Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Oh Vanessa -- sending you massive hugs. You MIL sure is a piece of work!! Does the FIL know of this text to Tony?? Surely he sounds reasonable enough to tell her to pull her head out of her butt?? I mean seriously....

Hoping the house comes through for you tomorrow...much love & hugs
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-31 18:58:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Awww love. Did you reply to her email?

It seriously pisses me off when people jump to conclusions like that. Did she not realise that if that WERE the case your kids would be asking why you don't call?

I completely understand the "hiding the sadness" stuff. I mean I don't have kids so I think it's nowhere near as bad for me, but I still feel awful any time Tony catches me upset or crying. Usually I hide it from him but some days I can't. Some days it's very hard.

It sounds to me like your mother might be a little jealous. My mum always says "kill them with kindness" so rather that responding angrily or letting her know she got to you I would simply ignore it but find ways to bring up things you know from phone conversations like "oh, X told me when I called yesterday..." or "I was so happy to hear that X ... X told me when I was on the phone last week". or do none of that an simply end your friendly email with "Don't worry about telling the kids any of this, I'll tell them when I call, like I always do every morning".

Stupid woman. Grr. I'm angry for you. Plus has she never heard of the internet? I'm sure you call every day but I used to also send Tony emails, and we'd talk online and everything.

Thanks Vanessa -- it means a lot!

I replied & stupidly in the heat of my anger (GRRRR) and said that I had called but because either the boys didn't mention it or her & dad were not home then I guess it didn't count. I do email the boys as well as my youngest daughter at least every few days but boys being boys don't always check their email (especially 17 & 19 year old ones!) and they are always great in replies. I get extremely upset when I don't see them on web cam every Saturday night (USA TIME) because it is the only time I see them when I have seen them every single day of their lives.

I am the same as you are with Tony -- I hide the sadness as much as possible & I am lucky that Eric understands & is totally supportive...but I do not want to tint our life with this sadness all the time. When it hits me worse is when we do something like going hiking -- in my head I always say ' I wish the kids could see this...I wish they were here laughing with us..etc' but life is what it is we make the most of it.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-20 13:53:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Deb I am sure you will do perfectly wonderful with your interview :)

Ok I have logged in because I need to vent where the person involved can not read ha ha

So as most of you are aware when I moved here to the USA I left 3 of my children in two sons are living with my parents. My youngest son requires a kidney transplant and is currently on Hemo Dialysis -- so this is why he isnt here with us -- the costs involved plus waiting for a transplant already meant more then he was willing to do over here in the USA. So I get updates from my *ahem* Mother at least twice a week as to how he is doing etc. Now I have been here for almost 6 weeks and I am STILL waiting for either her or my father to even ASK how we are, are we coping etc. Not a bloody words gets mentioned in regards to our life is kind of out of sight out of mind. So today in her email update she takes this wonderful tone of how I am such a horrible mother as I have not called the boys all except once the day I arrived here. I got very upset & then angry. Just because I call first thing in the morning AFTER her & my father have left for work she thinks I have not called. I was trying to go back to sleep when Eric got home from work but I am so angry & my stomach is in knots.

I miss my kids more then anyone can imagine -- I cry more often then even Eric knows because I miss them so bad and hate not knowing what is happening in their lives every single day! I dont get to hug them, kiss them or just look over to see them there....and my stupid b*&^% of a mother seems to think that I am moving on with my life without any thought of them.

I am sorry to vent here...but I seriously needed to get it off my chest as my head is splitting & my heart is aching terribly this morning because of this.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-20 08:27:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
OH Astrid I am so sorry to hear about your Mum -- I hope she comes through ok and with minimum fuss..sending huge warm virtual hugs.

OUCH for the tooth! I can relate as just before I left AUS I broke on of mine and had to have it removed..hurt like hell but while I was there I asked the dentist to check my teeth for any other issues so they could be fixed there as opposed to waiting here...luckily no other problems were found..though after the weekend I am thinking I need to see a Dr for my hip as it still isn't right after hiking.

