CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Good Morning!
So apparently the consulate was open yesterday because some people had their interview... Could it be possible they assigned our dates yesterday? ;)

Well, not getting my hopes up, but will anyone be calling this afternoon?

Let us know!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-06-01 06:39:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

We often see a batch of CR-1 interview, followed by a couple days (1-2 weeks maybe) later, by some K-1 interviews... That's what happened when i got mine! And the other batch before me as well! So keep hope maybe next week is the one! :thumbs:

Thanks for the info!

Well, hopefully this week will bring good news! I'm not gonna say I have a feeling we'll get them this week -'cause I've been saying that for the last 3 weeks!- but now that CR-1s are rolling in, we're definitely next!!!
Gosh, I'm so excited to find out when it is! My 'made-up' interview date was either the 6th of July or the 8th... But at this point, any day will do!!!

Will anyone call on Tuesday? I'm probably gonna call on Wednesday and on Friday...

Well, good luck to us!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-30 07:53:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Well, in a way, I don't see why CR-1 dates would start rolling in but K-1s wouldn't, so I think we can expect our dates soon...
But Montreal is full of surprises, so who knows...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-29 05:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yeah, all I'm hoping at this point is that we get a date before the 18th of June because if we don't by then, well forget about July interviews! And if that happens, you can bet I'll be flying there for a visit! July it's GOT to be!

Well, maybe next week!

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-28 16:58:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yeah, same here, just got off the phone, and nothing yet...

WHY? :angry:

Gosh, I was so hyper all day thinking we would have good news today, but I guess not... What's the hold up??? Is there a timeline freak amongst us that knows how long after CR-1 dates we given the K-1s dates were given?

I guess at least it means there not skipping July, but really, another long weekend before we find out anything? I wonder if we called too early... Probably not.

Ahhhhh this sucks!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-28 15:24:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey guys!
Thanks Wishing for the input! And yes I called yesterday at 4pm, and there was no interview dates yet...
But CR-1s are getting their interview dates, so.... Maybe today we will too!!!! Gosh, I'm so happy right now, but I shouldn't get too excited just in case they decide to let us hang for another week! Will definitely be calling at like 4:30 though!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! :wacko:

I'll let you know as soon as I get off the phone!!!

Sending good vibes to us all!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-28 06:37:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thanks lilacvioletiris! I feel better now! :whistle:

And I called today and no interview date yet. :crying:

Gosh, I don't know about you guys, but the morale is getting low! We just have to keep hoping that tomorrow or next week brings the most anticipated news! Everyday when we wake up, we're one day closer to being done! :dance:

Alright, have a good evening ya'll!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 18:07:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Ok, so I meant as well, not as weel!

Did anybody call today? And did anyone look at my previous post? Thanks for your time!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 14:09:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey everyone,
So I'm working on the documents I need to gather before the BIG day, and I wanted to double check with you what I have for the sponsor form. :help:

- Last 6 weeks of pay stubs
(He doesn't have pay stubs per say, as his employer is not that big, but he has the little section from the secretary's check book, and plus he is making copies of his checks before cashing them in... Will that be ok you think?
- Letter from employer
- Tax transcripts for 2009,08,07 (should I get his W2s as weel?)
- Letter from his banks, one for his checking account, one from his savings account
- Last statement from his two savings account

- Last 6 weeks of pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Tax transcripts for 2009,08,07 (here again, should I get her W2s?)
- Letter from the bank
- Documents proving assets (I'll get her to put something about the house that she owns
with her husband)

Do you guys think this will be ok? And also, his mother his co-sponsoring us, so on the form, when they ask on behalf of whom are you filling this form, what should she put down? Petitioner's mother?

Gosh, I know this is a long post, but I'd be extemely happy if anyone could look over it and tell when what they think... I'm a little worried about this form to be honest!

Thanks guys!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 10:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
So has anyone called today?

Keep us posted! I'll call Friday and let you all know if this week is our lucky week!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-26 16:25:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Good Morning!
Yeah I know what you mean Wishing, I've had this 'feeling' for 3 weeks now! Today it's been 1 month since my P3 was logged in... It's so frustrating to think that people who had their P3 logged in a week before I did already have their interview, and I'm stuck waiting and HOPING for one in July... This process can be frustrating at times, to say the least...

