Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi all. B) My father in law arrives today. We can't wait. He's such a fun guy. He's in his 60s but acts more like a hippy teenager. He will stay for a full week and then we will all leave next Monday. :luv:

I still haven't decided if I want to brave a 1hr.50 min. layover in NY or book a longer layover. The flight would arrive at 5pm which is the start of the busy time at JFK. Even though there is a better schedule if we make a connecting flight in Amsterdam we're booking the direct flight from IST to JFK because we're worried about the transit visa issue. If I chicken out on the 110 min. layover then I think we will book one of the 20 hour NY layover flights and get a hotel room and see some more of NY than the 12 hour layover would allow.

I would go for the 20 hour layover and see some of NYC. Just got my ticket to go over for our interview and I have the same 2 hours in between flights when I come back. It will be my first time coming in through JFK and I wonder if it would be enough time for me! I know it's easy enough in D.C. , but I am guessing JFK is going to be a lot busier. If Fuat were coming back with me I don't think I would risk it.

Has anyone heard from Carol? Jacob had his interview 5 days ago and she hasn't posted anything yet. I hope that's not a sign of bad news.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-01 08:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Oh, hi Jenn. My computer died so I have to hop on my husband's when I can. UPS delivered the visa packet yesterday. :energy: :joy: :dance:
They didn't really interview us this second time around. We just went in, got a number and went to the window when our number came up. The lady we got didn't say a word. She just motioned for me to hand her the blue slip and my husband's passport that I was holding. She took it, wrote my husband's name and the number 1 on a little card and then she finally spoke and told us to take this card to the UPS desk and pay the fee. So I asked if we were really getting the visa this time and she said it should take 5 working days for it to be sent. So we hopped, skipped and giggled over to the UPS desk to pay the fee. There was an Iranian guy in line ahead of us that asked if he could borrow 2 lira since the shipping cost is 12 lira so I gave it to him without realizing that that left me without exact change. So the UPS worker just told me to pay cash on delivery and handed me the receipt. We tracked the package on the UPS site and were pleasantly surprised to see that it would arrive earlier than expected so we made sure to have our 15 lira and his Turkish residency ID on hand for the UPS man. Since we got the visa I've just been packing, buying souvenirs for my family and checking flights online. The father in law is supposed to come next week to spend a few days and see us off. Now all that is left to do is get the deposit on our flat back from the landlord. We're so excited. It will be a huge relief once we make it through the POE. :goofy:

So glad to hear it! When you didn't post anything I was afraid there was going to be bad news. Carol and Jacob had their interview today, so hoping for good news from them too!!

25 more days for us.. and I leave for Istanbul in 20 days.. :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-28 08:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Thanks! More great news: It snowed in Istanbul all day yesterday. Hubster and I went out to throw snowballs at each other. This morning the snow is still covering the sidewalks, roofs and cars. The weather forecast says it should snow today and tomorrow too. Also, the father in law promises to come visit as soon as we get back from Ankara so he can see his son off to America. Just wish hubby could see his brother and sister again but his brother is still fulfilling his military service and so can not leave the country and his sister is studying in Paris. Hopefully, it won't take us long to find jobs in the states so we can start saving for a trip to visit his sister in Paris and cousin in the south of France. I don't think he's been able to see his sister in 2 years. I'd love for us to be able to go to Iran too to meet the rest of his extended family that hasn't had a chance to visit us in Turkey but unfortunately it is too dangerous right now with all that is going on there.

Wondering how the second interview went? Did the weather keep you from going? Have been looking, daily, to see your news.. hope no news is not bad news.

And thank you to everyone about their suggestions for our documentation. I am going to take all of it.. even if they don't look at it. I would rather be safe, and I have put a huge amount of work into it.. Just hope they will let me into the Embassy with a backpack full of stuff. I think I read that you can't take your bags in, so I may need to reorganize so we can actually carry everything.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-27 08:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Oooh. Our case number appeared on the embassy website yesterday! We will be taking the overnight train on Sunday so we can show up at the embassy on Monday. They better be giving us the visa this time. My family still has the christmas decorations up so we can celebrate as soon as we arrive. :dance: :goofy: :energy: :dance:

GREAT NEWS!!!! Hope it all goes well and you will have the visa soon! INSALLAH
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-23 11:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Our interview is four weeks from tomorrow :) and I will be leaving for Turkey in about 3 weeks... I think we're ready, but both starting to get a little nervous.

I'm starting to reconsider how much proof I really should take with me. When I filed the petition I included every email, photo, MSN conversation, Skype SMS message, phone bill, facebook conversation, etc. from the day we met to the day I sent in the petition.

When we sent in Packet # 3, we included all the proof we had from the day of filing the petition to the day of sending packet # 3. The only thing they don't already have would be the phone bills, photos, MSN conversations, a few receipts from packages sent, SMS messages, etc. from the day we sent packet # 3 to the day we go to the interview... and some cards, etc. that we didn't send with the other stuff. We figured we would just take those with us.

Should I take copies of EVERYTHING with me, or just the proof from time of packet # 3 to the interview. I have everything prepared, and was going to take it ALL, but the MSN conversations alone fill a couple of binders... and we still have three weeks of daily MSN conversations ahead of us. It's a huge amount of stuff to try to take in there and they already have most of it.

But, if I should take it I definitely will! Any thoughts from the people who have gone through this already?
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-22 21:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Changing subjects a little bit, I was wondering if anyone might be able to provide some insight into my current K-1 dilemma. I was talking to my fiance the other day (he's the Turkish one), and I was telling him about the documents that he'll need to gather in the future. I mentioned that he'll need his birth certificate, and he said that because he was born at home (not in a hospital) that he doesn't have one. He says that his only form of ID is his identity card. He actually came to the US last summer on a temporary work visa (to VA Beach) so I assumed that he would have needed his birth certificate for that, but he said 'no, I only needed my identity card.' I was also thinking that his birth certificate has to be somewhere filed away in a government records office, but again he said no, and that he never had one. Is this normal? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

He wouldn't need this to get the J1 work and travel visa.. would only have to show his ID card. But, his birth had to be registered to get the ID card. I work with several hundred J1 visa employees each summer and just checked with one of them.. and they only had to show the ID card at their interview.