Keep us posted on your Mum....

How is the new job???
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-18 19:35:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I met her at Thanksgiving 2008. I didn't think she was too bad when I met her (it was for less than 24 hours). Tony warned me all the time but I thought it was typical "males don't get females" stuff, or maybe just family stuff, or he was telling me it was worse than it was so I wouldn't care bout the little things or something.. it's actually MUCH worse than this. Over the years (since i met her) he's started telling me more and more stories about his childhood. Not because he didn't before but because he's reminded of things here and there.

Honestly right now we're at "restricted grandparent access" thoughts. I've told Tony that NO WAY IN HELL is she being permitted to look after our kids (when the time comes). That I do not want her to make them feel like she did Tony his whole life. I want them to know a loving and caring and nurturing home. They can visit sure, but only if myself or Tony is around.

I want SO badly to tell her exactly what I think because it's in my nature to do so.. but I need to wait till at least we move out and no longer need to stay here. I need to talk to Tony about it and see just "how far" I can take it. (he told her to "leave her the F### alone" in relation to me after a truly awful day (she's extremely passive-aggressive) so at least I know he has my back.

We've discussed it (Tony, my sister and I) and have come to the conclusion that she's a narcissist. I wish I was joking. I wish it could be an over-reaction. I wish it could be "wow she's the devil" which is obviously something you "just say" but it's not. I honestly seriously think she has this mental disorder. It all fits COMPLETELY with her behaviour.

Anyway like I've been told (in a really cult-ish way) "that's just how she is. you just have to ignore it".. just I didn't grow up being treated this way so it takes me a little longer to process.

Vanessa my heart truly goes out to you ...I can totally understand & empathize with you as your MIL is my actual mother to the ground! She drives me totally nuts & the little things you have posted here about what she does/says/behavior -- is so totally my mother all over. I know it sucks to hide away because that is how I survived living at my parents for those last few months before leaving for the USA. It is not even being treated with common decency it is being treated as sub human life form that is the worst. The total lack of respect, the bitching behind your back etc...totally uncalled for & unwarranted but these women seem to think it is just OK to live that way.

I am so glad Tony has your back and is a wonderful support for you...know that you can vent anytime here and we all will listen...I am thinking of you hun -- and hope there is light at the end of the tunnel soon?? How much longer do you need to stay there?
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-16 19:42:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I got a job!!!!!

I am now the assistant manager of the Beverly Hills store of Nine West!! Just got the phone call, and I start tomorrow :)

WOOHOOO!! So happy for you Astrid....let us know how your first day goes.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-14 05:38:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
I didnt ship anything either...but I got quotes from a few places and OSS were by far the best & a few other people I know have used them without issue either.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-09 07:36:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: YAY not long now til you are back together where you belong :) :dance: :dance: :dance:

I only every filled out part 1 -- that is all they ask you to fill in :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-06 08:03:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
CONGRATS!!!! I hope that visa lands in his hands quickly so you can be reunited :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-04 21:18:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Ok so maybe I am still int he cheery happy stage but I am not finding much about where I am that I dont like. Sure driving on the wrong side of the road is bizarre but overall its been a great adjustment phase. Do I miss much from Aus? Sure MY KIDS! I ache like crazy for my 3 children who are still in AUS but you know boys chose not to come and wanted to stay for schooling & medical reasons the other for his girlfriend. Bek has adjusted better then any of us had any right to expect. She has had to adjust to whole new way of schooling and has jumped in boots & all with it. She has made friends, learning to socialize in different environments that were not available to her in AUS. Me -- I have not a single complaint.

Yeah I was going absolutely insane not being able to drive myself ANYWHERE!!! Eric works nights which is a whole new set of box & dice to deal with. He gets home as Bek leaves for school..I cook breakfast & he sleeps...I tiptoe downstairs..when not driving it meant waiting until he woke to run to the store for anything we I can take myself...THANK GOD FOR GPS!! LOL The traditions we have discussed & as Bacon said we are going to meld the two cultures for that to make our own family traditions.

