K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan someone tell me what EXACTLY is needed!
QUOTE (Tyson @ May 4 2009, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, the the CD. J consulate's webpage gives information about all visas EXCEPT!!! the K3. This is disheartening to say the least. Does my wife need a police certificate from every city she has lived in? The mail in Mexico is less than reliable, and well, the police don't really ever arrest people in Mexico. We lived in Cancun for about 1 year, and she is waiting for the consulate to send her her package 3..I assume..but well, we are just more than confused. Any pointers..especially from people who might have dealt with Juarez?????
Thank you.
Tyson and Paloma

Well I found info on the juarez page and the visa page itself, and yes she does need the police certificate, Most of mexico used the police certificate for many things like geting a Job, Lisens and I.d ( to vote etc....) Best thing to do is ask where u she gets the I.D ( the elector ) its called and ask them where she can get the police report from, my husband is from monclova mexico and he has goting his from the police deparment or from where they do the lottery ( when u turn 18 they have this ball lottery thing to see if u get the ball that sends u to the milatery) Im sure your wife will know what im talking about. Now about every city im not sure but u may want to call but i think it is from the city she is in now sence most show all past arrest any why. But make sure you do get it b/c it is a must to have. ( my husband and i are geting everything 2gether and we have not even complte are case yet lol ) I have to say the hardest thing is geting the shoot record sad.gif sence mexico for some reson has not kept up with his are maybe his parents they are older people like 83 so God knows if they goting the shoots for him in the 1st place lol. Anyways yea ,the police cert. should not be to hard geting and the report is usally clean inless she killed are robed someone are has pee'ed in public lol ( As for the mail i think they send is dhl she should call the emassy to see if they sent it out .) And how, that way she can go her self to the office to check on it. * lol i hope i helped a little with my long post* She should had put your address as the choice of address it would had been easler and more realible.
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-04 00:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa for fiancee's mom to attend wedding
QUOTE (*Len* @ May 7 2009, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ May 7 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ May 7 2009, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OP specified Iran. I would say -- highly highly unlikely.
I see that, I tend to scan the profile details on the left and N/A drives me nuts.

I hear you tongue.gif

Yea most likely her mother will not be able to vist are go to the wedding ( Thats why my husband and I where married in mexico his family could not come here and mine could go there) But once u are married and your wife is a citzen she can apply for her mom to vist smile.gif her in the u.s.a . My father does it all the time for his mother and father from Jordan. * And it usally is fast sence they are older people just visting i guess they think they are not going to be working in the usa are anything i dono very hard to understand the visa process lol
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-08 00:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow long does it take jureaz to give out visas
How long does jureaz con. take to give out visas after being aproved at the apointment? Cr1 or Ir1 visas
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-09-08 08:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (epifreak @ Apr 28 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JMZ @ Apr 28 2009, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This might be kinda of a dumb question, but hey someone must ask it.
Do have to wait until the exact date of the interview to go to ciudad juarez. From what I understood is no. The type of visa we're going with is the I-130 (CR-1).

I know that for a k-1 visa you don't have to wait but for a k-3 visa (Spouse/Husband) I had the impretion that you did have to wait. That's why the give you a specific date. For a k-1 visa we are told we have an open date meaning we can go when we are ready in a lapse of 4 months.

Thats good i would like to know also, sence i see there is walk in for k1 what about spouse visas lol im doing the spouse visa and its seems like im the only 1 lol sad.gif
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-08 00:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioncute, funny, unusual, interesting things sent with I-751
QUOTE (Usher @ Apr 11 2009, 07:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To be brutally honest, they don't give a damn. They need to see joint tax filing and joint money accounts. Life insurance, health insurance, bank accounts and the like. To them, any two strangers can pose together for pictures, but it takes a lot of faith and trust to share financial burdens, privileges and liabilities. All I sent was financial stuff, most importantly - joint tax filings, and I got approved last week. No RFE, no interview, just a simple approval.

With that said, if it makes you feel better, send the cute stuff along. Just make sure you give them what they need first, they want to know that you're taking this as seriously as they are.