They don't have birth certificates as we know them. What he needs for the K1 is the document showing ALL members of his family. If he has an ID card, his birth was probably registered and he will show up on this document. Tell him what he needs to get is: ''vukuatl? nüfus kay?t örne?i ''

That is the "birth certificate" that will be required at the Embassy. I have no idea where he would go to get this, but we were able to get one the same day it was requested. He will probably know where he needs to go or someone else here can chime in :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-04 07:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi everybody..
Finally I'm here..!!:) Entered Dulles Int on 26th December.
How R U all? how's getting with the icy cold? Fridge city. :wacko: After Izmir, here comes to me as a North Pole.
I'm in Virginia / Fairfax,anyone here or near? Or anyone from Izmir?
I only know my lovely friend Gil&Pel but unfortunately she is so far away from me.

We all far away from our Country & City but glad to know that you all here. :goofy: Keeps comfort.:)
Talk to soon ladies..

Welcome to Virginia! It usually isn't this cold here.. I've been here almost three years and this is the coldest I've experienced here. My first year hear I didn't even need a coat in December.

I'm in Richmond.. not sure how far that is from Fairfax? I've never been there and not exactly sure what part of the state it's in. I think you are on the other side of Washington DC?
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-02 23:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Gil + Pel @ Dec 29 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yaaaayyyyy !!! I am with my baby now !!! smile.gif

CONGRATULATIONS! Glad you are finally here
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-31 13:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 23 2009, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Merry Christmas Everyone! Just thought I'd share a pic of Ozzy and baby Defne smile.gif

The picture is so cute!!!!!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-23 10:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the AP! I am terrified this is going to happen to us.. My friend who works in the Turkish Government has assured me he checked and his name is not red flagged, but his name is the same as several people with Criminal records.. so I am really worried about this. I hope you won't be in AP long.

Wish I could say the trip home was tear-free.. but it wasn't. Today is worse I think. Waking up and knowing he's not here in the house really sucks..

Erika, yes.. my sister had Leukemia (AML) and there were several complications. Do not want to get everyone in a depressed mood, so won't give all the details.. but turns out she had a clot in her brain that was missed when we were getting ready for the bone marrow transplant ( I was her donor). She had really bad headaches, but they kept assuming it was because of the chemo, or the spinal tap or the countless other things that had gone on that week.. she had two strokes a week after the transplant. Lost all mobility on her right side and the vision in her left eye. Lost her speech, for a while, and couldn't remember our names for a long time. I lived in the hospital with her for almost a year. We were able to take her to my mom's house almost a year after the transplant. She had been going through physical therapy, had gotten her speech back and memory was improving, was learning to walk again and we were pretty hopeful.. but then the AML came back. She passed away 54 weeks after her original diagnosis.

We always wonder about the "what if's" if they had caught the clot.. but then she wouldn't have been able to have the transplant, so either way the result would have been the same.. but maybe the quality of life would have been better.

Now that anyone reading this is depressed, I will tell you a story that may put a smile on your face. I truly believe my sister led me to Fuat somehow. When she was living in the hospital, before the strokes, she had a beautiful, green butterfly that hung in her window. One day we were talking about how much she loved butterflies and she told me that if anything ever happened to her she would send me a butterfly and I should watch for it. I told her to stop talking like that and that everything was going to be fine. She just said "Jenn.. watch for it."

I met Fuat 7 months after she passed away. One day, we were talking on the computer and he said "I am sending you a butterfly". I had goosebumps all over and could barely breath and I asked him why he would say something like that. He said he didn't know.. just had this really strong feeling that he had to tell me he was sending me a butterfly.

I had been having some doubts about the whole, crazy getting involved with someone on the other side of the world idea... but took that as a message from my sister that I was doing the right thing.. smile.gif

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-17 08:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Dec 14 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, how lucky you are to be able to do something like that smile.gif Sometimes Necmi asks me to go to him. I would love to, but I can't even get away from my job in time to get to Turkish class on time!! Tonight we decided we will have class the 21st and the 28th. If you are up here let me know, maybe we can have coffee if nothing else:) I will email you my number this week.
My job is a huge stressor. I have been on the unit for not even two weeks as a graduate nurse and i am passing meds to the entire unit! It is really cutting into mine and Necmi's MSN time biggrin.gif Which is probably a good thing, becuase I have been so stressed out at work I can be a bit snappy. I think spych nursing is going to cause me to go inpatient one day! biggrin.gif I have been required to stay over two nights, which sucks for making plans. I need to look on the bright side...without this job there is NO way I could sponser Necmi with all 5 of my kids.
I hope you are having a great time. smile.gif Hey, when you get back maybe we can practice our Turkish writing on each See ya

In the hotel, waiting for Fuat to get off work.. still have another hour to wait and just trying to stop the waterworks before he gets here. He hates when I cry when I am leaving... not flying out until tomorrow morning, but trying to get it out of my system now so he won't see it smile.gif

Spent the last three days with his family, none of whom speak English, and he was at work until about 9:00pm every night. Very interesting, but it did help my Turkish to improve a bit. I actually understood an entire 3 minutes of a soap opera I watched with his mother smile.gif

Mindy, I will be in Michigan the 19th -29th... then flying out to Vegas to see my Dad and spend New Years with him. Would love to go with you to the class on the 21st. Won't be able to go the 28th.