I've decided to only call on Mondays and Fridays. If anyone is planning to call today, let us know how it turns out!

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-26 06:45:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yeah... Waiting sucks, but eh, we're so close right!?! ( For some reasons, this is supposed to sound positive and uplifting, but it's FRUSTRATING!)

I have a feeling June 4th will be THE day... I'm still hoping this week brings in the good news, though...

Anyone called today?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-25 15:25:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Alright, so something was obviously wrong with my computer! :rofl:

I was just thinking... Since they seem to be changing the fee on June 4th, a Friday, maybe they're going through some kind of restructuring of some sort, and maybe we'll get our interview date on June 4th...

Just a thought,

And hopefully this won't be posted 6 times!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-24 15:16:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Alright, just a heads-up, but as of June 4th, the visa fee will no longer be 131$ US, but 350$ US...

Just to let you know!

Alright, just a heads-up, but as of June 4th, the visa fee will no longer be 131$ US, but 350$ US...

Just to let you know!

Alright, just a heads-up, but as of June 4th, the visa fee will no longer be 131$ US, but 350$ US...

Just to let you know!

Alright, just a heads-up, but as of June 4th, the visa fee will no longer be 131$ US, but 350$ US...

Just to let you know!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-24 14:15:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I was wondering the same thing and was trying to figure out a way to look at this...I've been meaning to search the timelines from previous years to find out! There definately were interviews last July, so I don't see why they wouldn't have them this year. Either way Vero we will get down there soon enough! This all will be a distant memory soon, this waiting!! :clock:

Yeah, maybe they did have interviews last July, but I was wondering if it has ever been a habit of theirs to skip a month, randomly, like November, or January or something like that...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-24 10:13:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hahaha! Another DOS person with yet another story...

Who to believe? I guess we should consider ourselves lucky if we do get an interview date soon, I mean, on the cover letter they do specify that interviews will be giving 4 to 6 months after receiving the P3... I guess I just didn't think this was actually gonna happen!

I think I'm only gonna call on Fridays... I say that now, but I'm sure I'll be on the phone on Wednesday! I'm getting so frustrated that I feel like just waiting for the P4 in the mail! I've been logged for close to a month now, and I just thought I'd at least have a date by now, especially after looking at other people's timeline. I guess you can't take anything for granted!

Well, those of you who'll be calling tomorrow, keep us posted!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-24 07:08:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey everyone!
How's your weekend going?
Been trying to keep busy and planning a visit. That's right! If Montreal doesn't speed up and skips July, I'm going down for a month...
I wonder if by the statistics on here, you can see if Montreal has ever skipped a month for K-1 interviews... Guess I'll have to take a look...

Well, I guess we'll be starting the telephone game back on Tuesday, hopefully with good news this week...

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-23 18:34:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Wishing, I too have a made-up date!!! And since my P3 was logged in April, I'm REALLY going insane here, trying to figure out what's the hold-up!!!

Well, have a good weekend ya'll
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-22 08:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Alright, so I called again at 4:50, because... Well, I don't know, I thought maybe a miracle would happen between 4:30 and 4:50!

But no interview date yet...

Let's all pray hard that next week is the week guys!

Have a good weekend!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 15:57:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yeah, just called at 4:25 also, and STILL no interview date... This sucks! Why so long??? If at least they were constant about ONE thing, it would help, but no, that seems too hard to accomplish...

I guess there's no point in calling at 4:50... This will be a LONG weekend waiting for Tuesday to call... :clock:

Well, it feels like we've been saying this for a month, but MAYBE next week will be our week...

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 15:33:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Just got back from Montréal...
Man the traffic on the way back was CRAZY!

And, the nurse at the Medical had to take blood out of my hand after trying both arms 3 times!!! Grrrr!

Just posted a quick review fyi...

