Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1

Esperamos que no, pero bueno, todo es posible y mas con tantas aplicaciones en espera.
Como ha sido su experencia con USCIS y NVC hasta ahora?, veo que ya tienen la cita el otro mes... uufff, que despespero hahaha.
Les deseamos todo lo mejor!

Gracias, todavia no tenemos cita...estamos esperando. Esta es definitivamente la parte mas dificil. CSC, y NVC requieren mucha, MUCHA paciencia. Mi caso fue cerrado en NVC el 19 de Agosto y estamos esperando la cita anciosamente :crying: Ojala nos la den la otra semana para Octubre. Parece que ahora se estan tardando mas para dar citas en Bogota =(
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-08 20:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1

Que bueno ya su caso ya este en sus ultimos pasos, les deseamos todo lo mejor.
Para vender por internet pueden ir a /


Por cierto, tambien estamos en proceso CR-1, ya llevamos 4 meses y una semana desde que recibimos NOA1, saben mas o menos que se esta demorando hasta NOA2, he visto casos de hasta 9 meses en colombianos.
Exitos para todos


Mi caso duro en CSC 6 meses. Ojala el tuyo no dure tanto!
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-05 21:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Tengo una pregunta para mis amigos Colombianos:

Ya que mi esposo y yo tendremos nuestra cita pronto, mi esposo tiene que vender sus pertenencias. El tiene una moto que esta tratando de vender porque ya no la necesitara. No sabemos por que medio seria bueno venderla. Que sitios de internet usan mas los colombianos para vender y comprar cosas? Alguien nos puede dirigir? Vender la moto nos ayudara a llegar a nuetra meta de estar juntos muy pronto :D
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-02 22:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Congratulations Edwin!!! Please don't forget to write a review!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-01 19:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1

Holaa les cuento que mi cita sera este jueves 1 de septiembre!! :dance: Estoy muy nerviosaa & ansiosaa!! Ya tengo todo listoo, solo me falta imprimir lo del Affidavit of Support aunque ya mi esposo lo envio en USA, yo lo voy a llevar otra vez...Deseenme muchaas bendiciones asi como yo se las deseo a todos ustedes, que pronto puedan estar con sus esposos(as), Ahhh que nervioooos!!! El jueves en la tarde les contare como me fuee, byebyee!!! :P B-) :no:

Ahhh! Que emocion! Por favor no se te olvide escribir un "review" sobre tu experiencia en la embajada. Mucha energia positiva hacia ti! *APROVADA* *APROVADA*
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-30 19:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1

Hola a todos nuevamente y esperando que esten muy bien:

Queria preguntarles algo, para ver si a alguno le ha pasado.
El viernes de la semana pasada (19 de Agosto) mi esposo envio por Fedex al NVC, el formulario de la visa DS-230 con todos mis soportes que se requerian y el cover sheet con el codigo de barras. El verificó en Fedex y los soportes fueron recibidos el Lunes que pasó. Ayer viernes recibimos un correo electrónico con un check list cover letter donde nos mencionan que estan esperando mi aplicación de la visa de imigrante y mis documentos legales y que los debemos enviar adjuntos a esta carta recibida.

Será que los papeles que enviamos antes se refundieron y debemos enviar todo nuevamente? :unsure: Alguno de ustedes les ha llegado este e-mail con el check list cover letter?

Hoy tratamos de llamar pero nadie contesta en el NVC.

Si alguno sabe que se hace en este tipo de casos, me puede contar porfavor.

Muchas gracias


Tranquila, es un checklist falso. Solo quiere decir que todavia no han sacado tu IV de el "mail room" de ellos. Ya esta aya pero como no lo han procesado dicen que no lo tienen. Esta semana ya lo habran procesado. Espero que tengas tu caso cerrado pronto!

*y Sandra, si tienes un minuto, puedes actualizar tu timeline? Esto ayudara a otros en nuestro caso saber mas o menos cuando tendran cita, etc... :star:

Edited by kali1229, 28 August 2011 - 05:29 PM.

kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-28 17:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Ya que se esta acercando el tiempo para que mi esposo llegue (con visa IR-1) :dance: , para salir de Colombia el tiene que pagar el tax de aeropuerto? O no, ya que es (sera) residente permanente? Yo nunca pague como Residente Permanente, pero no se en el caso de el...alguien sabe?
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-22 22:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1


El pasado judicial o certificado judicial también lo puede sacar por internet. La verdad es que no sé exactamente cómo se hace ya que mi esposo fue personalmente a sacarlo hace 4 años. Este es el link:

Las personas que son menores de edad no necesitan sacar este documento. El documento que necesitan sacar es el certificado de movimientos migratorios que según la página de internet del DAS tiene un costo de $43,450.00 pesos. Este certificado no lo tiene que mandar al CNV con el formulario DS-230, sólo lo necesita para entregárselo a la embajada el día de su cita. El DAS se lo entrega en un sobre sellado y así es que lo tiene que entregar en la embajada.


