K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a good week and getting close to all the interviews.
We are heading to Ciudad Juarez next week for interview and I'm trying to organize all the paperwork. They told me that I need to bring an original and a copy of my divorce decree, but they don't give you the "original" at the court house, just the certified copy. Is that what the consulate wants?

Did it say you needed and Original and a copy? Or.. did it say you needed an original certified copy?

I got confused with what we needed for birth certificate fromTurkey, because the instructions said to sendd the original certified copy.. so I thought we needed the original AND a certified copy of the original.. Turns out we only needed to send the certified copy and we need to bring the original with us..

but Krystle is correct. I would start a new topic and ask the people from your same country! Someone has to have the answer.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-20 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I was gonna say 1 more hour left in the day to know if AandD got approved but then not really because I got my text @ around 7pm. Still rooting for you AandD :thumbs:

Don't forget.. mine came at 9:15pm!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-20 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Thanks to all of you for nice wishes...we are so close. :star:
They touched us on January 15, 19 and today. I have a good feeling... :whistle:

OHH!! I bet today's the day! If not today, it has to be soon!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-20 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

You're welcome Maggie. Anything to make my VJ family smile.
I know I've mentioned this before but I can't help but to say it again. It'll amazing how we've created such a wonderful bond just from this website. I really can't wait for summertime to get here because by then we should all be happily married and planning a wknd getaway (to somewhere affordable of course) to finally meet up w' each other. So far the plan is @ Jenn's job: kings dominion but some of us are so far away from Virginia. We'll figure it out...

As usual, Krystle is the first one awake and posting... I think I would have been shocked or disappointed if it had been someone else :)

I have an ex that I SURE would donate some fingers and toes to the Canadian package. He might not do it willingly, but I would be able to help him :devil:

HA Polish women's soccer team.. that's funny.

Well.. off to work. Another busy day!

Hoping for some good news from A & D today!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-20 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh that's great Gaynto! I'mso happyfor you :star:
On the other hand I can't wait for all of us to have our honey here w' us so we can all have something more in common and something else to converse about.
Kayla: did yu try calling back dos? :devil:

Jenn: I was just going to send you a pm. We missed you today :star:

I'm here now.. it's been a hectic day. I am still in my office, trying to finish things up for the night, but wanted to check in.

AND.. I just found the cutest thing for Valetines day. Need a quick idea? Something unusual? Go to and have a picture of you and your honey printed on M & M's :) I just had some made and hoping they will be here in time for me to ship to Turkey.

You can also add your own words on them. I needed something small and "different"..and that did the trick :)

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-19 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Ugh. My face is SOOO burnt today. Every year our store gets all geared up for spring and summer and we pretty much take over the tanning bed at the hair salon next door. Like a dummy I took off my makeup and put moisturizer on and layed the full 20 minutes. Bad idea, lol. Now my face tingles like crazyyy.

But that's okay. I tan so easy it'll be brown tomorrow.

Gotta get ready for that wedding, ya know! ;) We're thinking about doing a zumba class in the store after closing, I can't waitttt!

I'm not even going to entertain the notion that we'll miss our wedding. This is GOING to happen. It HAS to!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I hear ya...

I'm pretty sure Kenyth and I just cancelled our April 25th wedding date..and we're not going to set any date now until I hear about my interview.

We're both bummed. :(

Oh Maggie!! Had you done like Kayla had and booked everything already? I really hope not. I am so sorry to hear that you are canceling everything.

I pray you and Kayla will both hear something soon.

It's pretty slow in here today. Hmmm....
I'm off from work today so I was in bed ALL DAY, and now it seems as if I'm catching a cold. This damn weather is getting to me. I start school on wednesday, only taking 2 classes but they're held together so that's a plus!

Hope you are feeling better!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh ok, 1 last question, I mean 2.
Does it tell you what will be your refund or bill before you submit?
And do you pay the fee right then and there or the fee comes out of your refund?

