CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey


lollll ._.

:lol: You'll be OK! It's very stress-free (and that's coming from ME!)
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-29 05:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Finally got our U.S Tax stuff done with on Friday :) We had a very nice lady.. I feel soooo much better now!

Good! I bet you got a whooping return, didn't you!?! After paying so much in fees for visas and what not, it's nice to get so much back!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-28 12:01:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Good luck tomorrow ken and kate, let us know how it went when you get a chance! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-28 10:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... 03/16/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... ----------- ... ----------- ... Tra: 03/24/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/18/11
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Congrats Brenda2010! :dance: Yep, you're interview-free! Just go to your bio appointment like scheduled. In some cases, some people's file is returned to the local office and then they're either approved without interview or with an interview, but I think you're good to go! :thumbs: Congrats again! That was quick!

Oh! Forgot! Good luck with your upcoming interview Ken and Kate! It's already time! March went by SO QUICK!!!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 24 March 2011 - 01:41 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-24 13:39:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Mumm... I don't know about the file date... Did you go to H&R Block or something? What about a different office? Or company? We were a mess too when it was time to file the taxes... Maybe ask before you make an appointment to have someone that deals and knows about nonresident alien tax stuff...

Or you could try to do it on your own, but be prepared for quite the hassle :bonk:

Do you have to do an itemized return?

Good luck!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-23 15:26:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Nope nothing yet. I didnt know how to get it to email us. So we have to wait for the mail

Ah, ok. You'll get them soon enough! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-23 06:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Did you receive your NOA1s yet?

Do you guys realize how quickly we were all processed? Like J&J said, I'll miss everyone and I don't know what I'll do with my time when this is over! I have to find a job quick! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-22 14:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Looks like almost everyone has their GC now! :dance:

Should we revive this thread when we start to file ROC? I'd like to see how the "August crew" makes out with that.

Hahaha! Not a bad idea at all! We'll have to do that!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-19 10:30:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Two good news! 'Lil Chicken is alive and well! He showed up Wednesday night! And second, I received my green card today! Wow, it's so fancy!!! Did you guys notice the picture of all the presidents in the back right under the magnetic band? No wonder the petition costs 1,000!!! :lol:

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... 03/16/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/18/11
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-18 12:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats on the adoption Tater! She was just too cute to give away! Well, I'll be calling home tomorrow, so hopefully he's back by then...

Congrats Alaba! Hopefully the chart looks good, I'm using our new computer and it doesn't seem right on here... Oh well!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... 03/16/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-17 12:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
It was actually Chris' idea... He's got this weird thing about naming cats after food... The one we have here, his name is Waffles! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-16 17:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks guys, I was so devastated when she told me, maybe I'm more attached than usual because we rescued him, hopefully he'll show up this week, poor 'Lil Chicken (that's his name!) :unsure:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-16 14:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yeah, she is, but since it's cold, she takes it inside during the day... Usually she just goes out on the porch, calls his name and he runs because he knows she has food... I just hope he's not hurt or anything...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-16 13:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
So when I was up in Canada last year waiting on the K-1 visa, I rescued a cat and kept it at my parents house. He's an outside cat, but he love it. Always chasing mice and what not. My mom has kept him since I left, kept feeding him and what not, but yesterday she said he had a fight with another cat in the night of Sunday, and hasn't showed up since to eat. I'm SO SAD! :crying: This cat was like this thing my mom could take care of and it would remind her of me, you know? Man, I'm so sad! Maybe he'll show up this week?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-16 06:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Congrats Tater&#######! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-15 07:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Nice! I REALLY want to go to DC and Northern VA and do the whole tourist thing, but we're pretty strapped for money right now... STILL CAN'T FIND WORK :crying: I should have my own private fund :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-14 12:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
You know, I had no idea it was march break! Are all the kids out of school? Well, have a good week everyone!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-14 06:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Congrats Brenda2010! Good news! What office are you dealing with?

mandaNchris, I wouldn't waste my time going to the SSN office either! She obviously made a mistake taking your number down! What an idiot! :bonk: Talk about stressing someone out for nothing!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-12 17:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Good news mandaNchris! :thumbs: Let us know when you received your NOA!
This is so weird, the SSN thing! I'm sure it's just a mistake though, I'm sure you'll be OK. Are you going to go to the SSN office?