So many nurses here! My mother is a nurse, and my sister was in nursing school before she became ill ( We lost her two years ago).. they always wondered why I didn't want to follow in their footsteps, but I can't even watch when someone takes a sliver out of my fingers.. so nursing was out for me:) Amusement parks are more to my liking!!

I give all of you a lot of credit for choosing such a profession! I know it's not easy. When my sister was ill, and finally able to leave the hospital and come home, I learned how to change IV's, tube feedings, bed pans, catheter bags ( I think that's what they are called) and give meds. I know how draining it can be to be a caregiver, even if it's for someone you love, and since that time I have made sure to treat every nurse who has had to care for me with the utmost respect!

You are all truly angels!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-15 10:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Dec 10 2009, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 10 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea, I know this can be tough, but with practice it's not too bad!

Te?ekkürler herkes smile.gif I will try some of these sugestions tomorrow.
Jenn, did you make it to Turkey yet this week? I hope you were able to:) I went to the Turkish class. It was held at EMU though. It was a lot of fun. Now I can say more than seni seviyorum...but not much more:)

Yes.. I am here smile.gif I wasn't supposed to arrive until later today but.. when I was talking to Fuat, on Wedensday, he said "honey.. can't you come now??" So.. I called the airline, found a seat on a flight that was leaving, from Washington DC, in four hours so changed my ticket, ran out of my office.. ran home.. threw my stuff in a bag and left for the two hour drive to the airport smile.gif His voice was just so sweet I couldn't resist. Good thing I had a few extra vacations days left and could just say "Hey, I'm leaving now." My original flight was out of Richmond, but it's worth the extra driving time to be able to be here a few days longer!!

Too bad EMU will be closed for break when I get to Michigan. I would love to sit in on the class. The one I took here was alright, but taught by an Engineering grad student and not someone who was really a teacher. Made it difficult sometimes. Spending the next few days with Fuat's family, so my limited Turkce will be put to the test smile.gif

Good thing we all know how to flip through the dictionaries and point to words !!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-12 08:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Dec 8 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anyone tell me if they have found an easy way to type Turkish letters on an English laptop? Thanks so much:)

Does your laptop have the ability to emulate keyboards from other languages? Mine does.. but then I have to keep a list of what key is what.. it's not the same. My Macintosh can do this, but my PC cannot... or at least I haven't figured out how to do it yet.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-08 21:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
So happy to hear the good news!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-01 16:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Everyone,

Just got in from Hong Kong last night.. slept almost 13 hours.. but woke up to Packet #4 today. Our interview is February 23rd. The petition expires on Feb. 19th, so now will have to figure out how to apply for an extention.. just happy to finally know a date.

Pel had her interview today and is probably on her way back to Istanbul from Ankara right now. Anxious to hear how it went!!

Pel, can't wait to her from you!!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-01 12:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Nov 25 2009, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Nov 25 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We found the receipt and tried every number listed on it.. but they all rejected on the web page saying they were not a valid tracking number. I called UPS and gave them every number we could find on the receipt and they told me the same thing. Fuat called UPS in Turkey, and he told me they used one of the numbers he gave them and confirmed it was delivered but UPS here says they couldn't have done that since none of the numbers are a tracking number.

Called the Embassy and they said they don't show it listed yet... but that it's a big embassy and could take a while to reach their office and get entered into their system. She also said it could be up to 20 days before we get a response.

I just wish we could confirm that the packet reached there... We've made it this far, I can wait 20 days for an interview date to be given to us if we have to, just wish we could confirm delivery.

Track your packet on UPS Turkey by entering your tracking number here.

When I got a receipt from UPS they had put a sticker on it with a barcode and under the barcode there was a 9 digit tracking number starting with 'T' and followed by 8 numbers. For ex. T11223345. Check the receipt again for a 9 digit number and enter it in the above link.
The embassy received my packet on Oct. 5th and then I got an email on Oct. 20th giving me my interview date which is coming up next month.

Thank you so much for the link! I'm in Hong Kong right now.. it's almost 12:30am and can't sleep ( Slept too much on the plane).. thought I would check UPS again and shows nothing.. Then I came here, found your link.. AND.. it was delivered on 11/19.. just like the guy told Fuat it was.

Erika, when I read your post I was ready to just scream thinking the guy that picked it up from Fuat's store never shipped it.. but it's there smile.gif

Maybe now I can sleep.. and stop stressing.. OH, until I find something else to stress over smile.gif

Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-26 11:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Nov 25 2009, 12:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Nov 24 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know how long it takes UPS to deliver a package from Istanbul to Ankara?

Fuat sent Packet # 3 on Wednesday, November 18th.. according to DOS is has not reached the consulate yet. It's been 3 business days since he sent it ( four if you count the day he sent it). Is this normal?

We don't have the tracking number, so can't check it... I called UPS, but they couldn't tell me if it would take one day, three.. five..

Does anyone have a general idea... should I be concerned that it's not there yet? I have a vivid imagination of it getting lost smile.gif

I sent my packet by UPS from Istanbul on Oct. 3rd and it arrived at the embassy on Oct. 5th. He should have been given a tracking number at the UPS office.

We found the receipt and tried every number listed on it.. but they all rejected on the web page saying they were not a valid tracking number. I called UPS and gave them every number we could find on the receipt and they told me the same thing. Fuat called UPS in Turkey, and he told me they used one of the numbers he gave them and confirmed it was delivered but UPS here says they couldn't have done that since none of the numbers are a tracking number.

Called the Embassy and they said they don't show it listed yet... but that it's a big embassy and could take a while to reach their office and get entered into their system. She also said it could be up to 20 days before we get a response.

I just wish we could confirm that the packet reached there... We've made it this far, I can wait 20 days for an interview date to be given to us if we have to, just wish we could confirm delivery.

