PhilippinesOpen Interview dates in Manila embassy tracking

Before Yolanda it was very normal to see two months of calendar openings.   
I am curious how long it will be before the backlog will clear up.

Katrina only tried to take out New Orleans ;)

Oh yes Yolanda is Katrina's sister. Sorry got confused. :)

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-03 11:57:00
PhilippinesOpen Interview dates in Manila embassy tracking

Yes prior to Katrina the there were no wait times because you could choose a interview date 30 to 60 days out without a problem.

so maybe what we're seeing now that they opened up the entire month of August is they're getting caught up and we're having less and less Katrina applicants.

Let's hope so. But, keep in mind that the NVC wait time prior to Katrina were 3-4 months now they are less thsn 60 days.

So question for Greenbaum and Hank:
I been here a couple of months watching the appointment open up and it seems like they only were opening maybe 15 to 30 days out. So now they have opened a whole month ahead. Is that more like the way it was before the storm? They open 30 to 60 days out ?

Yes prior to Katrina the there were no wait times because you could choose a interview date 30 to 60 days out without a problem.

so maybe what we're seeing now that they opened up the entire month of August is they're getting caught up and we're having less and less Katrina applicants.

Let's hope so. But, keep in mind that the NVC wait time prior to Katrina were 3-4 months now they are less thsn 60 days.

So question for Greenbaum and Hank:
I been here a couple of months watching the appointment open up and it seems like they only were opening maybe 15 to 30 days out. So now they have opened a whole month ahead. Is that more like the way it was before the storm? They open 30 to 60 days out ?

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-03 11:50:00
PhilippinesOpen Interview dates in Manila embassy tracking

Congrats to those who got August dates. Now comes the next wave of "why are there no dates available" and we say .........

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-03 08:48:00
PhilippinesOpen Interview dates in Manila embassy tracking
All July appointments have been scheduled except those that are cancelled. August dates have not been released yet.
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-01 09:32:00
PhilippinesOpen Interview dates in Manila embassy tracking
BTW, if you post a date to the forum, that you saw available for an interview, chances are it has already been snapped up. That date is no longer available by the time the ink has dried from your posting. :)
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-01 09:09:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling

in my opinion it is ludicris the way the system is being run currently. I'm a computer programmer and it was even tough for me using c4c.. imagine everyone who's not that computer savvy? Or can't stay up all night?  it just infuriates me when I see the news with all the illegals pouring into this country. I feel bad for the victims of the typhoon, but how are they all-of-a-sudden getting immigrant visa's to the USA ? The living conditions of most of the victims were not that good to begin with.. K1's should have some priority here - the victims never had any intentions or capability of coming to the USA, now all of a sudden they are getting the golden ticket by the thousands?  bizarre. Philippines.


C4C does what it is intended to do and that is monitor the page for changes and alert you when that happens. That's all it was intended to do. For some it did its job. Of course I realized where your beef is in the entire process which I couldn't agree more with you.


Having said that are you not glad that you only need to experience this cluster blah blah blah once? So relax and think about the next step and all the land mines that you´ll encounter there. :)

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-08 22:19:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
JoyJoyBrian, on 07 Jul 2014 - 8:45 PM, said:

My fiancé and myself have been trying to get an interview for a month now!!!! this is absolutely crazy. I call everyday no luck there. OOHH yes we do the C4C and the refresh plus with Google chrome but no luck!! Does anyone think hiring a attorney would help expedite at all? I  don't know what to do I am not real good at sitting back and being patient.


Both Joy and Myself between the two of us are online 24/7 trying to get a slot!!! Absolutely heart breaking.

Plus I wonder if our window of time or expiration date will pass from uscis??


Calling the Embassy will not increase your ability to get an interview as they are looking at the same schedule you are.


Hiring an attorney will be a waste of money as he/she will not be able to do any more than what you can do.