Yes, it tells you your refund/amount you owe.. you have to pay with a debit/credit card. Hmm.. I think you can have it taken out of your refund too, but then I think they charge you more.. or maybe that is just if you do an expedited refund. I can't remember..

If you go to the site it will give you all the info before you actually pay them.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn: Yes I always file electronically and it takes 2 weeks the most. Someone told me that if I use my last paycheck to file, I'm only "preparing to file" and the info won't actually send until I present the w-2. So how much does this website charge & it does both state & federal?
Maggie: of course you're not being selfish! You have wedding plans & not only that, you & Kayla have been waiting for ages. I hope they don't go thru the files they have searching for all Haiti cases. I hope they speed up all country's cases that's been waiting for awhile. Or maybe the cases are sorted by country and not visa type. Hmmm, I wonder.
(I hope I didn't offend anyone)

I haven't sent in an actual W2 in 5 years. I've been using the site. Everything is sent electronically and I usually have my refund ( or bill :) ) within 2 weeks. You can set it up to be deposited right into your bank account.

I just print my return and keep it in case I am ever asked for it. But, as Seb928s said, if you had more than one job it's tricky to do.. this site actually has a link for entering more than one job and I did that when my company transferred me to Virginia a few years ago.. same company, but different pay rolls, so different W2's. I still used my pay stubs.

I think the site was $9.95 and included State and Federal, but can't remember the exact cost. It helped me find some deductions I wouldn't have found on my own. I've never used TurboTax or some of the other ones, so not sure how it compares.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 18 January 2010 - 09:59 AM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I heard something along the lines that the canadian government is going to help fast track any Haiti visa applications - which I do think is a good idea because of everything they are going through right now... but I'm wondering is that going to push our applications even further back? I hope that doesn't sound selfish to ask.. I'm just curious if I'm going to have to re-evaluate plans again.

I heard the US is doing this too. Something on the news last night, about 6 kids that were walked into the US Embassy and given visas right away. Didn't catch the whole story, but they were saying the US is fast tracking people in Haiti. I am glad they are doing it, but I hope it doesn't hold up people who have really been waiting a long time.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It's funny you say that - my old account got reactivated, not by me...and now I'm missing friends on my new one.. like my aunt and uncle both aren't on my friends list anymore and I thought they removed me...but theres others maybe it's just been glitching on me.

It seems a lot of people have had this happening. I had a couple people ask me why I deleted them and I hadn't! Maybe all these "security" changes they are making to facebook is causing a problem.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-18 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Wow I just figured out that I don't have Jenn on my Facebook. So now who the heck am I missing. Anyone that isn't on my friends list and add me my email for facebook is

That's strange. I thought I had you on there?? Facebook has been doing some weird things lately though. The other day, I logged on it and it thanked me for reactivating my account. Happened to a friend of mine too!

Yes it was pertaining to the comment to Kayla. But I was joking though, don't worry about it.
No I'm not wrong about the interview. My only hope as of now is to get my w-2 so I can file my return, hopefully I'll get it in time to file and buy my ticket. Supposedly we're getting it 1/30 but I'm suppose to leave 2/11, not enough time to file and get my return in time to purchase my ticket but I'm still hopefull for a miracle. :star:
If we don't get paid this week I'm gonna ask my boss for atleast $300 of my check so I can buy it.
Unless I start a fundraiser "for the love of krystle & glenoi" :rofl: Just kidding, but if I don't make it I just have to keep my fingers crossed :thumbs:

You can use your last pay stub for 2009 and do your taxes with that. You don't have to wait for your W2. Do you file electronically? It's much faster.. I use and just use the information from my last pay check for the year. I'm getting ready to do mine this week.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-17 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn I'm jealous! How come I don't get a world wide message? Just messing w' u. I'm so bored gosh darnit. I'm also p'd off @ my best friend! She promised to by my ticket to Jamaica & now she's backing out. My job is fooling around w' my check so now it seems like I won't be able to go to the interview :-(

Krystle.. you have me confused?? World wide message??? Do you mean my comment to Kayla about the message she left on my facebook account? :) Today is my sister's birthday, she would have been 41 today, and Kayla left me a really nice message. If that's not what you are talking about then I am truly clueless !

