United KingdomBrits in the USA
We're here just didn't see there was a brits part of the forum... shame on me!

Paul (USC) and Gemma (UKC, Essex), Redondo Beach, California
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-06 04:16:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Too quiet in here..

So glad July is over! worst month for us in ages, Hubby fainted at work back in June on my birthday, then 2 weeks later just before he was due to go for tests at the hospital he get's Bell's Palsy (and freaked me out as he called from work and refused to go to the hospital >_<), then I cathc what was for me a mild cold, but then Paul gets it too, but far worse than I had it, as the meds plus the stress that had caused all this in the first place had dropped his immune response through the floor. Then Paul's tooth begins to hurt, leading to having the nerve removed and finding out that our dental wasn't reinstated and cant be added back until Nov, so either he waits till Nov for the root canal or it's off to go find separate dental. And his Dr put him off work for 2 months (backdated to the beginning of July).

Glad that he's finally on the mend, the Bell's palsy is about 95% gone, he has a little droopiness in the right upper eyelid and still has half the right side of his whole head feeling numb. but at least he's improved so quickly and the Dr is happy with his progress and has referred him for some elctro-stimulation of the nerves on the right side, to see if they can bring back more feeling. He was actually feeling well enough to go celebrate our second wedding anniversary this past weekend at Disneyland (which was like a zoo on the second day we were down there), and hopefully go up to Lompoc to go see one of our best friends an her family (and stop hubby from doing the I want to go to Essex winge, with rent to pay and the cost of airfare, doesn't see that I miss my family way more than he could ever imagine, but I have my sensible head on and I know it just wont happen). My parent's are coming out in Oct for a driving holiday to various places so we'll get to see them for a few days before they set out driving and a few more once they get back to LA. Hopefully we'll be able to go visit home sometime early next year and payback whatever havoc my parents reign whilst they're staying with us haha :) I swear they are worse with the antics than we ever were as kids!

Anyway, bad things are supposed to come in three's so we better be due some good luck! hope you're all having a nice summer, warm enough to spend a nice few days enjoying the hot weather :dance:
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-05 07:29:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Pal and I picked up the last part of our Walt Disney World package yesterday, got our Magical express tickets (awesome not to have to go find our sutcases lol), we're off on our belated Honyemoon on the 23rd :dance:
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-11 15:35:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Just thought I'd pop in a quick hello.... :unsure: The other day We looked at summer hols to back home..

We cant seem to find anything less than $2600-3K for the flights alone so we've started back at looking to book our belated honyemoon to Walt Disney World, the whole package deal for a week we've been eying up is still a good $200 cheaper than the flights to Heathrow. We had my parents come stay with us for Christmas so we're doing ok on our supplies Mum brought with her. Just missing the rest of my Family at the moment:(.

Paul's hopefully going to have a manager interview within the next few weeks/month :dance: So excited for him, his current manager is backing him all the way had been pushing him to apply for the manager position and he's even been working as acting manager for a few nights here and there running two terminals all by himself. So proud of him, he's only been a supervisor for just over a year (he got the promotion offer on the morning of my AOS interview). He's such a sweetheart saying he doesn't want to get his hopes up, but like last year I've been telling him to have more confidence in himself and I know he'll always do well.

He's also such a stinker.. I love to paint and have combined that with my love for Disney after they released these little Vinylmation figures, thanks to Paul and one of our friends I somehow have been talked into doing custom orders for friends and friends of friends and now we have an excuse to go to Disneyland pretty much every week to pick up more of the blank figures to paint O_o and I have a nice little income from it to not have to deal with the "when are you going to go back to Nursing? you want to go train as what? Midwifery whats that? oh right why aren't you doing it then?" barrage of questions every big family gathering my in-laws have LOL

Anyway hellos as I munch on my Mint matchmakers (thanks Mum!)

Edited by DisneyLovers, 10 April 2010 - 11:51 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-10 23:50:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
I made hubby buy some strawberry ice cream from Fresh&Easy the other day.. weird that place, looks like our old tesco's in braintree, set out the same but has ####### all Brit stuff, like the ribs from there and the BBQ packs of chicken, sausages and burgers. Just not anything else that I'd been pining for, We ended up going to get some golden syrup from world market a few weeks ago too.. was going to use it to bake these cookie recipes Mum had given me but it's too tempting, sitting on the shelf taunting me saying there's a spoon.. or you could just drink me O_o lol
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 04:55:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*

Way off topic but - this made me chuckle.

