Vietnamquickest way to send mail

If she needs a page with your signature on it, I think this is a bad idea. Just spend the money and mail her the paper with your original signature. I believe they require original signatures, not copies for I-134.

Has anybody been able to get away with a copy of the signature instead of original for I-134??

Yes, will just eat my mistake and send the hard copy.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-06 14:17:00
Vietnamquickest way to send mail

Scan your documents in Color Mode then have her print 'em out @ Internet Cafe (w/ a color printer of course)
Look like the original copies. I did that for my fiancee.

My girl told me this morning that I forgot to sign page two of the I-134. I can spend another $30 to express ship one page printed and signed or consider doing like you say. (DOH! homer simpson)
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-06 10:31:00
Vietnamquickest way to send mail
I sent USPS express last Thursday for $29 and they provided me with a tracking number and insurance. She received it on Tuesday.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-05 20:47:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record

Was she behaving while there?Posted Image

Yes. And we should have the VN police record later this week. Cutting it close but I think it will be ok.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-08 22:44:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record
Received the Taiwan police report today. :)
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-08 22:04:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record

If you google Taiwan Police Certificate, you will be taken to various links, including one from the Canadian government with instructions on how to obtain a police certificate from Taiwan.

Here is the link to the Taipei City Police Department with detailed instructions (in English) on how to obtain your police certificate: http://english.tcpd....15865&mp=108002

You can call them to see how long it takes to process a request and if you can request an expedite. Good luck!

Thanks very much. Hope her way works. I'll keep this just in case.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-28 00:02:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record

You could always try google translate to get the general idea of what it is saying.

Sounds risky. I think we have it sorted out now. I don't know the details but...
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-27 22:41:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record

Try this


It looks like you can do it by mail or on-line.

This page is in English but if you click to set up an account to use their services it is in Chinese. Cannot read.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-26 23:21:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record

Posted Image Taiwanese Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

336 Nguyen Tri Phuong St., Dist.10

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thanks so much. I will pass this on to her.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-26 22:25:00
VietnamSO's International Police Record
My SO, from Vietnam, worked in Taiwan for 3 years several years back. She is telling me that her sources tell her she will also need to provide a Police Record from her time in Taiwan. In addition, her sources are also telling her that the Taiwan Police Record must be obtained in person from Taiwan. Can anyone validate this? It sounds absurd. She fears she would have to obtain a visa to travel to Taiwan just to get this document. What a pain in the @$$ if this is true.

If anyone has any experience with such things and can provide some sound information, we would greatly be indebted to you.

All of this and the interview is in 3 weeks. :help:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-26 19:37:00
VietnamJust arrived in HCMC

I just arrived in HCMC. Lost my luggage now heading back to the in-laws house and get my wife prepared for her interview tomorrow. Anyone in the area wants to get some coffee this week. Give me a call at 0903030567


Wish I could be there next week for the interview but have to work. :(
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-10 12:16:00
Vietnamseeing nothing but pink

thanks to everyone, this has been such a long and grueling process. It's like a dim light at the end of a tunnel, reaching the end and its bright and sunny skies all around you. I still can't come to grasp the fact that it's finally done. My case took a bit longer than usual, not because of delays in processing, but with bringing a little one into the world and also a career change. I'm actually settling into my new life quite nicely.

I can't believe my timeline says 400+ days. You wont believe during all this waiting time, I've managed to set up a satellite dish, tuned my car, taught myself soldering to fix my LCD. I can tell ya, it's nice to find a hobby to keep yourself busy. The long wait was much tougher on my wife than it was for me.

I hear ya! Anticipation growing. 4 days 5 hours 24 minutes to go for us.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-13 16:06:00
Vietnamseeing nothing but pink

Even easier. Just self take the iphone texts by pressing the 'home button' and "power button"-top right at the same time. scroll through only a few that u think that are significants and take pictures of them. Upload them to your computer and that's it. Good luck.

Only it doesn't really show who is talking to who. I really would like to have a text file showing in/out from her number or mine with the conversation. Someone here at work says they know how to do it.

By the way, that is pretty cool that you can do what you described above.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-12 13:16:00
Vietnamseeing nothing but pink

Go to this website:

There is a program out there call "ABC Amber" and it is free. I downloaded that program to retrieve and display text messages on our phones. The program is very useful, it even creates a nice report in different format like PDF, Words, Excel and others.

