Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?
I wasn't necessarily referring only to hijab. I don't think adding hijab to a skimpy outfit makes you any more pious than wearing a tophat makes you Mr. peanut. Again, just admiring the overall fashion sense of many MENA, and western women who choose to be tasteful. I was seriously just asking for a quick opinion on whether or not anyone has encountered severe difficulty in developing a different fashion style post-marriage and/or post conversion. I thought this would gather four posts tops.

Also, to clarify, as I don't want to pose as something I'm not. I have not officially converted. I am still in the deep research phase and think it would be a bit naive of me to jump in head-first, make a commitment to God, and act as a representative in public for the faith without the proper knowledge behind me. I'm still a student of Islam in the very beginnings and even though I know in my heart I will be converting in the near future, I certainly don't want to accept congratulatory statements when I haven't earned them yet. I must put in the hard work first. (however, thank you for that sincerity and I'll let you know when it finally happens!)

As for trying the "harder" aspects of Islam, I don't view my eventual choice concerning hijab to be the be all end all of choices. Once I make a commitment to the religion, it will either happen or it won't.

Sidenote: I would like to note that Queen Rania of Jordan is doing her very best to bring literacy in the Muslim world into the spotlight. Yes, the media often decides to caricaturize and generalize by showing a cycle of footage of hijab, war, camels, and mosques with the Azan always in the distance, but the intelligent people in this country (yes, there are still some :P) are able to examine something from all sides. (at least that's how I still have faith in humanity)

I hope I'm not coming across as being obsessed with grabbing attention through wearing something quite distinctive, it's just that I've fallen head over heels with fashions I've found that just happen to not show much skin, if any at all. These fashions often do involve variations on hijab and abayas. It's an honest and uninfluenced attraction that I think I may have come to love regardless of my fiance.

I guess i've answered my own question then. Believe in what I wear, wear it properly, and don't let anyone bully me out of making my own decisions.
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-24 21:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?
I just want to make it abundantly clear that my future husband has no intentions of "forcing" anything regarding my free will. Both he and his family understand and respect that I was raised under different cultural norms.

However, when I first started reading Quran two years ago it was completely of my own volition. I started to study as curiousity so that I would be understanding of my boyfriend. I did it in secret because I didn't want him to think I was treating him as a research subject. I have been raised in an extremely moral and modest family but we don't practice any religion. Father was raised fundamental christian and my mother a catholic but neither practice. Therefore I grew up with the morals and knowledge of both branches but none of the physical practicing of them. Considering my state is like 95% Roman Catholic, I was one of maybe three of my friends who didn't do Catechism.

I feel really blessed that my family taught me, through actions, not lessons, that modesty, hard work, and study allow for a happier and more fulfilling future. Though I felt always that I may be a bit more conservative or wanting of structure than the rest of my family. I never had rules or threats of punishment growing up and I can't exactly explain why my older brother and I just instinctively didn't get into trouble or even want to.

Yet, this lack of rules and discipline confused me and I didn't know exactly what was expected of me by parents or mentors. When I started researching Islam and reading the Quran I felt something almost like butterflies in my stomach. I never felt that when reading the bible as a child. I never felt like I could get through pages at a time without disagreeing with a part of it. I wont' get into what I like and don't like about the teachings of certain faiths because I am not God and have no right to judge an entire religion! Also, I can't insult people who follow a strong moral code regardless of the name of their holy text, if there is one, or ways of expressing their faith. I think its great no matter what.

I took notes on every page I read of Quran and kept a list of questions I wanted to ask. My boyfriend said he wasn't able to answer the questions and I would have to ask an Imam and its been two years and he hasn't helped me find one :P Basically, the gist of what I'm trying to say is, I'm not feigning an interest in the religion because I'm in love. I found Islam because of love. I feel like it was my own path to Islam. It just seems like no matter what you question in life, you can find the answer in Islam. Not to mention my scholarly side being blown away by some of the early observations of the life cycle. How cool is that?

