CanadaMontreal Interview - 05/18/11
Hi Va-Bound! Welcome!
I'm in VA too, so if you have any questions VA -specific, feel free to ask!

As to your question, well, this is just my opinion and feel free to disregard it! Since you seem new on the site, let me tell you one thing us canadian dealing with the consulate in Montreal have learned the hard way: the consulate is VERY slow handling pretty much anything... If this was me, I would try to reschedule the wedding before rescheduling the interview, because you might have to wait a couple months (if not more) before getting another interview date. I don't know if much has changed since last year with Montreal, but most of us had a wonderful 4-6 months wait before their interview...

Do what you think is right, but expect delays if you decide to reschedule your interview... Good luck either way! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-31 10:37:00
CanadaWedding Anniversaires and what to do

Check out this site They have a special going on right now and the price through them was about $50 cheaper per person than booking it directly through the balloon least the ones I looked up.

I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon. Many years ago I was a skydiver, and my husband was airborne in the army, so we both like being in the air. I thought it would be a pretty cool experience for us.

Thank you! I never even thought of that, but it's the best idea ever! Gosh, skydiving? I would probably pee my pants, probably not a good idea for an anniversary :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-01 09:51:00
CanadaWedding Anniversaires and what to do

I would love to go on a trip somewhere, but right now it is not in the cards as far as $$ goes, Simon doesn't get any vacation until July and with a new baby it is a bit hard. I am going to book a hot air balloon trip. We are only about 30 min from Smokey Mountains National Park, so I thought that would be a cool place to go for it. Our official anniversary is in April but our formal wedding was in July, so that is the one we decided to celebrate.

That sounds like SUCH a good idea!!! I'm going to look into that!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-01 07:20:00
CanadaWedding Anniversaires and what to do
You guys should totally celebrate! Especially you, since you waited so long for your K-1!!! We're not quite there yet, but I'm planning on taking Chris on a surprise all-nclusive holiday, check this out

I think it's important to celebrate wedding anniversaries, I don't know maybe I'm just old-school that way... What we're going to do too, is every year that we've been married, we're going to write down what things cost, like rent, gas, a gallon of milk, etc. My mom did this, and it's great to look at it and think that when they first got married, their rent was only 25$ a month!

Anyways, I'm rambling, but yeah, definitely celebrate! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-28 14:28:00
CanadaGoing for a visit back home; what can I bring into Canada?
Thanks everyone, I'll look at those links Kathryn41! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-03 17:54:00
CanadaGoing for a visit back home; what can I bring into Canada?
Hi everyone!
Just a quick question: We're planning a reception back home when we go for a visit in May, and I want to bring Brunswick Stew for people to have. Can you bring a can of food like that across the border? It's kind of like chicken stew. We're driving, if that makes any difference...

Thanks for the input guys! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-03 15:07:00
CanadaVisiting Canada for 6 months

Canada is very laxed I think in comparrison to the US. So I haven't heard of anyone else having issues going from the US to Canada, but I have heard a lot of nightmares going from Canada to the US with the visitor status...

Oh I'm sure!!! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-06 08:53:00
CanadaVisiting Canada for 6 months
Chris visited me from October to May after we had just met, and that was after he had been to Canada from May to September. He went back home for a month before I drove to pick him up. We were very naive and had no idea there was a time limit for visitation (that was way back before we joined VJ). When we filed our I-129F, he visited me twice after that and was never denied.
Maybe we were just lucky! Just thought I'd share our experience with you! But I agree with bradcanuck, just be straight up with the border agents...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-06 06:12:00
CanadaMathew got a job!!!!
Great news!!! Congratulations to you both!!! You'll see that after the first couple weeks of initial shock of being out of your comfort zone, you'll be quite happy to be on your own with your hubby! New beginnings are great! Enjoy it! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-08 20:06:00
CanadaMaryland/Northern VA/washington people
Yeah I'm in! After the holidays for sure though, and I just received my EAD so I'll have to see what job I can get and what days off I can get too!!! But count me in!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-12-21 07:04:00
CanadaMoving to Montreal..Summer
Well, obviously the border patrol person might think it looks suspicious, since you guys are bringing furniture. It is really up to the person to decide. He/she could be in a great mood that day and think nothing of it, or he/she might deny him entry. You just have to be prepared for the eventuality that it might happen. If he can, have him bring a letter from his boss saying when he is expected back at work, make sure you bring everything else that can pass as proof of ties - with copies. If you have anything that can show ties for you too I would bring that as well... You don't want it to look like you guys are moving permanently.

