CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, don't you guys just love it! I was SO pissed when I went to the DMV last week. Apparantly, the slip that the SIN card came on is not 'official' enough as a proof of adress... :bonk:

Tater&#######, we'll have similar timelines, yeah! Well, hopefully we will! Who knows with this wonderful immigration process... (oh, let me know when you receive the paper NOA1 so I can update our list)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 19 October 2010 - 03:24 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-19 15:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Thanks everyone for all your support :)

Glad to hear Vero that your reception/party went great.
Alba, I hope your POE went smooth.
Rose416, have a great time at you BBQ coming up.
wishing, I hope that check gets cashed soon
and mandaNchris hope you get that SSN in the mail soon too!

Trying to keep up with the updates..hehe

Ya'll Keep Safe now :)

Haha, :lol:

Got the e-mail yesterday confirming reception of our package! Should receive the NOA1 soon! Yeah!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-19 06:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys, i'm finally POEing tomorrow, so i just wanted to make sure of something. I will be entering at the peace bridge in Buffalo, NY, and when we pull up to the customs officer, do i just tell him right away that i'm activating my K1 Visa, and if so do i hand him the sealed envelope or wait until i'm in secondary to give it there? Also do i need to take my xrays out of the car and give it to them aswell? Thanks

Yeah, just drive up and say "I'd like to activate my K-1 visa". They'll send you to secondary and then they'll take the enveloppe. I mean, I flew so it might have been different... It's really nothing to worry about. At this point, it's pretty much said and done. Just be prepared to wait...

So we had our reception/party on Saturday and everything went GREAT! We had such a good time! My brother and sister-in-law were here, and it was great to have family around and be able to show them where I live. It all worked out fine! It was weird because as soon as the party started, all the stress just vanished! I'm still a little hungover I think, but was it ever worth it! Americans sure know how to celebrate!

Hope everyone is doing good! I'm still waiting to hear something from USCIS about my AOS, but I'm not gonna start stressing about that just yet. I have to go to the bank with Chris still, so he can put me on his account. It's hard because he works all the time.I think I might be too late now to just get the license without having to take a test. I shouldn't have waited this long... Oh well, just another complication!
Take care everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-18 07:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I feel the same way too! Except that I woke up last night, panic attack, freaking out about RFEs, about whether or not our AOS would be denied, what would happen next... I am so scared that they'll think Chris does not have enough proof of financial support and just deny our AOS. Hopefully they'll give us a RFE instead... And then the medical part... Gosh, let's just hope things go smoothly...

I'm just stressed out because our reception/cookout is Saturday and there's SO MUCH to do, I don't think I'll make it through in one piece! And Chris might have to work tomorrow :angry: ...
Enough rambling, it'll all be just fine, right? RIGHT?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-14 05:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, I'm sorry for your loss J&J (F) ...

Here's our list again, thanks Rose416 for your dates! I don't know what we should put beside the EAD/NOA and AP/NOA... I guess we receive an initial NOA just like with everything else, don't we? Do you guys want me to put those dates in?

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Let me know if you want me to put down the dates for the NOA1 for EAD and AP. And if you did receive those, let me know when so I can update it.

Have a good day everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-13 13:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks Tater&#######, here you are!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Has everyone POEed yet?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-12 12:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

woohoo congrats Wishing :thumbs:

Yeah congrats! :thumbs:

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Tater&#######, did you mail your package? Let me know so I can update the list! Oh, and I tried to get my driver's license but they wouldn't do it because I didn't have enough proof of residence... So, gotta go to the bank now... :bonk:

Edited by Vero and Chris, 12 October 2010 - 11:03 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-12 11:01:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, tell me about it! Chris' family's idea of a good breakfast is sausage bicuits, i.e. a fat patty on a butter bun... The perfect recipe for a heart attack!
Oh, and then you have country fried steak, where someone had the brilliant idea of making steak even worse for you by breading it and frying it!

Gosh, better stop, I could go on, and on, and on....
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-11 09:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

In MI you can prove residency with docs in a family member's name if you can prove the relationship.

So the bills/statements were/are in my name and the marriage cert is proof of relationship. Worked fine the first time.

Maybe your state has a similar clause?

