K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Now I've seen everything...

There was a huge crashing noise, that sounded like extremely loud and close thunder.. I looked outside and there was a ton of lighting and then the sky let loose with so much ice and snow that I couldn't see my car.. and it's only just outside my front door. Amazing....

Excuse me.. Mr. Weatherman.. if you hadn't noticed.. Virginia is south of the Mason-Dixon line, so technically we are supposed to be in the south. You know.. hot summers, mild winters.. no snow...

I can hear my mother's voice now.. "Why don't you have boots?"

Boots? Mom, I don't need boots.. I've lived here three years and never seen it snow more than a few flakes..

Ahh,, I should have let her buy me those boots when I was home for Christmas :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-10 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Missouri still has the regular ones...My boss drives the 40 miles down there because she HATES the FS ones now. So if you ever get to Kansas City you could pick up a few cartons LOL

Hmm.. you never know :) One of our parks is there.. Worlds of Fun. I may just have to ask if I can make a trip there for something.

I hope everyone has a good day today.. more snow for us. This is getting ridiculous
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-10 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Now I have this image of Matthew wrestling a possum for a piece of cake :)

WHAT is the Unity Sand thing? This is a new of for me.. We will have a civil ceremony, and the religious one will be Muslim.. so there wouldn't be a unity candle.. but wondering if the Unity Sand is something that could be worked into a civil ceremony?

The idea sounds pretty nice.. at least what I am picturing in my head.

OH Kayla, I just googled this and I LOVE IT!!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Now I have this image of Matthew wrestling a possum for a piece of cake :)

WHAT is the Unity Sand thing? This is a new of for me.. We will have a civil ceremony, and the religious one will be Muslim.. so there wouldn't be a unity candle.. but wondering if the Unity Sand is something that could be worked into a civil ceremony?

The idea sounds pretty nice.. at least what I am picturing in my head.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just looked at my Camel Crush pack. It has it (that's why they tasted like shi!t, and I was wondering).

However, on the packs of Camel Lights - there is no FSC lettering. And I just smoked one, and it didn't go out or anything.

So yeah, looking at the barcode I guess, that's the only way

You can buy a rolling machine and empty filtered cigarette thingies and you are all set.

Those rolling machines are pretty cheap too (used to roll my own back in the college days, since I had no money hehe)

Interesting.. I hate Marlboro lights, but I don't mind Camel lights at all. Maybe I will have to switch.

And I will have to check out one of those rolling machines. When I think of rolling my own.. I picture cowboys sitting around a fire with tobacco in their teeth :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
OK... so I am sitting here... wasting time on the internet and getting ready to make my "Turkish Wake Up Call" in an hour. Fuat was really ill today, so we didn't get to talk on Web cam. He has been staying in the city since, Thursday and he hasn't been home.. so we haven't seen each other. He was at his sister's and then his uncle's and neither of them have a computer, so we had no way to use web cam since last Wednesday.

It's been driving me crazy, not seeing him, but he went all the way home tonight ( takes him more than an hour to get from the city to his home in the Istanbul suburbs).. and was so ill by the time he got home he just got in bed and we talked on the phone. He should have just gone back to his uncle's,after work, but he promised me he would be home tonight and he didn't want to break his promise... So sweet.. but I wanted to ring his neck for getting on that bus and going all the way home if he was ill.

anywhooo... as I said, I am sitting here.. wasting time on the internet.. and putting all these posts on tonight.. because....


because.. I LOVE looking at the bottom of my posts and seeing

13 days

It puts me in such a good mood that I'd even put some food out for the possums!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I was running up to the door and screaming at them and they just looked at me like I was stupid or something. I got one off the porch and it hopped back up with it's mommy or something. So I just let them hang out and wanted to gag the whole time. Then I started hitting the door and they finally left. These things just look like they've been rolling in something dead.

First thing tomorrow I have to go to the post office to drop the check off in the mail for my cake lady. I'm soooo excited!

And now one of them is back...ughhh

MMMM.. cake....

I bet the possums would like some of that.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Sh!!!!!!!!!t, so that's why my cigarettes been putting themselves out every time I leave them for 20 goddamn seconds in the ashtray....
Is there any way to buy non-carpet glue cigarettes? I see no indication on the pack :( (I smoke Camels. Filters, lights, crush)

YES! That's why they are going out like that. It drives me crazy.. and I still think part of the reason they did this is so we would have to buy MORE of them. Not all states are doing this yet.. but if yours are fire safe it will have FSC above the barcode on the package.

