US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (metavisa @ Jun 28 2008, 07:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For some reason these people have the power to make you nervous, thank God we were able to make it thru and I really hope you do the same! Good luck, I'm sorry I went "overboard" with this email…


The more details the better. It makes me nervous that, "Couple after couple" were denied. That's scarry stuff. I can't think of a worse situation for these couples. crying.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-29 01:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (parkpapa @ Jun 25 2008, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's a cleaned up copy of what we used. You just need to enter the correct names and document numbers, and enter them as if the father was writing the letter. He will also need to have this notarized. Your wife will need to present this letter to DAS at the airport, and she will need an updated letter each time she goes back to Colombia and then returns to the States. There is no such thing as a blanket letter that is good from now on - she will need a different one each time.

Hope this helps!

Bogotá, Junio 23 de 2008


XXXXX XXX XXXXX, mayor de edad, identificado con la cedula de ciudadanía numero 11’111.111 expedida en Bogotá, por medio del presente documento, concedo permiso a mis menores hijo XXXX XXXX XXXX identificada con Registro Civil No. 111111 de Bogotá y el Pasaporte No. RN 11111111, para que puede salir del país de American Airlines y entrar a los EE.UU. por (ciudad y estado aquí), en compañía de su madre XXXX XXX XXXX, identificada con la cedula de ciudadanía No. 11’111.111 de Bogotá. Este viaje se espera el 25 de junio de 2008, y este permiso y la autorización son efectivos de la fecha del viaje.


CC 11’111.111 de Bogotá

Muchisimas Gracias, Amigo! Of course, this is a big help. I will make sure I keep this information in my file. Thanks again,

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-27 16:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Jun 25 2008, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

She definitely needs to check her e-mails even if she needs to go to a café internet, but there's nothing you can do to make her do that and like you said, you can't do everything for her.

The one thing you need to do is do some more reading of this forum where you will find all the info she will need to get including where and how to get her police certificate and migratory movement letter, medical, lab, etc.

Another place you need to check out is the US Embassy in Bogotá here: Appointment Package for Immigrant Visa Applicants


Thanks Diana. I will review everything, and I'm writing her a letter tonight. At this point, the balls in her court. So, I'm hoping that everything gets taken care of promptly. My lawyer here in So.Cal. isn't even aware that I received an NOA 2 yet. Talk about frustration. wacko.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-26 23:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Question: We're awaiting package #3. Can anyone tell me what is included, and what I need to tell Onelis that she will need? Also, she has a 5 yr. old son. Is there a standard form for the father to sign so the little boy can leave Colombia? Is there a link to this info?
Also, my Spanish is pretty good, and I had to take the taxi from the airport in Barranquilla to her barrio a few times alone. No problems, I know exactly how to get there on the street (thanks to Google Earth). I am careful, however. But whenever I tell people that I'm from Los Angeles, they are puzzled - "Tu eres Brazileño o de los EEUU??" they always ask.

Edited by Ken y Onelis, 25 June 2008 - 08:48 PM.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-25 20:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Colombia Club,

I want to share my situation. My fiancee's phone hasn't been working since the 8th of this month, and I received my NOA2 and later my letter from NVC stating that my case will be processed in Bogota, and that my fiancee "will be receiving a packet with instructions on how to apply for the K-1."

My problem is that I do not know which forms and materials my fiancee will need to gather - nor does she have her passport yet. Everything is all messed up at the moment, because she has not answered her emails in over 2 weeks, and there is no phone service. crying.gif I'd like to hold her hand through this, but honestly, I can't do everything from my end. This seems like an impossible situation at the moment, and trying to fax paperwork and coordinating things is next to impossible. Any advice???
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-24 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations, CG! I'm happy to hear the great news.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-21 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I gotta situation to share. My fiancee's phone has been not in service for the past 2 weeks. No email, either. She is receiving paperwork from Bogota in the next week or two, so, coordinating things will be less than perfect. Her phone has been disconnected before - thanks to family money issues and sometimes phone lines getting knocked out. Any suggestions besides just dropping in on her and the familia??
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-18 00:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Jun 17 2008, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (parkpapa @ Jun 17 2008, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Posting to move us back up closer to the head of the line.

