PhilippinesIs a new letter affirming the intention of marriage and support required for USEM?

You have heard of a visa being held up for lack of the LOI?  In the last 3 years?  I have not read of anyone even being asked for the LOI.

I agree not needed and never asked for. If OP feels a need then like you said send one.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-10 10:13:00
PhilippinesCFO Nightmare...Please Help

I attended the CFO seminar yesterday and I got my certificate after. Sticker to follow after delivery of my passport and visa.

I scheduled online for the 2pm slot. It was supposed to have been 2-4 but we ended at around 5:30 pm. 2-4 was the one on one interview of the emigrants. Questions asked were basically to make sure that we know what we're getting into. I didn't have much of a problem as I am marrying my Filipino childhood friend. The only document that was asked of me is the NSO issued marriage contract (previous) with the annotation of its nullity and voidance.

For those who are still to go through CFO, make sure you know the ff:

1. Your husband/fiancee's full name, address, age, place and date of birth, mother's full maiden name, occupation and if also Filipino by birth, date of naturalization.

2. How did you two meet?

3. If husband/fiancee had previous marriage/s, make sure you know the reason of the divorce/annulment. I was told some answer that it's too personal and they don't want to ask their husband/fiancee. DON'T say that. You have to know the reason.

4. What are your plans after you get married?

There are more questions posted already in CFO threads but the aforementioned were the ones asked me.

And heads up, if you have a car, DON'T bring it! There are no parking spaces. I spent a good 30 minutes trying to find a slot (on the side streets).

As for the scammer, there was one but CFO has gotten rid of this guy. There's a notice posted on the door of the room where the seminar was conducted. The name of the villain is Socrates Autor and the notice said that he's been "officially terminated" from CFO since September, 2013.

I hope this helps! ??


Thanks for sharing your experience.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-12 10:06:00
PhilippinesCFO Nightmare...Please Help
hardrockangel, on 02 Jun 2014 - 02:22 AM, said:

I'm Filipina too, but i am not favor in those kinds of requirements like CFO it will cause a lot of problem when you didn't take it, they say to avoid human trafficking, but for me with or without that CFO human trafficking in my country is still every where, they just create that simply because they don't like their people to have good future in an easy way, they will always creating and finding things for Us to experience hardship.. :(


Maybe this will help you understand why there is a CFO seminar for departing females from the Philippines.



GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-02 05:20:00
PhilippinesCFO Nightmare...Please Help

Print and fill out. I recommend that you have it notarized as I have heard that some agents request it. Just a recommendation.




Those at least 18 but below 21 years of age are required to obtain parent's consent to the marriage. http://www.quezoncit...ttomarriage.pdf


Those at least 21 but below 25 years of age are required to obtain parent's advice to the marriage. http://www.quezoncit...arentadvice.pdf


Persons 25 years and above, need not get either of the two abovementioned forms


GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-04-08 18:14:00
PhilippinesCFO Nightmare...Please Help

Everything is explained at Hank_'s website. Click on CFO and follow. You won't regret the help from Hank_!!

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-04-08 10:32:00
PhilippinesCEAC still says ready for interview , after approval on May 27
asianculture, on 13 Jun 2014 - 07:35 AM, said:

i was thinking that its just delay, due to Holiday yesterday here in the Philippines, thanks for uplifting my spirit greenbaum!




Your welcome. But, keep in mind you are going to be your own worst enemy during the process, because you are going to second guess every step.


Like I said.... let the visa run it's course. You or anyone else cannot change the time line. Just my two cents worth.   2059.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 19:37:00
PhilippinesCEAC still says ready for interview , after approval on May 27
asianculture, on 13 Jun 2014 - 03:16 AM, said:

CEAC still says ready for interview, though dates were updated on June 2,9 and 10....
I called embassy they said they are still processing the passport.
My question is, do they tell you if there's a problem? Because I am a little worried.

Is there any other way of checking my visa status?