Oh I hope you are wrong about the interview. We have to find a way to get you there!!!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-17 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Kayla, Leaving you this message here.. because have a feeling you will see it here faster than on facebook.

Was just on my facebook account and saw your message. Thank you SO MUCH for the beautiful message and remembering about the butterflies. It really put a smile on my face!!!..
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-17 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Mini-Spooners is that Malt-O-Meal brand of frosted mini wheats. And Vault is that energry soda(I call it pop, lol) that is kinda like mountain dew. She would just sit at her computer with the bag of mini-spooners and eat it like chips. Yuck.

Now I love me some frosted mini wheats as much as the next person, but I couldn't eat only that for the rest of my life. Cap'n Crunch would be jealous!

I haven't changed my avatar since I changed it to the black and white picture. That's so weird!

Are we supposed to be seeing a black and white picture? I'm looking at the colored photo.. I think it was the one you used in the very beginning.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-17 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Seb, that's not healthy! You need your sleep man.

Speaking of needing sleep, what the heck are you doing awake so early in the morning on a Saturday? As I said before, I really wonder when you sleep :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-16 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

LOL that's all I have to say to that.

On the topics of kids I don't even see how we got to that I missed a whole day and show up on the forums and I'm reading about all those kids and ice packs lol.

If I had it my way I would probably not have any kids. I feel like I would be a horrible father cause right now I have to work a lot and would probably not get much time to spends with the kids let alone the wife. I have a fear of failure I guess. She wants kids so whatever makes her happy I'll have to do. Hopefully I'll be atleast an ok Dad.

Working a lot has it's advantages and disadvantages. Not home much,spending long hours at work, and a lot of demend to meet quota. Then the up side is I was able to get into my dream car at age 24, have a decent house, have some land in Poland and working on building a retirement house for us there. I'm really starting to feel it all now from about September I have been working non stop with only 6 days off since then working in stints of 30-38 days stright and taking a day off. Plus my vacation when I was in Poland last year in the July with Joanna was working for the better part of my 3 week vacation on her Dad's farm. Since I know my way around a farm and also know how to fix cars I found out I can fix tractors. So I'm really looking forward to my vacation when Joanna comes even that I already have everything planned out and no dead time to just sleep lol.

You need to get some rest!! I know it's been hard work, but you should really be proud of all that you have accomplished. There are not many people that can say that have accomplished as much as you by the time they are 30!!

As for talking about kids.. I have no idea how we got on that subject either. I couldn't find a post about it.. it just showed up randomly.

By the way, I have decided that the September VSC group is just about the best group on here. Someone else mentioned how we seem to talk so much more than some of the other groups.. and I don't know of any other month that has their own facebook group :)

Loving the pictures on there. They show up so much nicer, and easier to see, than on here!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

pfft, my job barely recognizes christmas. We get Christmas day off and that's it. The world runs on iphones, not dunkin donuts!

That's great!!! Loved that..

Sorry to say that my world does not run on an iphone. It would.. because I am a Macintosh person, but my world won't run on an iphone until and iphone will run on Verizon.

Please forgive me :innocent:
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Yay Martin Luther King Day! :dance:

My step-grandmother used to eat lunch with his brother all the time in Louisville whenever she was younger. Said she met MLK a couple of times, and that he was the sweetest man she'd ever met.

Oh Yeah! Forgot about that.. but my company doesn't usually recognize most holidays and the park is open during a lot of them.. so I get to work on MLK day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor day.. but hey, we do take President's day off..

Oh, and I do get two days off at Thanksgiving and two weeks off at Christmas.. plus my regular Non-Holiday vacation time.. so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

Maybe I will have to declare Monday a vacation day and not go to work :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

And believe it or not, but I didn't even call DOS today. I was so proud of myself.

