US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hello everyone,

I'm sitting at Tocumen International in Panama wiating for my 6:45 pm flight to Medellin, Colombia..

The interview date of 7 Oct, is approaching fast, ...

Hope everyone is praying for us..


That is a great airport w/lots of cool shops, and everything can be purchased w/U.S. dollars. :dance: Wish I could have rolled along with you! :star: Have a great time, and keep us posted on everything. I'm excited to hear how everything goes.

Best of luck, amigo.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-10-01 22:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I just asked him if he filled something out in the airport and he told me the flight attendent gave a paper to fill out and he did so they stapled like a half piece of paper to his passport i just looked and its stamped and it says I-94 on the bottom. this is it right?! thank god!

It is that exact white, cardstock form that reads "I-94" on the bottom. It is on the same page as Juan Esteban's K-1 Visa from the Bogota embassy. You're both ready for your special day! :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-24 20:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Ok everyone I have been away due to wrok and life.

The Son had his interview today and Passed they asked hardly asked any questions. Was expecting maybe a DNA test but nothing. All is good so now I have another son coming to the household.

Woo Hoo :dance:

That's great news! I'm glad to hear your family will now be together. :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-22 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Does anyone have any hotel suggestions near the embassy? I know my finacee lives here in Bogota, but we don't want any taxi, Transmilenio, or whatever other transportation problems on the day of the interview. We want to be under our own power that morning!

We're ready to book our room now, too!

15 minute walk from to the Embassy - if you get the apartment located near the Embassy, and not the one near Plaza Salitre.

On a side note, across the street from the Embassy, the Kinko's-type places open their doors at 5:45 a.m., and are doing brisk business at 6:00 a.m. accepts cash only. The Airport has ATM machines making things more conveninent. The neighborhood is a good one, and is 3-4 min. via taxi to the Embassy. Watch the hoards of people walking to the Embassy, but be aware that they will give you inaccurate information rather than say, "I don't know the answer to that question." :bonk:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-17 22:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

They have had to wait SOOOO much longer than they should have, so I just KNOW they will finally get the big "YES" today :thumbs:

He flies in to Bogota at the end of September... :star: :star:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-15 21:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Colombia Club II VJ'ers Harold (Arizreynolds) and Sandra had a date at the Embassy in Bogota today...I haven't heard anything from him, but I suspect things went well... :unsure:
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Harold - Clue us in when you get this message!?! :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-15 21:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Wow! Seriously?

I assume you mean the letter will arrive at my fiancée's address. Or, will I receive a copy in the U.S., too? Either way, it looks like I'll be booking a return visit to Bogotá sooner than I had thought!


In our case, I emailed the .pdf files for Packet #3, and I got the email from Bogota that following Friday (1 1/2 weeks later). This is what my Email letter said:

We have received the forms you sent. Bogotá's Immigrant Visa (IV) Unit schedules appointments as they become available. Generally, appointments are scheduled within two to three months. Each visa category and case is different, however, and we cannot provide a timeline.

Unfortunately, due to increased visa demand, we are no longer able to answer email or telephone questions about appointment scheduling or confirm appointment dates. Rather, please check our online appointment schedule which is updated on/about the 20th and 30th of each month.

To download forms, learn more about the visa process, or see if your appointment has been scheduled, please go to the Immigrant Visa Section of our website at


Immigrant Visa Unit

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-14 21:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hello everyone,

I sent Packet 3 to the embassy electronically yesterday and this morning I received the Read Notification Receipt, so I know it's been received and opened. Is that automatic notification going to be the only one or will they respond directly with something saying that it has been accepted?



You'll get an appointment letter (w/your BGT#) in the mail in 2 weeks. Congrats!
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-14 20:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Felicitaciones a Nicolas. Su visa esta aprobado. Gracias Nicolas por la revista de tu entrevista.

Visa approved.