They are still processing your visa. If you did not get a form 221(g), and it sounds like you did not, then you should be find. Relax. Take a deep breath. This will soon be over and your visa will be in your hands. Just a little longer.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 04:25:00
PhilippinesHow can I prove someone is still married in the Philippines?
ECS, on 13 Jun 2014 - 8:06 PM, said:

Thanks for the replies. 


I do not know how much USC#1 knew about the fraud.  It wasnt uncovered until 2010...19 years after her entering the US.  That is when I found out about it.  She obtained a visa under a false name.  She claims that her sister stole someone elses ID for her for her to assume that persons identity. 


This fraud is only the tip of the iceberg and I think I could write a book about what she was able to pull off for almost 20 years.  She even has the audacity to appeal the removal to the BIA and then to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  She has put me through a world of ####### and this has cost me almost $100K and still have to provide support to her (because as far as the US Family Court is concerned, her divorces were valid, subsequently validating our marriage)


I believe I understand Philippine Law as far as marriage and divorce go.  Divorce between both Philippine Citizens is non-existent except for a few rare instances.  Divorce between a Philippine Citizen and a citizen from another country would only be vaild if the citizen from the other country is the one who petitioned for the divorce.  She was the petition for both Philippine divorces, so they would be considered not valid in the Philippines. 


I know this small part of the law practically inside and out as I have been dealing with this for over 4 years.  However, I need something official that I can present to the court which states under current Philippine Law, and with these facts, then she is still considered married under Philippine Law. 


I do realize that under US law, she was validly married to me.  But if and when she retruns to the Philippines, she would still be considered married to the Philippine Citizen, which makes our marriage void from the beginning, which would annul the marraige. 



I'm not sure if this would be of any help but it is very informative about the Law as it pertains to marriage, annulment and divorce.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 19:25:00
Philippineshow to speak in the interview
Sekhvaruli, on 14 Jun 2014 - 10:50 AM, said:

From my experience, the pre-screener is not interviewing at all , but just collects the needed documents from you.



Hank_, on 14 Jun 2014 - 1:00 PM, said:


Not sure what experience you have with the embassy in Manila, but I know when my wife and I were there the pre-screener asked a variety of questions of both of us, along with collecting the documents,   Maybe he just enjoyed our company ;)


I agree with Hank. When I and my wife were in front of the Filipino CO he not only collected the documents but also had questions for both of us. 2060.gif But for some, it may have been a different experience.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-15 08:03:00
Philippineshow to speak in the interview
rosejosh, on 14 Jun 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:

good day :) i am just confused.. i have stage freight ..hahahaa.. well i want to know how to talk to the interviewer?

and how many people are there to talk to you. k1 visa interview and CFO.. is it required to speak in english? thank you


The CO's see thousands of applicants a year, so you are no different then anyone else coming before them. There is no need to have a concern. You may request an interrupter in your native language and you will not be looked down on for doing so. The one question that will surely be asked if you use an interrupter, is how you will communicate within your relationship with your husband. 


You will meet during your interview the Filipino CO and an American CO. Upon completion you will talk to a person who's duty it is to make sure that they have a correct address for shipping your documents or to inform you that you may need additional documents. Under the extreme case you failed your interview that person will inform you of the CO's decision and return your passport.  If they keep your passport that's a good sign you have passed.


At CFO you may see three to four people but there is one, the interviewer, that you have to convince that you have a true relationship.


Just be yourself, be confident and answer the questions truthfully.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-14 05:15:00
Philippinescfo appointment

Yep, no problems doing CFO before your visa. When you are ready to get the sticker in your passport, just return with your certificate and passport with visa attached, to any one of their locations; NAIA, Manila or Cebu.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-14 20:05:00
Philippinesinterview scheduling and internet woes in Cagayan de Oro
I spell a scam!! He can't do anything that you can't do. Avoid!!! Have more patience and you will have an appointment soon.
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-14 16:43:00
PhilippinesIs this the updated k1 visan interview requirements?