Hope this helps, good luck!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-04 06:58:00
CanadaThere are still some good hearted people out there...
Wow, this is something you would hear about in a movie or something! How nice! And from a complete stranger too! Karma has a funny way with people, obviously you guys have been very good; look what it brought you!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-04 06:50:00
CanadaLast Minute K-1 Interview Check.
Good luck Coconuts! You'll see, when you leave you'll be thinking "I was this stressed-out for that???" I remember the guy asked me why Chris wasn't there, but didn't make a big deal out of it, I think it was just to make conversation. I was asked for MY letter of intent, so bring one just in case... Very simple and pretty quick considering the wait time before the actual interview date :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-06 11:42:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
Wow, so much info on here! I'm still a little confused though and if anyone can answer my questions i'd be great!

1- I worked in Canada until June '10. Moved in the US in August, and haven't had any US income since. Can I file my Canadian taxes like I would normally do?
2- So when my husband files his taxes here, what is the most profitable for him, to file seperatly, or file as married? From your experience, what is best? And then if he does file seperately, do I need to file US taxes with my Canadian income? If we file jointly as married, do we 'declare' my canadian income?

Sorry if this is confusing, and these questions have probably been answered before, but I would appreciate the help guys! Thanks in advance! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-01-10 11:51:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?

I'm amazed you are getting your refund from Canada so fast! Last year it took 9 months for them to process my return and then send out the refund. My refund was only about $50.00, so I actually completely forgot about it until it came in the mail 9 months later... I guess that's not a normal experience?

Back when I lived in Canada I requested direct deposit on my GST checks three times and I kept getting checks in the mail. I even called them once and they confirmed they received the request and the next payment would be direct deposited. It didn't happen, and eventually I just gave up!

Wow, three times, CRA is quite effective! :lol: Yeah, I've always had my refund within 2 months of filing them, so I'm not too surprised about that part... But it doesn't matter now anyways since I don't have a penny to show for it... :angry:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-16 06:15:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?

Hey! Maybe it's the same place! :lol:

Hahaha, maybe! Or maybe Canada Post is just that great all around!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-15 12:42:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?

Not to scare you or anything.... this is just a story. A couple of years ago, my best friend didn't receive her cheque for ages. When she finally contacted them it turned out that someone had stolen all the cheques from the mailboxes on that postal route. Can't recall if it was the postman or just some random person following the postman. With that said, Canada Post SUCKS. And so does Canada Revenue. :hehe: I'd be willing to bet you'll receive it shortly. Did you not use direct deposit in previous filings? If that's the case then I'm not surprised it didn't happen this time.

You know, that happened close to where I was born too!!! Crazy stuff! No, this was the first time I'd asked for direct deposit... I guess we'll see what happens this week... I'll be there on Wednesday, so I might go to an office and see what they can do..
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-15 09:15:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Thanks Kimbear, well actually, and please let's not divert topic, but I kind of didn't let them know I had moved :innocent: So as far as they know, the check is going to my former canadian address and the check was supposedly being deposited in my canadian account...

I can't believe I'll have to wait two months now... :girlwerewolf2xn:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-14 08:30:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Yeah, I had requested a direct deposit to a canadian account...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 13:22:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Thanks guys, I'm glad to see that this issue seemed to have happened before -the direct deposit thing. I'll given them until Wednesday I think, and call again... It's just so damn frustrating!!! I could have had my money on the 21st!!! :angry:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 11:23:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Ha Ha Ha, very funny :lol:

I DID ask for direct deposit! I just don't understand what the hell happened, and why it's taking so long for an envelope to go from one city to another one that's actually 4 hours away... Beats me...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 10:38:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Hahaha, gosh I know...