Yea but its not easy have a shared bank acount when your spouse lives on the other side of the country lol So we have no joint acounts in anyway but then again im doing a I130 and im supose to suport my spouse when he comes to the u.s and when he does get here ill be happy to put his name on my bank account . taxes etc...... even though i did state i was married on my taxes they did nothing sence he is not an u.s citzen.
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-03 20:13:00
Philippineswho has to go to the interview ?
do i who appiled for the visa for my husband have to go to the interview are goes my husband ? and do they tell us what u have to take to the interview and how much it cost are what it up lol im lost i hope we get it b.c we are young im 23 he is 22 been 2gether sence i was 15 : we have a 5yr old 2gether and been married a year lol so back to the interview who has to go and why ? and what are the cost
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-03-26 21:17:00
Philippineswho has to go to the interview ?
[ i already filled a i130 and waiting to see what they say and my son is a us citzen already * he was born in the us )
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-04-02 08:48:00
Philippineswho has to go to the interview ?
do i who appiled for the visa for my husband have to go to the interview are goes my husband ? and do they tell us what u have to take to the interview and how much it cost are what it up lol im lost i hope we get it b.c we are young im 23 he is 22 been 2gether sence i was 15 : we have a 5yr old 2gether and been married a year lol so back to the interview who has to go and why ? and what are the cost
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-03-26 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAccording to a USCIS Rep,
I mean really people im sure u have to know it does matter where the person comes from, its sad to say but its true. Alot of people names in certain countries are going to have there name check one to many times be4 they can pass. I know the gov. is doing there job and its not their fault, its like this somewhere on the page i saw that a guy who had his interview in juraez mexico, At his med. exam alot of people where judge on their looks like people with tattoos where most likely to have a urain sample done on them then those who did not have tattoos. ( I wonder what they are going think about my husband who has an american and mexican flag tattoo on his arm lol) The point is we are still judge by are looks,where we are from are where are family is from its the sad truth and thats how its going to be b.c are world is full of hate in many ways and its those who choice to do bad that messed it up for the good people and place judgement on us We as good people have to show everyone how good we are and not let little things get at us. Only God can judge us truely.... I got another story about judgeing lol 2months ago i was in huston airport and there was a muslim women covered, she had everthing but her eyes covered and some white old man said How are they going let her on the plane like that if I have to be on a plane with her im not going I was realy ticked off but the lady and husband act like they did not hear a word he said, so this young guy beside me told him that he looked like a sexual preditor that his face fit the profile of one and if he had to be on a plane with him he would not go. I had to laugh b/c i know the kid was just proving that u cant judge a book by its cover but he was as bad as the old man. Then the young guy asked the old guy how did that feel telling him that, and the old guy said sorry to the woman and her husband. I know my post is way beyond the point but i wanted to share it with everyone. IF someone wants to judge u for what are who u r, prove to them that u are not.
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-07 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAccording to a USCIS Rep,
[ lol yea im sure they dont like the fact people can see other timelines now. I will only say good things about the gov. lol at this point being they probley look here smile.gif yea good work guys keep it up smile.gif U.S.A ok im going stop now, but it is kind of understanding why they check some names i mean better safe then sorry i dono my family is arab ( my father side anyways ) and im married to a mexican I have been in the name check thing a few times lol crossing the boarders u should see me when i show them my passport with all my pretty stamps i got from past Jordan and palastin vists I know they r just doing there job but sometimes it makes u feel like ####### when they ask u things b/c of your race are family Not all people are bad but its the bad ones that make the good people suffer
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-07 00:37:00
Middle East and North Africapregnant, and complicated- need advice abt K-1
ok you neaver said if the child is your ex husbands are the new guys ( are you muslim your self ) and if u live in the u.s then GREAT FOR YOU and if the guy does not care about it beening his even if religon is a factor ( i have muslim family but islam was not for me i dont belive in relgion its overrated like fairytales to me but i do belive there is A GOD. SO again back to you if u live in the you can go to imargian and explane your self that you need help for fear of what they do to you in your country that is if u are not in the u.s.a and as far as the guy if he loves u and does plan to marry u then file the k-1 just he needs to keep his mouth shut about the baby and u really dont need to tell his family r anyone your issues b/c if he is willing to have sex with u then he is as gulity butt........ the fact that you are devoiced could effect it b.c they seen how that marrige worked out and soo soon you are rushing into a new one but then again its happend to alot of people and u might get lucky so try it why not if u have the money then do it forget what everyone thinks but u should stay in the u.s tell the baby is born just in case the laws there are bad b.c if u are a us citzen that cant do anything BY LAW but for the guy they can so yea i hope this has helped but im not 100 on your case so if u have more prolems u can email me r send me a message and i can help u a little more but dont lisen to the bad things people say b/c we are human and stuff happens
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-03-31 12:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers Needed
QUOTE (aj1 @ Mar 11 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ohh honey i am so sorry to hear about this. I will definetely keep you and your father in my prayers. If i know nothing i do know that god is a miracle worker and can do absolutely ANYTHING!! so keep your faith honey and don't you give up. rose.gif rose.gif