No need for the 129F. Just bring all the documents that are asked for in the Embassy letter. If the USC is present at the interview things seem to process fast. Just a suggestion as some of here have attended and enjoyed the process and glad to support our Pinay. If you can't make it, it will not have any bearing but more questions will be asked which should not be a problem for your Pinay.


http://photos.state....4 Feb 2014_.pdf

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-15 19:29:00
Philippinessputum smear negative Yay! :D
LuckyTwo14, on 14 Jun 2014 - 10:55 PM, said:

Yes, I think it's a waste of time to have someone live in a city for 7 months to spend 30 minutes a day to take a tablet once a day, or Monday through Friday excluding holidays. I'm capable of giving my fiancée 1 of 120 tablets each day here in the USA. Believe me we have that kind of service here.

The PI is just following the WHO and CDC protocols because of the visa. If the country really cared then it wouldn't take a visa process to detect and "cure" it.



LuckyTwo14, on 15 Jun 2014 - 01:51 AM, said:

It's just the way CDC wants it done in recent years. What happens to those fiancees that are dumped because the sponsor doesn't want to wait? My guess is that because there is no longer financial support to live close to SLEC for 6 months then the ex-fiancée doesn't complete the DOT and no one cares.

It's just a huge waste of time (in my opinion) to live somewhere for 6 months just to take a tablet when the bottle of tablets could be taken in the USA. I really doubt the "positive" person would choose to flush the tablets down the toilet if entrusted to take the tablets on their own.


Most of us here don't disagree with your logic. But, having said that I would have to agree with Hank and his assessment. No one wants a pandemic to start in any country and not in the USA. Yes, some guys are not that committed to spend the time or money to support their Pinay during a very difficult time. I find that unpalatable to say the least. But when you need your significant other and they bail on you, then they are not worth the time to marry. Just my HO. 

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-15 19:37:00
Philippinessputum smear negative Yay! :D
sol_enn, on 14 Jun 2014 - 06:47 AM, said:sol_enn, on 14 Jun 2014 - 06:47 AM, said:

I just wish SLEC will not call me before 2 months. Because as what I'e read here on vj's, if they call earlier than two months meaning the result is positive. This two months is such a waste of time.


So, if someone is trying to save your life with the TB process, and to you it's a waste of time? Did you know that TB kills.2062.gif

Edited by Greenbaum, 14 June 2014 - 08:18 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-14 20:17:00
Philippinessputum smear negative Yay! :D
sol_enn, on 12 Jun 2014 - 11:43 PM, said:

I went back to St. Lukes last June 6 for the result of my 3 days sputum test done last June 2, 3 and 4. I was really feel happy when the doctor said that the result were all negative. But, still need to wait for 2 months for sputum culture, and so another waiting :( Hoping and praying that the result of that culture is negative as well. I really can't wait to be with my fiance. I'm almost there! <3



Congratulations for passing your first hurdle. 1951.gifStay positive and keep your faith. That's another stepping stone on the path to your visa.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 04:41:00
PhilippinesPercent of being denied at the interview

Keep it simple and bring what the embassy asked for in their instruction letter. They never asked for anything but what was in the letter unless something is being withheld. Good luck to those going through the process. 

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 12:27:00
PhilippinesWhat next?
dleeholmes, on 16 Jun 2014 - 12:07 PM, said:dleeholmes, on 16 Jun 2014 - 12:07 PM, said:

My fiancé (beneficiary) lives in the Philippines. So far everything is going well and we have received the I-797 for our K-1 visa application. This letter says our application has been approved. However, apparently the next steps are the frustrating ones. My fiancé has been trying to make an online interview appt for two weeks now for the Manila embassy, and it keeps showing up as "no appointments available". I had thought that the embassy would contact us when an appt was scheduled, but apparently they don't do that anymore so we have been trying to schedule the appt. what happens if we keep getting this no appt available message? Do we have to start this whole process over again?? Very frustrating. They like taking your money but then don't provide the appointments. Is anybody else running into this issue? It seems like luck of the draw as far as getting apps. Shouldn't they do it based on priority/processing date of the application? With this system, conceivably people with later filing dates can get interview apps ahead of us simply because they happened to be on the computer at the right time.