Can't check back with UPS since it's the Thanksgiving/Bayram Holiday. Embassy is closed until Tuesday..

Guess I need to learn some patience smile.gif

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving... bayramin mubarek olsun.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-25 05:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Does anyone know how long it takes UPS to deliver a package from Istanbul to Ankara?

Fuat sent Packet # 3 on Wednesday, November 18th.. according to DOS is has not reached the consulate yet. It's been 3 business days since he sent it ( four if you count the day he sent it). Is this normal?

We don't have the tracking number, so can't check it... I called UPS, but they couldn't tell me if it would take one day, three.. five..

Does anyone have a general idea... should I be concerned that it's not there yet? I have a vivid imagination of it getting lost smile.gif
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-23 15:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Nov 20 2009, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (enraptured @ Nov 21 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi all,

ive posted in here a few times but havent really gotten a lot of advice sad.gif but i do have one question that im hoping people will help me with: recommendations for travel agencies in turkey, preferably istanbul, that i can buy a cheap ticket to the US with for my husband. there are no direct flights to the US from damascus, so he would have to go through their IST or Amman anyways. I got screwed this summer flying with Turkish Airlines and want to look for another possibility. Thanks a mil!


Have you tried travelocity or orbitz? They list all the major airlines and that is usually where I find the best deals. I use travelocity a lot. It is also worth it to check the home sites of the major airlines after you see what travelocity has to offer because on rare occasions the prices on the airlines own site are cheaper. So if the cheapest listing on orbitz or travelocity is delta airlines or one of it's affiliates then be sure to check the prices on their site to before you book. Travelocity also allows you to pick a travel route and sign up for email updates when the airfare prices to that destination go up or down. When is he flying to the states? The prices will be high now thru the new year because of holiday travel.

I almost always use

It checks a large number of sites at the same time and is usually where I get the best deal. One thing I have never understood is why there was such a big difference in price to fly from there to here. Same flight.. almost $300 - $400 more.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-21 08:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Nov 19 2009, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know how much each vaccination will cost and which one's they require? I have a printout for the medical that they sent me with the interview schedule and it says that blood tests are $60, x-ray is $45 and physician is $70. So that's $175 and then add to that the cost of the vaccines. It says each vaccine can cost anywhere from $5 to $200 depending on the vaccine. My husband was in the Navy so he had to have his last round of vaccines when he joined but he has since lost all his medical records so it looks like he will have to get a lot of shots that he has already had again. I'm worried about the cost if some of the vaccines are going to cost $200. ohmy.gif sad.gif

I was wondering about this too! How much should we really plan on for the medical and vaccines? Anyone who went through this recently willing to say how much it all cost them?

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-19 10:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (carol and jacob @ Nov 17 2009, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering about the expiration date on the NOA2 because ours expired on 01/02/2010 and our interview date is 01/28/2010....that's 26 days after expiration! I am guessing that they must extend the expiration because all of these dates are in the embassy's control.
Are you going to Ankara for the interview? We are strongly considering it. As much as we would like to save the money, I am thinking that it would be nice to be there together for this most important decision. Do you know if USC fiancees are permitted into the interview?

I know the Ankara embassy allows it.. some do not. I will definitely be going!

For the NOA2, I have read that you need to apply for an extension. I can't find the thread I read this in, but I am pretty sure you need to do this and have it extended before the interview. It is supposed to be pretty easy to get it extended.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-18 08:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Question on the vaccinations. Are they required before the K1 will be issued or are they optional at that point? I have read that they are required, but also read that they are not reallly required until AOS.

Fuat had his vaccinations when he did his military service, but has no documentation to prove this. Trying to plan for the medical and not sure if this will be required.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 16 November 2009 - 05:50 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-16 17:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Nov 6 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I understand your concern about passport expiry dates.But no need to. I sent copy of my passport with less than 6 months of validity and I had it renewed just before the interview.If money is not a big problem, of course it is better to extend it now to be 100% sure and safe.

I'm stressing over everything these days.. my "concern of the moment" is not actually having planned a wedding date yet. So many people I have talked to had been working on wedding plans before they even filed.. that seems a little crazy to me, but I like to plan things cautiously.

I have never, ever wanted the big, white wedding and don't plan on doing one now. My dream wedding would be to go to Turkey, with my family,and have a Turkish wedding with his family there too. We'll do that one day, but as far as our K1 goes.. we plan to have a civil ceremony here and then have a "wedding" at a later time.

Our general thought is to go to Vegas, as my father lives there, and have the other members of my immediate family join us out there. We both want to just do something small and simple. But we haven't even talked about it much, because we can't really plan anything until we know an interview date, have an approval, know when he's coming etc.

The time of year he will be coming here will be difficult for me, work-wise, because we will be getting ready for the amusement park I work at to re-open for the spring. Planning is going to be tough, but I know we will be able to squeeze in a weekend to go out to Vegas smile.gif I've already warned my boss that if he is here by the end of February, that I will need to take time off no later than April/May .. the worst time of year for me to be gone from work of course smile.gif

My concern is if they ask about our wedding plans at the interview. I don't think we should say we haven't made any yet, and we are waiting for approval and to know when he would actually be able to come.

Someone suggested I book something in Vegas, even if we don't really use the reservation, so that we at least have something to show that we have a "plan".

Good idea? Bad idea? Is it better to have something to show them? Or would we be alright just to say that we intend to go to Vegas, some time in April or May, but have not made any specific plans because we are waiting for the interview and approval?

Am I just worrying too much ? smile.gif

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-07 12:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Nov 4 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
rose.gif How's it going Jenn?????[/color]

We finally got an email from the Embassy today. Fuat was insisting on waiting for something from them, before we sent to forms in, even though I told him people here had said we might not get anything!!

