K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Krystle.. great news.

Karen, your wedding picture looks sooo beautiful. congratulations.

Kayla, is he here yet? Soon I think.

Hope everyone is doing well. Glad to see good news and wedding pictures.

I am doing fine :):)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-05-12 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

oh jenn!! I am so happy you are back and YES WE DEFINITELY MISSED YOU!!!!!!

I'm still waiting on my social...where is that thing, I thought it was automatically sent

Still trying to catch up on posts. Did you apply for your social? It only automatically comes if you are on a CR1.. It is not automatic wit the K1. Fuat has his within 7 days of applying. If you have waited for more than two weeks after applying I would call them.. but my memory is telling me there was something wierd going on with yours.. I just don't remember what it was.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-05-12 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Did you miss me ? :)

Today is my first day on a computer.. and I came here before I even went to the KAST page. Shhh.. don't tell the people on the kast page that. I wouldn't want them to know I came to VJ First.

Feeling like #######... but able to get out of bed at least :)

I feel like I have missed so much.. weddings, arrivals, pictures... I feel so left out, but I know I will catch up quickly. Kayla, I would have waited and filed with you.. but couldn't for ovbvious reasons. I sent the AOS paperwork the day before surgery and we got our confirmation email yesterday. I was so drugged I just looked at the text and said, "Oh.. ok.... good to know." :)

Hmm.. now have to wait to see what happens next.

I just have to say, I really miss you all and glad to see the best of you are still on here :) NOw that I can get in and out of bed.. and in and out of a chair without two people helping me, I will be on here more. I PROMISE!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-05-07 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Good morning everyone,
Sitting here watching my mom and Fuat drink tea... wishing I could have some :) Haven't eaten since Wednesday and haven't been allowed anything to drink since midnight. UUUGGGH...

Have to be at the hospital at 12:30.. Surgery is at 2:30 and will last about 3 hours. Trying not to think about what their going to be doing.. just thinking about the drugs I will get :)

Fuat's as nervous as I am, but HE has something even harder to do today. Today... he will meet my father :):) :rofl:

And Krystle.. I WILL remember who you are. I guarantee it :):):)

Have a good weekend everyone. With luck, I should be back on line by Tuesday or Wednesday...

Love you all

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 30 April 2010 - 07:33 AM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-30 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

hi guys! jenn, krystle - sending you both massive amounts of good vibes.

Krystle, did you hear back about when the mri would be? I hope you can focus instead on your wonderful wedding in just a few days!

Jenn, I know you're scared but i think friday is a really good thing. the doc is going to get in there and see firsthand what is happening and then you will know for sure. you still have our group's good luck, and we are all with you surrounding you with VJ love and support.

Question re: AOS - do we have to send evidence with the forms?


i miss all of guys, it has been so quiet here.

Well, just watching the clock... and waiting for tomorrow. Not allowed any food today, but can drink clear liquids. Good thing I like tea. At 2:00pm I have to start drinking some horrible stuff that is going to "clean out" my system... have to drink 4 liters of the stuff. YUCK... so working from home today. Don't want to be too far away from a private restroom when this stuff starts to work :) Not trying to gross anyone out here..

I mailed the AOS papers an hour ago.. and of course I am worrying. Did I sign the check? Did we sign all the forms. Karen, I did not send any evidence with it. Just the required documents, but then I read your post and started second guessing things. I looked at the forms and it said we would be requested to show evidence after our case is reveiwed. So I am assuming we will need to send evidence if we don't have an interview.. and we will need to take the evidence with us if we DO have to go for an interview.

I am hoping we will be one of those people sent to another location and won't have to have an interview. Our local office is a little more than an hour away and I won't be able to travel anywhere for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer. Knowing my luck, we'll get approved as quickly as we did for NOA1.. and then have to delay because they will require an interview that I cannot physically attend. Keep your fingers crossed that they have a heavy work load and forward us to another office!!

Tomorrow is going to come too soooooon. I am not even sure what time surgery is, and won't know until after 4:00pm today. I'm supposed to call and they will tell me what time to come in. They are thinking it will probably be in the late afternoon. Oh... I just want to get it over with. I'm such a baby.. have to put my head down, if someone takes a splinter out of my finger, so that I don't pass out. THIS has me scared out of my mind... but at least I will be asleep.

As soon as I can post I will.. and I know my mom will be putting something on our web page as soon as she can get to a computer.

If I don't get on here later I just want to say I am thinking of all of you.. and Krystle, even though I will be heavily sedated on Saturday I am sure I will remember that it's YOUR day.

