IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

The below guide explains what USCIS does in the I-130 process -


Oh My Goodness that is a lot to read!! :D
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

Yeah, true. "sigh".....just tired of waiting. It's been a long time now with not even a touch on the USCIS site since 6 days after our NOA1.

I am sorry to hear that it is taking so long. Maybe a reasonable request, instead of wanting petitions to be processed faster , is better communication while the process is going on. Maybe that would not be unreasonable. Hope you hear from them soon LisaMarie
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

Pfft. I grew up with the internet. I want things instantly. The fact that USCIS/NVC makes us type things and then print and then use snail mail is appalling and insulting to my intellect. Everything should be computerized rapidly rather then slowly and eventually. It will save State Department and Homeland Security Department millions of dollars. It will create more high-tech jobs, jobs that cannot be easily shifted to China or god-knows-what-else-tiny-island-country in middle of nowhere. I want instant gratification and I'm not ashamed for it.

Remember these are just my thoughts ! not facts. :) An opinion is not a fact.

I guess maybe there is something to be said still about recieving a package that someone actually put together than just an email with electronic documents! Yes YOU are real! :) Not a bot!

I understand what you are saying as I am a child of the internet, (started on the 14k modem with Prodigy and AOL and mIRC), but wouldnt that give opportunity for more frauders to clog up the system, making it take even longer to process, with their fakery? I think it would , because then there would be fake electronic applications they would have to look at instead of someone actually taking the time to file a petition via regular mail. Harder to fake physical documents I think. Take care ,

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

ygr - I have to comment on this part of your post. Most of us USC's that put money and/or time into making this country what it is do not expect any rights. I gave this country twenty years of my life in service. Yes, I was paid, but not much and the cost was horrific. I was fortunate. I was not in combat and only got close to it one time. But,I lost many things during those years and my life is not the better for it in any way. Had I known the price, I would have changed things so that it was not so costly. I would do it again and still not expect any particular rights.

I do expect some small gesture of respect. I am reasonably intelligent. I can decide with whom I would like to share my life. I would not choose a possible terrorist or gold digger or any other category that USCIS might be trying to weed out. I do not need to be monitored by a government agency to make sure I do not harm my country. I have been fortunate to meet a warm loving woman who shares my life views. She does not need to be monitored either, though I can see that it is reasonable for the government to require some information. I do not think the government should just sign off on any and every petition. The application forms are reasonable.

What is not reasonable, and we all know this, is the delay. If it took five months of investigation to process a petition, then I would have no complaint. Instead, it takes five months of a file sitting on a shelf and then a few minutes work to process the petition. USCIS adjudicators probably work their tails off trying to accomplish given tasks. USCIS managers probably wonder how they will ever get the process under control. USCIS administrators probably have no concept of the lives that are in their hands and how their inability to make the process work in a reasonable time (and five months is not reasonable)affects us.

Sorry, this turned into a tirade and I am not sure it adds anything to our collective knowledge. Perhaps I should just make Mondays my day to vent.

I guess what I am not understanding is why 5 months is unreasonable.. maybe I am missing something? - I feel that it is better than what it could be/has been. When you say just sitting on a shelf ,it is as if they are purposely letting it sit there arbitrarily when it seems to me that it's a matter of "next in line". Kind of like when you go to the DMV you have to wait forever sometimes to just get them to enter information into a computer take your new picture and have a nice day. But you sit there in the lobby waiting for your "a21" to be called. The simple job gets done in a matter of minutes but there were people there waiting before you, for someone to process it. Like I said , maybe I am missing something, but I definitely do not think that the people at USCIS don't care about timefranmes because if that were the case this would not have improved over time; it would have stayed the same or gotten worse. This is just my opinion.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

on another note,why i cant shut my mouth and not comment on posts about the timeframes of USCIS is beyond me,i suppose i really am going insane :blush:

It's called passion! You are passionate about this subject, that's all ! ^_^
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 09:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

while i do appreciate the statement you made,you need to realize things are far from ideal.
specially in K visa K visas,and even CR-1/IR-1,its about a relationship,the toll that the distance takes on it,the amount of time that you waste,waiting online for your partner to get online to talk to you,the amount of money you spend talking on the phone.
i assume when someone apply for a k-1 ( because they are still not married and ignorant as far as married life goes ) they are serious about their relationship.being in a long distance relationship is one thing,being in a long distance relationship and waiting on a visa is another.unfortunately the fact that the beneficiary is moving to states,for whatever reason,is always dangled up on our head,like we are supposed to just sit there and be thankful we are getting our visa,no matter how long it takes,when in fact considering the amount of time and money every US citizen has put into making this country into what it is kinda makes USC's right to have their lived one with them asap regardless of the nationality of the beneficiary.
bottom line is,yes,it used to be worse,much mentioned the USCIS stage,god knows how many horror stories i heard until about two years ago about the interviews,but never the less,that doesnt make this process ideal or even close to what USCIS ,NVC and consulates are capable of doing.
i just hope either they immigration system get more in touch with their costumers,or people gain a massive amount of patience.

Man I sure do understand the cost of calling , so far the cheapest I have found to Morocco is around 24 cents per minute! Distance is very hard for us too, there are so many times when I think wow if only Hicham was closer to me. I can only imagine the frustration the process carries when you are ready to be with the one you love forever and want them by your side as soon as possible. God Bless.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 09:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment

Thanks for sharing this information.. I think it is good to have comparative data! It's not really that comforting for me because I believe that it should be our right as American Citizens to be with the person we love... versus waiting for qoutos and etc. Being a military member, I am 100% for homeland defence and security, but from what I've gathered so far... this process isn't really about that. It seems that the fiancee and spouse visas are more about money, location, and numbers (how many people applying). I do realize that there are a lot of people out there doing fraud.. but how can you REALLy determine who is real and who aint... its pretty frustrating for the real couples to even be classified with people who are just doing it for opprotunity. Anyway, I'm glad you posted this... it is an eye opener.. but I guess I'm just a little bitter. lol. Best wishes for your visa journey and I'll be praying for a speedy approval for everyone whose relationship is genuine.

Thanks for your reply, I would not be able to form an honest opinion about the "numbers" you are talking about because I have not looked into this.

I can understand your bitterness, this process is stressful and it would be awesome if we could just say " Hey I love this person so I am bringing them home with me right now!" But, I agree that it is frustrating that there are fraudulent people out there who make others look bad. Morocco is a high fraud country so my love and I get lots of questions from people, but as they learn more about us the more they agree. My best friend was very skeptical and has been warming up more since I came back from Morocco, but the crowning moment was when I visited her last weekend and she saw me talking to him via Skype and it was one of the times he had access to a webcam, she had never seen me look like that before and advised me that he is the man that I should marry! aww :) So if I can win HER over, surely anyone else then . LOL :)

I too pray for the couples who are in a genuine relationship and I pray for protection over those who are being "taken" No one deserves that kind of heartache. God Bless your Visa journey as well!

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeframe Comment
I spent some time this weekend with one of my friends here who immigrated from Jamaica. We had never talked about the process before because it was not a topic that had come up before until now , since I have met and fallen in love with a Moroccan citizen and started thinking about the what if's of a progressed relationship. He started asking me about how the process works now and what are the current requirements. He was very surprised when I told him that it took only 6- 8 months and about the requirements to prove you have a bona fide relationship.

Not too long ago it took up to two years for the proces from application to interview, and before that you have to have been married ( In spousal case) for at least two years before applying to prove that you have a bonafide relationship. No matter all the pictures and chat logs, you had to have been married on paper for at least two years!!

I reflected on so many of the posts I have read here , and inclduing my own attitude on the timefranme and quickly had an attitude adjustment. We are so quick to complain because we want everything so instant and sometimes we don't reflect on how things used to be. I just wanted to share this because it helped comfort me in knowing that when we decide to take this step in our relationship that I won't be disillusioned that the process is slow. I am greatful that I have now been informed that the immigration process is now faster and more improved than it used to be. We are lucky that it is much easier as USC's to bring our loves home with us, and not feel the absolute agony of what the previous process must have been like. We are lucky to live in a country that moves forward and does not stay stagnant. We have got to be thankful for this and not take this process as it is now for granted.

I was enlightened and just wanted to share that with you guys in case it helps you feel less burdened or hardpressed, because it could be so much worse :)
Have a lovely week and God bless the USA and the World :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis it AP or not
Ahhhh Congratulations ! Soon you will be united with your wife, what a beautiful day. Hope you get your visa sooner than the two weeks, Inshallah!