But, now we have to re-do some of the forms. His passport expires in 7 months... the instructions say it must have 8 months validity at the time the visa is issued. I emailed the Embassy to ask if it had to have this validity at the time of sending the packet, but never got a response. Email was sent 10 days ago.

So, we are going to play it safe and extend the passport first. The problem with that is that his passport was already in Ankara and not with him. Long story short.. he had an opportunity for a P1 visa, to come here for a few weeks, with a group doing musical performances. We weren't expecting NOA2 so fast, so didn't think this would be a problem.

Our petition got to Ankara at the same time this group was getting ready to send all the papers in.. and my contact in Ankara talked to someone he knows at the consulate.. the said we should not have two petitions for him there at the same time as it would look bad. So, he is not going to be included with this group petition and we have been waiting for them to send his passport back. They finally just mailed it to him yesterday.

He should have it on Monday, extend it, change the dates of his passport on one of the forms and we can send everything in.

I'm frustrated, because I have been asking the guy to return his passport for almost 2 weeks... if I knew we could just send in the copy we had, and not extend, we would send the packet today.. but don't want to take a chance.

So hopefully, we will send it in by next week and can get moving on this!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-06 09:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Nov 3 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do not think you have to have that 'packet' to send your stuff.I remember writing about it on this thread.Others advised likewise if I am not mistaken...

Really? I knew we didn't need to wait to get the packet to do the paperwork, but that we had to wait to get it before we could send it in!!!

It's all ready to go.. we're just waiting to officially get word to send it in.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-03 14:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Just wondering.. will Fuat get packet # 3 in an email, postal mail or both?

It's only been 7 days since our file left NVC, but we are getting anxious!

I called DOS, yesterday, but they said it has not reached the consulate yet. Someone I know in Ankara checked and said it IS actually there. I would hope so.. It was sent out on 10/27.. then there was the 10/29 holiday, and the weekend, but if it was sent out DHL Next Day, it should have been there by last Friday. The DHL website shows all Ankara packages, sent between 10/27 and 10/30 have already been signed for.. yet DOS still says it's not there yet and "Wait a week".

We want that packet now smile.gif I think this is harder than waiting for NOA2 smile.gif
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-11-03 08:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Oct 31 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cok tebrikler Jenn and Fuat! I am sorry I am so late with this - it's hard to find time to read the forums these days! A speedy I-129F approval - that's great! Hopefully Fuat will be with you in the states in the next few months - depending on how long it takes you to get packet 3 together and when the interview is scheduled for. It sounds like he'll be getting here this winter!

Thank you Tanya and Julia for the information on interview questions asked!! I want us to be prepared as possible, but I know he will still be nervous about remembering things and if he forgets dates or name, etc. I am sure I will be nervous about him doing this too.

We already have everything ready for packet # 3... just waiting to actually get it. Our file got to Ankara few days ago, but this was right before Oct. 29th.. so I am sure nothing happened with it then, now it's the weekend, so hoping to get it some time this next week.

The "red flagging" on the name concerns me a little. Only because this has come up before. I know someone who works for the Turkish National Police, and also does some work with our government, and he checked into some things for me last year.. looking to see why we may have been denied for the visitor visa the first time. It turns out there was a similiar problem with Fuat's name, though that was not the only reason for the denial on the B2 visa. He told me, at that time, that he was working with his contacts at the FBI and would get it cleared up. We were denied a second time for the B2 visa, but I was told the problem with his name had nothing to do with it.. simple reason for the denial was they didn't think he would come back.

I'm thinking I should contact my friend and make sure any problems with Fuat's name has definitely been cleared up. I don't want to take any chances on a delay:)

We would love to have an interview soon and have him here ASAP.. looking at other, recent time lines I am guessing if we get packet # 3 next week, and send everything in, that we will have an interview in early January.

The last week of December would be perfect, as I am already on vacation at that time, but I don't think we could get that lucky. We've already been very lucky in having everything happen as fast as it has!!!!

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 31 October 2009 - 11:58 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-31 23:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Oct 29 2009, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 29 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Oct 29 2009, 01:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been visiting this site for awhile. Today I found the Just Turkish area biggrin.gif Jenn when I read your timeline I teared up! I met my Askim the beginning of March. He has been denied a visitor visa too. sad.gif I have gone to Turkey twice and each time it is so hard to leave! I can't submit my I-129F until my divorce is final Feburary 8th. But I am hoping for a super fast NOA2! smile.gif It is nice to see the support you all give each other in this group. I hope to be able to post often and get to know all of you smile.gif

Hi ! Glad you found this group. The people here have been so great in giving me help and I am sure you will find them to be the same! The Visitor Visa denial is heartbreaking isn't it?? We've had two and Fuat never wants to set foot in a consulate again, but I told him we'll have too smile.gif I keep trying to convince him this time will be different.. and that the B2 denials will have nothing to do with this visa.. but he's still so worried.

