K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Yes he was married to a USC before, and they broke up, it was the right choice for both of them. You don't move to a new country when your relationship is rocky and that is the only person you will know. He had to get his divorce paper from Morocco (we already had the US paper that I obtained copies of) so that we could marry there. As you know in Morocco, you can go to an office and get told one thing and then go back and get told another. He should have had the final paper he needed by the time I was there, but getting the run around as they do, they said it would be another 21 days for it to be finalized.  In Morocco you can get around the rules sometimes with a little hand to hand encouragement. He never takes that route and I stand by his convictions. Although now I am regretting this because from what I see lately, some KNOWN slimeballs are getting through with K-1s even though they are shady.  I knew this was going to be an issue, and my mistake in my petition was not addressing it enough, because I thought it was best for them to hear from him not me, when they asked the questions, but I chose wrongly. I should have elaborated more that I knew about all of the things, because every question she asked him, she cut him off before he could explain properly. I knew from practically day one, did my own digging and my own research and the man has NEVER lied to me about anything. We believe they were in AP for a long time, and neither one of us have any idea what happened with that petition exactly, whether it was just left in la la land or if she called to withdraw it. He did inquire about it when we first met , because I was curious about his legal standings ( of course!) as I started to get involved with him beyond friendship, and I encouraged him to find out what he could.  The CO even asked about this inquiry and I think of course she thinks badly of it, and it sounds like she did not believe him when he told her I asked him to do it,  because he emailed to check the status of his previous case, a few months after we met.  It is a GRAY situation that was handled in a black and white kind of way. If the CO believed that I didn't know about a previous case, why not call me and ask me? Hicham is a very honest person, and I know they have no REAL reason to deny him entry, because there is a code for all of that....  She just was "not convinced".  So we just have to keep trying to convince them.  I did get a letter back from the senator and he was told by Casablanca in an email that our petition was sent back for "further review of the relationship."  Now what? I call USCIS and the guy tried to tell me that everything is fine and that this is part of the normal process.... WOW...


Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-06-24 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)
Filled out same day, sent with this letter. The representative also already contacted me to tell me what they can do which is only find out why we were denied. :/
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-12 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)
Yes thank you. One of the most heartbreaking things to see was my daughter break down and cry when I told her her Chickin Nugget (Hicham) was not coming. They adore him just as he adores them. Ahhh *shaking fist* they won't get us. Guess we get to ask God to move to get the three of us back to beautiful Morocco again.
Yes thank you. One of the most heartbreaking things to see was my daughter break down and cry when I told her her Chickin Nugget (Hicham) was not coming. They adore him just as he adores them. Ahhh *shaking fist* they won't get us. Guess we get to ask God to move to get the three of us back to beautiful Morocco again.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-11 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)
What God holds together, no one and nothing can tear it apart :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-11 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Maybe you are right, even though I am not sure what they could be. And hopefully everyone that responds, will be kind and helpful and no one will be mean and snarky ( I have seen people get torn down here). Because just like everyone else on this forum,  we just want to live in the same country, and again just like everyone else here , we feel that the US is the better fit for our family's needs IE , My daughter's Healthcare for Type 1 Diabetes, and my education goals.  I don't know how much more proof we can give to show how real we are.  We just want our nights sitting on the porch laughing and enjoying each other's company, raising the girls and God-Willing our future babies, working through fights ( even though we rarely have any and always both end up apologizing no matter who is right or wrong), and making  a life together without having so many obstacles to just live together. Let us live together! That's it.  I love our love story, even with all the heartache. This separation is torture. 