But no, my refund check was mailed from Canada to Canada, at my parents address, and it supposedly left on April 21st.... Anyone out there ever had to deal with a lost refund check or anything of that matter? :(
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 08:29:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Well, actually the refund was mailed to my parents' address in Canada... That's why I think it's weird it's taken so long to get there :wacko:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 07:50:00
CanadaWhere's my money?!?
Hi, just wondering if anyone has ever faced the same situation...

I mailed my Income Tax return late March, and enrolled for direct deposit. I just went online this morning on the Quick Access tool of the CRA, and it says on there that my refund was mailed on April 21st... :blink: I called the 1-800 number, talked to representative, and he said that the information was correct, the refund was mailed, and that I should wait another week before calling back and see how I can get another check sent to me. #######???

Has anyone ever had the same problem before? I know that the weekend of the 21st was a long weekend, but still, that means that it was most likely mailed on April 26th, and that makes it 14 business days... :huh:

Thanks for your much appreciated input! I'm so mad 'cause I could certainly used that money right now :ranting:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-13 07:42:00
CanadaAos/Advanced Parole
After you get married, you file and send your AOS package which includes the Advance Parole and Employement Authorisation Document. Before these are issued, you will have a biometrics appointment, and depending on where you file, you can get the appointment quickly or not at all.
I don't know about a walk-in appointment, I'm sure you can do it after you file your AOS and have received your NOAs... I got my EAD and AP 60-75 days after my NOAs...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-16 09:10:00
CanadaCitizenship, Removing Conditions and Passport Questions!

you can renew canadian passports within 12 months of passport expiry. for example, if your passport expires jan 1, 2013, then the earliest you can renew it would be jan 2, 2012.
passport canada is pretty helpful. they have a toll free line you can try as well as website with all the application forms.

good luck!

Thanks a bunch lovetimhortons! And by the way, I took the in-laws to Canada last week for 10 days, and they could not get over how good and cheap Tim Hortons was! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-03 10:30:00
CanadaCitizenship, Removing Conditions and Passport Questions!
Thank you so much everyone for your replies! You have all been of great help!

My CA passport won't expire until 2013, but I guess I just wanted to plan ahead since it's close to my removal of conditions date as well... Does anyone know if it matters that I renew it a year before the expiry date? Will they allow that?

I guess I could just go ahead and change my name on it... We'll see, food for thought!

Thanks again everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-03 07:52:00
CanadaCitizenship, Removing Conditions and Passport Questions!

You have to mail in your CDN passport with supporting docs from the USA if you want to renew it from within the USA.

You can go to Canada on a trip and renew your passport. You DO NOT have to change your name on your passport. That is your choice.

You keep your Canadian citizenship you will have dual citizenship, there is no way to " accidentally " lose Canadian citizenship because you have to pay a fee and see a judge and renounce it.

Nice, so I can go through the naturalization process and save money - instead of having to renew the green card every 10 years - and keep my CA citizenship? Good news! :dance:

Thanks for the help Inky!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-02 12:21:00
CanadaCitizenship, Removing Conditions and Passport Questions!
Hi everyone!

I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me on a couple of things... I've tried to find answers in the FAQs but I didn't seem to find what I was looking for :bonk:

#1: Can you keep your Canadian citizenship if you go through the naturalization process? Meaning, can you have dual citizenship? American/Canadian?

#1b): If not, is it common for people to just keep renewing their 10-year green card? I don't want to give up my Canadian citizenship...

#2: Is it complicated to renew your passport while in the US? Should I wait until I'm up there for a visit to do it?

#2b) How about name change? Can I keep the name I have on it right now or do I have to change it to my married name (the name that's on my green card)?

