K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

i think i emailed them on tuesday.... monday night even.... have no reply today as yet......... but we'll see...

Haha, I was going to say call, but then I remembered you can't! DOH! Hope you hear soon! I still haven't gotten the paper approval either... Why are they so slow??? I'm actually kinda looking forward to calling after 30 days and having the "actually I have been approved 30 days ago and need to paper copy" convo with their customer service. Just tell me it takes 6 months for approval, I dare them! I need to get a life :)

Why can't they call? Did I miss something here?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Finally some movement on my case! I received 2 emails from CRIS stating that my RFE was received today and my last updated date changed to today! OMG, here's hoping for my NOA2! I did send my RFE info certified mail today but hey, never can be too careful right? Thank God and thanks to my VJ buddies!

Oh that is SUCH GREAT NEWS Sarah!!! I was hoping it was just some Wanka not knowing what was up with your first reply. Oh god I hope I'm behind you sister!!! Let me know as soon as you get that damn NOA2. Hey, looks like your back in the running for a birthday NOA2...couldn't ask for anything better right??? Well except to have this process done and over with and sweetheart in arms!!! Ok, gotta run, great news!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Congratulations everyone! We got touched the past 2 days but haven't been touched today. I hope they already sent out NOA2 and just didn't update the website ;)

Website just updated for I hope it will for you! We just got approved...WOOT!!!

JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I WAS TOUCHED TODAY!!! I am literally bouncing up and down in my chair. :D

Fingers crossed it's not an RFE!!

Yeah congrats for you!!! Hope you have an approval soon!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

What is going on? Did you tell them this is crazy??

Yeah but the guy had his head in his ####### and didn't know up from down! :ranting: :protest:

Maybe this is a silly question, and maybe you have already answered it, but have you tried the RFE prompt, gotten the officer, and just told him that the divorce decree is included in your original petition?

I did hon but to no avail. I will just resend it tomorrow and wait for my congresswoman to call CSC again on Friday. Any word on yours yet?

I'm sorry, that was really selfish of me, just talking about myself. I feel for you, I think I would be pretty upset if I was in your shoes. You know, because of the fact that you already sent this stuff in, I would make a major point of that with your congresswoman. I mean seriously, it was all there in the first place, and now the mail gets lost???? No, this is not okay. I hope you get some political backing that gets them in gear, although I know theres even only so much they can do.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

What is going on? Did you tell them this is crazy??

Yeah but the guy had his head in his ####### and didn't know up from down! :ranting: :protest:

Maybe this is a silly question, and maybe you have already answered it, but have you tried the RFE prompt, gotten the officer, and just told him that the divorce decree is included in your original petition?

I did hon but to no avail. I will just resend it tomorrow and wait for my congresswoman to call CSC again on Friday. Any word on yours yet?

Nope, nothin. I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit down about it today. I'd rather be pissy, like normal, but today just feeling a bit low. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right???? Hopefully a little Newky brown will do the trick!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

What is going on? Did you tell them this is crazy??

Yeah but the guy had his head in his ####### and didn't know up from down! :ranting: :protest:

Maybe this is a silly question, and maybe you have already answered it, but have you tried the RFE prompt, gotten the officer, and just told him that the divorce decree is included in your original petition?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Alright, as it turned out we had an RFE... Although we included my fiancés orders to Germany they considered that as not enough of a proof. So now to my actual question. My fiancé is currently deployed to Kuwait until September which means I will have to send in the evidence if we don't wanna take a detour over Kuwait. Can I as the benificiary send in evidence or does the petitioner have to do it??? Thank you for your answers.

I don't see any reason why you couldn't send in the evidence. I got a RFE and didn't have to sign anything, so I think you would be just fine sending it in. Good luck
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

ARRRGGGHH! I am so POd at the CSC. I called again and now the guy tells me to resend my information? #######! He thinks it was lost in the mail or something. So I am sending it tomorrow again...