YOU DIDN'T? Oh my God woman, you probably have them worried. They all know your voice by now and even say "talk to you tomorrow" when you call. They are probably worried sick that you were in an accident or something. You had better call on Monday and put their minds at ease.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Yeah, we may get a earlier date, but since Montreal is so understaffed at the moment, I don't think that it would really make a difference what kind of visa it is. I've been waiting almost a month and a half and the anger has subsided. Now I just wait with patience and count my blessings already. I'm marrying my prince charming, after all! And surely to goodness we'll have our interview in time for our wedding. It's a little over 5 months away.

But an earlier date would be awesome. Then we could just work on our wedding details and forget about immigration until after we're married and it's time for AOS. :)

I am willing to bet that even YOUR interview will be before mine :):)

Have you really been at the consulate a month a half already? My gosh, it doesn't seem like it had been that long. I would be going crazy.. you have so much more patience than I do, but I suppose if you can't do anything about it no point in getting all worked up.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 15 January 2010 - 08:02 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Just want to wish RayandMai Mauro the best right now, and CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:

Am I missing something? Did they get married today? What's going on??? And where has she been????

Jenn hope everything will be good and you will be happy at the end of this journey. (F)

USCIS received our response on January 14 and David got an email from them:
Current Status: Response to request for evidence received, and case
processing has resumed. :dance:

On January 14, 2010, we received your response to our request for evidence. :star:

So now we are going for our NOA2!!! :thumbs:

Thanks! I am hoping for the best.. and looking forward to telling you all an interesting story with a happy ending.

That is so great that they have the RFE info now.. it won't be long for the NOA2. I am SURE of it!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn, you will be blessed with all the little jenns & fuats that you desire.
I just want a girl because I never got the chance to have a close relationship with my mother and a mother daughter relationship is precious and therefore can't wait to have my own little girl to show her what my mom never showed me. We plan on naming her Alexis!
Kayla, I can imagine your little matthew jr w' chunky cheeks!
2 Boys Maggie??

Off topic: I'm @ work and it's so much tension because for the umpteenth time, our boss rudely annouced "no checks until tuesday!" I'm so fed up that I'm not even shaken by it because only God knows why a state owned preschool is low on funds.....
So now I have to put my cheap ticket search on hold, as Kayla would say: booh!

Ha.. that would be nice to thik all the little Jenn's and Fuat's I desire.. but I better get working on needing those icepacks then :)

Oh, I hope you have a little girl and I love the name.

No checks until Tuesday? They spring this on you today? Was today supposed to be your pay day? That's horrible!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers


I want 2 boys and 1 girl. Boy first.

Somehow I missed how we got on the subject of how many kids we wanted??? But I'll give my two cents..

I would like two girls and a boy.. but given my age, one child will be miracle enough, so if I can only have one.. I would want a boy.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Well, my major is TECHNICALLY Environmental Science with Land Resources as my option. I want to be a wildlife biologist. BUT, I refuse to work after we have children for a while. So I'm completely unsure of if I'll finish, or if I'll get to use it once I am finished.

What I've decided to do is go back to school(or change my major) and go for photography. As much as I'm paying my photographer($1900), I'd me making a killing on it. I figure I can stay at home with the baby during the week and doing weddings and stuff on the weekends that way Mathew can take care of her(we want a girl!).

Right now I've restricted myself to only finishing up my basics that I haven't gotten to yet that way it wont hurt so bad if I change my major.

That is exactly what my cousin did and she makes pretty good money. Started doing weddings and then moved into Senior pictures as well. Just for fun, she started doing "modeling" sessions for girls and their friends.. taking pictures of them outside, dressing up, just posing for fun, letting them pretend to be models for a day.. and it's turned in to a great business for her.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-15 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Ha! Just read Kayla's post and she sums it up much better Fanfreakintastic.. or whatever it was she wrote :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Thought it was my computer too...
Ok, I saved my personal photo to my desk top then tried it from there but I still want to change my avatar. I'm tired of it and now that I really sat and stared at it, I look extremely skinny w/ the deep collar bone... :crying:

I think you look fantastic!!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I just read that Montreal is done scheduling for February. ..the person said they would be scheduling March the second week of Feb.