Talk to you all soon

Jenn YILDIZ ( :)... by the way, I loved the idea of making my last name my middle name. I may have to do that as soon as I am allowed to go back to DMV)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-29 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Yes, I saw them too and had to comment how beautiful she is.
I can't wait to see my pictures!!

Congratulations Mrs.Tittman, posting from the phone is a pain so hopefully you'll be up and running soon again.

Okay VJ family, I know I told you guys that I haven't had my "monthly bill" since february and thought I was pregnant and it turned out I'm not. Still didn't get my cycle yet so the doc did some hormonal testing and basically said the hormone that produces breat milk is hih in my brain and I need a MRI to makesure it's not a huge mass about to protrude from my head and make me go blind. The diagnosis is "hyperprolactiremia" :blink:
in the anterior pituary gland and the medication used to treat it is dostenex" so for now, no unprotected sex and go home and wait for us to call you to tell you when's your MRI :D
That was a sarcastic smiley because I'm worried shytless outta my mind. Someone google it for me, I'm about to go to work.

OH I WANT TO SEE PICTURES!! I shut down my facebook account, for now, because I just couldn't keep up with the messages peole were sending me.. Trying to divert everythign to the page, so I can have everything in one place. Too many people asking why I wasn't responding to their facebook messages.. just not enough time.

If a picture isn't put on here, I may have to reactivate just so I can see the pics :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-28 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Krystal, maybe this can help you if your diagnose is hyperprolactinemia.

OH KRYSTAL, this is not what I wanted to see when I came to VJ today... I hope everything turns out alright.. I will ask all the people praying for me to add you to their list!!!!!

Tomorrow will be the last day I can get on VJ for a while ( probably a week or more before I will feel up to it).. Friday is Surgery day and I am scared to death..

As soon as I can, I will be looking for updates on you and everyone else. If you do get some information please send to my hotmail address as it will go directly to my phone ( same thing for anyone else who may have important info in the next few days. I want to stay in the loop :)

The address is:

Going to DMV to change my name today (Jenn Yildiz.. though my family is pushing for Jenn Andree-Yildiz :) )

Today, Fuat goes to the civil surgeon and TOmorrow... I am sending our AOS package. WOW, what a lot of work.
But, the paperwork seemed much easier than what I stressed with on the I-129F. Maybe because we have more experience now??

Hope everyone is well today... Krystle you will be in my prayers!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-28 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hi everyone,

First to Johnanwesha ( hope I spelled that right :) )... The blog is not private. Anyone is welcome to ready it :)

Thank you to everyone who has sent me and email or posted comments.. I hope you understand how difficult it is for me to respond to each of you personally, there just isn't time.

Yes.. everythign happens for a reason and in God's time. Fuat and I tried, for two years, to get him a visa. It didn't happen. We truly believe it didn't happen because he needed to be here NOW at this time.. not on a vacation two years ago, not on a fiance visa a year ago.. now. Who knows if he would be here now if we'd gotten the visitor visas all the times we applied? Maybe he would have gotten scared off by the culture and not be here now( SOme of you know the adjustment difficulties he has had)... now was the time we were intend to be together, for whatever reason, and we are just grateful that we are in the same country. This would be so much worse if we were still on oppposite sides of the ocean and he could not get to me. I am soooo thankful that things worked out the way they did with our visas.

As for the rings... we got them last night and found someone who could size them today. Wish I had known about the Zales price. That would have been great.. but we have them and we think they are beautiful. My mother will put them on our fingers tonight. I will try to post a picture if I can.. but haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Maggie ... today is YOUR day and I am glad that I will get to share it with you in a small way.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.. Kayla.. when does Matthew get here???
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-25 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hi Everyone,

Can't stop thinking about Maggie today! Tomorrow is your big day and I am so excited for you.

Fuat and I have been shopping for rings ( with my Mom) and really wishing we had done it before this. Even though we are already married, we weren't going to put on rings until we had our family cermony... you all know the info on that. My mom has given me her wedding band and engagement ring ( both very small bands) and I will wear those with the bands Fuat and I choose.. but we want to have them before my surgery on Friday and it seems like that will be almost impossible. I have a size 4.5 finger and the smalles ring made is a 5 but we keep being told it takes two weeks for resizing. WHATEVER. We've been everywhere and I am sure we will find someplace that can resize same day.. but with everything else we need to do this week, the rings may have to wait. We don't want to wait... we want them on ASAP.. but may not be able to do that. You would think that it would be so simple.. all we want is plain bands ( White gold)... why the heck does it take two weeks to take it down half a size? Fuat, being a jewler, keeps telling them all they are crazy and he could do it in one day..

So, maybe we will have rings soon and if we do our plan is to go ahead with the Turkish tradition of having the rings on a ribbon.. my mother would place the rings on our fingers and then cut the ribbon.. but we want to do it soon. I have been married almost a month and no ring. I WANT MY RING :) ( and he wants his more than I want mine).