Stick with C4C, it's your best chance. It's like fishing.... you just have to wait till the pull on the finishing line happens to know if you have caught a fish.


Your time will be extended up to a year automatically. No concern there.


While waiting, read some of the threads here on VJ and many of these and other questions have been answered.


Good luck and don't give up. 1942.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-07 20:07:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling

Can you please give me the link for auto refresh plus and page monitor...i wanna try this! Thanks!!??

Can you please give me the link for auto refresh plus and page monitor...i wanna try this! Thanks!!??


Use Google and you will find it or start on page one of this thread and you will see all the information that will answer your questions. Need to do a little work.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-02 21:04:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling

Anyone have a handle on how many K-1 slots are opening in per day in MNL ?  Two weeks ago at least 5 VJ MNL members got slots, all or most had been following this thread. Suddenly it seems using C4C is not getting slots, yet the K-1 slots are being filled ?  :wacko:

No one can say when or how many. I think all July slots are taken except the few that are cancelled and reappear for someone else to grab. Soon August dates will start appearing.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-01 21:08:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
sassyseawitch, on 01 Jul 2014 - 5:30 PM, said:sassyseawitch, on 01 Jul 2014 - 5:30 PM, said:

Yes. We tried it and it crashed my computer. We then tried Chrome Auto Refesh plus, and that locked up my computer.
We are now trying to back all that out and start again.
This is the 3 petition I have done for that family and is the only one with so much trouble.
Have you heard that saying If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It ??
Sooo frustrating.
Thanks for letting me rant. LOL ??


I'm sorry to hear you are having so many problems. There is one more program out there that one member had good luck with and it was for Chrome called "monitor page" found in the play store I believe. Good Luck.

Edited by Greenbaum, 01 July 2014 - 04:39 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-01 16:38:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
bigpoppa, on 28 Jun 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:bigpoppa, on 28 Jun 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:bigpoppa, on 28 Jun 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:


i never heard the alarm lol i sleep while the laptop is beside me haha


i just highlight everything on the dashboard and will it really alarm if the blue box on left side appear?


how i wish we could get one this week


now i understand the frustration of others to get  interview


Be positive.1943.gif Don't have a doubt. 1963.gifThis is the best tool going to get a leg up on the "competition" lol


So follow the advice given and wait for that varmint to raise it's head and you swat that interview date and bring it home!!! 1968.gif

Edited by Greenbaum, 28 June 2014 - 03:18 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-28 15:11:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
ajvitan, on 24 Jun 2014 - 4:13 PM, said:


Just an update: Last Saturday at 3am the ctc alarm went off.  I was fast and got the June 25th date.  So long story short Sharon is on her way to USEM right now for her interview.  


All of our paperwork, medical clearance and she even brough the old packet (pre-ds160) as a bit of evidence that we were ready to rock last October :)


Good luck to you both. Your almost there! 1943.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-24 17:42:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
Rob187, on 18 Jun 2014 - 2:55 PM, said:Rob187, on 18 Jun 2014 - 2:55 PM, said:


GB, I just checked my 'interview confirmed' DB, It's the same page as you show, but you meed to be on the home page DB to schedule !! If your successful then you will see  the page you posted, your scheduled, in the bottom middle row you should see your interview date. 


I do have 'one get there' first tip, change C4C preferences to 2 seconds from the default 4 seconds. 




Thanks for the update. I just wanted to learn how C4C worked for you as others here in the VJ family need a little extra head start so I wanted to be able to post the process to others if ever asked again. I was not looking for my self as I had my interview and received my wife's visa last year.


Anyways, thanks for replying and good luck on the rest of your process. She'll soon be in your arms. 1993.gif

Edited by Greenbaum, 18 June 2014 - 07:18 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-18 19:17:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
Hank_, on 16 Jun 2014 - 9:27 PM, said:

If you click on continue to calendar currently I would not expect to see the calendar unless you are very lucky.