Long story---long, I guess, I like the religion regardless of my SO and I've never felt any pressure to look into it. One of my favorite quotes about religion, though I must paraphrase as I can't remember the exact source, is that God does not need man's help to reign in his followers, if he needed man to spread the word to his neighbors and force people to follow him, he wouldn't be almighty, would he? God can guide those he wishes to and away from the path. Every person should be concerned with his/her relationship with God alone, and next that of their children. <3 hope I didn't offend anyone or come off as preachy. Just wanted to explain the original premise of the thread. Play nice! :P
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-24 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?
I think I accidentally opened a very volatile subject, so I will leave it as it is. Thanks for the advice that I got and I apologize if I stepped on anyone's toes or caused some sort of hostile feelings in anyone.

I think I won't post unless its serious from now on to avoid any further confusion.
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-23 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?

Oh honey, the decision to convert is a hard one. The decision to hijab or not hijab is an even bigger one. The point of the hijab is not to stand out but it is also to not bring shame on yourself. It says that a woman should extend her scarf to cover her bosom. I live in rural Iowa and there is absolutely not another muslimah around me except 1 hour to 2 hours away from me but I still choose to cover my head so that I dont try to blend in either bc I live in a very Christian town. So do I cover and not blend in or do I blend in and make it seem as if Allah can not give me the strength to withstand the negative comments. I have actually not had any bad comments from anyone. I converted on my own through no real pressure from my so. He said he would marry me no matter what religion I was but I wanted to find out for myself what Islam was all about and Alhamduillah I found the peace that I was seeking. So ultimately the decision is yours and you can research more and more on it. There is a huge community of Muslimah or just Hijabis bc there are a few who are christian and cover on Facebook linked with Pearl Daisy Hijabs or Pearl Daisy Ltd. Anyway, ishaallah it was a lil helpful.

You are so sweet. Thank you.
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-23 13:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?
I agree, I wouldn't finish a Friday in jeans in a t-shirt and show up in a burqa on Monday for work. That would seem odd and completely forced. It would be a gradual more...Arab-influenced wardrobe, not an exact replica. A meshing of both that seems more natural.

I also like that you said that the point of a hijab is to NOT stand out. Couldn't agree more, and being that most of my friends and family are still not on board with the marrying an arab thing (especially since no one has met him yet)I can only imagine what my community would think. I've never seen someone in hijab in my city...or my state for that matter. So I'll have to feelit out and see what feels good and what feels a bit fake.

Geeze, I was in high school three years ago and now I feel like I'm making huge decisions. Where does the time go? :blink:
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-23 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?

I've changed how I've dressed over the years, but I think that is more of a function of graduating from college and moving from jeans and long sleeve tshirts (with a scarf on top) to more business appropriate attire like dress skirts and button down shirts (with a scarf on top) than being married to an Egyptian. My post college wardrobe is almost completely taken from Shukr, to get a sense of my "style" (ha, as if I had a sense of style). It's hijabi western :)

If you feel you want to dress a certain way, do it for the sake of Allah (swt) and not any man. Not saying that that's what you're doing, but that's what you'll be accused of :) If you want to wear abayas, go for it. If you want to wear shalwar kameez, go for it. I wear abayas on the weekend, more for function than form. That way, I can just throw it on over my PJs so I don't have to get dressed going to the store :whistle: Also very easy to throw it on over my workout gear as I leave the gym. I dowear abayas on occasion to the masjid, but don't think it's something that's an absolute requirement.

I got my first shalwar kameez this last Ramadan. I haven't worn them up until now because I feel like a big gori (aka white girl) poser. Still felt like a big gori poser but I didn't care because it was so pretty :innocent: I actually did a culture mash up and wore it for eid with my hoodie jedi abaya partially unbuttoned over it so all the pretty sparklies could show. It would have been even more awesome if I had managed to find some matching lime green chucks, but alas, I have yet to convince AbuS that I need fluorescent chucks in orange, pink and green.

As you get more involved in the american muslim community, you'll come across a number of american converts married to men from overseas, and in general, I think quite a few do adopt (at least partially) the dress of their husband's home country. Not making any sort of value judgment, just making an observation. I didn't even really think of it until I found another euro-american convert wearing a west african kaftan set and another wearing traditional somali garb (a long khimar and skirt). I was like, woh, what are they wearing? But then, it isn't any more unusual than my abaya collection.