Welcome home, as home is where the heart is.

God Bless.

Sara and Hicham
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-20 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Scheduled!!!

Dear Friends,
I am glad to announce that our Consulate interview is scheduled on Dec 2, 2010 at 9:00AM :thumbs:


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D !!!!! :D :D :D !!!!!!
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-11-12 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis is disturbing
Too bad you can't send it to whichever center you want ! WOW!
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-07-19 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa couple of questions about k-1 pt.2

AGAIN to me anything with less than 20% chances of happening IS a white you have eye issues?

You came on here to this site because you know that people would give you honest answers. You can take their advice or not. It's that simple. These people are an asset to the visa process because they have been through this. You seem to have such a negative view of the United States and how it operates. Do what you want/ feel you must do. If you don't like the answers you get here, then just stop asking. Even if it were the case that there were countries that have faster timelines (which I don't think it would have anything to do with the reasons you expressed) It would just be and you would have to deal with it like the rest of us. My love comes from a High Fraud country and even though I have so much proof that he is not fraudulent, He is still going to get put under a microscope, because other people, with negative intentions , have paved a way for this. It is what it is and he and I will deal with it. The people here on Visa Journey have great insight to this process but it is up to you how you use it. Each case is different.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-08-31 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm so screwed... anyone have a solution?

Have been saving msn conversations and all pics on laptop since jan of this year in prep of K1 filing. 2 visits to her with all the pics as well. I was about to file this coming week, all forms and relivent info was on computer. WAS is the operative word.
My hard drive crashed yesterday. Took to local PC store to retrieve the file that contained all the info, said they cant retrieve. EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO FILE IS GONE !!!!
Anyone here a computer geek? (PC store said platter is bad) :crying: :crying: :crying:

I am so sorry to hear this. This happened to me before and just like the quote you got of over $1000 it cost me about $2000. It was a rather large hard drive that had every single picture of my girls from birth.. it was worth the cost to get all those memories back. Definitely a hard lesson in back up though. I used a service called DriveSavers and they did a great job. expensive, but great. I tried the Spinrite and it did not work for me, although I have heard of it working for others. You just have to be careful because the more you try to access the drive the more damage can be done. Companies like DriveSavers have labs that get the data right off the plates, they even deal with drives that were damaged in water or even fire. This kind of this seems to always happen at the worst time! I wish you the best of luck on retrieving your data. Worst case, at least you have those four pictures that you sent via email. Four is better than zero.

God Bless,

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-09-27 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Potential Problems

My wife's aunt just came here last week and all of the sudden the US petitioner changes. He's on the verge of just abandoning her and her daughter. He said he doesn't know what he wants to do after spending $$$ to bring her here. She paid about $3,000 for furniture as well. We hope this resolves, but if it doesn't what options would she have. Hire a high power Immigration Attorney?

Sorry for your aunt and that her relationship is failing ;( You said it was just last week she came... could she return the furniture and get her money back? of not maybe she could sell it and get some of the money back? Unfortunately , if she does not marry then her only option is to go home as she would be illegal once the 90 days is up. Then she would lose the potentional to ever come back. It is a sad story, she took a risk and it is leaving her in a bad position.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2010-10-10 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 expedite request
Even though I am not the OP but as someone who has learned a lot and will probably ask more questions when i start our K1 process sometime in late spring/ early summer,I really appreciate the responses on the thread that are kind and offer advice even though there are certain requirementw for an expedition and unfortunatey this is not a situation that probably would meet the criteria. There again, is no harm in trying. The sarcasm and condescending tone of others is just not right or fair. It is ok to disagree, of course, but respect is a requirement. We are all in this together..

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-02-21 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToruist Visa...

It doesn't bother me at all. If it were easier for young Moroccan men to get visitor visas, every Imade, Achraf, and Mohamed would be getting them and overstaying- and that would make things harder at Casablanca than they already are. And I just can't imagine things being any harder than they already are. Not worth it.

Good point.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-10 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToruist Visa...
I don't know how much clearer I can be. It is not a risk I would ever take, personally, even though I feel for the OP's situation. I'm not really sure why some members feel so confident about doling out damaging advice without any experience with Casablanca, but, at least the correct information is out there.

