K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I do a fiance visa and then marry my fiance in her country and then in the USA?
My fiance and I are about to fill out the fiance visa; however, she would like to get married in her country, and so do I. Is it possible to fill out the fiance visa, and once approved, get married in her country (Taiwan) and then come back to the USA on a fiance visa and get officially married here?

We have thought about filling out the spouse visa, but then having to wait 8-12 months for us to be together after getting married would be extremely hard on us to do.

Another option would be to get the fiance visa, get married here, and then wait till she gets her permanent residence status, and then fly back to Taiwan to get married.

I guess the best question is, if we want to get married in both countries so that both families and friends can see us have a wedding, how do you do this and what is the best option?
GopherMaleTaiwan2011-10-21 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL??

Hmmm, same med sched also on the 17th with my son, good luck !

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-06-05 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespreparing for interview

Yup,.. Tacloban..still here working while waiting for our visa. Once i got our visa , then off to my 2nd country right away, someone is waiting for more than 8 years for us to come homesmile.png .

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-07-05 21:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespreparing for interview

Since you're still waiting for the NOA2, expect that they will be doing a background check with your hubby, sometimes this cause delays because of the thorough security check. I have read some post that once USCIS approved your petition then you passed, now the application process moves here. Domestic violence is a very serious matter in regards to immigration. Maybe that's why they are handing out pamphlets on immigrants rights citing domestic violence, once we are already eligible for interview and once visa is approved just to make sure we are aware of this crime. I hope you know your hubby so well and i wish you good life with him. Hope you'll get your NOA2 soon. Interview was easy for me actually, the medical was very exhausting. Medical is like 5050 chance , since we don't have the control of our body( we don't know if st lukes will find anything that we're not aware that our body has it). But during interview ,it's like, its in our hands, as long as we're true to our intentions and above all we have all the requirements in hand, then no problem. Good luck!

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-07-05 21:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespreparing for interview

Are we on the same town?idea9dv.gif

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-07-05 02:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespreparing for interview

Expect questions like how, where and when did you met( this is common or say standard).  But questions vary, because we have unique love stories. Maybe more about your marriage. Know more about his criminal records. No worries , i guess CO will always know . Answer honestly.. Good luck.

Edited by reginaglenn, 05 July 2013 - 02:41 AM.

reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-07-05 02:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference


reginaglennFemalePhilippines2013-07-11 00:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGoogle Hangout (formerly gchat) logs

just open your inbox (not the chats) and find your chat that u want to print... click it then find the printer logo at the upper right side

terrificgraceMalePhilippines2014-07-13 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Morrocan Woman

I wouldn't underestimate the consulate or let your guard down just because she's a woman. I'd put nothing past Casablanca. The only times I think they are easier on people are when it's a Moroccan American marrying a Moroccan. Other than that, it's just best to prepare yourself for their normal level of scrutiny.

I agree with Squeaky , the Casablance consulate does have a level of scrutiny that anyone going through there must realize and present their case the best way they can. It would not be wise to think anyone has it easy , I think in any consulate and just do your best to prove your love ! :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-02-17 12:28:00
Middle East and North Africanewbie in the group
I'm sorry for your denial =( Remember everything happens for a reason, and when it comes to true love only trials like this can make you stronger. I have seen this in these cases where there is a denial, it helped the couple work together and get through a rough time and just brought them that much closer. Morocco is beautiful, you can have a small wedding not to huge and remember our dollar goes very far over there. and I agree with squeeky, get a beautiful dress :) The best is yet to come :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-09 11:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

exactly~~~ !!!! LOL xD!!!!!
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-04 16:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

I choke a bit when reading stuff that romanticizes Arab men, being toasty and Arab myself. We can be charming, but we can be azzhats, too. After all, we're just folks, like anyone else, moody, messy and terribly un-exotic at times.

I agree, just folks like everyone else,However I do believe there is a level of respect that I experienced in Morocco that maybe is a result of culture or something else, that just stands out to me. I experienced something similar in Jamaica, people just seemed more focused on connecting with friends and family, maybe the common factor is taking away the materialism that is rampant in the U.S. that makes me notice the difference. I am one of those people that will be happy with a modest comfortable life, my goals have never been about money and big houses and such, and maybe thats why I admire cultures like Morocco and Jamaica because there is emphasis on these things and I can relate to that and feel at home. And maybe I am being a little romantic but I am a woman in lovvvveeee :D!
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-04 15:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

some moroccans are berbers ya know.

