Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel from El Paso to Juarez
Great- you shouldn`t have any trouble! It looks like you`ve done all your "homework", wish we had been as prepared as you guys are. I`ll check to see if I can find those shortcuts out of curiosity, but I think we`re almost done now. If you haven`t left yet, have a nice trip!
bdesjMaleMexico2007-02-22 11:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel from El Paso to Juarez
What are James` shortcuts? Are you expecting approval on the first interview? Not that you shouldn`t, just that a lot of us go knowing that we`ll need a waiver. We have our second interview the 28th. Good luck.
bdesjMaleMexico2007-02-21 15:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel from El Paso to Juarez
Hey, Birddogs- Congratulation! From NV, no less! You know, there really ought to be a shuttle, but if there is I`ve never heard of one. Most folks take a cab for around $50, I think. It`s probably cheaper to take one to the bridge, cross on foot, then catch another one. Several people from VJ have had interviews this year. Here`s a thread with their experiences at the consulate and on the road to and from:
Where is your wife from? Mine is from Guadalajara.
bdesjMaleMexico2007-02-20 21:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMexico Interview Locations?
Yeah, the travel is a pain, but don`t worry too much- Juarez isn`t as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. And actually, the area around the consulate is pretty well secured. Just don`t get crazy and line up on the street in the middle of the night thinking you`ll be first in and first out.
bdesjMaleMexico2007-03-16 01:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
Most of my wife`s family lives within fifteen minutes of us, so that was a big help. She also met a few people through ESL classes and work and now probably knows more people in my home town than I do! Since most of my freinds are Mexican (half are now my inlaws), there wasn`t any problem with her integrating. On the other hand, I find that my family has been trying- with pretty good success- to integrate into the Mexican culture here since they get invited frequently to birthday parties, quincaneras, posadas, etc. In September, I even took my folks to Guadalajara with me to visit my wife and my inlaws. It was an interresting trip to say the least.

Here`s a related question that I asked in another thread and so far nobody has answered: Has anyone brought a spouse from another country and had so many problems with US life and culture that they ended up just going home?
bdesjMaleMexico2007-03-26 16:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
Eli y Mauri and Kristen&Mark brought up something that I`m surprised doesn`t get mentioned much- have any of you (especially K-1ers) already experienced or heard of serious problems with immigrants being unable to adjust to the US? Anyone finally get his/her visa and then get so homesick or just plain frustrated with life here that they just went back home?

As for our plans, we`d both like to live in my wife`s country someday. Like a lot of you said, the money is a big reason we aren`t there now. Although I`ve travelled there fairly extensively, the only time I`ve actually lived outside the US was with the military and that was like living in a little piece of the US. There`s no telling how well I would cope, but I`s sure like to have the experience for a while. Ideally, I think it would be great to live there for a few years, then snow-bird for the rest of my life!
bdesjMaleMexico2007-03-17 10:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Wow, a lot of new posts since the last time I checked this thread. I like the link to the Juarez thread too- mostly I get my "fix" on another site and don`t go wandering around this one very much.

Exodus, dudo que les cuestionen el matrimonio mucho. Mejor irse preparados, pero no se preocupen. Con tanto tiempo de casados va a ser facil comprobar que realmente estan juntos.

Daniel, ?como salio lo de tu papa? ?Pudo regresar de alguna manera?
bdesjMaleMexico2007-01-27 06:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Woohoo! Waiver approved! My wife got a ten-year bar in Feb (illegal presence) and we submitted our waiver 02/17 last year. I just got the letter today that our waiver was approved on 12/28. It`s currently taking six to eight weeks from approval date to pick-up appointment, so she should be home around the end of February and her Greencard ought to show up in the mail about two months later.
bdesjMaleMexico2007-01-10 00:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
iOrale! Muchas felicidades, E&K. iQue buena manera para comenzar el a~0! con roscas y buenas noticias.

Suerte, Gusguis.
bdesjMaleMexico2007-01-09 12:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!

nosotros aun no cambiamos la cr1 por la incondicional. eso se hace 90 dias antes de los dos anos de la cr1. eso seria el Ocutbre de 2007. menos 90 dias, seria agosto de 2007.

espero que disfrtues tu viaje! a mi me toco visitar el santuario de las mariposas. espero que te guste.

nosotros nos vamos el 22 de diciembre. regresamos el 6 de enero.


iAh! Entendi mal- pensaba que con dos anos de casados.