Ah... Didn't think about that! I'll make sure I bring some of his bills with me then! Thanks for the tip! This is the second time you've saved the day nickbits!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-10 18:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ah, ok! Well, good luck! I'm a little worried because I have no proof of residency except for the slip that my SSN card came in. Hopefully that'll do...

I'll keep you posted, and let us know how it went too!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-10 14:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
nickbits, I'm going on Tuesday to get that done too! What are you bringing with you? I was gonna bring my passport, my driver's license, my SSN card, the slip in came in to show adress, marriage certificate, and... I think that's it! What about you?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-10 12:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
See that's so weird because I didn't run into any problems when I got my card at firt, and when I gt te name change. I mean, the person at the desk didn't even ask me any questions, just like they knew exactly what they were doing... I hope I don't run any trouble in the near future... :S
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-09 13:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, I'm envious... :P Lucky you!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-08 12:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi Rose416!!! Yep, my brother and his wife are coming down, very excited!!!
Tater&#######, good luck with the pup teething!!! You should see our back porch, the ENTIRE screen is destroyed, thanks to Tobias (yeah, goofy name for a dog... It's from a character in Arrested Development) So did you send your package today?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-07 12:09:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi Rose416! Good to hear from you!!! What are you up to lately? Are you volunteering like you wanted to? I've added your date!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-06 14:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Alaba, the Carribeans?!? You lucky thing! I'm SO jalous right now!!! :P

Well, here's our list with the dates we have so far - thanks nickbits!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Well I'm leaving here in a second to send the package off! I'm already stressing out about whether or not I'll run into any trouble. I'm the most worried about the I-864. We didn't use a co-sponsor since we didn't need one at the interview after all, but I'm nervous they'll think otherwise for this... Well, hopefully they'll send an RFE and not just flat out deny it!

Good luck for everyone and their upcoming POE!

Edited by Vero and Chris, 06 October 2010 - 08:16 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-06 08:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

This is cool, looks like we will journey together til the bitter end :thumbs:

I haven't POE'd yet. I'm POEing Oct. 19 and wil be getting married in late Novemeber. So i guess i'm the last one to be doing all this. But I will post, ask questions and ride this out.

Blessings to all, hope your all doing good.


Good to hear from you! You must be excited! Where are you moving to? We're having the reception/cookout for our wedding on the 16th, I'm really excited!

Have a good POE and let us know how it went!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-05 14:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys, me again!
So I don't know if I'm taking this too far, but I copied our list of interviews from August, and thought we could do a little timeline for our AOS. I haven't heard from several people on the list, so I took them out (if you read this, let us know how you're doing, and please don't be mad at me omitting you (F) ).

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Rose416 ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Vero and Chris xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Wishing ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
nickbits ...... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...
Tater&####### .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... ...... xx/xx/xx ... ...

I know Rose416 and nickbits have sent off their AOS, and if you guys want to let me know the date you sent it in and if you got your NOA yet, and on what date, I'll start updating the list!

Ok, just noticed that the list looks like #######, I'll figure it out later, or once I get some dates in it! It wasn't suppose to look retarded like that! :lol:

Edited by Vero and Chris, 05 October 2010 - 11:35 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-05 11:33:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

My POE went great. took an hour and was only asked if the info on the papers were correct. then she called me back up to get my finger prints and photo. then of course when she was finished I had to pay them the six dollars for the I-94 and collect my passport. The one guard that was watching over the womans shoulder said something about Alex needing a visa and the lady told him no he doesnt need one, hes already an American. I POE'd at the Ambassador bridge between Windsor Ontario and Detroit Mi. Then it was a 14 hour drive to Georgia (from having to stop and change Alex, would have only been 11 or 12 hours if it was just Chris and I)

Awesome! You're in Georgia! We're not that far! Well, a good 10 hours drive :P
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-05 06:30:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I POE'd Sept. 15th. Went to apply for my SNN on Friday Oct. 1st and the woman said I was not in the system. Boy they sure do like to take their time. She told me to try in another couple of weeks *sigh*

Gosh, that sucks. I find this so strange though, I went to get my SSN number 7 business days after my POE, and had no problem whatsoever! I think someone else was saying they had to wait... Well, at least you'll get it quick once you're in the system.