Im sorry to here that my father is also my world my best friend and he rasied me so i can understand the pain i dont know what i would do in your shoes, U and your father will be in my prayers " May God help you & your father"
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-04 17:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
And i know it was all a joke but i had to put some facts in there. I have a habet of definding islam alot sence my father and his family are muslim. There are muslims ( people who called them selves muslims anways ) Who make islam look like ####### and giving a bad name for muslims, when it is not and it is the person him self who just stuiped. even if i am not muslim myself ( for many reasons lol of my own ) i have alot of respect for islam So to clear things up i know u where joking but i just wanted to clear things up for many people to your jokes lol devil.gif
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-11 01:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
also, You need to go a read the Quran again and the hadiths of the prophet muhammad teachings. Be4 u say dumb things my man, Here is another one i think u will like;

If she ( wife) works outside the house it is praiseworthy for her husband to hire house help to relieve her from too heavy a burden. The wifes duties do not require her to feed her child,nor nurse it, nor clean nor cook It is the husband duty to provide a nursemaid, food for older children and servents to cook and clean however if the wife does those things IT IS OUT OF MERCY AND LOVE IT IS A GIFT TO HER HUSBAND ON HER PART.

u can learn alot by reading and islamic school, The thing is in many countires man are tought to be the man thing ( WHICH IS BIG ISLAMIC COUNTIRES ) and are neaver told the teachings of the women rights also So there for u as a muslim are whatever u belive should do your part to find these things out be4 u talk like u know everything Go read the Quran, Go read the hadeths read muhmammad teachings, Do not base your islam and what u have been thought, U should base it on what u have learned So go back and practice ok.

crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-11 00:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
Marriage in Islam is an important institution that has deep effects on society. Marriage is a bond containing rights and duties that each person, male or female, should preserve, protect and fulfill. Both the husband and wife, have certain rights and duties. Allah said, what translated means

"And live with them honorably."[4:19].

Each of them must fulfill his or her duties for the marriage to succeed. Allah said, what translated means,

"And they (women) have rights (over their husbands) similar (to those of their husbands) over them as regards to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them.) [2:228].

Women must fulfill their duties towards their husbands. Men must treat their wives fairly and fulfill their duties towards them, too. A happy marriage is assured if both the husband and the wife preserve each others' rights. A marriage that does the opposite is a miserable one.

The Sunnah of the Prophet is full of advice of what brings about a successful marriage. He said, what translated means, "Treat women fairly. The woman was created from a bent rib. The most bent part of the rib is the top. If you want to straighten it, you will break it. If you left it, it will stay bent. So treat women fairly." [Al- Bukhari & Muslim]. In this Hadith, the Prophet orders men to be fair with their wives and to treat them in the best manner. He described forcing a woman to change some of her attitudes as breaking the rib, and breaking the rib here means divorce. The Prophet was seeking to protect marriage from what may destroy it. He said, what translated means, "No Mu'min (believer) should dislike his believing wife. If he does not like her attitude (in some matters), (then) he will like another." [Muslim].

