CanadaI wish I would have known...

BTW - glad to see your spirits are up :) Talking is always good.

Thanks Udella&Wiz, if it weren't for you and everyone else on here, I would have taken a pretty rash decision I think! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 19:26:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

As if anyone uses the phone book anymore...well ok, my parents do....

Smart phones are the original way to reduce paper usage for things like phone books and maps....just google and away you go!

I know right? You'd think that they'd catch the hint... But I guess not!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 15:19:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Hahaha, look what I started! :lol:

First, SapphireDreams, you have been very helpful to me, a lot of your thoughts/ideas I'm already trying and find that it helps a lot. I am joining a gym next week, and I went to the library and got a bunch of books to read (some to help with my resume, and the rest just for pleasure). My car is fixed, so I'm planing on a lot of little road trips around here to familiarize myself with my surroundings. Chris has a sister, but she works a lot, so I don't see her that much. But when we do, we have a blast, so that helps.

Thanks everyone else too, you guys really make a difference and it's a guilty pleasure to read other people "bashing" (well, maybe not bashing) the US way of life! :lol:

And I agree with everyone, there's too much waste happening here with paper, plastic and oil. Chris and I go to the river to hang out or float down, and it INFURIATES me to see how much trash stupid teenagers leave behind... Beer cans, beer cases, beer lids, plastic bags, plastic cups... Don't they teach kids in school about recycling and pollution, and how if we don't do something there won't be any birds left in 2050?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 12:52:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

Jeff and I seriously considered my moving to Canada. It just ended up being more practical for him to move here. I'm smack in the middle of a masters degree that is paid for by my work which I don't want to leave. My French is extremely basic, and I make a lot more money than he does and it's just easier for me to be able to support us.

Overall, I think that he's happy to have moved here. I think sometimes I miss Quebec more than he does. Ever since we started dating I drove up to Montreal every single weekend and really fell in love with it. Maybe someday we can move back who knows.

I think getting out of the house with definitely help things out. Even if its on a voluntary basis. Adjusting to a new place always takes time. :)


So true... My car has been under repair for some time now... And Chris' dad is the one fixing it which means it takes a LOT longer than the average mechanic :lol: But once it's ready, I'm planing on going out every day discovering where I live... Should cheer me up!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-18 15:14:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Thanks nickbits! I was wondering how everything was going health-wise for you, but by the looks of it, seems you're doing good! :thumbs:

I just saw in the papers yesterday that a school I applied to and went for an interview about 2 months ago are looking again... I guess I'll send them another letter and resume, see if they change their mind!!! So frustrating!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-18 06:22:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

I lived in Canada for 28 years but never felt at home until I moved back to the US. Sometimes how you feel makes no sense. Best of luck.

Oh I didn't know that! I that how you met your wife?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-17 08:46:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

I left America for a lot of those reasons. Ignorance, intolerance etc etc I could go on and on but everyone knows what life is like in the states. I like Canada just fine.

Good for you! I wish I could persuade Chris to move up there too!

Thanks BH45, that's another good idea- the agency thing...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-16 06:19:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Wow Colleens, you've been through your share! It's refreshing to see how positive you are though, and I wish your family the best! Thank you for your words of support :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-15 14:58:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

First of all, I can completely understand where you're coming from. It's hard. A lot harder probably than we all thought. But transitions tend to be bumpy, so give yourself a break. I liked the suggestion of trying to find maybe a more unconventional job like a flower shop or something in your community.

Instead of applying for jobs you might want to try figuring out something you really love and then finding companies that match you (be they big or small). I found this book helpful... 48 days to the work you love. He basically says that companies are so inundated with resumes that just responding to ads isn't likely to get too much of a response. Don't take it personally! He gets you to do a little soul searching and then gives practical tips on how to get out there.

I also found Finding Your North Star by Martha Beck helpful. That's more about discovering your purpose than a job, but it might help point you in the right direction.

And keep your dog! It's good to have another Canadian around, even if it's your dog! :)

Hang in there!

Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely check that book at the library!!! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 16:22:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Wow, lucky you! Chris is supportive too, but I think he gets affected a little by my anti-american thoughts sometimes... I understand though, I used to get upset when people would bash Quebec. At least he agrees with a lot of my point of view, and I think visiting me in Quebec for 7 months has opened his eyes to how people live elsewhere...

