Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

WE GOT OUR NOA2 TODAY!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:


Vanessa is right -- it goes so fast from here!!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-15 14:09:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Hey all -- I arrived in Ohio on Saturday 10th April....I am still pinching myself that I am actually here with my man. It made me giggle to wake up yesterday morning to him uttering 'You are real..this isn't a dream' We are settling into a routine and getting everyone settled into the house and a wonderful life together. We have been exploring a little, taken heaps of photos and basically just enjoyed being together as a family. Nothing could be better then this. We now settle into preparing for our wedding in June.

I will post an in depth post about our trip over & POE (already did the review whilst sitting in LA airport whilst waiting for the flight to Charlotte LMAO!

Today it is raining here and only 38F (HOLY #######) Eric thinks its funny that I am wrapped in a sweater and sweat pants all the time ... but I feel the cold so heaven help me come winter with that white stuff!! Time to unpack the rest of my stuff & sort the wardrobe so I can put stuff away.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-13 08:17:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Visa in hand -- I leave in 2 days :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by TerriandEric, 07 April 2010 - 05:39 PM.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-07 17:38:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Congratulations Terri and Bek!!

The woman who interviewed you, was she a blonde? And did you notice a Texas coffee cup with her at the desk? If so, she interviewed me too :)

TY TY TY -- no was a dark haired lady who interviewed me...our package was in a pretty hot pink manila folder too LOL
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-06 00:18:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTSSS!! Make sure you update your timeline and update us when you get your visa. POE so soon! Exciting!!

How is Reb about it all now? Feeling better?

Thank you thank you thank you!!! Timeline updated -- review done too!

Boo is doing ok with it all. The lady I was talking too while we waited has 2 children & they were over there for her work earlier...she said the schooling is much better there then here in her opinion. She said the teachers actually care, its not just a paycheck to them. It helps that we have been telling her all the things we want to do -- involving her in the process of living there. She is itching to get there now to explore LOL such a relief!!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-06 00:06:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I was asked a few questions and spent my time waiting talking to another lady who is married to the USC. They hired an Immigration Lawyer and she said they have given them nothing but grief & lots of misinformation. I told her about all you amazing people here on VJ and she said she had heard of this site but never came here.

I was asked:

Q. How did you meet?

A. We met in Second Life.

Q. Whats that?

A. An online game.

Q. When are you planning on travelling?

A. We are hoping for this weekend.

Q. What does he do for work?

A. He is a Windows System Administrator/Infastructure Analyst or I affectionately call him the IT Geek. (she laughed)

Q. How do you keep in touch?

A. We keep in touch via phone,email, msn, Skype whichever web cam program works best on the day really.

Q. DO you have any proof of the relationship?

A. (holding lime green folder full of it!) I said yes would you like to see the chat logs or the emails? She replied 'No its ok I found the photos and they are better'

Q. (She asked Rebekkah my daughter) Is that your brother?

A. Yes it is.

Q. Did he not want to go with you?

A. No he wanted to complete Years 11 & 12.

'Love the photos around Sydney...who took them?'

Oh a friend of mine who is from Seattle. We flew her in from Brisbane for the day to take our engagement photos.

'Ok everything is in order, your visa is approved. We will print out your visa & have everything mailed out to you in the satchel in the next 2-3 days. The yellow envelope you are not to open it, but keep it with you in your carry on and hand it over at the airport you come in to.'
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-04-05 23:41:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
We got our interview date via email this morning -- April 6th at 10am WOOOOTTT!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-28 19:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Rosa, I read your post from yesterday & all the responding posts and it really hit home for me too. When I mailed Packet 3 back to the consulate (even sealing it with a kiss for luck LMAO)it really hit home hard that OMG I am leaving Aus! Admittedly I did have a cry & a slight panic attack BUT when I told Eric how I felt & read him these posts he told me that he understands that it is not easy to leave everything I have ever known to move there...but Vanessa he gives you credit for saying what you did about it being like moving to a new town...he then reminded me of when I moved to Maitland 10 years ago and I didnt know a soul....that made me feel much better. He also offered to post pone our wedding from June 5th until closer to the 90 day cut off if that would make me feel better. What ever it is I did to deserve this man I am forever grateful for it.

I guess what I am trying to say (in a long winded fashion lmao) is that as hard as it is going to be to leave (especially since 3 of my children are staying in AUS) I can not wait to embark on my life with Eric & my daughter Rebekkah there in our gorgeous home in Ohio. I know there will be times when I will want to be back here but that will be normal I am told but it is all part of the adventure that lays ahead.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-24 17:45:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Nice Terri!! I think I'll take your lead and see about getting all my items knocked off early as well!

