US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat are you doing with your "old" citizenship?
Just a poll to see what everyone's plans are after you take the Oath in regards to your current citizenship and allegiance. I'm also interested if anyone know how you would go about telling your current country, "thanks, but no thanks...", if you know what I mean? For example, do I just walk in to the Swedish embassy in D.C. and say: "It's been a great 36 years, but I'm sorry, I wanna be an American now... Here's my passport... So long!" (Hypothetically speaking, that is).

Any ideas?
GoranMale02009-02-25 17:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionBiometric location different than local Field Office
QUOTE (BrADmatt @ Mar 1 2009, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see that you're from Richmond. I live in Mechanicsville and had my ciometrics done at the office up in Alexandria, I wonder why we were sent to two different offices. Anyway, the bldg I went to had no Law Enforcement feeling at all, in fact I didn't see any police at all. The whole atmosphere was completely laid back.

I did finally get my interview letter, I am going to the Norfolk office April 9th.


That is very odd, indeed. From the looks of it, my Biometrics appointment is in an office downtown Norfolk (and this rings some bells from back when I was going through my AOS to a permanent resident back in the 90's). The field office I went to pick up my green card, however, was in what looked to be a business park right outside of Norfolk. It is strange though that they sent you up to D.C. for your biometrics... maybe they were attempting to distribute work loads.

I live in Chesterfield, and sent my N-400 on 1/31. My Biometrics appointment is on Tuesday (3/3). How long did it take you to get the Interview letter?


GoranMale02009-03-01 18:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionBiometric location different than local Field Office
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Mar 1 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The biometrics office here was just that, biometrics. The other office was over in the civic center.

Thanks, Jasman!

A follow-up question. When you were at your biometrics appointment, did you get the feeling you were in a "law enforcement" building, rather than a USCIS office? I.e., did police officers or IOs take your fingerprints?


GoranMale02009-03-01 08:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionBiometric location different than local Field Office

I compared the address where I am supposed report for my fingerprinting (NOA Notice) to that of my local Field Office, Norfolk, VA (USCIS Website).

They are different.....

Anyone else run into this?


GoranMale02009-03-01 08:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionThe Biometric Experience
QUOTE (NickD @ Mar 3 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wasn't this your third experience with biometrics? But no picture taking for the 3rd one, this time, you have to provide your own. Single guard sitting sounds more like our SS office, was added after 9/11, but last year, counted six guards at the Milwaukee office, could only wonder what they were guarding. Some places asked me to remove my belt, some didn't, but always emptied my pockets. Could it be that picture of Bush on the wall? Or an old folding chair they were protecting?

Hi Nick,

Haha... Yeah, I'm not sure what the guard was protecting. While I was waiting my turn, a group of 3 armed immigration officers walked by with a guy in hand cuffs. I assume they were coming from the nearby airport (about 4 blocks away, Norfolk International), and this guy in their custody didn't seem to speak any English or have any "papers" with him. I think he was claiming to be a naturalized citizen, but had lost his passport. Maybe the guard at the front desk is there as a "backup."

It was kind of weired, because this office is in a "converted" office park building. As someone waiting your turn, you had clear view over the "processing" station where thus guy in custody was being seated, and also full view over the two biometric fingerprint stations. You could hear all conversations....



PS. Nope. This was my second experience. The first was in the late 90's when I went to another office in Downtown Norfolk during my AOS to Green Card process.

Edited by Goran, 03 March 2009 - 03:50 PM.

GoranMale02009-03-03 15:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionThe Biometric Experience
Hello Folks,

Wanted to drop a note about my Biometrics experience in Norfolk, VA. We had pretty big (for Richmond) snow "storm" last couple of days (sun-mon), which dropped 12" snow. Norfolk, being about 2 hours east of Richmond, did not get any snow at all, alas, field office was open. Luckily, my wife has a 4-wheel drive car that I used to get out of my driveway/neighborhood.

Never-the-less, my appointment was for 11AM, and I arrived around 10AM. The building is located in an office park right off Interstate 64. It was "Application Support Center" spelled out in large letters on the side of the building facing the street you're coming in on.

As you enter the building, it states no cell phones, no food, no drink, no cameras, etc... however, the guard/receptionist on post as you enter the building did not seem too concerned checking for these things. He sits behind a desk, inspects your NOA for your Biometrics appointment, inspects your green card, and asks you to fill out a "Application Worksheet". Basically, you need to write down your name, address, phone number, ssn, A#, NOA Receipt number, and any aliases you have used. Once completed, he give you a number and asks you to sit in the waiting area, which is just a few steps away from his desk. My number was 717, and they were currently servicing 713.

