CanadaExciting News!!
Wow, that is great news!!! Seems like everything is working out in the end! Congrats!!! :thumbs:

Make sure when you're looking for a house that you buy a house that feels like 'home', not just a house that's new, and might not have any issues... I'd rather buy a house with things to work on where I can see myself living than a house that is perfect but just doesn't feel right... But that's quite obvious I guess :lol:

Hope you guys find the perfect place for your family! Great news again!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-19 10:34:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Wow, that's so true! But we all know it's easier said than done! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 09:24:00
CanadaJust for fun...when is the next time you're going "home" to Canada?
Going in a week! Can't wait!!! We are flying to Boston then driving to Quebec. Our flights were pretty cheap, 149$ there and back, direct flight!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-05-11 13:34:00
CanadaJust for fun...when is the next time you're going "home" to Canada?
Going back in May for 10 days, with Chris' family. First visit since I moved here! Our families will meet for the first time! We're having a reception/cookout to celebrate us getting married! I can't wait!!! Poutine!!! We decided to fly to Boston from Richmond (140$ a person, both ways) and then rent a car (500$ for 10 days)... Not too bad I guess!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 07 April 2011 - 03:52 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-07 15:51:00
CanadaCanadians and different ways of thinking in the US
Well, I do agree with everyone on here, about how small towns in the US are nice and friendly, probably whatever state you're in. However, I'll just say this, the south is very different than the northern states. Racism is a big issue here, and imagine how Texas must be towards hispanics! Also, religion is very intense here, just like tolsab said... I guess it depends where you are exactly, but expect things to be quite different than Michigan!

Am I happy here? Some days are easy, some days are hard. It's better than a couple months ago when I was seriously doubting my decision, but I don't think I'll ever be able to call this 'home', no matter what state we live in. It's home for now I guess! :)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-19 10:30:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Found out today through my sister that the it's actually warmer in Quebec today than it is here! :huh: (Here being Virginia)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-09-30 12:34:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

It can be very hard for the US spouse to understand the gut-wrenching pain of leaving your country behind. My husband has struggled with it too and he's a really good guy. I think it's even tougher because most Americans I meet have either lived and/or traveled exclusively in the US. I have some friends here who have never been further than Pennsylvania! So, I think that also adds to the general misunderstanding of how hard it is to move somewhere without employment, friends, family or your cultural staples. Who doesn't miss eatin' a poutine after they have been drunk at 3am? haha :dance:

So true!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-02 11:48:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
Wow, I'll write this down, and quote you as I please Kathryn41! Nobody has put it this clear and simple before!

Laura and Nick, I had a similar episode a month or so ago, I was ready to go postal, and give up on the whole thing. I felt cheated in a way. You wait so long for the visa, you think "eh, it must be worth it to live in the States if they make you wait so long"... Little did I know! I struggle everyday with the way people are here... We just came back from a 10 day visit, and Chris' parents and sister came. My gosh! How many times did I have to explain that in the rest of the world - ok, not the entire world, I know I'm exaggerating here - if you don't bring your reusable bag to the grocery store, you have to pay for the plastic ones!!! His mom was having the hardest time with that... I felt like screaming! :lol: And then one of the plastic bag broke and she asked me if she could get a refund!!!!!!! :rofl:

Chris and I have talked, and when I find a job - another beautiful part of the moving process - and save some money, we want to buy an apartment building up there, have a place to call our own and have some investment... One day!

Try to stay positive, but I know it's hard! It's not until you leave that you realize what a great, no correct that, awesome place Canada is. I love telling people I'm from Canada!

Hope you feel better soon, big hugs and all the support in the world! (F)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 01 June 2011 - 08:23 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-01 08:20:00
(F) Congratulations!!! You guys are having the perfect weather too, just like I told you! Have a great day, you'll remember it for the rest of your life! (F)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 24 July 2011 - 09:58 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-07-24 09:58:00
CanadaFiancee Letter of Intent

This is what we wrote, and had no RFEs :)

United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

Depending on where the USC lives, you should know if it goes to Vermont or to California Service Center. But I don't think it matters that much, in the end it's addressed to USCIS. Lol, I remember stressing out over little things like this too when filling out our application forms. As long as you don't forget to include anything important, you'll be fine! Have a smooth and short journey :)

Yes, make sure that you have the right service center first!!! Good luck with everything!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-06-10 10:33:00
CanadaCouple of pre-interview questions
Good luck by the way! Let us know how it went!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-05-07 11:04:00
Congratulations on the good news and the start of your journey! People will tell you this along the way and it'll be hard to believe, but it WILL go by quick in a way, and in two years, you'll forget about the wait!

Enjoy your time with family, friends and Tim Hortons and congratulations again!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-06-07 11:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

LOL, i'll never understand why people buy Apple computers. They are double the price for half the specs. I guess it's the ease of use for some. I love their peripheral devices, but wouldn't buy one of their computers until they either drop the price, or improve their specs. You don't need a virus scanner if you have a mac, unless you go to certain websites. If you are into torrents at all, I would get one. Mac or not, one of the biggest vulnerabilities out there is Quicktime, an apple product.