Hubby called a lady who had erroneously called his cell phone number saying she had our dog, etc (our dog was obviously with us!). The moment she heard that accent, she was OVER the moon about how he'd made her day and that she's a big Rod Stewart fan (big tattoo on her arm to boot) and that if he ever wanted to call her back just to talk, she would be so happy that he did. :lol:

He never gets tired of people telling him they love his accent - which happens almost daily, I swear.

Random people in shopping markets make me giggle when they say that, although half them cant decide if I'm a brit or aussie O_o you need to get him answering the phone at home to the annoying sales people, convince them that they have called England, it's evil but hilarious to hear them go oh ####### I've called the UK! - I find them highly annoying so when it's not some silly recording I like to have fun :P
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 11:57:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*

Behold the Sprunch!

Posted Image

I remember pinching Mum's Sprunch to do my hair for a party, thinking I was going to have my locks look all perfectly curley.. not a good look for me back then or ever lol. Almost as bad as crimping my hair.. oh the shame of how we used to think that was a good look, thank god someone took the home-crimper idea and made straighteners!
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-19 18:49:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
maybe we should find a big pokey stick and poke them back ;)
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-12 18:30:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
no picking on muffins lol

Im tired of packing for this move, my things were easy peasy to pack up and move, only 3 bankers boxes full of books and nick-nacks and 2 suitcases of clothes, guess all the visa stuff really did make me cut down my possessions a lot.. Paul's things however O_o I dont know where he's been hiding half this stuff, our current apartment looks too small to have stuffed away so many boxes of video's, dvd's, book's and random things, luckily we've got the keys to the new apartment early and have moved a good half of our things across, that is in between me locking myself out of both apartments, but at least it's just a trip down the stairs and around the corner in the same building and the manager has new spares.

we snuck off to Disneyland on Thursday to meet up with friends because they'd lost the original keys to the place so Paul locked us out then when he forgot to go ask if they'd found the keys yet on Wednesday, so guess we're on equal locking ourselves out terms now LOL. have the power on now and our new fridge freezer coming on wednesday so got a lot of packing to do between now and then as we're supposed to be out of here by the end of next week I guess. I just want to hide under the covers and wake up to everything being moved already lol.
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-27 15:35:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Bumpity bump bump, how did this fall off the first page?

Anyway Paul and I have our flights booked for the 15th-24th of September and are poking most of my family to have a get together, still so many Paaul hasn't met, hopefully whilst we're there we can go see if we can organize our vow renewal for next year (Im adamant it wont be anytime but in the summer, Im not freezing my behind off in the cold in a dress). but that'll have to wait for anymore planning of the trip... got to pack up all our things so we can move them into our new apartment so we can move in as planned on june 1st biggrin.gif nice two-bed two-story apartment in the same building, will be very nice to have more space than we currently have in our studio shoebox biggrin.gif

Besides that, finished watching Crossing over, sad movie even with Harrison Ford, about Immigration into the USCIS and catching illegals. Not my favourite movie but made me feel less crappy about the 10 months Paul and I were stuck apart for. Wont be watching it again in the near future, really was a bit too depressing sad.gif

anyway Im gonna go back to planning where things are going to go in our new apartment and then planning my birthday at Disneyland next Wednesday... that should be interesting redeeming the free on your birthday ticket for a gift card after waving around my annual pass woohoo
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 01:38:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
ok, you're inciting me to go find the bunny one of that phone now LOL

Paul and I just booked our trip back to blighty for September for 9 days, I get to see my Nan again finally, everyone around us is like, you can enjoy brit food and stuff your suitcase full, and all I'm concerned about is getting to see Nan smile.gif and of course that second suitcase is going to be crammed full of all the goodies we're allowed to bring back wink.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-31 17:50:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
aww no more annoying songs? Paul and I went up to Lompoc/Pismo Beach for a few days and still have the yellow polka dot bikini song in my head O_o plus a few annoying trance songs too now (trust me to give Paul my old CD player *With* the free Ministry of sound CD's that came with it... thank goodness I slept for most of the 3hr drive up there wink.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-29 14:49:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
yes, yes we do biggrin.gif

ok not exactly from the english rubbish pile but on the highly annoying side of music, sadly I remember my younger brother singing this over and over, memorizing the words down to a tee... reminds me I need to whack him when I next see him wink.gif

and I liked Colourblind too the first few times I heard it, I guess EssexFM managed to kill it by overplaying it wheneverwe got in the car, same with the numa numa song

Edited by DisneyLovers, 23 May 2009 - 03:39 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-23 15:37:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ May 22 2009, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
F*cking A, Chico! laughing.gif I had forgotten all about him.

