Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

How is your boy doing??

Sorry for the late reply Jamie -- He is doing ok. He had another round of surgery today WHILE I was moving house. I had been telling the doctors all week that today was the one day I could not be there as I had removalists they did his surgery...far from impressed!! They put in a perma cath (catheter into his chest just above his heart) for his Dialysis treatment...they also put a gastrostomy in so he can have tube feeds to gain some weight....he has lost 6 kilos in the last 2 weeks and is literally a skeleton wrapped in skin. This afternoon he was in a great deal of agony but when I left him 90 minutes ago he was resting happily about to log into livewire (a website for kids with ongoing illnesses)

I am about to go curl up & chat with Eric before I crash out from total exhaustion!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-29 06:36:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Jamie I am so glad that FLC was able to help you with the issue regarding your ex...I am amazed that you are as organised for the process ahead as I am now...even amidst this nightmare that is going on around me at present.

Lots more packing to be done..half day at the hospital tomorrow so I can get it done...I detest packing LOL.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-25 07:06:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Any NOA2 news today Terri?

Hope you're all having a good weekend :)

No news today Jamie -- though we moved on Igor's List and the K1 timeline shifted a fingers crossed it keeps moving smoothly forward.

I am taking a breaking from packing at present..I have managed to clear 2 rooms today -- only the rest of the house to go LOL.

Glad you have settled in Natalie -- must be an amazing city to explore too.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-24 01:01:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Thanks heaps Vanessa and Terri! Very informative :). Yeah I've done stacks of reading!! LOL

I do hope you get your NOA2 soon Terri! It must be a horrible waiting game ... I know when the time comes for me, I'll be checking the progress everyday lol.

Vanessa I got to your Australian Beneficiaries page, thanks heaps for the tip :) I will have a read of it now and save it to my favourites also.

I read your POE review, how exciting for you! I didn't realise we'd be allowed to stand in the US Citizen line once the Visa was in hand, I just assumed we'd stand in the non US Citizen longggggggggggggggggg queues! lol

The wait is lonnnnnnnnnngggggg but the end is worth every second of it. I check progress twice a day...####### I know but its a habit now LOL.

There was an NOA2 issued today for someone from November 20...I am crossing everything available that our turn comes around just as quickly as theirs did.

Anyway, my brain is fried from reading some transplant stuff for my I am off to sleep before spending my day tomorrow frantically packing.

Chat later all xxx
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-23 06:46:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Ok I've done lots of hours of reading. Now tell me, I know NOA is Notice of Assessment (I think?), so NOA1 and NOA2 are just notifications right?

After receiving NOA1, is there anything you have to file or do you just then wait for NOA2, which I think comes with Packet 3 and then you do your medical and police report stuff, getting it all ready for the interview? I am probably way off base, but that is the impression I'm getting from everything I've been reading and peoples little signature thingies lol.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, is there anything you need to file or get done in between receiving NOA1 and NOA2?

I hope I've made sense lol.

Oh and what does *touched* mean??

You have been busy reading LOL..

NOA1 is the notice you receive basically telling you that they have received your petition.
NOA2 is the notice saying they have approved the petition and it is being sent off to the NVC to be forwarded to the relevant Consulate. Once there they do a few other checks & it gets forwarded to the Embassy...when they receive it you will receive Packet 3 which will give you all your instructions regarding medical etc. You can do your Police Report in advance -- but it needs to still be valid at time of interview. I have dont mine last week prior to my son getting ill.

Between NOA1 & NOA2 you prepare all the paperwork for interview, your man gets allt he papers ready for the affidavit of support and continue life as per normal.

We are jsut waiting -- watching for NOA2 lol

CONGRATS Bacon!!! :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-23 03:03:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Thanks Dowhatever -- He is doing much better today. He is sitting up in bed being the cheeky little so & so we all know him to be LOL More surgery towards the end of next week so he is in Westmead for a couple of weeks yet...long days for me.