Gracias. Que tengan muy buen viaje tambien.
Haydee, encontre una platica por ese otro foro que tiene que ver con las esperas para CDJ. Esta con los casos de I-601 waivers, pero la espera es igual. Las diferencias se encuentran despues de la cita porque parece que te van a aprobar la visa la primera vez.;&start=0
bdesjMaleMexico2006-12-07 17:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Haydee, se que no necesitas waiver, pero a lo mejor la gente nueva que tienen en el consulado van a ayudar en los otros tramites tambien. Puede que, ?verdad? Oye, si alcanzas revisar otro foro tambien, te recomiendo ese de Tiene muchisimos Mexicanos que te pueden contar que tanto tiempo tienen esperando sus citas. Lo unico es que sale casi todo en Ingles (No se si lees Ingles), pero si haces una pregunta o comentario en Espanol, te contestan asi.

Hola, Daniel. Una pregunta, ?Ya cambiaron la CR1 por la incondicional?
Ya casi me voy a visitar a mi esposa (viernes al medio dia)- tambien decidimos ir a conocer el santuario de mariposa por Zitacuaro. ?Ustedes, cuando van?
bdesjMaleMexico2006-12-06 16:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Hace poco hice comentario de que la nueva gente en el consulado no ayuda mucho. Pues, la semana pasada comenzaron a llegar decisiones a muchos y otra aprobacion hoy. Ahora parece que si va a disminuir el tiempo para los waivers por lo menos. A ver. Por los demas casos, no se- ojala que se apuren tambien. Haydee, no hay problema que tu esposo solicito la CR1. Algunas personas prefieren meter su I-129 (para K-3) primero porque supuestemente sale mas rapido asi. Realmente, creo que es casi igual hoy en dia- puede que tantito mejor con la K-3 pero no mucha diferencia. No te preocupes. Si, cuando te dan la visa IR1, es mas o menos una mica temporal. Con ella, puedes solicitar el seguro, trabajar, sacar licencia de conductor, cualquiera cosa. No hay que pedir o esperar nada mas. Lo unico es que se vence y tienes que renovarla antes de dos anos. Es que, si tienen poco tiempo de casados, la migracion quiere saber que siguen casados. Pero no olviden solicitar la mica permanente porque si la primera se vence, y todavia no te ha llegado la carta (NOA) que dice que recibieron tu solicitud, pierdes todos los derechos y estas en peligro de deportacion. Que yo sepa, casi no hay problemas con eso, puesto que lo hagas al tiempo. Se explica aqui:
bdesjMaleMexico2006-12-05 00:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Buenas noches, Haydee. Supuestamente, ya contrataron a mas gente en el consulado, pero no se ve asi No se que pasa con ese respeto. Si, estamos en proceso para IR1. Nos aprobaron el I-130 hace dos anos y seguimos esperando weiver para evitar el castigo de mi esposa.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-11-30 01:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Hola, Guiguis. Suerte con tu cita- no olvides contarnos que tal fue.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-11-27 01:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Voy a GDL- es dodne vive mi esposa- de ahi, vamos juntos a Queretaro para ver alcanzo cambiarme a una fabrica que es parte de la misma corporacion en que trabajo aqui. No creo, pero ?que cuesta pedir?

HSL= Hardship Letter Si te niegan la visa en la primera cita y te dan un castigo (normalmente o 3 o 10 anos sin entrar al pais), muchas veces tienes oportunidad para solicitar una excepcion (waiver). Eso lo haces de parte del ciudadano por el sufrimiento que el tendria en cambiarse a otro pais o separarse con su pareja. El chiste es que te piden una carta para convencerles que habria gran sufrimiento (como si no supieran) y evidencia para cada argumento. Cuando fuimos, dejamos la carta antes de salir de CDJ. Ahora, te dan nueva cita como a dos semanas solamente para entregar la carta y pagar la cuota. Luego, esperas buen rato y, si aprueban el waiver, tienes hasta otra cita para recoger la visa. Si lo niegan, me imagino que no tienes que regresar. ?Ustedes, como lo hicieron? Se me hace que tu timeline dice algo de Juarez, pero no me fije en precisamente que dice.

iQue bueno! iEscogieron muy bonitos lugares para andar y me da gusto que todos disfrutaron. Los familiares en Jalisco estan cerquitas del mar? ?Como por Melaque, o mas adentro por CD Guzman? Bueno, que disfruten ahi tambien, pero iNo creo que se hace tan frio en Sacramento!