If you ever want to chat, you can reach me via my blog, since I'm not on VJ very often anymore.

I really really appreciate your response. Plus the website where you shop is awesome! Thanks for the advice. I totally agree that often people get super enthused at the beginning because it is so exciting and new. If anything, over the last three years I have gotten further and further interested instead of my interest waning. I see the way his mom dresses and I just think wow, she look absolutely stunning and super sophisticated because you aren't distracted by all that skin and ill-fittingmaterial. It also comes across as really confident when a woman doesn't need to rely on over the top hair and low cut blouses to feel good. Once in a while I like to be dressed up and be a little bit...idk what the word for it is but just a bit less modest i guess.

Looking back to high school I almost always wore long sleeves and I still wear jeans all year round even during our heat waves this summer. My mom would always complain but I didn't feel self-conscious or on display when I was covered more. I think its not so much what you are wearing but how it makes you feel. I really, really, take to heart everythign you guys are saying as a newbie and as a naive youngster. <3
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-23 13:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange the way I dress?
Oh no, i didn't mean to come off as following like a puppy behind him. I am converting to Islam and I am being true to myself. What I meant about Hijab is that I am willing to wear it when we are in his country but he feels a little like he would be asking to much of me if he agrees. He says he wants me to just be me. So in the end the decision is up to me.

I realized, judging from Lucky Jimmy's completely unsarcastic and very helpful response that maybe I should have posted this in off-topic or kept my comments to myself.

I'll know better for next time that some people can't pass up a good opportunity to be rude.

Anyhoo, thanks for your advice. I'm sure whatever is right for me will eventually just happen on its own.
Anna and AliFemaleJordan2010-09-23 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCreate a VJ timeline to track your case and get estimated approval dates :)
Captain Wookie, what if I have two timelines setup already and I cannot access either of them. I can't seem to contact Chief Wookie either smile.gif
davejaz42107MalePhilippines2008-01-10 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved :-) Way to go Vermont

Just checked USCIS. Approved I-129F!!! NOA2 mailed on August 15, 2011.
NOA1 date was May 4, 2011.

Total of 103 days from NOA1 to NOA2.

It looks as though I am the first May approval on VJ from Vermont.

In case anyone wants to know, my packet was 250+ pages. Perhaps more is better.

Also, I check USCIS every few days, the last time I checked was on Thursday. As of Thursday, I got the usual "We cannot find your case in our system." This evening was just awesome news!!! Yayyyy!!!! Go Vermont :-)

AWESOME!!!!!:-) todd
oceansharkMaleChina2011-08-16 02:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:-)
Yes! We did it! We had a civil cremony in the court house. A few friends and a few family.
Today, we accomplished a lot wiht applying for Social Security card. foud out about vaccinations and added her
to my health insurance at work. Not bad for a days work:-)...todd
ps: It is the greatest thing ever!Keep positive and strong as your days will come. and pray, pray, pray:-).,,,,todd
oceansharkMaleChina2011-12-28 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGood News For All of You!
I used to come here a few years back. I asked a Gazillion questions. But I come here today to let you know that my beautiful wife is here and her 15 yo daughter arrived 3 weeks ago!:-)

I am writing to let you know there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.It was torture waitng for each decision and notification.But we perservered.We are living our dream!:-)

A few words of advice.1) be patient and support each other. Be very THOROUGH with every scrap of paper work. It does matter. 2) ask any and all questions here. This group was a life line for us.3)Use yahoo video. It was much better than Skype.4)Both of you go over the paper work at least 3 times.4)Always try to be positive.Keep your eye on the end and listen to each other.)Be romantic, laugh and love, send funny ecards! Keeping the love alive is important because there will be lots of tension with the process.Theres more but I am tired now:-)

So, stay positive. Support each other. Take a deep breath.Then, take a few more.Do NOT give up. Perseverence is the key to success:-)...Good luck everyone:-).........todd
oceansharkMaleChina2012-12-14 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (cdneh @ Nov 28 2008, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh..just go away. And take your superior attitude with you.