Would I want to move back to AUS...NOPE! Here in America we can have a lifestyle that I could only dream of in AUS. The cost of living is so much more affordable here in America as opposed to AUS. We have an amazing house on a large property that we can do whatever the heck we like too (well within township guidleines dang it!) We are building a deck onto the back of our house that in AUS would have crippled us for a while to it is a small project that is easily affordable. The foods are different to get used too but we are managing...a bit at a time. The bread is different that is for sure but nothing that can not be gotten around -- if anything I am eating less carbs so losing weight YAY!

I guess it could be that it is all so new still for us but we are happy & contented with our life here. I have no desire to live back in AUS anytime here is all we dreamed it would be.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-05-02 19:12:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Oh Vanessa -- I am so sorry to hear about the MIL giving you so much grief!! I can relate as my last MIL was a walking talking nightmare!! Eric's mom is wonderful & after 2 horrors I think I deserve a good one LOL! Vent all you like here as we all need somewhere to vent or we will all go mad!

I missed Easter here -- but Eric's parents got Bek a basket, a hand made rabbit (really cute) and some she was happy..but apparently I was warned that they don't do Easter like we all did...which kinda sucks!

As for me -- no complaints thus far -- not driving is sending me loopy!!! We have kept our food choices fairly simple as there is so much that we are not familiar with or we simply do not know what it is lol. I detest not being able to drive anywhere atm especially as Eric works through the day when he is sleeping there are things I would like to do but I have to wait until he wakes up so I can run to the store (we live a couple of miles out of town) I am hoping to sit my drivers test tomorrow, I wanted to today but we are currently sitting around waiting on the building inspector to check the post holes we have dug for our deck to be built....more red tape. We ran into a snag with our wedding plans -- the officiant we had been speaking with since January told me via email early this week that she was in fact double booked for the time slot we I happily pulled the time forward 4 hours -- only to be told 'oh i have a meeting in Columbus at 9am -- I 'SHOULD' be back in time for 1pm' I about came unglued when I read that...Columbus is 3 hour drive away!! I was not willing to risk her arriving just on 1pm for the we are officiant shopping again with only 5 weeks to go...most are booked out & as one woman politely informed me...she has been booked out for a good 6 months I should have booked earlier....*rolling eyes*

Anyway, I am off to find something to do while we wait LOL...I am so not patient at all.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-29 09:50:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


I'm in shock.....but it's so freaking amazing. Job hunting, here I come!!

WOOOOHHHOOOOOO CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So freaking happy for you!!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-27 14:12:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
SSN arrived in the post today..not bad 3 business days and its in my hand.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-20 19:52:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Well I am here!! I arrived in Canton/Akron airport at 11:30pm Saturday night EST -- Sunday afternoon roughly 3pm in Sydney. We barely slept on the flight over too excited...hit LA absolutely exhausted, lay over there for 4 hours then on to Charlotte NC where we had another layover for 3 hours which gave me the chance to buy my man a shirt from the Harley Davidson Store in the airport.

We didnt sleep much because of the new surrounds (will take a few nights for me to sleep properly)all three of us were awake at 6am so we went out for Breakfast & then grocery shopping. Time to now chill out as my in laws are coming over YAY!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Updated timeline for the POE as well.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-11 11:23:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Well I am home from the US Consulate in Sydney & the girls on my FB page would know this already but --- APPROVED!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I was asked a few questions and spent my time waiting talking to another lady who is married to the USC. They hired an Immigration Lawyer and she said they have given them nothing but grief & lots of misinformation. I told her about all you amazing people here on VJ and she said she had heard of this site but never came here.