The Prophet advises men as how to have a good marriage. Men must ignore some of their wives mistakes and attitudes as long as they are not sins. The Prophet acknowledges that changing these attitudes is difficult. Women, Just like men, are not perfect. To enjoy marriage, men must forgive the bad attitudes and habits, and remember, the good ones. Surely in most cases, the good sides are more than the bad sides. For the husband to hate his wife, ignoring the good in her, means the destruction of their marriage. Many men want their wives to be perfect. This is not possible to achieve. If men ignore this fact, then misery and depression will fill their marriage, and this may lead to divorce. The Prophet advises the believers to protect their marriage by correcting the impermissible behavior of their wives, and not force change in matters that are not sins.

The wife has certain duties and rights. The rights include providing for her needs of food, clothing, housing and respect. The Prophet said, what translated means, "They have upon you (the rights) of providing for them and clothing, as regards to what is reasonable" [At-Tirmithi]. Also, the Prophet said to a questioner: "(Her rights upon you) is to feed her when you eat, buy her clothes when you buy for yourself, not to smack her on the face, not to curse her and not to ignore her (if you have a difference with her) but in the house." [Ahmad].

The wife has the right to be respected and treated fairly. Being unjust with the wife is impermissible. The Prophet gave us the perfect example of how a righteous believer should treat his wife. What men cannot control matters of the heart) must not affect the way they treat their wives.

crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-11 00:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you could go back...
LOL funny b/c it is probley ture, Not many muslims in america have 4 wifes u better stay in your town lol times have changed so still belive in the quran but u also have to understand when the quran was writing and that times change . Women now work, not only man ( which be any means is not aharm for her to work ) And as for the 4 wifes u better be really rich in this world to have them all and happy, and taking care of hospital bill, food , etc.... nothing is cheap anymore and even if food and clouths and a house over there head is all what the really need Not in america , they also have laws u know. you have to respect and make each wife happy
crazytown4uFemaleMexico2009-05-11 00:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo I have a problem?
Ok thanks for all the input. I was about to start freaking out. My wife and took our new baby to Mexico for the Holidays, she and the baby are staying until early Feb. Even though she is to return well before the card expires, I was thinking of all the nightmares that could happen.

I will get the paperwork out so that its at least in their hands prior to her return. I will be so glad to be done with these people all this paperwork!

kd4pbaNot TellingMexico2008-01-14 14:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo I have a problem?
Ok so my wife is in Mexico. Her Card expires at the End of Feb. She is to return prior to the expiration, but we have not filed for removing conditions of residency yet. My question is,
When she comes back in Early February, before her card expires, will she have a problem since we have not filed to remove the conditions of residency yet?
kd4pbaNot TellingMexico2008-01-14 12:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVery confused DHS seems to have just Forgot
OK so we have been working our way thought the final stages here. My wife came here on a K1, she was eventually issued a temporary green card. That expired we did everything right, I485 and so on.

We did not hear anything for a long long time. Months past. Then they called us in for an interview. The officer eventually said he had No clue why were required to have an interview everything looked good.

He was confused that my wife's card had expired but after we explained to them that we were simply waiting and it expired he understood.

He said he would send the proper service center for processing and it would be about 4 to 6 weeks and my wife should have her green card. That was over 3 months ago. We have not heard anything. The officer did issue a temporary stamp on her passport but that was only for 30 days as we all expected this to be resolved by then.