Oh, I'd be glad to leave everyone alone with their misery; unfortunately, it seems to be permeating everywhere.
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-28 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Yep, you are so right jokalu - apparently positive has no place here in this thread. Peeps just call names and attack you while defending their "right" to be obnoxiously pessimistic... It's appalling that some of the reactions were just, well, mean. As though no one had any right to look for any good anywhere because certain people are hell-bent on making everyone else just as miserable as they are.

I sure won't be looking for anything good here anymore.
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-28 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Yep, if you have a miserable attitude and/or are willing to try to suck the joy out of a someone else's quick approval, this is your thread. This is where you can feel free to inflict your pain on others and not try to disguise it as mere jealousy or envy, but call it what it is: Pathetic.

Sign up below to climb on the Negative Nancy Bandwagon! It has an itinerary of all sorts of places: the first stop is Karma -- this is a great place where you reap the rewards of what you sow.

Show your determination to wallow in self-pity; this is the very dark and special corner of the Internet where you can weep the venomous poisonous tears of failed hopes and worst fears - and don't worry about flooding the place with it because overflow into other threads is expected and already happening. Another advantage: there's a black hole in the floor that you can fall into and infect all the others with your unhappy unluckiness.

Come in! Come in and sit on your very own Pity Pot - it's got your name engraved on the front and a list of all the people who unfairly got approved ahead of you straight at the bottom so you know precisely who to ####### all over. Also included: a nifty bag where you can hold all your grudges together in one place. There's an extra pocket for your sunglasses; you won't need them because there's nothing bright in the future, right?

The stench is normal - it's caused by all that overwhelming support you get from the other trolls holding your hand as you all pollute the atmosphere with your complaints. You know you suck, so suck it up! Never surrender to the idea that The Lucky Ones simply trying to enjoy their good fortune are merely happy, it's for sure that they are intentionally try to make YOU more miserable. Kill them with unkindness! Make lots of posts about how evil they are to be smiling when you yourself have nothing to smile about. Stomp your feet - don't forget to view their profile and try to find information to insult them with, either, or you'll lose your Pyrrhic Victory card.
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-28 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Although some of us aren't with our loved ones today, it's Thanksgiving and we do have so very much to be thankful for. Someone we love, loves us back! And so what if they aren't here right this second, they want to be...and we are so very lucky - all of us -- to have found the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with.

There are so many very lonely people out there, still waiting to find their Mr. or Ms. Right...we might feel like we are being held up by the government but there are so many people that would love to be in our situation - to know that someone is waiting and waiting and willing to move halfway across the world just to be with them.

Instead of bemoaning the USCIS employees, let's all take some time and call that widow we know that's all alone Every Year (not just this year), or send an e-mail to that serviceman/servicewoman we know that is on deployment and can't be with their family either, or perform some other act of service for our local community. You are online already, go to and buy a toy for a kid who might not otherwise get one for Christmas. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner and be glad you aren't wondering where your next meal is coming from.

It might sound trite, but all of us, we really do have so much to look forward to when others don't have that same comfort - we are so blessed --- let's be generous and share some kindness instead of whinging.

LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-27 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Rob&Dawn @ Nov 25 2008, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cdneh @ Nov 25 2008, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well about that.

Never had a touch. That website has never once updated for us.

But in the post today? NOA2...dated 18th November kicking.gif biggrin.gif

Yay Congratulations.

That's great news! What a ####### shoot with that website/automated system - it's a shame you couldn't have spent the last few days being excited instead of worried.

The website actually worked for us. In fact, we'd sent a critical element of proof along about a month after we filed and were worried that it wouldn't get matched up; we knew it was risky and were prepared to get an RFE. I don't know if we ever showed a touch because I was out of town without internet access, but I have a letter dated Nov 17th and mailed Nov 19th about how they matched up our additional documents with the main package, and then approval was Nov 20th with the website updated showing a touch, the approval, and the appropriate e-mail being sent off about 8:30 pm. J. got his e-mail, too, about 10 minutes after mine was sent.