I was asked:

Q. How did you meet?

A. We met in Second Life.

Q. Whats that?

A. An online game.

Q. When are you planning on travelling?

A. We are hoping for this weekend.

Q. What does he do for work?

A. He is a Windows System Administrator/Infastructure Analyst or I affectionately call him the IT Geek. (she laughed)

Q. How do you keep in touch?

A. We keep in touch via phone,email, msn, Skype whichever web cam program works best on the day really.

Q. DO you have any proof of the relationship?

A. (holding lime green folder full of it!) I said yes would you like to see the chat logs or the emails? She replied 'No its ok I found the photos and they are better'

Q. (She asked Rebekkah my daughter) Is that your brother?

A. Yes it is.

Q. Did he not want to go with you?

A. No he wanted to complete Years 11 & 12.

'Love the photos around Sydney...who took them?'

Oh a friend of mine who is from Seattle. We flew her in from Brisbane for the day to take our engagement photos.

'Ok everything is in order, your visa is approved. We will print out your visa & have everything mailed out to you in the satchel in the next 2-3 days. The yellow envelope you are not to open it, but keep it with you in your carry on and hand it over at the airport you come in to.'


So now I frantically pack the rest of the stuff LOL
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-05 23:37:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

That's sad that they are making her feel bad Tez :( but at the end of the day, it's her life and her decision.

I have my sisters always telling me that I can't leave and can't take the boys far far away ... UM they NEVER come to visit me, so why should I live my life to please them? I think not lol.

It's funny about the whole voltage thing in the US ... I have blown up 2 Aussie hair dryers over there but my GHD straightener works fine! Lachy's DSi takes longer to charge and so does my mobile though. I'm selling all my electricals before I go, like Lachy's consoles (PS2, Wii, DSi etc).

Tezzzzzzzzzzz I wanna be there at your interview LMAO

I agree with everything you have all said -- Bek does need to realize that friends in high school are not always going to be there...I only speak to one of the girls I went to school with & I left school 21 years ago now (OMG I suddenly feel old lmao) We have started looking at some awesome places to take her once we are there -- I am itching to go to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame & Hershey's Chocolate World! I am sure in the long run she will be fine and will settle in happily into life there -- the initial jolt will be tough and we have made her aware that it is not just her who is having a major life change -- it is all 3 of us! Poor Eric has never lived with a teenage girl in the house (poor man!) so he has admitted he has some adjustments to make because of this.

Jaime I wish you were there too -- would be awesome to see someone who understands how this process feels *hugs*
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-01 18:53:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
WTG Vanessa!! What an awesome win for you Mum & now for you :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: Sorry to hear that your MIL is stuck in the stereotype.

Yep 5 more sleeps to interview....I am beyond excited & can hardly wait. I started packing suitcases yesterday as Aus Post willing we will be flying out on the 10th...only 9 more days YAY! :dance: :dance: :dance:

My daughter signs out of school today & some of her friends have been 'guilt tripping' her about leaving. I keep seeing it all over her facebook page and last night Eric & I were talking about it. We both know today will be tough but with sentiments of 'dont leave us' 'you cant go' 'its never going to be the same now' etc etc etc its not going to get easier for her. All we can do is be here for her like always & be patient while she is so upset...hopefully the excitement will rub off on her over the next few days.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-31 14:46:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Okay, question number 536 here.

Ham's filling out the packet three form....finally. :P He isn't sure though about the part where it says city or towns lived since 16.

He's lived in various suburbs of Wollongong and wants to know if he can just put Wollongong on there or if he has to actually list the suburb area.

Like the last place he lived was Leumeah but that was a suburb of Campbelltown and he doesn't know if he can just put Campbelltown or Leumeah.

I listed all suburbs from most recent as far back as 10 years ago -- otherwise I would fill a couple of A4 sheets of paper. Even though I lived in Aberglasslyn in 4 addresses of that suburb I put that suburb in with the time line to account for where I lived. On Packet 4 there was no issue for having needing additional information either.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-29 17:54:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
We got our interview date via email this morning -- April 6th at 10am WOOOOTTT!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-28 19:19:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Oooooh, good thinking on that replacement one. Well, he's wanting to try and get an international license there so he can drive over here. But I don't know if it's valid or not. Think he's just trying to avoid doing the parallel parking. :P

Okay, another question. How long did it take most of you to get your police check back? It's coming up on about two weeks now for Ham to get his. Just worried about us not making it for him to get here in May.