*shaking head*

Are you kidding me? Did you send it registered mail? If you didn't, I hope you do this time. Those boneheads can't have any room to fu*k up, or they almost guaranteed will. I am so sorry. Maybe they have it on a shelf and just told you that as a standard answer??? It's ironic that the guy said it got lost because yesterday when I called, my officer said that stuff almost never gets lost. RIGHT. Have you started contacting representatives yet? Depending on where it got lost...mail or at the service center, maybe you should start contacting some people. It can't hurt. Chin up sister!!! (easier said than done, I know)
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-22 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

T O U C H ! ! ! ! !

hurray for the touch, hopefully an approval for you soon. Where are you at in Salt Lake if you don't mind me asking? I'm from Sandy, originally. I moved to Cali two years ago from Salt Lake, no wait, almost 3 yrs. I lived in Millcreek, just down from the base of Parleys Canyon. Just Curious. Go Utes!!!! Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Hello everyone, just wanted to give an update. We received an RFE on mon, the 14, mailed it back out on Tues the 15 via express mail. It was received on the 17th (USPS confirmation of delivery). Since then, nothin. I called immigration this morning and got through to an officer. I was all fired up to list my complaints: no noa1 notice, no email notifications of noa1, rfe, etc. Of course, NOW I get a nice guy, so I couldn't be pissy. He told me that they have an overload of RFEs right now, but to expect an answer in about a week. So, my last resort...oh yeah, I begged. I asked him if he could just give me an early birthday present and approve it!!! Of course I was kidding, well kinda. He laughed and said he wished he could. I then said, "you just don't know how difficult it has been being separated, every day is hard". He empathized and said he has been through it, and he understands what I am going through. Da*n, why did I have to get a nice guy???!!! I needed to yell at someone!!! Anyhow, thats the sitch. Hope everyone is having a good monday.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Hey, I called with the RFE trick (it is frightening when you hit the RFE keys and it says "you need to send the information specified"; presumably it says this to anyone that hits those keys whether their case got an RFE or not.

Anyway, the guy told me that my case was marked to be approved on the 4th!

But, he said it was not send to the NVC yet, and the NOA2 has not been generated or sent yet. Why would there be a 2 week delay in that?

It sounds like this is the same story that everyone else is going - what have people's experiences been between being told they were approved, and actually being sent to the NVC and receiving the NOA2?

But overall, good news!!

Marked to be approved on the 4th? It's now the 18th, thats 14 days. Did they run out of paper? Ink maybe? Officers stuck in the bathroom due to constipation problems? I praise you for your positive attitude, but I would be pissed. USCIS has been markedly more innefficient than their usual totally innefficient way. Well, I am all riled up once more about those turds. I hope you get your approval soon, and kudos once again for being positive.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

geez. i can't believe it...nvc mailed our info to kiev on the 16th!!! we now have our new case number e-mails from our noa1 to our noa2...nothing, nada...the only time uscis has contacted me was when we got our noa1 in the mail...

now all we are waiting for is maryna to get her police certificate from london...she had a medical done in sumy a month ago, just to have some peace of mind until she has to get the "real" medical done in kiev...and all is good there...we downloaded packets 3 and 4 from our embassy website, and so all that is week i'll e-mail and call the embassy to see where we stand and when to schedule the interview...OMG, it's all coming together!!!

Hurray!!! Congratulations. Sounds like you have everything ready for round 2!!! Good luck to you, you must be so happy!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Well, my RFE arrived at the PO box today. Hopefully they will pick it up shortly. Sweating bullets once more on the whole waiting game and all the what if's. I think I need a sedative!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

OK, I called and did the RFE thing because I actually did change my home address during this process. I tried the change of address menu yesterday and got a guy that would not tell me a thing.

Using the RFE menu, I got connected to California. A very nice woman verified they have the correct address. Then she said that said my case is "ready to process", "in transit to an officer" and will be ready "soon." When I pressed further, she said "give it another 30 to 60 days" but I detected a wink in her voice like she was giving the standard cover your butt required answer.

I told her in a very nice way that this was sooooo difficult for my fiancee and myself, and she repeated "don't worry it is ready to process" and we are "almost there." She was very kind.

At least I verified they have the correct mailing address, but other than that I don't think I know anything. At least I spoke with a human worker at CSC.