If there's a way to get them without the FSC then I want to know WHERE. Maggie, I have never tried to roll my own and would probably screw it up somehow. But.. if you roll your own do they have a filter? I tried non-filtered once and just can't smoke those.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm one of those people who smoke every now and then, but don't have any problem quitting. Even when I was smoking every day for about a year I just up and decided to quit one day and never ever felt a craving. I don't know what the deal with that is. I'm not sure if the ones I usually smoke are fire safe or not(I usually smoke camel crush), but the carpet glue thing freaks me out.

Anndddd there's 2 ugly possums on my back porch eating Mittens' food. I tried to scare them and they don't care about me at all. Even my inside cat is afraid of them. And they're sooooo gross looking.

I can just picture this... my cat would be crying and whining and saying "Mom Do something."

Maybe you had better move to Richmond. We don't see too many possums around here :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I smoke. And I smoke quite a lot nowadays, due to VSC being stupid slow :) But this is the first time I'm hearing about these "new fire safe" cigarettes. Can you elaborate? Maybe in PM so we don't flood the thread.

It's supposed to make cigarettes burn out, so you don't fall asleep while smoking and start a fire. I didn't know anything about it.. googled it and came up with a ton of stuff.

You don't have to worry about flooding this thread.. we talk about some pretty strange NON visa stuff on here :)

Hey Jenn, unfortunately your not alone, I'm a smoker too. I have quit several times cold turkey and started back agian. Several times I quit for a few months at at time, and a couple of times I made it a year and started again. I was diagnosed with the onset of COPD a few years ago thus my original first one year mark with quitting. I started smoking when I was about thirteen. Everytime I look at my grandbabies I remind myself I'm cutting my time with them short, but the habit is really hard to let go of. Neither of my kids smoke but my husband does now and we've been discussed letting it go for sometime now. My husband actually quit with me when I was pregnant with my son, but I started back agian after I gave birth, and he didn't until my son was seventeen. Obviously, he has been much stronger than me. Even though we don't smoke in our home we have been researching the smokeless ciggs and we are both interested in quitting but haven't as of yet.

Ney, your post made me laugh.. I once told Fuat I was going to "quit cold turkey" and he said.. "What? Your not going to come because it's cold here?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
My friend and I had been complaining that we thought we bought "bad" cartons of cigarettes, because they kept burning out half way through.. then we found out it was happening all the time, so we couldn't figure out what Marlboro had done.. last week, one of the women who works for me told me about this "fire safe" thing they have now and I noticed it labeled on the package today. So.. I looked it up on the internet and was surprised to read that the constant headaches, nausea,dry mouth, copper taste in my mouth, excessive coughing, stomach cramping etc. was a side effect of the carpet glue that they use on these things. So I am already poisoning my body with all the other toxins.. let's add some carpet glue to the mix.

I once quit for a year.. started again because of a slot machine in New Orleans. Seriously :)

I was in the casino, and I looked at my friend and said "If I put a quarter in the machine, and win $400, you have to give me a cigarette." Come on.. what are the odds??!! I didn't even want the darn thing and wish I hadn't taken it.

and now.. here I am, typing this post.. and inhaling carpet glue while I do it :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Glad to hear she got there.. and I am sure she is enjoying herself.

Question... Does anyone else in this thread smoke? Perhaps I am the only one of us with that disgusting habit, but if not I am wondering if anyone else is seeing some of the side effects of these "new" fire safe cigarettes. I think only 20 states have them right now, but will soon be nation wide.