Yes I am sorry , I didn't mean to exclude anyone, and I am not 100% on the demographics of the world so I didnt know that Berber was not Arabian , So I am very very sorry :) I claim my ignornace because I do not know everything.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-04 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted
You know I have been thinking about this thread a lot today. Especially since watching the video. It really makes me wonder the people who question ALL Mena relationships, of course it would be be dumb to think that fraud does not happen in a lot of countries but seriously this is my question what part of the USA do the people who are so critical live in? I am a big girl.. ok but I think I am pretty, and my fiance' is Moroccan so he is a beautiful Arabian man.. But my entire life from a teenager up the majority of men that have thought I was beautiful were men of color. yeah for real, Maybe its just an east coast thing but for some reason dem boys think our junk in the trunk is beautiful!! LIKE tonight, I made a sale and after the sale, the guy texts me back and is like You are a very attractive woman , dude for real I have been up all day and night with a sick kid, havent had a shower since yesterday morning ( i am not ashamed, I am a mom) I have been crying from exhaustion, hair is a hot mess... you get the idea, and he still found me pretty,. oh and guessss what he was a darkskinned man :) JUS SAYIN :) This is nothing new in the USA , us big girls need love too :)Againn, maybe its just over here in the East :) LOL I am just and blessed that my love is an arabian because he has a certain charm, moral standard, and level of respect I just have never seen before. :) MAGHREBIA!!! :D

ok Peace and Blessings, Love to you all,


Attached Files

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-03 22:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

Hey gang...I was wondering how come most MENA VJer do not have pictures in their profile. For example..when clicking the View
Photos, almost no one has any? how come? is there something I dont know? :hehe:

Anyone/? care to say why?.....

Hamza and Danni just posted wedding beautiful. Where are the others? Most likely when I click the "view photos" there
is none!

I have some :) I would have more if i didnt have to adjust the size just to upload them :D
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-01 20:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp!

Agree 100%. Although, I have thought to myself that IF he can get a job here (see: your point about unemployment near 12%) this would be a fairly decent starting point in America. The beach, warm weather, multicultural in many parts of the state. The buildings and trees certainly have more of the "look" of Morocco than most of the U.S.... but I don't know at the end of the day how much that matters, or if it's all just superficial. I think the fact that it's so spread out down here, a "driving area" as opposed to a "public transit/walking area" would be a negative. IMHO certain larger cities provide more of than neighborhood feel where you can walk down to a nearby cafe and actually recognize some familiar faces more than Florida, which is so spread out.

ok you guys, sorry for being so specific with Florida. I was not thinking about politics and economy, just more atmosphere. It was just an idea, there are other coastal states that might feel more like home with MORE sunshine and less like Iowa City and more like Morocco. I know if I moved from even Virginia Beach to Iowa it would be a very hard transition. I live in Richmond now and I am glad that the ocean is just a two hour drive. Sunshine and nice weatherdoes make a difference. Long winters can be draining.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-17 18:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp!

Hey Sarasusan, what great idea, moving to Ft.Lauderdale FL is marvelous idea. I live in Ft.lauderdale, and my husband got here
a year ago, and he seems pretty adjusted so far! Sunny all year long.....and when rain comes you enjoy it! Great Suggestion!!

hey thanks :)

I loved Ft Lauderdale when I was there boarding a cruise ship, we spent two nights there and it was nice, driving around it was really neat especially all the cuban restraunts. I have always loved Florida and there are other towns I am sure that will fit the bill, but I definitely think that it has a Morocco feel to it.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-17 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp!
Does anybody have any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, anything that might help this situation?? What should I do? What can I do?[/font][/size]

First, I have read this thread a couple times and it really has been on my heart. So, I want you to know I put some thought into this.

Have you ever thought about moving somewhere? Somewhere that might be more like Morocco in the US? More sunshine, warmth, lots of corner stores, a lot of people, somewhere like Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Somewhere where the landscape, ocean , sun and architechture are more like it there. You would have the benefit of the US with the feel of Morocco. Really I know .. moving? But I think it is something good to consider . Hicham and I have talked about moving to Florida too. I love Florida, I love the Caribbean and I love Morocco, I love the houses in FL and the laid back lifestyle just like in Morocco. They even have cafe like places more abundantly in towns like that in Florida.