I hope one day I'll call VA home, but I'm not there yet! :lol: One step at a time!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 14:57:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

This is my husband's problem. So many times he completely discounts what I say because it wasn't like that in Canada. It gets frustrating because he doesn't listen to me when I keep telling him that things are different here.

When he first got down here, his work hadn't found a suitable replacement so he was able to work from home for about a month and a half. That made a huge difference as far as money, two incomes with no rent payments really helped out. We still stay with my parents for now, but having the room over the garage gives us a little more privacy than normal but it still sucks. My parents are pretty awesome, especially my dad, but my mom likes to hover and I can't stand it.

On the job front, he kept telling me he could get a job within a week in Canada and he doesn't think that it'll be different down here (haha). He's been looking for about two months now and still hasn't found a job. He works inside sales which is a little more open than most fields. He really only started ramping up his job applications this week (we thought he might be able to get a job where I work, but it's not panning out so far). He's had a couple of interviews with recruiters and some phone interviews, but nothing solid yet. I know he's going nuts just being in the house all day playing video games. Fortunately my income can support our combined bills, but it'll be nice when he finally gets a job and we can actually pay off some bills and get the heck out of the parents house.

I'd definitely recommend the volunteering. Even something simple like an animal shelter or something. It'll get you out of the house and it will also help with being social and meeting people and just being able to interact and not sit at home.


Yep, I totally had the same thought, I was like I'll find a job in no time, hahaha. That must have been nice to be able to work!!!
See, I was a substitute teacher up there. Made awesome money working a maximum of 25 hours a week. When I left, I looked into this EI thing, but I don't think I would have had enough hours...
Animal shelters, that's a really good idea! I did look into the Craig's List volunteer section for our city, and there wasn't much on there... Something's gonna pop up one of these days! (notice the slightly more positive tone here compared to yesterday! haha)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 14:35:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Gosh, I wish I could have posted this a month ago!!! I thought everyone on here was having a grand time! I though man, I can't say that I'm having such a hard time after having whined for close to a year about having to wait to get here!!! Funny how things work...

Thanks J&J, Udella&Wiz and Inky, again everyone's support and sharing of their experience is making me feel so much better!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 13:12:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

We are in Nebraska,

It took me over a year to find a job, Applied all over up and down online and paper hand outs, In over 1 year I only got ONE interview. It was the job I got and took very quickly.

Not being able to find a job quickly put TONS of stress on our marriage and our relationship. Went over I think just about all negative emotions, anger, jealousy, hate, depression etc.

It was horrible.. now my job i got is not going to well.. more bad days than good. But i'm not about to give it up because it took forever to get the damn thing and our relationship is doing better ( so are the bills and payments ).

I thought the same thing tho.. I have an associates and figured it should be easy i'm just from Canada. But nope not even taco bell would give me an interview.

After almost 2 years I still have not made really any friends, everyone is just an acquaintance or a work friend. The only friend really that I have here in Nebraska since I moved here is my friend Minnew from VJ. Kind of lucked out that another Canadian around my age was marrying military on the same base and such that my husband is at!

We bought a house (thanks to VA loans) My health is doing MUCH better since we moved and I had the surgery and my mom travels here a lot to visit and hang out.

Nice, seems like you're ok after all... I guess in this economy, if I find something somewhat decent I should just keep it, right? Better than none...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 11:15:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
I wrote down all the places I've applied for a job so far, the numbers are quite depressing:
- Company Applications Filled: 19
- Newspaper adds replied to: 15
- Craig's List adds replied to: 25
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-14 10:33:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey everyone!

Wow, everyone is so positive! It's so uplifting to read! I am FREAKING OUT here, so nervous! :wacko: I keep thinking of things that could happen, like being put in AP and wait another 5 months, them refusing me because of some reason,them saying I'm denied because I was up here visiting for 6 weeks, me crashing the car driving there... Someone stealing my bag at the airport and taking all my documents with them... Gosh, I should stop! :bonk:
I'm also very sad to leave Chris... I just wish I had some kind of certainty that I'm coming back... Even if technically I should only be gone for roughly two weeks, I'm sad to leave him and home, and I wish he was coming to the interview with me... :unsure:

So anyways, I have a feeling I'm gonna need a lot of support from the troop or I'll go insane!