Edited by bdesj, 16 November 2006 - 08:09 PM.

bdesjMaleMexico2006-11-16 20:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Parece que pocas noticias. Para mi, sigo esperando para ver si aprueban el 601. Decidimos esperar a que ya tenga un ano (va a ser Feb) y si no, me voy. Agarre boletos para ir de visita del 8 al 13 de Dic. Salieron mas o menos al precio siempre. El novio de Kitkat1 se fue a Juarez para su primera cita y dice que le salio bien. Creo que tiene que regresar a unas dos semanas a entregar su HSL. ?Ya se fueron tus visitantes? ?A donde los llevaron siempre?
bdesjMaleMexico2006-11-16 12:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!

mmmmm rosca :yes:

?Es ese pan con jugetes escondidos adentro?

Mi esposa hizo un altar hace unos tres anos para mostrar a nuesrtos sobrinos- son Mexicanos, pero sus papas no lo hacen y los chamacos casi no saben de alla. A todos nos gusto e ibamos a hacerlo el siguiente ano pero no salio siempre. iMe imagino que pensar en los muertos andando por la casa seria algo de trauma para los ninos! Pobrecitos.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-11-02 01:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!

feliz dia de halloween!

van a celebrar dia de los muertos algun manera?

mi hermana va a tener algo en su casa. que un altar y quien sabe que. veremos.


Cool. It seems to me that Dia de los Muertos altars usually go up a few weeks before, but I don`t know much about it. Has your sister`s been up for a while? Hope the visit and the sightseeing are going well.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-31 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
iQue bueno! ?Va a ser su primera visita a este pais? A mi me encanta hacerme guia turistica.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-27 01:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
I think my inlaws have the best way- they take those nice Mexican busses as far as the border, then catch a quick hop or someone drives to pick them up from San Diego or El Paso. All we need to do is retire or get jobs that offer about eight weeks of vacation per year and we could do the same thing!

Oh- I checked airline prices for Dec. I`m looking at going from the 9th to the 13th and the price is pretty much the same as now. I guess the Christmas rush doesn`t take up the whole month.

Edited by bdesj, 20 October 2006 - 07:00 PM.

bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-20 18:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Holy cow! My parents and I just bought round trips from Reno to GDL and back for $507. If the cheapest "easy" flights are $900, I guess the Christmas premiums must be pretty nasty. I was thinking of going again for my wife`s birthday in mid Dec and use up the end of this year`s vacation. Maybe it would be better to meet in Encinada/Rosaritos instead.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-16 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Congratulations, Anaanddaniel and Tabta. It`s nice to see some of us are getting somewhere. Anaand daniel has a good point- the back-logs keep growing so fast at CDJ that last year`s news doesn`t seem to apply at all this year. Kitkat is talking about the reader base is much smaller than it seems to be here, but they have a lot more Mexico filers, especially in the "I-601 Thank you Spouse" forum. Maybe this site explains why there are so many countries conspicuously underrepresented there. From this site, you`d almost think that hardly anyone immigrated from Mexico. From I2US it looks like hardly anyone comes from Korea, China, the Philipines or Jamaica.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-12 19:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Kitkat- Sorry to hear you still need a waiver. !!Maybe they`ll give you "a time served expedite" for all the time you spent waiting for new regs or for helping out so many other folks in the mean-time (you`ve helped me on I2US too)!!

Cassandra- was your FM3 employment based? I`ll be needing the SRE if I file to naturalize, but I think INM covers visas. Yes?