However..... Where is everybody??? I know nobody can afford a summer vacation. blink.gif

Can't afford not to go on vacation... thank Heaven my boss is so good to me.

Yes... where are all of our new Club Colombia applicants?

I'm lurking, got my ears on.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-17 23:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (waitman @ Jun 12 2008, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
6. (Advice for untraveled Americans only). Please understand that Colombia isn't Kansas but a country with very serious problems, unthinkable even in the most unfortunate parts of the US.

I recently rented 'City of Men' and 'Cocaine Cowboys', and these films were spot-on with regard to the issues affecting everyday people in Colombia (and many other parts of South America). My fiancee's father has told me things to be aware of when visiting Bogota. I also get altitude sickness fairly regularly, so I'm planning to acclimate to the altitude 1 or 2 days before the interview (hopefully in the not too distant future). Otherwise, that '1st Person' at the US Embassy might be wearing my breakfast. devil.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-06-12 17:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (ColombianoGringo @ Mar 21 2008, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Diana. 236 days! The sad thing is that since our NOA1 there had been zero activity. The only touches were when I called on the RFE line. It looks like they approved our case in one day. Of course, our packages were flawless and loaded to hilt with pics and evidence. Now I'm looking forward to being able to move this thing forward.

I read here in the 'Guides' section that if a case moves too slowly, you could contact your Congress-person and they could prepare a formal inquiry as to why your case is moving so slowly. Perhaps, you should look into this. Because, your case is moving really slowly IMO. Who is your elected official there in Texas??? Get on the phone.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-03-21 13:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Mar 21 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Colombianogringo! About time!!! Geez.

And to address the previous post, the only issue I had with the US Embassy in Bogotá were the first ladies you have to deal with. The were the biggest and most condescending women I have ever dealt with. They try to bite people's heads off if they don't have what they want or need and they still do it even when you are 100% ready. Other than that, I have no other complaints.


Thanks for this info, Diana. I've been trying to prep my fiance with everything she will encounter based upon what I have been reading here. Everyone here is a big help, and I hope things start to move more quickly. NOA 1 received in January, and nothing else as of yet. My trip to Barranquilla is tomorrow, and this will be great. I just wish I could have my Colombianita come home w/me...
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-03-21 13:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congrats Faith and Agentes. I'm leaving for Barranquilla this Saturday from LAX. Will be there 1 week...I can't wait to see my Onelis!! kicking.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-03-20 19:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I can't wait to hear about the interview as well. Good to hear it went well for you.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-03-14 08:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Thanks for the kind words Buck and Lucho. I'm really happy to have found this forum and this nice group of people on the 'net. So from now on, I'll be a regular part of the conversation here at VJ...
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-02-23 10:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Pls add me to the Colombia club. This website and especially this thread is the greatest!! I'm so happy to have found this website. Here's a pic of my fiance and I.

Getting ready for a day trip to Cartegena from my hotel room in Barranquilla - this was in November '07...

...I'm going back in 1 month to spend more quality time and chill with my lady...

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2008-02-21 22:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia: New Embassy Branch Office To open
Cartagena tiene una Oficina de EU

El embajador de Estados Unidos en Colombia, William Brownfield, y la vicecanciller de Colombia, Clemencia Forero, inauguraron la Oficina de la Embajada Norteamericana en Cartagena, que partir de 2010 se convertirá en consulado y facilitará el trámite de visas para ingresar a ese país.

Unfortunately, this office will not open until 2010.

As more information is received in English, I will post it. But, this news story aired yesterday on TV Caracol Colombia. good.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-03-04 09:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS 230 Question -- Are two required?
Quick question: Do I submit two DS230 forms? I will be submitting one for the beneficiary, but is one required with my biographical information as well? Thanks in advance,

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-08-27 09:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia embassy
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Sep 17 2009, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our case was put in AP process the day after the interview. I heard this is normal? has anyone in Bogota embassy went threw Ap and what seems to be the average time of this?

Does anyone know if they call you in for a second interview also?

Shane -- I would definitely post these questions with the Colombia Club II thread members. Good luck, amigo. good.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-09-18 20:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia embassy
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Aug 29 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our case was expedited from NVC. They did not set up the interview there at NVC. We have done all the paper work that was needed. I do not know at this point should i have my wife down load the DS-2100 and fax it knowing our case is now in BOGOTA??????