I've updated the list and put another column with "result of interview" so we can keep track of all our approvals! Because it's gonna be a good month I can tell!!!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D. ... Result of I.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th ........... 8 days .............
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd ........... 1 day ..............
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th ........... 7 days .............
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th ........... 7 days .............
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 21 days .............
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 14 days .............
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 9 days ..............
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 22 days .............
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 23 days .............
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 21 days .............
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 10 days..............
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 22 days .............
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 14 days .............

Best of luck Rose416! I can't wait to read your review! I know it'll all be ok! Gosh I can't wait to see how it went! We all will be thinking of you tomorrow!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-08-02 06:16:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
I hope you get a date this week, you should, it's been more than 60 days... I guess there's no telling with Montreal though... Well, sending you good vibes and I hope your grandma feels better soon.

When are you leaving again? Have a safe trip!

That's awesome that you're home too! You're so lucky he's going to the interview with you too! Enjoy the heat! Where in Georgia are you?

I like how calm you are! It's reassuring! After all, we've been preparing for a long time for this, so it should all be ok! I guess I'll be a mess until I get my passport back!

Well, gotta go! Another day at the beach! Leaving to go back home on Saturday, and then getting the support form figured out because I'm leaving for Montreal on Friday. It's gonna be a busy week!

Take care!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-29 07:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey everyone!
Wow, the beach.... Aww.... I'm darker than I've ever been, and as happy as can be!!!
I'm so sad I have to leave though, I wish I was home for good RIGHT NOW!!!
I'm getting VERY nervous about the interview too.. What if this, what if that? My mind is going crazy!

Here's our list, and oh god Rose416, are you freaking OUT YET!!!! So soon! I can't wait to read your review!!!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 12 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 5 days OMG!!!
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 11 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 11 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 25 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 18 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 13 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 26 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 27 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 25 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 14 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 26 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 18 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 64 days

Alright, take it easy everyone! Will be back on here on Monday maybe?

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-28 17:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Oh! That's right!!! I forgot you filed in November! Gosh I know, right, we've been waiting a LONG time for this!!! Almost done now!!!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 23 July 2010 - 08:04 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-23 20:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

I haven't seen anyone else waiting that's very close to my dates... yeah, we've kinda given up on August. At this point were just keeping our fingers crossed for SEPTEMBER!!
*on a side note* It IS stressful waiting because I miss Simon so badly. But what really is getting to me, though, is that my Grandmother is very sick. The other day she said to me. "I sure wish your paperwork would hurry through... I really would like to see you get married before I go." sigh...

Wow sorry to hear about that, there's really nothing I can say, I hope you feel better and that she does too (F)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-23 13:06:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Good morning everyone!

So I thought I'd update the list one last time before leaving for the beach! I'm gonna try hard to not worry about anything, not check my e-mails or nothing for a week, so I might not pop on here at all. But with me, you never know! I might freak out and want to check on Wednesday just to make sure everything is still all good and dandy! Really excited, I feel like a week under the sun is gonna take care of a lot of stress!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 17 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 10 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 16 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 16 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 30 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 23 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 18 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 31 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 32 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 30 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 19 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 31 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 23 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 59 days

Gosh 16 days???? Now I'M starting to freak out!!!! :o And Rose416, 10 days to go!!! Can you believe it!!!!

Halfnhalf, did you hear something? I guess it probably won't be August then, enh? Gosh, I hope you get a date soon! It should, if you look at how long it took some of us to get a date... Do you know anyone who's waiting like you right now?

Alright you guys, have a good weekend, and I'm gonna try REAL hard not to come on here next week, but I don't promise anything ;) !

Ciao! B-)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-23 06:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Thanks for the wishes! I think I'm the only one that actually filed in November though... Oh well!

Hell yeah! All done! Good news!!!

Gotta calm down... Gosh, it's coming soon!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-22 11:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
I know what you mean Wishing!!! Gosh, I'm so excited all the time, and so hyper, as if I had just downed 5 Red Bulls! But, trying to focus on these forms, almost done!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-22 09:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
That's right Rose416, arrass the heck out of them, call everyday, twice a day, show up there, bring a lawyer, ANYTHING! I'm sure you'll get the results in time, this is just one of these thing to see how well you handle stress, because really, this whole process is SO stress-free and laid-back, they have to give you a hard time somehow...
God, I think I'm gonna fly back and then realize that my interview is REALLY happening, it's like it hasn't registered yet...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-22 06:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
J&J, you'll be fine with that! I also read from some reviews that some of the staff even went to work in sweat pants! So I'm sure whatever we end up wearing we'll be just fine!