Now we can both torture NVC. smile.gif
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-25 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (ChelleKeith @ Nov 17 2008, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do feel his parents have alot to do with this. well not both anyways.. I have gotten very close to his father, he is a wonderful person and I love him dearly. You see I lost my dad a very long time ago and I miss him so much. When I met keiths father that big hole in my heart got closed up alot because he filled alot ot it. As for his mom, I have tried to get close to her but its hard as she still loves his ex wife and that is ok, I told her from day one its ok and I still feel the same way, I do feel she wants them back together and I can also understand that as she wants her son home where she can be with him. sometimes I feel this money deal is a way to keep him here and keep us apart , I will not give up hope though as I do love him with all of me and I do believe he loves me , He is just very much family oriented and his parents come first , I knew this when I met him so now I have to try to be understanding. I have asked him for a date, or a idea of time and he cant give it to me .. I believe it will be months and this is what I am having trouble dealing with at this time.

At first I was blaming his mom for having his ex there for xmas but Keith is a grown man and can make his own decisions, he can choose to be there or he can choose to be some place else during the time she is there. Time will tell what choice he makes and I pray he makes the right one for us.

I have asked santa to bring him home as my xmas present ... I do believe in santa wink.gif lets hope
Thankyou for you support and great advice as you have opened my eyes up alot to see it the way he is seeing it. huggs

You might consider looking at the situation from the point of view of your fiance, his parents, and the child before you let jealousy and insecurity ruin your Christmas.

Your fiance sounds like a man who honors his commitments and obligations and sets a high priority on family. Often, it is the things we love the most about someone that also drives us crazy.

Good luck.
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-17 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (darkraven_cna @ Nov 10 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it says it is only valid until march 3 of 2009...hmmm is that right?? ...

Yes, the petition approval is for 4 months, allowing time for the NVC and consulate processing. Once the visa has been applied for and issued, it is valid for 6 months. Once it is used, you have 90 days to get married.
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-10 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Woo! Keep'em coming for July filers!
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-10 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
I think we should not be worried so much about the time estimates bumping into December.

This is just a theory, but it seems that the estimates are generated by the people before us updating their timelines, to wit, they are based on the April/May peeps before us getting adjudicated in x days. During the beginning of July, when nothing was happening for June and July peeps, the estimated dates just kept rolling along based on the previously established average # of days that came earlier. We all know that there was very little activity in July, with either Apr/May/June approvals or our July NOA1's, right? So now that the June peeps are getting their NOA2's and updating their timelines, new averages are being generated and causing our estimated dates to extend outward a bit.

HOWEVER, we KNOW that there was a bubble. I am going to pretend to be optimistic and think that eventually things will catch up and we will all get adjudicated with our NOA2's BEFORE our estimated dates. So see? Those August and September peeps that come after us will probably see their estimated adjudication dates creep closer when we all get our NOA2's next month.

It's my story, and I'm sticking to it! smile.gif
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-25 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (kenny+Ugochi @ Aug 9 2008, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys i have been mad all the while for not receiving my NOA1, buts it's all for my silly mistake, i received my whole application back in the mail today and the cover letter said i made a mistake on the check i submitted, which i already suspected about 4days ago, i'm happy though, i know my application is not lost, i'll write a correct check and send the application back on monday through over-night delivery, to the address they provided, it's the same st. Albans, but another department, i hope this correction will put us on back on track quick.

Oh no! It's bad news and good news all at once! I'm glad you don't have to collect everything again...that would be awful if they had lost your package. Keeping my fingers crossed for your for a quick NOA1 this time. smile.gif
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-10 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (chadherm @ Aug 6 2008, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks, Chadherm! SirJon (the "J" of "J & L") and I are pretty stoked right now! smile.gif
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-06 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Hi all, J. and I still waiting as well. Maybe tomorrow - woo!
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-29 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Woo! Maybe J. and I wll see something next week, with all these checks starting to be cashed now. Congratulations everyone!

PS I hope you all are updating your timelines! smile.gif

Edited by Labhrais, 26 July 2008 - 11:19 AM.

LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-26 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
It seems to me that there is a serious problem with financial management with all those uncashed checks laying around waiting to be stolen or mishandled in some other way.

