Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)spouse
Where does he live in Mexico? I've found that even the tiniest villages have an AA program, and larger cities have one in most neighborhoods. The distance he would have to travel should be neglible.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-28 13:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I 601 Q.
Yeah, it sounds like the backlogged waivers are all from June and July. There was one very random August approval though!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-03 13:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiver
If the agent told you to file a waiver, then I'd imagine that whatever his denial was for is covered under waiver applicability guidelines.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-05-31 19:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 waiting
Congrats, Morelia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There have been soooo many approvals this week from the backlog!

And let's hope they keep on pushing through to get to kitkat's Novemeber waiver!

Edited by GabachaYucateca, 10 June 2007 - 03:43 PM.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-10 15:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Brazilian illegal in US wanting to wed US citizen
Aaaahh....I see now. I responded quite rabidly to people's judgemental comments about filing waivers before, not realizing that this was the norm on this site.

Thanks for the explanation. Now I know that if anyone asks about filing a waiver, they should be refered elsewhere!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-07-23 13:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Past Prison Time in Mexico a Problem? CIMT?
WMW...really not sure about the answers to your questions, but I'd recommend heading over to, as they are much less judgemental and scary over there.

And, as you have seen here, people who have NO input and NO clue how to answer your questions will come on here and not only cut you down, but make stupid, uniformed comments about your partner's country.

Many folks with waivers have learned to post elsewhere, and I recommend you do the same! Even if they can't help you directly, they can point you in the right direction and be encouraging.

GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-10-26 17:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Would this kill my chances at proving hardship?
Hmmm...I definitely think it's awfully when the dad has to go back to his country and misses out on big events in his child's life because of the wait. But 14 years? In 14 years she has never taken their child to her father's country to visit him? I don't know the specifics, but that sounds bizarre.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-10 14:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver question
I'm so sorry to hear that. sad.gif
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2008-04-22 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCheap rates to Mexico
The best news I've gotten in a long time was that now when calling Mexican cell phones, the person receiving the call doesn't pay anything. We only communicated by text before that, as his credit was eaten up so quickly when I called him.

If you have a cell phone, check to see if the company doesn't have a discount dialing plan. I've got TMobile and pay five dollars a month for discount dialing and I'm only charged 5 cents a minute to call him.

It's worked out REALLY well and we talk a lot more often now.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-01-28 16:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEnglish Program
Al leer su mensaje de nuevo, me parece que algo mas esta tiene nada de sentido que un curso de ingles cueste parece que su esposo le esta intentando a aislar en no dejar que busque los recursos necesarios.

Por mi parte, se que es dificil a enseñar a su pareja maestra de ingles y mi comprometido aprendio ingles en su trabajo, no conmigo. Que mala soy, pero despues de dar clase 8 horas al dia, no me quedeban las ganas a seguir ensenañando a un alumno bien terco. :) Pero cuando llegue en los EEUU, voy a hacer mi mparte para apoyarle en aprendir...nunca quisiera que se siente triste ni aislado por una falta de le va a hacer muy dificil acostumbrarse de todos modos.

Pues, me parece que hay mas problemas con esta persona que no poder encontrar clase de ingles economico.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-02-07 12:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEnglish Program
No se en que parte de Georgia estas, pero me imagino que hay bastante cursos de ingles gratuitos por Atlanta...en la biblioteca, un centro comunitario....hay miles de organziaciones sin fines de lucro en este pais que proveen clases gratuitos. De hecho, estoy escribiendo este mensaje mientras mis alumnos de ESL estan practicando su vocabulario en sus compus.

En que pueblo o cuidad vives?
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-02-07 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGoing to spouses country to await immigration
To quote my vet (she was talking about my dog, not a human baby), "There must be some sad, funny looking kids out there...because that one got a double dose of cute!"

What a precious child.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-02 19:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGoing to spouses country to await immigration
Hot water isn't a necessity in the Caribean...I lived without it for four years, and only really needed to heat hot water on the stove in Nov-February.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-01 19:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are you from?
USC: Pawtucket (aka The Bucket), Rhode Island
Fiance: Chichimila, Yucatan, Mexico (first two decades of his life) to Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-02-09 19:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
I randomly chose his village to do my field work for my undergrad thesis. I didn't know anybody there, so I sat in the park, this girl came by and picked me up, brought me to her house for lunch, and she and her mother moved me into the house next door. Because they had a bit more money than the family I was staying with, and had a more stable home, I ate at their house every day and bathed in their bucket from water heated on their stove. he was the youngest son in the family, and for weeks would show up everywhere I was, take me swimming, talk to me for hours, and flirt with me. I thought it'd just be a very hush-hush fling (doing research and sleeping with one of your subjects is a no-no!) but after I finished my thesis, I moved to Mexico and he moved from his village to live with me.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-02-28 19:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
My students were asking me about Edgar today, and said, "Well, of course you taught him're an ESL teacher!" But he actually learned what he knows from working with tourists. And then another chimed in and said at least I probably switched to Spanish when arguing...nope, it's much easier to argue in Spanish...I have more practice! It's hard for me to express myself when angry in English.