As for me... I will give a brief update here.. but I don't want to take over this page with my medical things, so if anyone wants an update after this please go to the page.

I saw the oncologist on Thursday and he was very optomisitc. Of course, he can't tell anything until he actually gets in there and can see the tumor.. if it is definitely malignant then everything comes out.. if not.. then he will see what he can do and see if it will be possible to leave enough for me to have children. If it is malignant, he may also need to take out several other organs that I can survive without. I am looking at a minimum of 6 weeks recovery time... 8-12 if he has to take more.. and then some fun chemo cocktails.

Hey, I haven't had a summer vacation since I started working in the amusemen tpark industry 20 years ago.. so.... I should try to look at it as a summer vacation :)

Surgery is scheduled for Friday afternoon ( April 30th.. one month anniversary of our wedding).

I hope everyone is well. I still haven't had time to read through the posts I've missed, but I will have more than enough free time pretty soon.

Thinking of you all

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-24 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hi.. no time to read the posts from the last few days, but will try to do that tonight or tomorrow.

Just wanted to drop in and tell you all that I am ok... appointment with Oncologist is tomorrow and will try to give an update then. If you want more information, or want an easier way to keep in touch please visit

Never fear.. I will be back.. and I will beat this.

Thinking about all of you... and can't wait until I have more time to keep in touch.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-21 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I haven't turned on a television in days and am only hearing about volcano things now.. I have NO IDEA what all this is, but this is the second time today I have heard something about a volcano.. I guess I need to try to get some news.

My thought go to anyone who is affected by this
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-17 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hi everyone,

So many posts to catch up on, but haven't had time.. as seems to be the normal case lately. I apologize if I have not send congratulations or good wishes to people who need it.

I see a lot of new people have joined our thread and I am happy to see you all here. Sorry I haven't been on enough to get to know you.

Now the reason for my posting today. I need to talk to a few of you and it's important... NOT that I want to cut some people out of this little conversation, but there is a small group of us that have been together from day one and I have some news I need to share with all of them. Eventually I will post it here, so no one feels left out.. but for right now it is a bit of a private thing, but something I need to share with my VJ family. For those of you I don't really know.. please forgive me for not including you in this right now.

Kayla, Krystle, Karen, Ney, Maggie, A & D and Seb... PLEASE send me your email addresses. You can contact me at

Once I have all of your email addresses I will send you all a group email to tell you whats going on.

Again, to those of you I don't know or have not talked to on a daily basis please forgive me for not sharing with you right now.

You have no idea what an important part of my life this VJ family has become and I just have to say I love you all!!!!!!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-17 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

(breate a sigh of relief) Feels so good to finally see a face to the name. You two look very nice together :star:

So nice to see faces to go along with the names. I agree with Krystle.

There is so much to respond to and I can't get on here as much as I wish I could. I feel so left out.. not sure what is going on with everyone. Krystle any news on that baby dust???

Kayla? Visa in hand yet?

Krystle I saw a post where you were telling someone they needed to hurry and get an appointment for the marriage license.. not sure how it works where you are, but I remember reading you had some issues. Did you get it taken care of? Here we don't need an appoinment. We walked in and had the license 15 minutes later.

Please everyone.. dont' forget about me. I am not disappearing.. just trying to juggle my new life, but can't let go of VJ. You guys have been like my family when I was alone and trying to do all this...

Fuat is adjusting more.. and we are working on plans for our May 1 wedding for my family :) .. and we can't wait to finally be able to put rings on and let people know about this officially :)

Whose next to have their honey come in the country? Is it Maggie who arrives next? I am losing track.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-13 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

...don't know whay that happens.

Okay, NOT to pick at you BUT if I'm not mistaken a few months ago we were all talking about the EAD stamp that JFK gives and you specifically said that someone at your job came with the EAD stamp and they weren't allowed to work, and you went on to explain that the EAD stamp was no longer a form of work permit. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Soory to hear how he's being treated, we Americans can be very mean or harsh at times and don't even recognize it.
Glad the cat situation is working out. :star:

At first when I saw the word late, I thought you were gonna say you're pregnant I was ready to say CONGRATS :lol:

Yes sweetie, May 1st, so happy!
Hate suspension, not nice. Can't wait to hear what it is.
Enjoy your weekend!

If you go back and read my posts.. It said that we had someone come with the stamp and we DID let him work... some people say it's not an EAD some people say it is..The jury is still out on that, but since the previous employee had no problem adjusting status and our legal team says it is still acceptalbe we put him to work... according to one of the pages I was on recently, the K1 does not need an EAD to work but an employer can require one. THat pages was updated beginning of March 2010. I tried to find it to show the SSA Person, but couldn't locate it when I wanted it most...
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
OK a few things...

