Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionconditional resident,divorce-remarry or waiver?
I read that, that's why I would say forget about removing conditions and start over.
The only evidence I'd say you should have is for the abuse you had to deal with in case that comes up later on.

Wouldn't it be the easiest for you to marry in Europe? Denmark maybe where the marriage will be legal in Gemany AND the US?
Then you do DCF and get your GC approval before you even return to the US.
If you try to enter on VWP and they smell "wedding", you might be in trouble, but even if that flies, you'd have to still do AOS in the States which is a much lengthier process than DCF.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-03-04 18:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionconditional resident,divorce-remarry or waiver?
I don't neccessarly disagree with the posters above, but here is what I am thinking could work:

I am assuming your new man is stationed in Germany right now as well and hopefully has some time before he has to PCS to the US again.
I'd turn my greencard in ASAP, get divorced, marry the new guy and wait until right before he needs to go back and do DCF in Germany.
By then you hopefully have been married a little while and gathered enough proof of a bonafide marriage to apply for your visa.

I'd make sure to also have evidence of your abuse in your current marriage in case this question comes up during the application process/interview.

I wouldn't be so worried, just make sure you turn your greencard in correctly, don't let it just expire.

Good luck to you!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-03-04 12:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat exactly is CRI89?
Request to manufacture the Greencard sounds good to me, whatever they officially call it.Posted Image

nane1104FemaleGermany2010-03-30 09:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat exactly is CRI89?
I was just wondering why my (and I am sure it's not only mine) case is listed as CRI89 under the application type in the case status online tool.
Do they rename the I-751 once they process it or is that only for certain cases?

I am curious about that....
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-03-30 07:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWill my name change be a problem?
I would maybe just explain it on either a separate sheet of paper.

Just on a little sidenote: If you have filled out the form already in advance, check and make sure it is not outdated by the time you send it.
Happened to me when I wanted to be all done ahead of time. They didn't reject my application but it definitley got me nervous.Posted Image

nane1104FemaleGermany2010-03-30 05:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent receipt numbers on I-797 and Fingerprints appt. notice
The way it worked for me was, I sent the initial letter to his office and he wrote back that he would contact USCIS to see what is going on with my case. Whenever I heard something or had touches or changes, I'd call his office to update him and whenever he heard from USCIS, he'd send me a letter again.
My husband had military orders to go to Germany and I really didn't want to leave the US without having my gc so time was really running out for me. The Congressman (well, one of his office workers actually) did a terrific job calling USCIS over and over and like mentioned before, I had my card in hand within 5 weeks.

On a little sidenote: I went to their office with my greencard to let them know that I got it and to thank them for their efforts. The Lady was super surprised and touched and said that usually they never hear from a client again and often don't even know what really happened and for sure that they don't get to hear "thank you" very often.

Hope it works for you.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-01 14:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDifferent receipt numbers on I-797 and Fingerprints appt. notice
I had a similar problem with my file when I filed for AOS. I simply believe they lost my file too, one officer on the phone even kind of admitted that something was missing. At that point (I think it was around the 15 months mark as well) I contacted my congressman and had my case approved and greencard in hand within 5 weeks.

I can only recommend contacting the congressman at this point to inquire on your case.
Even if you file for naturalisation, it can't hurt to know what is going on with your I-751.

Good luck, I hope you get good news soon!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-01 03:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNeed Advice pls.
The case numbers on the check or the NOA usually don't work to check your case online. The number you were given on the phone will most likely be identical with the number on your biometrics appointment when you recieve it.
I'd say you can expect that within the next weeks.
Look through the March filer topic and compare the dates of when others filed and recieved notices.
Did they mention anything about your NOA when you called? I'd think ou should get that in the mail very shortly as well. According to your online status, it's been sent.

CRI89 seems to be identical with I-751, just another term they use for the case type.

nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-01 03:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion10 Year Perm Resident Card Received...but...
When you say "adjustment" you mean removing of conditions, right?

Have you made any inquiries? Online, phone? Have you gotten a NOA2 for her?