He is still shocked that I don't understand Maya...can't quite figure out why I haven't picked it up along the way. I guess he thought I'd learn it by osmosis.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-11 18:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
It's funny...Edgar only rarely will speak English with me. He says I make him nervous but he can yap away with customers where he works just fine. I asked if he thought we'd start speaking in English together in the States, but he says,'s been too long in Spanish to make the change. When I try it feels forced.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-10 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
Thanks for the view from the other side, Ana. I'm going to try my damndest to NOT do what he did when I was living in Mexico. Whenever I had a complaint or comment about life there, he made it seem like a personal affront to him. Of course, I can be pretty bitchy in my comments, so I imagine that my tone didn't help things. :)

I'm also more idependent than he, so I actually didn't need him to help me figure things out! But I actually like and thrive in a baptism by fire type of experience. I'll be much gentler with him, especially since he's not fluent in English. I'd like to give him "homework" assignments like going to the library and taking a book out on his own, but a friend said that was cruel! Actually, I suggested getting him a bus pass and having his day's assignment be to go to another city and find his way back! For me that would be exciting, but I think for others it might be scary!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-02 19:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
Good question, bdesj! I will answer that in a couple of years!

And I loved your answer, mononoke...I like your attitude, and I hope that I have the same one come June!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-27 18:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
Thanks for these thoughtful responses!

I especially liked what you said about gravitating toward similar couples...and yes, we will live in a culturally diverse area!

We've tried to speak English together, and it just doesn't work! I asked him on the phone a few nights ago if e thought that we'd speak more English in the States, or even if he wanted to. He agreed that we were kind of past that point to be able to, but my father is already planning on doing a lot of stuff with Edgar (like taking him out on errands, planning to teach him to fly fish) so that'll be excellent practice for him. And I teac ESL, so I can give him homework while I'm working!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-25 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
Where will you live? Not the exact address, just the city or state.

Don't want you to think I'm a weirdo! :)
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-24 22:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
X-posted in moving here forum

I'm interested in hearing about people's experiences with finally having their partner in the US when they've never been here before.

We've been together for so long, and I know his world so well. In fact, I lived in it for 5 years. Even when I went to visit him, it felt like going home since everything was so familiar to me. But I don't know how to act as a non-English speaking couple in the States! I'm perfectly comfortable with this in Mexico, but I have the feeling that once he's here, I'll never see the place that I spent the first 18 years of my life and the last 2 the same way again.

I know that we'll never really be fully part of the community I come from, nor fully part of the Latino population here. Not a bad thing by any means, as I'm always happiest and most alive when I'm slightly uncomfortable, but this'll be a whole new world for me here too.

This hasn't really come out as a question, but I guess I'm wondering if you all felt, well, weird to have your limited English speaking SO with you at first.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-23 21:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAOS Approved!!!
Yay! I felt so horrible for you when I first read of your AOS situation. But I'm thrilled that everything worked out!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-11 18:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBuying Cuban Fiance's plane ticket to US
I wonder if he could fly into Cancun. Mexican immigration is pretty strict with Cubans so perhaps Canada would be easier depending where you are.

If he could fly through Cancun, there are many direct flights to the States. However, as I said...immigration there may be a b*tch. If this really interests you, I could put you in touch with someone who works in immigration in Cancun.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-11 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Cards to your fiancee's country

Do you get that super duper rate when calling cell phones or only landlines?

I currently am charged 5 cents a minute with T-Mobile's discount dialing to Mexico, but they'e finally caught on to Mexico's el quien llama paga thing, and will be raising the rates.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-23 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
Sometimes I get so frustrated with things here that I want to say screw it and move to Mexico.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-23 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
Hi Belize! Believe it or not, I never even thought about your reasoning behind the non-USC spouse moving to the States, but it makes a whole lot of sense. His wanting to move is for two reasons: 1)I was getting to feel unhappy living in Mexico and 2) we're both sick of the treatment workers get in Mexico with no job stability and working like a dog for little to no money. And anything that we'd like to do in Mexico (even as simple as having his own taco cart) requires money that he'll never be able to get from working in Mexico.