Delving further into the back catalogue:

ok that's so a Crime involving moral turpitude... on the grounds of tourture! blink.gif rofl.gif

for that you get Gareth 'freaking annoying' Gates, although I liked the Kumars this is still my most hated song cover from that year

and couldn't go without Darius Danesh, although I cant find a copy of his popstars Baby one more time rendition

Edited by DisneyLovers, 23 May 2009 - 05:36 AM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-23 05:32:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Oh my, I'm kinda glad I was here and not in the UK to watch Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of here for the last series, Timmy Mallet is better left in the 90's where we forgot about him, just for that you get Chico Time'd out tongue.gif

and Maven, how funny! aww I kinda miss Graham Norton's old show on Channel4, was more funny before he got moved to the BBC.

Edited by DisneyLovers, 22 May 2009 - 02:59 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-22 14:59:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
on the earlier Aqua note....

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-20 18:02:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
I think all these terrible songs shook the cr*p out of the earth here in Redondo Beach, I blame Mr.Blobby for tonight's earthquake hehe

and that inspires this brain melting song...

Edited by DisneyLovers, 17 May 2009 - 11:29 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-17 23:27:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*

thats for the cheeky girls... I did look for a version of the touch my bum song done by Ruby Wax and Jo Brand but there was only one and it's not very good quality so the blobby is to make up the difference in ohmy.gif blink.gif ohmy.gif factor haha
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-17 04:45:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Now you asked for it tongue.gif

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-16 15:08:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ May 16 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good god, Daphne and Celeste. I thought I had them hidden in the recesses of my mind and now "Ooh Stick You" is floating in my consciousness...

*shakes fist at DisneyLovers*

ok now I have to spread the infernal brain melting tune...

sad I actually remember kids singing this on the playground and getting detention O_o
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-16 14:51:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ May 16 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know you need it... It's Jamie Oliver's band, Scarlet Division!

Oh, the awesomeness.

He should really stick to cooking... although thinking of the Iron Chef America I saw a while back with him on it, maybe not (getting beaten on making fish and chips the British way is not funny)

the Toploader Videos are scaring me BTW, don't make me break out the Daphene and Celeste stuff haha

Edited by DisneyLovers, 16 May 2009 - 02:44 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-16 14:43:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Apr 14 2009, 06:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DisneyLovers @ Apr 13 2009, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
maybe I should have been more into posting on one month clubs tongue_ss.gif

Indeed you should! I hope you're feeling terribly guilty. tongue.gif biggrin.gif

*hangs head in shame*.... what was I thinking??? whistling.gif

on the taxes note, Im glad I let Paul do ours, he got them done back before our interview and he's weirdly cute in that he actually enjoys doing his taxes... probably because he never owes anything thank goodness, good ol' Arnie even paid up around the time my Perm resident card came through the post so double woot LOL biggrin.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-15 01:32:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Apr 13 2009, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 13 2009, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't even find it! laughing.gif

Here you go: N00bs!

I think my brain just imploded blink.gif

I'm all for team spirit but that's a bit extreme, ohh maybe on that vein of thread we should start a we've had our perm residence for... months thread rofl.gif *gigglesnort*
I'm glad I was a good quiet VJ'er just watching from the wings back when we were dealing with all the K1 stuff. I love reading VJ dont get me wrong but back when we first filled for our K1, I was a bit more interested in spending as much time as I could with Paul before my VWP time was up and would have to make a short trip back to the UK... maybe I should have been more into posting on one month clubs tongue_ss.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-13 21:45:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
K1 '07 filer here, constantly being taunted by my folks in the UK of good proper bacon, proper 'Chips' not bloody toothpicks! Battered sausages (because our neck of the woods think I'm nuts in any place I tell Paul I wont eat because they looked at me funny for asking) and bread thats not going to give me a sugar high.