I think all of us who are dealing with, or are learning about Casa can feel for her. I get this question all the time.. "can't he just come and visit?" Oh if only. But at least the alternative is pretty neat too, visting a country as fascinating as Morocco.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-09 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToruist Visa...
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-09 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToruist Visa...
Just out of curiousity, are the rules different or the same for each consulate?

If the rules are different or stricter in any way, would it not be the advise of those that have been through, dealt with, and cried over this particular consulate be the most accurate? Just curious cause maybe I am missing something that discredits the people who have been there and done that with Casa.

Directly to the OP :) Watch the videos on youtube for the Casablanca consulate, the chief consulate explains exactly in detail what someone needs to get a tourist visa. I am sorry , but it is really hard , even with strong ties. You practically have to be anchored with a tether. She burst my bubbles hardcore on those videos cause she is very blunt and to the point. However , this is the reality of Casa. :(

Some other advice, maybe you can go on vacation over there with a family member, my uncle ( practically my dad) came to meet Hicham, even if it is one person, it's a nice feeling having someone else see for themselves :)

God Bless and remember LOVE is patient :) even if we are not ;)

(L) Sara
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-03-09 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Expedite and further expedite
Like I said I apologise for being a little jaded. Thank you for not taking complete offence to that :) I hope that it all worked out for you and I do think even if I am off on the 8 months that you shaved off a lot of time. Anyways, I am glad that you are able to keep your fiance safe, at least there is that peace of mind that she is not stuck in Dubai where she could really get in trouble. Morocco just seems to be a lot more laid back when it comes to their "laws".
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-05-13 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Expedite and further expedite
Further expedite the visa? I mean, I am not trying to be rude, maybe I am a little jaded , so please forgive me. However, I think you should be grateful for even getting the expedite in the first place. It baffles me how they did not know for themselves that it is legal and ok for her to be in Morocco, but that is on them I guess. You have just however reduced your wait time around 8 months coming out of Morocco on a K1. Sorry the situation is burning a hole in your pocket with hotel costs, I guess it can't hurt to ask for any further expedite but I think that you are VERY BLESSED with the expedition you have gotten. People who are living in conditions of extreme danger are not even getting these kinds of expedites.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-05-13 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F FINALLY :)
Thanks for the replies! I am super flowery mushy gushy and I need to be taken down a notch sometimes! Ok, Well this makes it much easier :D
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-12-27 07:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F FINALLY :)
Ok! Decision has been made, and we are going to file an I 129F. So I have a few questions :)

When writing our letters of intent to marry as well as the description of how we have met ( within the last two year) Do we get all sappy and pour our hearts out with our love and why we want to marry and all that jazz? Or, do we keep it simple and business like and say we intend to marry on this day and keep it short? LOL if it's up to me I will write a book with glitter and music as an expression of myself, however I know that I tend to go overboard and this may be too much for the USCIS. Or is there a benefit of showing who we are in this stuff? xD OMG why can't it be so simple :) LOL

Thanks for any help.

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2011-12-26 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K1 Process
thank you all for your replies! I just emailed Hicham is g325 a and he has the letter of intent that we worked on together ( we used the example from VJ haha ) and he will sign those and send me his passport photos along with that. It does not look like he needs to sign the I129f so I think we are good :) I really appreciate all the help.
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2013-02-25 02:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K1 Process
Hi all,
thank you for reading my thread and thanks for any advice :) Sorry if it is a simple question, but I am wondering if my fiance' has to sign and mail the forms for the K-1 to me or if they can be printed, signed and then e-mailed.

Thank you !

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2013-02-19 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChat Records Stress
Thank you all I appreciate the advice, and I will definitely use it, bottom line is I do have to take the time, I babysit all day, go to school, and take care of my family and I am like I don't even have time to read a novel! But some other advice someone gave me was that I can send in this particular evidence at the NVC stage, which gives me time to do this and still get the petition in! We are so ready to get started. Enough time apart, for real :)

Thank you all again SO MUCH!

Haha and I have already handed Hicham the Skype duty :P ( he was a willing volunteer anyways) :)
Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2013-03-07 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChat Records Stress
I am finding that going through 3 years worth of chat logs to be completely stressful. It is nice to re-read things, and see how we have progressed as a couple, but there is so much, and I just do not have the time or patience really when I am doing so much already. I have a lot of evidence, pictures and such, it's just these chat records that are breaking me, lol. I know I don't even have them all and I am wondering if anyone who has gone through the Moroccan Consulate in Casablanca has ever sent in a petition without chat logs and the problems it may or may not have caused. What are your thoughts on alternative suggestions of showing on-going interaction, like email headers, facebook interaction etc. This would be much easier than scouring pages upon pages upon pages of chat over the course of 3 years. OY VE!