This is my Idea, God bless

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-16 22:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate

When people add me, I just accept. You never know who might be interesting. Only about 25% of them end up being these guys. He was deleted straight away after this chat :P

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-13 09:45:00
Middle East and North Africashould i be happy ?
This is a great story that will encourage many others. Thanks for sharing :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-06-29 23:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOID APPROVED

Congratulations Mah Budddddddhayyyyyyyyyyyyy, and Hicham :D



This is greaaaaat.

Sara :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-12-04 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-134 and I-864 Sponsor and Co-Sponsor / Casablanca

Thank you for the input!! :)  I am getting all of the papers ready to mail on Saturday :)

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-03-27 16:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-134 and I-864 Sponsor and Co-Sponsor / Casablanca

Hello,  and thank you to all who are reading this :) 


This is Casablanca specific... probably :) 


I know that the K-1 Flowchart says that I should send the I-134, but I feel like I have read where they may ask for an I-864 from me as well as the co-sponsor for K-1's coming out of this particular consulate. Can anyone advise on what I should send to him? His interview is April 23rd, so I want to send everything this weekend to make sure it gets there on time. 


Thank you so much for the help.







Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-03-26 21:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate

Sorry to hear of this happening to you.... :/

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-07-06 23:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat i can do if i got denied
I am sorry for my earlier post =/ My apologies for not offering any useful advice, I have no business giving any anyways since I am not experienced and just starting out, my emotions got the best of me because I feel like I have to defend Hicham, really for no reason other than the reputation at Casa. This thread was asking for help and I used it to vent my feelings, again I do apologize and God be with everyone on their journey.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2012-03-08 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat i can do if i got denied
I came across this thread and I am almost at a loss for words. But I think I can dig some up. This situation just does not seem right. Whether this is a troll, a joke, or for real... First of all, with English like that, how are you even able to communicate with your wife? If you can't keep your story straight here on this public forum, surely you could not keep a straight story with the CO. It is very confusing to me, how you can go into an interview like this, when there are people like me, who are feeling so intimidated by the Moroccan Consulate because of craziness like this. Yes, I said it, ANTA MAJNOON. ??? ?????. I usually don't comment, but wow to think that Hicham has to face a CO who holds much skepticism because of this.. it makes me want to cry =*(
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2012-03-07 23:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 letters

I say go for it. There is no harm in getting a letter notarized, it is very easy to do and usually free to most people. My uncle wanted to write a letter and he had it notarized. I included it in my petition.  


God bless your journey! 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-01-14 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI miss my wife do i have the right to visit ??? Please enter

LONGEST ENGAGEMENT EVER haha I call this  "In God's Time" :)  And I certainly feel that NOW is the time. We are going crazzzzzy. To the OP! I hope it all works out the way you hope!



Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-01-10 00:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI miss my wife do i have the right to visit ??? Please enter

You mean he has been waiting for a K 1 for 4 years?


Oh NO!! Sorry I didn't mean to be unclear. We have been together for 4 years now. We sent in the K-1 petition November 12, 2013. :) 

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-01-10 00:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI miss my wife do i have the right to visit ??? Please enter

Let me just say first , we know exactly how you feel! Dear God bring us comfort, my daughters and I left Morocco 1 year ago almost to the day. That was the last time we saw Hicham face to face. It has been 4 years for us, it is not easy! And I am so sorry because I know the CR-1's are taking longer, as we sent in a K-1 petition.  I hope you get the Visa, it will be like Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket! ^_^  It would make me happy to see that. Everyone would be jealous hehe even me a little because I know the chances are slim and we never tried. Hang in there :)  I have been studying Arabic and he is my tutor! This is one way we have spent these past four years. I started a new semester today and I pray to God ( in sha' Allah) that we are face to face at the very least the end of this semester. God be with us all as we suffer the agony of separation from those that we love. 


???????? ???




Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-01-07 17:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if the Us spouse live with u while processing ???!!! enter

Truly happy to hear that she can do this!! :)

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-03-04 00:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresneed Informations pleaasee

I would definitely do it on your own! All of the forms come with instructions, and also you can read up about the Casablanca consulate on this site, and what they look for and what you would need to present your case in the best way possible. Certainly Lawyers are very helpful, but this can be done on your own if you want to save money. Hiring a lawyer DEFINITELY does not make it go faster, other than they *might* fill out the paperwork faster than you. Other than that, once it is mailed to whatever USCIS location you need to mail it too, your petition will be handled just like everyone else's. I hope that you find this process not too stressful and for the stressful moments, some peace. Good luck and God bless :) :) :) 




Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-04-10 08:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSelf-defense

At this point, if it were me, I would disclose, after all it is now available on a public forum, and I do not doubt for one minute that CO's check Visa Journey to see what people say/ask.


Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-07-06 23:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sucks!!!! Can I leave everything and come back?

Oh my Goodness!!!!!! THIS PROCESS!! I hope it goes fast for you. I have a close friend waiting at NVC stage right now , and I pray for comfort for everyone during these extremely trying times. We have had our K-1 petition sent back so I am trying to get to my fiance to finally just get married and start a new process maybe... oh man !! THIS IS SO CRAZY! Hang in there!!!!! I would say if you have made enough income already this year to cover the amount needed for sponsorship, and you have the resources to go over there, I would go!! Or find a co-sponsor! The CO can review the new paperwork if necessary. Sometimes mental health decisions are the best ones to make.  God be with you.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2014-07-18 23:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBad record?

Hi everyone! Maybe nobody will read this right now considering its 120 am here. Well anyways

I was wondering since i have a theft charge on my record would that disqualify us (my husband and i) being able to bring him to the united states from Dominican Republic?

I paid the find that i got it wasn't a felony it was a misdemeanor. And i dont want people telling me how stupid i was for doing that or am because i did that. I totally understand what i did was absolutely wrong, and theres no way in h e double hockey sticks id do it again. But what i really need to know is do i need to take it off my record before i can or is it okay? (okay to be on there as in it wont effect anything during the process)

Sorry if this makes no sense.

Angelique and Gregorio

I could be completely wrong about this, but I believe that you should be fine. As the US citizen, I do not think your record matters. It would be his record that they care about.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-11-03 01:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTragedy! Visa Denied!
I am so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine the disappointment and hurt you are feeling right now. I hope that you are able to fight it and she gets to be with you soon.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-11-01 23:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone visit the US for a full 3 months during processing?

Looking up old threads on the subject of visiting a spouse during the visa processing, it seems no one has gone over to stay for longer than a couple of weeks. I'd like to go visit my husband this summer for three months while my kid is out of school. I'm a student and am taking a couple of distance classes this summer. I'm not sure if it's more difficult to prove intent to return when staying for a full 3 months. Anyone done this?

As for bringing proof of my intent to return to Sweden, I have a rental that I will keep while away. I don't work, but have applied for a university program starting this fall. Acceptance isn't till July 12 however, so couldn't bring proof of that. I'll have a return ticket for me and my two sons (both are US citizens, but since I'm their main caretaker I'm assuming that having tix for them as well is good for showing intent to return).

Any insight and advice?

My fiance and I sent our Application in September and he came here and stayed from October (I think it was) through January with no issue. He brought his rental agreement, bank statement, return ticket, plus a statement from his Dr. stating pretty much that he was diabetic and had enough medicine for x amount of time and that he would HAVE to come back because of that reason. He had an issue crossing once before, where they took him into secondary and told him next time he crossed he would have to have certain items and gave him a list. This time they took him in and he gave him the binder with all the info and they didn't even bother looking at it. Just asked a couple questions and let him go on his way.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-12 18:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Contract Typical Error

Hello everyone!


I just wanna ask, I have a friend who work in Singapore and got married in Philippines recently and back in Singapore right away to continue working.


My question is:


1. When she check the marriage contract, Her american husband's middle name was placed next to his name and probably leaves the middle name blank. Will she be in trouble during their filing of CR1 because of the marriage certificate's error?


2. Can they file a petition using Philippines as her country even though she is in Singapore now? What are her best options?


Your help will be greatly appreciated guys.. :)



ThartieanneNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-04 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHaven't seen each other since wedding, red flag? (split topic)
We got married on the 1st of the month, I left the country on the 3rd. We have never seen each other since. We have tons of pictures from the wedding though (over 800) and a really expensive church/hotel beach resort wedding. We got approved

As far ad evidence. Facebook chat logs, skype log, vonage call log, phone bills, remittnce receipt, wedding and reception bills, pictures different dates

MizzyJhadeNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-22 01:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaOH MY GOD!!! 8wks, still counting, no case #!

I would advice you to keep calling them atleast every 2days to check on ur case. It's ur right to know where ur case is becuase most of the NO2's within August already have their case numbers, my NO2 was August 22nd and its already at the embassy. so keep calling and am sure you would get some good news soon!

Aybee&SylviaMaleGhana2013-10-24 09:37:00