K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill worried
I would give it another week, wait for the holiday week to be over with and then check again. Maybe you get an email update soon, but I am sure, they are working on it if not already, then soon.

Don't give up the hope, at least, your papers are at the right place now!!

I hope, things start to speed up for you now!! :)
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCheap Passport Photos

Been a member for over two years, rank has it's privileges and once the ink is dry on your membership application you can be snotty too. LOL

You've been here for 2 years, yet you still haven't filled out your timeline? :lol:

:time: haha, I always wanted to use this one!!

Come on, guys, peace please!

If you don't worry about a couple dollars more or less in your pockets, that's cool, but if you ARE glad about having them, that's just as great!!!
Makes me think about values...

Edited by nane1104, 30 June 2006 - 12:07 PM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCheap Passport Photos
Ifyou have a digital camera, why don't you ask a friend or so to take them, then go on the computer and resize them so they will match the requrements.
Just think about the white background...take a few shots and then take the one that comes out best.

Basically, that's what the photographer did when I got my pics taken.

(If you decide to try it: He had me sit on a barstool type of chair, told me to put my hands on my legs with the fingertips pointing towards each other. Like that, he said, the shoulders coming up a little and it looks better (it did). Also, chin up and slightly forward.)

Good luck, it's for sure the cheapest way if you have to have a lot of pics. (Ok, not sure how much good photo print paper costs.....)
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-28 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG! Touched!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFileing From Abroad
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to marry in the US.
You could go on a vacation to the US, get married, go back to China and then do the DCF.

That would still be easier and less stressful than going through the regular K-1 or K-3 process.

If your fiancee has enough binding ties back to China (and I guess, the fact that you would be livinng there together would be a very good proof), there should be no problem at the Immigration office either.
Plus, she wouldn't have to say that she is getting married...she is just going on a vacation with you...
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp iam worried
Yepp...they wrote my fiances name (USC) wrong, he called the Service Center; when we recieved the approval notice, the name was written right.
No big deal, don't worry at all. :)

Actually the name was still spelled wrong, and NVC got back to the very first version of spelling, but on my visa, his name is finally spelled correctly, maybe because this time they went by how I spelled it on the visa application form.... :lol:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally, we got the visa!!!!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShe got the visa !

.....I hope I will have the same good news soon as well!!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre service centers helpful?
I did the same thing once and it was okay, I just got asked where I am working in Germany and what I am doing and how long I would stay in the US.

I think it totally depends on the officer itself sometimes. I had times I flew there with a really bad feeling and everything went well and another time I even had to go to secondary inspection just mentioning I had a bf...

But I am glad, your fiancee didn't have any troubles.

As far as are service centers helpful...ummmmh...I honestly think, the people at those hotlines don't really have too much knowlege about the process and even if they want to be helpful- usually you don't get a lot of relevant info out of them.
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Interview
Maybe you should contact your embassy and let them know about your NOA2 expiring soon and if it is possible to get it extended or to schedule you for an Interview soon.

I know a friend of mine emailed the embassy and got her Interview date scheduled for the next week.

How long since you sent package 3 back?
Maybe you can update your timeline?

Edited by nane1104, 02 July 2006 - 06:38 AM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 4
Congrats and best of luck!!!
Now you are almost done..!! :D
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-01 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisit to the UK???
Ummmh..are you the US citizen? Why would you have problems at the Immigration office because you fly to the UK??

I think I am missing something!?
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS....
Very good TOPIC!! Thanks! :thumbs: :star:

When I check the timelines and statistic, I was pretty much able to calculate when I would have the Interview and all that, it worked great for me!!! :thumbs:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-27 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot my NOA1 !!
The first step is always the hardest one to do.
Good luck on your journey :star:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-04 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
Awesome news! I hope things will move much faster now..well, they should!! :D
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 05:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my VISA!!!!! :-))))
Thanks you everybody for the Congratulations!
I am hoping for a lot more threads like mine soon, good luck to you all in your process!!!

nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-03 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my VISA!!!!! :-))))

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :dance: :dance: Best Wishes to the both of you .. When is the wedding date??? *giggle* :luv:

August 25 we will have a "non-legal wedding ceremony" for my family and friends before I leave
and August 28 or 29 we get married by the JOP in the US!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 06:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my VISA!!!!! :-))))
Oh yes, it came per certified mail today
and it feels so good to not have to worry about things for a moment!!