Smoking is bad enough.. what these cigarettes are doing is ridiculous. For a few weeks now I have been thinking something is really wrong with me. Have been putting off going to the doctor because there was NO WAY I was going to find out I had something serious that needed to be taken care of and was going to miss my trip next week. I had decided I would get myself to the doctor the minute I came back, but wasn't going now unless I had to be taken there in an ambulance. Now.. I find out about these new "fire safe" cigarettes ( made with carpet glue) and the side effects.. and it's everything that I have had going on. Now really, I should have quit ( for the second time) before this.. but this is enough to make me quit.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It would depend on how fast I can collect the papers. I do not want to rush and make mistakes. I will do the best and all is in God's hands like untill now.
Our embassy is very efficient and helpful. I can call them every day if I have any doubts. Actually the clerk told me that I can have my medical before I get the packages and that I do not need to wait on them. Just a few of us from Croatia asking for this type of visa. We are the only one from last year in VCS and another couple in CSC. This is the reason that they can memorize our names and after few calls I became almost familiar with the clerk because she is from the same town like me and we started to talk in the way common for Zagreb, which was funny. :star:
Hardly waiting to go back home and stay there for good! No more tears and difficult days because we are appart. (L)

It's great that your embassy is so helpful. I can't even get an email response from ours, most of the time, and any time I have tried to call there the people have been a little rude.

Did I ever mention I've been through Zagreb? I drove from Budapest to Lubjana a few years ago.. drove all the way across Croatia, but it was raining so hard that day and so foggy that I saw NOTHING. We intentionally took the route that would take us through Zagreb and then it was raining so hard, we couldn't see anything and decided not to stop in Zagreb. Had to get to Lubjana by a certain time and we were running so far behind because the drive was so slow.

One day I will go back. I have a stamp for Croatia in my passport but can't really count it as having been there, because I can only tell you what the road looked like two feet in front of me :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I just saw something interesting in the November thread :) I went in to check on the status of a few people and saw A & D in there too :)

But I saw a post that was obviously written by David saying you both post using A & D. So.. sometimes we are talking to him ?? :) HA.. maybe we need to be more careful with those ice pack comments.

By the way, I thought the whole thing about having to post in English was a little ridiculous. There seem to be many Croatian/Slovenian people in that thread.. I guess I understand the point. I require English on the Facebook group I have for our international employees for two reasons.. One, so I can moderate what is being's an official company web page, so I have to be sure nothing damaging to the company is on there.. Two, so that no one feels uncomfortable on there..

But, I guess I view this site a little differently. I am sure the only reason is so that no one feels uncomfortable not knowing what is being said.. but the moderator never answered your question as to WHY? If they did.. I missed it.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

No way Jenn! It can't be. I will be happy with the last week of February or the beginning of March.
(Of course the last week of February is a better option... :star: )
It would be great if I manage to do all the things that I have to do and David comes for me and the boys (my cats :luv: ) in April.
Hope I will have enough time for everything. :blink: :star:

It could happen :).. and I was just thinking it would be great if you had an interview in the last week of February.. because Ney and I have our interviews that week too.. and it would be one heck of party for this group.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Wish a good journey to Krystal. :star: Hope everything is ok and we will soon have news about her from Kayla.

When I wake up in the morning my first thought is usually "Fuat".. my second thought is usually "Coffeeeeeeee"

This morning.. My first thought was Fuat.. my second thought was Krystle is on a plane now :):):)

Krystle.. you trumped coffee today!

A & D, I am so happy to hear that everything is going so fast. I said it once before and I will say it again.. even YOU are going to have your interview before me :):):)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-09 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I love love love looking at wedding stuff. If anybody here needs anything I'll be more than happy to scour the internets until I find it.

And I completely forgot about Fuat being muslim. The Grace Kelly one from Maggie Sottero is my favorite.

I bought my toasting flutes today!!!!!!!!!


and I got



I used way too many I's in the post so I had to edit it or I was going to slam my head into the desk, lol

love the Flutes and the Bouquet cuff.. I loved the Grace Kelly one too.. Did you see the one named Kayla? :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I love those.. especially the first one of the Maggie something or other links.. I have to be careful about showing too much cleavage though.. yes, it's my dress.. but, I have a muslim man to take into consideration and he would not be too happy about that :)

But.. I think I am going to take a picture of that dress to a friend of mine who is a seamstress. See if she could do something like that with a little less plunge and ankle length or just a little shorter. It would be exactly what I want.

Thanks Kayla. I think we should all hire you as our wedding planner
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well Jenn. For you I have found



http://www.alfredang...r...0&colorId1= (not sure if lace is your thing)





I know my brother and his wife live on Quietwood Court, wherever that is. I haven't been to their house yet. They moved about a year ago. She's the catering director for some place there.