It is a very open area, where as you are sitting waiting for your number to be called, you can see the other applicants' fingerprints being taken. They had two fingerprint stations going when I went. I only had to wait for about 20 minutes, and it was my turn.

The fingerprint technician asks you to verify your information on his/her computer before your fingerprints are taken. Apparently, I had a problem "relaxing" my arm, so she had to re-scan some of my fingers. However, I must tell you that when you're 6'3", trying to position your arm in a "relaxed" mode for someone who is 5'0", certain difficulties present themselves. There's only so "relaxed" you can be when they are twisting and rolling your fingers! blink.gif

The process took about 15 minutes. She then asked me if I had the study guides for the test, to which I answered "No". She gave me the study guide booklet and I was on my way. I was out of there around 10:40.

Couldn't be more any more painless. Now I just have to wait for the Interview letter to come, which according to these forums should be here within a month.

Cheers everyone!

GoranMale02009-03-03 14:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath Ceremony at Monticello (Charlottesville, VA)
QUOTE (John24689 @ Mar 17 2009, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can only take the oath after the N-400 is approved. Then they schedule you to take the oath. Once the N-400 is approved, you could request the oath to be given there on that date. You may be approved before July, you may not. Good luck.


Thanks for the reply. I completely agree, it would not make any sense for you to take the oath before your application is approved. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with these sorts of requests. I.e., is it simply a request that you make if you're told you passed the interview and to go home and wait for the notice to appear for the oath ceremony, or do you need to be recommended by your senator and/or congressperson?

GoranMale02009-03-17 12:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath Ceremony at Monticello (Charlottesville, VA)
I wondered if anyone has any information on how you can request to take your oath at the Naturalization Ceremony on July 4th at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia?

Best regards,

GoranMale02009-03-17 12:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes the USCIS know their own guidelines?
QUOTE (Stella08 @ Apr 1 2009, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry to hear that. I take it you wrote a statement and sent it along with your application where you stated what the tickets were for and what the fine was? I had put everything down (even just warnings) and explained on separate sheet of paper. The IO didn't want to see any paperwork and just put "traffic" on my application. But that's the thing - you never know what your individual IO wants to see and what he decides. That is frustrating because you never know what's going to be the outcome of your case (same thing when you enter the States and have to go through immigration). I guess, in your case I would try to get your driving record and just show them that. How far back does that go? Maybe you could sign an affadavit? Maybe the IO even doesn't want to see the papers. On my interview letter it stated I had to bring all the originals of copies I had sent in and in the end he even didn't ask for them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. good.gif

Thanks, Stella! I think you're right. It doesn't matter how much standardization the feds try to push into the naturalization process, it still comes down to the "mood" of the immigration officer and how much of a pain he/she wants to be.

I think your advise is good. I actually did get my driving record already (11 year), since before the 1/22/2009 guideline to the N-400 application was released, traffic tickets weren't very well discussed. On my 11-year driving record, only the ticket in 2005 shows up. The ticket in 2000 is no longer on it. I do remember several years ago (around 2003) when I pulled my driving record, the ticket I got in 2000 was on there, but I think traffic tickets are only on there for 5 years and is then purged from the record.

Oh, and for clarification, I did not attach a separate explanation for the tickets with my application. I simply stated in the "matrix" below the "Yes" / "No" questions for arrested, detained, cited, etc, etc, the two tickets and that they were "Prepaid". I did not include the actual amount. I have that information for the 2005 ticket, but not for the 2000 ticket. It was around $120, but there is no way I can prove that because the court has no record of it. All I can tell the officer is that I got the ticket in 2000, I have no record of it, the court has no record of it, and really, if the USCIS wants to pursue it further, the burden of proof lies with them. I've done everything possible to disclose truthfully any interactions I've has "with the law." If the court in Dare County, North Caroline chooses not to maintain traffic court records, there's really nothing I can do about it, and if the USCIS believes that's somehow grounds for denying my application, then so be it.

Anyway, thanks for your reply Stella! It's always nice to read positive replies. good.gif
GoranMale02009-04-01 18:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes the USCIS know their own guidelines?
I must admit, it is sometimes VERY frustrating dealing with the federal Government. It clearly states in their guidelines for the N-400 application NOT to submit originals or court certified dispositions of traffic tickets less than $500 or if the ticket did not involve a DUI.

I have had 2 tickets. One in 2000 (speeding 11mph over, about $120), and one in 2005 (speeding 16mph over, about $185). I CLEARLY stated the fact that I had these two tickets in the application (Part 10), and checked "Yes" to the question whether I had been Arrested, cited, or detained.