I started getting as much ready as I could while I waited for NOA2...when P3 arrived in the email this morning, I knew it was a matter of addressing the express post packet & mailing it straight back to is hoping that we get interview super fast as we are looking at flights atm & there isn't many seats left for us to fly out on a weekend like we wanted too so my family could be there...but maybe it will be a good thing that we fly through the week...less tears as we leave :blush:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-23 02:43:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
PACKET 3 received today & mailed back this afternoon!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-23 02:00:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Woot woot! Got everything ready for P3?

I sure do -- it is sitting here waiting for me to address the express post if only they would hurry up & send me P3.... :thumbs:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-22 17:51:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Sydney received our package today :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-22 07:07:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Thanks ladies! :)

Terri, congrats to you on the NOA2. Hope everything goes smoothly for you guys :)

Thanks hunny :)

It looks like our package is on its way to Sydney -- YAY!!! We are now praying that we can get Packet 3 this week & then interview and visa before the 16th April...cutting it close I think.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-21 00:10:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

I'm now a married woman! :) We got married last Friday so I'll be filing for AOS very soon....yay!!

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-19 15:18:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
NOA2 arrived this morning WOOOOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOO :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-11 15:48:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Neil went in for his interview on Tuesday morning Sydney time. Said he got there at 7:40 am and there were about 20 people already there.....including people with 9 am and 10 am appointments!! He was pretty pissed off because even tho he had an 8 am appointment they let the 9 and 10 o'clocks up before the 8 am's.
He ended up waiting about 1 hour 45 minutes and then had all of 5 minutes for his interview. We're approved!!! WOOHOO!!!!

GRATS!! :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-10 14:42:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Well hi everyone -- today I went for my medical with Dr Anthony Millar in Sydney. Let me just say it was the most pleasant experience thus far. His receptionist, a lovely woman named Pat, was extremely helpful and a wealth of information. She had everything ready to go when we arrived. You will need 3 passport photos for the medical. Under the MLC Centre there is a Kodak store, they do them ($18 each set of 2 photos) in a 20 minute window. I also paid the extra $3 to have them emailed to me at home so I had them for the interview phase.

**You do NOT need your case number for Dr Millar to do your medical BUT it is only valid for 12 months & you need 6 months validity when you enter the USA**

The medical was fairly straight forward and painless process. Dr Millar had me answer some questions followed by changing down to my underwear & the glamourous paper gown. He then had me get on the scales, checked my height, had me bend & touch my toes, bend backwards, to the left, to the right. Stand still,bend my neck to the front & back. Look forward, look left, look right. Stand against the wall, cover one eye & read the bottom line, cover the other eye & then read the same line backwards. From there it was out to Pat, pay for the medical ($209 each person) they take cash, cheque or credit card because I paid via visa.

I then went the the 1st Floor to have the Xray done (once again they take eftpos -- $65 non claimable through medicare) while waiting for this I went to the 2nd Floor to have the blood test ($31 also non claimable & can pay via eftpos facilities) After the blood test a simple stop by Xray to pick up your films, back to the doctors room where Pat looks over the report, takes one of the copies & tells you to keep your films for 12 months, you MUST have the films in your luggage at POE and that she will mail out the results as soon as the blood work comes back (usually within a week she told me)

So a summary of costs for Sydney Medical through Dr Millar in Macquarie Street:-

** Medical Consultation - $209 -- payable by cash, card or cheque

** Xray - $65 -- payable by cash or card (unsure about cheques) also not claimable through Medicare

** Blood Test -- $31 -- payable by cash or card (unsure about cheques) not claimable through Medicare.

US Size Passport Photos -- Kodak In the MLC Centre at base of stairs -- $18 for 2 (you NEED 3 for the medical) $3 for them to email you a copy for future use.

Overall it was a great day and I also got to spend some valuable time with my daughter whom I have not seen a great deal of lately because of the late nights spent at Westmead Childrens Hospital with my son on Dialysis.

Hope others find this useful :)

Edited by TerriandEric, 09 March 2010 - 01:42 AM.

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-09 01:40:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Hey ladies - any news yet?? Any new NOA2's floating around??

Not yet -- our timeline estimate says literally any day now -- so someone needs to hurry up over there LOL
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-03 19:43:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Ugh yeah it's a tad frustrating when you are dealing with people in power and you know more about the process than they do!

I am hearing you on that one. The Police Station at Campbelltown had NO IDEA what I needed to do. I was telling them, ok I need my fingerprints taken, yes tick that box, yes it is for a visa mother sat there laughing.