Many are feeling your pain. But, the system is the system and it works pretty well for the number of applicants. You have not been to an interview yet as many of us here have personally experienced it. There are thousands of people trying to get a number of different types of visas daily. You happen in on a very trying time because of the State Department allowing expedited applications for those who where affected by Yolanda.  Ask anyone of us what you should do, and our response is sit and wait and have patience. Keep looking for interview dates that open up. No one is going to speed up the process.   


Some people are complaining when they got to where you are in 30 to 60 days and just think it took the rest of us 180 to 270 days.  So don't think you are being singled out. There are others here with your same complaint and guess what, they have their fiancé next to them here in USA and they had to wait only two weeks after interview approval, but they still complained that the process took too long.


I'm sorry but it is what it is and you will have to except it. That's the elephant in the room.

Edited by Greenbaum, 17 June 2014 - 07:40 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 19:38:00
PhilippinesNeed help (denied by his american citizen father)
Greenbaum, on 16 Jun 2014 - 06:46 AM, said:

I agree with "hardrockangle" that maybe you should leave well enough alone as your options are very time consuming and costly. If you are happy with your current "husband" and he has accepted your child then I think that it is the best for all three of you.



Sweet28, on 16 Jun 2014 - 10:26 PM, said:

Ok...thanks everyone..but what if he will file for the custody of the chilid?is it possible?



Like I said on page one. Let this alone as it will become a nightmare and you will wish you never started the process. Just get on with your life, love your son and let your new love (husband, boyfriend or lover or whomever) teach him about being a man and taking responsibility and having respect for women and life.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 19:21:00
PhilippinesNeed help (denied by his american citizen father)

I agree with "hardrockangle" that maybe you should leave well enough alone as your options are very time consuming and costly. If you are happy with your current "husband" and he has accepted your child then I think that it is the best for all three of you.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-16 05:46:00
PhilippinesHow do I get passport back from Manila Embassy when in AP? Help!

Attached File  money.png   86.63KB   0 downloads                       <--------- Hank and his money tree!!   1949.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 20:04:00
PhilippinesInterview Schedule in US Embassy Manila
dulc_serrano, on 16 Jun 2014 - 11:02 PM, said:

My fiance and I already talked about it we both prefer to get the interview schedule first then the medical.can I have my CFO seminar after my medical?is there a validity of CFO certificate and sticker?




It's a good idea to have your interview date already scheduled then just prior to the interview do your medical and during that same week you can hop on over to CFO and complete it. The medical for K1 begins the visa validity so the visa when approved will be good for six months from your medical date. Most here do their medical a week before interview and during that same week complete the CFO.


If you do have a problem with your medical then you can cancel your interview date, finish what is required for SLEC and then reschedule your interview. You can cancel two interview appointments before you are penalized.


Hope this helps.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 06:12:00
PhilippinesCancelled K1 Visa Interview
Salora Sunset, on 18 Jun 2014 - 4:38 PM, said:


Thank you responding Hank, it's been awhile since I last visited this site. I didn't contact the embassy, I decided to walk away even if I already paid the interview fee, it doesnt really matter though, I'm just glad that I didn't go through the interview process, now my ex-fiance had been emailing me, threatening me to write the US Embassy that I deceived him for applying K1 Visa and that he wants my passport and any future US visa application that I would be required since I need the Transit Visa for Seafarers denied. I am upset with how he blackmails me when we both know that he was the one who hurt me and I just decided to end it by walking away from everything, even gave up the chance of living the American dream because I cannot share it with his immaturity and silly games.

I hope you're right Hank, so that I can push through my Transit Visa once my company assigns me to a US bound vessel. 