You should definitley get on the case here, if your wife got her gc and your daughter didn't even get her biometrics done, doesn't sound to good...
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-05 18:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhen to remove conditions if spouse dies
I am so sorry for your loss. All the best wishes to you!

nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-02 04:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Married with newborn
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your baby!!

To answer your questions, yes, submit all your evidence with your application.
I suppose you can send the hospital bill too specially if it is in both your names, otherwise I agree with Okalian that the birth certificate will be fine since it shows both of your names.
A bill of course will have your address on it, so that would be good proof for a joint residence:-)
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-07 05:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionROC reminder received from USCIS
I too start to believe that the change of address doesn't matter at all.
I changed my address in 2008 , never got a reciept or anything that said they "got it".

Now I filed for ROC in February and listed our APO address as mailing address and additionally our german residence address.

Guess what- I got two NOA, one to the APO and one to the german address. Wait- on the letter it had the german address and then they put a sticker on the envelope to cover that up and put my APO on it..LOL

I don't know about these people...but I think you will be fine just using your current address when you file for ROC!:-)
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-09 06:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of condition on permanent residency

But there are other couples who follow the call of a job (best examples: military personal) without hesitation. For those couples it doesn't mean much where they live, as long as they are together and make a good living. That's fine approach as well.

Sorry this is so off topic, but this statement just made me laugh! Yeah, we go "where the military sends us" but often enough with lots of hesitation, debates and fits. But we go anyway. LOL
The important point though: We go together and we make a home anywhere. Yepp, as long as we are together.

Still made me laugh! (I guess if your options are either Louisana or North Dakota, I am allowed some sarcasm?

Sorry again to go off topic.

Posted Image
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 16:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of condition on permanent residency
Ok, got it. WOW, you are kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place, huh? I am really sorry and I don't really have any advice for you other that I believe that you have to do that makes you happy.
Of course, in a marriage you have to compromise on certain things but if it's only one person that has to bend himself all the time, it's not healthy.

As far as the ROC goes, I am no expert but from what I understand, it basically works like a jointly filed application. It's basically all about proofing that you entered the marriage in good faith.
I think over all, there are good chances to remove conditions successfully with the waiver if you have all your paperwork together, have a divorce decree in hand (and submitted, though I heard of cases where you file without, get a RFE and then submit it later).

I hope there are some people with more knowledge about this to correct/add to my

Best wishes!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 13:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of condition on permanent residency
To be honest, I am not sure how I would react if my husband told me he'd move to a different place and leave me behind. I guess I wouldn't threaten divorce right off the bat, but I sure wouldn't be happy about it either.
I guess you'll have to decide between your marriage and your job. And again...don't you think it's possible you will get a joboffer in YOUR State at some point and working something else would only be temporary?

It seems like your actual problem has not much to do with romoval of conditions but rather if you and your wife can find a compromise with your jobsituation and I am not sure if you want peoples opinion on that.

IF you decide to split from your wife though, you'd have the chance to file for ROC with a waiver after divorce. So, you still have options.

All the best!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 12:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of condition on permanent residency
Yes, you can file for removal of conditions during the 90 days prior to the expiration date on your greencard. NOT earlier!

As far as your job situation goes: I am sorry that you can't find work. I am sure you are aware of the fact that many, many people have to give up on finding a job in their desired careerfield, at least for now.
Hopefully better times are ahead for you and I tell you what- for many, a job at Starbucks is a whole lot better than having no job at all.

Removal of conditions is not such a terrible thing, as you will recieve a 1 year extension letter that will allow you to stay and work in the US until a decision is made and you -hopefully- recieve your permanent (10 year) resident card.

I too am a little confused about your last statements about you feeling trapped and it being "sad". You won't need a lawyer for ROC unless there are circumstances you haven't mentioned in your post.
For everything else (divorce?) I suggest going to maybe the courthouse and ask what is required in your state to file for divorce and if you and your wife agree on the terms, you can just file the paperwork yourself.
But yeah, I am a little unsure what you'd want a lawyer for...
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 09:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionscam phone call from 'immigration department'???
I hwave heard of scam calls before but never got one myself.
What you experienced sounds very very fishy to me hough for all the reasons you named...