How did your POE go? And where did you POE again?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-04 11:30:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thank you for all the info and for the great review Tater&#######, it really helps! I'm happy you are done with immigration for two years, and like you I don't think I'll worry about removal of conditions for another year after! :lol:

I am in the same position work-wise. I thought I could get away without doing retail, but it looks like that's what I'll have to do for a little bit. In order to get my teaching license, I have to get my documents translated (260$) and get my credentials (140$)... Needless to say that it's an expense I didn't think about... I'm going to wait for my Canadian tax return and then get it done...

I'm a nervous mess right now for this interview. I realise that it's basic, it's nothing new, nothing I can't handle, BUT through all this you guys must have figured out by now that I absolutely hate not being in control of things in my life. Since I have a lot of time on my hand, I get psychotic and think about me getting denied and being banned from the US forever! :lol: I know it's just me being me, Chris is not worried about it at all! I don't know, I guess there's just so much to loose! But I have to bring myself back to reality; we're not doing anything wrong, haven't done anything wrong, and that's that! I was trying to calm myself down, thinking about how bad I was before the K-1 interview and how well it went! It helps! I just wish J&J were there too this time :lol:

Alright, enough rambling! I'm working on an updated I-864 right now. I will not be bringing pay stubs though, so we'll see what happens. Chris gets an old-fashioned check so he doesn't have a pay stub per say. For the K-1 interview, the secretary had photocopied her part of the check (that little square thing), I felt like I was back in the 80's! :lol:

Have a good day everyone! And a good weekend too!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-04 09:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
:thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: Great news Tater&#######!!! That's awesome! Gosh, I HOPE ours goes as smoothly and swiftly as yours!!! Hope you guys get better soon!!! Congratulations again!!!

And, maybe when you have more time, if you want to share with us what to do next, meaning after the 2 years green card, that would be awesome!!! What did he mean by we can apply for citizenship after 3 years of marriage?
Oh, and he didn't ask for anything about health insurance or about the medical?

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-03 15:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Sending all my good vibes to Tater&#######! :star: Can't wait to see how it went!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-03 07:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
No worries Brenda2010!

Good luck Tater&####### tomorrow! Can't wait to update the list and put one more approval :dance:

Since we're talking about interviews here, quick question for Wishing, Rose416, nickbits... Did you bring anything at all regarding your medical? I'm bringing the receipt, vaccination sheet, sealed enveloppe with a CD in it I think, basically everything that was given to me after the K-1 interview... I was just reading in the AOS forum that some people were getting a civil surgeon to fill in a form? :blink: This is why I usually stick with the Canada forum...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-02 13:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Wow, that sucks! Talk about an understanding boss -not! I didn't know you had to drive that long for the interview... Kinda sucks! I'm sure you guys will be fine though.
And keep your chin up, you'll find work soon... I'm in the same boat here, not great at all :wacko:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-02 07:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Oh boy, now I feel like a dumb a**. Although I keep saying simply EAP/AOS I think I did that too...thought that was covered off when I submitted the I-131/Application for Travel Document, non?

I'm sure you did, I was just making sure because I thought you had done like Ken and Kate and choose not to apply for it, just wanted to double check I guess! Don't worry though, if you know the name of the form, that means you filled it! :lol:

Edited by Vero and Chris, 01 March 2011 - 09:48 AM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-01 09:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Congrats Brenda2010! :thumbs: Just to know, did you apply for AP as well?
I think Tater&####### did the EI thing, you might get a lot of info from her. As for job hunting before getting the EAD, it all depends I think... If you're specialized in a field, you might be able to look right away and find an employer who will wait for you and hold the job until you get the card. But if it's just random, I don't think people will be that understanding... I don't know, I guess it depends on where you are too...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-03-01 07:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yeah, I guess when people get to a certain age, it's a day-to-day deal, you never know what's going to happen. At least you guys were there and got to see her.

I know what you mean about this checklist, I feel like K-1 interview all over again! I'm almost done with everything, except that we asked for our tax transcript for 2010 and I don't think we'll get it in time. I have the printout from Turbo tax though at least. And I want to make copies of our bank statement just in case they ask for evidence for the support form. And I think I might get Chris to sign an updated affidavit of support, just to be safe!