Mi espso solo fue al DAS, ahi le dan un PIN, y puedes entrar al citio de Internet. A partir de 1 Enero 2011, los Certificado Judiciales son gratis.

*Disculpen mi espanol, es pesimo!

Edited by kali1229, 22 August 2011 - 10:25 PM.

kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-22 22:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Por e-mail es la manera mas facil. Te responden de 2 a 3 dias.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-10 22:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Gracias Diana. Asi lo hare. Estoy en el final de NVC y alistando toda mi evidencia.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-09 19:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1

Colombia se considera como un pais de alto riesgo de fraude? Que tan estrictos son los oficiales de la embajada en cuanto "bonafide evidence"? Especialmente para IR-1...
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-08 21:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Tu puedes ver mi timeline. No se demoraron mucho (mas o menos 15 dias) pero parece que desde el principio de Julio, NVC se ha atrasado un poco y esto ha causado muchas demoras. Si llamas, ellos te dicen que esperes de 4-6 semanas. No e visto a nadie que se demore tanto en llegar. A si que, aguanta. Y mientras tanto empieza a colectar todos los documentos e informacion necesaria para completar el AOS y IV. Asi tu tiempo en NVC sea corto y puedas estar con tu pareja mas pronto :D
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-07 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
No me puedo contener y tengo que decirle a ALGUIEN que hoy envie todos los papeles a NVC!!! Los recibiran este jueves y espero que sean rapidos y llegue nuestra cita muy pronto. Ya casi!!! Ya casi!!!
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-25 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
gracias a todos por contar sus historias. Me dan mucho animo! Estoy en NVC enviando los papeles y espero cita en octubre/noviembre.

Felicitaciones a toda/os por sus visas!!!
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-08 23:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
En serio?! 3 meses?! :angry:

Entonces deberia de haberlo hecho...ayer!

Gracias por la informacion.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-06-23 22:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS con CR1
Hola a todos!

Tengo una pregunta...
Ahorita estoy en NVC. Mi caso fue aceptado El 8 de Junio. Ya enviamos el DS-3032. Ahorita me falta pagar el IV y i-864 bill y despues enviar los documentos. Yo ya tengo todo listo. Yo tengo planeado ir a Colombia para la entrevista con mi esposo. Hable con mi trabajo y ellos me dijeron que me daban mi PTO a finales de septiembre, y en octubre cuando necesitara. No puedo ir ni antes ni despues. Asi que mi pregunta es, cuando deberia de ENVIAR los dos paquetes a NVC para que me den una cita en octubre? Cuanto normalmente dura el proceso en cual reciben, aprueban, y te dan la cita? Alguien sabe?
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-06-22 14:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Another I-864 Question
As I do not make enough to sponsor my husband, my step-dad has agreed to co-sponsor and will be filling out I-864a. Two questions:

1. Do filing statuses matter when doing this? (I am HOH, he is married filing jointly with my mom, but we live in the same household)

2. What numbers do I put for household size? What numbers do we put for his I-864a? (I claim my daughter on my taxes, there's two of them and I'm sponsoring my husband)

