K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers


How is it that 2 Feb CSC filers received their noa2 already?!?!?!?!?!?

See link below

I noticed that. How BIZARRE.

If I remember correctly, they sent their petition out Jan 10. So they probably counted when they received via snail mail their NOA1, and not the actual notice date. So therefore, USCIS probably received their petition somewhere around the 16 of Jan. Of course I am just guestimating here, but that would be my interpretation of what has happened.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-18 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers


Just FYI, I called USCIS when I got the RFE hard copy. The customer service rep said that "the passport pages do not really show that you and your fiance met...maybe you were just visiting the UK on vacation....many people visit the UK on vacation."...(and vise versa for him flying into LAX apparently). Which is also the case with most other "primary evidence" they are looking for (receipts, airline ticket stubs etc. don't indicate both of our names on the same piece of paper). We did meet in Peru once and so we both have passport stamps with the same date of entry into Peru (so we really highlighted that in this go around). However, because it was work related, we have no hotel/spending receipts etc.

Just wanted to give you a little insight into their way of reasoning...if you think you may not have sent enough evidence the first time, maybe start gathering more now. It has taken me a couple days to get all the evidence together. ...I know it's silly but that you all understand...I cannot stand to wait 1 more day than necessary. The scariest line of the RFE was, "...failure to submit ALL evidence requested at one time may result in the denial of your application." it had better be right this go around!

Anyways, good luck and keep us posted.

Wow, thank you so much!!! I am worried about being able to find the kind of evidence that they will want if we get one, but I will start the hunt now. I completely understand how even one day is excruciating (sp?). We did fly to New York together, but unknowing at the time that we would be needing this, he threw the airline stubs away. The tickets were bought on Orbitz...but I will call them and see if there is ANYTHING they can do. We also had professional pictures done at a studio, I will call him and see if he can print up the pics with dates. Thats about all I can think of. Like you, we have tons of pics in the US as well as the UK, but all digital with no dates. Other than that, I guess all I can hope for is that the immigration officer that goes over our petition hopefully took his happy pill that day, got laid...whatever floats his freakin boat!!! The line of your post about the failure to submit all evidence could result in denial of your petition, yeah that looks pretty scary. I really hope for you that you gathered the evidence they were looking for. Hopefully the next officer to look at your file is not such a pucker butt!! And one more thing, if they are looking for more detailed evidence of the petitioner and benificiary meeting, then WHY is that one of the things that they list for evidence on the petition directions???? And WHY don't they list on there that the pics MUST have dates listed on them??? Are they just setting us up for failure? Last night I had some customers that went through the K1 process (English) so of course we got in this detailed discussion of their journey...yeah, it was hell for them too. They said the immigration officers were just cruel. Immigration lost their papers twice, and then sent them a notice (after the woman had received her visa and arrived in the US) saying she had 36 hours to leave the country. I hope that none of this happens to any of us. Hmm, anti-anxiety meds might be in the works for me!!!!! Anyhow, please let me know what happens next for you, I really am pulling for you!!! Ali, are you directly in Reno? If so, your not too far away from me. Hope you have a good day. Jen.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-15 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

I'm sorry you got an RFE. I have been keeping a close eye on your case, hoping you will have an approval soon. Do you mind if I ask you what you sent in for evidence? I am fearful myself of us getting an RFE also, so would like to know if we are going to be in the danger zone!!! Just trying to plan for any problems. :blink: We are February filers, this wait is gruesome to say the least. I have calculated, calculated, and calculated some more on best/ worst/ and median case scenarios till my eyes are crossed from staring at the computer. I hope it comes soon for you. Take care, Jen

Don't forget that, from what I understand (and dear god in heaven may never have to know from personal experience), RFEs can be generated for things other than "evidence" as we use the term here. They can mean, please sign this 3d copy of the G-325A and send it back, or, this was mislabeled, or you skipped this box, etc.

I keep pestering them to know too, but I think they're more eager to know than we are!