I see your local office is in Detroit! My home state!! I grew up in the Northwest Suburbs of Detroit and my family is still there! Sometimes I miss Michigan, but I do NOT miss the snow smile.gif

I’m from south central Michigan, one of the bottom tier counties. I agree the snow isn’t as fun as it was when I was a kid, but the other three seasons make up for it. yes.gif I hope you still visit your family. I would love to tell Necmi he may have an opportunity to speak with someone who understands what he will be going through. I worry about the transition. He has never been out of Turkey. He is the only son and is the baby of the family. The June visit he was on the phone with him mom every day. I anticipate the phone bill will be rather high for the first year.
I originally planned to use a lawyer for this process, due to the denials I didn’t want to risk it. I am glad to say that after reading all the information from the wonderful people on this site, I have almost completed all the required documents needed for the I-129F application! Again, thanks to you and all the wonderful people here!! smile.gif

I was going to use a lawyer too, until I found this site. Faut's situation sounds very much like Necmi's.. with the exception that he's the oldest child. He has 4 younger sisters. I go to Michigan a few times a year, so I am sure there would be an opportunity for them meet up.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-29 21:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Melinda&Necmi @ Oct 29 2009, 01:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been visiting this site for awhile. Today I found the Just Turkish area biggrin.gif Jenn when I read your timeline I teared up! I met my Askim the beginning of March. He has been denied a visitor visa too. sad.gif I have gone to Turkey twice and each time it is so hard to leave! I can't submit my I-129F until my divorce is final Feburary 8th. But I am hoping for a super fast NOA2! smile.gif It is nice to see the support you all give each other in this group. I hope to be able to post often and get to know all of you smile.gif

Hi ! Glad you found this group. The people here have been so great in giving me help and I am sure you will find them to be the same! The Visitor Visa denial is heartbreaking isn't it?? We've had two and Fuat never wants to set foot in a consulate again, but I told him we'll have too smile.gif I keep trying to convince him this time will be different.. and that the B2 denials will have nothing to do with this visa.. but he's still so worried.

I see your local office is in Detroit! My home state!! I grew up in the Northwest Suburbs of Detroit and my family is still there! Sometimes I miss Michigan, but I do NOT miss the snow smile.gif

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-29 09:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Oct 28 2009, 03:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 28 2009, 06:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh.. just thought of another question. I am filling out all the forms for him, as I know many other people have done, but someone told me that I should NOT list myself on the DS forms as having assisted in completing them.. and just have him sign them. Well, I could understand this if we were filing for a visitor visa.. but why not this time? He is obviously intending to come here to stay with me, so why wouldn't I want to list myself on the forms as having assisted in preparing them? Yes, it was a red flag on our first visitor visa application, but I don't see the problem with it now.

It would be obvious he didn't do it anyway, as I don't have Turkish characters on my keyboard and the "i" in his family name would be wrong.. as well as a few letters in the addresses.

If that is going to cause an issue I will download a Turkish Key board and use the Turkish Charachters instead of the English ones.

I'm living in Istanbul with my husband and we have our interview scheduled for Dec. 15th. I filled out all the forms except where his signature was required. I put my name and status as his wife where it asks who filled out the DS forms. We are living together so it isn't like I didn't verify everything with him. I don't know if we will be penalized for that or not. I would think they would have contacted us about it before scheduling the interview if it were a problem. I will post here after the interview to say how it went and what they asked in case it might help somebody else out. Good luck.

Oh, I have a question too. For those that have already had the interview could you post some of the questions they asked so the rest of us can be prepared. I've heard the embassy staff can be rude and are cracking down on requirements so I'm a bit nervous.

I would also love to know some of the questions people were asked for the K1 visa. Fuat is so nervous about remembering dates and such things. I'm nervous about him remembering them too, since I usually need to remind him of family members birthdays. etc.

We won't be able to see each other before the interview, and depending on the day of the week the interview is scheduled, it is highly possible that we won't see each other until the DAY of the interview or the night before.. things are happening so fast, that I am going to have to scramble to rearrange some of my recruiting trips.. and I could end up flying in, from some other country, the night before..all depends on what day we are assigned.

We are going to have to "practice" interview questions over web cam...and it makes me really nervous that we may not see each other until a few hours before the interview. I feel like we will have no time to be prepared.

Maybe we will get lucky, and the interview will fall during a week that I have two or three days free and can go a little early.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-28 07:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Glad I could make you laugh! I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get comments here, like I have in some of the other forums, but you never know smile.gif

We have almost everything done.. just wondering how long it will take to officially get the packet so we can send it in. I should have everything to Fuat by the end of the week.

Oh.. just thought of another question. I am filling out all the forms for him, as I know many other people have done, but someone told me that I should NOT list myself on the DS forms as having assisted in completing them.. and just have him sign them. Well, I could understand this if we were filing for a visitor visa.. but why not this time? He is obviously intending to come here to stay with me, so why wouldn't I want to list myself on the forms as having assisted in preparing them? Yes, it was a red flag on our first visitor visa application, but I don't see the problem with it now.

It would be obvious he didn't do it anyway, as I don't have Turkish characters on my keyboard and the "i" in his family name would be wrong.. as well as a few letters in the addresses.

If that is going to cause an issue I will download a Turkish Key board and use the Turkish Charachters instead of the English ones.

We didn't want to extend the passport right now, since it's so expensive to do more than a 1 year extension, but we don't want to wait another month or two to send in packet # 3. Maybe we will just have to do it now, even if it would be difficult.

For several reasons, we want to get this done ASAP and get an interview ASAP.. and we know we already have a long wait for that. We don't want to make the wait even longer by waiting to extend a passport and then sending in the packet... but if it's a bad idea to send it in with less than 6 months on it.. then... I had better convince him to take care of it smile.gif

QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Oct 27 2009, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Jenn,

lol...your funny!

#1.......I think you should download it from the web site and get it all done and ready to go...

#2......We had the same problem, Candemir exstended, just in case. Leaving NO room for a REF or a "no".

#3.....Yes, this is HIS A# he will keep this number all the way thru this wonderful process ;-) copy the A# as you see it on the NOA2.

Ask away, we are here to help.

Congratulation your file ison the move
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Best wishes,

QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 27 2009, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NVC has notified me that our packet has been sent to Ankara. We're getting our documents ready, but I have some questions and this group is probably the best to ask.

