CanadaI-134, what supporting documents are needed?
I can't find any conclusive info on this subject so I am going to ask people who've already had their interview. My fiance doesn't have enough income reported on his last year's tax return. He will have a co-sponsor. What documents do I bring along with the I-134 to the Montreal Interview to prove I won't be a burden on the US gov't? On the USCIS website, it doesn't ask for the tax returns but people have mentioned they bring them. Also, for the co-sponsor are the W2's enough?
Hannah777FemaleCanada2013-03-24 21:39:00
CanadaK1 Interview Montreal
How did you get Vancouver instead of Montreal? I want to go there!
Hannah777FemaleCanada2013-03-27 21:12:00
CanadaTime frame of Vermont-NVC-Montreal

Hannah, my fiancé is in Texas and I am in Ontario.. had my interview in Montreal in January. You can have a look at our timeline... Our case took a year from K1 petition to Visa in hand.

Of course we had an RFE which set us back a bit, but with Vermont it's hard telling. Just make sure you stay on top of everything... start getting stuff together on your P3 checklist now, so you are ready when it gets to Montreal. Good Luck! :thumbs:

May I ask what your RFE's were for? Our packet was mailed today...
Hannah777FemaleCanada2013-04-01 19:38:00
Canadacanadian money
I am with Bank of America and have had no issues exchanging or depositing Canadian funds. They do charge a small fee per dollar, unless it is over $5000. And most banks will require that you are a member of their bank in order to exchange/deposit foreign funds.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-09-28 19:39:00
CanadaAppointments available in Montreal! Schedule yours NOW :)
Congrats everyone!
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-13 14:45:00
CanadaWebsite that sells Canadian foods?
Here is one that I think may have been mentioned somewhere here on VisaJourney
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-19 16:06:00
CanadaEvidence of Support

Hi everyone

I'm hoping someone might have had a similar situation to mine that could help calm my nerves:

My fiance's last 3 years of tax returns only show approx. 10K income since he was a bartender and did not make a high hourly wage but instead made all his money in tips.

In February 2011 he started a second job as a server at a hotel where his gratuities are included on his paycheques so his year-to-date income as shown on his paycheque is well above the minimun requirement.

My concern is that the only evidence I really have that his annual income meets the requirement is from his "year to date" on his paystub. He is a server and he does not have a pre-determined annual salary so his letter of employment only confirms that he is a full-time employee with no mention of annual salary.

I have two of his most recent pay stubs from both jobs, letters of employment from both (only confirms employment does not mention salary), and a bank statement but I am still freaking out. Any thoughts if I need a co-signer?

Thanks for your help!!

I can only speak in regards to him being bartender and only being able to show a certain part of his tips. Legally, a bartender or server or anyone who makes tips is legally responsible for reporting 100% of those tips (though most dont :P), I am sure nothing would actually happen, but saying that even though it only says I made X amount, I actually made Y amount in tips would show that you did not report your tips. For most purposes, such as rental agreements or what have you, its fine. For this purpose, I know that I wouldn't feel comfortable risking it. I would think, only because he hasn't held the current job for that long, that you might want to get a co-signer just in case. A letter of employment without mentioning salary, I would think, is worthless in a situation such as this since the point is to prove that he has enough income.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-11-01 22:49:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

I am a Canadian citizen and my husband lives in the states. We got married a few months ago and our K3 visa is in process now. I am reading different things on whether I can enter the US or not.

So can some one please clarify if I can enter the US or not.


Everything I have read says you can.. It is mostly just about having enough info to prove ties to Canada so that they do not think you intend to stay illegally. My fiance is coming for the holidays and we have him bringing tons of stuff with him: pay stubs, lease, bank statements and I think a couple other things that I can't remember. I also sent him the NOA1 to bring with him. If you haven't spent a lot of time here, then you shouldn't have a problem.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-10-25 00:44:00
CanadaStudent Loans in the U.S.
Wyatt's Torch,

I have no expertise to offer. Just wanted to say thank you for posting this question. My fiance is very interested in going back to school as well and this was on my list of things to ask the VJ community about once he gets here. So, it is great to hear now what others have to say. Everyday I am profoundly grateful for this community.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-12-01 18:02:00
CanadaCanadian Man uses iPad to enter the US.

My birth certificate is stored away somewhere. I just find it funny since he was in fact looking to cross the border.