Jamie I had to do the whole kid thing for this process. I rang the Family Law Court to find out what my options were because my ex husband has never furnished us with an address, he changes jobs faster then Child Support can catch him, and is in general a pain in the butt. I was advised that I had to make a concerted effort to find him -- think Electrol Roll, Family, Friends, last known employer etc. Once those avenues are exhausted you can apply to the courts for permission to take the children overseas for immigration purposes. IF you already have sole custody granted through the courts, you do not need the fathers permission. I managed to find my ex husband & got him to sign a Stat Dec stating he gives permission for me to take my children to reside in the USA permanently. If you get the stat dec make sure they also send you with that stat dec a copy of their photographic ID. You will need all of this for Interview stage....if you have to find him I would start now to save any headaches later.

Best of Luck to all those flying out over the next few days...enjoy every second you have left here.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-22 03:40:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Thanks everyone for the ohms & well wishes. My son had his surgery yesterday and was in agony for the msot part of the night. They have put the Vas Cath into his jugular on the right side of his neck. He is extremely uncomfortable with it, they removed his PD Catheter as well but they will insert a new one of those next week sometime. They put a NG tube in for supplemental feeding as well. He has a PCA for managing his pain levels which helps immensely. I am doing the daily shuffle of into Westmead for 9 hours then home again to attempt to pack & get some sleep.

Wont be around for a couple of weeks as we are looking at a minimum stay of 2 weeks in there...thank heavens there is a Starbucks in the lobby!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-19 01:57:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hey all,

Thanks for the well wishes for my son. Things are not looking good at all. He was meant to have surgery today to fix his PD Catheter, but due to unforeseen emergencies his surgery was shuffled to tomorrow. We at least know now the course of action they are taking. They will remove his PD Catheter and insert a Vas Cath so he can begin Haemo Dialysis tomorrow afternoon. They will also insert a nasal gastric tube so he can have supplemental feeding as he has lost almost 2 kilos over the last couple of days. He is resting semi comfortably...he has his PCA button to give pain relief via the drip he is in pixie land most of the time which is the best thing for him at present. He will have to have the Haemo Dialysis over the next 6 weeks or so and that means hospital visits 3 days of the week for 6 hours a day...I am trying to keep a semi normal routine for my 12yo daughter but thats not happening. I have shielded my other kids from all his medical visits over the years but now they have been confronted with it ad Bek is shocked and wide eyed at all her brother has to endure.

Anyway, just wanted to update a little..nothing new on the USCIS front *#######* hope everyone is enjoying their weekends :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-17 06:28:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

The child has to be mentioned at the interview stage not on the petition. Also you MUST have a signed affidavit from the biological father giving permission for the child to live permanently in the USA OR court papers granting sole custody to the mother. Without these things, the child CAN not be granted K2 derivative status nor can they travel. You also need the father to sign on the passport application, without that the AUS government will not issue the passport..once again you can also have permission from the Family Courts granting permission for the mother to make all travel arrangements regarding the child in question.

I know all this as I have just had to get it all done for my son & daughter.

On the petition, do not fret as the first place you will mention the child is on the I 134...and again on the paperwork for Packet 3.

CORRECTION - Sorry you do mention ALL children on the petition but you do not specify who is travelling with you when you leave.

I apologize -- I am exhausted as my youngest son was hospitalized yesterday with a severe bout of peritonitis and after very long days at the hospital I am off there again tomorrow as he needs surgery to fix his PD Catheter. At this stage it looks like we will be spending the next 6 weeks in Westmead Childrens least by the end of that we should have NOA2 lol.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-16 06:00:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

From what I understand, all you have to do is make sure your 8 1/2 y/o is mentioned in your K1 petition as a person that is going with you. I know there's also something about the child's father signing something for permission but that might happen at the P3 stage. Hope those links give you something to work on.

The child has to be mentioned at the interview stage not on the petition. Also you MUST have a signed affidavit from the biological father giving permission for the child to live permanently in the USA OR court papers granting sole custody to the mother. Without these things, the child CAN not be granted K2 derivative status nor can they travel. You also need the father to sign on the passport application, without that the AUS government will not issue the passport..once again you can also have permission from the Family Courts granting permission for the mother to make all travel arrangements regarding the child in question.