Montreal Schedule Ends for February

So you will have to wait until the middle of February just to hear a possible interview date? Ohhh, I think that is so unfair.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Congrats DAnne!!
Maggie & Kayla: anyone going through this process would be exhausted...

Congrats! Glad everything went well.

Krystle you are right.. anyone going through this would be exhausted. I know I am!

But, I better sit tight because it's not going to get any easier for me the next month. Kayla, remember that "pressure from home" I told you about? Well... the closer we get the worse it gets and I am just trying to sit tight and keep praying we go to that interview.

Now.. don't everyone freak out..I've been dealing with this since the day we filed, so I am BEYOND exhausted, stressed, having my days where I am ready to just say I give up... but I haven't yet, and not ready to spill the whole story yet.. but...

One day, I will tell everyone the whole story.. whether it has a good or bad ending.. but right now just pray, medidate, throw coins in a fountain, burn insence.. do whatever it is you do.. and help us get to that interview :)

We really needed a much faster interview.. but I will MAINTAIN that we were scheduled for that particular date for a reason :)

Ha.. now that I have everyone's attention you have something else to look forward to. A story.. but after February 23rd :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

So I see as soon as I logged off the party began. Not nice Jenn, Kayla, Seb & Maggie!
I don't know why but nowadays as soon as I get home from work @ 5:30, I eat, shower and I'm snoring by 7! Maybe it's because I'm stressed and lonely. Eventhough there's a SLIGHT chance there could be a KJ Junior on the way because I was a bad girl the last 2 days before I left Jamaica! Hmmm, I better check.
Everyone, have a great day especially to Maggie & Kayla.
Jenn, I'll mail you that drink if I have to!
I couldn't get that countdown thingy figured out so:

I was just going to ask you if you EVER sleep.. I see you on here late at night sometimes.. and you are almost always first one in the morning... EARLY morning.

So... if there is a "maybe" junior on the way.. and it's a boy.. I vote for naming him VJ :)

Hey.. a cat.. a person.. great name for either one :)

Alright.. I really need to get some coffee, because now I am just being silly. Need to wake up

Logged on looking for news from DAnne.. but nothing yet.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 14 January 2010 - 08:00 AM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I think Jenn's been drinking without usssssssss. :o

Noo.. but I sure could have used a few drinks last night. Horrible day yesterday.. work related, Fuat related.. just a horrible day. Hopefully today will be better.. but if not, yeah I will be having that drink with our without you.

I have found that when I am having a bad day that I feel better after coming to this thread! You are all much better than alcohol :):)

Best thing I've ever used is Gold Bond lotion and Udderly Smooth.

Yeah, just like the name implies, it was first used for cow udders. But it freakin ROCKS!

Udderly Smooth.. definitely!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-14 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

THAT IS AMAZING NEWS!!!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! :thumbs: :dance: :star:

I think it's you then Jenn .. I'm not sure about anyone else?

Krystle (Kjenkins) is before me.. :) Hence.. owing my a drink

So apparently, they're going to let us do the interview without the police records and without the medical exam results and let us send them later. Now I'm just hoping Fernando can get everything else together before the interview tomorrow morning. THE PROCRASTINATION MONSTER IS UGLY, AND IT BIT MY FIANCE! And now I am stressed!!!! Wish us luck and prayers tomorrow.

AHH.. correction DAnne is next.. TOMORROW!!!!

Oh you have an interview tomorrow!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
So I was wrong..interviews are....

DAnne, then Krystle, then Jenn

Kayla that does sound very exciting !!!!

Yeah.. I should keep reading before I respond to posts.. that way I don't post unecessary things... I see you have already covered this :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-13 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Hi guys! Just wanted to post quickly to say OUR VISA WAS APPROVED!!!!!

We are so so so so happy! And I will try to write more later...right we have to celebrate. ;)

Thank you guys soooooo much for all the good vibes and prayers! I know they helped us.