Edited by Hicham?Sara, 11 May 2014 - 12:47 AM.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-11 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

We did have a red flag. A red flag that was addressed in the petition, and that needed explanation from him during the interview. SO what makes me so very very angry is that anytime that the CO would ask him a question, before he could finish his thought, or even sentences, he was cut off rudely. This is extremely unfair and unjust. If she had a question about his intentions, give the man a chance to explain himself in this one time that you are going to sit down and talk to him. Some of the questions she asked needed him to answer beyond the first few words of someone's thoughts. For example the question of "Do you only like talking to American Women?" The beginning of his answer: "well no, I have talked to Moroccan, French, and Tunisian ..... The rest of his answer: But I do like American women more because we have the same interests, like country music and classic rock music, and I love English because that is what I studied in school and I would listen to a lot of American music to learn this. "  A brief history about my Sweet Bread is that he did study English in HS and speaks it pretty well, His favorite band is Rascal Flatts, (Which is one of mine as well, something we bonded over) his favorite song is Hotel California, and he loves a lot of old classic rock and so do I because my mom was a huge fan and I grew up listening to that, in fact my name Sara comes from Fleetwood Mac, my sister Emmiline's name comes from Fleetwood Mac and my daughter Rhiannon is named after Fleetwood Mac.The man loves Kenny Roger's for God's sake! I don't actually but good grief who else can he talk to about these things and would relate to him.  Hicham and I are both musicians, him a violinist, and me a vocalist, and I used to dream of being a country music singer, studied opera and many other things. He loves shows like America's Got Talent, America's Funniest Home Video's and Lost, and haha Bridezilla's because people like us love watching hot mess TV sometimes LOL.  What is wrong with him finding blonde hair and blue eyes to be the most attractive ( how many times I can't even count he has said "I hope our baby has your blue eyes" and I have to burst his bubble with a Punnett Square)  Is all of that bad? No. It's not. Just like it's not bad for me as an American to be attracted to brown boys. (lol)  be obsessed with Bollywood and world fashions. Is this bad? No!!  


But I know what that can look like on the surface..... which is why I SAY LET THE MAN SPEAK. 


   I know that Morocco is a high fraud country. I am aware of what the Consulate website says about the signs of fraud. I have also been a part of this forum and others for years now ( Remember, we have been together for almost 4.5 years) and I know what people have gone through and what to look for. In no way would I ever stand for anything short of awesome. I had my OWN tests. For example, I was freshly separated from my cheating husband by a few months when I met Hicham. In our early conversations I of course, being transparent as he was with me about his previous relationships, told him that here in my state of Virginia I have to be separated for at least 1 year before I can even start the process for filing for a divorce. It took me longer than a year. 4 1/2 years later we are still going strong. I didn't go into this kind of relationship lightly. Who does when it is this kind of long distance/ multicultural relationship? You can't read these forums and be completely naive to what goes on. Hicham is an honorable man, and never has done anything to lead me or my family and friends to believe otherwise. We are not legally married in Morocco because he is the kind of person who is so honest that he will not do anything that is not 100% legit to get things done ( which is why we didn't do what you COULD do in Morocco to get things done,  Morocco people know exactly what I am talking about) I stand by him and his moral judgement because he deserves this kind of respect and honor. He has been absolutely wonderful to me and my girls as much as one possibly can across the ocean via the internet. It feels like home when I am with him in Morocco. I see God's love for me through him. The way he took care of my kids when we were there last year, was icing on the cake. We ARE family. Paper or no paper, our level of commitment to each other is that of Husband and Wife. We made a promise before God to love each other forever. I am beside myself right now thinking about all the things that I will have to go through if I can't fight this and have to find a way to get over there again, between my job taking care of children in my home, going to school at night, and the worst, having to leave my children behind because I was blessed to be able to take them last year.  We are absolutely heart broken and completely overwhelmed coming up with solutions. Why on Earth would this woman think it is a better idea to ask a single mother and a man who makes at best 300 US Dollars a month at a job in his country, come up with more money, for more trips, for more running around with the Moroccan Government Paper Trail for Marriage (YIPEE!) more money for another petition and all the things that have to go along with it.....instead of at the very least having a real conversation with someone about what the heck is up. Or call me and talk to ME , cause I promise I know him better than she does. :'( 




Dear God, USCIS, Department of Homeland Security, Casablanca Consulate, please give us our Sweet Break /Chikin Nugget. :'( Sincerely, Sweet Cookie, Chikin Nuggets, and Cuppycake. 