Hopefully with all your hard work you have done with the stats, good karma will endure and you will have an approval today or tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed for you, bud!!! Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know I got an RFE yesterday. I had quite the little pity party with a bottle of wine, but got back on track this morning and got everything sent out, express mail. It should arrive either tomorrow or thursday. I did not receive an email notification or anything, just got it by snail mail. Hopefully we will get an approval soon. Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Had a touch on the 9th, and now nothing. This is so frusterating. I wasn't expecting to get touched so early, but now that we have, I'm chompin at the bit!!! Those bass turds!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Hello everyone. Well, I just came home from a lovely trip to England and found that we have been touched. Yeahhhhhh!!! Our NOA1 was Feb 20. Hopefully no RFE and an approval by the end of the week.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2

you will need your birth certificate for the interview. i dont know how it works in the uk but here in germany you can order an international bc. its nothing special, just your bc in different languages! you will also need a some translated bc for the aos process, so getting a international bc is the best what germans can do! but since your bc is alreay in english, maybe you dont have to get any translations whatsoever!
why dont you ask in uk general discussion area, they can definitaly help you out with that!

good luck, nina

Thanks Nina, will check it out. Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2

Well if you read that link then there is not really much you can do at the moment.

One thing I can think of though : Get your shots done already,if you dont have those...that would be less stress when the time comes nearer.

Also if you dont have this already: Go get your police record certificate,International birth certificate and you could actually already have your medical done if you wanted to :)

If you want you can download and look at the forms for the Pack 3 that will be sent to you shortly,a friend of mine just got NOA2 also and already filled in the forms she needs for then.

You can look into the supporting documents your Fiance has to send you.

Other than that I ant think of anything else right now.

All the best!!!

What is the international birth certificate? At what part of the process is this needed? I have never heard of that before. Also, my fiance called the London doctors to try and get his medical done now (we haven't received our noa2 yet), and they told him he couldn't. I wonder if maybe he should try calling again. Maybe it varies by country. One more question, isn't the police certificate only valid for 3 months? Thats what I was told, but it says on one of the packet three papers that it is valid for a year. I'm a bit unclear on these issues. Any info?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-16 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport and visa cancelled due to stolen mail-will this be a problem having a new passport number?
Hello everyone. Just before we got our petition sent in, my fiance sent me his birth certificate and a copy of his passport id page, which was stolen from my mailbox. We had to file reports with the USPS, and Barney cancelled his passport as a safety procaution. When we sent in the petition, it had that passport number on it. He is ordering a new passport, but I am wondering if this will be a problem if immigration checks on his passport and finds that it has been cancelled, or later on in the process having a different passport number if that will cause a problem? Any input would be greatly appreciated. PS, this is my first post, so I hope I put it in the right forum!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-02 16:09:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Processing Times
Hello there. I had the same confusion about CSCs and their processing times. I have called customer service several times (didn't really get much help), and even our atty said our petition would sit for 6 months as the USCIS website is saying, before it got approved and sent to NVC. However, given the historical trends from VJ filers, it appears that USCIS processing times do not reflect the actual timeframe it takes to approve. At least this is my perception. I had the same questions and confusions. It is so agonizing to not know if it is going to be three or six months...bit of a difference!!! So, I have my fingers crossed that you will be receiving your approval soon. Please let me know, as I filed after you and am anxious to see progress.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 11:44:00
United KingdomCan I send out packet 3 once the consulate receives it from NVC?
I think I pretty much spelled out my question in the title. I read in another forum that some consulates will allow you to send in packet three (before you actually receive it from them) once they have received your case from NVC, and that this will actually speed up the process in receiving packet 4. Does anyone have any insight on this? I tried to search around for the answer to this before posting, but was unable to find any answers. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 11:42:00
United KingdomThose with a visa, please step forward
Well Miss Daisy the only thing I can say is good on you for your present...oh shite, I can't think of the right word (I've been sitting here for five minutes trying to think of it)...positive thinking...thats not it...well, whatever the word is that you do when you analyze the situation with clarity instead of clustering over it, and feeling bad about it, and taking care of what needs to be done. I hope your congressman can be of aid to you and get some results to you. My heart is with you (as corny as that sounds) I am having a hard time with words at the moment, but I am thinking of you.

JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 12:38:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Hey guys sorry it took so long to give the news...we got approved. Hurray Hurray Hurray!!! We have been on the move and without internet, so haven't had the chance to post. Hope you are all doing well, Jen and Barney
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-15 19:19:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Alright - drum roll awaiting an update to add two more lovely 'APPROVED' tags from today......