Today, I get the "yellow letter" in the mail requesting that I bring an original or court certified copy of the courts' dispositions because I had indicated on my application that I had been arrested (in the "yellow letter" they conveniently avoid writing out the remaining of the sentence that I answered "Yes" to in the N-400 application). Unbelievable!

The tricky part for me is that I was able to get a court certified copy of the disposition for the 2005 speeding ticket, but the court for the speeding ticket in 2000 has no record what-so-ever of me ever getting a ticket.

What I am suspecting will happen is that after I explain this obvious fact (if they had actually looked at my application and read their own guidelines), they will keep my application in "pending" mode after my interview on May 21 until they have tried to contact the court that dealt with my ticket in 2000 to verify that, indeed, there is no record of me ever getting a ticket.

This unnecessary bureaucratic manure frustrates me to no end! And, let this be a lesson to all honest people who actually believes in disclosing everything on the application.

What would you do?
GoranMale02009-04-01 17:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAddress Information -- Part 6 on N 400
QUOTE (zoony @ May 21 2009, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just filed the Ar11 for both myself and my wife online and got confirmation numbers for both of us. Should it be ok now for me to send in our N 400 applications .


I don't know anyone but an immigration officer can say whether that is okay. I have heard horror stories that involved change of address mistakes. Currently, there is a physician (resident of the US for over 20 years w/ family and kids), who are in deportation proceedings (although they are currently delayed due to the interjection of his state senator) because he didn't keep his address up-to-date. Important to note in this story is that the change of address is not the underlying problem. The problem was that he was technically married to two people at once while he went through the AOS/Greencard process. The INS back then tried to contact him at his "current" address. Since he didn't have a current address, he never got the correspondence from the INS. Because he didn't answer the INS, his case has been flagged for deportation. Once he "surfaced" again during his Citizenship application, the USCIS started deportation procedures.

I think you have three options. One is to send in your application and talk it over with the immigration officer once you get called to the interview. This may be risky. They may rule that you do not have "Good Moral Character", since you did not follow the law.

A second option is to wait until >5 years since you put in your change of address (and assuming that you put in a change of address each time you move from now on). I think this will put your change of address mistake outside of the "good moral character" measuring period.

The third option is to contact a lawyer and get some advise on how to proceed. Since I am not a lawyer, and there are very few of them on this forum, this may be the best route in your case. It may cost you some $$ though.... But nothing compared to the $$ if you get involved in deportation proceedings.

Sorry if I sound "doom and gloom." Normally I wouldn't. I just went through the interview myself today, and it turned out that I was worrying needlessly about my application. I was worried about the different spellings of my name and a couple of speeding tickets. But, I must give kudos to the USCIS. At least the immigration officer I had made me feel very at ease as we both went through my application, changed what needed to be changed, and then I signed it again at the very bottom of the last page in front of the Officer. I guess it is not your "official" application until you sign there. However, I didn't have any instances where I had "broken" USCIS protocol and not changed my address, so I cannot speak to what would have happened if that was the case.

Good luck, and keep us all updated on your progress!!!


GoranMale02009-05-21 16:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience (Norfolk, VA)
Thanks everyone for your well wishes and congratulations! I think this is the best forums around and it is of such great help!

I with everyone good luck and best wishes in your journey!!

Happy weekend!

GoranMale02009-05-22 21:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience (Norfolk, VA)
QUOTE (Stella08 @ May 21 2009, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations!!! I've been wondering how you are doing since I haven't read from you in a while. Too bad you didn't get to take the oath at Monticello. But soon you'll be all done! kicking.gif star_smile.gif

Thanks, Stella! yes.gif

Yeah, my absence is due to work. Been a lot going on lately, so haven't had much time (or energy) to be on the computer at night.

I asked the IO if I could take it at Monticello. Unfortunately, I can't since Monticello is within the D.C./NOVA USCIS field offices. Only those applicants going through the process in those offices can elect to be sworn in at Monticello (or if you are invited by a Senator or other public figure).

I meant to ask you. Did you decide to keep your German citizenship?



GoranMale02009-05-21 18:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Experience (Norfolk, VA)
Hello Everyone!

The following is my experience going through the interview process on the journey to become a Citizen. While I am sure there is a general interest in my post, I am posting partly because of the seemingly small group of people on this forum who go through the Norfolk office. So, hopefully, this post will be of some help and reassurance to those folks. Here goes...

I arrived at 9:15AM for a 10:00AM appointment. The reason I was 45 minutes early was because you are never too sure of the delay going through the tunnels to the peninsula where Norfolk is located. There was about a 4.5 mile backup before the tunnel at 8:45am (going east on I-64). However, had there been a wreck, it is not unusual for much longer delays.

