview result

Excellent!!! Glad to hear it went well. Soon will be pink in hand. Posted Image

Yes. I am looking at the blue slip that she scanned for me. Only need to turn in the police document then should be finished. I wonder, do they give pink on that date or do they give visa? There is no return date on the blue. Just states to come in between 1pm and 2pm.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 09:10:00
VietnamInterview result
Ok, just got off the phone with Fiona. Everything went perfectly and exactly as we expected. The police document has been delayed and we knew that was already going to cause us to get a blue slip. Interview went well. They gave her blue slip and told her just bring the police document when she receives it and then can issue pink/visa. So yessssssssssss! So happy. Maybe cannot sleep tonight. She is so happy and excited......and hungry. Haha. She will post details about the interview later and I will repost on Visa Journey.

Police document is expected to come in the next week or so. :dance:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-17 23:42:00
VietnamPolice Record Translation

Congrats on your approval! :dance:

Thank you. :dance:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-26 19:15:00
VietnamPolice Record Translation
No problem. Got the pink.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-26 08:38:00
VietnamPolice Record Translation

This is directly from USCIS web site:
"Translations. Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full English translation that the translator has certified as complete and correct, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate the foreign language into English".
Anyone fluent in both languages can do the translation. They simply write a statement saying they are competent to do so. That becomes the certification. It doesnt need to be notarized. Keep in mind notaries only verify signatures not content.
There is no need nor requirement to pay anyone to do this if she is competent or knows someone that is. Type translations into the search block here on V J to see examples.

Ok, she made a perfect translated version with tables and everything. Amazing. It will have to do since I need to sleep and she will go at my 1am. All the best. Looking forward to a middle of the night text message for good news. We are both wearing pink shirts today.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-25 22:42:00
VietnamPolice Record Translation
My SO received her VN police record today and will turn it in few hours from now. The blue slip states all requested documents must be translated into English.

She can translate into English herself. My concern: Will they accept it? Or will it need to be notarized or stamped to be official? Anyone run into this before. This is the only thing I can think of that may block us getting our 'pink' today.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-25 21:36:00
VietnamBlue Slip

My fiance received a blue slip requesting exactly the same info. She went once to turn it in early and they said she had to come back on the date specified. Later, she tried again to return it earlier than the date specified and they accept it. I recommend to go ahead and try.

So, different day=different answer or different person=different answer?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-23 19:39:00
VietnamBlue Slip

My fiance got a blue slip on her interview a few days ago. The interview questions were easy and the CO was nice. They asked:

1) When did you first meet?
2) Where did you first meet?
3) How many times did he come to VN?
4) What school does he study in?
5) What is his job title?
6) Do you have relatives in the USA?

Easy questions. They gave the blue slip requesting a timeline and 10 year residency from the petitioner. They requested a 10 year residency from the beneficiary. We have no big red flags. No divorce, no children, no relatives in the USA and no arranged meetings from uncles or family.

I can prepare all these documents easily. The blue slip says "Your appointment date for resubmission of requested documents is June 20, 2011 from 13:00 to 14:00.

Do you guys think I would be able to submit the documents BEFORE June 20? If so, how soon would I be able to do it or should I just do it on June 20?

Why not do it before? We received blue also for missing police report but there was no date on the blue slip. They said to bring back any time. Hope you can also.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-23 11:11:00
VietnamOK, here's my situation.

Hi guys! I introduced.................
So--ask me again in a year or two.


Please don't take offense to this Will. And hello by the way. After staring at lines of HTML code all day, I'm home now and too lazy to read anything more than a few sentences. Though I am interested in many topics on VJ, is there any way you can sum it up? If not, please ignore this.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-25 19:27:00
VietnamOrange County authorities cracking down on Vietnamese cafes
Interesting story.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-24 16:30:00
VietnamInterview tomorrow
All the best. Be natural.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-07 18:34:00
VietnamAn Com Truoc Keng
Interesting. All online sources I find state that it means 'premarital sex'. I haven't found anywhere where it says 'no premarital sex'.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-04 03:38:00
VietnamRe-submission June 19-PINK PINK PINK

Dear all,

I'm so happy to bring you ours good news. My wife received a pinksheet after we both present to submit our 56 pages timeline and the 10 yrs residency. I landed in LAX at 11pm last night and I'm catching up at work and have a take home final to complete (due last week but was in vietnam) so i cannot write much right now. I will share with you my experiences in detail after Wednesday.

Thanks all again for the advices and suggestions.

Awesome. Congratulations.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-22 00:21:00
VietnamPink Achieved
I bought hangers. :) My girl will be here in 12 days. So excited.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-22 23:21:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Thank you so much.