I've been making rock cakes and no one but Paul and his Mum, she's British too! (oh how I miss people spelling that one right) will touch them and just give them the what the heck is that look haha, I love being here, dont get me wrong but almost 9 months without my English fix is getting me angsty haha.

although I'm getting used to weird food habits of some of the crazies round here, never knew chese tasted so good dipped in chocolate, and conventions can be fun when plotting evil things around Paul's ex gf the witch Queen especially when it's a dr who con with lots and lots of British fans in one hotel, plus guests like Gareth David-Lloyd and Kai Owen My Valentines day was awesome getting hugs from the Torchwood boys and Gareth signing my drawing of him), and we had rain that day, still not used to horizontal rain and still laughed at everyone running to avoid it.... more like a sprinkler haha biggrin.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-06 04:13:00
United KingdomAge difference
From our age gap which is bigger than yours, we had no trouble at all. I cant imagine them saying anything at all especially being from the UK
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-09 16:57:00
I've been pulling my hair out too, its been around 9 months since i got my temp green card through the post, I looked at the paperwork back in Feb and gave up, we've since traveled to the UK and I didn't get too much hassle in customs still using it, looking on the uk direct gov websites it looks as though it would be a lot easier to go do the 1 week fast track renewal on our next trip over (as my passport doesn't expire till 2013 seems a lot easier), you go into the nearest regional office.. there's one near Victoria station in London we're probably going to head into next trip. you submit the regular easy paperwork, your old passport, pictures and with a name change it looks like your marriage cert and a few documents like bills and whatnot to concur with your name change, pay the fee which is about 30 quid more to do fast track & delivery, and a week later you get your passport delivered.
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-06 13:23:00
Ouch! really tempted to give mine to my folks to send in from the UK and pay the cheaper price and get them to bring it out to me the next time they visit after it came back. Or wait till I can visit for an extended period when it's due for renewal and do it myself, hoping it came back in time... thank goodness I have till 2013 to renew mine mellow.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 01:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Part 3 (9) query
I just typed up our new address with the from - to time period on a plain piece of paper and put it at the end of the forms, with the question for part 3 typed out above and my A# at the top of the page with a copy of the AR11 paper clipped to it.
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-24 13:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBank Statements with I-751
We only included the front pages of our joint Bank statements, although the front page on ours shows the total amount deposited, withdrawed and the final total balance for the month anyway. We didn't see the need for them to see exactly where and what our money is spent on, they can always put two and two together from when we dipped below our average amount after bills and the copy of our joint car title from when bought our car and from our vacations. We submitted 8 front pages from our statements that were about 3 months apart spanning over the time since our interview for AOS.
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-18 03:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
Updating my info as we got my new card today, Adding Yasi. And adding approval dates for chrismatt84 and Sandrila

California Service Center (39 applicants, 19 approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....Local DO
Kasiraman...........11/01/10..........11/09/10.......12/07/10........01/31/11.... (Early Bio 11/29)

BFORBARREE..........11/02/10..........11/??/10.......11/26/10........01/25/11....RFE rcvd 12/09, responded 1/19 GC rcvd 1/28
Nineta..............11/03/10..........11/11/10.......12/22/10........02/08/11.... (Early Bio 12/15)

Debbylyn............11/05/10..........11/08/10.......12/20/10........02/09/11.... (card redeived 2/14)
saradanielle........11/05/10..........11/12/10.......12/14/10........02/12/11.... (card received 2/14)

me262...............11/08/10..........11/10/10.......12/15/10........02/08/11......02/14/11...Rcvd GC
SMB x2..............11/08/10..........11/10/10.......12/22/10........--/--/11.... (Late Bio 1/12/11)
Jeff&Sylvia.........11/09/10..........11/12/10.......12/09/10........--/--/11.... (Late Bio 12/10) (Re-take Bio 12/30)

hum tum.............11/12/10..........11/15/10.......12/23/10........--/--/11....

DisneyLovers........11/15/10..........11/17/10.......12/28/10........02/16/11.... (card received 2/23/11)
Jupiter07...........11/16/10..........11/18/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11....Columbus, OH

Abranch.............11/19/10..........--/--/10.......12/22/10........02/10/11.... (Never received NOA1)
timcass_12..........11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/22/10........02/09/11.... (card received 2/10)
wizardfitz..........11/22/10..........11/30/10.......12/21/10........02/15/11.... (card received 2/19)
Kang Lang...........11/26/10..........11/29/10.......02/01/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/07)


Vermont Service Center (36 applicants 1 Approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....Local DO
R and F.............10/30/10..........11/02/10.......12/10/10........--/--/11....