I know all this as I have just had to get it all done for my son & daughter.

On the petition, do not fret as the first place you will mention the child is on the I 134...and again on the paperwork for Packet 3.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-16 05:47:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
CONGRATS Janet & Simon
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-12 08:24:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


Everyone's talking about Zooper Doopers on FB and it made me look for them... but I can't find a stockist here in the US. Anyone know of one? Or Sunny boys?

I have just had a quick search of all the Australian shopping sites I have links for & I turned up nothing. Sorry Vanessa :(
I did notice FB has a Zooper Doopers pages on there.

Edited by TerriandEric, 11 January 2010 - 04:54 AM.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-11 04:52:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
For the money transfers -- why not use PayPal? Eric sends money from his PayPal to my PayPal account & I withdraw it down into my Australian bank account. The fees are minimal...I mean we are talking a couple of dollars. From PayPal to my bank account -- 3 days -- 5 days if around a public holiday. This is the system we will be using once I am stateside to send money to my parents.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-04 17:12:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
I am so with you on the waiting game. We have only been waiting 3 weeks since NOA1 but watching timelines & the amount of 'fiances' based in the Phillipines/Thailand is astounding. It seems the VCS is moving a bit faster then the norm on the timelines and that in itself is frustrating as well.

I asked about the medical being done ahead of time a few weeks back and was told not to because they need the case number from the Sydney there are only 2 doctors: Dr Waks & Dr Phillips...I am organizing my police certificate next week, as well as my daughters passport. I need to find out how to get the blood test to find out what immunities I have for vaccines.

The only thing that keeps me going at present is the fact we are lucky to have so much time on web cam with his work schedule (4 nights a week, 2 of which are work from home) The crux of it at present..we are hoping for an approval & a POE by my birthday at the end of April (too much to ask for lol)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-30 06:19:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
QUOTE (Bec&Ben @ Dec 20 2009, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Terri.. He's been gone only a week & I'm struggling with all the emotions that go with it. Bleh. Let's hope it's a long & speedy process for us both!

I can relate totally...Eric left at the beginning of November & I am still struggling to bounce back into some resemblance of being of Summer break now does not help...I am not looking forward to Christmas this year at all.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 19:51:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
QUOTE (Bec&Ben @ Dec 18 2009, 11:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm in Perth about to start the process... ahhhh!

May it be a speedy process for you Bec & Ben....this forum is an amazing resource for the process, no matter what stage you are at.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-18 21:25:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
We filed our I 129F yesterday -- so now we have everything available crossed for a fast turn around. We are aiming for a June wedding but at this stage no dates have been picked until we get a better idea of the time line. We can only hope that they 90 days that we have been seeing holds true for us as well.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-04 17:32:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
CONGRATS Warren & Cindy!! May your lives now be filled with much love laughter & happiness wub.gif

We have finished compiling the I 129F package..Eric is posting it off to CSC tomorrow morning...crossing fingers for a speedy process without any hiccups.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-11-24 23:06:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
QUOTE (Warren and Cindy @ Nov 3 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
visa approved!!!

just got back from Sydney, tired..

Congrats!!! kicking.gif

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-11-05 05:54:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hi there all,

My name is Terri & I am newly engaged to my amazing man from Ohio. We are about to start the process for me to immigrate to the USA. We have been reading pages & pages of information & this site seems to be the best informed of them all.

It has made me smile to read so many amazing stories here. I look forward to sharing our story with you all & getting to know you all as well smile.gif
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-10-29 03:41:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Thank you for your advice, Terri & Vanessa! Matt will be sending originals for the I-134 (bank statements as well as the other proof he is using) and a copy of the original I-129F package. Going by your post Terri, can Matt just send copies of his passport/birth certificate? I suppose it goes against everything we've ever been told when we're asked to send such important documents away :)

Hey Zoe, All Eric sent me was copies of his birth cert/passport. He made sure I had a complete copy of the entire I129F package so that if they asked anything about it I had a reference to look at....a whole forest later and they didnt even glance at any of it at interview.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-06-01 16:04:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Hey lovelies,

Stress central at my house tonight! Looks like Sydney finally have our goodies from the NVC, but in reading the I-134 FAQ section of the Guides, I'm a little confused - it asks for all the original documentary proof from the I-129f. Does that mean that Matt needs to send me all of his originals.. his birth cert, passport, things like that? Seems a little bizarre, so any advice would be fantastically helpful. Thank you so much in advance!