Stay on the dashboard page and watch the left side of the screen for a date to appear, when you see a date appear THEN click to continue to calendar.



With all the confusion with the dashboard I just wanted to verify that I have the right location and the right procedure to get to the scheduling calendar. Seems many are having problems and your dashboard example is a great visual. I just wanted to enhance what you did so there was no misunderstanding where to click to get to the appointment calendar. I am not 100% sure myself.

Attached Files

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-18 06:05:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
Rob187, on 18 Jun 2014 - 03:59 AM, said:

Great Cesar's Ghost ! I got our appointment. The first one I missed because I followed  the wrong link, to the end of the link a ominous 'one more time you mess this up'. I had a good feeling and was not going back to bed, 15 minutes late feathering my  mouse the sudden blast, 'Ch-Ch-Changes.... :dance:


Congrats.  1953.gif The path to the visa just got a little easier. Your almost there now. BTW, were you using C4C?

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-18 04:55:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling

I think you have the answer Rob63. Just highlight the entire page and when the area in question gets refreshed with a date (not a blank) then the alarm will sound and it's time to move quickly if you want that date. As you can see, you are already fighting two others for dates. 1956.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-14 20:11:00
PhilippinesStuck in 5th gear: need help with MNL consular interview K-1 scheduling
Rob187, on 11 Jun 2014 - 2:37 PM, said:

Hi everyone, I'm a US petitioner for my Filipina fiancee. In the past I've referred to this website many times in order to get a grasp of the K-1 petition process, it's been very helpful thus far. Today, I registered on this website because I find myself in need of the benefit of your collective wisdom. We have successfully completed every up the K-1 ladder, including her medical exam and CFO seminar. She has her consular invitation letter to schedule her interview dated 4/15/14.


We have for the last 4 weeks been trying to schedule an appointment both over the phone (they say keep calling) or logging on to the website that for the hundredth time informs us that "no interviews are being scheduled" and BTW, you have logged on too many times.


Sue, my fiancee, lives in northern Mindanao which has been experiencing power outages and abysmally slow internet connection speed. She did tell me that once she saw 2 openings pop-up and before she could hit enter they were gone. I logged on the website with her last night and tried to understand where on consular web page a K-1 opening would pop up ? 


I would appreciate anyone pointing us in the right direction....


                                                                                          Thanks, Rob



There have been others who have been using script to help in getting a appointment. Here are the details.


"I recommend using c4c (check4change at ) with a refreshing window every 4 seconds from the dashboard using custom menu of c4c to nab an appointment that comes available.  The software will check for any changes on the website for the time you choose to set. I used 4 seconds. 


If you do not have Firefox installed you can get a copy here for free: http://www.mozilla.o...US/firefox/new/  Yes, install Firefox just to use c4c coz the add-on for Chrome and Internet Explore (IE) didn't really work that well. I tried them on a test website before using it grab a new date or for some any date, just to see how the add on works.


My laptop was on all night long every night for the last 4 nights, it got me up couple times but the dates didn't fit my scheduling. Soon as there is a change on the scheduling website the music will start and you can book it if you like the date. With this system the booking process is 10 seconds from the time a new date is available. Just push continue, the calendar will appear, select the date you want and click "schedule". And now you have a interview date scheduled."


Good luck.


From <http://www.visajourn...n-manila/page-2>

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-11 19:08:00
Philippinesbirth certificate mothers name error .. affidavit will work ?
Elleanor, on 15 Jun 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:Elleanor, on 15 Jun 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:Elleanor, on 15 Jun 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:

hello there.. i am new here and my fiance and I were still completing our  129f package and while checking on everything i realized that on my child's birth certificate he has a middle name and on the registered mother i have a middle name..


but the truth is on my birth certificate I dont have a middle name and my child wasn't suppose to have a middle name cause he was a ilegitimate child and on the philippine law ilegitimate child shouldn't have a middle name.. 


well we are thinking of still filing the 129f with the said birth certificate of my child and along with that would be an affidavit that i am the real biological mother and it was just clearly an typographical error.. and also we were gonna fix my sons birth certificate while were waiting for our Noa2 if it happens.. 



my question is .. would our idea be okay ? or should we fix the childs name first before filing ? 