:dance: :goofy: :dance: :joy: :joy: :joy:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved Today!!!
Congratulations! Now things will speed up. :thumbs:

I have to say something about the Service Centers though..We initially went through TSC and then got transfered to CSC..
I think they already had a rough time before IMBRA, since they had to cover for TSC as well...and it still didn't take longer than 74 days.

I dunno, but I wouldn't say the peoplethere don't do their work or are extra slow or whatever.

But yea, I understand the frusteration of you guys. Even we went through smoothly, the wait was still terrible! :(
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-04 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of meeting Idea
That is a nice idea!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance in the air force,might be dployed
I think, the idea with the letter from his commander is a very good idea.

You should at least try.

Once you get your NOA2, things will speed up a little anyway..and once it's in Germany, you might get an Interview appointment in no time. Make sure, you have all your paperwork straight for the K-1 process in Germany and things might go really fast for you.
Look at my timeline, I had my visa in less than two months after the NVC had it...

Good luck, contact me if you need help with the process in Germany, you going through Frankfurt too?

Oh, my fiance is AF as well...
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-07 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: what I mess I let myself to be in.....I really have to find a solution soon... :unsure:

Honey, you PUT yourself in this mess. You overstayed, no one made you. So, there's no going back and finding a solution to it, now you can only work with what you've dealt yourself. You aren't going to find a loop hole or a bit of the process you can gloss over. So, take a deep breath, calm down and tell your fiance that you will need a GOOD immigration attorney. There's still the possibility of a ten year ban or that the waiver could be denied but for now it's your only course of action. You can either face this head on or keep crying and scrambling for an easy, non-existent solution. I wouldn't waste my time on the latter if I were you.

Good luck. Sorry to be harsh, but it's time to calm down and do something productive!

Totally agree :thumbs:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-02 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!

Totally agree with a waiver, Daisy must need it, but a spouse visa is a much better chance compare to a finacee visa, don't you guys think so...???

Do you think the CO at the interview or whoever will have to deal with this will say "ooh, they are already married, I guess now I just forget about the overstay and let them live together happily ever after?"

This is NOT the way Immigration works.

There are rules and if you break them, you face consequences. That's how life goes.
I am sorry if I sound harsh, I do have sympathy, I guess I had times where I was willing to do almost anything just to be with my man, but sometimes you don't always get what you want, at least not right away.

I really wish for you, daisy, that you find a good lawyer and that you will find a good solution for your situation.

We all make mistakes and to a certain extend everybody should get a fair chance to get things right, but I have the feeling, she doesn't really want to see where the wrong way started.
Like it was said before: The mistake was not that she left the US, the mistake was the overstay to begin with.
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-30 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa...can you just marry anyone?
You aren't serious, are you?
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-03-09 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 129f nitpciky question
My husband was born on an AFB in the Philippines. His BC says the name of the Base, but is also signed with the name of the city and that is what he puts in as his place of birth: Angeles City, not he AFB.
In your case I think either Mather AFB, CA or just Sacramento, CA will be fine.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-06-13 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAwkward legal status for K-1 while waiting for AOS
If you get married within the 90 day window after arrival and file for AOS (not neccessary in the 90 day window, but recommeded) you are NOT illegal and not out of status are a PENDING CONDITIONAL PERMANENT RESIDENT (conditional because you haven't been married for more than 2 years). So, nothing really akward about gets akward when you get married but don't file for AOS.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplication receipt number
Don't worry about the recipt number on the check, it is (usually) not the number they assign to your case. Wait for your NO1, the number will be on there, very reader friendly and thn you can start tracking!
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi dont have any of my boarding passes
Yepp, that's all you need! :thumbs:
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan start application before meeting in person?
to your question if your fiance/bf can take you with him when he returns to the US:

In theory he can.

If there is the option that you meet, gather all evidence, file the I-129F and he has the option to stay with you in the country through the whole waiting time until you get approved, you can leave to the US with him.

I am not sure how this will work practically, when my fiance (now husband) filed for me last year, he got all the notices send to his adress in the US, but I am sure, there are ways to solve this little issue as well.

Good luck!

And on a little side note, without directing this to the OP: Even if the meeting within 2 years rule is only to avoid visa is definitley a wise thing to meet before you decide to commit to this process...if you get really married later on is a whole different thing though.
Reading on VJ, there are always couples who end up deciding that they are not going to get married after going through the whole K-1 process.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you travel to the US while K1 is processing?