Anyway. I have no idea what to do or who to contact to find out what the problem is. Right now she has nothing to prove she is here legally

Any suggestions?

kd4pbaNot TellingMexico2009-07-23 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere do I start?
QUOTE (ShanyK @ Jun 3 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for all the help. I hope I can figure this all out.
I am in Chile and will be here until December, I am not a temporary resident though so I dont think I can do the Direct Filing.
I also want to pick a choice that isnt so expensive, actually I have no idea what to expect for the costs.
Can anyone help me out with that, I just want a general idea of what this is going to cost

You might be able to DCF if you are living or staying in Chile. That's entirely up to the Embassy not the State side people. Chile is a VERY cooperative country. Make an appointment. It won't hurt to ask.
squentnaMaleChile2008-06-07 09:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQue visa?
QUOTE (pepper1 @ Sep 1 2008, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gracias a los dos por responder.
Mi prometida es norteamericana, ella es de Minneapolis, que bueno saber lo de co sponsor. Sus padres estan de acuerdo con nuestro compromiso, entonces no tendran ningn problema en ser nuestro sponsor, y afortunadamente ganan mas de lo que se necesita. smile.gif
Yo pensaba que con lva visa de turista, podia casarme y regularizar mi situacion facilmente, pero parece que no es así sad.gif
tendre que aplicar por la visa K1. Nuestra intencion es casarnos Junio 26 del otro año. Aun queda mucho tiempo, esperemos que la visa llegue a esa fecha. (Seguramente ella empezara a enviar las formas el otro fin se semana).
Tengo una pregunta, te hacen un examen medico, en que consiste?? y otra pregunta que quizas si salga en las guias pero no me di cuenta. Cuanto es el valor aproximado de todo el proceso de esta visa?
Muchas gracias por responderme nuevamente, sólo quiero que el futuro sea lo mejor posible para mi y mi novia.

El valor esta variable, y depende en la manera que usan. $1,500 USC sera el minimo (ma o menos) y si usan abogado, cartas especial delivery, documentos de chile, cargas del Gobierno en USA, puede cobrar como $5,000 USD sobre un periodo de 4 anos. Puede empezar con no mas que $355. El problema no esta las cargas. El problema es obtener sus documentos, gasolina, dias sin trabajo, postales, telephones, esperando... y... tiempo... y todo esta cuesta dinero. centavo por centavo...
Recomiendo K1 tambien.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-01 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQue visa?
QUOTE (pepper1 @ Aug 31 2008, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola mi nombre es diego jimenez, esta cuenta la comparto con mi prometida! nosotros nos queremos casar el año entrante. Tengo un par de dudas al respecto, he leido las guias pero aun no me queda del todo claro y espero que me puedan ayudar.

Tengo una visa de turista, ya he entrado a los estados unidos dos veces con esta, puedo casarme teniendo esta? tendre algun problema despues regularizando mi situacion? o tengo que tener la visa k1 si o si?

Lo otro es la parte economica, mi prometida es estudiante, y creo que en alguna parte de todo el proceso. se necesita una prueba de que es capaz de mantener a su pareja (es decir yo), el problema es que ella no tiene empleo, pueden ser los padres de ella, el sponsor nuestro?

Muchas gracias a todos los que me responden, con ella nos conocemos hace mas de dos años y solo deseamos estar juntos, no podemos vivir en chile porque sus deudas con el estado (por los estudios) son muchas y con lo que pagan en mi pais no las podria pagar, asi que la unica manera es vivir en USA. Queremos casarnos y hacer una vida lo mas normalmente posible, yo trabajando y ella tambien, y por sobre todo siendo legal y sin problemas.
Nuevamente gracias de antemano,

Hola Diego,
Si, su prometida (o usted) puede leer Ingles dile que leer las informaciones aqui:
Entonces lea este:
tambien esta:
Uno de Ustedes tiene que ser patria de EU. Todos metodos requieren que uno esta un patron de EU.
Tambien este manera no esta la unica manera que puede entrar EU. Tiene que leer mucho ahora.
si estas en Santiago mi prometida esta alli y puede hablar con ella por telephono.
NO DEBES CASAR haste que el processo esta bien entendido, (unos dias y enmediato!), porque unas maneras pueden causar problemas durante el processo... cuidate de su prometida esta estudiante. Por esso no puede cobrar las cargas ahora, y en el futuro. Seria una problema...
Si hay abogados en EU que entienden este processo complicado, hablan Espanol muy bien, y si usted no entiende Ingles muy bien serian mas barato de tratarlo por si mismo (sin ayuda).