Well I know that my Canadian carries his in his wallet too.. the short form birth certificate.. it is just the size of his Drivers license. He actually never even had the long form until we just ordered it. I have a feeling that might be commonplace with Canadians.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-04 16:08:00
CanadaCanadian Man uses iPad to enter the US.

TORONTOA Canadian man who realized he forgot his passport as he approached the U.S. border found a new way to gain entry — his iPad.

Martin Reisch said Tuesday a slightly annoyed U.S. border officer let him cross into the United States from Quebec after he presented a scanned copy of his passport on his Apple iPad. Reisch was a half hour from the border when he decided to try to gain entry rather than turn back and make a two-hour trek back home to Montreal to fetch his passport.



A Customs and Border Patrol spokesperson told, “The assertion that a traveler was admitted into the U.S. using solely a scanned image of his passport on an iPad is categorically false. In this case, the individual had both a driver’s license and birth certificate, which the CBP officer used to determine identity and citizenship in order to admit the traveler into the country.”

" Feedfetcher
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-04 15:31:00
CanadaSouth Park

I'm with Inky. I watch this show all the time and laugh a lot at their Canadian jokes.

Even on the video game I play (World of Warcraft), I'm the only Canadian in our "guild", and they tell Canadian jokes all the time, and I absolutely love it.

I take no offense at that stuff. As long as it's a joke, I laugh.

haha. Yeah, for some reason the WoW community loves picking on the Canadians. Funny part is Jordan (Canadian Fiance) would always take part in making fun of the Canadians. I would log in and see someone telling jokes in General and I'd be like.. what an a$$ (out of defense for him)!.. then take a moment and look at the name, and be like.. wait.. thats my a$$.

He too loves Southpark.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-08 15:30:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability
Thank you everyone for the feedback! I finally bit the bullet and called my insurance company. I will give specifics in case anyone else ever has a question about this.

Jordan will be covered as soon as he is on American soil using his Visa. Because of the type of policy he will receive, there will be no waiting period for pre-existing conditions.

When he gets here, we will apply to add him to my policy. Because he is insulin-dependent, he will immediately get denied. However, because we are in Virginia, they will offer him what the woman referred to as a back end offer policy. A lower deductible plan will cost $873/mo, higher deductible plan will be $663/mo. His test strips and insulin will be covered under the prescription plan after a $200 deductible. His infusion sets and reservoirs will be covered after the regular deductible.

They are sobering numbers, but I must admit that I had built up a nightmare-ish number in my head and this is way below that so, I think we are prepared.

Over Christmas we were at my Grandma's and she joked that he was just marrying me for the Visa and I replied trust me, he is type 1 diabetic, he would much rather stay in Canada if it weren't for love. I think all we should have to offer for proof of relationship is the insurance quote :P
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-20 16:54:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability

I am type 1 diabetic as well. Having diabetes was no problem in getting my visa. When I got here and was added to my husbands existing insurance (Cigna at the time) they required a letter stating I had received health insurance coverage up to the time immediately prior to being added to my husband's policy or any diabetic expenses I had would not be covered for one year. I had OHIP plus additional insurance that covered prescriptions, dental, vision and such through my employer in Canada. I was actually fortunate because I had enough overtime and holiday time saved up that I was still 'on the payroll' for another month when I moved here, and my health insurance continued for 30 days after my last 'official' day of employment so there was actually an overlap of coverage for me. I obtained a letter verifying my insurance coverage dates from Sun Life and printed out the information about OHIP and submitted that. I was covered immediately and the premium was the same as for adding a family member who wasn't diabetic. When his employer switched plans to BlueCross Blue Shield, Cigna automatically provided me with a letter verifying coverage and I submitted that with my first claim.

So, if there will be a time between when your fiance leaves Canada and his provincial coverage and the time you are able to enroll him on your plan, you might want to investigate purchasing short term 'bridging' health insurance for him so that he is never without some sort of coverage. That will pretty well ensure that your insurance company won't be able to deny him coverage for the one year pre-existing condition clause. He will just need to be able to prove he was covered.

Depending on your plan, you can expect your premium to increase but you will also face additional expenses even with coverage. Diabetes is not a cheap condition and is more expensive in the US than in Canada. (My copays for some of my supplies is virtually the same as the cost of the whole item was back in Canada before reimbursement). He will have deductibles to meet, co-pays and non-covered costs related to his diabetic supplies to cover. These vary between plans so you really do need to talk to your provider - no one else is able to tell you what to expect.

