USCIS Service CentersWhere to file?
Chicago PO BOX !?!?!
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-27 05:08:00
USCIS Service CentersIs this Fraud by definition
As long as we don't know how exactly they operate, this topic is a dead end street.
You can have an "easy" case and then your backgroundcheck takes forever. Your file could have been worked on and got interrupted by expedited cases. Who knows?

I have been through the K-1 process, I did AOS and ROC- I know how frusterating the wait can be. I asked the congressman for assistance with my AOS which helped big time- and whoops, sorry, it might have pushed another case back for a few days while they were approving my AOS.
You can even call that cheating if you want to, though I had good reasons to ask for help to speed the process up.

There is only so much you can do but complaining and throwing the BS flag is not gonna help you one bit, it just makes the frusteration even bigger.
nane1104FemaleGermany2011-03-02 03:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)question about the police certificate
I have a question, I hope someone maybe from Germany can help me with.
I am waiting for package 3 from the embassy in Frankfurt, Germany. I know, I will need a police certificate/record,...
Last time I needed one for my job, I was asked which kind I needed (obviously there are different kinds for different "occasions"). Back then I just tried my luck, got the standard version and I was fine, but for the visa (K-1, btw) I definitley want to get it right and don't take a chance.

So, can anyone tell me, which one they want to see, and also, if it needs to be translated?
I was always told I need a translated birth certificate, but I can't find info specificly about the police record.

Thanks so much for any helpful info!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-05-21 11:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Guten Tag!
Hi there, I am german! :)
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-28 18:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hallo...ich bin ganz nett eingeladen worden, auch hier zu posten, also mache ich das jetz mal. Ich habe gerade vor zwei Tagen mein K-1 Visum bekommen und fliege in etwa 8 Wochen zu meinem Schatz nach Louisiana.
Jetzt habe ich natuerlich alle Haende voll zu tun...weh oh weh, wo man sich hier ueberall abmelden muss...!!

Ich wollte nur mal schnell "reinschauen", ich hoffe, ich kann hier noch einiges lernen, wie ihr euren neuanfang in den US geschafft habt, und natuerlich helfe ich gerne denen, die noch am Anfang ihrer VJ sind.

Bis bald, Gruesse aus dem sonnigen Hessen
Nadine :D
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-07-03 15:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Frankfurt, Germany Interview Process
I had applied for the K-1 visa, and it only took a few days to get the notice and a few more days until the interview, you can see the exact dates at my timeline. I am assuming they have similar processing times for all kinds of visas...

Had a great experience there, good luck!
nane1104FemaleGermany2011-02-25 09:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Lebkuchen at Walmart!
I know what you are talking about! I did the happy dance when I went to the commissary the first time in the US and saw a small shelf with german products. Almost made me cry.

We found a german grocery store about 3 hours away (in Dallas) that also mails out's the link:

german deli
nane1104FemaleGermany2011-02-25 09:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)visa through Deutsche Post - how many days did it arrive?
I got mine in only 4 days after the interview.

Edited by nane1104, 28 March 2011 - 09:05 AM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2011-03-28 09:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)National Visa Center Interview in Frankfurt
I agree with Eveline, if everything is okay but you are missing some minor papers or the medical, you will be approved pending submitting the missing papers.
I thought everyone at the Frankfurt Consulate was very nice, don't worry to much!
nane1104FemaleGermany2011-03-28 09:08:00
Asia: East and PacificPreparing Home for Vietnamese Fiance
I am not vietnamese, but I can tell you how I felt when I got to the US first.
My now husband didn't have anything realy prepared or bought for me. After we got marrid and were back from our honeymoon, we started buying furniture for the house,, went grocery shopping together so i could see, what th american market has to offer and what I'd like to try. He bought anything I wanted, it was hilarious!
We found a couple stores that carry german foods also and in Dallas, which is 3 hours away, there was a german grocery store my hubby took me to as well.
I thought it was really nice that we did all that together.
I think your fiancee would for sure be happy about something that reminds her of home and that shows her that her culture is important for you. But I suggest, buy maybe one thing first, kinda like a symbol that you want her to feel home and offer her to go shopping with her so she can have some more things she needs.
nane1104FemaleGermany2008-03-11 17:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Report Question
Awwe, let me know how it went....I am filing through Frankfurt as well and any info how you guys did it would be very helpful!!!

Thanks so much!

Good luck for the Interview!!! :thumbs:

I posted a question about the police record as you know, what kind of record he got? And did it get translated?
As far as I understood the Lady at the city hall, there are different versions and she asked me which kind I needed.