Alright, well all I have left is finishing up the co-sponsor form and gather up evidence of domicile, and that's it!!! Leaving for the beach on Saturday though, so I'll only have 5 days to finish it all up before flying back... Gosh, time is FLYING by!!!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 19 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 12 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 18 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 18 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 32 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 25 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 20 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 33 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 34 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 32 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 21 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 33 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 25 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 56 days

Gosh, Rose416, not trying to make you nervous but less than 2 weeks for you!!! I can't wait to read your review!!! Good night ya'll!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-21 20:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
I have the same things as you guys too! Isn't exciting to look in the binder and see all the paper organized and labeled! Haha! I love organizing!
So hey, less than a month!!! I can't wait!!!!

As for the clothing thing, someone told me they went casual, flip flops actually, and since you're talking to a booth most of the time, it's fine. I'm sure you can wear something really dressy, but you can also weat dark jeans and a t-shirt. Of course it's official business, so I probably won't be wearing my "I cut the cheese in Wisconsin" t-shirt!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-21 14:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
So I've given up on copying my support forms and evidence from the printer at home, going to Staples today... I swear to God, it took 30 minutes to make copies for 10 pages, and ran out of ink :angry:

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-21 07:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
My medical took 10 minutes overall... I spent more time waiting in the room than in any office. I got to see the doctor (took 3 minutes, checked my reflexes, my abdomen, my spine, THAT'S IT, asked me if I had ever been hospitalized, THAT'S IT), went for chest x-rays (3 minutes) and blood sample/eye exam (10 minutes). Bring your immunization card with you. If you're missing shots, they will give them to you there.
Went through Medysis, by the way...

That's right, less than a month!!! :dance:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-20 19:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey everyone!
Alright, so I think I have resolved my little I-134 problem. I'll fill two forms in, one with the relationship space blank, and one filled in. This way, I'll give them the one filled in, and if anything happens, I'll have another one with me... Nobody seems to know for sure and I haven't had replied on the other post since yesterday...
Leaving for the beach on Saturday, very excited!!! :D It'll be nice to just relax and do NOTHING! Even though that's pretty much what I've been doing since being here! :lol:

Here our list again, just to make everyone freak out about HOW SOON it is!!!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 21 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 14 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 20 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 20 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 34 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 27 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 22 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 35 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 36 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 34 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 23 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 35 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 27 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 54 days

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Gosh, it's crazy how fast these dates are coming!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-19 06:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey everyone!
I just posted a new topic, but thought I'd run it by ya'll too... Have you guys noticed that in the new version of the I-134, at the end, where the sponsor signs, there's like a slot, and when you leave the cursor on it it says : Enter relationship. It's right in the middle of the oath, and had no relation whatsoever with the text itself... What do they want you to write there? The relationship between the sponsor and the beneficiary?
Thanks for the help, I'm trying to get the form done before leaving for the beach next week, and I'm stuck on that, everything else is done!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-18 10:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey guys!

I might have been exaggerating a little! But I hate walking down Ste-Catherine's and seeing bouncers outside strip joints trying to get costumers in in the middle of the day! Some venting on my part! :yes:

I'm glad all went well and your heart is in top shape! I was so nervous at my medical that it's a wonder they didn't think I too had a heart murmur! But, they did have to try 4 times to find a vein for the blood sample, NOT fun... :angry:

Thanks for looking that up! I hope it answers your question Valerie78!

I was reading other posts on here from people who are just starting to deal with Montreal, and do you guys remember how stressed out and nervous we were when we were waiting on our P3 and what not!?! Wow, it seems like a while ago, doesn't it!!!

Here's our list updated one last time before the weekend! I'm gonna have a cocktail tonight and toast for all of us, finally coming close to the finish line!!! Yeah! :dance:

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 24 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 17 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 23 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 23 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 37 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 34 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 25 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 38 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 39 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 37 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 26 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 38 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 30 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 52 days

Have a good weekend everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-16 07:01:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

Alrighty I gotta admit, my fiance just went home yesterday and now I'm definately starting to count down those days!! :blush:

Awww... Did you guys have a good time? Hang in there, only 32 days to go for you!!! Coming closer every day when you wake up!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-14 10:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
That's right! I would stick with cash valerie78, way easier...

Has everyone gone for their medical yet? I guess it doesn't matter that some of us had theirs done in May, does it?

