US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks for the congrats! Everything went fairly smoothly, and we're now back in Rhode Island together. He screwed up several questions at the interview, but still was approved! :)

I will write with more details later, but right now I'm playing catch up!

My one question about AOS...I know that you have to include stuff about the medical, right? Well, we have nothing but the X-ray. Of course, he took the black package to the interview, the agent opened it and took out what she needed to include in the brown package for the POE, and the agent at the border kept everything in the package. This makes me think that I'm going to have to pay for another medical here.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-29 14:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Congrats to you and your family, Pepito.

Why do people tend to get the blue paper?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-17 21:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
All packed, ready to go. Sick to my stomach. :)

My father and mother are driving me crazy...they're both so nervous. I told them to keep it to themselves...I've got enough nervousness for an army.

I'm just soooo worried that they'll profile him and grill him and send him to the shrink. I just have to pray (and I'm not even religious) that we will only come across kind people.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-17 21:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Letter of support? Like intention to marry? Or more?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-16 16:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate's my list of what I'm bringing:

Invite letter
approved I129F packet
DS156 printed out with barcode
DS157 (suppl. form)
His letter of intent to marry
new letter of intent to marry from me
ongoing evidence of relationship

He's bringing:

his passport
birth certificate (copy and original)
vaccination record

Am I missing anything?

Oh did you guys organize everything?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-16 16:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I'm having a heck of a time filling out the Supplemental Form for men asks for a specific form for dates and then doesn't accept it when I put it in, and there are some fields I simply can't type in.

Is it okay of I just fill in what I can online and then handwrite what it won't accept?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-15 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Wow, Marty! 9:30 am...that's amazing. And congratulations!!!!

I feel like I'm going to vomit...homeboy doesn't have his passport yet and I'm supposed to call him shortly to find out if they finished the correction. Not psyched about the logistics of changing his flight, but ni modo...

TijuanaHilton: What are you doing online?????????????????? :)
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-15 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Que nervios! I keep thinking...this is the last Monday in my apartment before my life changes forever...this is the last episode of Wife Swap I'll be able to watch again without having to wrestle for the remote.

Just reserved a room at El Meson de Maruca for 450 pesos a night, and got so nervous, my Spanish suddenly became atrocious.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-11 21:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I just called a taxista to get prices for transportation. I get in at 8:30 pm and Edgar at 10:30. He said that to pick me up at the airport, then pick up Edgar at the Juarez airport and go to the hotel, he'd charge $65. He also said that if my flight comes in on time, then he'd could take me to the hotel to check in and drop stuff off and then go on to get Edgar, but if not, we'd go directly from ELP to CDJ airport.

Does that sound like a reasonable price?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-09 13:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Damn it, mfarmer, ANOTHER VJer that I'm going to miss seeing in Juarez. Nope, I won't be there next Monday, but the Monday after that.

I'm really glad that Heina and Maria are chiming in.

It's funny...I think that the long distance thing is harder on Edgar than on me. The first period we were apart (when our relationship was VERY new) was torture. I think mainly because it was so new and I wasn't really sure of the relationship. But after living together for five years, I really thought when I moved back to the States, it'd be the end of us. And in fact, I considered it so often. But he's mellowed so much and I'm not nearly the freak show that I was when living in Cancun.

When I was in Cancun, I was making anywhere between $10,000 and $12,000 pesos a month teaching English. I could have made more, but I didn't want to work more than 6 hours a day and the occasional Saturday session.

At this point, I feel like I could permanently move back to Mexico, but I'd need more time to get my plans and connection solidified. Plus I'm like Maria and would kick myself if I had to leave grad school, although at the rate I'm going at one class per semester, I'm never going to finish.

I guess my point is...there are lots of happy and successful people who have moved to different parts of Mexico and done well. One woman I know in Cancun moved down there with her husband to wait out his ban three years ago, and last I heard, she's going to naturalize. So once all the wild emotions aren't at the forefront, there are workable solutions. It seems the people that suffer the most from separation and/or moving to Mexico are those who find it a really scary place.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-08 19:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
So sorry about your job loss vismaster...that must have been a blow. But don't give in still have quite some time to work things out, and you may very well be back on track soon!

And if you need more time, you can extend it a little bit by not racing to the interview (it has 4 months before expiring) and then he can hold off on coming to the states for up to six months if you still need more time to get things together.
I know it's not optimal to not have him in the States ASAP, but if you need more time to become financially stable, then there are ways of prolonging the process.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-08 13:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Mentioning living in a place other than Juarez or other border city was only a suggestion! :)

And it's not beause that region doesn't fascinate me...eventually I hope to get my sh%t together and go for my Master's in Border studies at the U of Arizona. I know that if I ever move back to Mexico (hopefully that decision isn't made for me, but by me when ready), I personally wouldn't consider moving to the Mexico side of the border, but that's just me...and not for fear of crime or anything like that, but because I love the part of the country Edgar is from, and know that there are opportunities there for me to earn a living without needing to continue working in the States. Plus there are still lots of places in Mexico that I've yet to explore.