So I'm gonna call at around 4:20... Knock on wood everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 13:55:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
:blush: Haha! Thanks! That solves the problem! Gee, don't you feel so stupid when you realize you were worrying for nothing!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 17:53:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thanks you guys!
I was a little nervous because I've been smoking for 8 years, and I started stressing out about the chest x-rays... But I saw my family doctor in March, and she said that everything was fine after checking my lungs with the stetoscope thingy...
So hopefully I'm worrying for nothing! But I sure will let you know in the review! My appointment is at 11, so I should be out of there by 1 and back home at around 4... Just enough time to call for an interview date :lol:
Have a good evening!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 17:41:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Congratulations Brenda2010!!! :thumbs:

Thanks Wishing for calling today! I guess if I'm back in time tomorrow afternoon, I'll call them just to see if we got lucky! If not, it'll have to wait for Tuesday... :clock:

So here's the updated list:

- mandaNchris (April 16th)
- Vero and Chris (April 26th)
- J & J (April 27th)
- Pasht (April 30th)
- Wishing (May 4th)
- Alaba (May 6th)
- netguy (May 10th)
- Ken and Kate (May 11th)
- Valerie78 (May 17th)
- Brenda2010 (May 19th)

I guess if it's not this week, we can certainly hope for dates by the end of May...

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 13:38:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Today was the last May K-1 interview so maybe the person handling K-1's will have more time for processing the paperwork for you guys. Today or tomorrow has promise for interview dates.

HA! Well how 'bout that! Didn't think about it that way! Makes a lot of sense! Thanks for popping in!

Yeah people! Let's knock on wood for tomorrow!!!

BTW: Do you guys think DOS / the embassy will be open on Monday?

Thanks AandB for the words of 'encouragement'! Gosh you must be excited as hell! 10 days to go!!!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 20 May 2010 - 10:23 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 10:20:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Alright let us know how it went!
Good luck!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 09:31:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thank you so much for looking that up for us! Hopefully we'll hear about our interview dates before June 15th!
I have a problem with not being able to control things. I'm not a control freak per say, but if things are out of my hands, it drives me nuts (I guess that is the definition of a control freak...) So this whole process is awful in that way, because sometimes I feel like I could plan everything perfectly and do my best to gather everything I need, and still, we don't know until we are at the interview if we'll be approved or not...
Yeah, being apart sucks big time, visits are good, but then there's the goodbyes and that's no fun... And then the return to reality which in my case was hard...
But anyways, I'm trying to stay positive even though I feel like I'm being such a big baby with Chris on the phone...
Will anyone be calling today???

Ken and Kate: you might have gotten the REALLY nice guy I got about a week ago! Talk about being tired of his job!

Anyways, have a good day guys, and I gotta tell you, if it weren't for all of you and your support, I would've have gone insane by now!

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 06:49:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yep, called today at 4:00 and no interview date yet...

You know, I was having this bad feeling that they might skip July all together... I hope I'm not right and that Friday brings good news for us...

Well, anyone calling tomorrow??? Let us know!

Let's stay positive (can't put my sarcastic and depressed tone into that, but sense it!)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 15:19:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Ok, so here's our updated list:

- mandaNchris (April 16th)
- Vero and Chris (April 26th)
- J & J (April 27th)
- Pasht (April 30th)
- Wishing (May 4th)
- Alaba (May 6th)
- netguy (May 10th)
- Ken and Kate (May 11th)
- Valerie78 (May 17th)
- Brenda2010 (P3 sent May 10th - logged in ?)

I just put a random date for mandaNchris, I figured a week to log the P3 is usually average...
And Valerie78, I din't know if it was logged yesterday or if you just found out yesterday, so I put down the 17th... Hope that's ok, and if not, let us know the correct date!

Keep your chin up everyone! Hopefully this week will bring good news, especially after what Wishing posted a little earlier!

I'll call tomorrow late afternoon and let you know if it's a yes or no!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-18 18:04:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Ahhhh, wouldn't it be NICE that she wasn't just talking sh*t and actually knew what is going on!!! Yeah! Best news of the day! What? Of the week!!!

Well, let's hope that maybe tomorrow or Friday we hear something good!

Thanks Wishing for making my day that much better!

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-18 12:04:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

hey Wishing, my Fiance's Packet 3 was logged in Montreal on May 10th. I'm sure once you get your interview date my fiance will hopefully get hers 6 days after yours. I'm guessing our interview will be around July 12-20th timeframe.

Alright netguy!

So here's the updated list:
- Vero and Chris (April 26th)
- J & J (April 27th)
- Pasht (April 30th)
- Wishing (May 4th)
- Alaba (May 6th)
- netguy (May 10th)
- Ken and Kate (May 11th)
- Valerie78 (logged in ?)
- Brenda2010 (P3 sent May 10th - logged in ?)