Attached Files

Edited by Hicham?Sara, 10 May 2014 - 09:49 PM.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-10 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Reapplying is definitely the way to go with the K1s, but I would suggest, if you are ready for it, the CR1 as a viable alternative.  It has the added bonus of letting your significant other have more freedom once in America, to drive, to work, etc.  It does seem to create less relationship strife.


By the way, you guys are a cute couple and definitely look like you belong together.  I hope that things work out for you!



we are definitely working on a plan of action for our next steps for sure. Just a LOT of work and a lot of decisions. Some how , some way, we will be together on the same continent. 

They did the same ting to us in Cuba. In our case no 221g was given or not told they refuse the visa. They just told us they will give us a call in two weeks and they never call back. I waited two months because I thought they put us on AP. Finally I contacted the congressman office and they asked on my behalf. The answer they gave was, they are returning our application to USCIS with their note to be revoke because they think we don't have bona fide relationship. But we actually showed more than enough evidence considering US embargo on Cuba, very expensive phone calls, text, emails and my traveling to Cuba evidences. It is sad that our lives depends on somebody else decision, but that negative decision will not stop the love. My advise to you is to stay strong and don't give up and one day everything will work out. For us we are not going to do K-1 again we are planning on traveling this summer for 3 months and get marry in a third country then I will file the CR-1. Good luck with the second interview.


Love and blessings.....

Sorry you went through this... it is awful. We are supposed to be informed why the petition is being sent back. It's just awful. Glad you guys have a plan worked out and safe travels. 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

It seems that a very large number of refused K1's progress no further at High Fraud Consulates.


So reapplying, either for a K1 or CR1 shows more commitment than most.

 Well for sure they will continue to hear from us until the separation nightmare is over.  

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Sometimes i have to wonder if they randomly do this ####### to make money

I question everything now... but I would like to think they would not do this to me. 


*sigh* I am so tired of the stinking internet!!  It's so crazy to me they are ok with us living like this.  We are not going to give up so come on!! 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Was he given a piece of paper (221)? What was the reason given?


He was given the 221g but it had no reason indicated on it all. Just signed and the general verbiage of the case being sent back to the US. 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

This is so sad :( You guys look so in love and happy together.I hope he will get another chance for 2nd interview.Wish you all the best.

It is so sad :'( We are so very much in love and so happy together, my children adore him and are devastated that he is not coming like we thought.  My daughter Cheyenne broke down in tears and keeps asking me to do things like take videos of her soccer game so that her Chikin Nugget ( his nickname for her) can see her play when she starts on the new team in Middle School next year. It hurts so much already and then to see my baby so upset too... ugh... Of course we will not give up and I thought that this would be clear to the CO. In fact it was clear to the CO, so WHY make us go through all the steps of marrying there with all the time and money required, when it would be so much better for us as a family to just let him come marry me here at this point. 


OUCH. :'(

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

Why would they deny his visa since the relationship is bona fide. I dont understand it.




This is something we would like to know as well. 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

It was edited. thanks.


Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)

We are devastated. 



Letter to my Senator, I will share with you all: 



May 9th, 2914


To The Office Of Senator Tim Kaine,


This letter is in regards to the request for Immigration Congressional Inquiry.