Thanks for any feedback,

Hicham?SaraFemaleMorocco2013-03-06 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPayment to USCIS

Clearly read what instructions where? I didn't see anything on the fine print of the I-129F which is why I asked. Sorry if I missed something obvious, just trying to wrap all this paperwork up today and I feel overloaded with details and fine print.

Anyway, if my regular bank checks will be fine, that's great...saves me a trip to get a money order.

Yep.. that works fine. Plus, gives you another way to obsess over it by checking to see when they cash your check Posted Image I know that any little way that helps me to know stuff is moving forward I appreciate.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-09 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPayment to USCIS

What is the exact amount I need to pay for the I-129-F packet? Will a cashiers check or a western union money order work fine? Do I just make it payable to "USCIS"?


340.00 USD is correct. According to instructions, check or money order must be drawn on a bank or other financial institution located in the United States.

It should be made out to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (unless you live outside of the United States). Make sure it is spelled out as specified and not abbreviated.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-09 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

I'm all for a flat income tax. Everybody pays 10%. I could be persuaded that the first 20k should be taxed at a lower rate, but NEVER zero. Everybody needs to learn that the government takes our money. I'd also abolish any exemptions or credits. And, no more withholding. You get a tax bill every April 15th for the previous year and you pay in full or else. Withholding taxes on each paycheck lets people forget how much the feds really take.

I know, it'll never happen. It's one of the many reasons I'd never run for elected office.

I am with you on a flat tax, with a lower rate under a certain limit and the abolishing of ALL exemptions, credits, and loopholes. Though I am not sure that the one tax bill is a good idea. I think everyone should now how much the fed is getting, but it can seem a whole lot more overwhelming to get one large bill instead of just having it taken out each pay period. Plus, if there is flat rate, it is easy for a person to figure out how much is/was taken. I have yet to hear a good explanation of why a flat tax won't work.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

I somehow think my Armenian fiance is going to be the one making that claim in a few years about me. On the other hand, it will prepare her for dealing with our very likely crazy children. :)


"what about the children who did not choose to be born into poverty?"

I think many of their parents are "fairing well" and are paid around $1,500.00 per child in the USA/Land of Entitlement and Welfare State.... Pays to have more children, if you are in the low income bracket. 4 children, $6K per month... for those who are not in a higher income level, they do what they consider 'pretty darn well' for themselves (and, their kids??)


Parents may, on some occasions, be "fairing well". That doesn't mean the child is. How does the cycle stop?

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 01:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

There's the key difference, you are talking about children. While I can't speak for anyone else, I believe adults have obligations to society, but not children. They should be protected and cared for - it is in all our interests that this be the case.

One thing to consider is that only 53% of income earners in this country wind up paying income tax. This is frightening to me, everybody who can (and we argue about what constitutes "can" some other time) should have some skin in the game.

Ahhh... a 53%-er. (Not that I am a 99%-er) Posted Image

Yes, everyone should have skin in the game. But, some of the lower level have a larger percentage of skin in the game than the upper level. And also, even with everyone putting skin in the game, those at the very bottom still wouldn't be able to make it. There is a fundamental problem with our minimum wage and tax code. It is what it is until someone decides to change it.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Well this is someone else's topic but I will answer your questions... 1) no I am not part of that 10%, but I am part of the 25% so I do pay my fair share, and 2) People that cannot afford children have no business having them. I can honestly tell you that it takes close to $1,000,000 to pay for a child from 0 thru 4 years of university. It can be with closer to $250,000 if you want to go to all public schools and can get university grants or financial aid. If someone doesn't believe they will be able to make at least an extra $250k to spend on the child's things alone, then they have no business having a child. Raising a child with less, when you factor in inflation etc, is simply foolish.