Guards outside of the USCIS building inform everyone that cell phones, weapons, and other sharp objects have to be left in the car. I was prepared and did not have any of these items. As you enter the building, the first thing you will hit is the X-ray machine, on which you have to place everything except your clothing.

The next step was to put your notice to appear document in a basket just off the waiting room area. I did so, and sat down and waited. At 9:50AM I was called by Officer Patterson to come with her to her office. She conducted the interview as follows:

1) You are sworn in. She asked me to remain standing, drop my brief case, and raise my right hand. After I swore to tell the truth, she invited me to sit down.

2) She asked for my Passport and Green Card. She took a quick glance and then explained that she would start the exam. She started by giving me a piece of paper with about 10 sentences on it. She pointed to one sentence and asked me to read it. Then she took that paper and gave me another that had 10 empty rectangular boxes. She asked me to write something about freedom of speech. Cannot remember the exact wording.

3) Next she started to ask me the questions. If I recall correctly, these were the questions she asked:
  • What do you promise to do when you become a United States citizen?
  • Who is the Governor of Virginia?
  • Name two national U.S. holidays.
  • Where is the statue of liberty?
  • Who was the first President?
  • What movement tried to end racial discrimination?

As I was answering the questions, she marked on a sheet of paper what I answered, and checked off whether the answer was correct. I must have answered all 6 questions correct since she didn't continue with questions 7-10 (which were printed on her form). She checked off "100% Correct".

4) The next step was to go through my application. We started with my name. She asked me to say my first, middle and last names. I did, and then I added that there is a discrepancy on my passport last name and my last name as printed on the green card. This is a long story (explained in a different post). The short story is that my Swedish passport and birth certificate spell my last name with an "f", however, all my official documents here in the U.S. (Green Card, SSN Card, etc, etc) spell my last name with a "v". I filled out my N-400 with the "v" spelling, since the instructions said that you should spell it exactly as it appears on your Green Card. Nevertheless, she said that to fix this, she had to change the spelling of my last name on the N-400 to an "f", and then request a name change to "v". She said she will file the paperwork, and my "new" name will take effect when I take the oath on July 15th.

5) Continuing on with the application, she verbally asked the questions in the application. Then she asked me if I have ever been arrested. I explained that I had been cited twice for speeding, and therefore answered yes to the "Have you ever been arrested, cited, or detained..." question. She said that traffic tickets are no problem, and wrote "traffic tickets" on the line with that question.

6) The last thing left to do was to sign the application. I had not used my "real" signature, since it is ineligible, and they asked for a legible signature on the application. She said that was fine, but that I need to sign with my "normal" signature at the very bottom, and then print my name.

7) Then she congratulated me and said that I passed and that she approved my application good.gif .

8) She asked if I still lived in Richmond, and that she would schedule me to take my oath in the U.S. court house in Richmond on July 15th there. She gave me two pieces of paper. The first document stated that I had passed the test and that I was recommended for citizenship. The second document stated that I was to appear in the U.S. Court house in Richmond to take the oath on July 15th.

The whole process took 15 minutes. I was out of there at 10:05 am smile.gif Officer Patterson was very nice, professional, and made me feel "at ease."

I think one thing to take away from my experience is that if you are worried about whether you filled in the application right, you will have the opportunity to change it as you are talking with the IO, as they can give you definite answers as how to correctly fill it out.

Good luck everyone!

Cheers! kicking.gif

GoranMale02009-05-21 14:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Application Part 8A
QUOTE (hchhon @ May 26 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jasminelily @ May 26 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hchhon @ May 26 2009, 09:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of filling out the N-400 Application but I am not sure how to answer Part 8A.

How many times have you been married (including annulled marriages)?

I had never been married before and this is my first marriage to a US Citizen. Do I answer 0 or 1?



Thank you for a quick reply!

I concur - one. I was confused as well. The IO was fine with the way I filled that part of the application out.


GoranMale02009-05-27 18:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNorfolk, va oath and interview
QUOTE (nidhi_sachin @ May 27 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

Does anyone know if oath and interview are on the same day?


No, they do not do interview and oath on the same day. Oaths are given in the U.S. Eastern District Courthouse in Richmond, VA. The next oath date is July 15, 2009. It seems that they give these oaths every 2 months.

GoranMale02009-05-27 18:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPermanent Residence offered by US Military
QUOTE (soniew910 @ Feb 15 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Join the US armed forces, and the US government will grant you US citizenship.

1) You entered US legally with a valid visa.
2) You have skills.
3) You are willing to defend USA.
4) You want to see your family have a better life in the US.