See his review here

Review Topic: General Review

Hola todos, bueno les cuento la historia llegue super temparano como a las 6:10 am mas o menos fui directo a la fila 3 donde me pidieron las formas Ds-156 y me pusieron el sticker verde, luego una vez adentro me dieron la carpeta cafe donde poner los documentos en el orden que ellos quieren y pase a una sala de espera donde me llamaron a la ventana 32 donde una senora bastante brava reviso los documentos y los anadio a los documentos que envio el uscis despues me dijeron que esperara en la sala de espera frente a las ventanillas de la 1 a la 6 donde estuve esperando un buen rato ademas con nervos por que la consul de la ventanilla 3 parecia negar todas las visas, por fin a eso de las 11:30 me llamaron a la ventanilla 5 donde una consul super querida me dijo que todo estaba perfecto y que estaba impresionada pues nunca habia visto un caso que avanzara tan rapido como el nuestro dado que aplicamos en junio y hoy 9 de septimebre tengo mi visa, ella no me pregunto nada ni pidio ningun documento solo dijo visa aprovada y que pasara a domesa a pagar, me siento muy afortunado de que todo fuera sencillo y ando muy feliz pues en octubre viajare a estar con mi chikita. Gracias a todos por sus consejos y ayuda y suerte a todos en ssus procesos.

Nicolas' story didn't appear to include his fiancee. Good to see he didn't get denied for her not accompanying him to the Embassy this week. :dance: :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-10 23:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

They told me 2 to 3 weeks is within the norm for delivery so they would expect to have it by the end of next week.

Closer to 2 weeks than 3 is my opinion. Unless, maybe you're dealing with Chrismas and New Years Eve/Day, IMO.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-10 20:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

The case left NVC 10 days ago, so I don't really know why it isn't in Bogota yet.

I had a VJ friend named Lisa track my DHL package. I do not know how she did it, but she was 100% accurate. Perhaps, you can get someone to help you track your DHL package to Bogota? Once again, I don't know how this was done, but it helped with me planning my Package #3 shortcut.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-09 20:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have that ear to ear grin going on. Now I know that that man is happy. God I want some of that happiness. There's always January (POE).

I remember the days and months creeping by until I could visit Leidys. I completely understand how it feels to wait and watch the calendar. The good thing, is you have time to get your life in order, complete schooling that would otherwise be difficult to complete, renovate your house, etc.

Although Leidys hasn't found work due to her difficulty in English, and fear of driving, she attends Adult School 3 nights per week, and she has made quite a few friends. Here is our latest Colombian convention - Annie's B-Day Party - attended by several Colombianas and some Peruvians, too.

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Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-07 19:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II


That's great.. How was the adjustment to the US for her.. what are the main things she misses from Colombia?

I know Colombianas love to just get out and have drinks with family and listen to music, how do you and her deal with some of those things?


Leidys says she misses her Mother's cooking. She misses talking with her neighbors, her extended family. She misses the music being played on the streets, on the bus, etc, but because of YouTube and all of the MP3 cds we bought, and the XM-type radio stations on Direct TV, and here in the LA area radio stations play many kinds of popular Latin music, although, Vallenato is virtually unheard of here.

We have a local place in Long Beach called 'Alegria' that plays all Salsa and Merengue music. Downtown LA has 'The Mayan' where she was able to see Grupo Niche/Charlie Cardona. There are plenty of great performances there year-round. Her friend 'Sofia' (Derek y Sofia) is her best friend - they talk daily and we visit most weekends.

Just spend as much time talking with your Fiance as possible when she arrives. Being alone at home everyday can be depressing and difficult to adjust to. Plus, most Americans don't speak a 2nd language, so finding friends is challenging. Adjustment takes time, patience and understanding on all sides.

Leidys (pictured w/Charlie Cardona) backstage at Grupo Niche's concert in April
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Leidys & Sofia, Sofia's daughter Annie, and her husband Derek (yesterday in Redondo Beach)
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Edited by Ken y Leidys, 06 September 2010 - 11:48 PM.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-06 23:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Yea the would have been a problem, then I'm sure I would have been dealing with a Felony Theft charge.. :rofl:

Yea, it doesn't appear they caught it since they scheduled the appointment.. Her age is entered correctly.. Maybe it's no big deal... I just hope I didn't make it worse by sending in the corrected forms by email...

Anyhow, hope all is well with you and your wife...


I had a great time in Bogota for the Interview (October 7, 2009). I'd love to relive that couple of weeks again. But, I have my Leidys here to talk about it over dinner and laugh about the weather and how cold both of us were.

Life is very good for both of us here, and I thank God :innocent: that we met when and how we did that summer day in Barranquilla. :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-06 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II


I made a very VERY VERY STUUUUUPPPPPID Mistake on the DS230 which I noticed today...