I do agree that it sucks that there is no uniformity in the pricings from state to state. Also some blood tests or jabs we need if you do through your GP you may be lucky to have them bulk billed -- others not so lucky. I guess it all balances out in the wash especially considering that some of us have to book flights & accommodation to travel to Sydney for interview.

I am still sitting where we have been for the last 5 days on Igor's list, waiting for someone somewhere to pick up our file & rubber stamp it....instead of having inter office soccer matches LOL
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-03 19:37:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Astrid the photos are absolutely stunning!!!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-02 14:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Hi guys :) an update from me ...

I got my blood results back today! It showed immunity to MMR and chicken pox, so I should be good be all set at the medical and if not, oh well lol. I got printouts of the Boostrix I had last week and these current immunity blood results.

I booked an appointment at the Melbourne Consulate for my baby's CRBA stuff, for March 31st. Still waiting on the other half to finish the paperwork and post it over, but I've given him a deadline as I just want to get this part out the way and paid for etc.

I have been working on putting our K1 together. I have done our cover letter, intent letters and my G-325A. I plan on having it ALL done, before I leave for the States in June (apart from the evidence of meeting and us signing each document and etc). I have dated everything July 1st, so we will be July filers ... I cannot wait!! We would file in June but we thought having a few weeks together first, to get a good collection of photos, atm receipts etc, would be better. We will only have to get a photocopy of his birth certificate (he has no passport) and our pics and we should be good to go! Oh and I'm going to make 3 or 4 copies of our petition, just to be on the safe side!

Can you tell I'm very excited? lol ... I can't wait to be with him permanently with no more trying to catch each other online because of work and stupid time differences lol.

YAY it will be here before you know it hunny! I am sure I am not the only one to totally relate with the catching each other online between schedules -- it truly sucks trying to organise it all but we all do what we can for the one we love. I am lucky with Eric's work schedule being work rom home 2 nights a week & in the office 2 nights....which means he goes to bed whenI do at night & we get our days (well his nights) on web cam talking & getting stuff done. It also makes a HUGE chunk of evidence for the interview with a tonne of chat logs.

Eric mailed the I134 to me this morning and weighed it before hand -- 11lbs! HOLY #######! I guess it isnt too bad considering it has my copy of the I129F in it as well. I should have it all here by Friday our time...fingers crossed!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-03-02 05:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
CONGRATS Astrid & Alex :) I am glad to hear you had an amazing day.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-22 15:13:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Received passport with visa inside on Friday! Will book my flight this Thursday (payday)..aiming for departure in April sometime..was wondering what people think of having a small wedding first, then having a bigger celebration in say a years time. The thought of having a big wedding within 3 months of arriving freaks me out..i know my immediate family feel like they should come over..I just dont feel its enough time for my family to come over from will cost between $8000-$1000 for the four of them to fly over not counting all other expensives...and travelling overseas for my parents is a big deal..certainly not something they would do on a whim. I would really like them to meet my fiances parents before we marry, just so they can not worry about me too much moving overseas! Im not interested in a extravagent wedding as its not my style, but I would like to have something to celebrate us. Thinking of a small ceremony somewhere in San diego somewhere and a bbq back at fiances parents house..maybe around 60 guests (mostly matts family, and mutual friends)...but then I start to think about it too much and completely overwhelm myself (given that im stressed enough with just moving country, etc etc) so I just think Id rather elope to Hawaii just Matt and I , and have a small ceremony there combined with a honeymoon...any maybe have a bbq with close friends and his family when we get so indecisive. i guess my fear of having a courthouse wedding first and a bigger ceremony in a years time, I will not have the same affect as we will already be married..does anyone have the same issues...or am I doing my own head in too much? ha

Hi Rosa,

Everything you have said is justified and I can relate. I guess I am lucky that my parents have met Eric and spent copious amount of time with him & his parents on web cam. So my parents are comfortable with me going there.

The wedding stuff...totally relate to it all! We have after many discussions decided on a small wedding on the property where we will live (the blessings of 3 acres) with a web cast for my family back here to log in to view. My mother can not fly due to DVT so its not possible for them to be this is the closest thing we could do. Even though we have made these choices there are still the ones of dress, flowers, cake etc. The only one I am going nuts over is a good photographer! They will be the things that last a lifetime so I want someone fantastic (without a fantastic price tag!!!)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-21 00:23:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

On this page it says:

"K1, K2, K3 & K4 Applicants

The new fee is US $131.00 Applicants who paid the prior US $100 before January 1, 2008, will be processed only if they are scheduled and appear for a visa interview before January 31. Applicants who paid the prior US $100 application fee and appear for the visa interview after January 31, 2008 must pay the difference — US $31.00 before they can be interviewed."