Too bad the government can't follow the same rules of good internal controls prescribed in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. devil.gif
LabhraisFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-24 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
We are May filers too!! Nothing since the NOA on May 16th!!!!!! we are now at 123 days!!!
Any one out there file in the Vermont office March and April that have received NOA 2??


We need to hear some encouraging news to keep us going!! We knew there would be a wait, but not this long to receive 2nd notice!!

We are running out of patience!!!!

I agree with the other May filers - lets hope we hear approvals being processed this week!!!
amal27FemaleMorocco2007-09-16 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAttention Fiance fraud
QUOTE (wigena Koukouch @ Sep 14 2007, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ladies i am a member here but not that active on VJ. I am here today because a few of my dear friends found something very disturbing here and i am grateful they did. I found out that my fiancé had another woman as his fiancé at same time as me. Apparently he used or shall i say used myself for $$, relationship and gifts as well as using her for same. This is a very hard thing for me to do but feel she needs to know as i do. i was with him for over 2 years and i had no clue until recently what he is capable of. I caution ALL ladies to visit many times as you can to really know what you are facing. Listen to your friends i should have listened closer but i did listen before it was tooo late. This man can become abusive as i came to find out my last trip to Marco. Please be careful. He hurt my kids and my self. He has lied and used. I really loved him despite the craziness of our ages (which i found out a yr later he lied about) for he never acted his age at all he acted a lot older than my self but i will NEVER do that again. Much valued and learned experience. I could HATE him for having me to love him and his family but i do not. I have tooo much love in my heart to have my hatred for him tear me up. I know now he wanted easy entry into the USA and that is all, no matter the consequences. Be careful means do not file for your guy till you have visited him a few times first and ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR instincts. If you know the woman in this pic on my page, plz let her know. Inchalla he has not hurt anyone else. Thank you for listening.

The former Wigena Koukouch

So sorry to read about what happened to you. Fortunately, I met a wonder man in Taza!! I have visited him twice and the last visit with for 6 weeks with him and his extended family. I wish you could have met someone in Taza that is like my hbibi!! My hbibi knows the person you wrote about. I have not spoken to him about this yet - - I think he will be as surprised reading this as I was. I will pray for you and your children - reading about the abuse was a real shock! Moroccans are very family orientated and love children. Hearing of domestic abuse there is practically nill! I wish you the best in life!! Do not give up!

Amal 27
amal27FemaleMorocco2007-09-16 18:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaAttention Fiance fraud
QUOTE (wigena Koukouch @ Sep 14 2007, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ladies i am a member here but not that active on VJ. I am here today because a few of my dear friends found something very disturbing here and i am grateful they did. I found out that my fiancé had another woman as his fiancé at same time as me. Apparently he used or shall i say used myself for $$, relationship and gifts as well as using her for same. This is a very hard thing for me to do but feel she needs to know as i do. i was with him for over 2 years and i had no clue until recently what he is capable of. I caution ALL ladies to visit many times as you can to really know what you are facing. Listen to your friends i should have listened closer but i did listen before it was tooo late. This man can become abusive as i came to find out my last trip to Marco. Please be careful. He hurt my kids and my self. He has lied and used. I really loved him despite the craziness of our ages (which i found out a yr later he lied about) for he never acted his age at all he acted a lot older than my self but i will NEVER do that again. Much valued and learned experience. I could HATE him for having me to love him and his family but i do not. I have tooo much love in my heart to have my hatred for him tear me up. I know now he wanted easy entry into the USA and that is all, no matter the consequences. Be careful means do not file for your guy till you have visited him a few times first and ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR instincts. If you know the woman in this pic on my page, plz let her know. Inchalla he has not hurt anyone else. Thank you for listening.

The former Wigena Koukouch

amal27FemaleMorocco2007-09-16 18:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGuide for ROC RFE?
Interesting but random piece of evidence! And I'm sure that you have some fun pictures to back it up, TracyTN!

Unfortunately, we are still sharing a car that my family bought for me 13 years ago and because of its age, I didn't even have to show the title when registering it in RI. I saw something on the evidence list about car registration, but I thought a car could only be registered under one name.