-cause i was a bit confuse what to do. did someone out there just had the same thing as me.

i would appreciate the help. thank you so much..





I am not familiar totally with your subject but IMHO I would think you would have to correct your documents before you begin your visa processing as you do not want to have a delay in the middle of the process.


Having said that, here is some information I was able to find on the topic of naming of a illegitimate child from NSO.  The process of changing your documents is going to be 4-6 months at least.  You're going to need all his documents to show the new name, if they do not have it correct now, such as BC, NBI and Passport.




What is the rule on registration of births of illegitimate children who were born on August 3, 1988 and thereafter?

The following rules shall govern the registration of illegitimate children who were born on August 3, 1988 and thereafter:

  1. An illegitimate child shall use the surname of his mother (Art. 176, F. C.) regardless of whether or not his father admits paternity. (Opinion of the Civil Code Revision Committee, September 23, 1988)
  2. The name of the father of the illegitimate child may be indicated on the birth certificate of the latter whenever the former executes an affidavit of admission of paternity, provided that such affidavit shall not affect the naming of the illegitimate child. (Opinion of the Civil Code Revision Committee, September 23, 1988)
  3. The affidavit mentioned in the immediately preceding paragraph, if executed by the father shall be permanently attached to and shall form part of the birth certificate of the illegitimate child. the birth certificate in such a case must have a remark "With Attached Affidavit of Admission of Paternity" impressed with a rubber stamp at the upper left-hand margin and duly signed by the local civil registrar or authorized civil registry personnel.
  4. Illegitimate children falling under this classification who were not registered within the prescribed period of registration shall comply with the requirement of delayed registration of births. (Section 4 Circular No. 89-13 dated July 17, 1989)


Edited by Greenbaum, 15 June 2014 - 07:47 AM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-15 07:42:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview
babe2012, on 09 Jun 2014 - 04:14 AM, said:babe2012, on 09 Jun 2014 - 04:14 AM, said:

this is what I did to retrieve my passport in the pouch. Idk if I did it right,


There are two things you can do:


  1. As this happens A LOT, and is not a terrible thing that should be worried about. Having said that (see #2 below), it's up to you but you can call the Embassy and they'll arrange with you that it will be shipped back to them through 2GO.

You will most likely be instructed to include the passport with the envelope. It will also require a letter of explanation. You will ship it back to the embassy, supposedly without any charge. The embassy will only take about 1 day to turn it around and send it back again by 2GO. So, shipping time x2, plus one business day, is the total time involved.


  1. If the package is not damaged in a way that you can get more than two fingers or a hand in the brown envelope then you will be fine passing through your POE. The Agents at the POE have experience and they know when a package has been compromised and when it is "normal" wear and tear. A tear or cut less then 2cm will not prevent you from traveling through with no problems at your POE.

Edited by Greenbaum, 09 June 2014 - 05:28 AM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-09 05:27:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview
BB_27, on 06 Jun 2014 - 11:52 PM, said:


Thank you Hank and Greenbaum for your input and words of encouragement. Our CEAC status changed from:
May 15: Immigrant - AP
May 16-June 5: Immigrant - REFUSED
                       Nonimmigrant - NO STATUS
June 6: Nonimmigrant - READY
I hope next status will be ISSUED!
U.S. Department of State
Application ID or Case Number: MNL2014XXXXXX 01 MNL Case Creation Date: 06-Jun-2014 Status Updated Date: 06-Jun-2014    


Your case is open. Please check your status after two business days via the CEAC launch page at

For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Manila.



Your welcome.  1942.gif   Your almost there, it may go to AP one more time then ISSUED. Just a little more patience.  Safe travels and best wishes in your future. 1945.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-07 07:21:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

Track Your Visa from USEM to 2GO. PLUS!