David & Amy.........11/01/10..........11/08/10.......01/20/11........--/--/11....
Sam and Metodi......11/03/10..........11/05/10.......12/08/10........--/--/11....
windycity...........11/04/10..........11/08/10.......01/25/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/12), Alexandria, VA
Daniele & Jen.......11/04/10..........11/05/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11.... Elizabeth, NJ
Jeriii..............11/04/10..........11/08/10.......12/14/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/01)

grahamandmegan......11/06/10..........11/09/10.......12/22/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/07)
Gypsyangel..........11/16/10..........11/19/10.......12/29/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/21), Mount Laurel, NJ
new2009.............11/17/10..........11/22/10.......01/25/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/19, Alexandria VA)
GlynandKathy........11/17/10..........11/26/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11.... Bedford, NH
tanyaru.............11/18/10..........11/22/10.......01/27/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/07), Fairfax,VA
Zee Bee.............11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/23/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/16)
babybigpig..........11/19/10..........--/--/--.......02/25/11........--/--/11.... (Never received NOA and got I-551 stamped)
E-MIGRA ............11/20/10..........
11/22/10.......01/27/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/21, Alexandria, VA)

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-23 19:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
We got our approval today too :dance:

California Service Center (37 applicants, 12 approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....Local DO
Kasiraman...........11/01/10..........11/09/10.......12/07/10........01/31/11.... (Early Bio 11/29)

BFORBARREE..........11/02/10..........11/??/10.......11/26/10........01/25/11....RFE rcvd 12/09, responded 1/19 GC rcvd 1/28
Nineta..............11/03/10..........11/11/10.......12/22/10........02/08/11.... (Early Bio 12/15)

Debbylyn............11/05/10..........11/08/10.......12/20/10........02/09/11.... (card redeived 2/14)
saradanielle........11/05/10..........11/12/10.......12/14/10........02/12/11.... (card received 2/14)
me262...............11/08/10..........11/10/10.......12/15/10........02/08/11......02/14/11...Rcvd GC
SMB x2..............11/08/10..........11/10/10.......12/22/10........--/--/11.... (Late Bio 1/12/11)
Jeff&Sylvia.........11/09/10..........11/12/10.......12/09/10........--/--/11.... (Late Bio 12/10) (Re-take Bio 12/30)

hum tum.............11/12/10..........11/15/10.......12/23/10........--/--/11....

Jupiter07...........11/16/10..........11/18/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11....Columbus, OH
Abranch.............11/19/10..........--/--/10.......12/22/10........02/10/11.... (Never received NOA1)
timcass_12..........11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/22/10........02/09/11.... (card received 2/10)
Kang Lang...........11/26/10..........11/29/10.......02/01/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/07)


Vermont Service Center (36 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....Local DO
R and F.............10/30/10..........11/02/10.......12/10/10........--/--/11....

David & Amy.........11/01/10..........11/08/10.......01/20/11........--/--/11....
Sam and Metodi......11/03/10..........11/05/10.......12/08/10........--/--/11....
windycity...........11/04/10..........11/08/10.......01/25/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/12), Alexandria, VA
Daniele & Jen.......11/04/10..........11/05/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11.... Elizabeth, NJ
Jeriii..............11/04/10..........11/08/10.......12/14/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/01)

grahamandmegan......11/06/10..........11/09/10.......12/22/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/07)
Gypsyangel..........11/16/10..........11/19/10.......12/29/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/21), Mount Laurel, NJ
new2009.............11/17/10..........11/22/10.......01/25/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/19, Alexandria VA)
GlynandKathy........11/17/10..........11/26/10.......12/21/10........--/--/11.... Bedford, NH
tanyaru.............11/18/10..........11/22/10.......01/27/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/07), Fairfax,VA
Zee Bee.............11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/23/10........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 12/16)
babybigpig..........11/19/10..........--/--/--.......--/--/11........--/--/11.... (Never received NOA and got I-551 stamped)
E-MIGRA ............11/20/10..........
11/22/10.......01/27/11........--/--/11.... (Early Bio 01/21, Alexandria, VA)

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-16 14:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers

Happy New Year, everyone. I saw in the October thread that the first two October filers have been approved. Here's hoping some of us November filers will start to get good news soon as well!