You can not do this. Because of one simple reason: If you had applied for a K-1, you travel to the US (let's say they let you in) and get maried there, that is Immigration fraud because you are going to the US with the intend to marry.
The only way this worksis when you go to th US and you spontaneously decide to marry..."spur of the moment"...and when you apply for AOS, you will have to proof that you did not plan on this.
If you get married and you travel back to the US and you start all over with the K-3 process, what have you won? Other than that you are married and can't be with your spouse?

I say, stick with your initial plan of the fiancee visa and wait like all the K-1s...had to wait! Accordning to your timeline, seeing that you just filed the I-129F, I think you shouldn't have a problem getting your K-1 in time for a february wedding, so do not worry yet.

Thank you for the comfort at least! I know we have a good chance of things working out but I just want to know all my options *just in case*. I don't even mind waiting - it's just the fear that I spend the time waiting only for it to mean we have to cancel the K-1 application to get married...

So if I were to cancel the K-1 app, get married, go back to the UK then apply for the K-3 that would work? I know it would mean being without my OH for even more time but theoretically I just want to know if it is possible - the only option other than that if we don't get the K-1 in time is for him to come here which is a whole other kettle of fish!

I think getting married on a visa waiver, then cancelling the K-1 and apply for a K-3 is NOT a good idea....they will definitley question this.
But I might be wrong...maybe it is only when you cancel first and then get married and apply for AOS it will be a problem, maybe someone can clear this up for me please?

In your case I think, you are definitley early enough to get your visa in time, check my timeline, I got through like a knife through butter...LOL
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you travel to the US while K1 is processing?

That is not correct. My first visit to my now hubby in the US was my second trip to the US, I had been over here for a vacation the year prior.
I was sent to secondary inspection and I got asked all kinds of questions for about 45 minutes, almost missed my connection flight.
They asked also questions about my previous trip, but they could have seen the stamp in my passport..but then the officer asked me where exactly I stayed and I asked if he wants to know what city and he said "I already know what city, what was the adress you stayed at?" So obvously he had some information in the system that he wanted me to repeat/verify.
THe whole thing was a little scary, plus they accused me of fraud, because they asked me how long I intended to stay, I told him for 4 weeks and he called me a liar, telling me according to my ticket I would have an overstay of 4 months!!! (I didn't even have a printed ticket, only a printed out itenenary)
Came out, they mixed my papers, passport with someone elses and it took me a good while to convince him of his mistake. But that's a whole different story. That was a crazy experience though!!!

I'm not aware of how that changes or affects the visa process only having just started the process myself but I can totally agree with them having information on record.

My OH came to visit me in the earlier days and said he was visiting a "friend" to which immigration replied "where is she? He had given them information before so yeah - I think it is a bit of a "Big Brother is watching you" scenario :/

It probably doesn't have any effect on the visa process, I was just referring to the poster who said there is no information about your traveling on file..oh yes there is!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you travel to the US while K1 is processing?


I'm supposed to attend my fiancee's brother's wedding in May. Am I going to be allowed across the border while my K-1 is in process?

I've only received the NAO1 yesterday.. and the wedding is in 2 weeks!
Am I going to be permitted across the border?!

Liz :whistle:

it should not be a problem as i went to the states twice while we were in progress of our K1. Nothing is in the computer and if you don't say anything they won't ask.

That is not correct. My first visit to my now hubby in the US was my second trip to the US, I had been over here for a vacation the year prior.
I was sent to secondary inspection and I got asked all kinds of questions for about 45 minutes, almost missed my connection flight.
They asked also questions about my previous trip, but they could have seen the stamp in my passport..but then the officer asked me where exactly I stayed and I asked if he wants to know what city and he said "I already know what city, what was the adress you stayed at?" So obvously he had some information in the system that he wanted me to repeat/verify.
THe whole thing was a little scary, plus they accused me of fraud, because they asked me how long I intended to stay, I told him for 4 weeks and he called me a liar, telling me according to my ticket I would have an overstay of 4 months!!! (I didn't even have a printed ticket, only a printed out itenenary)
Came out, they mixed my papers, passport with someone elses and it took me a good while to convince him of his mistake. But that's a whole different story. That was a crazy experience though!!!