Congrats Dan and Tiffany!!! Hope you got a little sleep last night!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-31 10:05:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Barney had his medical today. He said everything went fine, except that his arms hurt from getting stuck with needles (1 in each arm for vaccines, and 1 for blood). Glad to have that out of the way. Now I can just stress out about the interview!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-27 12:12:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Ahhhhhhh Tuesday! I'm a WEE bit stressed - not so much about the interview itself, but more about timing. What if we forgot some little silly form that holds things up? Our wedding is planned for August 11 - quite a large event. His whole family is flying over Aug 8. He's planning on hopping on a plane as soon as he gets the visa (we're hoping for Sunday Aug 5). Flexible airline ticket was the greatest idea ever. I'm rushing like mad on last minute wedding plans. Good luck to our fellow July 31st-ers!! Can't wait for Tuesday to be over with.

I'm sure everything will run smoothe as silk!!! But I know how you feel, I'm going through the same motions, all the what ifs. I am so excited to see that APPROVAL by your names!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-27 12:01:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I got Packet 4 today.... the DoS said my interview is at 8.30..... but Packet 4 says its at 9.30. I'll give DoS a call later to see which one is right. Either way....YAY! lol


Congratulations. I would think the P4 would more than likely be the correct time, but on that same note, I would arrive in time for the 8:30 date, just to be safe. One hour of waiting is nothing compared to the wait you have had to get there!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-20 09:34:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Cari, any news yet?

I just got through to DoS and we have an interview date on August 7!! :blink:

I was so excited I completely blanked what time it is though. It's so soon, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it over that early! I was planning to go over for the interview, but I guess we'll just have to see. :dance:

Oh Cari I am so happy for you. And I am sooooo glad you got a date so soon. Blows your mind when they tell you that you have a date, huh? After waiting now for almost 6 months for this to finally happen, I was flabbergasted all day yesterday, and am still a bit today!!!! Hurray for you. Too bad we weren't on the same day, could grab a cup of coffee and laugh about how neurotic we've been through this whole process!!!! Well, I speak for myself and am only half ashamed to say what a pucker-butt I have been!!!! Great news though!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 12:17:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I just got my interview date.....August 10th at 8.30am.

:dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Hurray for you JandC. Bummer that you won't be able to be there, but great that it is so soon. Congrats!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 11:28:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Cari, any news yet?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 11:26:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Thanks for the input Tracy and Daisy. I'll keep searching around. 20 days till I go over, hurray. Better get my bootie in gear!!!!

JenandBarney, I would take your dad up on the offer of using his miles. I was lucky enough to have some miles too and as an example a one way BA flight from London to Tampa would have been approx $1600! With the miles that amount came down to $190, so it makes sense even though we do not like to rely on our folks too much.

Good luck in the search.

Thanks Selly. Yes, I am waiting to hear from him to start the search. And yes, you are right, no one likes to rely on their folks, but I am grateful. It was a birthday present to me, so we shall see what he comes up with.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 14:53:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Adding Converse - who should see JenAndBarney at the consulate on the same day!!! :D

Recent London 'graduates'
May: JamalNTam, Oath/Leney, Tigersden, Marina+Dave, Mark&Steph, tonyeck, AlienUKGirl; June: jac, kins, TracyTN, bevray, REP&KMM, elmcitymaven, wodge2003, craigandkym, FutureAmerican, Linababe, ashp; July: RGNSCOT, robburnsefc, msu17, Teddy-406, TimsDaisy, linzzee, cindi, ValWesUKUS....

June 2007 Interviews

Duffbeer.............CR1........04/24....04/30.....................06/12.....09:30...PENDING I-864
Justchillin...............K1.......05/01....05/11........05/05......06/15....08:00...PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW

July 2007 Interviews

Jake & Ali..............K1.......06/04......06/12.......06/22..........7/25....

