PhilippinesMedical Exam Manila - Best day to go?
Many on here say Thursday is a good day to go. As long as you don't have minor children. No need to be in line at 4am, we got there 6-6:30 after the doors were opened and the line was inside already. Didn't seem to make the day any shorter to be early.

But doing the pre-registration we do recommend. Gets you to skip a step or two at the start.

Bring a book. A thick one. You're gonna be waiting, a lot.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-11 22:59:00
PhilippinesROM and passport renewal
You have the option of using your maiden name in your passport, not an issue even if you're married. Don't put single, I see issues from that in the future. If you go to the outreach and do both at the same time, they should have no issues with the maiden name being used.

As for entering the us, nope. But it might be a pain with your GC not matching. Carrying your marriage cert will reconsile the two. But your tickets will be in your passport name.

Bottom line, it just makes life easier if everything matches , obviously. Its OK if it doesn't but be ready for the questions that will come up, and it won't be so bad.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-13 16:19:00
PhilippinesROM and passport renewal
We've not had to deal with this ourselves, but from what I know of the forms and such in the Philippines, I can take a shot at some of these.

1) After the 30 days, they just want to know why the report was delayed, not too much of an issue.

2) On the Philippines marriage contract, there is no spot for new names, its all maiden names, so im guessing maiden signature on the report for the Philippine government.

There was someone trying to figure out the form on here one time, confused with the married on___ at___ part, and the consensus was the at was for the time since that's what is called for on the marriage contract here. Thus my reasoning on the signature.

3) Got me. Not on my computer at the moment, can't check them out, sorry.

4) I think the person at USCIS was an idiot. Just my opinion. Getting married is a valid name changing event, no court order necessary. Should have let you put whatever name you wanted. < am I right?

Don't know if you can complain to uscis and get the green card the way you like it or not. Might be worth trying if you want your name to follow traditional Filipino format.

The Philippines will use the Filipino method in her new passport. Move the last name, and add the new name, its the way its done here, its the law. Same if you have kids, in the us you can name them what you want, but in the Philippines they will have the mothers maiden name as their middle name.

The rest sound like they need experience, we don't have any doing this, but hope I've got ya started.

Best wishes.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-03 08:40:00
PhilippinesF3 - F1 Conversion?
Um, if your husband was still a Filipino and not a dual citizen, you might still be married in the Philippines. Divorce is recognized if initiated by a forigen spouse, not if the spouse is Filipino.

I see a long uphill battle for you if you want to persue this conversion, and/or get married in the future. A cenomar is going to be required at some point, and nso won't give you one saying you're single if you are legally married.

Hoping the best for ya and best wishes.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-13 16:29:00
PhilippinesCFO guidence and counseling program
The government of the Philippines requires pre-marriage counceling for all couples getting married, whether its civil or church. If you're not catholic, then the government puts on the counceling. That's what we did, a one day seminar to fill the requirements. All about managing a household, budgeting, family planning, anti abuse laws, you get the idea. There was a bit in there about the spiritual side, but it was a nondenominational kinda thing.

If you are both over, I think,25, there is an exception. Go with what the LCR tells you.

The CFO has been covered pretty well, so no need to expound on that.

Got your affidavit in leau of legal capacity to marry yet? $50 at the embassy, or consulate in Cebu.

Congrats and best wishes. :)

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-13 16:53:00
PhilippinesMy Fiance' is freaking out
We were approved by USCIS after one visit.

Many have been approved with only one visit.

It makes it easier for the co to decide to approve if there are more visits, or if you go to the interview, but its not required.

You will hear a lot of things from a lot of different people through the process. Lots of hearsay. My cousins aunts brother said.....

Every case is different, and there are some mean people out there that just give bad info because they want to see you squirm.

Bottom line, DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR. ask for opinions/experiences, but in everything, your mileage may vary. :)

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-15 03:33:00
PhilippinesNBI clearance process
When I filled it out online, the field was not even on the website. It since showed up. Didn't pay attention if it printed or not. Still getting bugs out of the system I guess.