:rofl: I just googled it.. they live about 10 minutes from me... and about 5 minutes from where I lived when I first moved to Richmond :)

Now.. to check out these dresses ( even though I swore I wasn't going to look at dresses anymore until we had the visa and the plane ticket )
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Hey, for anyone who drops in to the September CSC thread.. or who remembers Kizza from when she would still post in here.. she FINALLY got her NOA2. She has waited longer than anyone I think..

Now she just has the wait for an interview at Montreal.. but I am so glad she finally got the NOA2
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

You're in Richmond, aren't you?? My brother and sister-in-law live there. And actuallyyyyy, Mathew and I may end up there as well.

If I only had a four-wheel drive I'd be much happier. My car has too many mountains to climb, and it's too light. It fishtails like a fish out of water when it hits snow. I hate itttt.

Really??? Where in Richmond do they live? Any idea? I am in the West End, near Glen Allen and Short Pump. That would be so funny if they lived near me.

I have an SUV, but didn't get the 4 wheel drive.. because what the heck would I need it for? It doesn't snow it Richmond.. Uhuh!!!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Love the 1st 2!

The first two were my favorites too. I decided not to look any more, until we knew we had the visa and had actually booked his ticket.. but I am going to have a hard time. Nothing sleevless or with spaghetti straps.. and all the dresses I've seen with any kind of sleeve are the long, poofy dresses that I do not like. I would love to find something like what Nydvo wore.. except to mid-calf at the minimum. I might have to have it made. I have not seen anything that is what I want.. but I know I won't be wearing the full deal. I would just like a nice, simple dress..

Krystle.. I hope you are sleeping right now, and trying to get some rest.. but I doubt you are!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

You weren't kiddin. 4-6 inches expected by wednesday. Meanie pants!!!

Krystle, my phone will be attached to my side at all times on Friday. Don't you worry!!!

Hmmm.... we're supposed to get another 4-6 inches by tomorrow night.. must be heading your way after that. Washington got 28 inches on Saturday .. I'm a little further south, so only got 10 but looks like the weather is going to try to make up for that this. More snow expected this weekend too.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Yes, you do A&D!!! :thumbs:

A big CONGRATS to Houstonking!!! :dance: :dance:

Kjenkins, sorry I'm so excited I'm getting ahead of myself.

Wow, the dress on the link is gorgeous. This place has some nice gowns at very reasonable prices.

Congrats to A & D.. Congrats to Houston King... looks like a good day today!

Kayla, I would be happy to send you all the snow. That's what you asked for right? I have it on a truck and on it's way to you now :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I love how she announced it.. I would never have thought to put a picture of the pregnancy test on there.. cute way to let people know she's pregnant.

Krystle.. you leave tomorrow right? I don't know about your area, but we are supposed to get more ice and snow tomorrow. TAKE ME WITH YOU!!! I am tired of this stuff.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
HoustonKing had their interview today.. should be over by now! Hope it went well. Didn't see the pictures for Nydvo, will have to go back and look.

Sat down on the couch last night, around 6:30pm... and just woke up... on the couch. I must have been pretty tired, but I've had plenty of sleep now :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-08 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It's ok Seb, we girls still love you. Atleast you're getting your sleep. Matter a fact, you haven't missed anything except JENN labeled me and Kayla as "Ms.Do It Alot" and Kayla of course took the title proudly, but me? Oh no :whistle: I love you Jenn :star:
Ah, trying to remember if you missed anything. Not sure if you were around when AandD got her NOA2 but she did and uh, can't think of anything else. Oh yea Kayla and Maggie both got their interview date.
Starting february 12, do stay alert because it'll be mine, Jenn and Ney's son interview and I'd :bonk: if you missed any one of those 3 events :yes:

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.. I DID NOT!! YOU are the one who came up with that title my friend.. not me :no: Don't try to blame that one on me :rofl:
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

guys wotttttss up.....its been soo long since i visited this forum.....well my fiances inyerview is on monday feb 8....i am nervous as helllllllllllllll !!!