I have found that some of the "senior" people in the main forums really jump down your throat, or make snide comments to you, if you ask a question that THEY think is stupid. Any time I have asked something, I hold my breath reading the responses, waiting to see if I am going to have some stinging comment thrown my way.. so, I guess my best bet is to ask my questions here.. and if I get laughed at, or get lovely remarks made, at least it's coming from people who have gone through this at my own consulate and know, for sure, what Ankara wants smile.gif

So.. here are my questions for the night.. stupid or otherwise..

#1. Once the packet reaches Ankara, how long does it generally take before we would get packet # 3?

#2. Fuat's passport is valid for another 6 months and we know it must have 6 months validity at the time he would go to the interview. We know we need to extend, and want to get at least a 3 year extention, but I am sure you all know how expensive that is in Turkey. We will obviously have it extended in time for the interview. If it is several more weeks before we sent in packet # 3 his passport would only be valid for 5 months. Does it have to have at least 6 months on it when we send in the copy of his passport with packet

# 3 or can we send it in with only 5 months on it.. and then just make sure it is extended before we go to the actual interview?
I have had people say that it has to be extended before you get scheduled for the interview, but the are going through consulates that you can just walk in to interview, or call ahead.. not where the consulate is scheduling the interview for you.

#4. There is a number above Fuat's name on the NOA2. It starts out at A087 *** *** Is this his alien registration number? If so, should we be including this on the DS forms that ask for it? Some people have told me the Alien Registration number is only 8 digits, so would we write it without the A0 ? OK.. let them snide remarks and stinging comments begin smile.gifsmile.gif I'm ready...

QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ Oct 21 2009, 02:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Jenn,

SOOooo Happy for you guys!!

Here was our time line:

Dec 23, 2004... NOA2 Received in snail mail
Dec 26, 2004.....We have a Case #
Dec 30, 2004... FILE SENT TO ANKARA
Jan 14, 2005... Received a letter from NVC saying file sent to Ankara Embassy.

Jan 24, 2005..... Sent Candemir our paperwork DHL ......cause I filled it out for him!
Jan 28, 2005... Candemir received my documents via DHL
Jan 31, 2005 ...Candemir sends All Forms to Ankara Embassy
February 2, 2005.... Shipping confirmation that our paperwork was received by the embassy.
February 4, 2005... Candemir received his Interview letter today..
March 12, 2005.... Medical Appointment in Ankara (They asked for 2 2x2 passport photos)
March 31, 2005 {INTERVIEW DAY 9:30AM}***VISA APPROVED*** HAPPY DAYS...!!!!!!
April 2, 2005 ***Received Visa UPS***

QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 20 2009, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm getting ready to go to Chicago for a few days, so won't be able to work on anything until I get back. Probably a good thing, since I have been glued to this web page since I sent in our application. I'm just wondering a few things:

1. Do we have to wait for Fuat to offically get Packet # 3 before we start filling out the forms? Is there any reason we couldn't just get them off the consulate web site, and have them filled out and ready to mail when he gets the packet?

Nope, go to the web site and down load the packet. We had ours done and ready way before we got the notice.

2. I think I read a post here a while ago, maybe it was Erika's, that talked about sending proof of relationship with packet # 3. Now I can't find it. Did anyone do this? Should we just wait to take it to the interview or is there a benefit in actually sending some of this stuff with packet # 3 to make sure it makes it behind the glass and gets looked at?

We sent everything with the packet AND also took it to the interview.....I always made 2 packets of everything, just incase...LOL

3. Most of the info I have seen says it will be at about 3-4 months for an interview date. Did anyone get an interview sooner than this? I do a lot of international travel, for my job, in the winter and am going to have to be prepared to do some juggling of trips and sending other people in my place if need be. The hard part is that most of my trips will be scheduled within the next month and I highly doubt we will have an interview date before I have to make my other travel plans..

We did, check out our time line above ;-).....also his Passport came quickly

Chilek.. thanks for the email! He got it just a few minutes after I told him we had been approved!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-27 21:04:00
United KingdomNovel ways to keep in touch with your other half! :)
I love the audio book idea!

We use facebook,MSN, text, etc.. but with our time difference we only get to "see" each other about 30 minutes a day. When he gets home from work, and gets on the computer, it's usually around 11:00pm for him.. and 4:00pm for me, so I am still in my office. Thankfully, my boss allows me some "free time" to be able to see him for a little while. I stay later at work to make up for the time I spent on the web cam.

At least one day a week, we are both off work, and can spend more time on the web cam.. so that's a good day to try the audio book idea. We also share music, and youtube videos when we have the chance.

I'm his alarm clock and he's mine.. it's easier for him, since he's at work when I need to wake up and I am usually fighting sleep when I am waiting for the time to give him his wake up call. We even have "snooze" alarms smile.gif I call and let the phone ring until he rejects the call. Then he gets five more minutes to sleep and I call again.. he usually hits "snooze" about three times and once he's awake he'll make my phone ring to let me know he's up. I'm easier to wake up, so he generally only has to call me once!

The one thing we do to continuously stay in touch is to give each other missed calls. If you call and let the phone ring just once it costs nothing and it's a great way to just say "Hi, I love you.. I am thinking about you."

My phone will ring, just once, throughout day and it's a great way to just have a connection to each other when we can't see each other or can't talk just then.

Two missed calls, back to back, means "call me"... and if we let the phone ring at least 3 times it means "Answer the phone".

One day, Insallah, we won't have to do all this crazy stuff. I'm looking forward to the day I can just reach over and say "honey.. time to wake up."

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-09-19 08:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Turkish/US couples apply for an AOS?
QUOTE (LaurelLu @ Oct 12 2009, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband and I met in the US while we were going to grad school in San Francisco (he was here on a student visa, I'm a USC). After graduating, he applied for and was granted OPT. We had our civil ceremony in April, and applied for his AOS on September 3rd, 2009, right before his OPT expired.

He had his biometrics apt last Friday. I'm just wondering how long it usually takes for couples in our situation to get the working permit? Anyone have first hand experience with this?