Your check to USCIS was for $425,000.00 instead of $425? :rofl: :help: :bonk: :wacko:

I wonder if the Bogota embassy will catch that mistake?? :whistle: :no: :lol:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-06 20:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Just a quick and informal poll here -

How many days after you were approved did it take Domesa to deliver your visa, and to where did it get delivered? Trying to estimate how long our wait might be for delivery to Medellin. And for those who stayed on in Bogota to pick it up themselves at the Domesa office, how long for that? So we can decide if it's worth it for Vanessa to stay on and pick it up, or just go home & wait, not to mention planning for the plane trip...

Thanks :help:

What is the plan, Dan? :D I would suggest that Vanessa return home and wait for the Diomesa package to arrive. That's my opinion. Things can be difficult to plan due to the variables being so different there. Good luck.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-06 19:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Just a quick and informal poll here -

How many days after you were approved did it take Domesa to deliver your visa, and to where did it get delivered? Trying to estimate how long our wait might be for delivery to Medellin. And for those who stayed on in Bogota to pick it up themselves at the Domesa office, how long for that? So we can decide if it's worth it for Vanessa to stay on and pick it up, or just go home & wait, not to mention planning for the plane trip...

Thanks :help:

Officially adding this to my timeline...

  • October 7, 2009 - We were approved October 7, 2009
  • October 16, 2009 - Diomesa package arrived in downtown Barranquilla
  • October 19, 2009 - Leidys took bus to Diomesa Office to pick up Visa/Passport package because ("We don't deliver to your Barrio"). :bonk:

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-04 20:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II


I called the DOS today and was told our Visa Appointment is on 7 Oct, ooooh man am I nervous...


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Right on! My Visa Appt. was also on Oct 7! Exactly 1 year ago. :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-09-02 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

My wife used to think Bogota was cold, until I took her to Chicago last January...

Leidys learned that the mountains of Southern California are much colder than Bogota as well. :rofl:
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Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-30 23:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Colombia Club i am so excited my love arrives today at the ft lauderdale airport. i will let everyone know how it goes for him! :dance:

Congratulations on Juan Esteban's arrival into Miami today! :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-30 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I'm always surprised to hear people in Colombia say that Bogotá is pretty cold, even from people who were born and raised there. The average temperature is around 65ºF and at times it can get pretty warm since it's so high up. Last time I was there 3 years ago I was walking around with nothing but jeans and a t-shirt with my sweater wrapped around my waist just in case I needed it. I never used the damned thing. :lol:


Its the humidity combined with the air temperatures, plus lack of sunlight. But, I live through 110deg.F heatwaves and summer camp in San Felipe and think it is normal. :dance:

Exhibit A - On the left, Bogota native/Beneficiary of VJ'er wearing sweater in Plaza Salitre to stay warm :wacko: Posted Image

Trying to stay warm in Plaza Salitre, Bogota
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Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-27 18:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We got a tentative YES, but with a slight technical delay. Officially a 221G, but with assurances that it is only for this one item and the approval will be given as soon as it is corrected. Some of the medical tests had to be redone, and won't be back to the doctor before the weekend. Without the doctor's approved report, they can't officially issue us a final visa approval, but we satisfied every other requirement, and the consular officer at the interview (a very pleasant lady at window #6) assured us that all Vanessa needs to do is come back for a followup appointment on her own, probably next week, to make it official. She has a good friend who lives here in Bogota who she will stay the extra week or so with, and we got her return plane ticket changed for the local equivalent of only about US$9, so all is well. We are already talking wedding plans for the 30th of October as we'd originally planned, and Vanessa is joking about either her dress and/or the wedding cake being orange & black for Halloween, LOL. They were quite happy with everything that we originally submitted and never asked to see any additional papers or photos (though we had thick files of them ready to offer if needed.) The CO didn't even ask to talk to me, but I'm still sure that the fact that I was there at all reinforced her quick (less than 5 minutes) decision. Just waiting now for news from the doctor's office, and a return visit to finish it all up...


This sounds good, and I'm sure your technicality will be cleared up and resolved shortly. Good going!

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Thank you, I'll look in to that site. Martha had no suggestions. But I have the group as a backup. I found that on VJ in the step-by-step Guide for Colombia.

When looking for a hotel, and you need to confirm the distance to the US Embassy,

The US Embassy (or La Embajada de los EE.UU) is located at: Calle 22D-Bis # 47-51 Bogota, Colombia - that location is very difficult to Google, btw.

You will want to be as close as possible to Avenida Carrera 50 and Avenida La Esperanza - This is walking distance to "Marta's Place" as it appears in the Google Visual Map.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-10 12:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hotels near embassy that are the real bargains are disappearing.