I'm not quite sure I understand this policy. How are these qualifications different than getting an H1-b visa, and then AOS to a Green Card? To me it sounds like if you do not have "quite" the skills of an H1-b worker, then join the Armed Forces for 3 years, risk your life, and get the AOS that way. I guess the question is, should the US Armed Forces allow non-US citizens fight for the US? Seems odd to me (from a national security perspective). Then again I'm from Sweden, a neutral country.
GoranMale02009-02-15 15:01:00
US Citizenship General Discussionannulled marriage in N-400
QUOTE (mrstreasures @ May 27 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

My question is I got married in 1993 to a US citizen who is the friend of my mother-in-law. He was the boyfriend of my mother-in-law and he wanted to help me stay in the US. I have no information about him when I married him legally at Las Vegas. At that time, I was young and I just wanted to stay in the US. Of course, the marriage was never consumated. However, a day after the marriage, I felt guilty of my wrongdoing and just decided to forget it and go back to my country. By twist of fate, I got a H1B visa in 2000. I applied immediately for an annulment when I reached the US. It was granted. However, I have no information about his whereabouts since 1993. The annulment went through even without his presence. My mother in law is dying and too sick to give me any information about him. In my permanent residence application, I did not mention him. I got my 10 year green card recently. I now want to apply for US citizenship and worried on how I can get information about him or INS might see the discrepancy and why I did not report him in my immigration application.

Silly Lady

I agree with the other responders to your dilemma. USCIS takes marriage fraud very seriously, even if there is no fraud there. If it looks like fraud, they have no tolerance. Check out this article: Article

I think you should go over your application with a reputable immigration lawyer before attempting to file for naturalization.

GoranMale02009-05-28 18:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNovember 2008 Filers
Updating statistics....

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 6:00PM, Monday, February 23:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......26.........36..............31..........31 (n=14)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......151............117........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......133............109........112 (n=14)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)

Days between application sent and Oath appointment (COMPLETION):
September filers..120........187............162.......162 (n=10)
October filers......114........154............126.......125 (n=7)
November filers...117.......127............122........122 (n=2)
December filers...XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
January filers......XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)

GoranMale02009-02-23 18:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNovember 2008 Filers
...adding "Oath" stats...

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 8:40AM, Monday, February 16:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......27.........36..............31..........32 (n=12)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......138............116........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......121............101..........97 (n=9)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)

Days between application sent and Oath appointment (COMPLETION):
September filers..120........187............160.......160 (n=8)
October filers......115........154............129.......125 (n=5)
November filers...117.......117............117........117 (n=1)
December filers...XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
January filers......XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
GoranMale02009-02-16 08:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNovember 2008 Filers
I'm in the "January" thread, and was running some processing time statistics. Since I'm including the "November" thread for comparison, I figured I'd share with you folks...
Some statistics for November, December and January filers as of 3:30PM, Sunday, February 15:

Days between application sent and NOA:
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
November filers....23.........43...............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71...............37.........34 (n=21)
January filers.......27.........36...............31.........32 (n=12)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
November filers....92.......138..............116.......111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......121..............101........97 (n=9)
January filers.......70.........70...............70.........70 (n=1)
GoranMale02009-02-15 15:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSeptember 2008 filers
Updating statistics....

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 6:00PM, Monday, February 23:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......26.........36..............31..........31 (n=14)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......151............117........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......133............109........112 (n=14)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)

Days between application sent and Oath appointment (COMPLETION):
September filers..120........187............162.......162 (n=10)
October filers......114........154............126.......125 (n=7)
November filers...117.......127............122........122 (n=2)
December filers...XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
January filers......XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)

GoranMale02009-02-23 18:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSeptember 2008 filers
...adding "oath" stats.

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 8:40AM, Monday, February 16:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......27.........36..............31..........32 (n=12)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......138............116........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......121............101..........97 (n=9)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)

Days between application sent and Oath appointment (COMPLETION):
September filers..120........187............160.......160 (n=8)
October filers......115........154............129.......125 (n=5)
November filers...117.......117............117........117 (n=1)
December filers...XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
January filers......XXX.......XXX...........XXX.......XXX (n=0)
GoranMale02009-02-16 08:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSeptember 2008 filers
I've been collecting some stats based on the processing grids we update here. Thought I'd share with the September folks, since you're in here, too!