# 1 Where is Seb and where is Kayla? I feel bad when I can't get on here every day, but I see I am not the only one.

#2. Kayla.. visa yet???

#3. Krystle .. Kayla.... what's up with the baby dust? Any news?

#4. When we get to the point that we have to close this thread, let's move to one for AOS regardless of WHAT MONTH everyone ends up filing. We can call it the September 2009 K1 visa Filers AOS Thread... and just move over there. But I say let's stay here as long as we can.

Alright.. now the news....

Are you ready????

Are you sitting down????

Kayla.. I already sent you a PM about this, but you never responded so either you didn't see it or you were so shocked you couldn't responde.

Are you sure you are ready?

Fuat and I got married on March 30th. YOU are the first people I have told. My mother doesn't even know yet.

We didn't plan on it.. the day we got the marriage license, we decided to go to the mosque to see the Imam ( muslim version of a priest) to see if he would do the religious muslim marraige, so that we were not living in "sin". This was really bothering Fuat and his family.. and in Turkey, the muslim marriage and the legal marriage are two seperate things, so I agreed to go ahead and do this part right away.

So... we went there... and part way through all this we find out that not only would it be the religious wedding.. but also the legal one and he refused to do just the religous one, because of the "laws" of the particular mosque and making sure that we were legitimtly married and there could not be poligomy ( as is still allowed in some muslim countries.. not Turkey :) ).

Anway, we had a choice.. stop everything right there, or continue with what we were doing and get offically married. It was so important to him that we be able to live together without going against his religous beliefs... and I was torn, because my family would be CRUSHED.. but we decided to go ahead and do it.

So, we were married in the IMam's office.. in jeans.. no rings.. not planning on anything.. but when I took his hand to say my part of the "vows".. felt his hands shaking, and looked into his eyes it was really beautiful.

We were both a little shell shocked and almost crashed the car trying to leave the parking lot :)

So.. we are offically married but haven't told anyone... EXCEPT FOR ALL OF YOU ( and the millions of other people that could read this page :))

We are planning a "wedding" for my family on Saturday, May 1st ( Yeah Krsytle.. great day for both of us). We'll do the dress and rings, etc... still planning on doing it at home as well.

In Turkey, the rings are tied together on a ribbon, placed on our fingers and then the ribbon is cut.. we are going to have my mom place the rigns on our fingers and cut the ribbon.

The whole thing will basically be for the benefit of my family, but it will be nice for us too... we weren't planning on getting married when we did, so were not prepared and we'll consider the May 1 event our actualy wedding.

Aren't you all lucky to be the first to know :):):)

Now.. if I can just get over the guilt of not telling my family all this I'll be fine :)

Oh wow, I LOVE LOVE roller coasters!! I'm jealous :blush:

Jenn, if you were offended by what I said I apologize but it wasn't my intention to offend you.
However, sorry that he hasn't been passing the tests, don't they have the option to take it in turkish? I understand that him not passing the test has nothing to do with his knowledge of driving, I see plenty people that come here and has had their license in their country and fail the test here, whatever it is I

NO! Not offended at all.. just don't want people thinking I am freaking out about the little things any more than I actually am :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

The threads close when we reach the 5000 post limit and 'charles the moderator" usually stops by and let us know.
Maggie, still not sure yet, I'm tired of looking at the sticks to see 1 line but then I'm 2 weeks late. I really wanna know but my doc is booked until Tuesday. Lets see what happens. I just wanna get the wedding over with because I'm gaining weight and I ripped my dress a little trying it on :blush:
So far it's May 1st and I hope I don't gain any more weight by then because I have a killer APPETITE!!

Congrats again Maggie!!

MAY 1?? ME TOO :):)

Well, I have something else to tell everyone, but need to get through all these other posts first.. then I will tell my news and how it relates to our May 1 wedding!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Maggie was approved!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn, just try to be patient and remember that everything is new to him. I'm sorry to hear that he's having a hard time adjusting. I don't really like cats and I can't imagine living with one so I can understand what he's feeling...
Why7 are you stressing about a failed drivers test? It's not that important until he gets a job and has to drive to work, slow down, you're going too fast I believe.
Ok, I have to ask, what's he doing at your job??? Even if he's there to visit, why is he interacting with your boss to the point that your boss has to opportunity to disrespect your fiance??
I hope it works out for you and you both remain happuy (F)

To clear up a little confusion... we aren't really rushing things. Our little town has no public transportation, so if he wants to be able to go anywhere he needs his license. Even though he has a Turkish license they are making him take the test and he didn't understand some of teh english words ( like Pedestrian).. so he failed it three times and they are making him take a drivers education class before they will let him try again. It had nothing to do with his knowledge or driving or how well he drives.. he was so frustrated that he couldn't pass because they wouldn't help him with word definitions. But... he's enjoying the class, so at least there is a bright spot there.