Maybe call USCIS on monday and try to verify a possible call?!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-10 14:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow much more patient can i be?

When you go to infopass again, soonish, initiate a 'service request'.

This forces USCIS to find the file, and report back to you exactly 'where it is' and in what timetick on status.

I also understand that a immigration liason staffer at a congressmen's/senator's office can ALSO instigate a service request on yer behalf.

Good Luck !

You can do that even over the phone.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-10 03:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow much more patient can i be?
I have to say my congressman was really on top of things. They informed me of every last word they heard from USCIS! I was running out of time as we were moving overseas on my husbands military orders and I didn;t want to leave without my gc or come back for an interview as I was very much pregnant at the time. Plus, who wants to mess with a preggo woman? Haha!

So yes, I am hoping you will hear good news very soon, be patient just a little bit longer!!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 14:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow much more patient can i be?
I had my congressman getting involved when I filed for AOS. It worked, within 5 weeks I had my AOS approved and GC in hand. We are still not sure what exactly happened but it sounds pretty much like they had send my file back and forth between Service Centers and it got "lost" somehow. Anyway, once my congressman got involved, things finally happened, so I am hoping, it will be the same for you.

I am sorry you have to go through this wait, I wished I could offer better advice.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 12:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSupposed deportation because VISA expired

thanks for the info! i am actually trying to get citizenship, germany allows dual citizenship, but you have to apply for a document in germany that allows you to have two and then apply for citizenhips here... i just dont know if i would have good enough reasons why i need to have 2 citizenhips to actually get it!

I am thinking about doing the same, but not sure if I'd qualify either.
Her is a link with the regulations and info and applicationdownload

(it's a german website)
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-23 11:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSupposed deportation because VISA expired
Maybe this topic should be moved to a more appropriate forum since this isn't really AOS related!?
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-23 09:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSupposed deportation because VISA expired
Changing your address is really not helping you at all at this point. You were supposed to remove conditions of your status roughly two years after you became a LPR (90 days before your 2 year greencard "anniversary").
Since you failed to do that and even lived out of the country for so long (I believe 12 months is the absolute max to be out of country), you abandoned your status anyway.

Since you are in deportation proceedings already, I'd strongly suggest to hire a good immigration lawyer cause with deportation proceedings imminent, you are in a big mess.
Best case scenario is that you can stop the deportation proceedings, cancel your LPR status (well, expired anyway) and start from scratch once you want to move back, hpefully even through DCF.

It sounds to me like you are not very knowledgeable about this whole process since you talk about your greencard as "visa", so please please, educate yourself! You are in a pretty serious dilemma here.

Hopefully someone else can explain your options and your current situation better than me...good luck to you!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-23 09:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongot shocked and need help
It might be irrelevant what we think but he has been asking for our opinion.

OP, I would agree with that statement. I want to think that an examiner would look at the whole evidence that was provided plus the impression a couple makes at the interview plus what answers they give.
However, those people are human so it is pretty much impossible to make valid assumptions or predictions about based on what they make their decisions.
For now I'd say to prepare for next steps in case you get bad news but don't drive yourself nuts until you get a decision.

Good luck!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 16:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongot shocked and need help

The reason why you've been picked is clear: your wife petitioned another immigrant before you, also by marrying him. Repeat customers get a special treatment, and thus they used the shock tactic to get your wife to "break down." If that didn't work, you should be approved. I would wait for the official result before calling a lawyer.