OOOH Congratulations! I hope you will be sure to update us on Monday! Good luck
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
OH! I just looked at Ney's signture. Their interview is two days before mine.. so it's Krystle, Ney, then me! Ney, that is my mom's birthday, so it is sure to be a lucky day :)

I just did my taxes.. and I am afraid something is wrong. For the past two years I got a refund of about $150 and owed state. I haven't had a decent refund since I moved to Virginia. had a new program this year, with more options for deduction... I was a bit shocked when I saw what I would be getting back, double and triple checked it.. could not find any errors.. so hit send... and will just hold my breath and hope there isn't some mistake I missed. If there is, I am sure the IRS will catch it, but it would be nice to get that refund before my mom and I go on our trip :)

It is STILL snowing here...! A week ago it was in the 60's and now I am going to have to dig my SUV out of to be able to get to work on Monday. Sometimes I really miss having a garage.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 06 February 2010 - 05:04 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

ha! nice to know i'm not the only one who has the whole pre-visit routine. :-) only two days krystle! oh and they will go by so fast i am sure. i am happy happy happy for you!

maggie - i don't think i ever posted to say that i am so psyched that you were able to get the church on that sunday. we are really a lucky group i think. i know we all have both good and bad things going on, but i do feel that the stars are on our side.

hope everyone has a great weekend! i am going to try to start hard-core cleaning/clearing up my apartment...only 8 weekends left before my love comes here!

I do the pre-visit routine too.. and right now trying to figure out how to fit it into my schedule before I go :)

Maggie.. I don't think I ever responded about the church either. That's great news.. and I am sure you will end up with great news on the apartment too.. and if not.. screw it. It only take a few years to clear up your credit.. and.. if you are ever applying for a loan or a house, you can always explain WHY you had to break your lease.

Ah cleaning... with my schedule, and the park opening right around the time he would be coming I decided that it will be well worth it to take part of my spring bonus and hire a cleaning company to come in and do "Spring" cleaning. Maybe if I can get the place to "Turkish" cleanliness standards it will be easier for me to keep it up.. but I can tell you I am NOT going to be scrubbing the floors every day. It's amazing what his mom really does in the house every single day.. but as a working woman.. just not possible :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

That's exactly how I feel Kayla. It does sound me but that's just who I am and I don't care who gets offended. That's also why I never even respond to DAnne, when I see her name, I instantly know that either she has a question, stressed about something etc
As you said, I'm happy for anyone who gets approved because I don't wish bad for anyone BUT it's not the same feeling as when one of us gets approved.
I am who I am, either you hate me or love but whichever you choose I don't care.
Have a great weekend everyone.
As for myself, I'll be doing all the costly stuff that women do before they travel to see their munchkin.
Kayla, 10 days!
Jenn: 16 days!
ME???? A short 2 days way!!

I have 16 days to the interview ( well.. 16 1/2 if you go by Turkish time).. 12 days until I am there :)

We're snowed in today... again.. people are blaming me, saying I brought it with me from the North. Damn Yankee :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-06 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Uhh, you're suppose to preview the post BEFORE you post it :bonk: lol
yea i was shocked at myself this morning too when i typed 6 days :blink:
I am close, almost there, then I'll quickly turn the spotlight on you. or is it ney then you??

I think Ney's son is the day after mine.

to be honest w' you, i wasn't referring to 4lovewelive becoz i spoke to her as well and i guess she told u what she told me...
but alex got his ineterview and was approved???? how do u know that :unsure:

I saw it in another post somewhere.. he told us about NOA2 in here, but never came back to tell us about the interview. I read it somewhere on here though.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
HEE HEE.. I was just re-reading my post.. looked at the bottom of it and saw "17 days to K1 interview" and the words "Holy #######" came out of my mouth :)

I've been so busy the last few days I almost forgot how close it was getting..

but not as close at KRYSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 05 February 2010 - 10:23 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

So I emailed 4lovewelive the other day and she replied and said she went to her inetrview and got APPROVED!!!
I don't want to use the word upset, but I do feel bad that people came here for support, got it, left and don't even have the courtesy to pop in and say "hey we got approved" :blush:
Eh, everyone thinks differntly

Good to hear she got approved. I talked to her last month and she told me about some really horrible problems she had been having... aside from the co-sponsor problem they had. She said she was so depressed and stressed out that she thought it was better just to stay off the site for a while. I'm a little surprised she didn't at least come and say she was approved.. but who knows what outside circumstances might have been going on.

Look at Alex Barrow.. he was on here more than any of us at one point.. he's been approved for months, for all we know he's already married.. and he still has yet to come back and update his time line to show he got NOA2.