OK? suerte y chao David 'el gringo' en EU.
squentnaMaleChile2008-08-31 21:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdjusting Status while on another VISA
Quoting from an respected attorney on another board: No matter how safe we think we are with all this paperwork, things can change and an 'overstay' of any type can now sink immigration plans no matter how clever we think we are. Overstays can be big trouble.

"The CIS purported to rely on the March 2008 case from the 9th Circuit of http://www.ca9.uscou...pdf?openelement

The potential of expeditious removal has always existed, but the lady's report is the first time I've heard of DHS actually exercising their authority absent any other aggravating factors."
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-07 17:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecently returned child what to do??
QUOTE (fritz123 @ Sep 8 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ANYWAY I need some good advice on the extra child thing. Fritz and Imelda

You have two sons, one 18 yr old, and one who is 8 yrs old. With all the confusion, whose son is whose, the sons not being listed on the I-130 from the start, you will need to create new I-130's for EACH of the children. The 18 year old may be too late depending on how quickly you can act. There is an aging out thing that stops some 18-21 year olds.

The 8 year old may follow if heritage can be established. This may require DNA testing from the sound of things :-) and this is not insurmountable if you already know the answer.

Finally the Green Card in the Maiden Name is no problem. File (the I-130) using the name on the green card, and there is a place on the I-130 to enter any other names you may use (along with the documentation as to why/or how she got the other names.) They (BCIS) can figure it out very easily.

You need a lawyer because it's too complicated. The process is going to cost money.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-08 18:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 at NVC step, police report requirement
[/quote] Probably shot yourself in the foot. "Residing" or "living" is not allowed on a "tourist" visa, so technically, she visited Spain instead of "living in" Spain. Good luck. There ARE instructions on what do do if a document isn't available but I'm not sure I'd want to disclose how she worked the system as the excuse for why a police report isn't available. [/quote]

My foot still hurts! Hopefully a simple explanation that we did not understand the difference between 'residing' and 'visiting' when the question was asked and answered on the earlier forms we submitted. Then prove it with the Passports. I went over the dates again and they add up to a year from 1976 to 1989. Perhaps we are over-reacting to something.

We'll cross our fingers and hope we don't get a bunch of RFE's and they will understand that perhaps our honesty, anxiety and fear is what led to the misunderstandings without any explanations. There is nothing to explain.

"pushbrk", your level headed comments are appreciated on the forums. Thanks.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-10 17:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 at NVC step, police report requirement
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Sep 2 2008, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
others have had time in same country aggregated....

Aggregated! ouch.... This is good information, and we suspected we weren't going to get a police report no matter what we did if she was a simple tourist. I guess most people don't have the money to live for extended periods overseas so it doesn't come up very often. We have decided to:
1- send in the passport pages for the time period of 31 years ago to present.
2- The information that information about "third party nationals who were not immigrants have no information available" which is posted on the BCIS website.
3- Then throw in the information that we made a good faith effort using available resources.
Thanks! David
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-07 19:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 at NVC step, police report requirement
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Sep 2 2008, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
others have had time in same country aggregated....

I don't like the sound of "aggregated".
We may need an immigration lawyer at this time.
Sometimes the government I work for seems to be illogical.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-02 21:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 at NVC step, police report requirement
I'm USC and K3 wife is in Chile. NVC requested police reports from everywhere the wife has lived since age 16 for more than a year and she's 59 yrs old. Wife declared living in Spain 20 years ago, time value of 3 Tourist-Visas worth of time. Total was more than a year, she would leave Spain travel to France and return the next day with a new tourist visa before the current Visa would expire.) She never 'overstayed'.
In the interest of total honesty the wife and I declared this time in Spain, and NVC requested the usual 'police reports'. These police reports are hard to obtain in Spain if 'immigration' documents were never issued. She only recieved the the tourist Visa, and legally I might add. We have family members in Spain, working on obtaining these documents. We we are still waiting months later and making no progress. We had to send a power of attorney to the family to petition the Police Department (more delay).
Question: is the time living in a country (as defined by the NVC forms) considered in the Agregate or per Occurrence? Could we argue that each turist visa was for less than 6 months at a time so the time 'living in the country' was less than a year?
Next: She did the same thing in England!
During the stays she had no contact with any government, landlord, power, postal or anything. She was just a young female family member living in the house.
Now, I wonder if we did the right thing by declaring it using the aggregate logic, (of course we did) or not declaring it (and using the "per Occurrence" logic?).
Is there an official source or precedence that would clarify this problem?
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-01 16:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDHL out of chile to NVC does it work?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Sep 11 2008, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm I assume you are asking about the K3 process. You are in the K1 forums so i'm going to move this to K3 for you. You can click on the portals link above and find others who have gone through Chile to get a better idea. (mbk)