That would make a lot of sense in addition to them not knowing the answers to some pretty easy, basic questions during the interview.
But has it been established that the wife actually petitioned for her first husband? The OP only stated that he was in the US already.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-07 16:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongot shocked and need help

The ex-husband living in same house with new husband would be a red flag. Living next door or the neighborhood is a another matter as people cannot control their ex-spouse's home. It appears that living in the same household is evident of a shame/ fake marriage to this Immigration Officer. When a man or woman goes through a divorce for abuse, then marries another, having the old spouse around (living in same household) rings of polygamy... Sorry, I am trying to be hurtful but this is an old battle of the government against the Mormon's belief systems of the past.

Maybe we are reading two different threads but-
I think what the OP was saying is that the brazilian (ex) husband was already living in the US= she didn't petition for him.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-06 14:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRECEIVED NEWLY-DESIGNED GREENCARD!!
Awwe, a green greencard! I think I want one too! Posted Image

Congratulations, Okalian!!

Edited by nane1104, 24 May 2010 - 02:57 AM.

nane1104FemaleGermany2010-05-24 02:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about I-751, and a K2 child.
YAY, awesome!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-05-05 14:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about I-751, and a K2 child.
I'd hope they are getting it right and send both cards now! But getting your money back is pretty awesome!!

Keep us updated and yeah, I'd still inquire on the childs status...
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-08 14:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about I-751, and a K2 child.
Haha, you crack me up!

I don't know, that sounds very much like a standard answer "wait another 30 days, blah blah..." but I guess waiting until May 1st won't hurt...

Good luck! time I'd asked to have a telephone appointment with a no kidding Immigration Officer, those Operators are pretty worthless IMO.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-07 08:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about I-751, and a K2 child.

If they require a biometrics, they will send a notice regarding the child. However, if the child is less than 14 years of age, then USCIS doesn't require the biometrics, only the money...
This is one of those cases where it qualifies as LEGAL THEFT!!!!

Not if they use the $80 to put the picture and fingerprint ON the actual card! Posted Image

I submitted fingerprinting cards and pictures with my application and I still had to pay. I wonder too, what my momey is used for!?! lol It's a rip-off for sure.

To the OP: Sapphire mentioned that other people with K2 kids haven't gotten anything for the child either until the greencard arrived. I'd suggest to wait about a week to arrive and if it doesn't,
start inquiring. Or try to call MISinformationline and have them talk to a "real" Immigration Officer and ask what the status for the child is.

I hope though that you will just get the card in the mail within the next couple days or so!

Keep us posted!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-04-06 06:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived Approval letter/congratulations letter on 3/16/2010
Only US Citizens can obtain a US passport. A greencard, even a 10-year greencard doesn't make you a citizen. You (or your wife, whoever the Immigrant is) will have to go through the Naturalisation process before you can apply for a US passport.

Congratulations on the greencard!!!
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-05-30 07:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStatus updates all screwed up?
On June 10 I got an update "Card production ordered", no approval notice.
Then on June 18 I recieved the approval letter in the mail, dated June 10.
So far, everything is fine.
Today, June 21 I get an email update


Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 21, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this CRI89 PETITION TO REMOVE CONDITIONS OF PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS RECEIVED

Are they talking about the notice I already got, dated 11 days earlier?

Can I assume that this is just the normal USCIS craziness?

The letter said it can take up to 60 days for the greencard to arrive, is that realistic right now or can I expect it much sooner?
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-06-21 07:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Evidence Question
I have done both.
For ROC I sent in the entire, unaltered statement. For AOS I covered the part where all the figures are listed with a sheet of paper and copied it so you can only see the letterhead, banklogo, our address, and what type of account it is.
Both ways it was fine.
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-07-02 11:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
I got my card!!! :dance:

I cannot say for sure when it arrived because I haven't checked our PO box for the last three days but it must have arrived sometime between 6/29 and 7/1.
It probably doesn't really matter anyway because mail to our APO usually takes longer anyway than to a regular stateside address.