Hey Zoe -- Matt does need to send you ALL the original documents for the I129F. Eric put together the original packet & mailed it to me -- though only copies of the birth cert/passport for him.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-31 05:34:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Thanks so much for the reply Vanessa!

We are so exited now. I really want to call the NVC to see if our case is there but im trying to hold out a few more days (i barely have any patience left in me!)

We should hopefully have all the required documents ready by the time we receive packet 3, so i think i will send it all in together along with the DS-230. And for the I-134, i think we are just going to take the letter from the bank, letter from the job, and pay slips. Im hoping i can definitely get my interview by the end of June becuase it is my fiance's birthday the first week of July and i really want to be there for it :)

So when we send back packet 3, do we send in the I-134 and our medical results, or do we take these to the interview with us?

Thanks for all the help!

I sent everything in the envelope when I sent packet 3...I also used the express post platinum to get it there. I made sure I had every piece of evidence known to man when I went to interview. On one of the forms you need to send back with Packet 3 it asks when you hope to leave...I specified April 18th (my birthday) so I dont know if that had any baring on my quick turn around for interview as it was only 2.5 weeks away at the time BUT it doesnt hurt to let them know when you do hope to leave. They also ask you on the interview day when you hope to rejoin your fiance (well they asked me)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-25 09:26:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
I have my fingers crossed for him. You must be bouncing out of your skin excited!! I know I was when I was on the countdown to see Eric wont be long hunny til you are with your man for good. In regards to the other drop kick...karma will get him good & hard!! It always does :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-06 08:02:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Me three!! i saw an "Amazing Race" episode where they were in Australia and they had SUBTITLES!! I was like.. ummm what?!!

Make that Me 4!!!! I always just look blankly at the screen & wonder if the producers seriously think the general population are dense.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-06 05:21:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Ahhh huh right. Wonder if they ever catch a few with it. Thanks again Terri and I hope you and your daughter are still on that happy high we will all get from the excitement of our new surroundings and being where we have wanted to be for so long... with the one we love

Cheers (F)

Thanks Candice -- we are still on our high & not likely to come down from it anytime soon LOL. We are loving our life here not just because we are with Eric but because life here is just so amazing to us. I mean who would have thought this city girl would ever live in the actual country AND love it so much!!!! I spent my day today out on the tractor mowing the back paddock then came inside to spend my afternoon baking choc fudge brownies, biscuits for supper (scones) AND Cherry Pie with my MIL & daughter....nothing beats home made goodies!!

I am now waiting to see my youngest daughter on web cam (hoping they will log in) before crawling into bed as tomorrow we are off to a place called Niles to pick up Bek's bridesmaid dress for our wedding in 4 weeks!! ((OMGOSH that is coming around quickly.)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-01 19:31:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Ok so... For those who need to have a blood test to show they have had vaccinations in the past make sure you ask for them to test for just the things you need and be specific. I knew I needed evidence of measles, mumps, rebella and that I would need a Tdap (Tetanus, diptheria, and whooping cough) Vaccination because I don't ever remember having one before and knew it couldn't hurt to get one anyway. For some reason my GP only asked for my blood to be tested for Rebella and Chicken pox (which I didn't really need evidence of but was nice anyway).

In NSW it is free to get the blood test and have the Tdap. If you wait until the medical it will cost you extra.

I got the results back and it shows I have immunity to rebella and chicken pox. Grrr if only I got them all done :bonk: oh well too late now.

I went for the Medical in Syd on the thur 29th Apr. I'm lucky my parents live in Penrith so it was just an hour train ride to Syd, Martin place to be specific. Went to the Sunrise set first
as I was early. I saw Mark Baretta walking along the street, waved Hi to him and he waved back. After the medical I saw Ann Sanders doing the news. I also saw another guy I recogised but I don't remember his name doing Sky news and later saw him eating later at a cafe.