Some statistics for September, October, November, December and January filers as of 3:30PM, Sunday, February 15:

Days between application sent and NOA:
September filers....3.........23................9...........8 (n=19)
October filers........4.........62...............15..........14 (n=20)
November filers.....4.........22...............10..........10 (n=23)
December filers.....4.........26...............12..........12 (n=26)
January filers........5.........16...............11..........11 (n=17)

Days between application sent and Biometrics appointment:
September filers...24.........51..............32..........31 (n=21)
October filers.......19.........84..............40..........37 (n=17)
November filers....23.........43..............31..........30 (n=19)
December filers....25.........71..............37..........34 (n=21)
January filers.......27.........36..............31..........32 (n=12)

Days between application sent and Interview appointment:
September filers...75........152............119.......121 (n=17)
October filers.......76........164............119.......115 (n=17)
November filers....92.......138............116........111 (n=17)
December filers....83.......121............101..........97 (n=9)
January filers.......70.........70.............70..........70 (n=1)
GoranMale02009-02-16 08:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2009 Filers
Completed the oath today, and received the certificate. good.gif Held the certificate in my hand for about 3 hours, then headed over to the post office to apply for a passport. Now, the certificate is in the hands of the Government again ... 4 to 6 weeks....

Good luck to everyone else still waiting!

Best regards,

GoranMale02009-07-15 16:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2009 Filers
Interview experience here: Norfolk, VA Interview Experience
GoranMale02009-05-21 16:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2009 Filers
Just got back from the Interview. good.gif Updating "the list." Will post another e-mail with details about the interview.



1. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
2. Click 'Reply' on the most recent/updated posting version of this list (**not a quoted response, pls**).
3. Remove quotes (top and bottom) around the list.
4. ALWAYS use Courier New font. Font size 2
5. Do NOT move or delete these instructions.

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview.....Oath.............Office

YamSam.........01/10/09......01/25/09......xx/xx/xx........03/25/09.........04/29/09....05/06/09......Chicago, IL
murukun........01/12/09......01/26/09......02/12/09........03/03/09.........04/08/09....05/01/09....St. Louis, MO

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

eltemp.........01/05/09......01/16/09......02/06/09........03/12/09.........04/29/09....04/29/09......Atlanta, GA
oklahoma.......01/23/09......02/05/09......02/19/09........03/02/09.........04/16/09....05/29/09..........OKC, OK

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

borntorule.....01/01/09......01/10/09......01/30/09........02/19/09.........04/07/09....05/07/09.......Boston, MA
Lappa1.........01/02/09......01/15/09......02/04/09........02/28/09.........04/07/09....--/--/--.........Wash. DC
yorker123......01/03/09......01/17/09......02/03/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.......Newark, NJ
KatherineCC....01/06/09......01/13/09......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.....New York, NY
Par............01/07/09......01/14/09......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--....Baltimore, MD
Marchlyne......01/12/09......01/23/09......02/17/09........04/29/09.........04/30/09....04/30/09.......Newark, NJ
Couille Molle..01/15/09......01/31/09......02/17/09........03/30/09.........05/07/09....06/12/09.....New York, NY
cHiQy..........01/20/09......01/31/09......02/19/09........04/13/09.........06/02/09....--/--/--....Baltimore, MD
Sarara.........01/22/09......02/02/09......02/23/09........03/09/09.........04/14/09....05/15/09.......Boston, MA

USCIS Lockbox Arizona
UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

buckeye6976....01/22/09......02/02/09......02/19/09........03/23/09.........05/04/09....05/19/09.....Columbus, OH
nocturnalbeat..01/28/09......02/05/09......02/24/09........03/19/09.........05/12/09....--/--/--..Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Lockbox Texas
UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

GTMo...........01/21/09......01/26/09......02/24/09........--/--/--.........05/07/09....--/--/--......Houston, TX
Goran..........01/31/09......02/10/09......03/03/09........03/19/09.........05/21/09....07/15/09......Norfolk, VA

GoranMale02009-05-21 12:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2009 Filers
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Mar 19 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Goran, congrats!

Thanks, awaterlily!!!!

Edited by Goran, 19 March 2009 - 08:39 PM.

GoranMale02009-03-19 20:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 January 2009 Filers
Got the Interview appointment letter today, hence updating the info below accordingly.

1. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
2. Click 'Reply' on the most recent/updated posting version of this list (**not a quoted response, pls**).
3. Remove quotes (top and bottom) around the list.
4. ALWAYS use Courier New font. Font
size 2 5. Do NOT move or delete these instructions.