Yes you are right. Still peeking my curiosity though. If we got an RFE for a mistake on the petition, I think I would have to slit my wrists and jump in a puddle of salt water (joking of course) after I so neurotically checked it fifty thous times!!! I must have driven our atty crazy with all of my "what about this's". You should be getting an approval soon also...I am pulling for you!!! Just like you said the other day, wine a kick out of that!!! Oh, if you do get any info on the RFE, could you send it on over? BTW, thanks for giving us the info and website for the proposed fee increase. Have a good one and hope to see your NOA2 soon. Oh, are you going to go over to England for the interview? I have ever so obsessively tried to calculate around when ours is, I am definitely going to try and make it.

Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been ignoring VJ while trying to get my evidence for the RFE together. I received the RFE notice via email on Monday night but did not receive the hard copy indicating what the problem was until yesterday (Thursday). First this is what the RFE read:

"The petitioner and the beneficiary must have met in person between January 10, 2005 and January 11, 2007. Submit evidence of meeting the beneficiary in person within the two-year period preceding the filing of the petition. The primary evidence may include airline ticket stubs and receipts (that indicate month, day, and year), copies of passport pages that show the identification page and admission stamps, military order(s), letter from Commanding Officer, or any evidence that will help the USCIS to determine that the petitioner has met the beneficiary within the two years. The secondary evidence may be film dated photographs of the petitioner and the beneficiary together. The following DOES NOT constitute evidence of meeting: disc, videos, emails, letters, phone bills, and greeting cards....Pursuant to 8C.F.R. 103.2(B)(11) failure to submit ALL evidence requested AT ONE TIME may result in the denial of your application".

First, I have to say that we did not find VJ until after we filed the I-129F. We sent in about 40 pages of emails, all pages of our passports, and tons of photos of us together in both the US and UK (not film dated because we only have digital cameras). We did not save boarding pass stubs and at the time saw no reason to send in receipts.

So I have spent the last day compiling E-tickets/itineraries, pertenant bank and credit card statements & various receipts. Like I said, we have no film dated photos but thank goodness we were actually in the newspaper together on several occasions for things which were job related (which included pictures, full names & dates). A coworker is also sending a letter on letter head which vouches for when and how we met in the US. Now we will just cross our fingers that it is enough evidence.

Best wishes to you guys.

Thank you for the heads up. Again, I'm sorry for your delays with the RFE. What a pain!!! We didn't find VJ either until after our petition was sent in. I am now concerned that we will more than likely receive an RFE also. I'm surprised that they sent you one when you sent in copies of your passport pages. You know this is the thing that I find most upsetting (without having the knowledge of VJ) is that the petition directions in and of itself were very vague. Well, fingers crossed that this won't delay you too much and that you have enough evidence compiled for them to make a decision. Take care, Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

I'm sorry you got an RFE. I have been keeping a close eye on your case, hoping you will have an approval soon. Do you mind if I ask you what you sent in for evidence? I am fearful myself of us getting an RFE also, so would like to know if we are going to be in the danger zone!!! Just trying to plan for any problems. :blink: We are February filers, this wait is gruesome to say the least. I have calculated, calculated, and calculated some more on best/ worst/ and median case scenarios till my eyes are crossed from staring at the computer. I hope it comes soon for you. Take care, Jen

Don't forget that, from what I understand (and dear god in heaven may never have to know from personal experience), RFEs can be generated for things other than "evidence" as we use the term here. They can mean, please sign this 3d copy of the G-325A and send it back, or, this was mislabeled, or you skipped this box, etc.

I keep pestering them to know too, but I think they're more eager to know than we are!