Don't know if it will show up on the printed nbi if its not on the print out. Might have made it to the database, but just not printed. They don't enter anything if you take in the online registration.

We went to Robinson's in ermita to do our clearance. If you have a same name, or hit, its a 5 day wait. Took about half a day to submit the form, once online and once filled out there. No difference for priority, still have to wait till whatever hour they tell you to come back, then wait about another hour while they finish the ones that were there the hour before(bogus if you ask me).

We couldn't get the first one, flew back to Mindanao before it was released. When we went back for the medical and interview a couple months later, we took the receipt and they gave it to us then. The second one, we needed for the 221g, and were flying out before it would be released. Went to the main nbi office and explained the situation, was able to get it that afternoon (could have gotten it right away, but power was out. Couldn't print.)

In theory, we've had our last dealing with the wonderful process that is the nbi clearance. Thank goodness.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-19 12:36:00
PhilippinesDivorced in US but marriage not annuled in Philippines
Yeah, I was bored. I don't really have the knowledge or experience to be dropping advice on some of the more difficult situations people find themselves in here. Shouldn't be spitballing in the museum. :/

Sounded like a good idea in my head. Figured it might be a way around the cenomar requirement at the LCR.

I'm just gonna stick to what I know in the future.

To the OP > Yeah. What hank said. :)

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-16 10:41:00
PhilippinesDivorced in US but marriage not annuled in Philippines
If you and your ex were both still Filipinos, not dual citizens, then the Philippines won't recognise the divorce.

A K-1 is only available to us citizens, not lpr's.

Options that seem to be open-

Get citizenship, go for the k-1. As far as I know, the divorce will hold up at the USCIS and usem.

Try to see if you can get the nso to take the divorce - long shot.

Get your citizenship, but don't do the dual citizenship, get the affidavit in leau of legal capacity to marry from the us embassy, get married in the Philippines. Go for cr-1. Do the dual citizenship later if you so desire.

Get married in a third country. This seemed easiest to me. Don't know if it accually is or not. Report the marriage to the embassy or consulate that has jurisdiction over the place the marriage took place.

Look for a filipina in the us. < JK, that's bogus and I know it. ;)

Others with more detailed experience will be around shortly. I'm just spitballing.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-16 02:52:00
PhilippinesCFO requirements
A question best asked in the Philippines forum. You can ask to get it moved there.

As I recall they would not need to mess with CFO. Just registration if anything. But better to wait for the pros to confirm or deny that.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-19 09:43:00
PhilippinesHow long before a visit?
I was going to visit with several friends I had met online when I made the trip here. Didn't want to make any commitments without meeting in person(yes they all knew there was a plan and they were not the only one I was talking with), after all, how could you possibly fall in love online, or on the phone. Just not possible, right?


Started talking to one on the phone almost every day, talked to others too, but this one was just so different. Time passed, and we got closer, but I was still not going to make comittments. Gotta meet first.

Then I was driving around at work thinking about our conversations, and what to talk about that day, and it occurred that I had been thinking about this girl all day. Huh, thought to myself,"its almost like I love this girl", and my heart stopped. No kidding. So I says to myself," I love her", stopped again. #######, there goes the plan.

So after a month and a half or so of talking on the phone, we were in love. Got engaged soon after, and kept talking on the phone and I sent her a ring(hindsight, and advice, don't, the taxes are killer, 42%). Got all my vacation time picked for June, and flew over for a month.

Spent the month together, and put the k-1 packet together. Sent it off as soon as I got home. Went back to work, couldn't handle it, stress of being away from my love, plus the "wonderful" people I dealt with in the public, lost my job. Oh well, took my savings and flew back to the Philippines after 2 weeks. Got married, with the intention of staying here. That is not working out as well as we hoped. Did DCF, flying back together on Sept. 9th.

That's our story. Every one is different, as will yours be. Follow your heart, and do what's best for you and yours.

Best wishes.

PS, it is possible to connect with and fall in love with someone you've never met. I was the ultimate skeptic on that, but look at what happened. :) we didn't even Skype till after we were engaged. Lots of phone time though. Vonage kept sending me emails about acceptable use violations. They hated me.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-21 19:07:00
PhilippinesSt Lukes Medical will this be a problem
True. Best to not make it difficult.