After the little excitement at being at Sunrise I went and had cup of tea right outside where I had to go in. The building is called "Park House" which can be seen using google street view and right outside on the left is a cafe. Dr Millar is on the 3rd Floor of 187 Macquarie street.

When you step off the lift on level 3 Dr Millars office is just to the left. The office is smaller then I had imagined just enough chairs for about 5 people to sit down.

You should get there a little early so you can do a few things for Pat (The receptionist) who Terri said in her earlier review, was lovely and she was. You have to sign the back of your 3 photos there infront of her, so don't do it before hand. Then she will give you a specimen jar and right outside to the left of the door you walked in is the ladies toilets. I used the tissues Pat gave me to hide the jar on the way back. When Pat has finished making up your file and filling stuff in ( I didn't fill anything in) she will give it to Dr Millar and he will call you in.

The fee to see the Doc was $209 I paid using eftpos. Dr Millar is older then I had expected. I wanted to ask how long he had been a doctor but didn't. He start of asking alot of medical questions that I answered no to like "have you been in Hospital before. Do I have diabetes" and so on. Then we went into an adjoining room where I changed into a dark blue gown. Dr millar left the room while I get changed and come in when I said I was ready.

He comes in and first off was, getting weighed, I don't like his scales they're wrong :huh: the height 155cm the height thingy was also wrong I am not 155cm :P
Then he does the bend this way and that, then I read the eye chart then up on the table to listen to my chest and I got a bit distracted then cause he asked me about James :D but he lifted my legs one at a time to test its motion I guess and checked all my glands even the ones under my armpits and I said "ewe don't go under there i'm all sweaty". then I got my blood pressure taken while i was still babbling on about James That was pretty much it. He signs a form which you also need to get signed by the X ray person and the person who takes your blood.

Pat gave me directions. I knew what I was doing because of Terri's prior review, I felt like saying yeah I know but held my tounge. Ok so first of was to level 1 for the X-ray. You walk off the lifts and straight into reception which is big compared to everthing else. The fee is $65. I waited a little while and then was taken to a little cubical, had to take off my shirt and bra and necklace (made sure to keep that safe, James gave it to me), you leave your clothes there but take you bagwith you. I went into room B. Its all pretty straight forward, but I bet you think at the end of the X-ray that you mucked it up. I thought I did and I remember reading someone else thought they did too.

The lady will tell you to wait where you got changed while she checks the X-ray to see if it is ok, then she will tell you to get dressed then you can then proceed to level 2 to get your blood taken. Off the lifts and turn left its straight ahead of you. Small office, thought she was going to be a cranky lady because she told me to sit down she was busy atm taking a mans DNA. She turned out to be nice. I got my blood tested for measles and mumps as well as what ever they were testing for while I was there. Might as kill two birds with one stone.

Can the next person ask what they are testing for?

Saids on my receipt... US visa + 2 antibodies total = $60.20 I think the antibodies test was $33 (thats what I was quoted on the phone).

Oh just a tip ...make sure you have your passport handy both X-ray and blood person will want to check it.

Ok so after I had the blood taken I went back down to level 1 to pick up the X-ray, I had to wait awhile as it wasn't ready. Then back up to Pat who will take out the copy of the report and give you back your X-ray.

Another handy hint ...the X-ray is big and not something you want to carry in your hand, have a big bag or backpack with you so you can roll it up a bit and carry it in the bag...

I think that was it. I went in at 10:15am and the time on the receipt from pathology saids 11:20. so it took just over an 1hr all up

cost for me was ...

medical = $209
x-ray = $65
blood = $60.20

total = $334.20

I used eftpos to pay all the fees.

Got home the next day and that night James had received Packet 3 via email :D :dance:

I am so glad you had such a wonderful experience there too. What they are testing for in the blood test is Syphillis...they dont test for HIV anymore as they stopped that in January 2010 but they still test for Syphillis. I asked the pathologist as she was taking my blood what they were looking for lol.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-01 05:55:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Do you guys speak English? Do you know Crocodile Dundee? Do you eat shrimp?