It also depends on what kind of phone you got also or you can try another free program call "Bitpim"

Thanks. I'll check these out tonight. You rule.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-12 11:49:00
Vietnamseeing nothing but pink
Awesome news. So happy for you. Well, Fiona and I will be the next interview up. I'm trying to find a way to export all of our text messages from my iphone so she can print out and take to the interview. Any ideas? I've tried a few things but it looks like I may have to part with $20 for software to do it.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-12 09:00:00
VietnamGot the Pink!!
Awesome news. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Less than a week for our interview.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-11 09:18:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)

Make sure you get some good sleep tonight... it may be a long night waiting to hear from her tomorrow... :thumbs:

Still 1 day 4 hours and 56 minutes to wait. Not including he interview duration. :innocent:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-16 16:34:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)
Is it 9:30 the 18th yet? Anticipation is making me crazy.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-16 13:23:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)

That's good! I thought you still haven't receive the appointment letter yet...Make sure you help her organize the paperwork...organization is key when it comes to presenting herself at the interview! Good luck and keep us posted with things! :)

I got everything mailed today. Express mail with the ability to confirm receipt. Yes, we talked about this many times. Also we got to meet up with AJ while in Saigon and they gave us both lots of insight on what to expect.

It's ON!
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-28 19:22:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)

Hi Jerry,
if your fiancee haven't receive the appointment packet via e-mail or snail mail yet, you need to have your fiancee go directly to the consulate ASAP and tell them that you already have an interview scheduled, but haven't receive the appointment packet yet, they will give her the appointment letter she'll need for the medical exam...A similar thing happen to us as well...I'm sure you already read some of my posts already,we had even worse case scenarios than you, but in the end, we overcame all the obstacles, so can you! :thumbs:

She went down and picked it up in person Tuesday afternoon. Then I received the email version from the Consulate that same evening. I filled out the I-134 (Affidavit of Support) tonight. Have to express ship final items at lunch tomorrow. My birth certificate, I-134, Letter of Employment, Tax forms for 2010, NOA2 letter, Notarized timeline, notarized petitioner 10 year residence and anything else recent. I left her everything else when I was there a few months ago.

Out of breath almost.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-27 22:49:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)

are you going to submit a new I-134 or do you have a JS already????

No JS. New I-134. Man, this date came up quick. I was scrambling today to get things together. I had to race 20 minutes back to the house to pull files off my computer, race to Office Depot to have 2 things printed, race to the bank to get the 10 year residence doc notarized and the timeline notarized, then race back to work. On top of that, I was going to race 45 minutes across town to see my attorney to do the I-134 but we have tornadoes today. Will have to try again tomorrow. Also, with yesterday being my first day at a new job, getting my boss to sign the 'Letter of Employment' is sitting in his InBox. Need that too.

Status: P4 hasn't been sent out yet to my SO, but interview set for 3 weeks from now. If I hadn't called DoS, how would they expect us to have all of these documents prepared, medical, etc... in time for the interview.

I have to start a new thread for our next concern. Her police record for when she worked in Taiwan for 3 years. Like I said, new post.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-26 19:31:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)

Very nice..time to get busy prepare for the interview. With the new job, that means you won't be able to go back for her interview huh!! Good luck in 3 weeks..

No cannot go back. Have to work.

2 weeks? isn't that cutting it kinda of close for the med exam jerry? usually when is the medical exam in relation to the interview date?

That's what I was thinking. Surely they send the P4 to allow enough time for her to prepare.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-25 20:47:00
VietnamI Have An Interview Date! (The Sequel)
I called DoS today. They told me that my SO should receive P4 in about 2 weeks and that the interview date is scheduled for May 18th at 9:30am! :dance: Also, started my new job today and got moved into my new apartment. Things have surely turned around in the passed week.

Edited by Jerry & Fiona, 25 April 2011 - 07:16 PM.

Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-25 19:14:00
Vietnamwife wants to make tacos in vietnam
I craved tacos in hcmc also. Not sure where you would even find tortillas to make shells.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-15 02:03:00
Vietnami have an interview date!

thx jerry even with a 5 yr relationship between two young adults who are close in age and a child out of wedlock i do have one major red flag...we'll see if it comes back to bite me. more updates to follow.