Hi, we are still waiting for our K1 visa, so can't help you with this.. but I know there are many people on here who can give you great info. Have you found the Turkish Forum yet? I see you just joined VJ, so you may not have found it yet.. took me a while.

Go to the regional discussions ( Europe and Eurasia) and there is a forum just for Turkish couples. It's pinned at the top of the page, so easy to find. There are many great people there.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-13 12:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)how to get a cheap last minute flight
QUOTE (carol and jacob @ Dec 2 2009, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering how we could book Jacob's flight from Ankara to JFK. If we booked now it would cost around $700-$800. I checked how much it would cost to fly in the next 2 days and it went up to around $1400.
Since we don't know if, or when his visa will do we buy a flight in the cheapest way?
We have also seen that round trip is less expensive than 1 way, so we'll do that but do they charge alot for changing dates to use the ticket later? I'm clueless!

Tickets are more expensive right now because of the holidays. They won't be so high later.. I booked a ticket 3 days in advance, last fall, and paid around $600 for it. Then, when I was on my trip I had a problem and had to return home quickly.. it cost $150 to change the ticket. If you buy off travelocity, or a site like that, you usually can't change the ticket. I think Expedia will allow you to do that and I know you can if you buy direct from the airline.

If we get that far, INSALLAH, I plan to get a ticket with a return date six months in the future..I think you are allowed to book that far, but also thought about going directly through the airline or a travel agent and getting a ticket with an open ended return date. Those can usually be used within 6 months to 1 year. Not sure if that makes it more expensive.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-12-03 08:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Police archive records - Turkey


When I got the e-mail of my interview date I used that to e-mail them some questions to make sure all the papers were in order. Thats when they sent me the info that they wanted the origional certificate (I sent a copy by mistake) and archive records. I was lucky they handled it this way rather than send back the whole package. So try an e-mail and ask if you need to bring anything else to interview.

I will try emailing them by replying to the interview email. I have emailed several times, directly from the Embassy web page, and I have only gotten a response once. To get that response I had to send an email saying I had emailed a question several times and no one had answered. Haven't gotten a response to my emails since then.

I'll try it and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 08:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Police archive records - Turkey

Can you call the embassy and ask?

In my personal situation, when I was trying to explain the police certificate to my fiance, even though he is fluent English, he didn't comprehend the idea of 'current AND ARCHIVED records.' It just didn't make sense to him because he didn't have any record at all. But he said 'ok' and went out and got a police certificate anyway (which I'm sure only has the current records). I found the Turkish translation of the sentence "make sure to specifically request current and archived records" and it is: "ÖNEML?: Adli Sicil Kayd?n?z? talep ederken hem güncel ve hem ar?iv kay?tlar?n?z? talep etmeniz gereklidir. ?ran??n." I'm currently waiting to hear back from him to see if that clears anything up. I know that I can't specifically answer your question, but hopefully if she didn't get the right certificate, she can get it quickly. Hopefully someone else has a better answer for you.

Now you have me wondering if we sent in the correct version. I had a hard time explaining the Current and Archived Records thing too.. but had to trust him he got the right thing. We've already sent the packet in and have an interview date, so if it is the wrong one I wonder if they would have sent the packet back and not scheduled the interview.. or are they just going to spring it on us at the interview that it's not the right version...

Just want to get this all over with. Too much stress and worrying about forms I can't see, and things I have no control over.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 15:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)A Question For Your Turkish Spouses
QUOTE (Mina76 @ Sep 29 2009, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe you need to ask this question to the "Just Turkish" group where most turkish couples there can help you with your inquiry.


Thank you for the suggestion.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-09-29 20:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)A Question For Your Turkish Spouses
Today my Askim asked me a question I am not sure I had the right answer for. He's been a little stressed about all of this lately, even more so than I am, since getting the K1 will mean he's leaving family, his city, his country.. the only life he's ever known.

His question to me : "You know I really want to be with you more than anything, but will things be OK for me there? Will it be better for me there than here?" I told him, "Yes honey, I think it will be." and he said "How?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. I told him he'd be able to earn more money to help his family, I thought he would have more opportunities here, after a while he wouldn't have to work as hard as he does now.. and, of course, that we would be together.

Really, I cannot honestly answer this question for him.. I've been to Turkey, but only on short visits.. never lived there for a long period of time. I can only say I feel everything would be OK for him here based on my own experience and I truly do feel he would have more opportunities here.

A little background that may be important.. He's never been out of Turkey, lives with his family and he's the only son. His parents like me, and always treat me like a daughter, but we know they would be happier if he stayed in Turkey and found a nice Turkish girl. Lately, there has been some pressure regarding this. He did not attend university and currently works as a jewelry salesman. I already know he would be able to work in my company, in an entry level job, until he was able to find something that he really wants to do. He will have definite work until he knows what it is he really want to do.. and does it.

I know he's feeling torn between his family and me and I hate that I don't know how to ease his worries. I wish he knew other men that had come here, that could tell him.. "this would be better.. this would be worse".. but there really isn't anyone.

My question to those of you that have made this move ( or your spouses).. what can I say to him to help ease his worries?

We know he'll be able to go home, at least a few times a year, to visit his family.. but will things be better for him here? Has it been better for you? Has it been worse? Has it been the same?

How should I answer that question?

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-09-29 18:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Where are Turkish Grocery Stores and Resturants in Southern CA?
We have a Turkish grocery store in my area, but sometimes I am not able to find what I am looking for. A good place to find things is at

It's a little more expensive, but when I really want something and can't find it here I am usually able to get it there.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-14 11:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Just stopping it to say hi...

Looks like it has been pretty quiet in here. Hope everyone is doing well
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2011-09-21 06:47:00