Edited by nane1104, 21 May 2006 - 11:29 AM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2006-05-21 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionrecieved package 3- and have a question!
Great, thank you!! :)
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-05-28 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionrecieved package 3- and have a question!
YAY!!! I recieved my package 3 today :dancing: but going through it, I have a question about
Form DS-157 (Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application):

Is this the form only for male applicants older than 16?
It doesn't say anything in the Instruction sheet and I am a little confused, I didn't expect to get that form at all.
IF I have to fill it out as is german on one side and in english on the other side, do I have to fill out both sides or is it up to me, to chose what language I prefer?

LOL...and I thought I was good to go... :unsure:

But yea, to all of you still waiting to get your case send to the beneficiaries country: Once it's at the NVC, things move MUCH faster...get your papers together!!! :)
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-05-27 06:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow long to know interview date
Have you recieved your Instruction Package already? Before you get this and send back form DS 230 and then the checklist to let them know that you have all requiered documents, you won't get an Interview date at all...
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-11 07:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDenied Petition

Well, DUH! JK! ;-) The more you change clothes, and take pics at different places, and different times, the better. The more pictures you take, the better as well. That way you have a variety of things to choose from. Everytime, while in India, we went out, I changed clothes, hairstyles, etc. We had many monumental backgrounds to choose from, the Taj Mahal, India Gate, Agra Fort, crowds, malls, etc. I even had a selwar kameez made for our engagement party. All the Indians know what I'm talking about. Don't forget to choose from a range of dates as well, and include the name, date, and place on the back of the pics. For every date I had; my clothes, hair, and background were different. The key is VARIETY!

You can change clothes and hairstyles all you want. When you met once, you met once. They see that just looking at the dates when the pics were taken or how many boarding passes/flight itinerary you send.
We sent 5 photos, one from each time we met until then, supported by the tickets, hotelbills,...
THAT's the kind of stuff that matters...not how many different hairstyles you can do.
Just because they are slow, doesn't mean they are stupid. :lol:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-19 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGoing to my Interview tomorrow
...any last advice?

I am soo nervous already! :clock:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-26 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontemp refusal
That's great, congratulations!! :dance:
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-29 11:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved!
Yea!! Congratulations! :dance:
June seems to be a good months for approvals??? :D
nane1104FemaleGermany2006-06-27 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?
Reza, what YOU do and say to the USCIS is totally up to you. If you think telling lies is fine, then go ahead. That is your decision and yours alone. But please stop advising other people to do so as well.
Like stated before, this is a TOS violation!

Of course people have lied and do lie and will lie at interviews. Nobody doubts it and I am sure, some people get away with it. That doesn't make it right though.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-30 06:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?

in some type of circumstance. you don't need to say the true! he did worng, he shouldnt say that! buy any way , he well be fine, another test it well be good like the last one.. don't worry

Excuse me???
If it comes to Immigration I strongly advise to always stick with the truth. Now there are things you should only say when asked for and not volunteer to share, but that's entirely different than lying about something.
Reza, seriously, with your attitude, you set yourself up for some big trouble some day!!

I didn't coment on your post! my attitude is fine for my self and you keep your self behave last worning!

You are WARNING me????
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-28 17:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?

Well, I almost always agree with telling the truth to immigration, is it a good idea to do so if it'll surely result in a visa denial?

Do you drink alcohol? and Do you or have you used drugs? are typical medical exam questions (at least in Mexico), and an affirmative answer to the latter will result in a denial, based on the conditions I mentioned above. And they DO profile, at least in Mexico. Men with tattoos and piercings are sometimes much more closely scrutinized and drilled with these questions.

It is one thing if you decide whether to be honest with answering those questions or not. It is another thing to advise others to rather lie.

No doubt it is a tough situation to admit that you maybe used drugs specially if it has been a long time if your whole future might depend on this.

I just think it is the better policy to stick with the truth than have someone later find out that you were lying.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-27 14:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMarijuana...why did you say that?!?!?!?!?

in some type of circumstance. you don't need to say the true! he did worng, he shouldnt say that! buy any way , he well be fine, another test it well be good like the last one.. don't worry

Excuse me???
If it comes to Immigration I strongly advise to always stick with the truth. Now there are things you should only say when asked for and not volunteer to share, but that's entirely different than lying about something.
Reza, seriously, with your attitude, you set yourself up for some big trouble some day!!

I didn't coment on your post! my attitude is fine for my self and you keep your self behave last worning!

But I comment on your post and you giving bad advice to others. This isn't the first time you have done this. And with "your attitude" I mean the way you are thinking, I didn't mean you have an attitude per se.
And I didn't understand the last part of your reply.
nane1104FemaleGermany2007-07-27 13:56:00