So excited. Hope to stay busy so the next 4 weeks goes by fast.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-06 01:07:00
VietnamPink Achieved
We waited until she got the pink slip to make reservation. We were able to book the only remaining day for July 4th with Korean Air for $855. The next available was September according to her findings.

Edited by Jerry & Fiona, 04 June 2011 - 12:03 AM.

Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-04 00:02:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Visa in hand. Finally. 332 days from filing.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-03 19:53:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Going to pick up the Visa in less than 5 hours. :dance: :dance:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-02 22:15:00
VietnamPink Achieved

:( made sure that she know what you did to get her over here in the us, so she will love ya more. you still have your car right?

No. That car had to sell last year. Here is a picture of it before I sold it.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-28 22:43:00
VietnamPink Achieved

... start charging your battery. :rofl: :rofl:

This could mean many things. :) What did you mean particularly?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-27 20:42:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Additional info:

So I put on my pink shirt when I knew Fiona was going to turn in her police report at the consulate. Unplanned and without knowing what I was wearing, Fiona wore a pink shirt the same day.

At the consulate she was given a number again. Then, she took a seat. A man sitting near her said to her, "Why you wear a pink shirt? So sure you will receive pink?". She said yes and asked him, "Why you not wear a pink shirt?" All in light hearted fashion of course.

In the end, 10 people were called for pink slips with Fiona being the last of the 10. She said, the man who commented on her shirt did not get pink.

Call it luck or whatever, it is interesting to me. She said it was evident who were receiving pinks that day and who was not. This was the 1pm slot and not the morning slot which I'm sure makes a difference. I guess these were all people returning a 2nd time.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-27 16:01:00
VietnamPink Achieved

congrats!!! I knew you will get PINK!!! :dance:

I love it. Love it more that I have flight details now.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-27 13:44:00
VietnamPink Achieved
Fiona and I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your insight along the way.

There were many personal challenges for me to overcome in the passed 11 months. I sold personal items that I said I would never part with to fund my most recent two month trip, rings and things for ceremonies.

I did all of this without a job. The insane amount of time and energy I put into finding work when I came home paid off at the last minute and could have been a huge red flag.

I want to especially thank a few people who contributed over and above personally to our aid.

In no particular order:
Scott & Thuy,
AJ & Dzung,
Jim & Phuong,
Curtis & Trang,
Dau Que,
Daniel & Yu,
Charles & Vanessa,
Michael & Rina,
William & Anna,
Cybele & MoG,
Bread N & Butter (aka liemster),
Khoa & Ha,
Cardin & Huong,
Quan & Mai,
Noe & Tony,
Thanh & Phong,
Ricky & Ha,
Bat & Thao,
Gregory & Tho,
LeeLee & Tuan,
Steven & Tu,
Chad & Hang,
Roger & Linh,
Kristopher & Liezl,
Jac & Hanh,
Ronnie & Hang,
John & Yukonthorn, and
Deb & Wawa.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-26 20:09:00
VietnamPink Achieved

yay!Posted Image congrats! good luck on your visa journey,its a long process but its worth all the wait.Posted Image

Tell me about it. almost 11 months.

I knew you guys could do it. Congrats man!!!

Dude, I can't even work today. All I can think about is the magic from this good news.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-26 10:15:00
VietnamPink Achieved
We finally got the pink. So happy now. Will pick up visa next Friday June 3rd. :dance:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-26 08:42:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't been on here in a month. But you can understand why I guess. haha.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-08-14 23:34:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.

What about you Jerry? How are you enjoying the sex??? :lol: :lol:

I prefer not to discuss. SO not here yet is all I can say.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-01 19:05:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.
You all are cracking me up. :rofl:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-06-01 18:14:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.

I am about to go pick my wife up in 3 hours. My
mother is with her, so I feel less nervous. I am going bring some roses and spent two hours yesterday cleaning my house. It has not hit me yet that she will be in my arm in 3 hours ( I worked the overnight shift, so I am very sleepy).

You are probably at the airport now. I want to hear all about it when you come off cloud 9. No rush. What an exciting day for you both. Get some rest both of you.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-31 11:28:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.

Keep in mind that she will be really excited when she gets here, but she will also be very tired and it will take a few days for the jet lag to wear off... don't push too much on her too soon... she will need alot of rest to adjust and maintain her strength... make sure you have some jasmine rice and a rice cooker ready before she gets there so you wont have to run out straight away... dont forget the nuoc mam (yummy) and sirrachi and see if they have some sliced pork belly in the meat dept or pork chops.. she can school you on shopping for the rest after a day or two... but that will hold her over along with a delivery pizza... she wont be used to all of our US foods so dont make the transition too harsh...