Most insurance companies also have their 'preferred providers/suppliers' which may not be the ones that the doctor wants him to use, which means that he may have higher co-pays for certain medication and supplies. I am not on a pump so have two different types of insulin, one of which is not their preferred insulin - however, it is the one that works -( not all insulins works the same as there are variations in time of action from very quick to very slow.). My test strips are also not the ones my insurance company primarily supports so I pay more for those, however, my glucometer is the best brand on the market and the one my endocrinologist (and I) want me to use due to accuracy and ability to track blood glucose records. The one the insurance company supports is not as accurate or as good and is better suited for those with type 2 who are not doing constant multiple times a day monitoring.

So, you do need to check with your insurance company about what they cover, how much of it they cover, and what their 'preferences' are with regards to brands. Your fiance will also be under the care of an endocrinologist (or should be) and will need, at the very least, quarterly appointments. The co-pay for specialists is usually higher than for regular doctors, and he will have tests done quarterly as well that will have a copay involved (monitoring long term glucose control, metabolic profiles, kidney function, etc.). Some may be covered 100% but most are not so there is the extra costs there as well. He will also need a yearly eye exam..

Most of diabetes is preventative care. Under control it really is not a hardship or a hindrance in life and someone with diabetes can do virtually everything a non-diabetic can do. The bigger problems occur when diabetes isn't controlled and can lead to some very serious complications that can include heart attacks, blindness, amputation and various neuropathies, and even death. While being on a pump is more expensive in terms of supplies, it is also the best way to keep diabetes under control.

Good luck.

Hi kathryn,

Thank you so much for your response. Jordan is very good as it regards preventative care. He does love the pump and won't have it any other way and after having him explain it to me I get it. And he has spent a good amount of time here and we have done all sorts of things. Probably about the only hindrance was when he was down in the summer and we had to time eating with going for a swim. He has also been great about teaching me about it and I have taken the time to learn as much as possible. I do get concerned because he has issues talking about possible complications of the future, but he has gotten better about that. I think the hardest thing for me was to stop worrying. I have gotten much better about not looking over his shoulder every time he tests his blood. I read a post somewhere where they felt that was a bit of an invasion and I totally understood it so now I only ask if I can tell it is spiking or dropping. He too has an insulin he prefers and it is so interesting to hear you say that as well.

And yeah, I have a list of all the types of doctors he needs and when he needs to go. Before he even gets here I am going to research doctors in the area. We are prepared for copays and what have you.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-20 15:45:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability

I sent a letter to Blue Cross/Blue shield stating my husband is a UK citizen and has had NHS his entire life so there should be no issue with proving he has had credible coverage and is therfore not subject to pre ex. They responded stating that in anticipation of a federal mandate they no longer have pre ex for any members. A lot of insurers are mirroring "Obama care". for ex my daughter is 23 and we just found out she can remain in her father's plan until she is 26 in anticipation of the new legislation.
I am assuming he is on a pump? If you get it through a specialty pharmacy vendor it will be less. If you can give me the specifics (model #, number of each supply, your insurance co, PPO network, pharmacy and state I can get pretty accurate estimate)
btw I am a nurse (since 83)and have been working for an insurance company dealing with ERISA/self funded plans for over 10 yrs- feel free to PM me.

Right. Now they aren't denying coverage for preexisting, but instead are increasing premiums and doing waiting periods for preexisting conditions. That blew me out of the water when I got the insurance. I was quoted at $150/mo and then when they looked at it and saw that in an accident 4 years ago I broke my ankle, they bumped it up to $200/mo just in case anything ever goes wrong with it. Well, you best believe that in a couple more months after I am through my 12mo waiting period for preexisting conditions that the metal in my ankle they had to put in which I inevitably seem to hit on the corner of my bed everyday causing the excruciating pinch because its metal my skin then more metal, will be coming out. I am getting my extra $50/mo worth :P

Right now we order through They are pretty good, and if his pump supplies aren't covered then we are totally prepared to take on that cost (just really don't to have to)

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-20 15:32:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability

That's an interesting statement. I would greatly appreciate if you can provide a link to the provision in the HIPPA that gives such a protection to the immigrants from the countries with socialized healthcare. Seriously, it would be of big help.

