CanadaCanada Border Patrol
I will be going through Halifax for my POE (when the time arrives) as well. I've flown out of Halifax for all my trips down though, and I can honestly say I've only ever had one lad that was iffy with my responses. I gave him a few more details about my visit and he was satisfied. They are all very good there, I hope you get the older gentleman I had twice - Nicest man you will ever meet smile.gif Asked me about my fiance and what my favorite things to do when we were together. He said he can just imagine how lovely a wedding we will have once we get our paperwork <3

I don't think you have any reason to be worried. Give them your answer and look them in the eyes, and they generally are quite happy to stamp you and send you along smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-19 16:10:00
CanadaMy Montreal interview experience....approved!!
Congrats! I'm happy to hear it wasn't too nerve wracking!

Hopefully I will be getting my interview date within the next couple months, so this is a great source of information! Thanks!

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-18 22:31:00
CanadaMay '08 Filers
Hey there,

Although I'm a May filer and have been approved, there are still people in our May thread who have not yet. One just got approved last Friday, and there are a lot of variables that can come into account when waiting for the NOA2. Don't give up! Come join us over in the May thread if you like smile.gif
Good luck smile.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-23 00:59:00
CanadaInformation sharing.
Wow, this sucks. It was bad enough that Dr. Doane was the only doctor for NS, PEI and NFLD-LAB, but jeez louise, people will have to go to Toronto now? That's rediculous!

Don't forget NB smile.gif

Wow, I can't believe this. I had my medical done on the 16th, and his secretary and I had a nice chat. She never mentioned that he would be stopping. wonder if it was sudden or if he had known?

I'm glad I got in before the cutoff then, I dont know how I would have be able to afford it otherwise sad.gif It's not fair to other Maritimers, just another kick in the pants for us East-Coasters I guess :S

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-27 00:46:00
CanadaCR-1 Medical at Halifax
There WAS....

As of November 1st though, Doctor Doane in Halifax is no longer doing them.

The doctors Wowswift listed are the only ones that you are able to see now for your medical. Sucks for anyone not in those 3 provinces, but that's what they've decided unfortunately.

Good luck!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-03 22:45:00
CanadaHPV vaccine question
I went to see my doctor yesterday to show him the vaccine list from Montreal. The Dr in halifax has told me to hold off getting my shots until after I've had my medical, but my Family doctor just wanted to see what he would be needing. He is NOT happy that gardisil is on the list. He said that there is no reason it should be mandatory. I told him I (and a lot of others) feel the same way.

Good feeling to know my Doctor agrees with me anyway smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-03 11:21:00
CanadaHPV vaccine question
Alright, so I do have to have it? I was told I didn't, but I guess it was by other from different countries...

we'll I'm not sure where I'm going to get the money for it...should be interesting *sigh* sad.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-02 00:16:00
CanadaHPV vaccine question
Gardisil does not have to be done before filing for AOS in the US.

You don't need it before your interview on a K-1, but its not required for the AOS process

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-10-01 16:52:00
Canadapacket 3 forms for montreal consulate
Hmm, I did have mine done the 16th, but it had been booked at the beginning of the month. Looks like I just managed to squeeze in there...Someone had posted that they had an appointment with Dr. Doane in Halifax on Nov 4, but it was moved back to before the end of October. I think it was a bit of a surprise to the doctors...

So now there are only 4 - 2 in Montreal, one in T.O and one in Vancouver. I'm not sure why US Immigration is making this process so much more difficult for people...

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-05 11:48:00
Canadapacket 3 forms for montreal consulate
Do you know if the D156 is also done electronically or if I write that one?Hmm, I think they are available online, but I just hand-wrote mine..Lets hope they can read my writing smile.gif

All the forms will be listed, and the two 156's come in your P3....The 156K is a small form, and you have to sign it in the presence of the CO at your interview.

Dummy me didn't quadruple check my papers before I sent them, and sent my 156K to Montreal. But, I emailed them and told them of my boo-boo and they assured me they had it on file for when i got there lol blush.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-03 22:50:00
Canadapacket 3 forms for montreal consulate
Hey there,

I'm pretty sure it will be:

Your completed checklist
DS-230 (2 copies, done electronically)

Keep your 156K, you take that to the interview with you. I think that's it, someone can correct me if I'm wrong though )smile.gif

Hope this helps!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-03 19:00:00
CanadaPlanning the wedding
I just wanted to say...

Wow, Mrs. Cat...

That picture is beautiful!!! What a gorgeous place to have your wedding smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-08 13:25:00
CanadaHow long did it take you to receive your Packet 3?
Congrats Sapphire smile.gif

Now if only Montreal would start setting interview times...they're backed up into ppl from September :S

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-13 11:00:00
CanadaHow long did it take you to receive your Packet 3?
Hey Sapphire,

Mine came about 3 weeks after my NOA2. It really depends on how fast your petition goes from NVC to Montreal I think. I would bank on about 3-4 weeks.

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-10 18:21:00
Canadaam i missing anything
actually you can get a medical without it...or rather I did. Now that they only have the 4 doctors doing it, it may be different.