Thanks for moving it. I would like to include everyone.
DHL is the preferred carrier from NVC to the Embassy.
Anyone sent anything to NVC from Chile using DHL?
If no one responds I'm going to send on Monday anyway.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-11 22:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDHL out of chile to NVC does it work?
DHL is about the best service out of Santiago CHile in general.
Does DHL actually deliver to the NVC?
Has anyone done this from any country but especially from Chile?
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-11 18:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Question
QUOTE (jodette @ Sep 21 2008, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband was not able to make a copy of the RFE we sent for I-130... would that be a problem in the future? We just thought of this today and would like to know if this can affect our visa processing... thanks for your answers in advance smile.gif

Only if they lose your RFE papers completely, which is the same odds as any other papers.
They will send you a note saying they have recieved them. Watch for it.
The only thing that could happen is if the papers never arrive or they lose them completely. You will lose time, the total would be: 1- mail time both ways 2- the time it takes to discover that it's missing. 3- your response time to get the information mailed to them again.

There is very little reason for concern because most things arrive intact. It will not affect your visa processing.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-21 10:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Interview -- blue (Bankruptcy)
QUOTE (Waheed and Kris @ Aug 2 2008, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need some help here. My husband went to his K3 interview in Islamabad last week. He was questioned about a bankruptcy I filed back in 2005. Then he was given a blue paper and I now have to submit my bankruptcy discharge papers and more bank statements. I have already supplied them with six months worth of bank statements but I was completely unaware that a previous bankruptcy was considered when applying for a K3. My income is way above the 125% of the poverty level. I am sending the documents they requested. Is there any reason for concern here? I was under the impression that my current income was the determining factor to be an eligible sponsor and not my previous debt.


You will be OK. What they want to show is that the money you make is indeed yours and someone from the bankruptcy won't swoop in asking for it just about the time your hubby arrives. USCIS is working FOR you this time. They want that money to be yours! ... I hope that was clear.. and send them what they want, to show them it's your money.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-12 13:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
QUOTE (~Dream Love~ @ Sep 10 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... the man is supposed to take care of the woman...

This is true. I'm the USC husband with spouse in Santiago Chile, plus: Eilat, Barcelona, London (... and I send "the Fish" and her daughter $2,000 (USD) to $4,000 per month and have been sending it for about 18 months now and they do their best to keep me broke. I suffer so much. But eventually they will arrive and I won't have to duplicate all the expenses. "The Fish" doesn't contribute any money, she just spends it. I might add that when we started the relationship she did say: "show me the money" so I did. She's 60 years old and has learned some things. Why do I call her "the fish"? That's her name! But now I'm beginning to suspect I'm the fish... true story.
squentnaMaleChile2008-09-15 12:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPhone Call from Embassy
QUOTE (rue2you @ Oct 6 2008, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question: My wife in Costa Rica just got a call from the US Embassy and they scheduled her for an appointment this Friday. They said they have all her stuff and they will give her the instructions for the remaining paperwork. They said all the paperwork in the US is good. I don't even have a case number from the NVC. What is going on? Is this normal? Any info is greatly appreciated.

