CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ..Int.12/13/10
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10 ... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
ken and kate .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

Congratulations nickbits! I guess that means it's approved if it's in production, right? I put it in as of yesterday with the (a) for approved. Congratulations again! :dance:

J&J, I'm glad everything went according to plan! You guys make such a cute couple! Can we see a picture? Congratulations!

Thanks eveyrone else for the info on the biometrics. I'm not looking forward to the long drive the day before thanksgiving... Should be interesting...

mandaNchris, I'm glad some things are getting 'fixed' before your bid day! My mom always use to tell me 'you won't remember it on your wedding day' when something would happen and piss me off or annoy me! I guess it could not be more true in this case!

Have a good day everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-17 07:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

We're sending ours in tomorrow and i think we're just going to go ahead and send in $1090. i have a feeling that they going to go by their receipt date not by the posted date, as in - when the put it in their system and not the postage stamp..

we've hit the fee increase every step of the way! it sucks..

It's worth trying it, you're saving money! I know, it sucks! Chris always jokes around to his friends, saying he 'paid' to get his wife shipped to him... :lol:

Let me know tomorrow when you send it, and I'll update the list! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-16 12:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ah, ok thanks for letting me know! I don't think I would have thought of bringing that... Here's what I'm bringing, let me know if I forget anything!
- Marriage certificate (thanks again!)
- App letter
- Passport
- Driver's license
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-15 15:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I only just got touches on my biometrics days (11/13/2010) and today on my EAD and AOS...but my AP is still from the filing date. So I wouldn't worry too much Vero cuz I don't think you've had biometrics yet, right? ;)

And my AOS still says "Acceptance" its not even at Initial Review yet too...

Ah, that's right you had your biometrics on Friday, right? How did it go?

Yeah, you're right, I just like to vent though :lol: !
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-15 13:48:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ahhhh... Ok! I know what you're talking about now! Chris has some too... Not George Micheal style though! :lol:

So guys, I haven't been touched since October 21st, and my AOS still says 'acceptance'... It's really starting to piss me off! :angry:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-15 13:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Good to hear that the biometrics is easy. I wonder why they make you take out your earrings. I will be sure to leave mine at home sense they do this. I dont want to lose them. I've never heard of that type of piercing before. What if you have to have an MRI or something and cant have any metal in your body??? Can it be removed for that??

Yeah! Good question!!! Where is it exactly and how come you can't take it off?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-15 07:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Wow, mandaNchris, that's quite the nightmare! It almost sounds like a Hollywood movie scenario!!! Hopefully everything will work out fine!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-14 18:10:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Mummm, that's a good question... Does it say so on the USCIS website? Try looking in the I485 info section and see what they say about the fee...
I mean, if you send it but they receive after the 23rd, I wouldn't be surprised that they ask for more money... Let's say you mail it on the 19th and they don't issue a NOA1 before the 25th, for exmaple...

I don't know, someone else might want to add to that....
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-14 10:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Holy sh*t!!! That deductible is INSANE!!! Wow, I'd be broke too!!! At least everyone is safe and he made it home ok! What a nightmare though!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-12 13:49:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

i'm here!

we got married on 10-31 and we're in the process of getting everything together to mail off. most likely next week..since i totaled my car on the way to pick orfee up for poe, things have been a little stressful. but we got a new car on thursday so, least that's done.

so far orfee has got his ssn, but we can't get him on my lease till he has a Virginia license/id and we don't have any mail in his name to get the VA license (easiest thing to prove residency would be a lease) its a pretty aggravating cycle..

plus, orfee didn't get any type of vaccination sheet from his medical in montreal, so we're kind of stuck there as well.

other than all this immigration #######, life is grand :thumbs:

Hey Valerie78! Glad to hear things are ok! Oh my god... Where did you have an accident? Was it because of all the bad drivers in Quebec? That must have been quite the nightmare...
I guess Orfee could open up a bank account since he has his SSN... I know that's all you need, with the passport and I-94, and Suntrust and Wachovia have free checking accounts... That would be proof enough of residence, if the person at the DMV knows what he/she is doing!
You guys got married on Halloween! Did you wear costumes? That's so original!

And did you guys try to contact the medical office where he had his medical done? I'm sure they could send him one. He had to have had it done because they needed it at the consulate... They might have forgotten to give him a copy - how convenient...
Let us know when you guess send your package, and we'll update the list!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-12 13:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I posted a review of it on the Canada forum, but just thought I'd do a little dance :dance: because I got my driver's license today!