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-11 17:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, that's a tough decision... But look at her! She's so cute! And she seems to get along really well with your other dog... Plus, how are you going to be able to let her go after having taken care of her so much? Alright, I'm not helping, am I? :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-11 12:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hahaha, Tater&#######, now I know EXACTLY how you felt!!! I was sooo mad at her, but it didn't last long! :D

What a cute little puppy!!! She's adorable!!! And no, like you said, doesn't look like a terrier at all! Hope you guys find a good family for her! Why not keep her?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-11 10:40:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
You know, I was under the impression that you don't absolutely need to put in your SSN when you file your AOS... Ask a question in the Canada forum, I'm sure someone somewhere has filed without their SSN... This way you don't have to wait until that problem gets taken care of before you send your package...

And thanks everyone for the cheers, I feel GREAT! But the stress of this week gave me a cold... Here I was thinking that I wouldn't get one this year because I wasn't in Canada... :crying:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-11 06:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi everyone!!! Good news! Card Production Ordered! :dance: BUT, it was not stress-free believe me! Here's what happened:

So we got to the place a good hour before 9am. The place was actually pretty busy. We went in for our interivew at around 9:10am. I was a nervous mess because the people right in front of us had been seperated, and I thought, great... But we were interviewed by a really nice woman, not overly friendly, but nice. She started by asking for our IDs. I then had to show her the interview letter because for some reason it had the wrong city on it, but it got to me fine... It's like they wrote down the voting district instead of the city. But my EAD and AP had the right one... So anyways, she went through the list, asking me if I was a prostitute, a terrorist, etc, etc. Then she asked us to show her what we had brought as evidence. I showed her out tax transcript for 2010, a letter from Chris' 401K stating I am the main beneficiary, all our statements from our joint account, the letter from the vet, and our pictures. She looked through the pictures very quickly, and then asked us how we met. We talked for a little bit, and she was laughing with us and smiling. So I thought, yeah! this is going great! She also explained the procedure to remove the conditions. Then, she says "I have seen everything I need, I will let you know if I need further information in the next few weeks". I was like WHAT??????? Aren't you going to say approved or something? She took my I-94 but not my EAD and AP. When I was reading reviews for the office in Norfolk, several people were saying they were not approved on the spot, but by the time they got home, they had receive an e-mail for card production... So I was OK I guess, but you can imagine that I really was a nervous mess!
So we get home, and I'm checking the e-mails every 5 minutes while Christopher sings his own version of a Rolling Stones song, quote "Help me out, my butt cheeks are burning". This is what happens when you operate on 5 hours of sleep! I could have hit him! :lol: But then I checked them again (the e-mails) and I got the a message saying that on March 10th the card production was ordered! :dance:

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Oh, and I asked her just before we left about the possible government shut-down. And she said that USCIS is independently funded so if it does come to that, they are still going to be working. For those of you who were wondering.
VERY relieved! :dance:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-10 12:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Perfect! Thanks for the replies guys! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-08 15:09:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey, just wondering, are jeans OK at the interview? I doubt I'll get Chris to wear anything else!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-08 10:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Yep, the next step is waiting for your bio appointment letter. Shouldn't come in more than two months. Then you'll get some news on your AP and EAD (you need your bio appointment to get your EAD), and then your case will either get transfered to California, or you'll get an interview date... I don't think there's any rime or reason as to who gets an interview and who doesn't... Out of the 8 of us who have already filed, 6 got an interview date...

Edited by Vero and Chris, 07 March 2011 - 08:00 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-07 20:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Nah... I don't think it matters... As long as you file in time, I don't think they will look at the exact date and make a big deal out of it... That's just my opinion though, you guys should do what you feel is right, trust your gut feeling!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-07 16:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Aw Vero don't worry! We're all going to laugh at you so much (in a nice way) when you get back and tell us how much you were over worried!

Manda and Chris; just send the thing! HAHAHA. It's way easier than the K1, and you have all the forms already. I would apply for AP anyways, I got mine almost 2 months before and it was nice to have. In case there is an emergency or something.

Yeah I agree with you... You never know if someone is going to get sick or something... And, it's not that much more paperwork to do. If you have time, maybe reconsider... Is it that much more money wise though? I didn't think of that part...

Gosh, Tater I hope I am wrong and I will gladly laugh at this whole thing too! I just want it to be done!!! :wacko:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-07 13:40:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Tater&#######, Thanks for the info about frito feet!

mandaNchris, If you send it through UPS or FedEx, you'll be ok. Chris had his passport sent to him when he was first in Quebec and hadn't met him yet. He got it fine. You probably want a service that you can track, definitely... And USPS tracking system is the worst! It never gets updated! Maybe pay the extra and go with UPS... And let us know when you mail your AOS in, and take your time to do so, you don't want to forget anything!