In his case I think it was that he just got busy and now he's moved on to other things.. but I think it might be a different situation with 4lovewelive.

Then again.. I could be wrong!

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 05 February 2010 - 10:20 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Requested an interview date on 1/22/2010 (2 days after Korean Consulate got our paperwork), got one for 2/16/2010. Going to Korea on the 11th.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-04 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

does anyone know if this will effect my aos or any other process if I still technically have residency in canada....

I've been looking into it and I guess legally they can't stop me from just leaving...and apparently by not letting me end it with 3 months notice is them just being mean about it because they could let me out early if they wanted to. I am trying to get a subleter now... but if I don't..I'm worried.

I don't even know how this is possible, I remember talking to my super about going month to month in 2008. gosh.

Not sure about Canada, but here if you break your lease they can continue to charge you monthly rent but only until the rent it to someone else.. so if you leave and they rent it a month later, they can only charge you one month's rent. Of course, some places write other clauses into their lease, with big fines for doing this, so you essentially end up paying them more money than if you just paid the rest of the lease amount.

Did you sign a new lease for 2009? I have always had to sign something saying I am going month-to-month or sign renewing for a year. Do they have something with your signature that they can hold you too?

I don't think it will affect your AOS as I have met a few people who live here, but still own houses in their home country.

Today was a busy day for me. Trying to plan my mother's time in Turkey.. and the trip she and I will take to Greece after we leave Turkey. I'll be in Istanbul for 11 days, she'll join me on the 7th day there and we'll be there together for 5 days. Then we'll be in Athens for an overnight stay and Santorini for three days.. then back to Athens for a day and a half.. then she's fly home from Athens and I will go back to Turkey for two days.. then home ( hopefully going home to get the house ready for a new resident : ) )

I never realized there were so many combinations of ways to look for flights. Tried every possibility.. one way,round trip, multiple stops, some one way.. some round trip... My head is swimming, but I was able to find a good deal.

We'll fly from Istanbul to Athens, then Athens to Santorini, then Santorini to Athens.. and then I added Athens to Istanbul on to mine and got tickets for both of us for less than I usually pay just for one round trip ticket to Istanbul.

I should have been a travel agent :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-04 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

NVC has our application!!! :dance: :star: :dance:

I know you are in other clouds but...just to remind the rest of Septembers that we are moving...yesssssssss... :dance:

YEAH! Thinks are going to move really quickly now...
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-04 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

morning all! today is a ridiculously busy day for me...back-to-back meetings from 10am-7pm! :P

i think i might be the only one here who is not into babies. :) we don't have plans to have any. but i will happily knit stuff for yours! :)

oh how love jamaican coffee, might be some of my favorite coffee in the world! i'm totally addicted to coffee. only drink 2 cups in the morning now, but i have to have them or else i am totally foggy.

hope everyone has a great day!

I love babies... if I can hand them back to their parents after I am done playing with them :) the thought of having one that I can't hand back is a little frightening.. and I hadn't really wanted kids until I met Fuat..

My mother also keeps reminding me that it will change my whole lifestyle. I can't just decide to go off for a weekend and leave a few bowls of food out.. like I do for my cat :luv:

And all my world travels on business trips would come to an end.. but I've traveled a lot, so I suppose it would be worth giving it up!!

I can't knit.. can't sew... so won't be able to send anyone cute, little hand made baby stuff.. but I am great at buying things at the store :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-04 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I'm Ms. Do It Alot and proud of it!! I'll wear my ice packs with pride, cause that boy has got talent!!! ;)

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... That was great.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-04 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn, you too? I'm shocked! Is that what you guys think of me: Krystle is Ms. 'Do It" Alot :rofl: Not nice guys!
But seriously speaking I honestly don't intend to use BC, if it happens it happens coz I believe God makes no mistakes...

LMAO @ the ice-packs!
Yes please refill your BC because then you too will have the title of Ms. Do It Alot! Eventhough it only takes one time :star:

HEYYYY.. I never said that Krystle :):).. :rofl: and to be honest, I wasn't even thinking that.. I just have a strange feeling that you are going to be the first one to be posting baby news :yes:

Don't be in a big hurry you said if it's meant to happen it will.. but try to have at least a week or two together before you start having a family :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-02-03 22:05:00