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview.....Oath.............Office

YamSam.........01/10/09......01/25/09......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--......Chicago, IL
murukun........01/12/09......01/26/09......02/12/09........03/03/09.........04/08/09....--/--/--....St. Louis, MO

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

eltemp.........01/05/09......01/16/09......02/06/09........03/12/09.........04/29/09....--/--/--......Atlanta, GA
oklahoma.......01/23/09......02/05/09......02/19/09........03/02/09.........04/16/09....--/--/--..........OKC, OK

UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

borntorule.....01/01/09......01/10/09......01/30/09........02/19/09.........04/07/09....--/--/--.......Boston, MA
Lappa..........01/02/09......01/15/09......02/04/09........02/28/09.........04/07/09....--/--/--.........Wash. DC
yorker123......01/03/09......01/17/09......02/03/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.......Newark, NJ
KatherineCC....01/06/09......01/13/09......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.....New York, NY
Par............01/07/09......01/14/09......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--....Baltimore, MD
Marchlyne......01/12/09......01/23/09......02/17/09........04/29/09.........--/--/--....--/--/--.......Newark, NJ
Couille Molle..01/15/09......01/31/09......02/17/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.....New York, NY
cHiQy..........01/20/09......01/31/09......02/19/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--....Baltimore, MD
Sarara.........01/22/09......02/02/09......02/23/09........03/09/09.........04/14/09....--/--/--.......Boston, MA
Ahuacatl.......01/31/09......--/--/--......--/--/--........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.......Boston, MA

USCIS Lockbox Arizona
UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

buckeye6976....01/22/09......02/02/09......02/19/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--.....Columbus, OH
nocturnalbeat..01/28/09......02/05/09......02/24/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--..Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Lockbox Texas
UserName........ Sent...........NOA1.......Biometrics....Int letter rec.....Interview....Oath..............Office

GTMo...........01/21/09......01/26/09......02/24/09........--/--/--.........--/--/--....--/--/--......Houston, TX
Goran..........01/31/09......02/10/09......03/03/09........03/19/09.........05/21/09....--/--/--......Norfolk, VA

Edited by Goran, 19 March 2009 - 04:50 PM.

GoranMale02009-03-19 16:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hallo
Hallo ich bin neu bei diesem Forum...bin Amerikanerin, mit meinem ostdeutschen Mann schon 4 Jahre verheiratet, und wir haben ein 15 Wochen altes Maedchen, Helen...gibt es andere Deutsche in Richmond oder Virginia, vielleicht mit Kleinkinder?
emilyhFemale02008-07-03 18:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (Milka @ Jul 9 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, gar nicht weit weg von mir. Wir wohnen Hugenot Road/ Forest Hill. Magst du naechsten Mi. kommen?

Muss gucken, ob mein Mann babysitten kann. Wann trifft ihr euch?
emilyhFemale02008-07-09 16:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (Milka @ Jul 8 2008, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (emilyh @ Jul 8 2008, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wo gibt es German Ladies' Night in Richmond? Naechste Woche Mittwoch?

Wir waren schon mehrmals beim Bier Garden in Portsmouth...Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, sehr lecker smile.gif

Diesen Monat treffen wir uns ab 18 Uhr im TGI Friday's off Hullstreet (near Brander Mill). Wo wohnst du denn genau?

13140 Rittenhouse Dr
Midlothian, VA 23112
(804) 763-0553

LG Ilka

Ich wohne in der Naehe von der Huguenot Bridge, auf der Suedseite vom Fluss.
emilyhFemale02008-07-08 19:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (Milka @ Jul 8 2008, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ja............ich wohne in Richmond. Ist ja lustig. Koennen uns gern mal treffen. Naechsten Mi. ist auch ein grossen Treffen (German Ladie's Night) wenn du Lust hast.

QUOTE (EsOrEnNa @ Jul 6 2008, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sorry es ist in portsmouth.. "bier garden"

Da waere ja auch mal nen Trip wert.

LG Ilka

Wo gibt es German Ladies' Night in Richmond? Naechste Woche Mittwoch?

Wir waren schon mehrmals beim Bier Garden in Portsmouth...Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, sehr lecker smile.gif
emilyhFemale02008-07-08 14:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (EsOrEnNa @ Jul 7 2008, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (emilyh @ Jul 7 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ich hab gerade eine email von unserem Landlord erhalten, wir muessen unser Gras maehen, sonst gibt's $100 Strafe! Ich denke, es ist noch nicht so schlimm, aber wir haben neue Nachbarn, die ziemlich Scheisse sind...sie haben wahrscheinlich angerufen...ich kann's nicht machen, bin unheimlich allergisch gegen Poison Ivy, und kann keine Medikamente nehmen weil ich das Baby noch stille...muss mein armer Micha ran...

weiss jemand wie man das zeug entfernen oder killen kann..? wir haben ganz viel an der seite von haus genau da wo D nur speilen kann denn das ist der einzige platz im garten wo schatten ist und wo kein berg und fluss ist.. wacko.gif (es ist auch mit anderen streuchern verwachsen..) ich wuerde das zeug soooo gerne entfernen lasssen aber MIL meinte ich darf das zeug nicht anfassen.. sie und maenne sind auch allergisch dagegen und FIL ist der einzige der es anfassen kann ohne ausschlag zu bekommen aber der ist immer faul und drueckt sich von der "arbeit".. D's sandkasten, pool und schaukel sind knapp 1meter entfernt und ich hasse es wenn er dort spielt.. mad.gif muss man das professionel entfernen lassen..? unsure.gif