Yes you are right. Still peeking my curiosity though. If we got an RFE for a mistake on the petition, I think I would have to slit my wrists and jump in a puddle of salt water (joking of course) after I so neurotically checked it fifty thous times!!! I must have driven our atty crazy with all of my "what about this's". You should be getting an approval soon also...I am pulling for you!!! Just like you said the other day, wine a kick out of that!!! Oh, if you do get any info on the RFE, could you send it on over? BTW, thanks for giving us the info and website for the proposed fee increase. Have a good one and hope to see your NOA2 soon. Oh, are you going to go over to England for the interview? I have ever so obsessively tried to calculate around when ours is, I am definitely going to try and make it.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
I'm sorry you got an RFE. I have been keeping a close eye on your case, hoping you will have an approval soon. Do you mind if I ask you what you sent in for evidence? I am fearful myself of us getting an RFE also, so would like to know if we are going to be in the danger zone!!! Just trying to plan for any problems. :blink: We are February filers, this wait is gruesome to say the least. I have calculated, calculated, and calculated some more on best/ worst/ and median case scenarios till my eyes are crossed from staring at the computer. I hope it comes soon for you. Take care, Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Um, hi everyone.....Yeah, I finally got approved!!!!!!. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Hallefuc*kinlujay!!!!! It's about time!!! Hurray. It's late, I will tell all the details tomorrow, it's kinda funny!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Okay, so touched again this morning, but still no approval. What is going on here. This makes it 4 touches. I'm starting to feel a little violated, without a climax. I think I'm getting the raw end of the deal here!!! OH, did I just say that?

Calm the heck down Gemini! lol Here's a pre-emptive CONGRATS :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I just called USCIS, I'm starting to be a regular. Got Officer Kacho, had her before. She said my application is with an officer. Same answer. But she did say she would make a note for the officer that an inquiry was made.

Getting closer!!!!

It's getting hard to stay calm. My RFE has been there for almost three weeks now. This is getting ridiculous.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Okay, so touched again this morning, but still no approval. What is going on here. This makes it 4 touches. I'm starting to feel a little violated, without a climax. I think I'm getting the raw end of the deal here!!! OH, did I just say that?

Calm the heck down Gemini! lol Here's a pre-emptive CONGRATS :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I just called USCIS, I'm starting to be a regular. Got Officer Kacho, had her before. She said my application is with an officer. Same answer. But she did say she would make a note for the officer that an inquiry was made.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Okay, so touched again this morning, but still no approval. What is going on here. This makes it 4 touches. I'm starting to feel a little violated, without a climax. I think I'm getting the raw end of the deal here!!! OH, did I just say that?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Well lets hope good news is on its way! Here's a pre-emptive congrats

Well, thank you. I can take a pre-emptive one!!!!! I'll be hollerin when I get the real one!!!

:lol: I'll premptively cover my ears from the hollering. hehe, that sounds kinda mean, I mean it to prevent my internet hearing... hehe

Yes, do that. OHHHH if only we could have sound!!!! I've waited so long for this, I think I will probably pee my pants when I get it.

Oh my! I was happy, but not THAT happy. Now when we get that visa, all bets are off on dry pants. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I won't laugh if ya do!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Well lets hope good news is on its way! Here's a pre-emptive congrats

Well, thank you. I can take a pre-emptive one!!!!! I'll be hollerin when I get the real one!!!

:lol: I'll premptively cover my ears from the hollering. hehe, that sounds kinda mean, I mean it to prevent my internet hearing... hehe

Yes, do that. OHHHH if only we could have sound!!!! I've waited so long for this, I think I will probably pee my pants when I get it.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

:dancing: APPROVED :dancing: APPROVED :dancing: APPROVED :dancing: APPROVED :dancing:

I can smell em. Smell like burning donuts.

ha!!! I hope your sniffer is right!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Well lets hope good news is on its way! Here's a pre-emptive congrats

Well, thank you. I can take a pre-emptive one!!!!! I'll be hollerin when I get the real one!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Well, touched again....on Sunday????? What gives? I called USCIS today for my daily prying session, the officer was nice, but was obviously reading from his manual. When I asked him why it was updated on a Sunday, he said that the system runs 24 hours. Okay, thanks for not answering my question. When he said to give it thirty days, I finally said, I know you have your standard answers that your supposed to say, but you and I both know it shouldn't take that long. He chuckled and said yes. He said "you should be getting your approval, I mean answer shortly". HMMMMM. I asked who the officer was that was working on my case, and he said that he knew, but couldn't tell me. I'm really hoping our approval is just going to show up in the mail, like maybe tomorrow????!!!! Yeah, that would be good.