Family cell phone plan bills? I added a line for him pretty much the month he got here, so I could get a couple of bills spanning the length of the marriage with both our phone calls logged.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-03 09:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGuide for ROC RFE?
Thanks for the suggestion about having the landlord write a letter...I will also pull out the lease she started to do(a generic one from Staples) and have her actually complete the darn thing and just ask her to write a brief letter. I also see if the YMCA has anything that shows our family membership on our account...hopefully some sort of print out.

Unfortunately we have separate bank accounts, so that won't help, but we do each receive statements at the same address.

Here's what I originally submitted:
one affadavit
back up photos of things mentioned in affadavit (our families and us together, holidays, etc)
2008 tax return (will call for tax transcripts for both 2007 & 2008)
car insurance policy (as mentioned, he's on there but only his first name, which is weird, so I'll call them for something more substantive)
copies of our credit cards with same account #
drivers licenses with same address
AAA cards with same account #
airline itineraries for two trips to Mexico (showing tickets had been purchased)
pictures from that trip
Hotwire reservation for hotel in Niagara Falls and pictures of us together in front of the Falls
a seating arrangement tag from a wedding we went to and has both our names on it (dumb one, I know, but it was lying around)
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-03 08:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGuide for ROC RFE?
Thanks for the responses! I wrote this at work while procrastinating, so the info that I did send was not mentioned very clearly.

My mother wrote an affadavit. I will include more than one this time. I also initially sent trip itineraries for the two trips we made back to Mexico, including both of our names and flight, as well as my mother's itinerary (she likes to make the trip with us, has twice, and also mentioned it in her affadavit. I also sent in all of our hotel reservations from those trips, as well as one to Niagara Falls, though my name was listed on the reservation, it did say two people and I also provided pictures that corresponded to each trip that we took. I will also see if I can't come up with the trip reservations we made for New Year's in Boston.

The unfortunate thing about the rental contract is that when I moved, I explicitly asked the landlord to provide me with a lease (though she didn't require one) because I knew that this was coming up. She gave me a generic, half-filled out one, though I requested that she fill it out completely. Anyone could have signed it. Though I will ask my upstairs neighbor to write a brief letter attesting to the fact that she's aware we live together. I avoid speaking with my landlord if at all possible.

We've filed married each year, so I'll get the transcripts from 2007 and 2008.

It's funny, we've been together for ten years and this immigration process has been fairly simple up until this point! Guess we're due for some speedbumps.

There is no RFE guide, just a Lifting of Conditions Guide (presumably you've reviewed the items suggested on the list).

You don't mention home lease/mortgage - nor affidavits from family/friends etc.

And yes, I did read the guide and initially provided all of the items that I could provide that pertained to us..i.e. since we can't afford health insurance for him through my employer and his doesn't offer it, I couldn't provide that piece of info.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-02 20:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGuide for ROC RFE?
Just received an RFE in the mail for our ROC not requesting anything more specific but general further documentation showing that we entered into the marriage in good faith.

There are no bills in his name at our address, my name is on the car title, and we have no shared health insurance (I work for a nonprofit and we can't afford the additional premium if I added him and he works part time and isn't offered insurance).

I had sent what I thought was a fair amount of evidence: tax forms (but will be requesting the official tax transcripts from the IRS this time around), vacation itineraries, photos, copies of our licenses showing the same address, a copy of the credit card for which he is an authorized user, and a page from the car insurance policy which shows he's an authorized driver, and a couple more things I can't remember right now.

Should I resubmit all of the evidence previously submitted with the additional documentation or should I just submit what I am adding as evidence? This is what I was thinking of adding:

affadavit from my employer stating that the cost of adding him to the insurance is prohibitive and that my employer doesn't offer a 401K to even add him to as well as her personal knowledge of our bonafide marriage; additional affadavits from family (only my mom did one); official tax transcripts; better proof that he's a registered driver from the car insurance company (for some weird reason, the policy only has his first name and it's not readily apparent that he's on there, though I highlighted his name); copies of our new drivers licenses shwoing our new address, and some more photos.