How's everyone doing? Eh, have you guys heard from Valerie78 and Brenda2010? Should we keep them on the list? I haven't heard from neither in a long time...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-12 12:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey everyone,

So Rose416, I'm going to the DMV on Friday, I guess I'll see if I can get a license or not. I'll make sure to ask all my questions first! Star_shine from NC went to the DMV, and they told here she needed car insurance before they could issue her license, only to find out that she actually needed her EAD. Nickbits, weren't you saying that your wife got her driver's license without any issue? And where are you guys from again?

As for the AOS interview documents, I have very few options. Not to go into a life story here, but we live with his parents, his cell-phone is free with his work, his car insurance is with his parents policy and I'm not on his health insurance because it was too much money for my liking... But we do have a joint account. After I go to the DMV on Friday and if they issue a driver's license for me, I'll be added to the car insurance, so that'll be one more piece of evidence. And I was thinking of going to Kohls and get a card, even though I don't need it...I refuse to get a cell-phone. I guess I'll have to make sure I get several letters written up if I do get an interview, and bring all the evidence I had for the K-1 interview... There's not much more I can do... I don't feel like signing up for all these useless things just to prove we're married... I don't know! :bonk:

Has anyone had any touches or anything? Nothing here... I want to be touched :lol: !!! At least something!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-10 14:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I know I am a cr-1 and Not a k-1 but I just got my ssn and I think we will be going on saturday to try to get my MD license. I will tell them where to go if I have to redo the driving test heck i just did one 2 months ago and I too have teenage nerves without the teenage hood.I am pretty sure your canadian license is good for a set time, My insurance company usaa said I have one year to get a us license.

Ah! That's good to know! At least it's not like we won't have a license at all if we can't get one right away! Thanks for the info!

Hey, Ken and Kate! Glad to hear everything went well for your POE, move and wedding! I'll add you to our list, and then this way if you want let me know the dates and I'll update it!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...Int.12/13/10
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10 ... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
ken and kate .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

nickbits, you guys are so organized! I wish Chris and I were like that! I'm VERY worried because we do not have anything under our name except for a bank account. No car insurance, no rent/mortgage, no bills, nothing! I have no idea what I should do... Get a cell phone? We're saving money right now to buy a house, so we live with his parents - not as bad as it might sound - so if we have an AOS interview, I 'm gonna be screwed... Eh, but I've got lots of pictures! :wacko:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-09 13:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Rose416, thanks for the info about the biometrics! And I sure hope I don't have to take a test again. I think it would be retarded anyways, I've been driving for 10 years, I don't see the point. But I'm sure there will be a glitch somehow... I'm thinking of going on Friday now that my I-94 expires on the 17th... But see, the paper I got from the DMV here, says that I can go with an unexpired or expired I-94... This is just so confusing!

nickbits, what are you gathering as proof for your AOS interview? I'm very nervous because apart from a bank account, we don't have anything under both our names yet...

Alaba, I'm sure that even though it's not a beach wedding it'll be beautiful... I mean, it's the Carribean, how bad can it be!

Have a good day everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-09 07:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Wife got her interview notice today! 12/13/2010

I saw the envelope and was like great an RFE, but nope it was the interview notice.

Still no approval on AP/EAD. I figured that would come first but I guess not.

FYI to everyone, the notice date is Nov 3, but the USCIS site shows no touches since 10/29 (from biometrics), so the website isn't too up to date.

Question: Does this mean they didn't lose her medical? The notice says to bring a sealed I693 if not already submitted but I assuming they have it, does that sound reasonable?

Congratulations nickbits! You guys are flying through this process :dance:
About your medical, I would think they received it because you would have had a RFE prior to getting an interview date, no? And I was just reading on the AOS forum that someone got a RFE after his interview for co-sponsor, so if there was an issue, I'm sure they would give you a RFE after the interview or something like that, not just plain deny you...

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...Int.12/13/10
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10.... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------

Hey, Tater&#######, you have your biometrics tomorrow!!! Excited?
And Rose416 had hers last week, I wonder how it went... Is it complicated? Is it quick? Did you guys get there early or just on time for your appointment?

I've pretty much given up on checking my status on the USCIS website... It stresses me out and nothing is going on anyways, so I'll just wait for an e-mail!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-08 10:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats! :thumbs:

I was denied getting my driver's license last month. Now that I have enough proof of residence, I'll have to go again, but I have a feeling they'll get me to take the test again. I had two different information from them... One said I needed to get my license within 60 days of moving here, and the other did not even mention anything like that... We'll see I guess! I have to go before the end of November though, because I have to pay my Quebec license in December... :wacko:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-04 15:14:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hehe we're having a destination wedding ceremony in the Carribean in April... :blush: :star:

:o Rub it in, rub it in.... :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-03 09:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Man, is everyone going to the Carribean or what?!? :P
You guys are lucky! Maybe next year for us...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-02 15:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh... A beach wedding... In the Carribean... Where it's warm...