The Embassy gets threats like yours (coming from your Ex) from many, many jilted lovers. They ignore such things because most are just BS or someone trying to manipulate the process.  Also, as long as it was not a blatant case of fraud, which most are not so USEM just ignores them. You should do the same. Just relax and get on with your life and ignore this......      2058.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-18 19:09:00
PhilippinesK-1 interview, does it improve chances if I join my fiancee?
ikeloa, on 18 Jun 2014 - 4:35 PM, said:

As everyone suggested, it was really smart that I attended the interview.  For the final interview at the third window, the CO actually ended up asking me 90% of the questions, much to the relief of my fiancee :)  The visa is approved :)


Review is pending, once I catch up on sleep.


Thank you everyone!


1969.gif  Congratulations. So great to hear that from you. Get some sleep and enjoy the rest of your visit.  1969.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-18 19:14:00
PhilippinesK-1 interview, does it improve chances if I join my fiancee?
ikeloa, on 16 Jun 2014 - 4:42 PM, said:

So last minute decision - I am going to Manila tonight and arrive Wednesday at 4:10am. And her interview is at 7:30am on Wednesday. Yep, cutting it very close, but it seems that we are doing the whole process this way!


I will let everyone know how it goes.

Thanks again!


You will get a lot out of the experience. It's our Government in action. I have a lot of respect for the CO's who interview applicants day in and day out. They are sharp and can uncover a fraud in minutes. I witness it when I was there for my wife's interview. Once the applicant admitted the fraud she was denied and it will cost her a chance to immigrate to the USA for many years if ever. It involved her sisters son and he will not be going also anytime soon.  So here is a mother trying to beat the US Government and she lost big time.


So go, support your fiancé and smile and explain to her she needs to be truthful with her answers and it's ok to say "I don't know". Look the CO in the eye when answering and be relaxed as much as possible.


Good luck...

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-17 19:54:00
PhilippinesQUESTION! :)
Hank_, on 19 Jun 2014 - 09:58 AM, said:



She lives down the street from you!   Oh no!!!  ....   :lol:


2047.gif  LOL

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-19 19:08:00
PhilippinesQUESTION! :)
vanessamaagad, on 19 Jun 2014 - 12:50 AM, said:vanessamaagad, on 19 Jun 2014 - 12:50 AM, said:

Im confused and i need some answers.. I am already married and will apply for green card this month.
Am i allowed to apply for driver's license and drive legally even though i only have
insurance and SSN? I will appreciate your answers.. Thank you!


Check with your local State Department of Motor Vehicle. All states have a website that will provide you with the answers to many of your questions plus if needed the materials to pass your test. Requirements are different depending which license you are pursuing.


It looks like you are in North Carolina so follow this link otherwise if you in another state search for their DMV website.

Edited by Greenbaum, 19 June 2014 - 05:42 AM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-19 05:35:00
PhilippinesPlease udpate us for any interview slot opening
eulariomalos, on 20 Jun 2014 - 05:05 AM, said:

Visa status: A/P. just today done with my interview. Got 221g. Im worried. Im already approved right? I was required by the embassy to have my NBI having a.k.a "yula" because my birthcertificate was corrected from "yula" to "eula" wayback 2007. Im nit informed on this case that i need to have a.k.a on my former incorrect name. Help :(


I answered this on another thread that you posted. Please post once and someone will be glad to help you.


Also, to help you better fill in your timeline please. :time: To find it, look at the upper right corner and click on yor name and select "My Timeline". This will help us to help you.  Good luck on your journey. :)

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-20 06:00:00
PhilippinesPlease udpate us for any interview slot opening

Even if im CR1 and filed DCF here?The email they sent me yesterday said I can schedule online or call them.