But it is possible to take your phone or gadgets as a us citizen and check them at the guard house. There is a spot at the us citizen side for them to store phones and such. They stick it in a cubby hole with an id, and give you a number to claim it on your way out. Again, this is on the citizen side.

If you dont have a us passport, you must go in through the visa applicants side, and there is no provision for checking your phones there. If you do forget there are people outside that will hold your stuff for a fee. They are there every day, not saying its a good idea, but if you don't wanna walk all the way back to the hotel because you forgot you had a thumb drive in your purse...

Each time we've gone to the embassy we've left our phones at the guard house. For getting the legal capacity, to file the I-130, and for the interview. When we filed the I-130, the credit card processing machine was not working, so we had to go out to get the money and come back. I was glad to not have to go all the way back to the hotel to get my phone, I only picked it up at the guard house so I could send the money and we could pick it up at the bank.

But again, yeah, if you want to just keep it simple, yeah, wait to post your approval on FB till you get back to the hotel. ;)

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-22 09:23:00
PhilippinesSt Lukes Medical will this be a problem
If you are going with to the interview, citizens can take phones to the embassy.

Just go in the citizen door, and meet her on the other side. Pick up your phone on the way out. Can both go out the citizen side.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-22 07:30:00
PhilippinesAnother Divorce Thread

If her overstay has reached 180 days (which seems likely given the timeline you gave) then she has a three year bar from the US that will be activated as soon as she departs. If her overstay reaches 365 days then it will become a ten year bar, again activated on her departure.

Would this apply even though they got married inside the 90 days as required? I thought that once they were married, overstay was a non issue. Or is that just when it comes to the adjustment of status?

To the op: What is the cause of the unhappiness? If just because of boredom, or something along those lines I'd say give it time.

If its deeper, like hubby not wanting to let her out of the house, or have total control over her, well, that's too deep for me, need real help to get out of that kind of situation.

Hoping for the best for your friend.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-23 15:09:00
Philippinesmaxim #11... "stupid ex-wives"
Yeah, the wife loves to get ahold of my phone. :)

She loves to read this kind of thread. She realizes she's not alone in her feelings, she's a normal filipina. :)

Yeah, were kinda special. I'm 30, she'll be 26 this year, my first gf, her first real love, and neither of us have kids. Yet. ;)

I'm kinda glad I can't relate to y'all and the ex issues. Glad I got a good partner on the first try. :)


No I'm not trying to brag. ;)

Edited by bendinlar, 23 August 2014 - 05:44 AM.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-23 05:43:00
Philippinesmaxim #11... "stupid ex-wives"
So that's what makes me feel special. First wife and hopefully the only wife/girlfriend/best friend/partner/companion/etc. Well, I'm confident enough to say this marriage will last a lifetime. He he just so grateful that a true blooded pinay like me(is that means JEALOUS?oh yeah), got to marry a man with no exs.

God bless to all our marriages. We all hope for the best and lifetime relationships.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-23 01:22:00
PhilippinesHelping online girlfriend
Has she got a globe phone #, if not get one. Look up globe international duo on Globes website.

Basicly, you tie a us number to her sim. Add in unlimited local and long distance on your end, and it means really cheap calls.

As mentioned, use your gut. We don't want to see or hear of the ones we love having a hard time financially, but we don't wanna be the sugar daddy spoiling them. Start small, offer to help with expenses related to your communication, then after you go meet her and get to see what her life is like, the start offering more if you want. If she starts asking, that's a red flag. Especially if she gives $amounts, not php. Just my .02. But yeah, if she not working, it does not take a huge amount to support a filipina here in the philippies, depending on where she lives.

You'll get it. Lots of experiace to draw from here. Best wishes.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-24 17:48:00
PhilippinesChecklist. Please help me. (merged)
Im not 100% sure, but I'm guessing that NVC will be the one to schedule your appointment.