I can't believe how easy this actually was. When I started preparing for ROC I was so worried about being overseas with the fingerprinting picture and all of that. Someone told me I'd probably have to fly to the US for an interview because I didn't have one for my AOS and that didn't happen either.
I guess we had really solid evidence. Maybe it also helps that i am on all of my husbands military papers, orders, will, power of attorney, insurance, paystub,...!? We added all that to our "evidence" and I wrote "active military overseas" on top of the form. Maybe those applications are going on a different stack/ are getting looked at differently, like they are not trying to give a service member a superhard time while he is serving overseas?
Those are just speculations but I am glad it worked out for us so well.

So, to all of you who are still waiting: Be patient, you are ALMOST THERE!!!!:star:
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-07-02 07:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
I had mail from USCIS today. I was hoping for the greencard but it was "only" the approval letter. I had to laugh at myself when I read it- I was just flying over the letter as I was still at the Post Office
and I read "You are doomed to be a Lawful Permanent Resident..." and I was thinking "WTH??"

It actually says "You are deemed to be a Lawful Permanent Resident.":blush:
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-06-18 11:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
California Service Center (12/15 approved, 80%)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
HADRIANINA1........02/01/10..........02/04/10.......03/11/10........03/23/10.... (CR: 03/31)
GULNAR.............02/03/10..........02/04/10.......03/31/10........--/--/10.... (EB: 03/17)
ELI09..............02/08/10..........02/09/10.......03/16/10........03/23/10.... (EB: 03/08; CR: 03/29)
VBTBMRT............02/08/10..........02/09/10.......03/17/10........03/22/10.... (EB: 03/11; CR: 03/30)
M4VERICK...........02/09/10..........--/--/10.......03/17/10........04/01/10.... (CR: 04/09)
HEMMMARK...........02/15/10..........02/18/10.......03/25/10........04/09/10.... (CR: 04/19)
C-LOW..............02/16/10..........02/17/10.......03/18/10........03/30/10.... (EB: 03/15; CR: 04/05)
MYNAMEIS...........02/16/10..........02/17/10.......03/29/10........04/02/10.... (EB: 03/08; CR: 04/08)
IRIS_JIM...........02/22/10..........02/24/10.......04/02/10........04/08/10.... (EB: 03/25; CR: 04/17)
CRIS&JIM...........02/23/10..........02/26/10.......03/29/10........04/15/10.... (CR: 04/24)
DAN + JEMVITA......02/23/10..........02/26/10.......04/06/10........04/14/10.... (EB: 04/02)

Vermont Service Center (13/24 approved, 54%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
GOLDFEE111.........02/02/10..........02/08/10.......04/15/10........--/--/10.... (Waiver/Interview letter received 6/9 for 7/26)
MONICA11...........02/05/10..........02/09/10.......03/15/10........05/07/10.... (CR: 06/07)
DAVE AND HELENA....02/08/10..........02/12/10.......03/12/10........06/07/10....
LETTY..............02/13/10..........02/17/10.......03/15/10........05/12/10.... (CR: 06/07)
TMB81..............02/16/10..........02/19/10.......03/15/10........--/--/10.... (missed original Bio date and walk-in on 4/--?)
KHARKOV_NATALIE....02/17/10..........02/22/10.......03/26/10........05/10/10.... (CR: 06/02)
CIGAROVICH.........02/22/10..........02/26/10.......03/30/10........--/--/10.... (RFE received 5/15)
SECOND STAGE.......02/24/10..........03/01/10.......03/23/10........05/27/10.... (EB: 03/15)
BILL B.............02/24/10..........02/26/10.......03/31/10........--/--/10....

Legend: EB = Early Bio on; and CR = Card received on

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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nane1104FemaleGermany2010-06-10 15:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
Good luck, Goldfee!!! I am sure you will be doing just fine at the Interview!!!:-))
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-06-10 15:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
Current Status: Card production ordered.

On June 10, 2010, we ordered production of your new card.

Posted Image

I was really hoping to hear something soon but today it caught me off-guard!
No approval notice, just card production ordered- I am assuming that means I am approved....;-)
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-06-10 15:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFEBRUARY 2010 I-751 filers
Congratulations!!! Go VSC, go!!Posted Image
nane1104FemaleGermany2010-05-24 05:48:00