From my particular insurance company:

Coverage for the pre-existing condition is usually provided after a 12-month waiting period. However, this 12-month period will be reduced by any period during which the member was covered under “creditable coverage” unless there has been a break in coverage of at least 63 days. Creditable coverage includes group health plan coverage, individual health insurance, Medicare, and certain other types of coverage.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-20 15:26:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability

When you're saying you have "private" insurance, do you mean individual or group policy? If former, please tell us the name of such a generous insurance company who would cover a diabetic spouse? Did you tell them he had diabetes and they gave you a quote?? Many insurers just won't issue the policy to a person with diabetes - 'deemed uninsurable".

As to the covering supplies - you need to carefully check your policy "Exclusion & limitation" section, as well as "DME annual limits" ( pump supplies might be treated either as DME, or as regular drugs; insulin almost always is treated like a usual brand name drug ), Also, it's necessary to know what state you are from - some states mandate certain level of coverage for diabetics.

I sincerely feel for you guys. Hopefully, you know what you're doing...


In Virginia, Blue Cross Blue Shield has been identified as the insurer that must provide coverage to all residents who apply, regardless of any health conditions that they may have. This is called guaranteed issue. Residents can purchase an individual health insurance policy from Blue Cross Blue Shield, but unfortunately, you may be required to pay a higher premium because of your diabetes (or another health condition).

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-20 15:24:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability

He should have no issues with being on disability when moving to the US.

As for adding him onto your insurance you will have to call your company to find out what it will cost. I know that some companies will not cover a pre-existing condition. But since he is coming from a country that has a national health plan he is covered by the HIPPA laws. So based on that he can not be refused.

I was in a similar situation when I moved to the US (I had a pre-existing condition....pregnancy!!!) and I found a company that would cover me, but for individual insurance for me only with the maternity rider, it was going to cost me $2450.00 a month!!! I hope that yours is nothing like that!!

Good luck.

Eek! Yeah just for myself, with no medical issues I pay $200/mo, so I just have a nightmare scenario playing around in my head for once I add him on. I've already double checked about the pre-existing condition. What is ironic is that because I hadn't had insurance for a while, I have to wait a year for any preexisting conditions to be covered, yet he will be covered immediately Luckily, if nothing else, he's not pregnant :P

Thanks for the reassurance about the disability!

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-19 21:57:00
CanadaDiabetic Canadian Fiance Currently on Disability
Hi All! I have been pondering over several issues as it relates to some financial and health issues.

My Canadian Fiance has type 1 diabetes. Because of some severe anxiety issues stemming from that, he has been on Canadian disability for about two years. He is in great shape aside from diabetes, the anxiety just became overwhelming for him. That said, since we have been together (1 1/2 years) he has advanced tremendously in coping with it and I have started my own business, in part so that he will have a workplace (home) where he can feel comfortable.

Here are my questions:

1) We just received our NOA2. I am concerned that even though I currently make enough money and, just to be certain, we have a co-sponsor who makes even more, that if he goes to his interview and he is currently on disability, even if he has no need or intention of ever being on it here in the United States, that they will be concerned about him becoming a public burden (or however you word it) and we will get denied. We are (I am) at a financial point where we CAN take him off disability right now, but is it absolutely necessary that we do? We keep going back and forth because we know the costs that are coming between finishing this process, moving, wedding, starting a life together etc etc

2) As I mentioned, I work for myself. I have private health insurance. Anyone have any idea how much more we can expect to pay once I put him on my policy?

3) If there are any other type 1 diabetics, what supplies did your provider cover? I have been able to price out the insulin through my plan, but can not find any info on other things he uses (infusion sets, reservoirs and test strips) and the thought of calling the insurance company makes me ill lol

Thanks Everyone!
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-19 19:05:00
" I'm jealous of these clueless idiots who just get to LIVE WITH THEIR HUSBANDS like it's NOTHING. I don't know anyone who's had to PETITION THE GOVERNMENT to live with their spouse. "

I hear you on that one. It seems so silly to me when I simplify it my brain to what it is.. I have to ask my government for permission to share the rest of my life with the love of my life.