So it looks like it's an "each" fee. Wait until you get P3 but if he send you too much it doesn't really matter too much I think. The reason I tell you to wait is because while the fee is US$131, it DOESN'T depend on the current currency exchange. Your letter will tell you exactly how much you need to pay and it's based on whenever they sent the letter.. but even then it's only updated monthly apparently so you won't know how much it is till the letter comes.

Good luck! Getting so close!

Thanks Vanessa you are truly a gem! He sent the money through on the chance it was for each as well as the medical at least that is out of the way. I have had my blood test & got the results for my immunities so I am good to go. Police Check is done, luggage sorted, compiling of the evidence is done I just need to print off the forms & fill them out so when Packet 3 arrives I can go get it all sent back the same day.

At this stage we are on track for a April 18 reunion :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-19 21:45:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

That's a really good qn which I don't know the answer to sorry :( I believe it will be on your form though for P3 when it arrives.

Without going back to check, how old is your daughter? Maybe I can look it up if I know how old she is :)

I wasnt sure if anyone would know because everyone else has not done the child thing for immigration lol. She will be 13 in two weeks (EEEK!) We have been looking and I asked at the Post Office but they were not sure.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-19 21:15:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
OK I have a question, we are preparing everything for when packet 3 gets here so it is a fast turnaround back to the embassy. The visa fee we pay at Australia Post I know has to be in cash or bank cheque, they told me that when I was sending a parcel to Eric the other day...but what I am wondering do I pay it twice for myself & my daughter or is she covered on mine? I only ask because Eric is wanting to send one huge payment through paypal to cover our medicals & the visa fee.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-19 20:46:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Lol yep smashed my little toe on my left foot and was horribly, blisteringly sunburned. Looked like a fool for sure!! Pretty much a lot of stuff is organised, tomorrow we are doing set up at the venue and all that good stuff. Praying the rain holds off and it's a pretty day!

Sending much love & prayers for a gorgeous wedding day for you both! Just remember to breathe and relish in the special day.

Neil got his interview date.........March 9 8:00 am!! Woohoo!!!!!!

WOOT! Cant wait to hear the positive outcome!

Still waiting -- impatiently for NOA2 lmao
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-19 02:47:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

visa approved just now! Had to wait 45 mins to be interviewed..and then was asked about 10 simple questions and she said your approved, your visa will be mailed in a few days! It all feels quite surreal! But I can relax now and go shopping till my flight tonight back to melbourne

:dance: :dance: :dance: CONGRATS Rosa!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-15 20:00:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Visa Approved!

Now to fly out on Tuesday. Just saw the AOS fee, have no idea how I'll afford that!

CONGRATS!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-02-10 04:33:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Visa approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, it went quickly and smoothly. i was nervous as all heck but it was extremely painless. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Congrats to you too Colin. I'm sure i probably saw you there sometime this morning.

:dance: :dance: :dance: CONGRATS!!!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-12 08:26:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

I went & started the ball rolling for my police check this morning..another thing ticked off my if only I could find a fairy to have my house packed when I wake up!
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-12 05:54:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Good Luck to those with interviews or medicals tomorrow.

I have been packing madly to be prepared to move back into my parents house in 3 weeks...I just arranged for most of my scrapbooking stash to go to a new that is a relief that it will go to someone who will appreciate it all. The rest is slowly being packed, clothes have been given away to the Salvation Army and we have only what we will wear over the next few months. Kind of nice to be cleaning house this way LOL
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-11 05:39:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Facebook was just as good, I guess!

As for photos, lined up our photographer the other day....same guy who did our engagement photos. We're very lucky that someone that knows us well will be shooting us, makes the day much more stress free!

My mother announced our engagement on Facebook within 10 minutes of Eric proposing lol...was rather funny but all our extended family found out that way.

Having a photographer who yu have worked with before makes it that much easier too. Anything that makes that day a little less stressful works for me.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-10 07:06:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

Lol. I vetoed (or tried to) a couple of things like the photos but Tony's mother said she "may as well not come" if she couldn't watch and take her own. Actually really pissed of our photographer that she kept bogarting people for HER pics. As it turned out the photog's photos weren't all that good so it was good to have her pics but still!

Good on your for doing it your way finally! I look forward to pics when they're available :D

The one thing I am a stickler for is the photography aspect. We are both amatuer photographers anyway and with scrap booking being my hobby of choice, photos are important. When the dust settles & the years pass, they are the things that remain..and every bride deserves great ones. The girlfriend of mine who took our engagement photos in October around Sydney Harbor is originally from Seattle, as she will be 'home' around our wedding she will fly out to take the I have no stress about finding a photographer who will get the shots I want.