August 2007 Interviews


September 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview



Yes, I could wear a red hat for id purposes....oh wait, I look awful in red!!! Hmmmm, will have to figure something out. Definitely want to meet up with a VJ member if possible. Will be so nervous though I'm sure. What am I talking about, I'm already nervous. Since I got the news this morning, I've gone from pure nervous wreck. Shite....that diet that I was planning on doing...for months now...RIGHT!!! Oh god, have to look perfect, what if I don't???? Haven't seen Barney for over two months now, wanna look my best.....ARGHHHHHHHH. Panic mode has definitely set in. And what if we don't have anything to talk about? Irrational I know, because we talk every day, but what if???? Need a valium or something
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 14:47:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Thanks for the input Tracy and Daisy. I'll keep searching around. 20 days till I go over, hurray. Better get my bootie in gear!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 13:01:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Well, trying to find flights....I'm getting 1400, a little expensive. I could drive down to San Fran and get a much better deal, but I'm guessing we will be having a few cocktails on the journey home, so thats not a good option. Anyone have a good website to recommend? My step dad had said that he would use his frequent flier miles to get me a flight, but I am just trying to cover all ground if he can't get me one.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 12:48:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Yeah, maybe I should have included a cover letter with our packet. We put our travel date as September 1st, because we need to take care of a lot of stuff before the wedding, but they haven't taken that into account. I asked on the DoS line if they take that into account, and they said no, that I just have to wait until they schedule everyone else's and see where they can fit mine. I emailed them again about it, but is it also worth calling do you think?

Well, if it was me, I would be calling. They seem to be trying to be as accommodating as possible, so I would give it a shot. You've got nothing to lose but 16 bucks, which is chump change in the whole scheme of things.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 12:43:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Congratulations JenandBarney!!! :dance:

Just out of curiosity, what did you put as your travel/wedding dates? I am still holding on to that faint glimmer of hope that we will have an interview in August, but our packet seems to have gone into the slooow pile. :whistle:

Hey there Cari, actually you were the one person I thought of, and kind of feel bad because you sent your packet in over two weeks before mine. To answer your question though, we sent in a cover letter in asking for an interview as soon as possible after the 27th of July after Barney gets his medical. We said mid august is a good time for me to travel over for the interview and for us to travel back together to the US. Our travel dates we put mid august and our wedding Sept. 15th. After reading the email they finally replied back to you, I am guessing that was a standard response, I am hoping you will get an August interview. My fingers are crossed for you. Take care, Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 12:23:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Adding JenandBarney! :) (Congrats!)

Recent London 'graduates'
May: JamalNTam, Oath/Leney, Tigersden, Marina+Dave, Mark&Steph, tonyeck, AlienUKGirl; June: jac, kins, TracyTN, bevray, REP&KMM, elmcitymaven, wodge2003, craigandkym, FutureAmerican, Linababe, ashp; July: RGNSCOT, robburnsefc, msu17, Teddy-406....

June 2007 Interviews

Duffbeer.............CR1........04/24....04/30.....................06/12.....09:30...PENDING I-864
Justchillin...............K1.......05/01....05/11........05/05......06/15....08:00...PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW

July 2007 Interviews

Jake & Ali..............K1.......06/04......06/12.......06/22..........7/25....

August 2007 Interviews


September 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview



Ha ha, thanks Tracy for adding me. I tried to but did it wrong...I was all in red. Of course I like to stand out, but want to save the red for the approval part. Thanks for the congrats as well, you too Tiff
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 11:48:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Recent London 'graduates'
May: JamalNTam, Oath/Leney, Tigersden, Marina+Dave, Mark&Steph, tonyeck, AlienUKGirl; June: jac, kins, TracyTN, bevray, REP&KMM, elmcitymaven, wodge2003, craigandkym, FutureAmerican, Linababe, ashp; July: RGNSCOT, robburnsefc, msu17, Teddy-406....

June 2007 Interviews

Duffbeer.............CR1........04/24....04/30.....................06/12.....09:30...PENDING I-864
Justchillin...............K1.......05/01....05/11........05/05......06/15....08:00...PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW

July 2007 Interviews

Jake & Ali..............K1.......06/04......06/12.......06/22..........7/25....

August 2007 Interviews


Jen and Barney...K1...........07/07.....07/27........................08/08...10:00

September 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview



Hooray for ValWes -- Congrats you guys!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Daisy and Tim -- as you rightly said, Woohoo and D'Oh!

Tom (TQM_Angie) should be reporting back soon -- and selly and Jenny, your big days are almost here! Good luck to you both. :thumbs:

Don't know if I did this right.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 11:43:00