Alright, well I'm in full-blown stress mode, with 3 days to go until my interview. Woke up at 4 and couldn't fall back to sleep... It's gonna be a loooooong 3 days I can tell you that! Chris is already exasperated!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-07 07:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I feed my dog Apple Cider Vinegar and clean his paws with it to stop the smell. Not only does it help the PH balance digestively to eat it, but stops the urine from killing your grass and stops his paws from having "frito feet". Since he matured he has smelly feet. It's like their version of sweat, marks territory and ####### like that. All I know is it stinks so we feed him ACV and clean his paws with it, makes a huge difference.

Oh wow, never thought of that!!! Do you dilute it in water before you give it to him? And what do you mean by frito feet? Like cracked?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-05 12:09:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
:rofl: Brenda2010, that's exactly what I've been doing too! Maybe we could start a blog and take over Martha Stewart! I do have a lot of tips on how to dissolve stain just with vinegar!!! Maybe we could have a show on the OWN network, haha!

Thanks Tater&####### for the reassurance, I do over-analyse everything, I can't help it, it's an OCD thing... Chris has to count everything he does, so I guess we fit well together!

About the health thing, Rose416 said that it was brought up at her interview, and she explained why she has no coverage right now, and if I remember, her interview guy said that they understand that you can't get everything in a span of 5 months...
I'm in the same situation, if Chris were to put me on his insurance, it would be 400$ a month because I'm unemployed. So if this comes up at our interview, I'll explain that I'm waiting to find work so I can either be put on his insurance or get my own through work.. Makes sense, no?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-04 13:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Wow, so much has happened since I was last on here! 


User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12 ...... N/A .... N/A .......... 04/16/13(a) .... 
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda2010 .... 3/21/13 ..... 03/29/13 ........ 04/30/13
Rose416 ....... 2/xx/13 ..... 02/xx/13 ........ 02/14/13


Congratulations nickbits and AandB! That's great news!!! And smooth process! 


Yeah, it seems like with Vermont it's looking like it'll be a while, but I agree J&J, this is not as bad as waiting for the fiance visa!

I know it'll be a while but that's ok, I'm here and things are not too shabby smile.png


Glad your biometrics went well and is done with! And yeah, no notices, just waiting at this point!


nickbits, did you receive the notification by email or by mail? Email, right? 




Edited by Vero and Chris, 02 May 2013 - 07:55 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-05-02 19:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda2010 .... 3/21/13 ..... 03/29/13 ........ 04/30/13
Rose416 ....... 2/xx/13 ..... 02/xx/13 ........ 02/14/13

J&J has a magic keyboard!!! Good for you Brenda2010, I'll send you good vibes on the 30th!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-04-12 09:24:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Usually takes a week or two, but for some people it's taking a little longer depending where there service area will be for biometrics. Some of the service centers are overly booked so they might just be waiting to book more appointments. I noticed that the Philadelphia area is taking longer then most. If it doesn't arrive within 2-3 weeks I would call USCIS and ask why you haven't gotten a appointment date yet, they will probably put in a service request for you to get a appointment date.

Very wise :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-04-10 18:30:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Oh good, today would be a week after so we'll see - why o why am I so impatient? Lord! Going through Vermont. Have a good weekend!

Any news?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-04-09 08:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
My biometrics appointment letter is dated 01-14-2013, about a week after I received my I-797. Maybe give it another week? What service center are you going through again?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-04-04 18:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda 2010 ... 3/21/13 ..... 03/29/13
Rose416 ....... 2/xx/13 .... 02/xx/13 ......... 02/14/13

Good to hear from you Rose! Congrats on the addition to the family!

I remember you telling us about having a hard time getting your finger prints... Hopefully it goes smoother this time, we'll send the machine good vibes during your appointment! :)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 31 March 2013 - 05:37 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-03-31 17:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda 2010 ... 3/21/13

Congrats on the bio appointment, one step closer! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-03-27 18:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13
Brenda 2010 ... 3/21/13

Yeah! One more to the list! Congrats Brenda2010, and you're welcome! Have a great weekend!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 22 March 2013 - 05:50 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-03-22 17:49:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13

Congrats on sending you ROC! One step closer, let me know when you receive you I-797! Glad things are well, keep in touch!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 20 March 2013 - 05:33 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2013-03-20 17:32:00