State Dept.  visa tracking:  https://ceac.state.g...ker/Status.aspx?  (not updated or as detailed as the USEM website)


Here is a link for requirements for receiving your passport with the visa, there are also options for tracking the status of your visa/passport is currently.  You can also change delivery options. http://www.ustraveld...trackingoptions


If your application was temporarily refused under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, you can now check the status of your application online. http://manila.usemba...rocessing2.html




2Go customer service hotline (+632) 5287-136 is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.




http://supplychain.2...trace/index.asp   Enter your MNL number or passport number  or UID number off the embassy confirmation letter (online confirmation page by bar code).


From <http://www.visajourn...d-visapassport/>


GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-04 14:43:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

Look, Mr. AI422, I'd love to explain everything to you, but the Captain wants more time with your spectrographic analysis so a few more days of patience and we should have it completed.


Relax.... do what you tell others. :secret:

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-05-28 17:03:00
PhilippinesK Packet

Hi everyone! My fiance received the NOA2 last march and i checked online that my case is ready for interview.I have scheduled for interview on july 11 but i did not receive any letter from the embassy manila so i dont have the K Packet.Can please anyone tell me what complete documents to bring during interview.Many thanks.


Hank has great directions!  Link to the K-1 Visa Process for Manila Embassy once you have your NOA2 : Click Here

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-03 02:41:00
PhilippinesBuying Airline Ticket for Spouse through Delta Airlines
Jojo_Jess, on 27 Jun 2014 - 4:43 PM, said:

I just purchased Philippine Airline tkts for my Fiancee thru Priceline.  She can just show the check-in clerk the Itinerary & confirm# at NAIA, right?  Anybody else have experience with this?  Thanks! 


My wife and kids traveled on PAL to LAX 12/2013 and I purchased online through PAL and she showed the confirm # at NAIA and had no problems.


There is nothing that is 100% with Phil Government or enterprises so you will never know if you have gotten it right. That's the amazing thing about this entire process, just when you think you have it pegged they change the rule or the interpretation of the law or their process. 2042.gif

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-27 17:14:00
PhilippinesBuying Airline Ticket for Spouse through Delta Airlines

Buy the ticket online and have the airlines print the ticket and boarding passes at the ticket counter in the Phil. All you need to do is send her the ticket locater number or itinerary or confirmation number and she will be onboard shortly.


Check the historical on-time performance for any flight at



GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-26 19:32:00
Philippinesgot my MNL
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-25 18:45:00
Philippinesgot my MNL

I called them at 8 in the evening which is probably 8 am there. NVC is really busy. 

That's why you need to call at 7:05EST or the phone lines will fill up and your stuck waiting 30 to 1 hour.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-25 11:26:00
Philippinesgot my MNL
Anoushka Drew, on 25 Jul 2014 - 10:44 AM, said:Anoushka Drew, on 25 Jul 2014 - 10:44 AM, said:

Hi everyone, 



It is really true that you have to wait at least 30 minutes before someone would answer your call from the NVC. Great patience is a requirement.  At first, I was thinking that there is a possibility of delays since I have read someone's post about ""glitch crashes visa operations." Fortunately, I was able to get my MNL today. Since I was so excited to give the news to my  fiancé, that I forgot to ask if the approved petition has left NVC. How important it is to know it? I would like to ask what have you written as your ?priority date?? I saw this from the website where you can set up for appointments. Neither NOA1 nor NOA2 has that information. What should I write then?


Thank you. The members here have been very helpful.





Actually if you call at 7:05 am EST they will answer on the first or second ring.

Edited by Greenbaum, 25 July 2014 - 11:15 AM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-25 11:12:00
PhilippinesHow do i the Petitioner file for my Wife and Daughter 1yr old on a i-130 immigrant visa to the U.S?