My Fiance Hicham El Amri was denied a K-1 Visa at the Consulate in Casablanca Morocco. This decision is detrimental to our family, as we have been together for over 4 years, with 4 visits, including the last visit with my daughters Cheyenne and Rhiannon. Our wish was to marry during this trip with my daughters to be a part of it. Due to the inefficiency of the Moroccan government in obtaining all the necessary papers for this, we were unable to get married in Morocco. I requested that he be granted a K-1 Visa so that we could marry here in the United States in a much more efficient way that would not require me to take another 3-4 week trip which is a time-frame required  to make a marriage happen in Morocco. I do not want to do this  without my children being there. We are a family, and instead of using the internet as a way to communicate with Hicham, he should be by our side. I request that the petition stay in the consulate in Morocco and that Hicham be given a 2nd interview, or I be contacted for an interview. I provided more evidence than required to prove that we have a bona fide relationship, as well as all of the required documents and The USCIS has determined that we are eligible for this visa. I appreciate the work of the work of the USCIS and all those at the Consulate who handled our case but I do believe this decision made by the Consular Officer in Casablanca,  was made in error, as it is a huge let down by my government to be sent on the path of a  much longer wait to be together as a family,  as well as the  financial strain and time away from my children, work and my schooling, to marry in Morocco instead. When Hicham was denied his visa he was given no reason for denial or even acknowledged with courtesy when he greeted, and departed from the consular officer.  I have also not  been informed of the reason for denial, and I am requesting to have access to this information as well. I appreciate all the time and efforts given to me by the Senator?s office and all of those who take the time to acknowledge this inquiry.


Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPast Processing time, No NOA2

You can put in a service request when having waited 5 months + an additional 30 days. After that, you can also involve your congressman. However, if the service center is backlogged, they can't really do much. It's still worth a try if you feel stuck without being able to do anything about it. You do have to give the congressman permission to look into your case on your behalf.

Have you set up an account on USCIS's webpage and added your case?

Congrats on starting new job, getting new apartment. I know it'd probably have felt better starting out that way both of you. On the bright side, most of this won't be a hassle when you finally reunite. It gives you a moment or two to save up and prepare things. I know if I had been in home country for a month or two more(the pay is much better in Denmark), I would've been able to buy a car right after POE. Or submit AOS faster.

EDIT: Igor's list is great most of the times but not when you discover it too early after receiving NOA1. I'm fairly sure it's got to be the most visited site on VJ. Besides, some are delayed because of background checks taking longer, other times it's a matter of the person sitting with your case.

Here's to hoping you'll see NOA2 soon.



Hi ! I see that these posts are from 2012 - and its now 2014 and a lot changes, but Im searching High and Low for

information about what to do if its past the 5 month waiting period and you havent heard anything yet - but most 

people who were filing in the same month as you have already gotten notice. 


I got my NOA1 Feb 6th and its now July 6th -- Ive read that you can call, or get a congressman involved 

but is it possible that this indicates my case was lost or that there is some issue? 


Any shared experience or advice would me much appreciated. 


:sleepy:  (F)  :star:  :)  :unsure:  :dance:  :help:

TippinsNot Telling02014-07-06 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

We got APPROVED! its the best feeling in the world -

everyone, your moment is coming.


I filed Jan 31 - and got NOA1 on Feb 4 

NOA2 came Aug 3


No Email, No Text - just a letter in the mail,

but the best letter ever. 



TippinsNot Telling02014-08-03 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

Does anyone know if there is anything you can do if you are over 6 months waiting time - to get any information or update about your case?! 

TippinsNot Telling02014-08-03 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

oh my god! so many NOA2s for Jan filers!! this is so awesome :) congrats everyone - !!! here's to hoping the rest of us hear really soon and that the backlog isnt an issue anymore 

TippinsNot Telling02014-07-25 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

anybody else seen in the news that passports and visas are backlogged because of a system glitch !!?? i have a detailed article from the newspaper i will try to upload and share 

TippinsNot Telling02014-07-25 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

I called my senator and he was willing to speak on my behalf but he told me that its really just tracking information that they get 

they find out where in the line our petition is and report that back to us - they said they cant make it move any faster - did anyone

else get this response ? i feel like some people are suggesting that senator speed up the process? Maybe I need to request something different ? 


Congrats to everyone who got approved!!!! I hope that means more and more january approvals are on the way 

:joy:  (F)  (L)  :clock:

TippinsNot Telling02014-07-17 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 TSC Filers

Hey guys. Just got my NOA2! 


I got no email, no text message. It just came in the mail (snail mail) today. Approved on July 8th, 2014. 


I did nothing special. No calls to senators or congressman. I did put in a service request though, but when I got a reply, it said nothing relevant. I wish you all the best in your wait. I know it can be tough.

to get a measure of time - when did you get your NOA1 before that? 