Yes, please keep us posted.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-23 08:50:00
Vietnami have an interview date!
Good luck with your interview tomorrow night.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-22 23:21:00
Vietnami have an interview date!
Good to hear Quann. Looks like we are just slightly behind you. I think I will call DoS on Monday to see if there is any news for us. I suspect our interview may happen in the first week of June.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-04-23 03:57:00
VietnamInterview result
Come on police report! Come on pink!
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-25 19:32:00
VietnamInterview result

Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. Good news about your police paper being sent to your fiance. You guys are good. Get that pink! :)

I love it.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-20 11:40:00
VietnamInterview result

Same CO Thuy had, but they did not want her responding in English... no idea why.. her English is great... You guys must have caught her on a good day... we didnt..

So lucky for us, ah?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-19 14:44:00
VietnamInterview result

That's great new Jerry. I think this is it. Submit the police paper and the Pink is yours! Congrats buddy!!

Fiona got a call last night. She was informed the police report will be express mailed (we will have a backup copy also) to her on Monday. That being the case she should be able to submit it to the consulate by Wednesday or Thursday. So, very good news to have a definite answer on when to expect this final document.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-19 12:09:00
VietnamInterview result

Hey Jerry congrats i just noticed the day you bought your ring was the day i got engaged to my fiancee :D

How about that?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 23:30:00
VietnamInterview result
Just learned 2 more questions.

What is your fiance's job?
What is the name of your fiance's employer?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 23:20:00
VietnamInterview result
So happy. I love Fiona so much. Talking with her now. Here is what she has to say so far about the interview.

Vietnamese lady:
Do you speak English?

Vietnamese lady went away:

Black lady:
How did you meet your fiance?
When did you feel like you love your fiance?
How many visits did your fiance make to come see you in Vietnam?
What was the first year your fiance visit you?
Which trip did your fiancee propose to you?
What date did your fiance propose to you?
Did you have engagement party?
Do you have any relatives in the US?
Was your fiance married before?
Were you married before?
Your fiance have any children?
Do you have any children?
Have you ever applied for visa to USA?
Have you ever been to USA?
Can you tell me about the city your fiance lives in?
Can I see your photos?

5 minutes at window. Many pink slips passed out yesterday.
They never asked to see engagement photos, never asked for timeline, 10 year residence, chats, mail or anything. When the woman went to ask for something from Fiona, a person over the shoulder of the CO said, "No need". That was it. They told her when she gets the police document bring it back at any time.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 21:27:00
VietnamInterview result

this is great news, exactly the way you hoped for. Maybe they'll just hand over the visa the next time, rather than getting pink.

Hope so.

Glad to hear that Jerry. Maybe we can swing up to Dallas and see you guys!

That would be fantastic.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 19:49:00
VietnamInterview result

:thumbs: Congrats! You don't need to buy any pink. Your cheek already look pink. :rofl:

Yes, my cheek always pink. So lucky, ah?
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 15:12:00
VietnamInterview result
I'm going to buy something pink today. :lol:
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 12:09:00
VietnamInterview result

congrats jerry. i'm in vung tau but had to log on with well wishes as i remembered your date was the 18th and knew you'd have good news.

i guess we're up next on the 24th...the pink streak might be broken :bonk:

Vung Tau very nice. Was just there recently. We took one of those high speed ferries to VT. I need to post some photos from our VT trip. Hey thanks for remembering us. Be hopeful for your interview. We had a few red flags but we overcame them. You can too.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 09:18:00
VietnamInterview result

Awesome news. Would love to hear the details.Posted Image

Thanks everyone. Fiona is very tired now. So I let her sleep. She can give me the details after she has rested. She still had to return to work in the afternoon. I'm sure she was on the phone with so many people sharing the good news also.

She told me she was down there from 8am till 11:30am.

Only details I know so far... The CO asked her if she spoke English and she said yes. So they did the interview in English. Fiona also told me that they did not ask for the timeline or 10 year residence documents.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 09:13:00
VietnamInterview result

Excellent!!! Glad to hear it went well. Soon will be pink in hand. Posted Image

Yes. I am looking at the blue slip that she scanned for me. Only need to turn in the police document then should be finished. I wonder, do they give pink on that date or do they give visa? There is no return date on the blue. Just states to come in between 1pm and 2pm.
Jerry & FionaMaleVietnam2011-05-18 09:10:00