As for work.. It's not MY boss that was giving him a problem. It was his. Yes.. he is working. He has the stamp, our Corporate Legal team said it was an authorized EAD.. so he is working at Kings Dominion right now. His first day was our opening day.. we were expecting 4,000 people and ended up with 15,000... WE are used to days like that and knowing what it will mean for our employees.. but his introduction to King Dominion consisted of a manager that woulnd't let him take a break for 11 hours and I did not prepare him for that possibility when we got slammed the way we did. The only people that got breaks that day were the ones we LEGALLY had to give breaks to and those are only the kids under age 18. Then, he didn't understand the American Coins and instead of explaining them to him his manager told him to go home that night, go shopping and learn the money before he comes back. The manager has been "dealt with" in regards to how he treated his employees.. but can you imagine Fuat's reaction to all this? I am surprised he even came back to work the next day.

Every day there seems to be some new stress, whether it's the food or the people, or the way our "work" culture is different.. or a snotty lady at DMV telling him he should know what "Pedestrian" means becauase he should speak English.. BUt, at least the situation with the cat is getting a litte better. Of course, I have not given her to someone else and he just does not understand why I won't just give her to the first person I can find that will take a cat.. but we will see what happens.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn you just have to give him time to adjust a bit. He's scared and has never been out of his home country. I know you're being your awesome self and being all patient right now for him, and I know it will be hard. Just know that we're all rooting for you.

Oh, and I know that there's a website where people can order things from Canada that we can't get in the US, but maybe there' something like that for Turkey too? Might be something worth looking into and it would probably make him feel less homesick.

Yes.. there is a great web site for stuff like that. Yesterday was our best day yet.. even though he failed the drivers test again. I'll tell more about that later :)

Yesterday he rode his first roller coaster ever.. and insisted on sitting in the front seat. I have never seen him smile so much and he couldn't stop talking about how happy he was yesterday. It was so nice.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-10 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

hey jenn, are you around? just noticed you are not on facebook anymore. what happened? hope all is well...

OH, I HOPE HOPE HOPE everything works out alright for Maggie. I am getting stressed just reading about it.

Yes.. I am still here. I shut down my facebook, because I logged in the other day and a bunch of messages had been SENT from my account.. all written in Cyrillic Alphabet. I did not write them.... I came back to Facebook today and it happened again about an hour later, so I deactivated it again and have contacted Facebook. I am hoping I am not going to have to create a new profile. That would be a big pain.

A brief update... the "transition" from Turkey to the USA is not going as easily as we had hoped. I cannot imagine coming here if I had NEVER been out of my own country.. and going from one extreme culture to another. We'll be ok.. but it's been a rough two weeks and we keep having bad things happen... one minute we're happy and everything is fine.. and the next.. something happens that upsets him or me.. or both...

and we are having difficulties about my cat. He doesn't like animals living in the house.. she's a pampered baby and has NO claws at all, so I can't even let her outside. It's been a sore spot..truth is I don't want to have to choose between him and my "baby" of 15 years.. but I am not sure he can adjust to her.. not sure he can adjust to this country. So.. my waiting game has not ended... even with him here, we are still playing "wait and see"

But I don't want to make it all sound negative. It's not.. I just wish we could have one good day without a failed drivers test, or manager at work treating him like an idiot, or cat jumping on the counter in the kitchen and freaking him out, or homesickness, or anything.. just one day that goes well, with no issues, would be a blessing. We have a wonderful time together, but he needs a little less stress right now...

Maggie.. holding my breath for you.. Kayla and Krystle.. I'm knitting baby things ( and I don't know how to knit)

Ney.. how is your daughter-in-law adjusting? I know she and Fuat come from similiar cultures, and hers is even more strict than his. Is she ok? Overwhelmed??? Surviving??
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-06 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Ney I'm so happy for you that she's here!!!

And Krystle might not be the only one expecting a bump. I'm a little late too. :yes:

Going to work on our website today and get it somewhat running if it kills me.

WHAAATTTT????????????? :):):):)

Lots of little VJ babies might be running around ??? I love it...

Maggie just sent me another update. Her I-134 is in customs and she called Canada Post and was told that it was hard telling when it would be released and if they don't have it for delivery tomorrow morning they wont let her pick it up either. So basically, Canada Post has to get it before delivery tomorrow morning or Maggie is screwed. :(

OH MAN..... I am praying for this one. I can't believe this
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-06 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hoping everything is ok with Maggie.. this Paxil things is insane.