Vent away cause it does indeed suck!
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-01-23 14:34:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
People ask how we met and I generally just say "oh its a long story" lol. For as many couples that meet online these days, in various ways, there is still a stigma attached to gamers. He was Priest, I was Rogue. He transferred from Horde to Alliance and joined our guild and his first raid with us he said something smarta** in vent and ended up PM-ing me and apologizing and that is where it started. We both quit playing about 6 months or so ago and have no intention on returning. We have had the pleasure of Beta testing SWTOR and though we have way too much going on right now to invest as much time in it upon release as we might would like, we're still excited for it.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2011-11-03 23:59:00
CanadaCan't get interview appointment
Some opened up this afternoon and looks like there are still some open for April 23. Good Luck!

Is there a better time of day/week to try to get an appointment in Montreal. I keep getting the none available message.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-03-21 19:38:00
CanadaButter Cups
Yep. Virginia has them. I remember that when I was a kid :)
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-03-28 23:29:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?
I got an appointment today. I just checked and looks like there is still something open on Monday April 23. Good Luck!
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-03-21 19:22:00
CanadaMedical Insurance in the US

Okay so my fiance and I were talking about this over the weekend. He doesn't make much money, is in the middle of switching health insurance providers and to cover the two of us will be very, very, very expensive$ as I have a pre-existing medical condition (asthma). Can I buy some sort of Blue Cross package to cover me until I am able to find work and be covered with medical benefits? Just want to know what options that I have until I get a job.

If anyone can shed some light on this please let me know.

You can buy insurance any time you like. The unfortunate thing is, specifically with Blue Cross (Anthem), they have a 1 year waiting period for preexisting medical conditions. Those conditions which need treatment from day 1 come at a high premium. My fiance is type 1 diabetic and for his insurance we are looking at around $1000/month. Now, I am sure Asthma would put you in a lower bracket than him, but still plan to pay a significant amount.

That said, I happened to speak to an agent who has a type-1 diabetic son so he was very helpful. And it turns out that starting next year, in anticipation of the new health care law, Anthem is supposed to be lowering rates so that all that is used to judge your premium is sex, age and whether or not you are a smoker.

I also looked into short term coverage for him, and noone would cover on a short term plan with a preexisting condition.

Edit: Also, the best thing you could do for yourself is bite the bullet and call them, explain your condition, and get a quote. I was reluctant to do it because I knew it was just gonna suck. But now that I have, we can properly prepare for the cost. It was somewhat of a relief.

Edited by MelissaAndJordan, 10 April 2012 - 07:33 PM.

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-10 19:30:00
CanadaBooking Hotel in French

I get that these are both king beds and non smoking. I can not make out the rest. Is there a difference between these 2? Thanks!!

Tglit Tage Corpo N Fu Kg Corp Flr N Smk

Tres Grand Lit N Fumeur King Nonsmoking

Oh nevermind.. I get it.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-16 16:06:00
CanadaBooking Hotel in French
I get that these are both king beds and non smoking. I can not make out the rest. Is there a difference between these 2? Thanks!!

Tglit Tage Corpo N Fu Kg Corp Flr N Smk

Tres Grand Lit N Fumeur King Nonsmoking

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-16 15:57:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul


Geez - I see you're in Manassas - we're in Centreville, just off 29. I don't know where he's coming from but I was in Kitchener. It made the most sense for us - I had a 2 bedroom apartment to pack-up with a teenager in tow! I bet he's got less stuff then we had.

LOL. You have to be kidding!? He is from Kitchener. And, looked at your profile, here is another one ..Me- night elf rogue, Him - human priest (at least when we met, neither of us play WoW anymore)

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-29 02:36:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul

Not recently but 4 1/2 yrs ago I moved from Southern ON to Virginia. Rented the UHaul in Canada and dropped it off in VA near our house. We personally found it really easy, truck was in good shape, no mechanical issues and we drove halfway one day and finished up the next (those seats are hard on the butt :) )

Take a look at their website, I think you can get a pretty good estimate on how much it will cost and then of course plus gas. I think we spent somewhere around $550-$650 which seemed good to me.

Thanks for the info! Jordan will be making the same move (Southern ON to me in Virginia) and we have started to look at costs so its good to know that someone made the exact same trip for around that amount (which is actually less than we were actually think it would be)
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-25 01:38:00
CanadaInteview Tuesday - DS 156

Just redo it and print off new copies.


MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-20 21:46:00
CanadaInteview Tuesday - DS 156

Stuff it in a copy machine and watch it works its magic. :) No need to redo it. Keep the copies, give the original one to the embassy.