At any rate, it will most likely be cheaper to get the medical done around the time of the interview to cut costs down. better than having to make two trips.

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-14 15:49:00
Canadaam i missing anything
From what I have been reading, we don't need tax returns. It is not on the list of things that Montreal asks for.

Your list looks good to me smile.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-11 23:38:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Called DoS...

no date set....

*sigh*....not so happy right now
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-20 16:21:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date

Wow, I think I died a little bit on the inside...That means we will probably know ours if we call tomorrow..

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-20 15:52:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Its so nice to see my name on that spreadsheet finally smile.gif

So do you guys recommend calling NVC to find out when it gets there and leaves, or should I just wait for the letter...and if I do call, how long do you figure I wait? I'll be down in the States next week anyway, so I was thinking it looks like it left VSC on Wed or next friday give them a ring?

Oh, and I saw someone mention about 3-4 months to interview from NOA2...which would put me between Dec1 and Jan1 (gross, holiday time :S) - Do you think they will just leave it until mid Jan or is there a historic trend of picking up before the holiday?

I sound like such a noob compared to all you pros smile.gif blush.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-09-05 23:13:00
Canadalol... some people have too much time on their hands!

I sent this to my Dad and Brother - they enjoyed it entirely too much. I'm sure my fiance will get a kick outta it too!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-25 21:21:00
CanadaMontreal interview
I really hope so Sapphire smile.gif

I'm cleaning everything in sight to get my frustrations least it's a useful form of venting *my parents are loving it anyway!*
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-28 14:34:00
CanadaMontreal interview
Well I can understand the holiday thing, but still not at least having our interviews scheduled? I just want the date so I can start figuring things out - including work (I'm lucky that I have an understanding boss :S), packing etc. 3 months on Monday since I sent my P3 - that's a bit ridiculous. And I will be quite miffed, and the coverletter than accomplinied my P3 said that it would take "2-3" months for the scheduling.

Well Montreal, you're time is almost up and I see you've done little...
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-28 10:38:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
I've looked into this already a bit for Bo and I. He is the type that can eat anything and it doesn't show *not yet anyway, that's what i keep telling him*, but he is up for changing his diet to accommodate me. I have stomach and digestive issues, so I HAVE to eat healthy, or I am miserable beyond words.

We are lucky that the state Farmer's market is less than 7 mins from our apartment, so I will be doing a lot of shopping there. As well, when prices start to go up in the winter, I will revert to frozen veggies. Eating like this is a bit more, but I make up for it by not needing the meds I would need by eating ####### all the time good.gif

It's hard for SO's that are used to eating one way to go into a different dietary direction at first. When Bo and I first met, the man rarely touched a veggie unless it was a potato. I've gotten him to add veggies to everyday things so that he can still get them but he won't notice as much (ie: in pastas, eggs in the morning, etc). He's starting to come around smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-28 18:03:00
CanadaGetting to Know You -
. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping (one of my favorite things!) unless it is a weird shape - then bag all the way

2. Real tree or Artificial? Love real, had an artificial one for my apartment in Uni (due to regulations), but home is always real

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the 1st week of December. May be a couple days late b/ we just painted.

4. When do you take the tree down? "old Christmas" - Jan 6th

5. Do you like eggnog? Mmmm smile.gif Amaretto and cinnamon in it too smile.gif

6. Favourite gift received as a child? Two stuffed animals called "Yawnies". Coolest 80's stuffies in my opinion!
7. Hardest person to buy for? BB, for sure.

8. Easiest person to buy for? My mother

9. Do you have a nativity scene? We have a family one

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I try to do mail ones. I will be for sure this year, that's how all my friends are getting my "change of address" papers smile.gif

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I honestly don't think I've had one

12. Favourite Christmas Movie? Oh no! There are too many! Grinch, Rudolph, Garfield, Muppets (old one), Home Alone, Charlie Brown...the list goes on...

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Meh, when I have money smile.gif

14. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Turkey, After Eights and Filbert nuts - not deshelled smile.gif

15. Lights on the tree? Yessum - multi on my parents, white on mine

16. Favourite Christmas song? Carole of the Bells, Ava Maria, O Holy Night

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? It's a mix. The last few years, due to work, it's been home, travelling to see family afterwards

18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Oh yeah smile.gif I wont here though

19. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Morning! LOL this year I wont even be home until 8 am from work

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Ignorant people at the mall (fighting over things)

22. Favourite ornament theme or color? Anything with history smile.gif

23. Favourite for Christmas dinner? Turkey and potatos and gravy lol

24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'd love to be with my love, but in lieu of that, my interview date will suffice!!
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-30 20:54:00
CanadaHi! Newbie from N.S!
Oh Oh! I'm another NSer!