Please help me out here. Thank you!
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-12 23:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864 IMPORTANT QUESTION
My understanding was that you need to show that you have ongoing employment, and you need an employment letter and last 6 month's pay stubs. Unemployment still counts as income for you. You probably still don't need a co-sponsor.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-12 23:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Unable to find a co-sponsor. What's the time limit to send form?
You have a year to move through the NVC process.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-17 02:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Where to write the NVC case number when sending IV and AOS packet.
Also, on originals I just wrote it lightly in pencil. Just for thought...
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-22 21:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)missing documents @ NVC..
As far as I know, you have to wait for that in order to be able to send your missing documents.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-25 20:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)missing documents @ NVC..
I would do both. That way you cover yourself. If they don't accept the emailed ones, you have the other ones on their way. They're bound to get them one way or another. Btw...did they give you a barcoded coversheet to send with the missing documents?
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-25 17:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)missing documents @ NVC..
REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE. Sometimes they process one and then the other. Hence, false RFE.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-25 01:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Cannot Find Case
I'm so sorry Duders. I hope this gets resolved quickly for you. I have heard that NVC is kind of backlogged right now with all of the incoming cases. Maybe this is the case for you and they haven't actually lost anything. Your paperwork is hopefully just waiting in queue. If this is so, I hope they get to your case soon.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-25 17:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What to bring to an interview?
I do not see how she would need it. Maybe a photocopy. The consulate must have sent you and/or your mom a letter telling her what she needs to bring.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-07-28 22:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Evidence for Interview
I don't have phone records or picture either, not until 2009 (we met in 2007). But show them whatever you've got, as far back as you can go. If your relationship is real, it will show. Don't stress. Just do the best you can do.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-14 22:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does a wife of Joint sponsor need to sign on I 864
Technically you can do it that way but you're risking an RFE. The correct way is for your brother to fill out I-864 and wife to fill out I-864a.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-17 10:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does a wife of Joint sponsor need to sign on I 864
Yes, because on the tax transcripts it doesn't differentiate how much each spouse earned. Since your brother is the one being the co-sponsor, you need to supply his income. I'm not sure how it works if you're self-employed. Maybe someone else can help you out more and give a better explanation.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-14 19:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does a wife of Joint sponsor need to sign on I 864
Your brother needs to fill out and sign the I-864, your brother's wife needs to fill out and sign I-864a. Also, you will need your brother's paystubs to show that he is the one making the money.
I basically just repeated everything Anh Map just said...
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-14 17:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC replying
It took me about 4 days as well to get the e-mails back from them. But since there is a backlog it's probably taking longer nowadays.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-17 10:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long to process DS-230
Please don't rely on the AVR. Talk to a human. They should let you know the status of your case. AVR messages are a few days delayed. I sent in both my AOS and IV at the same time on the 25th of July and NVC received on the 27th. They reviewed my AOS first and two days later, they had my IV package done. I hope the best to you all. Keep calling.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-13 22:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RFE pls help
Can your husband send in his birth certificate and then have him send in his parent's marriage certificate? This is what I did and it worked without any problems. I highlighted my mom's name on my birth certificate and then my step-dad's name on their marriage certificate, just so they didn't have any questions as to why I was sending what I sent.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-10 10:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Pay Stubs are Online, No Originals on Paper
I get mine online as well, printed them and NVC had no problems. I don't see why they would. It's 2011 almost everything is online.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-10-19 20:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How does NVC allocate interview dates?

It all depends on the US Embassy, no the NVC. Once a case is completed, the NVC starts contacting the embassies to find out when they can scheduled an interview. It is up to the embassy to decide what days they have available and which cases they want to interview first. I know that in Bogotá, Colombia, they're pushing back CR/IR visas to make room for other types of visas.


Aw! That's not fair! :(
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-01 22:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPlease Help!!!!!! No Doctors available for exams before interview!!!!
how did your interview go? Did you get your medical done in time?
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-08-03 21:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia
So exciting! I'm truly happy for you :thumbs:
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-04 11:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia
I'm impressed. I hope more people like him come along to help those that truly need it.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-09-01 22:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Process at the Bogota Embassy
Esto me da mucha tristeza :crying:

Espero que puedan estar con sus parejas. Este proceso es definitivamente uno de los mas duros que e pasado y no me imaginaria si tuviera que pasar por AP. Mucha suerte con todo.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-10-09 00:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS 2100 & DS 230

My wife has the interview 11/8/2011 in Bogota, on IR-1 visa, we only have packet 4, I am confused, does she have to fill out form DS 2100? where can she download that form? what about DS 156? we didn't get packet 3...

The "packets" are for K visa applicants. As IR1/CR1 applicants, we have already sent all of that information to NVC. The DS 2100 you can just ignore, and as far as the DS-156 I honestly don't even know what that's for. My interview is scheduled for the 16th of November and there is another person whose interview is on the 9th. And remember to please write a review after you have done your interview. It's very helpful to know what others have been through so we know what to expect.

Right now just make sure your wife has copies of everything you have sent (I-130, I-864, DS-230) and all of the supporting info (just in case). Get all of your evidence ready and sign up on the embassy's website: https://usvisa-info....country_welcome and choose your location for delivery of visa. Some things have changed for us (in Colombia). If you would like more info, PMAN, or you can go to the Colombian Club thread on the US Embassy and Consulate Discussion. The last few pages of that thread are about the new system.


Edited by kali1229, 20 October 2011 - 02:23 PM.

kali1229FemaleColombia2011-10-20 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS 2100 & DS 230
I wrote in the answers in black ink because I was having the same issue as yourself. There were no problems with that.
kali1229FemaleColombia2011-10-07 14:33:00