TippinsNot Telling02014-07-12 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Now , i'm into pushing him to call evryday after a week at NVC for the MNL no.. He just smiled and i take it as,  'yes mam!'smile.png

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

I can't remember, but somebody asked if i called for our RFE follow up . Yes,..just talked to my fiance now, he said he called once and its only an answering machine, he didnt speak to anyone, the next day we got the approval.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Can't mention you all,.. but thank you evryone!

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Maupay Regdancin5hr.gif

Thanks my friend... goodluck with medical soon. Hope ok na si eldest.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Sorry to hear about your RFE, but that's awesome news--approved!  

Thank you, and goodluck with the medical & interview!

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Congratulations! good.gif

Thanks, hope u'll get ur visa soon., i hope i'm right. i think i read one of your post.

Edited by reginaglenn, 03 May 2013 - 09:13 PM.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Yes. I remember. Knowing we had spoken before gave me fuzzy warm feelings knowing how happy you would be atm. Blessing to you all. Keep me updated on how you go. Congrats again.
My fiance was in a minor car accident, so once everything with that is settled, then he'll be able to get down to business with filing the petition and our countdown shall begin dancin5hr.gif

It is, Oz so happy now, thank you. Sorry to hear ur fiance's accident, is he okay now? good luck with the papers, please hurry...hehesmile.png

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!


Thanks OZ, . I remember we were discussing bout our family and kids on one post. Thanks. and Good luck to you!

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Congratulations! smile.png

Many thanks,... ! and good luck to you.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

Thanks, thanks!!  I was expecting for a news next week,thank God somebody grabbed our papers earlier on pile before our 60 days expires( RFE waiting period). RFE took us 50+ days since they recieved our response. We missed one question on I129F( yes or no small box) and both letter of intent( we did include this docs). I have read some post that they forgot thier intent letters, but they got no RFE, i think they got lucky to have a not so strict adjudicator. 

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOk, now it's my turn!

  YES, YES, YES... gotcha NOA2.   I arrived at work, just another ordinary day, open computer and check our USCIS status and there it goes:


Post Decision Activity

"On May 2, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice."



Oh so insanely happy..  Thanks VJ!!!


reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-03 02:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNSO birth certificate

All NSO local offices issue Birth Certs. Cenomar and other docs. in SECPA and Manila is thier main source of data . No difference.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-05 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswas put on AP after 5 days of showing on ceac that visa was issued

Hi katt,  can you call them and inquire about it?

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-07 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!!!

We got our NOA2 on May 9th smile.png


This feeling is amazing.... I called my fiancee and just yelled we are f****** approved into the phone.... smile.png




On to the next stage.... kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif





Congrats! We got approved today too. Please update your timeline. dancin5hr.gif



reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-10 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYAY! NOA2!!!!!!!!!

It's 4.35a.m in England and while on Skype with Greg we just got a text message.  Checked on USCIS website and we finally have an RFE.


Yelled so loud woke one of my kids!  oops! lol


So excited I feel sick, dizzy, trembling......WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to you both!!!!!!!!!! at last.   It only took 3 days for ur RFE review, that's awesome!!.. Goodluck for next ...

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-10 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrom RFE to NOA2

After hours i kept checking all day...every 6pm PST still nothing...still RFE review...come home from my friends at 9pm PST my I129f has been approved


we still need to fix this system..but am so happy now

god bless

Yes, just like ours. My fiance checked at 11am in US, nothing yet still on review. When i checked at 6am in Phils., (a matter of 6 hours after) and it was approved. So i got the the good news first.



CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!!

Edited by reginaglenn, 10 May 2013 - 11:54 PM.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-10 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2! Shocked

wow, congratulations!

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-10 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSent off our I-129F finally...

Goodluck! Make yourself busy and do advance study with the process, so when the approval comes,. things are easier.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-14 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOur Journey has started.

Happy for you!.. goofy.gif

Happy for you!.. goofy.gif

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-05-14 04:02:00