Can I go?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-02 07:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

We took our son out trick or treating and there was what looked like a 14 year old girl dressed up as a play boy bunny and two boys dressed as slutty girls with her. It was a little disturbing, not because the boys were dressed as girls but that they were dressed in so little clothes. Made me want to cover my sons eyes lol

Gosh! I bet!!! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-01 19:38:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey Guys, finally got a chance to write.

POE went smooth at the Fort Erie Peace Bridge, nothing out of the ordinary. Arrived In Puerto Rico Oct. 19, and will be getting married Nov 21. What can I say, life is good in the Carribean.

Going to apply for my SIN card tomorrow, as it will have been to weeks.

Good news! Glad everything went well! Excited about the big day? I still can't believe you get to actually LIVE in the Carribean!!!

Odd, I found them less slutty here haha. I dressed as a cooked egg, my husband dressed as bacon. We made an adorable breakfast.

Really? Oh my gosh, every place we went was like Hugh Heffner's dream!!!(Don't know if I spelled his name right...)
Haha, love your idea of a costume!!! Might have to do that next year!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-01 15:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I can't wait to be in the AOS stage with ya'll! Wedding is soooon 14 days away...Very excited.

How was everyones halloween?

Gosh, two weeks! You guys must be so excited!!! Any family coming from Canada? I don't know if I've asked that before...

Halloween was fun, but I was a little shocked by the sluttiness of the average american woman... Most of them confused Halloween parties for Playboy parties...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-01 13:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Haha, thanks Rose416, just as I was talking to Chris' mom about how I hadn't gotten the letter yet, it came in the mail today!!! Yeah! Appointment is November 24th!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10.... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------

So, here's something that's worrying me though... On the USCIS website, my AOS still says it's in the "Acceptance" step. But the paragraph below syas: "The acceptance step is typically completed within 2 business days of when the application is received." So, I haven't had a touch since 10/21/10... Wonder what's wrong with that... :wacko:

Edited by Vero and Chris, 01 November 2010 - 12:45 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-11-01 12:44:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement, but I'm not getting my hopes up... Star_shine who's from NC had to get her congressman involved to get a letter, after having waited two months... It makes me nervous because we're somewhat close, and I hope it's not a trend in the southern offices... But there's not much I can do at this point!

Congrats Rose416! Another step completed! How did your cookout/party go?

Oh, and thanks nickbits for the info about 'touches', I just now saw it! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-29 10:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10.... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------

Congratulations Wishing!!! :thumbs: That's good news!!! Where is your appointment?
I can't help but being a little envious though :blush: , that was quick! And now, I'm definitely worried! How come I didn't get one yet??? :(

Does anyone know who I should call to enquire about it? nickbits probably knows :P , nickbits if you're reading this, who do you think I should call?
And here I was thinking I was done with all this b.s.
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-29 06:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Didn't get any notification nor did the online status change but we did get a touch 1 week before the letter was in our hands.

And yep she has her bio today, so I'm hoping for some approvals soon! We're hoping to go back to Canada for US Thanksgiving.

Ah, good! So I guess I'll keep an eye for a touch! Do you get an e-mail notification when you get a touch?

I hope you get your approvals soon too! I probably would be nice to go home and visit!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-28 12:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks mandaNchris :thumbs: I'm a little better today actually...

I was wondering if those of you who have received their biometrics letter, did you get a e-mail notification of it being sent?

I think nickbits has his appointment today, wonder how it went!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-28 07:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh you guys, I'm so depressed today...
I feel at lost with this process. I was reading posts about AOS interviews and what people need to bring, etc... And I was like, how much more proof do you guys need? I mean, I've moved from my HOME, left my family and friends behind, very good work opportunities, *free* health care, and STILL you want me to prove to you that the relationship is legit??? Will this ever end???
Chris and I are living with his parents right now, we're trying to save money to buy a house. If things work out ok and I find a job as soon as the EAD comes, we'll be moving out in the summer of 2011... How am I supposed to prove that we live together if we don't have a lease/mortgage agreement? Will we be denied the AOS? It's SO FRUSTRATING! And I didn't want him to put me on his health insurance for now because it's too much money... So apart from a bank account, we don't have anything with both our names on it... Will this be a problem?
Sorry I'm venting, but sometimes I wonder if him moving up with me would have been easier!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-27 12:38:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Mine is the same...if you think about it usually AOS takes a little longer then the AP and EAD so this should all be a-OK. No worries Vero, no worries! :star:

Ah good, I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! So, when you go on the USCIS case update page, where it says 'last updated' does that mean a touch?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-26 12:49:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys...quick question:

Has anyone checked their case status online? I just checked, and for the AP and EAD it says initial review, but for the AOS is STILL says Acceptance... This worries me a little... Our check was cashed though...