If your dad has submitted the AOS, and sent the documents required you just need to wait for them to schedule the interview and send your file to the embassy. If your dad sent the documents to NVC, you don't need to send them again. Keep an eye on your status on the CEAC website to see when it says case complete.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-29 17:52:00
PhilippinesChecklist. Please help me. (merged)
By the time they find your documents at the embassy and send them to you, you could have a new set of documents at nvc.

Faster to get new documents. Grab a few extra bc's, for the interview, and in the us, and your cenomar so you're ready for the interview. Get two nbi's, one for nvc and one for the interview. Assuming the interview is going to be within 6 months to a year.

Here's the Tagalog translation from my lovely wife to help you more easily:) ;

Huwag mo nang hintayin ang documents na isinubmit mo sa embassy kasi aabutin ka raw nang siyam-siyam bago mo ito makuha ulit kasi usually, magiemail kapa sa kanila tapos one week pa tsaka sila magrereply sa email mo tapos hahanapin pa nila ang documents na isenend mo at fyi hindi lang iyan yong trabaho nila, nakatambak na mga documents so in short, kumuha ka nalang nang bago nong mga documents tulad nang birth certificate at nso piece of advice tulad nang ginawa namin ng hubby ko kumuha kami more than 3copies, bagong nbi narin kung malapit na ang interview mo sa embassy then kumuha ka nalang nang dalawang kopya para sa interview mo ang isa and due to the idea na mataas pumila just to get an nbi. Ang panahon na maigugol mo sa pagprocess ulit nyan, mas maipapadali mo ang pagpadala nang mga ducoments sa Nvc kaysa sa paghihintay mo kung kailan mo makukuha ulit yong dukomento na naipadala mo na sa embassy. Hope it helps.

Ps. Kumuha ka narin nang cenomar while nasa nso kana to get your birth cert. Preparation mo iyan sa interview mo, ok?

Edited by bendinlar, 29 August 2014 - 05:25 AM.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-29 05:20:00
PhilippinesChecklist. Please help me. (merged)
What address did you send the documents to? Was it an address in the us, or did 2go send it to the embassy in manila?

If it was in manila, you need to resend it, to the nvc in the us.

If to the NVC in the us, track the package to see if its delivered yet. Call the nvc if it has been delivered to see what the status is.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-28 11:11:00
PhilippinesChina Town in Manila Area
Second that.

Check the US CBP website for the regulations on fakes. Hate for you to buy a bunch of "cool gifts" and get them all taken away and burned. Or however they dispose of that kind of thing.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-01 15:18:00
PhilippinesWalkie talkies in PI

The Philippines has a radio service for use of families and small businesses. This service is called SRRS or Short Range Radio Service. Repeaters are not permitted, and units are limited to 2.5 watts.

This service has been allocated 40 channels at 325 MHz.

Me: found that. Also found an official memo. To operate radios on these frequencies, you need a permit. You get the permit when you buy the radios at an accredited dealer.

I would not send 2way radios from the us. Best to send the money for a set, or grab a set at the mall, or wherever you can find a dealer on your next trip.

Side note: edit:(sometimes) radio detonators are used by mining companies, and demolition teams. The frequencies set to these devices varies by country. There are times the frequencies set by one country for personal radios are used by another country for emergency services. (US spec FRS is illegal in EU for this reason.)

Edited by bendinlar, 01 September 2014 - 05:22 PM.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-01 17:20:00
PhilippinesFilipina jealousy...fact or fiction ?
Jealousy? Yep, issue that I think was cleared already to me and my hubby for a year of being married.

But, one thing that even me as a filipina hates seeing my co-pinays do is when they already knew that that guy was taken or has a fiancée already, they still keeping in touch and feeling close too much, as if they were the gf/fiancée too, taking advantage like telling all the negative things happened in her life, problems that is not supposed to be opened up to a non-bf/fiancé/hubby thing story, and all the secrets she can share that she said she can't share it with her friends, sister or even to her parents because they hate them.

Yep, as a fiancee I have all the reason to be jealous not just to be technical as a filipina here. And opps, it's also difficult to trust co-pinays, others have bad intentions.