I must have been lucky because I got mine within the 2 week window...which shocked me as I had heard it could take longer. I would ring and ask questions.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-25 20:39:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I received P3 about 2 weeks from NOA2 notification. THEN as soon as I sent off P3 I got the interview for 3 weeks later.

The reason I sent P3 late was because I was waiting for med results, police check and info for the I-134.

Lets assume 2 weeks for P3 for you, so month and a half from now till interview so... POSSIBLE... but unless you have tickets already, buying tickets on such late notice will be $$$. I'm honestly thinking best wishes for you but don't get too excited at the idea.. it'll be very close. Just tell him you're giving him 2 extra weeks to think of a good bday pressie :D

Well I have the police check & medical all here in the folder and the package containing the I134 & other assorted bits are also a fast turn around for P3 to get back to them. We know buying the tickets at the last minute will cost $$..we have allocated 3k for flights for Bek & for birthday present...his arms around me is all I am wanting :thumbs:

We also need to start thinking about the wedding stuff..we have set the date for June time to get cracking on that too :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-12 03:47:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Sooooooooooooooo happy for you!!

You all set for P3? It's pretty quick from here. YAY!

Thanks everyone :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am printing the last of the forms this weekend. Got home to my medical report sitting on the sofa so now it is assembling the interview folder, printing off all remaining evidence etc. We are both ecstatic and hopeful that I will be there by April 18 (my birthday)....Does anyone think that will be feasible?? I mean how long does it take to get to the embassy from this part??
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-12 01:03:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
NOA2 arrived this morning WOOOOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-11 15:48:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

For one I hate white sauces/gravys and this gravy just looked gross and then to have it on something I would usually but Jam and cream with almost made me gag,

I am so hearing this sentiment! The first time I sat down to a meal over in the USA and Eric had biscuits with meatloaf...I about came unglued...I mean scones and they even brought Jam & Cream with them & he slathers gravy on them WTH PEOPLE!!

I am at the point of pulling my hair out...I know most of you have already been in this position but seeing that most of the December filers for CSC have been done...I am still waiting ever so impatiently now & going even more crazy. I dont understand why or how people who filed AFTER us have been approved & yet here we sit in hellish limbo. We had hoped for me to be there for my birthday mid April but the way it is going that is now doubtful which also throws a spanner in the works as my daughter was supposed to sign out at the end of this school term ready for moving in the leaves me baffled as what I am to do with her I need to organise that fairly soon so the school here & there in Ohio is fully aware she is moving/arriving in April.

Sorry for being a downer this morning...its just hit me all shades of wrong today.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-07 18:20:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Absolutely Gorgeous photo Astrid!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-01 05:07:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Vanessa is a legend!

Oh most definately!! I would have been totally lost without all the info she has dug up throughout her process & shared with us all.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-28 04:58:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
It was the expensive one -- soooo happy that Vanessa found that info!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-28 01:48:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I am the bearer of good news and you will love me eternally...

The HPV vaccine, as of Dec 14, 2009 is NO LONGER REQUIRED for visa purposes. Just in case you're scared to believe me here's some links to have you jumping for joy :)

It's okay, you can thank me later :D :D :D

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Oh Vanessa I could just kiss you LMAO! My daughter is as we speak jumping for joy! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-28 01:32:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Oh that is #######!! IMHO they should let people that have filed, up until March 1st, pay the $131 or whatever it currently is! I knew I'd have to pay double, I'm just glad my baby is USC so that will be one less to pay for luckily!

It all adds up doesn't it ... I'm not complaining but everything little thing seems to be big chunks of cash, not a little bit here and there lol.