3 more days Tater&#######! You're that close to being done with immigration for two years! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-28 09:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Question about the checklist for items to bring to the interview; what are "All documentation establishing your eligibility for permanent residence". Your I-94, passport, EAD and AP I think...

Also, since my medical was done in Aug and I sent a copy of my immunization records and receipt for medical with my AOS, sealed documents were given at K1 interview... I don't need anything else right? Just planning on bringing the immunization records and receipt and DVD I got. I wasn't given anything else from Dr. Seidens. That's what I will bring too, since the medical was already submitted at the border... I think that if they had lost it or needed something else before the interview, we would have gotten a RFE...

Oh, and sorry about your loss, I hope you guys are ok (F)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 27 February 2011 - 12:24 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-27 12:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Me again...
So I heard that now, the cut-off date for a possible government shutdown would be March 7th... Right before my interview... Guys, please knock on wood for me that this doesn't happen!!! That would suck!!!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-26 07:38:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Glad to hear from you ken and kate! I'm glad work opportunities are flowing where you are! Can you send some my way :lol: ? Good luck with everything (especially the car!) And you're right, we're next! I'm so relieved that so many of us are having interviews (that might sound bad, but I mean it in a good way!), makes me relax about the whole thing I guess!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-24 13:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- N/A --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Thanks Rose416, hopefully it all goes ok! Have a safe and stress-free move! I HATE moving! Check in with us when you get a chance! And congrats on receiving your green card!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-24 07:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

lol He is very special to me. Thank you for the happy birthday to him. He was a planned C-section, so we cheated lol. I didnt want him born on the 29th but Chris did, I gave in and said ok. By that time I was very sore and wanted him out anyways. He was 3 weeks early.

Lol, it's crazy anyways! How many "real" birthdays as he had? He's young still right? Anyways, enjoy the family time on Saturday!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-23 14:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

We got all our copies made and I will be typing up our cover letter and the letter for AP saying why I want it today. We are going to get the pictures on Friday, Then it will be ready to send out on Monday.... hopefully lol

Our sons birthday is on Monday (sort of, his B-day is actually the 29th), so we are having Chris' Mom and step father over for dinner and cake on Saturday.

Great! Let us know when it's officially shipped!
Wow, your son's birthday is on the 29th? How cool is that!!! I've never heard of/met anyone born on the 29th! He must be quite special, happy birthday to him!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-23 11:44:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Good morning everyone!

So, there's this thread on the AOS forum about a possible governement shut-down after March 4th! Hopefully that won't happen! I don't want to miss my interview!

Any news from ken and kate? How about the rest of our crew? Has anyone heard from them? I think Brenda2010 was about ready to send her package, but not sure if she did...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-22 08:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- N/A --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Rose416, I assume you must have received your green card, right? I guess I forgot to update the list! When did you receive it?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-21 07:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ok, so I found a translation of my birth certificate, it's not from the same person that did the one I sent in for the AOS, but it's stamped from the notary, so hopefully that won't be a big deal...
Thanks for the input guys! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-18 08:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I would bring anything I thought could be useful. No harm in bringing too much.
I had tons of stuff they didn't ask for but I rather had it and not needed it than needed it and not have it.

So true... I'll do that then!

Do you guys know why some cases are transfered and some aren't? Is it random?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-17 10:17:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats J&J! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: Wow, this is great news for you guys!!!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- N/A --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------

Look at this beautiful list of approvals!!! Hopefully Tater&####### and I will be added soon!
Congrats again you guys!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-16 15:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

got the email last night, card production ordered!

No way!!! For Orfee's green card? Awesome news :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: Quick process!!! Congratulations to both of you! Let me know when you receive it!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... ----------- ... ----------- ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- N/A --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... ------------- ..... ----------- ..... ------------

I brought a freshly signed affidavit of support with me (along with supporting proof) but was never asked for it.

I'm surprised how much less stuff we were asked to provide at the interview versus what others have reported here.

Our interview:
Are you a terrorist?
Can you show me something with your US address on it?

Wasn't asked for pictures or originals of anything, although I had sent in an original marrage cert with the application.

Thanks nickbits... I wonder what I should do? I was thinking of getting Chris' boss to sign another letter, and bring the latest statement from his savings account. What do you think? Sorry to put you on the spot nickbits, but you're like our Yoda! Full of wisdom! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2011-02-16 12:47:00