Frenzyheart.. don't give up hope. we had someone else with a similiar situation... and they found a way.

Karen.... ?? YOO HOOOO....Karen....??? :):) He's been here two days and no word from Karen :) I am SURE she is enjoying herself.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-04 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

WOW!! That's ashame. I had to do the same thing with SSA and when I went to apply for the marriage license. They have never heard of the K-1. The pastor that's marrying us wants a copy of the NOA2 because he doesn't believe the k-1 exists!! I went to DMV and they told us we didn't have 6 points but now I noticed the NOA2 is on there, going back monday and see what they say. Does your state DMV has the 6 point thingy as well?

I have no idea what the 6 points thingy is????

We had to show primary ID and proof of being allowed to be in the country ( that was the passport and visa). Also had to have secondary proof and the NOA2 ( whatever it is really called I797 or something like that) was on the list.. but I had to explain it to them, prove it was on the list, prove that an I129F existed etc. Also had to show proof of residence.. glad I had already added him to the lease and could show that.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well Jenn.........................................................While I would love to come to VA and get on a few coasters, I'm almost 2 weeks late and I don't think pregnant women can ride coasters :no:

WHHAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????? Did I miss a post some where?



I'm at work too, so I'm hoping it will occupy me...but also I am hoping to leave early because i still want to try to get some things done before he comes...I have to buy some breakfast food, order groceries, make copies of keys, buy a couple of bathroom things, clean the toilet and bathroom floor, hang a new shower curtain...aaaahhh!!

OMG, this is what you wanted, right? I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

HAAA!! I was doing all the exact same things the morning I left for New York.

I am still a little in shock from Krystle's post... :):):):):):):):)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

yes, today is the day!! the last time he will have his phone will be around noon...and then i'll just be praying until 10pm tonight! i am SO EXCITED!!

Krystal, I love the cake....


I saw your post about only have to sleep without your honey for two more days... Fuat has only been here two weeks and I have almost completely forgotten what it was like to wake up without him. It is really a wonderful feeling to have it be so "normal" to have him there. I am so happy for you.. happy for Ney and her family.. happy for all of us.

Maggie, I just read another post and realize your interview is not today.. I don't know why I thought it was April 2nd. Was someone else today???? I wouldn't think so, since it's Good Friday and they consulates are probably closed.. but you never know.

Well.. for all you coaster lovers... we opened the park today and we opened a brand new coaster. Our companies CEO was in the park today and made me get on it... BEST DARN COASTER EVER. I swear I almost blacked out. If you like coasters get yourself down to Kings Dominion. There's no other coaster like this one... it's amazing.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

She is officially out of Iran!!! Last email I got was from Amsterdam!

We are central standard time. Iran is 9 1/2 hours ahead, Amsterdam 7 hours ahead, and DC is 1 hour ahead. She is moving back in time and the flight times are just so crazy to look at. She should be in DC around 4:00 PM today (my time). My son has been scrubbing toilets with a smile, Posted Image I never thought in a million years I'd see that! She will spend the night with my inlaws, get some much needed rest (She has been traveling since around 6:00 AM yesterday morning (my time), starting with a 7 hour rode trip.), and she will be home tomorrow around noon.

It's all so surreal!

OH!!!! I have chills and am so happy thinking this will all be over for your family soon. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn, I love the whole getting married at home idea. That's what we would have done if we didn't go for the whole beach wedding thing. But I'm confused about what you said with the 30 days to get the license. I'm pretty sure you get the license the day you apply for it. the 30 days refers to how long until it gets back to you after it gets signed by everyone (at the wedding) and submitted back to the county clerk.

Apologies if i misunderstood you...

You understood me perfectly.. I am the one who misunderstood and yes, we were given the license the same day. The web page suggested applying for it 30 days prior to the wedding, so that is why I thought there was a delay.

On a brief update.. DMV did not go well. He knows EVERYTHING, but there were some words he didn't understand on the test ( like Pedestrian).. he missed passing the test by ONE question and they wouldn't give him word definitions. Really sucks, but he will take it again. I did have to EDUCATE the DMV staff on what an I129F was.. because they had only seen an I129 and they didn't want to accept our 797 notice ( or whatever the NOA2 is called) as secondary evidence because it was expired. Had to point out to them that it was one of the forms listed on their papers as acceptable as evidence of legal right to be in the country.. and that EVERYONE using this form would have an expired form. Spent a lot of time explaining the whole process and what the hell the form was and how it was not possible for him to be in the country without the form being expired, etc.