How much did your medicals cost Tez? Was Bek's a little cheaper than yours? Just wondering because as you know, I will be forking out double for that like you also lol.

Bek's medical is going to cost us $209..where as mine is $310 so hers is a little cheaper.

I agree it isn't just little bits of money there is just chunks of cash every time we turn around. On top of this process there is then AOS & a wedding to pay for....none of it is cheap but it is so worth every single cent, every tear we shed over missing our fiance's so darn much....its worth it all -- does not mean we can not whinge when there are processes a government department does that annoy us royally.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-27 22:01:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Hiya Candice and welcome :)

Tez my Boostrix was free :( I guess because I've just had a baby. Does your arm have a very tender lump on it? Mine does and yesterday I felt quite achey through my body and just didn't feel 100% ... side effects I guess! Once I get my blood immunity results back next week and if I require anymore jabs, I'll be making them use the other arm lol.

That is a crazy amount for the cervical cancer vacc!! I bet you near fainted :(.

The price took my breath away for sure...I just looked at the pharmacist & said 'ummm not today thanks' I will ring the US doctor and speak to the receptionist and find out if my daughter NEEDS to have that particular injection prior to leaving Australia.

/rant on/ On top of everything else we read last night that the K1 fees have gone up and apparently they come into effect as of March 1 -- which totally sucks because we are days away from NOA2 and now we need to find another $400 just to pay the visa fee for both of us. I was livid when I read it last night and ranted at Eric about it -- I mean to my way of thinking (and a few others as well) it is nothing short of extortion for those of us who have already filed & in the middle of the process...surely they would grandfather the fees for those of us...but being a government department -- not likely!!! /end rant/
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-27 21:31:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I was lucky regarding the Cervical Cancer injections I was turning 27 during the process of having them and I still got them for free (the cut of was 26). I think my Dr was just trying to get as many young women to have them as possible to protect them.

Lime green will definately stand out. I bought rainbow coloured straps to go around mine to help identify them.

Terri, is the Tetanus Boostrix the TDap or TP, was just wondering? id guess by the name its TP.


It was the TDap we had done.

The Cervical Cancer shot was a good thing but I was well past the age for it lol...geez talk about sounding like an old woman LOL.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-26 21:37:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Ok I have just spent the morning at my GP getting the Tetanus Boostrix which is required...take note this is all specific to NSW.

I had to pay for the injection -- it is not covered under medicare or under any form of concession card. It cost $41.95 whilst it is not a great deal in the grand scheme of the process but it is still another cost to add to the total. The Boostrix is free if you have just had a baby apparently, but it has been some time since that has happened for me lol so I didnt qualify. My 12 year old daughter needed the 3rd dose of the Cervical Cancer injections and let me say this I near had a heart attack. As it is no longer on the government subsidy it costs a whopping $240 and she HAS to have it. PAINFUL! Bek is now a very sore little girl at present...raiding the dvd shelf for the afternoon lol.

I hope everyone else is having a great weekend -- I am enjoying some peace & quiet for today & then into packing my luggage which arrived the other morning....a 5 piece luggage set that I got on Ebay for $95 including shipping & insurance. LIME GREEN as well -- so we wont miss that on the carousels lol.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-26 21:05:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Hi all excuse my butting in. I've been lurking for awhile and decide to add myself to the fray.

So I decided to make the appointment with my local GP and get the vaccines I need (MMR/TDap). Was still tossing up weather I need the titre test but decided against it. I will just get the shots and get what evidence he has and worry about the rest later. Are prior vaccines like polio and such relevant? Do they need to know I had them? I think probably not :unsure:

Has anyone thought about their pill? And how much they will take with them?