I know Martha's rooms and were very popular with posters here. Other than those places, are there any others folks care to recommend?

Thank you

Here's an article from the L.A. Times which appeared last week.

Hotels spring up as Colombia grows safer for tourists

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The new JW Marriott in Bogota. This year, hoteliers will add about 4,700 rooms across the country, half of them in Bogota, the capital. (Grupo Poma / August 6, 2010)

You might also ask Marta if she knows of any places near the embassy that rents to American tourists, since her place is basically a rental apartment. Perhaps, look on Craigslist to see if anything exists? When my interview was around the corner, my wife in Barranquilla was able to research things more easily than I was since her Google search engine would turn up more results than would, for instance. Good luck,

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-09 20:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Colombia Club! I am back from Medellin, my boyfriend arrives Aug.30th at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Our interview was super easy we arrived at 6:40am. We got all the paper work ready in the brown folder they gave us. and Juan was called up at about 9:00am to check all the paper work it was a Colombian lady she wasn’t so nice she checked everything and told us to go have a sit on the other side of the room. About an hour later he got called up for fingerprints. And we waited about 45mins until they called him to window 6 for the interview it was an American lady super nice, I went up with him and she asked him who I was he answered. And she asked him when we met, than she asked to talk to me. she asked me in English where I lived, who I lived with she also asked me when we met. Then she told me that we sent a lot of evidence and that she can see that we have more to show her but that she doesn’t want to see it because she believes in our relationship and she can tell we love each other and then she asked to talk to him again. He got on the phone and she said VISA APPROVED YOU MAY GO PAY DOMESA. We kissed and hugged each other and cried everyone around us looked happy for us kept giving us the thumps up because it was seriously like 2 mins. We were super nervous because everyone before us got denied we were the first couple to get approved that day! We left the embassy at 11am. ? thank you everyone for all your help! We wouldn’t of been able to do it without you.

Berta - Everyone before you got denied? The CO in Bogota told me that Bogota is a High-Fraud Post, explaining why our 20 minute interview was so thorough. :wacko: I am happy to hear everything went well for you and Juan. Nice people should be approved, IMO. :star: :thumbs: CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY WEDDING BELLS!! :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-09 20:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Good Luck let us know how it goes!!

Berta - Tell us how your interview went in Bogota?? :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-09 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Leaving for the airport in 10 minutes - Bogota Embassy here we come!

Be sure to update everyone here on your approval! :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-08 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Just Curious about something...

I am planning to fill in the DS-156 for my fiancee (with her help to make sure we get all the answers right).. Then I will print it, scan it and email her the forms where she can sign it and fax it to the Embassy.. is there any issues doing it that way?


You could do whats listed above, and sign for her. Email packet 3 info for a faster response. I had difficulties faxing the Embassy, probably because my Fax machine was on the fritz.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-07 20:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Has anyone else experience this block? How did you actually solve it? Could it be she's "timing out"? She believe the computer she is using conforms to the instructed minimum requirements.

My fiancee has minimal computer skills and is in Colombia while I'mm still in USA. I have not been able to help her with this problem. Her interview is on August 25.


Has your Fiance tried different Internet cafes? My wife Leidys had problems on some computers (while in Barranquilla), and had to visit different Internet cafe's.

You should download the forms, fill them out, and send the .pdf files to her, and also scan the full-page documents to her. Could you also fill out the forms for her? Good luck.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-06 20:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Right you are! :thumbs:

We're meeting up in Bogota this Sunday for the whole week, with Lab & Medical on Monday & Interview on Thursday. I'm prepared with a two inch thick accordian file that should contain just about anything they could possibly need to see, and a photo album with at least a couple hundred pictures (on removable pages that I think should fit through the pass through slot ok...) We'll have a netbook along on the trip, so if Martha's wi-fi is working, I'll try to let y'all know how it went as soon as we get back from the embassy. :clock:

Congratulations on your upcoming trip, and I am sure everything will go well. :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-06 03:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
If my memory is correct, Dan & Vanessa have an interview next week? :yes:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-05 11:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

almost non-existente postal service????? what about Servientrega, Interrapidisimo, DHL, Deprisa, Aeroenvios, Coordinadora, envia, Colvanes, TCC and these are just some that I remember right now

Wow! That's a long list, Yakad!! :hehe:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-08-03 10:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

hey ken mine was less than 3 min. The whole process was waiting to talk to someone

The worst part (besides the 15 min. Q&A) was keeping the documents in order in the large folder we were given. :blink:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-28 00:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

visa approved!!!!! it was super easy only took one min. i will tell you guys all about it then thank you guys for everything and for all your help!