That's all! Just my perspective. :)

But then again, I don't have any particularly compelling reasons to have easy access to the States.

Edited by GabachaYucateca, 08 June 2007 - 12:59 PM.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-08 12:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Just a thought...but is there any compelling reason for you to live in Juarez as opposed to Acapulco? You'll probably both need to work, and I can't imagine that the job market would be too promising for him in Juarez, whereas in Acapulco, there's a steady stream of tourists. And working in Aca might not be too lucrative for you, but you could get creative depending on your background. Or at least consider teaching English or gulp, selling time share.

While I'm sure Juarez has it's charms (I don't know, never been), it's kind of in the middle of nowhere while Aca is close to lots of other cool places. It'd probably be difficult to make ends meet, but for me, the quality of life would be much higher in Guerrero.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-08 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I knew that he'd move up his date...I should have bet something really good on that one.

Anywho, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-06 17:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
That does sounds crazy...I know that kitkat was clear on the policy being clean for three years, but is there any where this is explicitly stated so it can be seen in black and white?

What exactly happened, Janet?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-06 15:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Yeah, way too early to hear anything.

And very nerve wracking.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-06 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Well, I hope that Edgar also gets the bum tickler doctor. Stephanie, you're right...he did remember all of the details!

Gringakt...come out and share your experience!

Best of luck to you all today!

Will be checking for reports later.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-06 11:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Relax...I know how crazy you must feel, Janet, I'd be the same way. But all you can do now is hope for the best. Perhaps he could go back to the clinic first thing tomorrow and ask for his results to go to the interview. Even if it's Thursday and not tomorrow.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-05 17:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Gaby & Talbert: ANOTHER VJer that I'm just going to miss in Juarez. Is ANYONE going to be there the week of the 18th?

Good to know that Marco didn't have any trouble with the tats!

BTW, with my luck, the people I'll meet are the loonies like those that Kristen and Efrain met.

Edited by GabachaYucateca, 05 June 2007 - 03:15 PM.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-05 15:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
What time did he arrive for the medical, Janet?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-05 13:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Maybe you could blast your super impressive stereo and play X-box to calm your nerves?

I've NEVER heard of the Advil thing before...I truly hope it's just an urban legend.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-04 20:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Stephanie...I also had a freak out about the whole tattoo/shrink thing. I've been trying to follow what happens and people have said that sometimes they do get sent to a shrink and others time they don't. Last time I posted elsewhere, one person said that the doc just asked, "so does your fiance/e have tats and where?"

Any word from Janet?

Sigh...I'm so nervous for you both. Just dropped a student off at her house and she's also nervous for me, and had a lot of ojala's to say!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-04 20:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Best of luck to Mr. Stepanie and Mr. Janet!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-04 10:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I basically feel the same way as you two, but on another board they put the fear of God into me about even saying that he drinks on occasion. I mean, personally I find it ridiculous that it'd even be an issue, unless they showed up drunk at the consulate or something, but now I'm a nervous Nelly. But really, if we didn't drink, we probably wouldn't even be together...sometimes you DO need a couple of caguamas in ya to take the leap.

Stephanie...have a safe flight and a good weekend...and remember what I said in my PM about tranquilizandole.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-31 21:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate

For those of you whose fiances or hubbies drink, even if it's just normal Friday nights out with friends, how did they answer that question at the medical? For those of you whose fiances never drink, I'm sure you just said, "No."

But what about the rest of you?

Did you include pictures of parties where everyone is obviously drinking?

Is this a stupid reason for me to get my panties in a bunch?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-31 13:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I can't wait to see those wedding pictures...and I assume that the cheesy, pill-riddled Elvis will marry you, so he could wear his gold cape.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-31 11:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Which one of you is planning on wearing the gold lamé? Or is it both of you?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-31 10:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Oh, Allie...please don't think I thought not having his family there was bad!! Of course every situation is different...I've been thinking of this issue for a while and hearing about your wonderful experience made me want to ask how others handled it! :)

In my case, Edgar is seriously afflicted by mamitis. I'm planning on having a celebration in Mexico when we can travel and having borh families there. Even though our relationship up to this point has been in Mexico, he has met three of my parents and they adore him, even though he doesn't speak English and they don't speak Spanish. In fact, my father has been nagging me about this visa for YEARS.

But, yeah...I'm really curious to hear how others have dealt with this.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-30 18:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Oh, I don't have the umbilical cord. I asked his mom, but she wouldn't part with it. :)

Of course, I have MANY more photos from when we first met than more recent ones. Basically I just have three taken in the past two years. Ran into the same issue that you did, Monica...just busy going about our business of being a couple to think about actually documenting it!