I am with you 100% that those that can't afford to support children shouldn't have them. But it happens... and they are here. The child didn't make that choice. The parent did. Do we punish them? Do we take away their parents? Do we not give the children food? Do we stop it before it happens and sterilize parents we think are unfit? What is the answer aside from welfare? I suggest the answer is not saying stop all social programs except for disability and SS, but perhaps put more into education and lets see what happens. Certainly that is not the only solution, but it's a start. Let's see if people make better decisions. My personal feeling is people shouldn't just criticize the current system but instead say "this is the problem" and "here is a reasonable solution". People should be given a reasonable opportunity for success.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 01:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Why? Why should anyone get means tested benefits? The people that get them don't pay for them? I strongly disagree with every social program out there, other than disability. Seriously, other than disability and SS every person who gets any other sort of social benefit does not pay for them. One could argue that the top 10% pay the taxes for every single means tested benefit out there. One could also argue that the bottom 60% doesn't even pay enough taxes to pay for the roads they drive on. I see no violation of rights to take social benefits away from USC. In fact, I feel it is more a violation of the rights of the "real taxpayers... the people in the top 25%" to force them to pay for other people's welfare benefits.

Posted Image BUT.. What about children who did not choose to be born into poverty and survive only from government assistance? I just do not understand when it became acceptable to not want to take care of our fellow human being. And, are you really part of that 10% that you should even be making this argument?

Edited by MelissaAndJordan, 17 October 2011 - 12:57 AM.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

I'm just baffled by this I-864 Affidavit of Support. This is insane. The govt must be astounded that there are any legal immigrants into America! Who are the financial suicide volunteers who are signing these papers? Would you marry someone and sign a pre-nupt that says: "If you are ever divorced that you will pay ex-spouse $13,000 MINIMUM for the rest of their lives, and have additional liabilities with the govt? No one would get married. I mean the sponsor is putting himself / herself at a complete disadvantage. It's giving your spouse a loaded gun and saying, okay honey, when we have an argument, let's try to forget that you are holding a loaded gun. And yet people sign this form.
I am baffled. Am I missing something here?
I was going to try to bring a fiance here to the USA, but after reading this form....I'm utterly floored. This can't be right.

We aren't in our "right" minds... we are in love. That said, my understanding is that the affidavit in not valid once the spouse becomes a citizen. I understand that going through a divorce is hard. Building trust with someone new after going through that can be difficult, to say the least. As the others have said, if you aren't willing to put your complete trust in someone and to truly believe that you will be with them for the rest of your life, then perhaps you are not ready for engagement. Take some more time and build that trust up.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHANK YOU.....THANK YOU...THANK YOU

To the Glory of the Almighty God, It is a real blessing to report to everyone that our interview was a success. SPECIAL THANKS to the VJ'ers as well because the process wouldn't have been this easy for us if not for your questions, responses, reviews, prayers and advice. A full review will be provided once I return back to the U.S. Once again Thanks and May God bless you all abundantly

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-17 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 no NVC?
FYI... my NOA2 was January 6. I called and they received the petition yesterday. They informed me it can take 2-4 weeks for it to leave for consulate, though sometimes it happens sooner.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-25 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShe is HERE and i need help!

Yeah, darn, i guess she will have to go back.
I have one a ton of reading and i thought that she could still visit once in a while while waiting for her her package to arrive for the 129f?????? is that true? Can she visit if i get a cr-1 (i was thinking no from what i remember)?

I have had no issues with my fiance visiting after we applied. He makes certain he crosses the border with plenty of evidence of connection to his home country. They pull him into secondary every time, he says he has all the papers, they don't even look, ask a couple questions, and send him on his way.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-12 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo our petition got denied, what's next?...SAD

uh.. maybe follow the instructions and do it right ? Our case was just approved so the process works if you do it right.

WOW... incredibly rude and mean and not at all what I feel the VJ community represents
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-09 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I do a fiance visa and then marry my fiance in her country and then in the USA?
My fiance and I are about to fill out the fiance visa; however, she would like to get married in her country, and so do I. Is it possible to fill out the fiance visa, and once approved, get married in her country (Taiwan) and then come back to the USA on a fiance visa and get officially married here?

We have thought about filling out the spouse visa, but then having to wait 8-12 months for us to be together after getting married would be extremely hard on us to do.

Another option would be to get the fiance visa, get married here, and then wait till she gets her permanent residence status, and then fly back to Taiwan to get married.

I guess the best question is, if we want to get married in both countries so that both families and friends can see us have a wedding, how do you do this and what is the best option?
GopherMaleTaiwan2011-10-21 13:55:00