From the last two batches of interviews, Montréal SEEMS to be following this trend:
P3 logged in in February = interview dates in May
P3 logged in in March= interview dates in June
P3 logged in in April= interview dates in (?)

Hopefully they'll keep it up so we can have a general guideline, but nothing is set in stones...

Keep us posted!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 17:59:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Nope, no interview date yet! Called at 4:00 and waited a good 30 minutes!

Maybe - emphasis on the maybe here - Friday will be our lucky day!

Wishing: Didn't you go for your medical today???
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 17:43:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey everyone!
Well, Chris left today :crying: Gosh, I hate goodbyes!!! We had an awesome time and stayed at the best hotel in Tremblant. Le Grand Lodge, check it out, it was beautiful!

So, it's back to reality... I am not getting my hopes up anymore. I'll just call every Monday, Wednesday and Friday like I usually do, and if we have an interview date before August I'll be happy.

This process is taking a toll on my health! The stress! Thank God it's not affecting the relationship! I'm nervous about the interview, even though it seems like Montreal is approving pretty much everyone for K-1, but you never know until it's over, right...

So, let's knock on wood everyone for a date this week, I'll let you know if anything positive comes out of my phone call at 4:20!

Hope you guys had a good weekend!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 13:19:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Well, just called at 2:45, and no interview date yet...
Now what???

Well, I guess I'll focus on being happy that Chris is here, and hope for a date on Monday maybe? At least next week I hope!!!

Gosh, a little depressed right now to be honest...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-14 14:10:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hi everyone... No interview date yet... :crying:

So I'm starting to worry even though I shouldn't just yet... What if they skip July? Gosh, that would suck!!! (s'cuse my French) And I read a review of an interview from KevBev and they were put in AP... I have no idea what that is and now I'm worried it might happen to one of us too...

Oh, did I mention I was worried out of my mind?


Well, I guess I'll call on Friday at around 4 and see what happens... Please please, let's have interview dates rolling!!!

Eh, but Chris is coming tomorrow!!! Yeah for me!!!

Alright, keep in touch ya'll and let's keep our chin up!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-12 16:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
- Vero and Chris (April 26th)
- J & J (April 27th)
- Pasht (April 30th)
- Wishing (May 4th)
- Ken and Kate (May 11th)
- Valerie78 (logged in ?)
- Alaba (logged in ?)

Hey Again!
I think Pasht was logged in on the 30th of April...
I will call today at around 4 and let you all know if I have good news!!!

Have a good day!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 12 May 2010 - 06:51 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-12 06:50:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Gosh, 36 days! That's basically a month!!! Awww, I'm so happy for you - and yes a little jalous! I can't believe it's almost over though, time doesn't go by quick enough! I SO hope for an interview before the 13th of July, that would mean I'd be home before the 26th is I receive the visa soon enough... I just don't want to miss the beach!
Oh well, there will be planty more summers though if worse comes to worse!
In the meanwhile, trying hard to stay positive! :whistle:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 14:28:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thank you so much for posting a review of your medical! And I think I remember when you guys' interview date was set up, wasn't your fiancé over for a visit?

Yes, I'm calling every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at around 4 (that's when I get off work). I will call on Friday even though Chris will be here. I should be able to get online afterwards since he's bringing his laptop. Can't wait!!! It's driving my insane! I'm looking at the calendar and trying to guess a date, and then looking at flights, etc... I just want to GO HOME!!! I miss my dog!!! (Well, my fiancé too, and his family of course!)

Alright let's keep each other posted!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 12:36:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Bring your P3 and your file number. You should be fine. The woman I spoke to when I booked my appointment letter said she needed the case number. If you have the NVC letter from your fiancé, you could bring that as well. I'm gonna bring the entire P3 with me and the NVC letter, it should be good like that.

Yeah, Montreal needs to hurry up before we all have panic attacks! Hopefully Friday will bring some good news! We're so close now!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 11:41:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Ken and Kate:
What a relief!!! It weird how the smallest thing can almost give you a panic attack! When I was looking into the vaccines stuff, gosh I swear I was hyperventilating!
Are you logged in yet?

Well, have a good day everyone, I'm trying hard to focus since in two sleeps I see my hubby again! Yeah! :luv:

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 06:50:00