We applied for the Soc card, BUT I had to EDUCATE the SSA rep on k1 visas and that they were allowed to apply for the social security card.

I have spent a lot of time EDUCATING government officials on what exactly a K1visa is and all the forms that go along with it :):)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

no computer, unless I luck out and they have some there or i can find a cafe Kayla gave me her # and mathews! You should receive some updates.

Fuat's idea of doing the wedding at home sounds PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFECT!!! i LOVE it!!!

the I-134 I need..mailed..from Kenyth because we realized it needed the original signature not electronic..... still not here has to arrive has to.... right.. *eats chocolate...* right? *eats more chocolate* OH MAN

OK.. I am catching up on mulitple days, so this may be answered already and I haven't seen it yet.. DID YOU GET THE PAPERS IN TIME????????

I think your interview is today isn't it?????? By now it is over, so hoping to read some good news soon.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-04-02 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Maggie.. good luck and we will be thinking about you!! If no one sent you a PM with their cell number I think we will all go crazy waiting to here from you.

Kalya.. I hate Delta.. they are notorious for losing luggage.

Ney.. she is coming in a few days isn't she ?? :)

Seb.. hello Seb?? are you there?? Probably not.. his honey is here now, so he will probably be like me and have a short time he's not alble to get on here.

We are going to the DMV for a drivers license tomorrow and then... off to get the marriage license. There is no waiting period to get married, once we have the licesne, but it can take up to 30 days for it to be sent to us.. so... just going to wait and see and then set a date. We decided to get married in our house.. my family there a few of my friends.. and one of our friends officiating the wedding. The state of Virginia will give you a one day permit to perform wedding ceremonies... just fill out a bunch of forms and you are considered an "officiant" of the state or something like that..

It was Fuat's idea to do it at home ( which is how the religious weddings are sometimes done in Turkey).. and to have our friend Nate do the wedding. I like the idea a lot. I always said I didn't want the whole big fluffy white dress deal... won't have time to fly to Vegas.. and didn't really want to do it at City Hall. So.. home it is :):)

Wednesday we apply for the soc card.

Thursday I have a huge media day for the opening of our new roller coaster

Friday.. the park opens for the 2010 season.

Busy week but I will try to check in at least once a day :) I really miss keeping up with everything, but I am sure things will settle down and I can get back to normal soon.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-03-29 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 24 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 24 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (4lovewelive @ Oct 24 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 24 2009, 04:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (4lovewelive @ Oct 24 2009, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Register as applicant customer. You can put either your info or your fiancee's. I'd say fill in your info and your email so you can get email updates. You can also receive updates by cell phone. Just make sure to turn on alerts both for email and mobile phone.


Post-Decision Activity

On October 20, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.



Wowwwwww! You are a very lucky couple! NOA2 in just 14 days!!! Thats amazing!!!! Congrats!

Actually i was shock Sir, just an hour ago i decide to go check online status i guess i visit the site only three or four times and i was shock of what ive read.... my fiancee didnt know yet about this approval....i hope we got the hardcopy today on his daytime or monday.....
is this the first time happen 14 days approval from the date of our NOA1--- oct.6 HARDCOPY NOA1


We got our hard copy first notice today......
Sept 23-- sent docs
Sept 28--delivered to VSC
Sept 29--- received VSC
Oct 2---- Encashed cheque
Oct 20--NOA2 approved
Oct __-----waiting hard copy

Looking at your time line in your signature, your NOA1 date was probably 9/29 or 9/30... STILL incredibly fast for NOA2!!!!!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-24 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 24 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (4lovewelive @ Oct 24 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 24 2009, 04:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (4lovewelive @ Oct 24 2009, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Register as applicant customer. You can put either your info or your fiancee's. I'd say fill in your info and your email so you can get email updates. You can also receive updates by cell phone. Just make sure to turn on alerts both for email and mobile phone.


Post-Decision Activity

On October 20, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.



Wowwwwww! You are a very lucky couple! NOA2 in just 14 days!!! Thats amazing!!!! Congrats!

Actually i was shock Sir, just an hour ago i decide to go check online status i guess i visit the site only three or four times and i was shock of what ive read.... my fiancee didnt know yet about this approval....i hope we got the hardcopy today on his daytime or monday.....
is this the first time happen 14 days approval from the date of our NOA1--- oct.6 HARDCOPY NOA1


Was the DATE of the NOA1 October 6th or is that the day you got the Hard Copy? It seems like it took an aweful long time to get NOA1 from your sent date. It was almost a week after my actual NOA1 date before I got the Hard Copy.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 24 October 2009 - 08:44 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-24 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (4lovewelive @ Oct 20 2009, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations! I wish it could go as fast for all of us. Our file hasnt even been touched in a month, so im not too hopeful....