Edited by nane1104, 19 July 2007 - 03:39 PM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you travel to the US while K1 is processing?

The second part of your post is a bit confusing. But suffice it to say: if you enter the US while your K1 is pending and get married, then you'll have to abandon the K1, leave the country and start completely over with a spousal visa.

I'm confused why you say your from the UK but your timeline says 'Armenia'?

Sorry for the confusing-ness - I am just in panic mode (I do that rather well!). Basically the grand plan is (if everything works out) we get the visa approved in good time, I go out there, we get married Feb 11th and I don't come home. Obviously if the K-1 isn't completed in time I would like to stick to this plan as much as we can. I figured if it were possible then we could still go ahead with our wedding plans but then I move back here and apply for a spousal visa effectively starting the same process again but with the same end... in theory! Is there no time limit you have to wait before you can apply for a different visa? Or is that only if you want to apply for the same visa again?

And as for Armenia... I think it was the default or something and I was looking for UK or England... seeing yours means maybe I should try looking for London :blush:

You can not do this. Because of one simple reason: If you had applied for a K-1, you travel to the US (let's say they let you in) and get maried there, that is Immigration fraud because you are going to the US with the intend to marry.
The only way this worksis when you go to th US and you spontaneously decide to marry..."spur of the moment"...and when you apply for AOS, you will have to proof that you did not plan on this.
If you get married and you travel back to the US and you start all over with the K-3 process, what have you won? Other than that you are married and can't be with your spouse?

I say, stick with your initial plan of the fiancee visa and wait like all the K-1s...had to wait! Accordning to your timeline, seeing that you just filed the I-129F, I think you shouldn't have a problem getting your K-1 in time for a february wedding, so do not worry yet.

Edited by nane1104, 19 July 2007 - 03:24 PM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-19 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone from here
Yepp, it always goes through NVC...but usually that is just for further processing (to the consulate or embassy), they don't really do anything with it.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-24 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswill my "ink pen changes" cause a total rejection?

I don't think that making corrections the way you described them will cause a rejection of your case nor a RFE..RFEs are Requests for Evidence, usually when they are missing something in your application or weren't completley satisfied with what you submitted as evidence for example your evidence of having met within the last two years.
Other than that correcting your fathers birthdate might have confused them so much that they need to see HIS birthcertificate, I don't see any RFEs coming your way for making correction.

Though I am wondering a little why you didn't just print out a new, corrected form on the computer? Might have saved you this headache now...

I only didn't print out a new one because my lawyer in Bangkok told me it wouldnt matter...of course, I wanted another opinion though from all my Vjers:) Plus, making a new one would mean my fiance would have to travel to Bangkok again (which she HATES) and I would have to wait for my lawyer to fedex me the paperwork again.

I don't understand that!?
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-24 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswill my "ink pen changes" cause a total rejection?
I don't think that making corrections the way you described them will cause a rejection of your case nor a RFE..RFEs are Requests for Evidence, usually when they are missing something in your application or weren't completley satisfied with what you submitted as evidence for example your evidence of having met within the last two years.
Other than that correcting your fathers birthdate might have confused them so much that they need to see HIS birthcertificate, I don't see any RFEs coming your way for making correction.

Though I am wondering a little why you didn't just print out a new, corrected form on the computer? Might have saved you this headache now...
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-24 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa and place of marriage
Maybe your fiancees mother would be fine with a "non official" ceremony in the Philippines?
My husband and I did that in Germany. He came to Germany right before I was about to go to the US on my K-1, we had a nice ceremony with and for my family that at the sametime was myfarewell party (didn't sign any papers, I was legally unmarried when I entered the US!!)and once here, we got married at the JOP...I am very happy we went that route.

What are the reasons, why she wants her daughter to have a wedding in the Philippines? If she agreed forst to a wedding in the USA, maybe you can compromise on something like my husband and I did?
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-25 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForgot to include 4 G-325A forms, what do I do?
The worst thing that can happn is probably that they send you a RFE and you have to send the missing forms, but I wouldn't be too worried either.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-26 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's how it SHOULD go all the time!
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-26 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWanting to marry an Australian and live in the US...HELP!
If you decide for the K-1 and want a non-legal wedding ceremony in Australia for her family..that is no problem at all as long as it is not officially recognized.
I did the same in Germany. As long as you are legally unmarried at the POE, you are fine!
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-27 00:00:00