Wow, really? I've had 4 computers so far, all PCs and the only thing I can say is they s*ck! Never again! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-26 16:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Great! Thanks guys! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-26 14:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Hi everyone! Quick questions for all the computer savvy: do you need an anti-virus on a Mac computer? If so, which one should we get? Verizon offers one with their internet services, would it be enough?

Thanks for the help!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-04-26 11:25:00
CanadaAnother one of those
J& J, definitely let me know!

Udella & Wiz, Yes, that's what I was thinking would happen, logically speaking there should be a problem... I'll see what happens, I'm getting there on a Friday and leaving on the Monday, I might not even have time to go in to an office.
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-07-06 12:23:00
CanadaAnother one of those

Exactly what I did, easy peasy. I recommend shelling out and sending it UPS. It's the only way to get a tracking number. USPS can send it too, but can't do a tracking number into Canada.

Sounds good, thank you! I'm nervous about going to the office and getting my passport cut, and then being refused at the US border. Every time I've crossed over with the green card, they asked me for my passport.

I'll keep you posted! Thank you!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-07-03 08:05:00
CanadaAnother one of those
Perfect! I wish I would have seen that thread before posting! It's all there! Thank you!

In case I can't make it in person though, would I mail the form from the US to Gatineau?

Edited by Vero and Chris, 02 July 2012 - 02:30 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-07-02 14:28:00
CanadaAnother one of those
Hello everyone,
I have been reading recent posts about the passport renewal process from the US, including a very helpful one from Inky, but I have a couple questions still. If anyone cares to chip in, it would be great! :thumbs:

I'm doing the adult form since I'm changing my name to my married name. I'm also going to Canada for a visit in a couple weeks, so I was going to get my pictures taken there and get my guarantor to sign it all as well. Is this OK?

Once I get back to Virginia, I was going to mail it from here to the office in Gatineau. Is this correct? They will mail my passport to the US, correct?

Thank you for your help everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-07-02 13:56:00
CanadaCrossing border as a teacher during summer
While waiting for our K1 Visa, I visited Chris for a month and I left in June, right after school ended. I had the secretary at the school write a simple letter explaining that I was expected back at work for the new school year in August (our interview was in early August anyways, but I figured better safe than sorry). Just like any other border crossing, tell the truth and you'll be fine.
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-06-07 11:23:00
CanadaGetting Canadian Passport Picture in US
I'm glad you asked this question Wishing! I have to renew my passport soon too!

I might get mine done in Canada though, going up for a visit in July...

Hope all is well Wishing!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-05-22 14:53:00
CanadaROC Approved
Congratulations! Must be a nice feeling! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-16 14:22:00
CanadaChange of Adress

I sent mine almost a month late, and it wasn't a problem for me either. You'll be fine!

Thank you! Very reassuring :)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-17 15:05:00
CanadaChange of Adress

I have sent it in past the 10 days a few times and I am still here... lol

Thank you! When I read your post on Saturday morning, I was able to breathe again! I had to leave work early on Friday I was in such a panic! (In my defense, I quit smoking about a month ago, and certain things can set me off, ouf!)

I sent the form in overnight and did the same with the Sponsor's form on Saturday. Better late than never as they say!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-16 14:25:00
CanadaChange of Adress
I'm FREAKING OUT, I just tried to process it online, it wouldn't go through, I called USCIS and they told me I had to either complete it online or print it off and mail it in... And that for some people, it doesn't go through online!
I'm freaking out, I had no idea about the delay period, and all in all I'm probably fine. It's just that I changed my license in September, like 3 weeks after my husband change his address, we changed stuff as we went. We had no idea it was going to be a big deal!!!
AM I going to get kicked out of the country for this???
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-12 11:56:00
CanadaChange of Adress
Yes, my husband and I started changing our address with everything as we went along since the house is 5 minutes down the road. We had a lot of work to do to the house, so we didn't move in immediately. We figured we'd change things as bills came in, etc. What a stupid idea this was, right?

It's done now, nothing I can do to change it. It'll probably be a huge deal, RFE or whatever, even though it's not, but there's nothing I can change about it. I love how something as simple as this can add so much stress on people. Just awesome
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-12 10:54:00
CanadaChange of Adress

Technically according to their website you have to do it within 10 days..

I just saw on the form for the Sponsor that it's within 30 days...

So what now??? I mean, what kind of trouble am I in???

We bought the house in August, but we physically didn't move until late September... Now I'm officially freaked

Edited by Vero and Chris, 12 October 2012 - 10:39 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-12 10:38:00
CanadaChange of Adress
Thank you! This helps!