Roundup funktioniert ganz gut, um es zu entfernen...kann man bei Lowe's sprueht es auf die Blaetter also muss man das Zeug nicht anfassen. Wir haben einfach zu viel davon fuer Roundup und wenn man es maeht, ist es sehr gefaehrlich.
emilyhFemale02008-07-07 16:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
chnst: Ich bin mir immer noch nicht 100% sicher, dass wir nicht nach Washington fahren muessen wegen Geburtsanzeige. Ich habe schon mehrere Male mit der Botschaft telefoniert, aber die Frau, mit der ich gesprochen habe, konnte es mir nicht genau sagen. Ich muss wohl nochmal anrufen. Man kann entweder einen Europapass oder einen Kinderpass bekommen...wir haben uns fuer einen Europapass entschieden, ist vielleicht besser wenn man hin und her fliegen will, keine Ahnung. Man muss auf jeden Fall erst ab dem 6. Lebensjahr hinfahren, um Fingerabdruecke machen zu lassen. Fuer ein Baby muss man nur alles moegliche beglaeubigen lassen, und hinschicken. Wir haben schon den amerikanischen Pass bekommen, aber mit dem deutschen Pass wird es dauern, denke ich.

Evi...du musst sehr erleichtert sein, dass die Schwangerschaft jetzt schon fast vorbei ist. Die letzten Wochen meiner Schwangerschaft sind noch frisch in meiner Erinnerung...ich war so fertig. Allison find ich auch nett, und Emily natuerlich auch!

Ich hab gerade eine email von unserem Landlord erhalten, wir muessen unser Gras maehen, sonst gibt's $100 Strafe! Ich denke, es ist noch nicht so schlimm, aber wir haben neue Nachbarn, die ziemlich Scheisse sind...sie haben wahrscheinlich angerufen...ich kann's nicht machen, bin unheimlich allergisch gegen Poison Ivy, und kann keine Medikamente nehmen weil ich das Baby noch stille...muss mein armer Micha ran...
emilyhFemale02008-07-07 16:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Schoen, dass einige von euch in der naehe sind...mein bruder wohnt in portsmouth, also sind wir immer mal dort zu besuch...wir sind schon seit einem jahr fertig mit dem ganzen INS kram. hat nur 3 jahre gedauert! blink.gif micha hat jetzt seine resident alien karte...gueltig bis 2018 oder so, glaub ich...
wir haben in maerz unser toechterchen helen bekommen smile.gif ich versuche schon seit einigen wochen, die dokumente fuer ihre deutche geburtsanzeige zusammen zu bekommen, ohne nach washington fahren zu ganz schoen kompliziert!
emilyhFemale02008-07-06 09:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Gibt es Deutsche in Richmond, Virginia bei diesem Forum?
emilyhFemale02008-07-05 17:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

I am so happy to read other couples' stories! Angilla, creating this forum was a great idea!

I am also the Frenchie in the marriage. My fiancé and I met 4 years ago at school in Virginia. We decided to get married in June, went through all the process... waited and waited... and finally got rewarded: I received my visa 2 weeks ago!! I am soooo excited (and cannot wait until I leave in January!!) I can now concentrate on planning the legal wedding in the US and the reception in France.

I know some more paper work is waiting for us, sounding like adjustment of status, advance parole.. yum-yum
Laetitia, I have a dumb question: you said you were going to apply for your AOS with the Dallas Program and hopefully it will be fast. Is the Dallas Program known to be faster than others? Would you have any piece of advice to make the process quicker?

Well, this is about it for now.
Good luck to everyone!!!
claire dFemaleFrance2006-12-08 04:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisit the US while waiting for my interview (K1)
Hi everyone,

I am currently waiting for the appointment letter from the ambassy (for a K1 visa).
As you all know, waiting with no time frame is killing me.

I read I am not supposed to go to the US during the application but I just cannot imagine spending Christmas away from my fiance (and he cannot visit me).

I read on VJ that some of you went to the US while their applications were being processed.
Do you know what the risks / implications are? I am of course planning on going back to my home country and wait until everything is approved.
Is it strictly prohibited or is not advised?

Thanks a lot in advance and good luck to everyone!
claire dFemaleFrance2006-10-01 16:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview in Sydney
I doubt the CO is qualified to read it... but the more details/info the better!
My doctor recommended that i bring mine.
claire dFemaleFrance2006-10-11 07:25:00