I had a similar situation and was approved the next day. It's sounding really good!

I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope so!!!! This makes 3 on the 29th, 30th, and the 3rd.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

It sounds like he slipped up like the woman did me when I called to inquire, so I'm gonna say CONGRATULATIONS on your approval! :thumbs:

I would love to say thank you, but I really need to know we are approved before I can. Hopefully it will be soon!!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Well, touched again....on Sunday????? What gives? I called USCIS today for my daily prying session, the officer was nice, but was obviously reading from his manual. When I asked him why it was updated on a Sunday, he said that the system runs 24 hours. Okay, thanks for not answering my question. When he said to give it thirty days, I finally said, I know you have your standard answers that your supposed to say, but you and I both know it shouldn't take that long. He chuckled and said yes. He said "you should be getting your approval, I mean answer shortly". HMMMMM. I asked who the officer was that was working on my case, and he said that he knew, but couldn't tell me. I'm really hoping our approval is just going to show up in the mail, like maybe tomorrow????!!!! Yeah, that would be good.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Congrats to Dan&Tiffany! :dance:
And to those at NVC!
Jen: Where's your NOA2?

Pfffffff..I dunno??? Nothing yet.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-02 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I sure hope so! Apparently our touch yesterday WAS the approval!!! Got the email today - dated 5/30! I'm still floating!

YAY! That's fantastic news! Congrats!!

We, like Milenka, just also got TWO hard copies of our NOA2 today in separate letters.

Oh, thats great to hear your approvals, Neal and Cari. So happy for you. Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-02 01:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I have a question for the forum. I am getting conflicting information from what my lawyer is telling me versus what the NVC representative is telling me. I received an email from CSC saying that my I-129F was sent to the NVC on the 23rd of May. From what I read on the FAQ and K3 guide in VJ, once the NVC receives the petition it is assigned a case number and then forwarded directly to the embassy. My lawyer is telling me that is not true. She said once the NVC assigns a case number, it is sent back to us with a packet that we have to complete (AOS) and send back to the NVC and then they forward to the embassy.

My situation has another twist. I have also filed for the I-130 and the NVC sent us the bar coded packet with the DS-230 and I-864 on 5/22 (we still havent received it).

My primary goal is to bring my wife here as quickly as possible since she is 5 months pregnant.

In my opinion, the K3 will be received in Venezuela before the I-130, but my lawyer thinks otherwise. If the information in the FAQ is correct that the NVC directly forward to the emabssy, the I-129 petition can be there as early as next week. Since we still havent received the I-130 packet yet, I am predicting it can take up to anotjer 4-6 weeks before the I-130 gets to Venezuela.

Can somebody help clarify? What would you guys do if you were in my situation?

Um, well, I didn't think there was really much difference in the way the process went for K1 or K3, but I could be wrong. Don't quote me, but my guess would be that your lawyer is wrong. I think your K3 would go to NVC and then to the consulate, just the same. Otherwise, why would there be a timeframe on K3s at the local embassy? (If you go to the timelines, it has both the K1, and the K3 for each country). That doesn't make sense what your lawyer is telling you. I've found out a bunch of things my lawyer told me that was not only wrong, but what he guided us to do held us back. But hey, I'm new to this too. But I would never trust what anybody tells you.....research, research, research, and put all the info together to figure it out...take some, leave some, you know? In my eyes, taking responsibility for your life is learning what your in...not just believing what somebody tells you.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I sure hope so! Apparently our touch yesterday WAS the approval!!! Got the email today - dated 5/30! I'm still floating!