Anyways, here's our list, again, I just can't help looking at the numbers getting smaller and smaller! Rose416, you must be getting super excited! Less than 3 weeks!!!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 26 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 19 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 25 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 25 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 39 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 32 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 40 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 41 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 39 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 28 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 40 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 32 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 50 days

Well, Halfnhalf, you should be hearing something soon since we heard something after roughly 50 days last time interview dates were handed out... Keep us posted!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-14 07:06:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Yeah I went on the USCIS website and the expiration date on the "downloadable" form is 5-31-2011, so that solved my problems!

Valerie78, I think you can pay with a credit card, but I'm not sure... Is it mentioned on the P4 letter? I know you can pay in canadian money but the currency change will apply...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-13 16:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Good Morning everyone!

Yeah I guess if your French is a little rusty, some people in Quebec city might not be as nice to visitors compare to Montreal... I just hate walking down on Ste-Catherine at 11 in the morning and having a bouncer invite me in for a lap dance in one of the many crack houses/strip joints :lol:

Oh well!

I hope you're having a good time with your hubby! I can't believe July is almost halfway done!!! I look at our list and am so excited for everyone!

Here it is by the way, updated and all! :D

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 28 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 21 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 27 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 27 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 41 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 34 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 29 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 42 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 47 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 41 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 30 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 42 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 34 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 48 days

Well, this week I'm tackling the support form. I've heard in other forums that the form has an expiration date on it or something? As anyone on here had issues with it? Did you just print it out off the USCIS website?

Have a good day everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-12 06:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

got it checked out ultrasound, xrays etc..nothing's just how mine are lol they are occasionally lumpy :P


Yep, J&J, I'm doing GREAT here, I just wish I was here for good, but I know now that it'll be soon anyways! It's hard to think about anything else really, I'm just too hyper about the interview, it's so exciting - and nervewracking! And Montreal is nice, but once you've been to Quebec city, it's just plain dirty and nasty in my book...
Enough whining!

Halfnhalf, hang in there, it's coming! I know it sucks to hear this, but we've al gone through what you're going through and we know how much waiting for Montreal su**s... I hope you get a date soon!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-09 11:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Rose416: I know, seeing the list, and seeing how close it all is is SO exciting! I'm so excited for you since you'll be the first one!
A heart murmur!?! I thought that was something only babies had :o , I'm sure you'll be fine though, it's just a matter of more paper work since we don't have enough of that yet, NOT...
Let us all know how it goes though... Were you able to get appointments to the various doctors pretty quick? I guess it's a good thing in a way that our interviews are in August and not July!

Is everyone getting their documents ready? I guess I really have to start putting the support form together next week... We're going to the Holden's beach the last week of July and I leave on the 6th of August, so I HAVE to get it all done before the beach... Wish me luck!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-08 19:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey funeshah,
Well, you can't pick up the visa in Montreal, you have to wait for them to send it to you in the Xpress post enveloppe you must bring to the interview. I would not even try to reschedule, as you might not even get a reply, or worse, wait another 50 days before a new interview date. With Montreal, you have to take what they give you I believe. You can try to cross the border by car, and explain that you just had an interview at the consulate and that they have her passport, etc, etc... You will probably need to show A LOT of proof of ties, but that might be your only option if she insists on being at the wedding.

Hope this helps! I also added you to our list. Do you know when you receive your P3 or when it was logged in?

Here's our updated list:

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 32 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 25 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 31 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 31 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 45 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 38 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 33 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 46 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 47 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 45 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 34 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 46 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 38 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 44 days

And Halfnhalf, we're getting close to the half of the month, so maybe next week will be your lucky week! :dance:

Have a good day everyone!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 08 July 2010 - 06:02 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-08 06:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Good Morning!
Wow, so I got up this morning and realized that in a month or so, I'll be interviwed and this whole waiting process might be over, AND I started getting really nervous!!!
I know, I know, the chances of being denied are slim - did anyone hear about anyone being denied in Montreal? - but it's still stressful as hell!
At least we have a while to get ready! I'm gonna try to focus my energy on preparing my filing thingy and try not to stress too much!

Alright, well have a good day everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-06 07:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 37 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 30 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 36 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 36 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 49 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 42 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 38 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 50 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 51 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 49 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 39 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 50 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 40 days

Updated list! Gosh, Rose416, only 30 days to go for you!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-04 14:24:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Received my P4 today that was sent to me from home! It's even more official now!!!

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-07-02 16:33:00