NO. You will need to submit all of your paperwork at the same time.
If you submit a paper here and a paper there, you will slow your case down.

Check the website with your BGT# to see if your case is actually sitting in Bogotá.

Read the above instructions in my last posting.

Get your SO to obtain her Colombian Passport.
Get your SO to obtain her DAS Certificado.
Get your SO to start on her Vaccines right away. These will definitely slow you down. Oh, you need to email PAGE 1 - BIOGRAPHICAL INFO OF YOUR SO'S PASSPORT (AND ANY CHILDREN??) as part of your Packet 3.

Fill out the DS-230 Pages 1 and 2 only.
Fill out the DS-2100 - email it to your SO, have her sign and date it, have her fax it to you, you fill out the rest, and scan it into your .PDF packet 3.

After you do this, you will get an email in roughly 5 days explaining that everything was received - do this prior to the 15th of Sept. to get in the October Interview bunch.

Send me a PM if any of this does not make sense...


Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-08-30 19:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia embassy
Angie will need to get her DAS CERTIFICATE. This will take her roughly 1 week to obtain after going to the DAS office. She will probably need to walk in, since the phone lines will probably be jammed, and the people answering the phone won't know what she is talking about.

Angie needs her Passport - its a 1-2 week wait on this. You will need to fax or email her biographical page from her Passport with Packet 3. Make sure she can make a clean photocopy of that page with her photo on it.

DS-230 - you can fill out pages 1 & 2 and email that in with Packet 3. [Read info on COLOMBIA CLUB II thread.]
DS-2100 - you can also fill that out - this will tell the embassy that you are ready for your interview.

This is where you email everything:

While you are at it, I'd study this page: http://www.visajourn...e...&cty=Bogota
Also, Colombia Club II thread: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=175556


Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-08-29 00:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia embassy
QUOTE (Angie Y Shane @ Aug 26 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My case was expedited to Bogota embassy. Does anyone know what happens next? is there anything i can do to make things more fast, any certain forms to get the interview date?

Join the COLOMBIA CLUB II thread and ask this question. Lots of cool people to help you out... good.gif star_smile.gif kicking.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-08-27 01:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations in Bogotá
QUOTE (elkfarmer @ Apr 14 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The vaccinations are not in the cost of the medical. Go to the Red Cross to get them, but make sure the shots are given within a few days of the physical. the doctors love to call them outdated and have them done at their office. dollars in their pocket and kinda like extortion.

Leidys had her vaccinations earlier this month. I'm hoping we don't have to repay for these vaccinations that she has recently recovered from. I agree this is buiish!t, but we seem to just pay pay pay... sad.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-09-28 23:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion2 Interview
Good luck with everything, Shane. good.gif

I'm hoping for a speedy approval for you and the baby! star_smile.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-10-01 08:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCrazzzzzzzzzy ? regarding interview!!!!
QUOTE (Francksgirl @ Oct 10 2009, 04:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Honey and I have a ton of evidence to and cards that I've sent!!!! Just tons!!! My question is......on the return address label I have his last name as my last name, cuz I was divorced........i don't want to use the ex's name, I want My Honey's last name. Yes, for legal bills, banking credit card info....yes I have My ex's name cuz I have no choice yet. I only use My Honey's last name on the cards I've sent him, if I order a pizza or something like that.........I'm sure that I'm not the only one that has done this. We're not married yet, and have filed for the K1, but I am already going by his last name. Will the Embassy want to investigate just by seeing all of the envelopes that have my name as using his last name already? We feel married already!!!! It's just not legal yet!!! TIA for any answers!!!

When I was interviewed at the Bogota embassy earlier this week, all I did was relax, and answer every question honestly and without flinching. The Consular Officer had all of my pertinent legal information in front of him, so when he asked me questions, he was mainly checking the validity of my answers. In doing so, you will ensure passing your interview. Let me know how it turns out.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-10-10 18:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotice of Interview & date in Colombia
QUOTE (jimboy @ Oct 13 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Much to my pleasant surprise, within 12 hours I had a reply to my e-mail. The embassy advised that indeed the interview was scheduled for October 22nd, and that she would be admitted without the appointment letter. We all have frustrations with the visa process, but the response was quick, informative and and very polite. I plan on going to the interview with Monica. Thanks for all the comments and good wishes. I'll report on the interview.