I apologize if there is a guide that addresses RFEs, but I couldn't find one!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-02 11:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionList of evidence have similar evidence as we had. But we didn't have the home insurance as you did. And I'm currently on the phone with the IRS to request tax transcripts to respond to our RFE! What about car insurance? That's my next call! Best of luck! And I'm not being snarky here, it just seems that sometimes people send in the same evidence, and one is approved and the other receives an RFE!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-08 10:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionResponse to RFE
I will have a looksie to see if I can find pieces of mail addressed to both or either of us.

But no medical insurance together (can't afford the family plan through my employer), no 401K or anything (my employer doesn't offer that) and taxes aren't done for 2009 (always have to wait until late March for a few pieces of information).
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-26 11:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionResponse to RFE
Also, we JUST applied for a credit card for which I am the account user and he the authorized should arrive before I mail this stuff off. Should I include photocopy of that? Just wonder because of the timing...don't want it to look like we were scrambling to create more joint responsibilities, but we indeed just decided to transfer a high interest balance to a new card,
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-26 02:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionResponse to RFE
So I need to get additional evidence out to USCIS because we didn't prove sufficient joint responsibilities and indebtedness. Here is what I'm sending and some concerns about certain pieces of evidence I tried to collect:

-copy of new driver's licenses with new addresses (had sent ones with the old address previously)
-letter from landlord stating that she knows we live together (she actually lives on adjacent property)
-federal tax transcripts from 2007 & 2008
-most recent car insurance policy listing both of us (only for a period of six months)
-printed out log from the car insurance company showing when I added him as a driver (because they couldn't provide me with something similar as above for earlier time periods)
-print out from YMCA showing our family membership (also showing his and my birth dates and join dates...though mine was first since I opened account before he was here)
-a couple of months' worth of family plan cell phone bills
-also want to call Tmobile to see if they'll fax over something regarding my changing from individual to family plan

Things I'm not sure about sending or things I couldn't get:
-one of those standard leases (don't actually have a lease with landlord, but she'd fill one out for me for immigration)
-a letter from Citibank stating that husband is an authorized user (I had to fight to get them to send me something, expected something as detailed time-wise that I got from the YMCA and car insurance and instead got a half-a$$ed letter just stating that...and I previously sent in copies of our cards w/ same account number)
-had sent in copies of our AAA card and figured they could also give me some more detailed account info showing our names together, but they couldn't
-an affadavit from the director where I work who is also a friend (feeling reticent about sending this because while she's my supervisor now, she's also a friend and gained her knowledge re: our marriage through her latter role...and because I am unsure about sending an affadavit without back up)

Thoughts on what I'm not sure about? Does this look like an okay list?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-02-26 01:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRFE...major fail
So I was multi-tasking at work, packaged up the additional evidence in response to the RFE we received, and went to the post office. I got back and realized that I left the affadavit from my landlord out of the packet (it was listed on the cover sheet of what I had sent in). I immediately wrote up a letter explaining and put that together with a copy of the RFE NOA (I had included the original in the packet as advised) and stuck it in the mail.

It's got all his info on it (A#, receipt#)...anyone else ever had a major fail like this? What's the likelihood of this piece making it to the same place that the larger submission is?

And what happens if they don't feel like the additional info satisfies their concerns?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-03-01 18:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExperiences With Early Biometrics / Walk-Ins
This is a bit of a silly question, but this seems like a good thread to ask it in, considering it relates to Biometrics. Hubby is scheduled for 10.2.09, which isn't a problem since the office is close (sometimes it's nice to live in such a small state!). But he wonders if they'll also take a new picture for his ten year green card. He looks like he's criminally insane in his first green card and would like an opportunity to look less scary.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2009-09-27 13:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Why would being told you're well within normal processing times make one have a panic attack? Especially because the PR has every legal right to continue working and traveling for a year, during which the 10 year card will most likely be approved and received?

I mean, I'd like to have my husband approved ASAP (and we're one of the last ones on the September VSC list, and I certainly check the online account at least once a day, but I'm not going to go ballistic over it. I'm more likely to have a panic attack regarding the Senate vote in Mass and Haiti. Perspective.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2010-01-19 20:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSeptember 2009 I-751 filers
Would someone mind adding our Biometrics for 10/2? I tried adding it myself last time and everything got misaligned.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2009-09-27 13:29:00