Oh yayeeee, congratulations. So happy for you both!!! Good for you.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Touched again this morning. Do I smell a NOA2? Um, I think I do!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Thanks hmm, Sarah, Neal and Cari, and Dan and Tiff. Like I said, I will let you know what happens with these responses. On a brighter note, I got my birthday package from Barney today...the best presents ever, so thoughtful. Get this, one of them was a star that Barney had named for me, "Princess Jenifer". I teared up on that one. I got lovely cards and other great gifts...made my day!!!

Thanks Miss Cari!!!

Ooh another birthday girl! Happy Birthday!! :dance:

Hey all, just wanted to say I called USCIS about not recieving my NOA2 in the mail (day 28 after approval) and the first lady told me I shouldnt have a letter from NVC since K1's arent' sent there :wacko: and then was transfered to someone else. That lady said she'd send a request to CSC and I'd hear something in 30 days.

Sounds like lady number one had her head up her butt!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Thanks hmm, Sarah, Neal and Cari, and Dan and Tiff. Like I said, I will let you know what happens with these responses. On a brighter note, I got my birthday package from Barney today...the best presents ever, so thoughtful. Get this, one of them was a star that Barney had named for me, "Princess Jenifer". I teared up on that one. I got lovely cards and other great gifts...made my day!!!

Awww too sweet. Happy late Birthday to you!

Thanks Tiff. Yeah, so maybe we will both be approved tomorrow, maybe even late tonight, but tomorrow is probably the more likely of the two. All extremeties crossed!!! Good luck.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Oh god oh oh oh...TOUCH!!! CSC received our RFE on the 30th and has resumed processing. Nevermind you got it on the 17, you wankas!!! get us the #### out of CSC. YEAH!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Thanks hmm, Sarah, Neal and Cari, and Dan and Tiff. Like I said, I will let you know what happens with these responses. On a brighter note, I got my birthday package from Barney today...the best presents ever, so thoughtful. Get this, one of them was a star that Barney had named for me, "Princess Jenifer". I teared up on that one. I got lovely cards and other great gifts...made my day!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Hi guys. Well, I called USCIS AGAIN, and still nothing. They have had our RFE now for two weeks, and still don't even have record of it. So, I hopped my little butt in gear and emailed one of my local representatives and Senator Boxer as well. Hopefully will hear back from them and maybe get some help. Will let you all know what happens. Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Silly me, it's a federal holiday. Was really hoping USCIS would be open today, but should've known of course they wouldn't. None the less, hope everyone is having a good holiday!!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Have you been able to communicate with a live person over at NVC ?

No, that's the information from the automated hotline

From what I have read in previous posts, you definitely want to talk to someone live, as they have more accurate information than the automated system. I would try them tomorrow, as they are probably closed today. Good luck!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
It's probably wishful thinking that USCIS is open today, huh?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Have we all been approved? :)

Ummmmm NO!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Oh, and one more thing, at this point, you might try calling the NVC. You might have already been approved and just haven't heard anything from USCIS. This has been happening to a lot of people lately. It's worth a try. Good luck!!! If you do, make sure you get through to a live person (versus a dead one???) and not the automated system. They will be able to tell you if they have received your petition.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I was wondering if anybody can answer some questions for me

I file my I-129f with texas and then sent to Calif jan 31 07 and touched on feb 2 07 and nothing since. I see people who have filed in march from fla and there fiancee is from the philippines too and they are aproved and I'm still waiting. Why? and is it because i filed a I 129f in june of 04 and was approved. My gf at that time went to here interview passed that and then failed her medical. We broke up and 8 months later i met my new gf cyril june 28 05 and been together since. If you have any guess why its taken long please let us know thank you 4 your time

6/28/2005 An angel sent me a message.
11/23/2006 Met in person!
11/30/2006 Engaged
01/20/2007 Mailed K1 petition to USCIS Texas.
01/21/2007 K1 packet delivered to Texas Service Center.
01/31/2007 California Service Center, NOA1.
02/02/2007 Touched
05/24/07 called CSC
still waitng!!!!!!