I have seen this from Chile also. I believe you are on a FAST TRACK of some sort. I had the Chile Embassy call me in the States and ask a couple questions, then tell me they were scheduling the interview for the spouse in Santiago. Then they called her! That was in (2003). Some Embassies are better than others and enjoy good relations with their host countries.

Sit back and enjoy your good fortunes and congratulations!
squentnaMaleChile2008-10-06 18:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance with a Chile
QUOTE (sara1234 @ May 22 2008, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I live in the U.S. and my fiance lives in Chile. He would like to live with me here in America. But he has a child with a past relationship. When he lives here he plans on supporting the child financially and going back to Chile as often as he can. I was wondering if anyone has had this experience in the past? Is it likely that he gets denied because he has a child? Does the childs mother have to sign papers allowing him to go? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

In Chile the divorce laws have only been in effect for about 1-2 years. Prior to that divorce was illegal and this kept the number of Chileans down, (apart from they have a cool country and no one wants to leave.)
The marriage license says right on the licence the status of property should divorce occur, and the Chilean girls all insist on "joint" when they marry locally.
For the child to leave the country he will need a court order from a Judge in which all three parties must attend.
For the child to immigrate the US immigration will need permission from the mother in which the court in Chile participates. If the child is snatched he'll be returned on the next plane.
The Mother usually/always gets the child in Chile.
Child support can be enforced across the US border.... trust me. These two countries are so tight that US social security will accept the money from Chilean Social Security if he moves.
squentnaMaleChile2008-06-07 09:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview is tomorrow - possible problem??? translated
[/quote] This varies with the Consulate and is certainly not true in China or any other country that doesn't use the Roman alphabet. Only a Chile specific answer is useful on this question and I trust the OP will be back with that answer later today, since the interview is today.

Personal experience: once it's in the hands of the Embassy in Chile you are home free. Translations not needed, they will call you on the phone before you go with questions if they are not ready, they know exactly what is needed, the entire thing takes less than an hour. Viva! They are really nice in Chile.
squentnaMaleChile2008-10-01 21:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia to Vote on Sunday
QUOTE (Satellite @ Nov 28 2007, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Read the article below:
If you disagree with the article (it was biased, etc.) I can understand your point of view.

The article is very biased and to a large extent incorrect. Ryzhkov's party SPS was never barred; his candidacy was however removed from the top three candidates for President, at the Kremlin's insistense. Seeing such factual mistakes I doubt the accuracy of other facts mentioned.

I agree there is much pressure to ensure a decent turnout. But there is NO WAY any employer is able to check whether his employee has used her absentee ballot (unless they are all led to vote in files, like those soldiers), - or for which party that employee voted.
Blues FairyFemaleRussia2007-11-28 15:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia to Vote on Sunday
QUOTE (mox @ Nov 28 2007, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At my SO's workplace, they are expected to share the same political views as the management. There is no written rule or law that says they are required to, but people have a strange habit of being fired for incompetence when they have opposing views. Management actively engage their employees in political discussions, and it's best for those employees to not only nod and agree, but to enthusiastically participate in the conversation.

How is her management able to control whether she's gone to vote or not?

Anyway, it's just a particular case of inappropriate behavior, but not a general rule as it was stated in kud's post.
Blues FairyFemaleRussia2007-11-28 13:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia to Vote on Sunday
QUOTE (kud @ Nov 28 2007, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes, you are right, nobody is forced to vote in Russia -- unless of course you hate being unemployed.

Please quote the law, or regulation, or incident that supports your statement.

Half of my friends have not voted in the previous elections and they still hold their jobs.
Blues FairyFemaleRussia2007-11-28 11:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia to Vote on Sunday
What are you people talking about, nobody is forced to vote. Except, perhaps, the military who are led to vote for Putin in files, at the command of their officers. For all the rest of the citizens, voting is voluntary.

The removal of "against all" option is just that. Those who came to vote have to vote for somebody. If they chose not to vote, they stay at home.

Edited by Blues Fairy, 28 November 2007 - 05:56 AM.

Blues FairyFemaleRussia2007-11-28 05:55:00