Our case status is finally visible online. LOL--this is bigger news than getting hit by tornadoes on New Year's Eve. When I logged into my old account with USCIS to set it up for email notification, I noticed that our EAD and AOS petitions had touches this year (one in May, the other in June). #######?

Ours got touches too, random.. but as both mine got bumped back down to post decision activity in May instead of card production like it was last time I logged in, I guess thats what the touches were for. I suppose that's normal if they presume you got your card in the mail a year and a half after interview?
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-05 05:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
Had my Biometrics on the 28th, 9am appt showed up a half hour early right before the rush came and got in and out within 20mins, Didn't even have any trouble getting my prints like for AOS, she said mine were a breeze with nice strong lines :dance:
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-01 04:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
Got our biometrics letter today too :star:

California Service Center (30 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
Kasiraman...........11/01/10..........11/09/10.......12/07/10........--/--/10.... (Early Bio 11/29)

SMB x2..............11/08/10..........11/10/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

hum tum.............11/12/10..........11/15/10.......12/23/10........--/--/10....

Kang Lang...........11/26/10..........11/29/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....


Vermont Service Center (31 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
R and F.............10/30/10..........11/02/10.......12/10/10........--/--/10....

Sam and Metodi......11/03/10..........11/05/10.......12/08/10........--/--/10....
Daniele & Jen.......11/04/10..........11/05/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Jeriii..............11/04/10..........11/08/10.......12/14/10........--/--/10.... (Early Bio 12/01)

grahamandmegan......11/06/10..........11/09/10.......12/22/10........--/--/10.... (Early Bio 12/07)
Zee Bee.............11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/23/10........--/--/10....
Bigley..............11/19/10..........11/22/10.......12/28/10........--/--/10....received letter for bio dec. 08
E-MIGRA ............11/20/10..........

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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-09 04:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
Updating ours as we got our Noa1 yesterday! and adding Stardust72 to the CSC filers

California Service Center (25 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

SMB x2..............11/08/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

hum tum.............11/12/10..........11/15/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....


Vermont Service Center (26 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
R and F.............10/30/10..........11/02/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Sam and Metodi......11/03/10..........11/05/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Daniele & Jen.......11/04/10..........11/05/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Zee Bee.............11/19/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
E-MIGRA ............11/20/10..........

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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
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* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by DisneyLovers, 27 November 2010 - 08:39 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-27 20:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
California Service Center (12 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

hum tum.............11/12/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (10 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics.......Approved....
R and F.............10/30/10..........11/02/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Sam and Metodi......11/03/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....
Daniele & Jen.......11/04/10..........11/05/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

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* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
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* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by DisneyLovers, 16 November 2010 - 07:13 PM.

DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-16 19:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers
We're chasing up the last few things here so we can file on Monday (15th) :dance:
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-10 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThis forum is for Case Filing, Progress Reports & and Congrats Posts :)
Our NOA 2 arrived 11-14-2007 (Notice states it was approved 11-07-2007. although our case status stated it was approved 10-04-2007)

We join the wait for our documents to be sent and the fun of filling them in to begin
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-16 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you apply for tourist while you are waiting for your fiancee visa
This is just from personal experience, just make sure that you dont overstay the WVP limit. we did by accident and I got port parolled for a 30 day stay. 7 hours in customs and only because of our filing our I-129F I got port parrolled.

The officer that dealt with me had said that sometimes they will query prolonged continious use of a WVP as it looks like you are attempting to live in the US. it was on my third use of a WVP and was told regardless of the overstay I would still have had my WVP stay reviewed by higher up officer and it would have been his/her disgression weather to admit me to the US, Deport or Port Paroll. We were told that if I really needed to visit again as I'm not allowed to use the WVP anymore, I could get a B2 visa without any trouble just to take any documents from the USICS (and in my case Customs) and truthfully declare your intent of visit.

Again this is just what happened to us, it all depends on the officer at customs weather to send you to secondary for review or not (or if his/her computer flags something up).

for refrence for anyone else the list of countries that are currently participating in the Wisa Vaiver Program:
Andorra, Iceland, Norway, Australia, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Italy, San Marino, Belgium, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Spain, Finland, Monaco, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, New Zealand and United Kingdom

Good Luck with meeting up for Christmas! I really hope you do get to smile.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-16 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 Today!!!
Congratulations on your NOA1!!! Lets hope you have a nice smooth happy journey good.gif
DisneyLoversFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-17 01:22:00