Do you mind if I ask you how your last gf failed her medical? Maybe thats a personal question, but I'm just wondering if we should be worried for our medical.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I GOT APPROVED ON MY BIRTHDAY! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I just got the email now! OMG! Thank God and thank ALL of you! I had to call Marlon and he is super stoked too!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

AHHHHHHHH (thats a scream, not a relief sigh) Thats awesome, you got your birthday wish!!!! Oh I am so happy for you!!!!!!! Now, get out of that service center and on to some competent people...(I say that but did I even spell competent or is it competant or compatent... oh shite...right)??? I'm thinking out loud, can you tell? Had it right the first time...competent....looked it up in my handy Websters....I am neurotic about fact just corrected the convenience store for misspelling Jack I know that brand and that is NOT the way you spell it!!!!! Did I mention I'm easily distracted???? And, did I mention....AHHHHHH.....congrats?????? Good for you Sarah.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Happy Friday everyone!!! Hope we have some more NOA2s today. Ummmm, I'll take mine now please!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC
Cari, I know I only have 14 minutes left, but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I just got home from work. So, sure you will probably get this tomorrow, but consider it an extension!!! Hope you had a great day!!! Jen
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

I just called and tried the RFE trick...but this woman didn't want to tell me anything, and read me what seems to be just about every script that they annoying...So I have no idea if I am approved, and she said I should wait for a letter or for something on the internet site to change...I am not sure what to do now...

keep pressing till you get someone more helpful. On the other hand, the woman I spoke to today said it would be impossible to find my file to tell me what is going on with it, so I don't know. It seems some people have gotten answers by doing the RFE , others have gotten the same old customer service type answers???.
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

:) I am really trying to say nice things about them...the last two days I got touches, so far today, nothing, but I am not sure if I should try and call and try and get more information or just wait a few more days...

I betcha by tomorrow you will have an approval. We're now in the approval part of the week!!! And, although this is just my observation, when you get touched more than once, your on the approval stretch, versus the RFE stretch. Of course this is just generally what I have seen. Good luck!!!
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

i think i emailed them on tuesday.... monday night even.... have no reply today as yet......... but we'll see...

Haha, I was going to say call, but then I remembered you can't! DOH! Hope you hear soon! I still haven't gotten the paper approval either... Why are they so slow??? I'm actually kinda looking forward to calling after 30 days and having the "actually I have been approved 30 days ago and need to paper copy" convo with their customer service. Just tell me it takes 6 months for approval, I dare them! I need to get a life :)

Why can't they call? Did I miss something here?

Hehe. To call the NVC from outside of the U.S is not free, unlike to call the USCIS by using 800 number . Plus the operator would ask to speak with the petitioner.


Thanks. Hey that reminds me, Barney has got this really cool calling card. He pays like 30 Quid a month...roughly 60 bucks, and it gives us unlimited talking. The only hangup (no punt intended) is that you can only talk for an hour, and then it disconnects you, but you just have to redial the number. I don't know if it would work for Indonesia, maybe it's just a UK thing, but I could find out if your interested???
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

Cause they are in Australia and its very difficult for them with the time and the cost. At least if I remember correctly :) Correct me if I'm wrong!

Gotcha. I guess the "doh" is on me!!! More like "drrr"
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers CSC, NSC, TSC

i think i emailed them on tuesday.... monday night even.... have no reply today as yet......... but we'll see...

Haha, I was going to say call, but then I remembered you can't! DOH! Hope you hear soon! I still haven't gotten the paper approval either... Why are they so slow??? I'm actually kinda looking forward to calling after 30 days and having the "actually I have been approved 30 days ago and need to paper copy" convo with their customer service. Just tell me it takes 6 months for approval, I dare them! I need to get a life :)

Why can't they call? Did I miss something here?
JenandBarneyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 10:54:00