So am I in trouble because I'm a month late in letting them know? Been kind of crazy busy with the move and all...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-12 09:07:00
CanadaChange of Adress
Hi everyone,
My husband and I bought a house in August and moved in in late September. I will be sending in my application for ROC in late December, but I was wondering if I need to let USCIS know that I moved before I apply or if I can just change the address on the ROC forms? Just trying to make sure the process goes smoothly. I know there's a form, A-something for change of adress, right?

What are you thoughts, experience, etc?

Edited by Vero and Chris, 11 October 2012 - 06:42 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-11 18:41:00
CanadaI am frustrated with the U.S. Consulate in Montreal
If your wife is an US citizen, maybe she should get her congressman involved... Just a thought...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-21 13:04:00
CanadaSuper Worried for Interview

Well, now I am worried they won't even let me in the building to go with my fiance for his interview because I just have an enhanced drivers license and not an actual passport book. UGH! :( I just want to cry right now.

Do an expedite passport request like mentioned, you have plenty of time!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-17 15:37:00
CanadaSuper Worried for Interview
Hi, I was petrified before my interview too. I had posted the same kind of post, just as worried as can be! I had everything ready, prepared and quadruple-checked! Still, sometimes you just need someone to tell you that it's gonna be ok!
Everything is gonna be just fine! Remember that you're about to accomplish what you've been waiting SO LONG for! Plus, you have your fiance with you! I was worried that going alone would cause problems, but it didn't!

Be assertive, confident, smile -after all this is a positive step - and everything will be fine! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-10-17 15:04:00
CanadaNo confirmation/notice received?
Thanks Kimbear!
Yeah I mailed them in and was kind of nervous thinking the confirmation had gotten lost or something. And since I'm always on the verge of a nervous breakdown with that kind of stuff, I sure appreciate your reply :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-11-07 11:11:00
CanadaNo confirmation/notice received?
Hello - I sent my change of address form about three weeks ago and it was delivered on 10/15/2012 (same thing for my sponsor's form), and to this date, have not received any type of confirmation or notice from USCIS confirming anything. Should I call or send the forms again?

Has anyone ever had this issue?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-11-07 10:31:00
CanadaGetting ready for my first visit back to Canada!

When I drove from DC to Saskatoon last year with my dog--they didnt ask anything about her (I had her rabies cert with me) I think they actually gave her a dog biscuit when I know think of it!!

And I believe others have traveled with their marriage cert when your name does not match the passport

I just renewed my passport with my married name on it, now matching my green card, and before that I always brought my marriage certificate just in case. Better safe than sorry!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-11-12 14:48:00
CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information
As a US citizen I would assume that you can go into a US consulate without an appointment, no? What a mess, best of luck!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-11-21 14:10:00
CanadaUpdate on DHL/Loomis Opening Our Sealed Envelope

It was a mistake. But still. Frustrating and caused a bunch of headache, heartache, time and money. But it is fixed now. We have the paperwork. Now we just focus on POE and getting married. :)

Congratulations on getting the issue resolved so quickly!!! I bet you're as relieved as can be! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-12-05 15:55:00
Hi - I think it's safe to say that we all go through this at some point after moving. There's the honeymoon phase where things are just great, and then there are times where you wonder "why in the h*ck did I move here again?"

Being let go s*cks, no matter if you were still in Canada or here, it's the reality of our economy. And as others have mentioned, moving to a different state or city could be a fresh start for you both! I don't necessarily think that moving to Canada would be the best. Your husband would face the same challenges you are facing here. Overall, it would be the same problem all over again.

If you have a dog, try going to a dog park in your neighborhood, maybe you can meet people that way! And the community on here is great too! You are not alone :)

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't give up! I was an ESL teacher back in Quebec, great conditions, job I loves, friends and family close by; but my heart is here, and home is where the heart is (that sounded pretty corny)... Through it all, I'm glad I moved here and one day I hope you feel the same. Don't give up!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2012-12-10 11:58:00
CanadaRe-Newing Canadian Passport
I renewed in August as well under my married name, sent all originals with a note "Please return original documents" and received everything within 2 weeks.
I feel like Passport Canada is pretty reliable.

On a side note, you might want to get another certified copy of your marriage certificate, just to have. That's what I did (with my birth certificate and marriage certificate), so now I have two copies in case I need to send one in. I always have one home, but I'm a compulsive worrier, so... !!!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 21 January 2013 - 02:20 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-01-21 14:19:00
CanadaI-134, what supporting documents are needed?
I can't find any conclusive info on this subject so I am going to ask people who've already had their interview. My fiance doesn't have enough income reported on his last year's tax return. He will have a co-sponsor. What documents do I bring along with the I-134 to the Montreal Interview to prove I won't be a burden on the US gov't? On the USCIS website, it doesn't ask for the tax returns but people have mentioned they bring them. Also, for the co-sponsor are the W2's enough?
Hannah777FemaleCanada2013-03-24 21:39:00