Hmm...this comment sort of hit me in the wrong place, Greenbaum. Some of us here are Catholic, and we tend to believe that families should be lifted up.

Being lifted up I agreee with you but to tell someone to falsify a document doesn't sit well with me. A young person is more impressionable and I understand how they are looking for guidance.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-23 07:23:00
PhilippinesHow do i the Petitioner file for my Wife and Daughter 1yr old on a i-130 immigrant visa to the U.S?

To Greenbaum: My Wife didn't know any better, bless her heart. Her Mother gave her the talk about it is the "Spiritual thing" to do and so she presented the child to be baptized by a Priest. However, she had this child out of wedlock and she didn't want to feel shunned by the priest for getting prego before marriage. So she added my name onto the Baptismal Cert as the Father. Nothing i can do to change it now, at least i think i can't. 
Hey, why is your green card approved without an interview? 

I understand completely and I meant no disrespect to her. Sorry, I was just ranting.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-23 07:17:00
PhilippinesHow do i the Petitioner file for my Wife and Daughter 1yr old on a i-130 immigrant visa to the U.S?
Andrew&Vangie, on 21 Jul 2014 - 7:03 PM, said:Andrew&Vangie, on 21 Jul 2014 - 7:03 PM, said:

Hmm then i need to have my Wife change the Baptismal Cert without my Name showing on it. She had my name signed on it because of being humiliated by the catholic priest for having a out of wedlock child. Is it possible to go back to the civil registry and redo the Baptismal? The city registry clerk recommended to adopt the child before this document was signed on the Baptismal, but we thought about completing the adoption before leaving to the States. Oh boy so now what is the right path for me to take on this? I haven't filed and sent any docs yet to the NVC. I hope the birth cert also isnt in my name :( i need to ask her again to be SURE..


Tell the Priest to stay out of your business. Just tell him to flock off. 1963.gif  If you want to call your kid Howdy Dowdy then you have every right to call him that name. Geeeesh, I wish the Catholic Church would get out of peoples business. They mess so many families up and they think they have the right to tell you what to do and they can't even keep their house clean.2047.gif


You need to get all your documents so they reflect the real truth to your family ties. That way when you go for your interview you will be confident with your information. Good Luck.

Edited by Greenbaum, 21 July 2014 - 06:17 PM.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-21 18:15:00
PhilippinesAP since June 9th...and still nothing...:-(

Update...contrary to Greenbaums advice I did contact my senator 7/18 and faxed all supporting documents to him 7/21.  His office contacted the embassy and they (USEM) called my wife on 7/22 asking "if issued can she leave before her medical expires" (of course she can).  The visa went from AP to "issued" 7/23 and was updated as "issued" again on 7/25 (Im assuming because of the DC computer issue)....

I'm really glad you were able to resolve this. Congratulations.

Good luck.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-26 16:30:00
PhilippinesAP since June 9th...and still nothing...:-(

So ... if I read carefully what is the guess-ta-mate?   :rofl:


(sure don't understand why this site multiposts so often)


Be sure to have your screen close to your eyes and wearing your spectacles then you won't guess-ta-mate. Ha!   :lol: 

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-22 15:09:00
PhilippinesAP since June 9th...and still nothing...:-(

Greenbuam....aaahhh....look at the dates...the USEM has had the documents in excess of 30 days....

If you read carefully you will see that I said under "normal processing" that means a guesstimation and further, everything about your case has not been normal. NBI CENOMAR Death certificate etc. etc.

Greenbuam....aaahhh....look at the dates...the USEM has had the documents in excess of 30 days....

If you read carefully you will see that I said under "normal processing" that means a guesstimation and further, everything about your case has not been normal. NBI CENOMAR Death certificate etc. etc.

Greenbuam....aaahhh....look at the dates...the USEM has had the documents in excess of 30 days....

If you read carefully you will see that I said under "normal processing" that means a guesstimation and further, everything about your case has not been normal. NBI CENOMAR Death certificate etc. etc.