Such funny questions they ask...its like we lived on Mars not on Earth lol
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-24 21:17:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hey everyone,

It has been a long time since I have logged in. I am glad to read everyone is loving life in their new homes. Life here has been hectic as always. After my medical issues were resolved life returned to the usual rushed pace that it has had since I started working. The only difference was instead of working part time my work had me working 40+ hours every week and with Eric on 3rd shift and Bek in school I was not seeing my family a great deal. The kicker came when Bek told me she felt abandoned because I was working 6 days a week and Dad was sleeping through the day because he worked nights. I went into work that Monday and told my boss I want back to part time hours from 8-1 and every other weekend off. He was fabulous about it and finally got the district manager to approve hiring of support staff. I am now loving my hours and enjoying life with my family once again.

This winter has been beyond brutal. I am permanently numb with how cold it gets lol. I know most people on this thread are used to the cold from their home countries but this Aussie girl is not used to it in the slightest. I had never seen snow until I got here let alone had to drive in it or plow a driveway. Though it was fun to build my first snowman,have a snowball fight & wrestle in the snowbanks. I am just looking forward to spring!

Hope everyone else is doing as well...It is almost my 1 year anniversary of arriving in Ohio to be with my husband and I truly can not wait.

Bek has started on the track team at school so that is another activity that keeps us all busy and sadly she is starting to lose her accent :( I knew it would happen but I am kinda sad it is happening so soon. She just celebrated her first birthday here in the USA and she had a blast.

I have to say I have not had a rough time here at all...everyone has been wonderful that said my family back in AUS have been giving me guilt trip after guilt trip since I left. I am to the point of not bothering to keep them updated on what is happening. Nobody back there even bothered to send Bek a birthday card this year and when I asked why they didnt I was informed that they work and are too busy to mail a card. So I have said that if that is the stance then I wont be mailing cards either as we work and lead very busy lives here. I hate to be that way but I am truly tired of the stress this causes every single time.

Anyway, I have rambled enough. Best of luck to all those waiting at whatever stage of the process you are at...the stress is so worth it when you step off that plane & fall into your loved ones arms & you know you wont ever have to be apart again.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2011-03-16 10:09:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
I know! I was mortified when I saw it. The entire time I was in there and they kept doing tests and meds etc all I could think was 'How much is this costing?' We are lucky our insurance is so darn great through Eric's work otherwise I would be crying.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2011-01-05 20:04:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

I have been swamped over the last month sampling the US Medical system and I am still sampling it while they work out the issues. I have to say the medical system here works really well and after being in hospital for a few days I was terrified for the bill...the insurance statement arrived....$39K for 4 days....we only have to pay $250 of the entire amount. So I am pretty happy with that.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2011-01-05 18:09:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2011-01-05 18:07:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Let me say I threw my resume at every company that was available and Walmart & Auto Zone were the only 2 places that bit. I am in the same boat as Astrid..I was making $20 an hour & here I am only making just on $9 an hour, that said the dollar goes a lot further here then it did in AUS too. We have a better quality of life here then we would have had in AUS.

It is all about perspective & Nick your outlook is amazing! Being paid to have fun is just awesome. I am lucky I love the people I work with & we all have a blast.

V -- I jumped up & down when he found my wallet. I cried from relief because I got paid today and it was all for the replacement thank heavens I did not have to write that cheque! I can now put the money into the new savings account I opened for Bek to go towards her College fund :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-12-10 22:30:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
I can relate totally to the single income as I am sure others can too. It sucks when you are so used to be financially independent to all of a sudden not be! Drive me insane! We opened a second checking account the other week just for my wages to go into so I had a little more peace of mind when it comes to money.

Medically I am ok. They are playing around with my meds to see what combination works. I miss being at work too! No work for me until the week of the i am climbing walls already!

On a very good note..hubby found my wallet with GC in it *THANK GOD!!* It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was hiding one of his Christmas presents last Friday when I came home for lunch...he didnt find the present but he found my wallet YAY! GC is now locked away safely.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-12-10 09:45:00