Our's was only touched once, and I have seen some people who never have any touches...

Now here is where people will tell me I am crazy. I feel bad.. you really have no idea.. yes, I'm excited, but I don't think it's fair. The first one's in should be the first one's out.

I don't know why we got it so quickly.. but we've had two years of denials for other visas, and this last year has been rough for both of us, so maybe catching this little bit of luck is God's way of telling us not to lose hope smile.gif

I know I am still going to be a fanatic about checking the site, because now I am watching for all of you.. I really do feel some good things coming today.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 20 October 2009 - 08:00 AM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-20 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 17 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn and Fuat @ Oct 16 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are now 11 September filers approved from VSC. Well, at least 11 that are on VJ and have updated their time line.. so probably more than that.

hope we all septemberian filers got our approval this month


we got our approval about an hour ago. The text came at 9:19pm.. I am so excited and happy, but must admit I am feeling a little guilty when there are people that filed months ago.. and other September people that filed before me.

Right now I am having a glass of champagne and hoping everyone in the September group gets good news soon!

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 19 October 2009 - 09:35 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-19 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
There are now 11 September filers approved from VSC. Well, at least 11 that are on VJ and have updated their time line.. so probably more than that.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-16 22:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (Steakfinger @ Oct 15 2009, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TFYAR @ Oct 14 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Received NOA2 today. Only 43 days!! Holy #######!!!!

Wow. That's crazy. This should go without saying, but I hope I am so lucky. If your numbers work for me, I should be getting really happy around November 2nd. Good lord!

Now there are 7 September filers approved from VSC. One of them was only 20 days!

Hoping many of us can get good news like this soon!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-15 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (TFYAR @ Oct 14 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Received NOA2 today. Only 43 days!! Holy #######!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! A September filer already approved!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-14 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (Luis&Alice @ Oct 14 2009, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone!!

I am now #234 in Igor's list for VSC!!! Where are you guys on the list? I noticed also that everyday my expected adjucation moves lower it is now for the beginning of November... And also noticed that over 60% of the cases for august have been adjucated. Let's keep this tread going smile.gif

We are 265 for VSC. Last week we were 300, so it is fun to watch it go down and to watch the expected adjucation date move.. but when I get really excited about it I have to remind myself that this does not include all the people who applied who are not on VJ and the people who are, but have not filled in their time lines. Still exciting to watch though!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-14 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (SolitaryThrush @ Oct 13 2009, 02:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ugh, this is killing me. I sent everything out on September 19th---from South Korea to Vermont, as my "home" is considered PA---and it arrived on the 22nd, and I still haven't heard anything back. I see people getting their NOAs in a few days or a week, and I'm hoping nothing got lost in the mail or sent to the wrong place. Then again, if these kind of delays from overseas are routine, it looks like our hopes for a summer, 2010 wedding will have to be delayed.

Did you sign up to check your status on the USCIS web page? You can find out your NOA1 date there, if your check has been cashed and you can read the case number on the back of the check. I know when I have sent things over your direction it takes three to four weeks to get there if sent regular mail, so I am sure you will be getting it soon.

Please fill in your time line on this site also. You filed a few days before me, so you are probably going to bump me down a notch on Igor's list smile.gif but... then you will also be able to follow everyone else and see when you might be able to expect your NOA2 smile.gif

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-13 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (Chris&Kirara @ Oct 10 2009, 02:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 9 2009, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 8 2009, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (George&Hazel @ Oct 8 2009, 12:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Waiting anxiously.

Welcome to VSC September filers 2009 biggrin.gif

VSC smile.gif

Just waitingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Igor's list is showing a September filer with an NOA2 on October 7th! Hoping to find out if they were an expedited case or went through normal procedures. Congratulations to AJ and J.

If you are out there let us know!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-10 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 filers
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 6 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (honey bear @ Oct 6 2009, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kasingkasing @ Oct 7 2009, 10:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got our hard copy first notice today......
Sept 23-- sent docs
Sept 28--delivered to VSC
Sept 29--- received VSC
Oct 2---- Encashed cheque
Oct 6--- HARD COPY NAO1 smile.gif


i told ya,you will get it,you just have to wait. good.gif are you happy now? laughing.gif


Be sure to fill in your time line. It will help you track your status and give you an estimated time when you think you could be approved. Then, you can have fun watching your name go up and down on Igor's list. Well, it's no fun seeing it go down.. but it gives you a smile to see your name go up on the list. Yesterday, I was #301 waiting for approval at VCS.. today I'm 297..

Of course, that does not include all the people who filed that are not on VJ or have not filled in time lines.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2009-10-07 09:56:00