Greenbuam....aaahhh....look at the dates...the USEM has had the documents in excess of 30 days....

If you read carefully you will see that I said under "normal processing" that means a guesstimation and further, everything about your case has not been normal. NBI CENOMAR Death certificate etc. etc.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-21 12:42:00
PhilippinesAP since June 9th...and still nothing...:-(
221(g) will take approximately 2 weeks to 30 days under normal processing. You would only contact an elected official when you are out of the normal processing and you have a ways to go to meet that parameter. So no dont contact your congressional leaders as you will be able to do this on your own.
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-21 06:25:00
PhilippinesTSC RFE
No one can say for sure. So many factors can control the timing. I have seen on average about 30 days but that's no guarantee.
GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-16 10:14:00
PhilippinesQ: Ticket name Passport (Maiden) Name or New Married Name for Return visit to Philippines from U.S?

DFA: Old passports phased out by 2015


MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced on Friday that all non-machine readable passports will be phased out by November 24, 2015 and may no longer be extended beyond October 31, 2015.


In a statement, the DFA said that Filipinos holding machine readable passports, or those with green or maroon covers, meanwhile will no longer be allowed to apply for validity extension beyond October 31, 2014.

"They must instead apply for a new e-Passport (dark maroon) as soon as possible before the expiry of their current MRRP (green) or MRP (maroon) passports," the statement said.

"Those who fail to do so will likely encounter difficulty at immigration checks when traveling through any ports of entry around the world after October 2015," it added.

 DFA said the new regulation follows International Civil Aviation Organization standards.


The agency also reminded holders that extending validity of passport extension can only be applied for medical emergencies requiring overseas Filipinos to travel back home, death in the family, those returning to their employers abroad and those in the Middle East who are returning home on final exit visas.

Homepage ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1


"In these instances, proof of urgency such as a copy of the death certificate, medical certificate, valid employment contracts processed by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration or any of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office, along with plane tickets with confirmed flight details should be presented," the DFA said.



GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-13 18:54:00
PhilippinesQ: Ticket name Passport (Maiden) Name or New Married Name for Return visit to Philippines from U.S?

Sorry, forgot one important item concerning the ROM. You must do the report of marriage at the consulate with jurisdiction over the location the marriage took place. So find your consulate and begin the process with them. The ROM only takes about 2 weeks to complete. Get the forms and instructions from THAT consulate as some consulate have different requirements. Go figure. As I say you can't make this stuff up about government. 

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-11 19:21:00
PhilippinesQ: Ticket name Passport (Maiden) Name or New Married Name for Return visit to Philippines from U.S?

The first poster is right.   1942.gif



Be sure to have your marriage certificate as well as her green card with you when you travel. You may think about getting her passport changed so all documents match. You will need to file a ROM (report of marriage) and then change the name on the passport. You can do this while in the Philippines or when you return. Be aware they will take the old passport so you may want to wait till you return stateside to change the passport but it all depends on how much time you will be spending in the Phil.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-06-11 19:03:00
PhilippinesDoes past tourist visa denial affect current K1 application? (merged)
Joui, on 27 Jul 2014 - 08:40 AM, said:

I applied for a tourist visa last 2012 to visit my girlfriend and her family back then. I was denied based on not being able to establish "ties". In short was not able to establish that i will come back. Of course that's not true. Now my fiancé (girlfriend back then) applied for K1 visa to finally end this long distance affair.. I was honest and wrote in the ds160 about my denial 2 years ago. Question, will the consul turn back the past denial and use against me not to be approved again?




Not if it was for your inability to convince the CO during that interview that you would return which is the idea that you state. Your K1 visa will stand on its own merits meaning the documents and your answers to the CO's questions, must prove to them that your relationship is valid. If you can prove that you have a relationship and it has been ongoing then you should not have any problems.

GreenbaumMalePhilippines2014-07-27 07:50:00