I m sorry I didnt see your filing status. Follow Sir Hank_'s instructions. He is very good with helping abd has the best instructions.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-19 19:39:00
PhilippinesPlease udpate us for any interview slot opening
youichi6915, on 19 Jun 2014 - 7:03 PM, said:youichi6915, on 19 Jun 2014 - 7:03 PM, said:

That's what's weird. Whenever I click continue (twice), it just says "there are no appointments available". And it also says I'm nearing the max etc etc. Why am I stuck on this since yesterday? :(

Yes, I just woke up and logged in. I was surprised that the original date was still showing. I'll post my whole dashboard maybe I did something wrong


NVC will schedule your appointment based on availability at USEM. Currently, appointments are hard to find so it may take sometime before one is available. For additional information see: http://travel.state....NL - Manila.pdf

Edited by Greenbaum, 19 June 2014 - 07:04 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-19 18:56:00
PhilippinesPlease udpate us for any interview slot opening
jgoodman, on 09 Jun 2014 - 10:22 AM, said:

We lucked out with the interview of my two K2 follow to join step-daughters. We were only able to schedule one interview but when they got to the embassy they let them both in and they both are approved and awaiting their passports and visa. Time to book their flights now I think.


DO NOT book flights until their visa's are in your hands physically. The delivery of the visas can take 2 days to months. If you want to gamble, it's your money.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-10 06:13:00
PhilippinesWhat airline would u recommend
My wife and children flew PAL from MNL to LAX and said the flight left on time, the employees were great and the food was good. Arrived in LAX on time. This year PAL has bought new equipment so your experience maybe different.
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-16 20:34:00
PhilippinesCrba update...pls enlighten me..

I'm actually getting together a packet for my second son's CRBA (the one in my profile pic) with his little CRBA interview July 3. We did number one son's CRBA two years ago successfully. The physical presence items are the US citizen's documents of being able to transmit citizenship, so this has to do with being physically present for extensive periods within 5 years prior to the child's conception and birth in the United States. What Mr. Greenbaum had in his final paragraph above has to do with items that show physical presence in the US of the US parent, like US college transcripts, old US passports, US income tax returns, US utility bills in the name of the US parent, US employment records, US military records, and/or US medical records. I have several of those types of items to provide evidence of my physical presence in the US prior to my son's birth. That evidence, along with my passport stamps showing I was in the Philippines at the point of conception, gives some evidence of transmitting citizenship and temporal evidence of conception. Hope this helps.


That's good information. By your sharing I learned something new. Thanks.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-12 10:16:00
PhilippinesCrba update...pls enlighten me..
Ulymd, on 10 Jun 2014 - 05:33 AM, said:

Just had my apps for crba and us passport this morning for my daughter but the CO gave me a form for additional document to send. They need more evidence of US citizen parent physical presence for 5 years...what does it mean? It was not clear to me if it was approved or not. Secondly, my K1 visa is pending due to crba apps so i got 221g form, question is, now that i already applied for crba, what will i send to 2go? The receipt that i aready paid for crba apps or will i wait for the crba to be completed and all?..... The stress is still in my nerve..was nervous a while ago. Thank you somuch!


I did a little research on your question and this is what I found. Look at the last paragraph and it tells you some of the items that will prove "physical presence".


Supporting Documents You will need all of the following:

The child's foreign birth certificate.

Proof of citizenship of the U.S. citizen parent(s). Your current passport is the preferred form of proof. Your U.S. birth certificate or naturalization certificate is also acceptable.

Proof of the relationship between the U.S. citizen parent(s) and the child. Your child's birth certificate with both parents' names on it is the best form of proof.

If you are married, we need to see proof. If you have prior marriages, we need to see proof of how those marriages ended.

A statement from either U.S. citizen parent and evidence that she/he lived in the U.S. long enough to transmit citizenship to her/his child. The statement you give is called an Affidavit of Parentage, Physical Presence, and Support.

Here is a link to the form:

How long is long enough? That will depend on whether the parents are married, and whether one or both is a U.S. citizen. Learn more about transmitting citizenship here.

How you prove you were physically present will depend a lot on your situation. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some examples of acceptable evidence include school transcripts, old passports, income tax returns, utility bills in the name of the parent, employment records, military records, and or medical records. The more you can provide, the easier it will be for the consular officer to approve the CRBA.


GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-10 06:41:00
Philippinesjust called nvc and received case number
teddy k, on 19 Jun 2014 - 7:33 PM, said:

Hi everybody I just called nvc and the operator told me my case number so when should I be getting the email from them stating that thanks in advance


Here is the start of your process with USEM.... follow the link http://travel.state....NL - Manila.pdf

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-19 18:47:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post

I think your keyboard has a life of its own, Greenbaum!  :P
"Half human, half patient" ... hahaha. You just made my friday, sis! :D
Have you called USEM yet? What did they say?

Did I mean inputs or input. Mmmmm let me see... :)

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-20 11:35:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post
merryme, on 20 Jun 2014 - 01:40 AM, said:



My status was "AP" for two weeks following my interview last June 3. I had 221-g (CENOMAR) but I attended to it immediately. Upon verification with USEM, I was told that they received it on June 13.  On June 18, my CEAC status changed to "READY". Then today it's on the second "AP".  What I am concerned about is the message that followed:


"Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved after administrative processing, your passport will be delivered by our contracted courier to the address you specified when you booked your interview."


Does it really take that long? Or is this a general notice that comes along with the second "AP"? 


I'd again appreciate any inputs.  Thanks again.... and again. :)


That's their general notice. Please try and relax, your approved and soon you will have your visa in hand. NO ONE can predict when you will receive your visa, so naturally there is no need to be nervous or stressed out.


Your almost there. 1942.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-20 05:52:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post
llindsay, on 13 Jun 2014 - 7:54 PM, said:


Actually you cant really tell the visa process either just like you cant tell when you will get your visa. There are many different variables when it comes to when the different steps are. I have read where others went back and forth between AP and ready several times and also read that someone was at AP for 2 months.


For me it was:


Interview day

Then AP next day

2 days after AP it was "issued"


Others stated that it has a lot to do with the person doing the interview and how they process the paperwork but I guess nothing really is in carved in stone except being patient.



There is some truth to what you say. Six months ago what I posted was the then "norm" (personal experience). But now there is no norm. Sometimes my process is used and sometimes your process is used. It's confusing. Rule of thumb is that just when you think you have them figured out, they go and change their process. But, like you stated, and I have too as many have, you just have to have patience and see how it will play out. It will get issued but maybe not the time frame that the OP wants.


Thanks for your impute.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 18:59:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post

The visa processing steps after visa interview are as follows:


The first AP is the immigration unit doing the paperwork for approving the visa

The first ready is a notice that they are finished and the paperwork is being sent for visa issuance

The second AP is the visa issuance people doing their own paperwork

The second ready is that the visa has been issued and is currently being processed for delivery


Upon the second ready, it will be sent out within a few days.



No one can tell anyone when they will get their visa. There has been some who received in two days and others more than three months. Yes, normal delivery is around 3 weeks if the sun, moon and mars are lined up so:



Do not finalize arrangements for travel to the United States, dispose of properties, or resign from your job until a visa has been issued and delivered to you.



Edited by Greenbaum, 13 June 2014 - 06:38 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 18:37:00
PhilippinesMNL# on appointment confirmation
Mountain Climber, on 20 Jun 2014 - 1:51 PM, said:

When I printed out our appointment confirmation page, there is no MNL# listed.  The MNL# was listed in the profile information on the

website but not on the printout.  It shows the payment receipt number and a bar code at the bottom but no MNL#.  I did not

receive a letter from the NVC with the MNL# but got it by calling on the phone.  Will I still be able to schedule a medical?


You are required to have scheduled a visa appointment with USEM. You will be required to present your appointment letter sent by the National Visa Center or an e-mail confirmation from the Visa Information and Appointment Service or you may print off a copy of your appointment confirmation page after you have scheduled your appointment online to begin your medical exam.


You have the appointment confirmation page so you are good to go.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-21 06:32:00