Grew up in Lower sackville, went to University at SMU smile.gif *live in NB now*


Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-07 20:11:00
CanadaWhos going Home for Christmas?
I'm at home in NB for Christmas. Due to the fact that I work a job that is open 24/7, 365, I will be working most of the holiday anyway (Xmas eve, day, boxing day - all night shifts, then new years eve and day - nights). Probably won't even get down to see the Grandparents in Halifax until after New Years, but they'll just be happy that I'm able to show up at all smile.gif

Bo can't come up due to how busy his job gets around the holidays (home theatre installation), so I'm trying to get his present off soon tongue.gif Both our birthdays are right after the holidays (January), so he knows the gifts cover both events smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-11-25 00:38:00
CanadaGetting married in 71 days!
Hi and welcome!!

I agree with Mrs. Cat, I'm not sure if you have to mention the wedding. YOu are going down for the hockey game smile.gif But if it does come up, I think you have good ties. I would maybe take a bank statement and a bill you have with your home address on it as well, just to show (even though it's with your parents) you have a permanent address in Canada.

I think the wedding sounds fantastic smile.gif Hope you have a wonderful day and I hope your Visa Journey goes smoothly!

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-03 16:02:00
CanadaApproved - interview details

Congrats hun smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-04 15:17:00
CanadaInterview tomorrow
Yay! Congrats Catherine!! smile.gif star_smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-09 19:27:00
CanadaInterview tomorrow
I'm sure you will be fine Catherine. Good luck tomorrow! It's so exciting! One step closer!!

I hope some of us hear our good news soon too, Us other May'ers don't even have our dates for Montreal yet! So have a smile for us smile.gif We'll be thinking good thoughts for you good.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-08 16:44:00
CanadaI move today :)
That is so exciting smile.gif I can't wait for my first house biggrin.gif
I hope everything goes super smooth biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-10 12:03:00
CanadaCongratulations Ant
Aw YAY! Congrats Ant smile.gif

I hope you have a lovely pregnancy. My friend just had her baby Tuesday, she's tired but loving it biggrin.gif

<3 Jen
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-08 16:40:00
CanadaHow long after my interview should I wait?
The flight was booked through Cheaptickets. 50.00$ fee to them, 150.00$ to American Airlines to change the ticket.

I will have the Visa when I fly? Would it still be a bad idea to buy a one-way ticket? I never knew about the scrutiny.

So, you think I should wait 3 weeks after the interview then? I'm trying to make it easy on my family as well. They will have to drive me to Halifax, and if it's at the end of the weekend, work won't be so hard to get off, but I understand about waiting until the end of the week as well.

If I could wait until my interview to book the flight, I would. Unfortunatly, I am literally going to be broke when I get back from Montreal, and I'm trying everything in my power to not put anymore money on credit cards that I can't even use in the US :S
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-18 17:58:00
CanadaHow long after my interview should I wait?
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering how long it has taken for people to receive their K-1 visas in the mail after their interview?
My family had bought be a round trip ticket to Raleigh for Christmas, as we thought the interview was going to be Feb/March. Now I am trying to change that ticket into a one-way down, as my interview is on January 15th. There is 200$ in fees to change the ticket, so I was hoping to buy it soon so that I would not have to pay extra on the balance (I will have about 300$ left after fees).
I was thinking Feb 3rd - A tuesday so it's cheaper, and it will be 12 business days from the date of my interview (it will probably take me that long to go through all my things anyway). Does 12 business days sound reasonable?


Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-18 10:19:00
CanadaHotels in montreal
I just booked my room for Centreville tonight - two nights for 150 (got the bigger room cuz I will have a friend with me..we're doing the 10 hr drive to save on $$$ smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-20 00:19:00
CanadaNew requirement, DS-160
Thanks so much Movie! The form and I have a date on Thursday - my only day off over the next two weeks smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-20 17:51:00
CanadaNew requirement, DS-160
QUOTE (movieclockstar @ Dec 20 2008, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (unstrung @ Dec 20 2008, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 20 2008, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think they are asking for your passport number.

Incorrect, they ask for passport number AND passport book number, but they make the mention of IF APPLICABLE next to the passport book number

Edit : actually, there's a checkmark box next to the passport book number called Does not apply. DS-160 has a lot of these instead of manually writing N/A they simply give you a box to checkmark if it does not apply. I like DS-160 smile.gif

While you might be able to get away with marking "does not apply," Canada does have a passport book number. I'm the USC, but my fiance called the passport office about this last week and got her passport book number. Probably a situation where it's better to play it safe, I would think.

Ok, so I should call the passport office monday and get the book number then? I would hate to get held up because of a number smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-20 16:04:00
CanadaIt's in the Mail :)
Congrats hun,

I wish you a fast and trouble-free journey smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-21 12:10:00
CanadaMoved...and married!
It's great to hear you had a safe trip!

Congrats Catherine smile.gif Enjoy a very happy holiday season <3
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-22 13:44:00
CanadaA little concerned...
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 18 2008, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try this number:

press 1 then 0

I believe that is the number that gets you through to someone at Montreal. I've never tried it... but I've read about it on here.

Just so everyone knows though, the above number is the number for DoS in New York, not the Montreal Consulate smile.gif
Jenni and BoFemaleCanada2008-12-23 00:47:00