He doesn't have a copy of it. It was sent in with Packet 3 and he has no other copy. But on the stuff to bring to interview checklist it says to have 2 copies :(
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-19 23:16:00
CanadaInteview Tuesday - DS 156
My Fiance has his interview on Tuesday and we are working on putting everything together that he needs to take. Come to find out, he did not print off additional copies of the electronic form DS156. Should we redo it and print off new copies?

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-19 21:38:00
CanadaProtests in Montreal

My interview is tomorrow and we are leaving Montreal soon after our interview finishes.hope we will be fine

Best of luck tomorrow!!

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-21 22:20:00
CanadaProtests in Montreal
So anyone staying up to date on the protests being held in downtown Montreal? Jordan said there is already a line of cop cars outside of his hotel. He is all good and stocked up on food and drink so that he doesn't have to go out tonight, though apparently "A massive demonstration is planned for Tuesday afternoon to mark 100 days since the first group of students walked out of class. A coalition of 140 community groups and unions encouraged people to join the demonstration to denounce the tuition increases and the legislation."

Well, hopefully here is where VisaJourney will REALLY pay off, with him getting in and our of the embassy before the afternoon madness ensues lol

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-21 19:42:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review

I arrived at the Consulate a little later than I had wanted to - around 6:50AM. There were a few people there already, maybe 5 groups. Get there early! I spotted a woman with a huge purse and a man with a laptop bag ahead in the line. "They'll get turned away and I'll move up in the queue!" I thought to myself, and which was correct.

Congrats!! But I couldn't help reading this and thinking.. awww.. you knew they would get turned away and didn't speak up and say anything?

MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-05-12 16:04:00
CanadaCanada day Acros America

Wow - there are 2 near me - is anyone from VJ hosting the Manassas VA one?


I noticed the one in Manassas and thought it might be you lol
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-06-06 16:17:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?

I am about to start reading "The Hunger Games". I already saw the movie (would have preferred to read the book first but oh well!). I am going on a 6 week long trip back to Canada on Thursday, so that will be my entertainment on the plane ride.

After all the fuss I finally picked up "The Hunger Games" when I saw it in the store last weekend. Read it that night. Went back the next morning and got the other two. Finished the series in 3 nights. It's not the best series ever, but yet I kept having the "just one more chapter" syndrome at 4am.
MelissaAndJordanFemaleCanada2012-04-21 16:07:00
Canadavisiting US while CR1

As flames said, do not hire a lawyer. I stupidly also hired one and it cost us $4,000.00 for them to just do the paperwork which, after finding VJ, I could have easily done myself.

I don't plan to hire a lawyer for documentations/filing. I went thru the US naturalization processing without one and I was just fine.

I might consult on the extension of stay while CR-1 is being processed..
William SMaleCanada2011-06-09 11:34:00
Canadavisiting US while CR1

You can always apply to extend her stay, however simply wanting to stay together during the CR-1 visa isn't a good enough reason. If it is rejected, she'll have to leave but it shouldn't affect the Cr-1 visa process

If you decide to exten her stay, here is the link

Each case is reviewed to determine if the extension is warrented

good luck

Thanks for the info. Based on the linked document. It sounds like at least it's all legal for her to file for an extension. Even if the extension is rejected, while the extension application is being processed, she's legal so it should be fine with CR-1 process.

With current time-line of CR-1 process, we only need maybe a month or two more before she needs to return to Canada anyway so I think going thru the motion would by us that needed time.

Of course, it's still not optimal solution and there are certain risk involved so something that I will definetly have to consult with immigration lawyer.

Edited by William S, 09 June 2011 - 10:20 AM.

William SMaleCanada2011-06-09 10:19:00
Canadavisiting US while CR1

I'm not the expert on this and I know those who have done CR-1's will give you the 100% correct answer, but a tourist visa and a spousal visa are two very different things.

That's exactly what I was getting at. Can't we file both since they are a separate thing? Would NVC or whoever issue tourist visa frown upon seeing two separate cases? 1 for CR1 and 1 for extension of the visit? Would it impact CR-1 processing? Or is it totally different from my friend's case since Canadian citizens don't actually need tourist visa to visit US?

Edited by William S, 09 June 2011 - 09:29 AM.

William SMaleCanada2011-06-09 09:28:00