Muchos thank yous, both. I have a little over eleven years in with a big corporation which has a plant in Queretaro. I`ve been talking to the personell dept there to see about transfering and still haven`t gotten anyone to say "yes" or "no". My profession could fall under mechanic, machinist, or welder depending on how you look at it and Mexico has plenty of all of them. My ray of hope is that I have a lot of experience with the specific equipment they use- big `ol German rotogravure presses, German and Italian copper and chrome plating systems. I just don`t know that`s enough or if it`s worth it for them to try pushing the point in order to get me in. As far as ESL, I`ve done it here as a volunteer and I enjoyed it very much. The problem is that I have no degree. Just might work out anyway and it could certainly be a decent side-line, especially if I naturalize. Fortunately, my wife has relatively good earning potential in Mexico and we already have a house. If I can get even a non-work visa for the first few years, it might be a good idea to spend my waiting time studying for licenciatura.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-11 21:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Kitkat, I know that "Inmigrado" requires five years as a resident first- is that the five years you`re talking about? What I`m looking for is a way to get through that time. Actually, my understanding of SRE regs is that a spouse can apply for citizenship with two years` residency. Either way, I need to find a way to knock out that in between time. If the info you have at home pertains to that, I`d appreciate seeing it. By the way, this is my "Plan C"- "Plan B" is the employer sponsorship that you took, but I`m not holding my breath on that one. I have a pretty much infallible "Plan D", but it won`t be pretty. Good luck with your 129. You aren`t going to need to wait out a waiver after all this, are you? I sure hope not.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-11 12:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Felicidades, Susy. !Que disfruten mucho de la vida juntos!
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-11 12:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!
Gringos/as living in Mexico, have any of you applied for residency based on marriage to a Mexican citizen? I`ve been checking the websites for INM and SRE and the only thing I can come up with is the link at the bottom of my post. I`m wondering if any of you have gone that route. If so, does that get you work permision too? I`m thinking that it doesn`t, but not sure. What I worries me about these requirements is point five in the "documentos" section. If I understand it right (maybe I don`t because sometimes things get away from me in Spanish), this route to residency may only be for disabled. Or maybe that document is optional? If no one here has tried to make use of this, can anyone with better Spanish than mine give me an opinion on whether I`m reading it right? Thanks, guys.


Edited by bdesj, 09 October 2006 - 04:07 PM.

bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-09 16:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!

Gracias por la información, solo una cosa, quisiera saber si llevaron las cartas de policía, pues no quisiera confiarme y me las pidan , y ya saben como se las gastan en el cosulado.

Ni las llevamos ni las tenemos. Recuredo que llame al consulado porque no sabiamos te que se trata eso y dijeron que es para algunos paises, pero Mexico no. Para estar seguros, puedes llamar tambien al numero de 1(900)tal y tal que viene en tu carta.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-07 22:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHOLA gente de Mexico!

Hola , quisiera que me ayudaran con unas dudas que tengo, es acerca de los documuntos que debo llevar el día de la entrvista, pues aunque faltan unos meses, ya estoy preparando todo, y mi duda es acerca de las actas de nacimiento, pues no estiendo bien si deben de ser las que vienen on forma larga, o sea las que se expedían hace mucho tiempo, pues ahora son en forma de machote, quiero decir las que solo traen los datos principales, o son las que se transciben en forma fiel a como se escribían hace años. Y referente a la carta de no antecedentes, no se donde solicitarla, si en mi ciudad, en la capital del Estado (Puebla), ó en el DF; en la página de la embajada en CDJ menciona carta de policía, y eso me confunde aún más. Mandé un e-mail a CDJ y me contestaron que no hacía falta ninguna carta de antecedentes, pues esto me confundió más. Por favor si alguno de ustedes me pudiera aclarar sobre esto se los agradecería infinitamente

?Van para la primera entrevista en CDJ? Cuando fuimos -en Feb de este ano- llevamos traduciones con los puros datos principales. Al respeto a la carta de policias, llamamos al consulado y nos dijeron igual
que a ustedes. Que no se necesita para los que vienen de Mexico aunque decia en nuestras instruciones que la llevaramos. Con tantos cambios que salen, no se si sigue asi, pero asi fue para nosotros hace unos meses. Suerte.
bdesjMaleMexico2006-10-07 07:42:00