Just a reminder and an advice, when you guys found the one, please don't bother give attentions or entertain others already, even if the girl say its just okay with her for you to keep in touch with other filipina, don't believe on it because the real feeling that your gf/fiancee has deep inside is that she's hurt or its not okay. We filipina are jealous because we are stick to one person only, well not all but most of us so when they say they are jealous don't take it as a negative thing, its even an assurance of a good relationship in the future.

Edited by bendinlar, 07 August 2014 - 02:21 PM.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-07 14:15:00
PhilippinesG-325A (Alien Registration Number)
If ya look at the instructions, it says if known. If she's never been in the us, she does not have one, leave it blank or put none.

If she's been here on a tourist visa, or for any other reason, you'll find the number on the visa, I think.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-01 20:30:00
PhilippinesK1 entry and now for AOS Filing in California
Umm, isn't the medical from the Philippines(and any other country,for that matter) good for a year?

I seem to remember that. So you wouldn't need another medical. Just transcribing the vaccination record if I remember correctly.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-01 15:24:00
Philippineswhich police records needed******please help
The police clearance from PNP is NOT what you want or need.

For the Philippines, you need the nbi, on green paper for travel abroad. You get this from NBI.

If she has spent more than 6 months in another country, she will need a police clearance from that country.

NBI and local police clearance is not the same.

You can't get an nbi from nso.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-02 18:19:00
PhilippinesJoint sponsor for fiance visa. Confused?!
Another vote for DCF.

3 months to get your nso mc, if you do the advance endorsement, then the visa process can be done in as little as a month. A month and a half or two months is average lately.

Still need to show intent to reestablish domicile in the us, but that's relatively easy.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-03 13:43:00
PhilippinesBest way to purchase my round trip ticket and her 1 way ticket
Find the airline you like, and give their office a call. Or just book them both online, watching the details carefully to be sure you've got the same flights, then call to get seats together if you can't find any online.

That's the way I was going to do it anyway.

Other option, buy a one way there, and 2 one ways back. If you're gonna go for the interview, make sure your return trip can be rescheduled, should the visa take longer to be issued than expected. If you've already got your visa in hand,well that's covered then.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-31 16:44:00
PhilippinesAirline travel and flu season in the Philippines... Murphy's law..96 hrs to POE
Most airports do a thermal scan when entering the country. Many times its just an ir camera that everyone walks by.

Right now they're concerned about Ebola, and mers. They just don't want someone bringing in the plague.

As mentioned, worse case, you get flagged for a quick medical review to be sure its nothing serious.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-01 15:01:00
PhilippinesIn love with a girl in the Philippines.
I lived there for 14 months, plus my first trip of a month.

Dangerous, well it varies on your perception.

I never had any issues. But I didn't go around flashing wads of cash, or driving down dark streets alone either.

There are lots of stories you hear, but common sense takes you a long way. Be a nice guy, but don't get walked on. If you look for a fight, you might find one.

Your lady will prolly know the safe and unsafe parts of town.

We lived in Mindanao, in the little city of Gingoog, and made relatively frequent trips to CDO and Butuan, it's generally a quiet area around there, as long as you don't go wondering through the mountains alone. Hear there's still some issues in the area.

To add-
It's a great idea to go and spend time there. Heard a story from a gut married to a pinay here, about when she got here, she was looking for something they like for desert there, grey hams. He could not figure it out, why grey ham? Took a while, but they were in a store one day, and she got all excited because she found some.

Grey hams--- graham crackers.

You pick up on that kind of stuff the longer you're there. Makes life easier for both of you in the long run. ;)

Edited by bendinlar, 18 September 2014 - 11:18 AM.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-18 11:12:00
PhilippinesSpecial treatment for celebrities for the interview at USEM?
It's her IG follower not her. She posted a picture of I think a text message from her lawyer that says she already had a scheduled interview Sept. 16, 6:15am. Then, her caption to that pics was she's happy because she already had an interview for an immigrant visa... To God be the glory... And thankful for that blessing.
bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-27 01:49:00
PhilippinesSpecial treatment for celebrities for the interview at USEM?