For those of you who got married/had receptions like Allie & Leo did, how did you deal with the fact that the people involved were all "your" people, as I can imagine that many of your spouses don't have families able to get tourist visas? The main reason I want to get married with no friends or family is because I feel like anything we do would be so lop-sided and might make him feel worse that his family isn't there.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-30 16:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
What's so funny about the shrine, kitkat? Are you making fun of me?

I'm even more prepared now that I bought tickets to get us back to the east coast today!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-28 23:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Looking at the forms I have to fill out, I'd assume that they wouldn't get their knickers in a twist about discrepancies in employment history. The fellow had yet ANOTHER job change (this time he's at his dream job in a five star hotel...for which he'll have to give his renuncia). It asks for most recent employer, and of course this isn't indicated anywhere on the G325A I originally submitted because it came after.

Will they care?

How's this for evidence (I realize they won't look at most of it):
- a lovely photo album, "Best of Edgar and Melissa since 2000," NO metal anywhere to be found
-my cell phone bills for six months, with our calls and texts highlighted (basically whole pages will have to be highlighted)
-my visa bills from my three last visits after moving back here (with charges in Cancun and Playa)
-whatever I can scrounge up from my travel agent detailing my flight history to and fro since 2000.
-notarized letters from dad, mom, and stepmom all giving the dates that they met him while he was with me (pictures to back it looks frighteningly like me, so no question there)
-pictures of the shrine I made in his honor, with samples of his fingernail clippings, a lock of his hair, and a shmear of his saliva from the first time we kissed

Nothing from the computer...we don't email. Only one actual boarding pass that I included in the original packet. My passport doesn't have clear stamps.

I don't want to include my FM3 because it has an address that neither of us ever lived at. Anything else or does this sound good?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-28 23:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Kitkat...that's wonderful. Have a fantastic time!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-28 23:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Well, judging from people on the backlog who have gotten a response from CDJ, hopefully you'll have some news by fall, kitkat.

We'll all have to make sure we're "around" here to see your waiver approval!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-28 12:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I'm pretty sure that Nazi-man's face will appear in my dreams.

I've stopped calling Edgar because I'm sooooooo damn annoying now. We went a whole two weeks without talking because I knew that I'd just badger him, and sure enough, today all he wanted to talk about was soccer and OF COURSE I had to remind him to get his new passport. And I had to recite the list of paperwork he had to make sure he put in his carryon. I want to smack myself.

Good thing you have a month to enjoy the beach in Playa, Monica. Went to the beach here for the first time in forever, and it was so ugly.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-27 19:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Yeah, it's def true that religious ceremonies aren't considered legally binding. No reason to lie, and I understand your reluctance to seem like you are. But just don't give them any reason to question whether the ceremony was an actual marriage!

And just remind your fiancee that if anyone asks her a question regarding her husband, that she NEEDS to correct them and say that your still just her fiance or boyfriend. The innocuous fluidity with which we refer to our partners as spouse/fiance/boyfriend is not so innocuous when dealing with immigration.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-25 11:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Wow, confused me with your living situation! :) I was curious because I'm from Mass and live in RI. I know that on the D156 you have to write the address at which she will be living. Whatever you choose, just make sure that you're consistent because I know sometimes they ask the beneficiary where they'll be living.

Was is the 900 # at the Consulate? I know that some of these numbers have outsourced employees and often they don't know what they're talking about, but kitkat knows more about that. I'm sure she'll chime in at some point.

I'd email the Juarez consulate re: the expiration date issue. Sounds like you were given incorrect info. If you look at the NOA2, there's an expiration date on it that is exactly six months from the date that it was issued.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-25 11:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Good point about the NOA2, E&K...I didn't read that closely for dates. But I do know that mine expires July 7, six months after it was issued.

From what I understand, the consulate will extend the validity of the NOA2 if they can't provide an interview before it expires. But since Juarez has open appointments, I'd imagine that you would need to be proactive and request an extension yourself.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-25 10:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Be very careful about how you characterize that ceremony. I'd leave out those pictures from the material you're bringing. If asked, say that you had an engagement party, but if she's wearing a lovely white dress, better not bring that picture.

My fiance has been calling me his esposa for years (when he's not calling me su vieja) but I trained him like a drill sargeant. Who am I? Mi novia. WHO AM I? MI novia. Repeat, ad nauseum.

Info on paying for the interview should be in your fiance at Banamex, I believe. And it seems you pay in cash for the medical, but I'm sure someone will correct if I'm wrong.

Can't apply for AP in Juarez...that you can do along with AOS.

Good luck!

Your name has me confused...I assumed you're in Mass, but then the local office says Texas. Where are you?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-24 22:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Now that people who's cases I've been following are going to Juarez, I just want to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

As far as I know, Mr. Stephanie is next and then us!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-24 21:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
No $hit...I know it's a space issue, but darn it, it's our consulate.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-24 21:44:00