She is arriving on a Tuesday morning. Therefore most people have to work. However my parents will be there with me. I have already prepped them that she will be very tired. I'm going to take her home and let her sleep. I've taken the following day off also so we can go purchase bits and bobs. Lucky for me, she already knows my neighbors. They are Vietnamese and met up with Fiona and I in Saigon this last trip.

If a pet is coming plan on going to collect the animal after she comes out of the customs hall. More time spent at the airport. Posted Image

She will be jetlagged. Keep the arrival low key, have the right groceries at home, and plan the welcome gathering for a few days after arrival.

Don't get freaked out of she wants to go home after a few days. Seems to happen a decent amount of the time. Just ride it out.

She has lived out of country for many years before. That may not make it easy but easier if she hadn't before. She is an English major also which will be very useful.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-29 21:32:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.

Pets from VN may require some quarantine before or after the trip. I'd suggest thinking the pet thing over a lot before adding that to the mix.

Yeah we took care of all of this already. Is ok.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-29 20:29:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.
I should have included in the topic and post, if SO came alone. Don't know what I was thinking. I'm sure most traveled together. So, yeah, if you were unable to travel together.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-29 20:26:00
VietnamWhen your SO finally arrived at U.S. airport.
Now that we are virtually through with the visa process, we are anticipating being together. I know every one of us on here that are still waiting think about what that moment will be like.

For those who have already done it, share with us what it was like for you.

From the Petitioner's point of view:
1) When you knew your SO was boarding the plane in VN and you were here, what were you doing? Feeling?

2) How did you feel waiting at the airport knowing you SO had landed and was on the other side going through customs?

3) What was it like when your SO FINALLY walked through the passage way to at last be with you? Did your family come along? What was the most exciting part about this for you? Did your SO bring any pets?


From the Beneficiary's point of view:
1) Boarding the plane in VN, how did you feel knowing you were on your way to America?

2) What was it like for you to FINALLY walk through the passage way to at last be with your SO? Did your SO have family and friends waiting to meet you? What was the most exciting part about this for you?

Edited by Jerry & Fiona, 29 May 2011 - 07:55 PM.

Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-29 19:52:00
VietnamUpdated I-765 form

Maybe your cookies are messed up? ..... lol sounds weird, but ya i mean your internet cookies!

See if you have any luck
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-08-24 00:00:00
VietnamUpdated I-765 form
Crazy for sure. Luckily I found it on another website. Now I'm trying to download the G-1145 form and getting the same thing. It must be my adobe plugin.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-08-23 21:01:00
VietnamUpdated I-765 form

Are you trying to open it in google chrome? if so, chrome uses its own PDF viewer which is likely why you are having a problem opening it.

I've tried it in different browsers and it still says the same thing. I downloaded the PDF and it says the same thing. Crazy.

Hey man! How are things with you SO with you? I've followed your posts and hope all is well. My SO will be here 9/2.

Best wishes!

Well, hello there. Things are amazing. We are so happy together. I am so pleased to come home from work to my wife.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-08-23 20:45:00
VietnamUpdated I-765 form
Anyone able to access the I-765 PDF form? I tried the (USCIS - I-765, Application for Employment Authorization link but it always says:

"To view the full contents of this document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader from

For further support, go to"

I've tried this from 3 different computers with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jerry & Fiona
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-08-23 20:34:00
VietnamOffice job vs Doing Nails or Hair
Thank you for all of your replies. It gives me a rounded out idea of what to expect.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-11-02 15:57:00
VietnamOffice job vs Doing Nails or Hair
It seems to me that many people who come here from Vietnam have a difficult time finding work. The default, from what I hear, is the nail or salon job.

My wife wants a normal office type job. She is going to nail school just to have it as a backup. She took a job this passed week for Allstate insurance. This particular branch is VN owned and operated I suspect from what she tells me. I wonder if they are taking advantage of her. The other people in that office are VN also. I digress.

Anyway, her English is excellent and she was an Administrative Manager for an architectural firm in HCMC before coming here, and really smart and good with people.

I think we are finding that with her resume, American employers are unable to do background checks, check up on recent employment and personal references because they are all based in Vietnam. It isn't necessary for her to work. I make enough to take care of everything. But she doesn't like to stay home all day. I don't blame her.

I am curious to learn about your personal experiences with this and looking forward to your ideas. By the way, we are in Dallas, Texas.

All the best,
Jerry & Fiona

PS. We are so happy here together.

Edited by Jerry & Fiona, 25 October 2011 - 02:07 PM.

Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-10-25 14:06:00
VietnamWhat is an Immigration Registration Number?
Ok, we'll keep that in mind. I can check with my immigration attorney.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-11-06 22:26:00