Oh um I know you weren't talking to me but I will be based in Sarasota FL.

hmmm why do I feel like I am butting in on a converstation.

good luck and wishes to all


Hi Candice :energy:

You are never butting in here. I got a full immunity count from my GP so that I will also have evidence of my immunities for when I an stateside. I need to get my tetanus booster tomorrow considering I stepped on a bloody nail a little while ago & my foot hurts now lol If you ring the doctor you are going to see for you medical and they should be able to tell you what you need. In Sydney Dr Miller's receptionist is a fount of information as to what is required by the US Government.

I can't help with the pill question as I can not take it at all but I am sure there is someone who can help in our wonderful group here.

Hope you stick around with us in here -- we really are a friendly bunch :thumbs: :thumbs:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-26 05:07:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Thanks Kaffy! Oh it will come around very quickly, I think I will have everything that I can possibly have ready, put together before I board that plane to LA lol. All we will need is signtures, dates and our evidence :). It really is an exciting journey isn't it. Call me crazy, but I'm actually looking at the whole thing as a fun, positive challenge! :rofl:

Bacon that's great news ... I hope it's all super fast from now on :)

That is a great way to view it Jamie...because as it stands at present I am anxiously waiting for NOA2 and as much as I am busy running back & forth to Westmead Childrens 3 days of the week I am longing for the day when that beautiful piece of email arrives lol
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-18 06:17:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Okay, anything more to go on thatn Dr. Miller. I got about five different doctors named Dr. Miller when I did a google search.

I apologize for not replying sooner today but today was dialysis day for my son & I have just walked in & seen this. The doctor's name is Dr Anthony Miller. Thanks Vanessa for posting the link.

I am now off to unwind after a very long day at the hospital.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-12 05:01:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Terri, who are you going through in Sydney? My guy has to get his blood test done to determine the vaccines he's had and then he needs to get his medical done. But we need someone who doesn't have that long of a wait time so he can try to get in soon.

I have chosen to go through Dr Miller. If your guy rings the lady there is extremely helpful and will tell him exactly what he needs to ask for in regards to the Immunisations. In NSW the blood test to check your immunity is charged to Medicare..another bonus from other states from I have read.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-11 15:59:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

That is great news Terri! I'm very happy that things are going really smootly for you :thumbs: What a great birthday present huh!!

It would be the perfect birthday gift! At least this portion of life is sailing sons health has been horrendous over this last 3 weeks...4 lots of major surgery & another to go next month...but he keeps proving time & time again that he is my hero the way he handles himself throughout it all. Nobody can wipe that smile from his face despite the pain he is in a lot of the time.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-11 06:59:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
LOL Trish that gave me a giggle.

I rang the doctor in Sydney about my medical & the lady was very helpful. She told me exactly what to ask the doctor to request for my blood test. So today I went to get the blood test done & was given the swine flu vaccine at the same time. The doctor in Sydney I am choosing to go through has a very short wait time. The lady said that I can get my medical done prior to the petition BUT she recommends waiting until it is on it's way to the NVC.

Eric is adding the final touches to the I134 and then he is sending everything to me next we are moving along nicely and the timelines have come back with adjudication between March 2- March 12...hopefully it means I will be there with my man for my birthday in April :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-11 02:02:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Thanks guys -- I have just sent Eric to bed..I am unwinding and reading emails. Trying to catch up on all the notifications on facebook from Eric updating my status today.. foot spa time lol
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-29 07:35:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

How is your boy doing??

Sorry for the late reply Jamie -- He is doing ok. He had another round of surgery today WHILE I was moving house. I had been telling the doctors all week that today was the one day I could not be there as I had removalists they did his surgery...far from impressed!! They put in a perma cath (catheter into his chest just above his heart) for his Dialysis treatment...they also put a gastrostomy in so he can have tube feeds to gain some weight....he has lost 6 kilos in the last 2 weeks and is literally a skeleton wrapped in skin. This afternoon he was in a great deal of agony but when I left him 90 minutes ago he was resting happily about to log into livewire (a website for kids with ongoing illnesses)

I am about to go curl up & chat with Eric before I crash out from total exhaustion!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-29 06:36:00