I wonder who petitioned for her since she doesn't have a spouse who will sponsor her. I saw the Instagram message. It was from that Nettles Filipino lawyer. Could it be due to 'extraordinary ability'?

Exactly, that's what I wanna ask her too since she's a type of celebrity that likes to reply to her IG friends but I didn't ask because I figured I would get flamed for being too personal.

I also wondered if she has done her medical yet?

I told my hubby not her parents lived in US but her kids, so maybe the kids petitioned her but their not citizens yet I think so that's the greatest question, who is her petitioner?

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-23 21:32:00
PhilippinesSpecial treatment for celebrities for the interview at USEM?

I wonder who petitioned for her since she doesn't have a spouse who will sponsor her. I saw the Instagram message. It was from that Nettles Filipino lawyer. Could it be due to 'extraordinary ability'?

Wife said something about her parents being in the US I think. Got me.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-23 13:25:00
PhilippinesSpecial treatment for celebrities for the interview at USEM?
Aiai delas Alas.
bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-21 09:46:00
PhilippinesSpecial treatment for celebrities for the interview at USEM?
So, just curious, is there any special treatment for celebs at the interview? Like private interviews or such? I'm guessing no, just looking for confirmation.

FYI, there is a celebrity scheduled for an interview on September 16th. Posted on instagram. Wife noticed.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-21 08:21:00
PhilippinesBuying flight from Manila? Hear this first.
We had a few issues when we flew out.

Umm, Hank, with the renovations going on, the travel tax counter at term 1 has moved. When we were there, it was over by counter 1, to the right when coming in the door. I would not be surprised if it moves again.

As for CFO, it's good we flew up to Manila on Thursday to get the sticker on Friday, and not just figuring on getting it at the airport Saturday night. Went over there, and found out that someone over there screwed up when my wife did the gcc to get the certificate to get the passport in her married name. She filled out the form with her married name, but someone put her maiden name. Didn't think anything of it at the time, but when we went to get the sticker, they said it didn't match, so we had to do a correction, and pay the 400php again. Ao we had to go back to the hotel, get everything we needed and go back. Pain in the rear.

So advice for all- when doing the gcc, if you're married already, be sure the certificate is in your married name. And if you're gonna grab the sticker on the way out, best to make sure that you are in Manila at a time the CFO office is open, just in case there is a complication.

We got tickets online from asaina, the website is not the best for reliability, but I got it to work. Used a credit card that was not mine, got the number over the phone, never had an issue. Had to pay the travel tax at the airport.

Side note, I wouldn't sit on the chairs there in terminal 1. The wife was sitting there, and some bugs living in the seat (I pulled apart the cushions and saw them running to hide again) bit her. Still has the bumps a week and a half later. But they're almost gone. My opinion, anyplace you get bitten by bugs living in the seats, is nasty. Fair warning to those flying out of there.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-09-18 10:57:00
PhilippinesNVC Letter
Yeah, don't wait for that letter. Send a copy of the email with the case number if that's what you've got.

Check out hanks guide, time to rock and roll.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-29 18:02:00
PhilippinesSmart/Sun Data Service unbelievable poor!
It all depends on where you're at. Makes a difference as to the time of day, as well as many other factors.

Sitting here at home, there are times that the service is awesome, at 3-4am. Then times the signal drops out and I can't do the most basic of tasks. Too many people, not enough towers for coverage,or overloaded. Add in the issues with old outdated equipment, and finding qualified technicians, well I think you get the point.

The entire telecomunnication system here has issues. Its improving, but its still got a long way to go.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-30 15:22:00
Philippinesmarriage cetificate
Same as ours. One page. Scan of the front only. I would assume that if there was anything filled out on the back you would get 2 pages, but I think that's rare.
bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-19 09:33:00
PhilippinesManila 221g processing times. (Anyone else waiting like me?)

yeah, i thought it was always getting "touched" but realized that everytime I call them, the date on status was changed 
The last time it was touched in real was on the 28th

Yep, call, or email and the date changes.

bendinlarMalePhilippines2014-08-13 19:22:00