:) :) :)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-13 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
OK.. I am NOT complaining.. I am NOT complaining.. I am NOT complaining..

I KNOW our interview was scheduled for the day we met for a reason..

I KNOW I should just be happy and let the time go by quickly..

I KNOW I should be thrilled that I got NOA1 faster than anyone I have seen on here, in any forum ( except for Military people who got expedited).

I KNOW I should be thrilled that most of it went so quickly and I didn't have to suffer like Karen, Kjenkins.. and now A & D..


There are September filers from CSC who are getting their interviews before me .. and we KNOW how long they suffered waiting for their NOA2

No offense to anyone from CSC :):):)

Just ranting..

That's what I get for getting approved so quickly that it made heads spin.

and don't complain about my ranting.. you've all done it.. :) and some of you owe me drinks because of it :rofl:

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 12 January 2010 - 08:45 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn, how do you get the little countdown thingy on the bottom of your posts???

I think if you click on mine it will take you to the web page.. then you can create your own. You will then have to cut and past the URL info from their web site and insert into your signature. It took me one or two tries to get it right.. I am not computer savvy, even though I am on the darn thing at least 12 hours a day.

If clicking on mine won't take you there then go to

I just tried to click on Kayla's and it didn't work.. it worked when I clicked on mine, but maybe because it's mine. I don't know.

Edited by Jenn and Fuat, 12 January 2010 - 08:30 PM.

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Really, really, really thinking about you. I have heard Ecuador is a very tough consulate, so my thoughts are strong with you right now.

Is it true that the USC is required to attend the interview? What happens if the USC can't get to Ecuador??

I can't remember if Ecuador is on EST or CST, but I will be checking the web page a lot tomorrow. PLEASE post and let us know as soon as you can.
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

You Canadians are pretty funny and I love your national sport hockey.

Karen and Jose Luis best of luck it will go great :)

Jenn do you have a link for your park? When Joanna comes to the States I'm taking her to the Keys and few places in Florida. If the snow is gone I might take my car up to VA.

On the side note yesterday Joanna recieved her passport back with the Visa :) we are both so happy right now. Looks like we will be back together in late March early April will know more about it soon.

web page is

park is open weekends April - Memorial Day, Daily from Memorial Day to Labor day and then weekends again through October 31

Glad to hear she has visa in hand!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Seems to me maybe you already started with that big fat drink lmao ;)

HAHAHA.. I was thinking that myself!

Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Right now I'm smiling, dancing, having a drink (of water) and losing my mind at the same time! :wacko:
I just called dos and was told my interview is February 12th @ 8:30 am!!! :dance: :dance:
But, there's always a but! I just got back from Jamaica, broke! I must go to the interview because he's a complete looney when it comes to business. But by God's willing, I'll be there and we're gonna get that visa.
Sorry Jenn but you won and I owe you a drink.
Everyone, I know that majority of us will be having our weddings in the summer but it'd be so nice if we all could meet up at king's dominion for a weekind. Jenn, pull some strings and see what discounts you can come up with :star:
(I believe we're all close to pennslyvania except seb and gaynto.)

OHHHH!! :dance: You owe me big time. I want the biggest, fatest, strongest drink we can find. I KNEW you would get your interview before me.. I am convinced A & D will have their NOA2 AND their interview before me.. but I still maintain there is a REASON our interview was delayed for so long and scheduled on that day of all days...

Come to Kings Dominion ( But it's in Virginia, not Pennsylvania). I can give you tickets into the park.. and can get a discount at the hotel next to the park. We don't own it, so best I could probably do is a discount.

I am so happy you have your interview date. Now COME ON CANADA!!... Let's get these ladies some interview dates. They have weddings coming soon.

No offense.. to my Northern friends... but I suddenly have a song running through my head from the South Park Movie a few years ago ( If you know the movie.. you know the song :)
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Tomorrow is the big day for Karen and Jose Luis!! We will be watching, waiting, praying!!!

Hoping for great news and some great news, from A & D, soon too!
Jenn and FuatFemaleTurkey2010-01-12 08:48:00