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-26 10:26:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I was surprised too. They don't list Syracuse in the timeline guide though so maybe it's just not a busy spot. It surprises me though since we're so close to the border and have the base right here. There are a lot of foreign spouses.

Well I am off to fake work, aka volunteer haha. I've begun doing this on weekday mornings at the local SPCA.

Well, good for you, that's awesome that you don't have a long wait time! What do you do at the SPCA? Must be fun! I'm basically stuck here during the day because I had to get rid of my car a couple weeks ago... And I have to go get my VA license one of these days... I mean, I can drive, I just don't have a car to use :angry: Not fun!

Are you guys dressing up for Halloween?
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-26 10:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... 10/18/10 ... -----------.... 10/18/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... 10/20/10 ... -----------.... 10/20/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 10/19/10.... -----------.... 10/19/10 ... ---------- ...-----------

Gosh Tater&#######, that was quick! You are sooooo lucky! I'm worried that I'll end up waiting 3 months for a biometrics appointment... That would suck big time... Oh well, nothing I can do about it I guess! But eh, congrats! :thumbs:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-25 14:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I love picking out pumpkins and carving them..Vero we should go

We are going to be going to a renaissance festival on sunday, should be interesting and Monday i'm getting my bridal portaits done, should be fun!
Hope Ya'll have a fun filled weekend :)

Today is our 5th year anniversary of me and Josh being together, Jezz doesn't feel that long!

Awwww, 5 years! You guys are awesome! I thought he was sooo nice when I met you at the interview!

Hey guys just thought I'd pop in and let ppl's know I got my NOA's from USCIS yesterday! Whoot next stop biometrics :thumbs: (i think!)

Yeah!!! :dance: Paper notice or e-mail notice? Which date do you want me to put on the list? The 23rd? Let me know!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-25 06:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

We are having a good weekend. We took our son out to pick out his pumpkin today and we will be carving it tomorrow. Should have pumpkin seeds all over the house in no time with a two year old carving pumpkins lol. Hope you are having a good weekend also :)

Awwww! I wanna go too! Chris won't take me 'cause I'll act like a child he says! :lol:
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-22 17:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey everyone. Glad to see that everyone is moving along nicely with all their stuff. :D

I got my SSN card in the mail today :dance:

Yeah! On to the next step! Congrats! :thumbs:

So, I decided to be nice and try to answer some question in the K-1 forum... Damn, I won't be doing THAT again! Got some nasty comments! Wish people were as nice as us! Oh well, some people just need to get laid I guess (yep, I just said that)!

Have a good weekend everyone!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-22 09:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys - it's been a while...just saying 'hi'! My 'visa journey's' been on hold since the interview in August, not leaving till December. I'm in the midst of selling my home so am all consumed with nostalgia coupled with excitement (and a little bit of anxiety) about my impending new life. You guys are all ahead of me so I'm sure you know what I mean! Looks like you're all doing well, moving through the process, good to know! B

Hey! Good to hear from you!!! Good luck on selling you condo! Hope you get a good deal! You know what's good though, when you're at this step, we'll have all kinds of pointers and tricks for you! Keep in touch!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-21 14:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ok, now I feel better! I received my NOA1 for the three forms, but the weirdest thing is that no enveloppe was sealed!!! Was it just one piece of paper in each enveloppe?

I updated the list, and I put the date of the NOA1 for the EAD and AP the same as the AOS. Did you guys receive all three at the same time?

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 10/08/10 ... -----------.... 10/08/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/21/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... 10/21/10 ... -----------.... 10/21/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 09/24/10 ... -----------.... 09/24/10 ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

So I guess now I have to wait for the biometrics letter! I hope it's not going to take 3 months like it has for some people!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-21 11:40:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey


I got our text/email today confirming receipt of package! Now just gotta receive the NOA:)

Yeah! That was quick! Was your check cashed yet? I'm getting a little nervous here... Also, one thing I thought was weird is that when I got the e-mail on gmail, I could see that they had send it like, 6 times... Hopefully nothing's wrong...
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-21 06:40:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
J&J, I had no problem getting my initial card and getting a name change done afterwards... Some of us have had a harder time though, but it'll get done either way, don't worry!
Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-20 14:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Gosh, don't you guys just love it! I was SO pissed when I went to the DMV last week. Apparantly, the slip that the SIN card came on is not 'official' enough as a proof of adress... :bonk:

Tater&#######, we'll have similar timelines, yeah! Well, hopefully we will! Who knows with this wonderful immigration process... (oh, let me know when you receive the paper NOA1 so I can update our list)

Edited by Vero and Chris, 19 October 2010 - 03:24 PM.

Vero and ChrisFemaleCanada2010-10-19 15:22:00