In an incomplete nutshell, my thesis examined Yucatec Mayans' perceptions of Cancun and how migration to Cancun for work changed the village. My personal life merged with my academic life when I fell for a Yucatec Maya who decided to move to Cancun for work because he had no options in his village! But our courtship and the first six months of our relationship took place in his village, and we later moved to Cancun, where I spent five years.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-03-01 17:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
I even want to move back to Mexico right now even while waiting for my NOA2! He's never been here before, and I don't know how he'll feel about living here. I'd like to think that we can stick it out long enough for him to get his citizenship, but only time will tell.

I also need some time to finish my Master's and get to a point where I can freelance from home to make money, because I can't go back to working for a Mexican company. We'd never be able to afford a car, house, and kids on what we'd earn. So, the plan is to save money, build some capital and move back.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-02-28 19:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South America5 dias para mi entrevista
Que tengas buen viaje!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-10 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South America5 dias para mi entrevista
Felicidades, mami!!! Ya mero viajas...y que chido que llamaron directo para avisarte.

Que tengas un viaje marvilloso.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-06 19:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South America5 dias para mi entrevista
Cuando le conoci, el no hablaba nada de ingles...ahora lo habla, pero solo porque esta trabajando en Cancun, y tuvo que aprendir de necesidad.

Vivia en Cancun con el, pero regrese aqui en el 2005.

Espero que se te hayan pasado los nervios! Falta poco que tengas la aprobacion!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-03 17:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South America5 dias para mi entrevista
Ah, di cuenta mas adelante que menocionaste que estas en Viena.

Nos conocimos en su pueblo en el 2000 cuando me fui alla para hacer mis investigaciones para mi tesis. De hecho, fue su hermana quien me llevo en su casa. Nunca me imaginaba como iba a cambiar mi vida cuando escogi su pueblo a visitar a lo loco...pero 7 anos despues, seguimos juntos!

Que todo salga perfecto manana!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-03 11:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South America5 dias para mi entrevista
Carla: no tengo ningun consejo mas que mantente tranquila y di la verdad, y todo saldria bien! Y muchisima suerte!

Que mala onda (por mi :)) que son tres de este foro (tu, el novio de TijuanaHilton, y Janet y Edgar) van a estar en Juarez el mismo tiempo. Nosortos no vamos hasta el 18 de junio. Y mi pobrecito se esta muriendo de nervios igual. Mi cunada (futura) me comento que no esta durmiendo y se esta desperando mucho. Pues, hay mucho nuevo para concoce los eeuu, ni siquiera conoce muchas partes de su propia pais!

Pues, suerte otra vez y no se te vaya olvidar contarnos de tu experiencia en el hilo del consulado de Juarez!
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-02 16:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaI-601
There was an overhaul on the I2US site and it seems you now have to rereigister. You should also look at the Juarez forum, which has steady info about the status of waivers.

I've seen approvals from September coming through now.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-07-11 18:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americatwo last names
nessandcharles: his middle name isn't doe, it could be angel or javier or miguel. His last name is Doe Smith.

I had wanted to see if he couldn't drop his mother's name, but for simplicity's sake (I'd rather have people massacre the pronunication of his second last name than have questions about his identity) we're trying to stick to his two last names.

We just went to the SS office and I asked how it'd appear on his card, and the man said that both last names would be included. I have heard of other people who's second surname had been dropped by some agency along the way.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-07-11 18:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Overall Plan
We're planning (well, I'm planning, but he hasn't raised any objections yet) to first do the civil part in the States and then have a big party in Mexico once he can travel.

And, just to reiterate what kitkat VERY careful about terms. And just to be on the safe side, if you do the ceremony in Mexico, leave out any pictures of that day in your evidence.

My fiance has been calling me his wife for the past five years. I, on the other hand, just started refering to him as my fiance in the past few months.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-06-12 19:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are the DVDs in Brazilian Portuguese?
Funny that you made that comment, Luis&Laura...just yesterday my husband said to me, "I think I'm ready to watch movies in English if we put the subtitles on in English too!"
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-07-24 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are the DVDs in Brazilian Portuguese?
Bora Bora: you just gave me flashbacks to that one horrid night when there was a Rocky marathon on TV. I tried to doze off or read, but he wanted me to watch it with him.

He also likes to relive the good parts by repeating the dialogue to me. And then he tries to get me to help him replay the fight scenes. Unfortunately I bruise easily so I think people wonder if I'm abused.

Oh, lord, I miss him.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-16 18:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are the DVDs in Brazilian Portuguese?
Action movies...little dialogue. Sounds familiar.

I would be a happy woman if I never had to see Blood Sport again, either in English or dubbed in Spanish.
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-04-15 19:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow Did You Propose?
That's very sweet, theronin! I'm so glad it went well.

My hubby "proposed" to me by saying, "Que pedos? Nos vamos a casar o que?" Needless to say, I wept with emotion over this romantic outpouring. smile.gif
GabachaYucatecaFemaleMexico2007-09-24 09:11:00