Once it is all said & done I will be completing the photographers course I want to and that will become our home based a few years anyway lol
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-09 21:10:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
OMG sounds like every brides nightmare. There is nothing worse then that 'guilt' trip of 'we travelled so far to be here etc' I had that exact thing said to me when I married my ex husband. His Aunt travelled from QLD to the Hunter Valley for the occassion. She arrived a week prior & expected that I would just drop everything & take her sight seeing -- excuse me..not a chance love! The day of my wedding to him his mother kept insisting on accompanying us to the photoshoot after the ceremony...she wasnt happy when I vetoed that one either.

As this is Eric's & my third wedding each we have opted for a very low key affair on our 3 acres at home. There will be no more then 20 people in attendance including us & my daughter. There wont be a honeymoon because of my daughter but once school gets out for the summer we are going away as a family for a weeks vacation. We have tentatively set a date, and our officiant is fluid as she has been through the K1 process & understands about delays etc....but USCIS willing & all going smoothly...our date is set & I will be with my man for my birthday this year :)
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2010-01-09 20:06:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Merry Christmas Everyone -- we have opened our gifts, shed many tears with my kids & many more will be shed before the day is out.

Hope you all have an awesome day

TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-24 17:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
After reading all of this I am sitting here in tears...bad day recovering from a migraine does not help in the slightest.

Vanessa I think all that you are feeling is extremely valid & that we all will feel that way at some point once we move stateside. I have started making little changes here already to make the transition easier (if that is possible) My web browsers are set for the US English so that I start spelling things their way and also so my daughter can start to make that distinction too. The way they have different names for things like take out (carry out) shopping trolley (cart) etc does my head in some days but I guess it is also the joy of moving to a new country.

The driving things worries me though the fact I will be driving a 4WD again gives me a little confidence. We will be living on 3 acres outside of town, so whilst that is a little worrisome, I love the fact that we will have room to move & not having to worry about neighbors being right beside us. I can not say I had the bread there or the chocolate while I stayed there in June...but even Eric doesn't like their white bread at all & only eats Italian Bread. I can not get past how a lot of their sweets have peanut butter in them... I mean Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Peanut Butter Choc Chip cookies, Peanut butter ice is in everything!

There is a website called Mates Up Over that is all Aussies living in the USA. A friend of my mum's gave me the address as he is a Texan who lives here now. It has been an awesome insight & a lot of them have the same concerns as you do Vanessa, and the same ones we all will no doubt...especially the pronunciation of things.

I am relishing in all the last things I will experience here ...though I can say I will not miss this horrible heat we have is oppressive some days & beyond belief. I am looking forward to my last Christmas here with all 4 of my kidlets. They are all sleeping here tomorrow night & we will all wake up together on Christmas morning..I am sure I will be a basket case by the end of the day but I will enjoy every second I have with them. Though not having a winter until I am stateside will be weird to say the least.

If I dont see anyone before hand as I am driving all day tomorrow to pick up my youngest daughter from the Hunter Valley and then back to Sydney again...I hope you all have an amazing Christmas with your loved ones, despite those of us not with our fiance's at this time of year...Eric & I are doing gift opening on web cam with the kids & then he & I will celebrate on the USA Christmas when he gets home from work (sucks he has to work)

*lots of hugs & warm wishes*
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-23 04:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Dec 22 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My visa was approved today too!! YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I tell you I was so darn happy when I walked out of the consulate. I called D to tell him the good news right away. I'll give you all my full report when I get back home to Brissy.

Congrats Lyekka!! biggrin.gif

CONGRATS!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-22 02:00:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (lyekka @ Dec 22 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................*Drum roll*

WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!! kicking.gif

Going to cry some more now lol!!!!!!

CONGRATS!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 19:47:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (rosa thomson @ Dec 21 2009, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to those having their interview tomorrow!

Just a random question, does anyone know if there are any restrictions in regards to travelling out of the USA, once the wedding has taken place and I have filled out the paperwork after the wedding. As I was thinking of coming back home (New Zealand - where my family lives) and having a gathering for those family member's that couldnt make it to the wedding. It would be maybe 1 year after the wedding, I dont assume there would be an issue, but wondered if anyone knew the answer unsure.gif

From memory you ahve to apply for Early Parole with AOS. I have to look into the expedited parole due to my son being on the transplant list when I if a kidney becomes available I want to be on the first flight back to Sydney for him. It is a roll of the dice for that list.
TerriandEricFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 05:06:00