Cool! You're going!! What an incredible city you get to experience!

Instituto y Laboratorio Clinico
Calle 38 # 8-28, Local 1

Go see Mr. Reel2Real in Bogotá if you get the chance, too! good.gif kicking.gif

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-10-14 20:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotice of Interview & date in Colombia
QUOTE (jimboy @ Sep 29 2009, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have read that the Appointment Letter is necessary for the medical exam, and for entry into the embassy for the interview. The embassy's website has advice to contact the visa section if the Interview Letter is not in hand, but not earlier than one week before the interview. Has anyone faced these issues at the U.S. embassy in Bogata?

I am sure that these are worst case scenarios. In about 1 week, your fiancee will receive her letter in the mail. Plus, you will also receive a letter in the mail. So, check your mailbox. star_smile.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-09-29 23:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotice of Interview & date in Colombia
QUOTE (Mr Twister @ Sep 25 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jimboy @ Sep 25 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have tried to search this topic, but was unsuccessful. My bride to be has forwarded the documents that the embassy in Bogota requires. How much times usually elapses between the embassy's receipt of the "I have everything ready" declaration, and deliver of the letter advising of the date and time for the interview. And, how much time until the in interview is actually scheduled?

You don't have to wait for them to notify you....Call NVC 202-663-1225 1,0 and ask them.Have your BGT number ready smile.gif

My letter arrived at my house about 2 weeks after my receipt email from Bogota arrived. In the meantime, I called the above telephone number to receive my Interview date. Thanks, Twister! good.gif

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-09-28 08:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe are at the interview stage, but have a possible problem.
I just completed my interview 2 weeks ago in Colombia, and expect for the Consular Officer to ask some pointed questions while directly looking in your eyes the entire time. An 18 year old who has not held verifiable employment in a region with high unemployment isn't automatically going to get banned. Perhaps, she can get a letter from the Church that she volunteered for, as in a "Letter of Recommendation" in order to show the Consular Officer? Also, have it notarized for authenticity with contact information, signed and dated. That is what I would do. Then, you won't have much to worry about when it comes time to answer questions about employment history.

Good luck! good.gif

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-10-19 19:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPICTURES TO BE GLUED ON DS156 OR NOT?
My Fiancee glued her passport photo in place. The paperwork was processed quickly and without any issues as a result (of having all i's dotted and t's crossed, etc.). Good luck! good.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-11-17 09:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionappointment for my wife in Bogota
The CO at the Bogota embassy told me that because the Bogota Post is a "High Fraud" Embassy, they are reluctant to issue visas without the Petitioner present. I was there in October.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-12-03 22:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLooking for interview info for my wife,
QUOTE (kyle100 @ Dec 5 2009, 05:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could give me some info on the interview process for my wife, back in 2007 my wife wife and i went for a fiance vise in bogota, that was before we were married, The interview went fine and she got she visa, She travel to America and we got married here in the three month time frame, she was here for 6 months and then her grandmother got sick and had to go back to care for her, She did not have her green card or travel papers. So we had to start the visa paper work all over again but now as my wife, I hired a lawer and we file all the paper work and now is the time for the interview, Jan 8th, So what will the interview be like? I will be going to it, Will it be different since she was here in america and we did get married, We now have been married for over two years, 8/9/07.

Her and i am just worried about the interview, There is no problems with her police report or any of the paper work, I make enough money for what they ask for to take care of her, Is the interview going to be tough? Its come down to the time again and we all ready went through it once before and hated it, So has anybody else done this? Thank you for all you time and help, This is a great place for info, Thanks, Kyle