That is great news! Leidys was surprised that it only took you one minute! :wacko:
I stood in front of the CO for about 15 minutes, and the AOS interview lasted a cool 50 minutes. :bonk:

If your Embassy interview was that short, I would estimate that your AOS meeting will be just as easy. Congrats! :dance:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-27 22:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Does anyone know how much they're charging in Colombian pesos at Banco Helm? I know it's 350 USD which is supposed to be about 654,000 pesos, but I assume the change rate will be a lot higher. Not a big deal, but just curious about it. :)

My wife told me there were no additional fees charged. You just have to figure the exchange rate along with the conversion fees, and you're good to go.
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-25 21:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Good luck to both of you for a quick, stress-free, and SUCCESSFUL interview tomorrow! :thumbs:

Wow! That's right!! At 3 a.m. PST, Berta and her Fiance will be standing in line #3. Hopefully, it won't be raining/cold. :wacko: GOOD LUCK!! :thumbs:
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-22 23:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Oh my gosh, I can't believe your lawyer is asking you to pay her for her "services". :angry:

I don't know where she got this information from but it's completely false, not to mention bogus. Anyone who is traveling to the US with an Immigrant visa, in this case a K1, can do so with either a one-way or two-way ticket. That's the whole point of the visa, to establish permanent residency in the US, so why buy a two-way ticket unless it's cheaper for some reason? Augh. :angry:



I thought about this today, and if you approach it from the point-of-view of a Lawyer, if things did not work out between Berta and her Fiance, she might possibly seek some sort of compensation from the Lawyer if Berta and her Fiance did not work out, and Berta only purchased a one-way ticket. But, I find it strange that Berta was not explained that she had the option of purchasing a one-way ticket. :wacko:

Edited by Ken y Leidys, 16 July 2010 - 08:22 PM.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-16 20:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi All! i know i have read on here before that it does not matter if you buy a one way ticket or a roundtrip ticket. but i asked my lawyer today if i could buy my fiance a one way ticket because i found a great deal. and she told me no that it has to be roundtrip or else they won't let him leave Colombia??? can someone please tell me if this is true....thanks!

Berta - You have mentioned a few things that have been erroneous that your lawyer has told you. Last November, I bought Leidys a 1 way ticket from Barranquilla to LAX on Copa Airlines and although I could not book her one-way travel through I went directly to Copa Airlines' website to make the purchase. It was not an issue, and Leidys now has her Greencard and we just returned from our vacation in Mexico.

Good luck with everything, and don't forget to factor in a few weeks for your fiance's visa to arrive as you purchase his one-way ticket to Fl.

Leidys and I in El Puerto de Ensenada, Baja California Norte, Mexico. :dance: Posted Image
Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-15 19:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We are also planning to stay at Martha's place from after hearing good things about it from others here. Can you think of anything in particular, either good or bad, that we should know or be prepared for, other than what's already on their web site?

When Leidys and I stayed there in October '09, we were alone for the first two days (of five). By day 3, a couple occupied the smaller room (as we had the Master bedroom), and the husband had a cold. He coughed all over the kitchen, they would not wash the silverware or dishes, and were very sloppy people. It turned my stomach seeing this guy cough and sneeze uncontrollably all over the kitchen table. YUK! :angry:

You have to bring cash to pay for the Hotel/Apartment. You are better off to get that cash at an airport ATM or maybe carry it with you from your bank if you convert dollars to COP's in the United States. You can also get cash from an ATM - Plaza Salitre is one location nearby where ATMs are available, otherwise, you must walk past the Military Base in the opposite direction towards downtown to find a bank like I did (not adviseable). :no:

The weather in Bogota is damp and cold, so be prepared with your best jammies. There is no heat in the apartment to speak of, so chances are, you will keep the windows closed the entire time you are there.

Good luck with your interview!! :thumbs:

Edited by Ken y Leidys, 15 July 2010 - 09:12 AM.

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-15 09:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Congrats on her arrival. My gal finally arrived last Saturday- we started the process in November of 2008 and she arrived July 3 2010- looooong journey!


Congratulations, Joe. You both waited a long time. :thumbs:

Ken y LeidysMaleColombia2010-07-13 23:31:00