Thanks in advance for the help everyone! Much appreciated! :star:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-02 12:05:00
CanadaNotice of Action ?
Welcome on VJ!
Well, since Montreal tends to be slow with things -you'll find that soon enough! - they automatically extend the approval notice. I remember that my NOA2 was good up until July 7th and I had my interview in August... Not to worry, you'll be ok! Try to send to package as soon as feasible though, that's my advice!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-17 08:40:00
CanadaCanada Post

:lol: You got that right.

I went ahead and mailed a couple of cards on Saturday. The most important mail I have I will courier today. I have another birthday card and Father's Day card I'm going to send as well. It'll be interesting to see when everything arrives. It's kind of a relief they're doing rotating strikes. Though that Union still gets my goat. I remember this one female mail carrier who had the audacity to demand that I relocate my mailbox from beside my front door over to the edge of the house so she didn't have to "walk all that way". :blink:

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-06 06:16:00
CanadaCanada Post
Yep, just talked to my mom this morning and she confirmed the local strikes... I guess that just means that their service will be even more slow now, if that was even possible :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-03 07:53:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

Trips do help to alleviate some of the hardships. But sometimes I find when I have to leave I feel like crying, but just end up kind of sulking for a few days. I then try to convince Jared that moving to Canada would be the right thing to do. hahah Then I get back into the swing of things again.

If the two countries werent so gosh darn different, it wouldn't be bad at all!

I know... Everyone seems to think that we're not that different, but gosh sometimes it's insane! And I was moving from a very small town in Quebec to the South... Talk about a culture clash... I still struggle some days and want to shake people, but I guess I have to agree to disagree :innocent: I'd still like to shake people though... :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-09 12:06:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

Sigh. I just got back from a lovely weekend at home for a wedding and loved every minute of it! I'm so thankful that I'm only about 9-10 hours away from home, a quick 50 minute flight. So many people are much farther, but I do wish I lived much closer! I don't necessarily have to live IN Canada, but I'd love to live much closer to my parents for sure.

Has anyone ever looked into a local Canadian group on I need to try it out one of these days....

Hope everyone is smiling today :)

Awww... Lucky you!

I feel a lot better now, especially since coming back from our visit two weeks ago. Chris and I talked, and we'll be going back for a long weekend in October. We'll probably drive, because it's way cheaper. And we also want to bring the dog.

It's crazy how a quick visit can help on so many levels! I feel like I have hope now, I feel more positive about my environment and the people. I think I waited too long before going for a visit. I've learned my lesson, every 6 months for me for sure! Keeps me sane!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-08 11:19:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

Big hugs to you!

I will be moving ( once my visa arrives ) to Virginia as well. :D

I feel your pain. I have had to adjust to life in a new country in the past as well and sometimes I think the more subtle the cultural differences the harder it is to adjust. When you are expecting culture shock , you deal with it but when things seem to similar and yet not , it seems to take longer to adjust. Hang in there.
Moving cities is hard've moved to a new country!!! Be proud of what you have done. It will take time but you will find where you belong ( work , play , friends ).
Take it all in, think of it all as a new adventure everyday - oh my I am sounding corny - sorry -

Thinking of you. Been there AND about to do it again.

Walk tall!

Thanks for the pep talk! Where about in Virginia are you moving to?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-28 16:00:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Hahaha, yeah in Canada we don't really have summers, its cold all year-round and you can hunt bears in your backyard (that's actually true in some cases though...)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-21 11:39:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
No way.... Was the person serious??? Hahahah, pretty funny!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-21 06:36:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Is that show good? I've heard of it but actually never sat down and watched it...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-20 13:21:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

This place can be great group therapy. I'm just glad you came here before doing something rash. ;p

Having other people that can completely understand your situation is important. We can cheer you up, commiserate with you and just give you some good overall support. :)


You speak the truth! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-20 06:17:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

BTW - glad to see your spirits are up :) Talking is always good.

Thanks Udella&Wiz, if it weren't for you and everyone else on here, I would have taken a pretty rash decision I think! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-19 19:26:00