It was my 2nd visa appl., and the CO was real concerned about what I was doing. So, I was asked a whole slew of questions ranging from, "What Day Did I Meet My Fiancee?" to "I Detect An Accent - Are You From The Islands?" to "How Did Your Mother Like Colombia?" The questions were entirely left-field, and they lasted about 15 minutes in length, and my Fiancee wasn't asked a single thing. This is tough to predict, but know as much as you can about each other's work, families, family members, personal information, and what each other are thinking - how you communicate, etc. Good luck, and be prepared to go IN DEPTH about your Fiancee's travel back to Colombia.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-12-06 01:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhere to stay in Bogota
QUOTE (kyle100 @ Dec 5 2009, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ken y Leidys @ Dec 5 2009, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I stayed there in October. The Embassy is a 10 minute walk - 2 blocks away from the apartment/hotel for rent. There is a small Internet cafe located across the street from this apartment, and Plaza Salitre is a short drive from the apartment. The price was among the lowest I could find, and definitely the lowest for this area near the Embassy. Good luck with your Interview! good.gif

Thanks for the info, I click the link and saw all the info and room rates but could not locate a phone number or address, Do you have this info? Thanks Kyle

011-571-361-4394 or 011-571-366-5741

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-12-06 01:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhere to stay in Bogota

I stayed there in October. The Embassy is a 10 minute walk - 2 blocks away from the apartment/hotel for rent. There is a small Internet cafe located across the street from this apartment, and Plaza Salitre is a short drive from the apartment. The price was among the lowest I could find, and definitely the lowest for this area near the Embassy. Good luck with your Interview! good.gif
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2009-12-05 00:33:00


Please take a moment to glance over the proposal and sumbit your comments here:


I took a moment to glance over this webpage, and the information was not immediately available. Where is the info on the increased passport pages, for example? This website is cumbersome to say the least.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-07 11:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota Embassy--Time to arrive?

Hi all,
We have our appt for the I-130 this Tuesday at 1 PM. We are filing DCF (if all goes well).
Does anyone know what time we should arrive? I know if you are given the general 7 AM appt, you should arrive no later than 6:15, but with a 1PM appt I don't know what time to get there.


Congratulations, and good luck with your interview. Don't forget to stand in line #3. The others are for Tourist travel visas.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-14 16:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota Appointment List
Be sure you have your NOA2 information available in order that you can get your BGT#.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-25 20:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota Appointment List

I've sent my request for an appointment to the embassy in Bogota. Their website says that they post the upcoming appointments on the 20th of the month. Of course, since it was me the universe conspired to make that the Saturday on a three-day weekend. So I waited until the next workday (today) and checked their website. The April appointments are still not posted. When will it be the 20th of March at the embassy in Bogota? I'd like to know when they've scheduled my appointment.


You need to hold your horses, amigo. :bonk: The embassy in Bogota hasn't gotten around to posting their interviews for April just yet. Because I wanted to hurry and book my flight from Los Angeles to Bogota, I called the National Visa Center (603-334-0700 press 1 then 5 for live operator) and I presented my BGT # to the operator who gave me my Interview date. Pretty surreal - something you wait months and months for, and it is suddenly give to you over the phone. Good going on waiting your time out in Colombia. :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-23 20:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Fees - The $350 Question

Forms and information in each package are reviewed once every year, for that reason the pck 3 & 4 have the new information already, but the new fee for now is just a proposal for Increase of Non-Immigrant Visa Application.
My advice, when you have the date for the interview you can pay inmediately (131 dollars) will need the passport, ds-156 (2 copies) and the appointment letter, if you don't have it, you have to give them the case number, it is enough for the bank to confirm the information with the embassy

Good luck with your interviews, guys. These are several hoops to jump through. Hopefully, your interview dates preceed these fee increases.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-04-01 19:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Fees - The $350 Question

I agree it says that but the fee is not yet in effect. I have confirmed it with the Bogota Emabssy 3/18/2010.

from the Bogota website recently added

Media Note: Proposal for Increase of Non-Immigrant Visa Application Fees Current Issue

Dallas Steve said he wanted a verifiable source - I used the new Packet 3 information.

My advice would be to hurry in and pay that $131 fee as quickly as possible - with regard to your Packet 3 arriving.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-31 21:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Fees - The $350 Question

I have an interview at the Bogota embassy now for our K1 visa. The documentation says that we need to pay $350 for Visa Fees before the interview. Our K1 visa is for my fiancee and her 11-year old son. Do we need to pay $350 for each of them (2 X $350 = $700) or do we only pay $350 total, and can you provide a link on the internet supporting your answer?

Thanks mucho

Packet 3 - "THIRD - Pay $350 at Banco Helm Office"
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-03-31 20:05:00